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关于大盘指数。 总市值 流通市值。 蓝筹股。解释

2018-03-15 50页 doc 188KB 13阅读




关于大盘指数。 总市值 流通市值。 蓝筹股。解释关于大盘指数。 总市值 流通市值。 蓝筹股。解释 股本指股东在公司中所占的权益,多用于指股票。 上市公司与其他公司比较,最显著的特点就是将上市公司的全部资本划分为等额股份,并通过发行股票的方式来筹集资本。股东以其所认购股份对公司承担有限责任。股份是很重要的指标。股份总数为股本,股本应等于公司的注册资本,所以,股本也是很重要的指标。 大盘指数:计算方法(了解下) 深圳证券交易所成份股价指数(简称深证成指)是深圳证券交易所的主要股指。它是按一定标准选出40家有代表性的上市公司作为成份股,用成份股的可流通数作为权数,采用综合...
关于大盘指数。 总市值 流通市值。 蓝筹股。解释
关于大盘指数。 总市值 流通市值。 蓝筹股。解释 股本指股东在公司中所占的权益,多用于指股票。 上市公司与其他公司比较,最显著的特点就是将上市公司的全部资本划分为等额股份,并通过发行股票的方式来筹集资本。股东以其所认购股份对公司承担有限责任。股份是很重要的指标。股份总数为股本,股本应等于公司的注册资本,所以,股本也是很重要的指标。 大盘指数:计算方法(了解下) 深圳证券交易所成份股价指数(简称深证成指)是深圳证券交易所的主要股指。它是按一定选出40家有代表性的上市公司作为成份股,用成份股的可流通数作为权数,采用综合法进行编制而成的股价指标。从1995年5月1日起开始计算,基数为1000点。其基本为: 股价指数=现时成分股总市值/基期成分股总市值×1000 计算方法是:从深圳证券交易所挂牌上市的所有股票中抽取具有市场代表性的40家上市公司的股票为样本,以流通股本为权数,以加权平均法计算,以1994年7月20 日为基日,基日指数定为1000点。 上证指数全称是“上海证券交易所股票价格综合指数”,该指数是按照公司股票的流通市值组成的。我们俗称的“大盘”。通过这个指数可以看出整个市场的波动趋势。这个指数下跌,说明整个股市的总市值下跌,指数上涨,说明整个股市的总市值上涨 成份股 通过对股票市场上一些有代表性的公司发行的股票价格进行平均计算和动态对比后得出的数值被称为股票价格指数。股票价格指数能综合考察股票市场的动态变化过程,反映股票市场的价格水平,为社会公众提供股票投资和合法的股票增值活动的参考依据。那么,这些有代表性的公司股票被笼统的称为成份股。成分股就是一整套股票里的每只,比如50etf里的股票就叫50etf的成分股. 上证180指数和深证100指数就是目前沪、深股市中两个具有典型代表性的指数,At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 而构成上述指数的股票就分别称为上证180指数成份股和深圳100指数成份股。 深圳证券交易所对在该所上市的公司进行考查,按一定标准选出40家有代表性的上市公司编制成份股指数。这40家公司即叫成份股(即被选为成份股指数的股票)。选股标准是根据股票所属行业,业绩,成长性等方面来决定的。 成份股指数是指从指数所涵盖的全部股票中选取一部分较有代表性的股票作为指数样本,称为指数的成份股,计算时只把所选取的成份股纳入指数计算范围。 总市值 总市值是指在某特定时间内总股本数乘以当时股价得出的股票总价值. 沪市所有股票的市值就是沪市总市值。深市所有股票的市值就是深市总市值。总市值用表示个股权重大小或大盘的规模大小,对股票买卖没有什么直接作用。但是最近走强的却大多是市值大的个股,由于市值越大在指数中占的比例越高,庄家往往通过控制这些高市值的股票达到控制大盘的目的。这时候对股票买卖好象又有作用。 如某股票总股本为96417,当时价格为28.51,它的总市值就是:96417 X 28.51 = 274.88万 流通市值流通市值指在某特定时间内当时可交易的流通股股数乘以当时股价得出的流通股票总价值。在中国,上市公司的股份结构中分国有股、法人股、个人股等。目前个公众股可以上市流通交易。这部分流通的股份总数乘以股票市场价格,就是流通市值。 权重股票就是权重股: 总股本巨大的上市公司股票,他的股票总数占股票市场股票总数的比重很大,也就权重很大,他的涨跌对股票指数的影响很大。比如2008年11月19日计入上证综合指数的中国石油,总市值排名在沪市和沪深A股的第1位,由于上证综指以总股本确定权重,中国石油大约在其中占到25.15%的权重。 权重与权重股 权重只在计算股指时有意义,股指是用加权法计算的,谁的股价乘总股本最大谁占的权重就最大 ,权重是一个相对的概念,是针对某一指标而At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 言。某一指标的权重是指该指标在整体评价中的相对重要程度。中国银行、工商银行总市值位列前两位,其涨跌对指数影响较大,小市值公司一个涨停也许对指数只带来0.01点的影响,工商银行涨停,指数上涨60点。这就是权重股。 权重股拉抬的影响 在资本市场规模较小的时候,一般而言在指数反弹或大幅度上涨到一高位区后,权重股拉抬股指后往往是顶部出现,而众多个股在权重股拉抬过程中实现战略减仓或出货;反观股市行情,由于A股市场规模的大比例提升,其权重股推升股指的影响作用更加明显。 指标权重股在高位区的拉抬有何影响,从中国A股市场发展的角度来看,说明市场投资理念发生的较大的变化,前些年表现疲弱的大盘股正在为市场机构投资者、中小投资者所接受,这些品种的拉抬更大层面反映的是机构投资者队伍的扩大、市场阶段内资金充足的体现,也应清醒的看到,由于权重股在市场中对指数绝对影响,其价格的连续上涨同样会带来较大的价值偏离,比如表现强劲的工行,从公司发展层面来看,其未来发展更多的体现为稳步发展型,跨越式发展的概率非常之低,而A股价格高于同期H股价格30%左右,这也说明A股市场中的工行起码在阶段内有高估之嫌,也有为其它机构年终拉抬或股指期货建仓品种的可能,因此其短期之内特别是从年度经营业绩的角度来看笔者认为工行与中行经营业绩难以出现过大的业绩提升,那么这种拉抬一旦超越或偏离阶段内投资价值,其回落风险就随时可能产生,因此权重股的拉抬应分阶段、股价对照、经营业绩等多重因素进行考量。 权重股拉抬的投资策略 从权重股拉抬来看,其对指数的影响非常之大,而在权重股拉抬下的投资市场其会有相应的市场格局变化。从权重股拉抬来看,其有中长期市场影响因素较为强烈。一批权重股的拉抬已使得市场格局向国际化趋势演变之势,从国际股市来看,能够保持持续活跃的品种均是行业龙头、业绩优良的品种,香港市场近年交易表明,市场成交量始终向业绩股、行业龙头股集中趋势明显,一大批业绩极差或业绩平平的品种处于长期下跌过程和无交易状态。从A股未来趋势来看,这种国际化趋势形成将更为明显。 权重股拉抬下,作为投资者应该以何种策略应对市场: 首先,要分析权重股拉抬下的市场位置 应该说再强的个股如果市场总体趋势或指数不配合,或处于一相当高的风险区域,其连续性都将难以为继。 其次,权重股拉抬的品种 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 从A股市场拉抬的品种来看,主要集中在超级大盘银行股上,由于其对指数绝对影响作用,其品种号召力仍然较强。即然拉抬的品种集中在工行与中行,那么作为投资者就有必要仔细分析其经营业绩、提升能力和国际同类品种定价情况,如果经营业绩平平,提升能力又差,与国际同类H股股价偏离过远,这种拉抬后就可能出现回归;反之则仍有机会。 最后,充分认识到拉抬对未来市场格局的影响 在前面已谈到的权重股交易在A股市场未来加重的趋势,同时投资者也应清醒的认识到未来股价分化带来的风险,比如长期持有业绩极差品种可能导致的未来股价仍将下跌或交易风险等。权重股对指数的影响 概念解释 权重股在股市市场占有的份额比较大,当权重股下跌时,股市大盘指数会直接下跌,反之,当权重股都上涨时,自然也就形成了牛市。 2. 概述 蓝筹股多指长期稳定增长的、大型的、传统工业股及金融股。在香港股市中,最有名的蓝筹股当属全球最大商业银行之一的“汇丰控股”。有华资背景的“长江实业”等,也属蓝筹股之列。中国大陆的股票市场虽然历史较短,但发展十分迅速,也逐渐出现了一些蓝筹股。 蓝筹股名称来源 在海外股票市场上,投资者把那些在其所属行业内占有重要支配性地位、业绩优良,成交活跃、红利优厚的大公司股票称为蓝筹股。“蓝筹”一词源于西方赌场。在西方赌场中,有三种颜色的筹码、其中蓝色筹码最为值钱,红色筹码次之,白色筹码最差。投资者把这些行话套用到股票。美国通用汽车公司、埃克森石油公司和杜邦化学公司等股票,都属于“蓝筹股”。 蓝筹股的特点 特点是有着优良的业绩、收益稳定、股本规模大、红利优厚、股价走势稳健、市场形象良好。 蓝筹股并非一成不变。随着公司经营状况的改变及经济地位的升降、蓝筹股的排名也会变更。据美国著名的《福布斯》杂志统计,1917年的100At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 家最大公司中,目前只有43家公司股票仍在蓝筹股之列,而当初“最蓝”、行业最兴旺的铁路股票,如今完全丧失了入选蓝筹股的资格和实力。蓝筹股在大盘的权重较大。 股票成为蓝筹股的基本支持条件 筹码通常具有较高的货币价值。股票成为蓝筹股的基本支持条件有: (1)萧条时期,公司能够制订出保证公司发展的与措施; (2)繁荣时期,公司能发挥最大能力创造利润; (3)通胀时期,公司实际盈余能保持不变或有所增加。 蓝筹股的分类 分类 蓝筹股有很多,可以分为: 一线蓝筹股,二线蓝筹股,绩优蓝筹股,大盘蓝筹股,中国蓝筹股;还有蓝筹股基金。 一线蓝筹股 一、二线,并没有明确的界定,而且有些人认为的一线蓝筹股,在另一些人眼中却属于二线。一般来讲,公认的一线蓝筹,是指业绩稳定,流股盘和总股本较大,也就是权重较大的个股,这类股一般来讲,价位不是太高,但群众基础好。这类股票可起到四两拨千斤的作用,牵一发而动全身,这类个股主要有:长江电力、中国石化、中国联通、宝钢股份、鞍钢新轧、武钢股份、粤高速、民生银行等。二线蓝筹,一般来讲,总股本和流通股本比一线蓝筹要小,股价一般较高,机构比较偏爱,但由于价格较高,散户一般不敢碰,如:中集集团、上海机场、烟台万华、苏宁电器、盐田港等个股。600050,600028,600019,601398,601988,000002 600036 000060 600497 600030 等。 二线蓝筹股 A股市场中一般所说的二线蓝筹,是指在市值、行业地位上以及知名度上略逊于以上所指的一线蓝筹公司,是相对于几只一线蓝筹而言的。比如上海汽车、五粮液、中兴通讯等等,其实这些公司也是行业内部响当当的龙头企业(如果单从行业内部来看,它们又是各自行业的一线蓝筹)。 绩优蓝筹股 绩优蓝筹股是从蓝筹股中因对比而衍生出的词,是以往业内已经公认业绩优良、红利优厚、保持稳定增长的公司股票,而“绩优”是从近期业绩表现排行的角度,优中选优的个股。 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 哪些股票不是蓝筹股 小盘股不是蓝筹股 蓝筹股是市场化的个股,应具备让广大投资者积极参与的条件,而不是庄家的“自留地”和“提款机”,因此高流通性、非庄股性也是必须的。 蓝筹股?绩优股 经过1996、1997年行情的投资者,最寒心的品种莫过于绩优股。湖北兴化倒下了,四川长虹的宝刀砍不动了,股价也随之腰斩了。不过,绩优股可不一定是蓝筹股,绩优,反映了历史;蓝筹不仅要回顾历史:业绩不能太差,中上水平(在下面的筛选中,限定为0(20元/股),更要展望未来。没有未来业绩的稳定增长,抬高股价就变成了在沙滩上建高楼,终有倒塌的一天。因此,成长不可忘。 蓝筹股?资产重组股 资产重组,公司业绩大幅提升,这是一般规律。但此成长非彼成长。蓝筹股的成长性,体现于公司优势资源在优势管理的基础上产生的利润增长。 一个公司经过资产重组,我们就不得不将之认同为一个新的经济实体的诞生。它的成长性也就体现在新的实体建立后,而不是在新旧实体的转化之间。 蓝筹股不会是多元化经营的公司 多元化的公司,特别是大杂烩式的多元化,必然导致公司在每一领域都不能倾注全力,“全面发展等于全面平庸”。而蓝筹股反映了整个宏观经济的发展脉络,体现了各行各业的基本特征,因此必然具有较大的经营规模,并且在本行业的地位举足轻重,不管是在技术还是在定价方面具有领头导向作用。这样的公司注定是一种专业化经营,而不会是多元化经营,至少不是横向多元化经营。 一、钢铁行业:业绩增长价值重估 宝钢股份为代表的中国钢铁股,理应获得市场合理定价。给予了过高的贴现率或风险溢价,目前主要钢铁上市的价值都被明显低估。作为一个产业链的上下游,不可能永远存在估值“洼地”,钢铁股达到15倍的市盈率才是国际水平。 低于20倍市盈率的重点钢铁股:宝钢股份、鞍钢股份、马钢股份。 二、港口业:投资主线:低估+资产注入 虽然板块估值已经到位,但是板块中个股估值差异较为明显,上海港、南京港、重庆港的估值较营口港、深赤湾、盐田港高出一倍以上,在板块估值已经到位的情况下,安全性是我们给出07年投资策略时需考虑的一个重要因素。同时在整体行业具有20%增长幅度的市场环境下,能够拥有更多At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 的港口资源,在未来的市场竞争中将占据更主动的市场地位,因此存在资产收购可能的公司也是我们关注的对象。 低于20倍市盈率的重点港口股:盐田港、深赤湾、营口港。 三、煤炭行业:外延扩张带来机会 从投资标的的选择而言,建议优先投资具备核心竞争力的企业、更加注重“自下而上”的策略。逻辑主线为:价格维持高位——产能增量可充分释放——运输宽松——成本影响不大的企业最值得投资。预期资产价值注入、整体上市将是07~08年整个煤炭行业面临的重要投资主及机会。 低于20倍市盈率的重点煤炭股:兰花科创、西山煤电、开滦股份、国阳新能、恒源煤电、金牛能源、兖州煤业、潞安环能、平煤天安、神火股份 四、公路行业:长期稳定增长 关注价值重估 我国高速公路行业在07年乃至今后相当长时期内都将保持平稳增长的趋势。国民经济的持续稳定增长、路网建设的逐步完善所带来的网络化效应、油价回落和海外投资带来的车流量增长都为整个行业的的稳定发展营造了良好的外部环境和机遇。 低于20倍市盈率的重点公路股:赣粤高速、皖通高速、中原高速、现代投资。 中国蓝筹股 海通证券给予中国软件、东软股份、盐湖钾肥、ST 建 峰、澄星股份、云 天 化、柳化股份、 五 粮 液、顺鑫农业、南 玻A、冀东水泥、海螺型材、北新建材、中国玻纤、福耀玻璃、 格力电器、青岛海尔、厦华电子、中兴通讯、法拉电子 秦川发展、西山煤电、兰花科创、国阳新能、山西焦化、上海电力、桂东电力、中联重科、柳工、山推 股份、江南重工 云南白药、康缘药业、江中药业、恒瑞医药、华海药业一汽夏利、宇通客车、上海汽车、S 江 钻、 时代新材、双良股份、晋西车轴、龙元建设、中材国际、 中国联通、华胜天成、上海机场、亿阳信通、大秦铁路、盐 田 港、横店东磁、 浦发银行、民生银行、华闻传媒、中信国安、电广传媒、歌华有线、东方明珠、、岳阳纸业、栖霞建设、中华企业、天创置业、世茂股份、广船国际、上海机电、许继电气、平高电气、泰豪科技、东方电机等72只股买入评级。 大盘蓝筹股 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 蓝筹股是指股本和市值较大的上市公司,但又不是所有大盘股都能够被称为蓝筹股,因此要为蓝筹股定一个确切的标准比较困难。从各国的经验来看,那些市值较大、业绩稳定、在行业内居于龙头地位并能对所在证券市场起到相当大影响的公司——比如香港的长实、和黄;美国的IBM;英国的劳合社等,才能担当“蓝筹股”的美誉。市值大的就是蓝筹。中国现在大盘蓝筹也有一些,如:工商银行,中国石油,中国神华。 题材股和业绩股、蓝筹股的区别 概述 这三种股票的区别主要在于看点的不同。 题材股 题材股以题材为主,比如奥运时期跟奥运有关联的股票就会受到注意。题材股就是有重组,定向增发,整体上市等利好消息的股票。 业绩股 业绩股是指业绩很好的股票。 蓝筹股 蓝筹股的业绩一般很好,所以简单的讲,好的股票就是蓝筹股。蓝筹行情演绎的轮动、线索与技术 根据研究,日本1980年代牛市各阶段行业轮动呈现如下规律: 1987年2月以前:价值重估的资产类行业,如电力和天然气、房地产、银行业、证券业;1987年2月到1988年12月:外需拉动的周期性行业,如造纸、钢铁、交运设备、机械等;1989年后:基于内需的消费服务行业,如采掘、建筑、金属制品、信息服务、商业贸易、科技股等。 这一轮动的基本推力还是日元升值带来的贸易顺差降低、通胀、内需拉动等,其实质是经济结构的变化,也就是说上述流动性传导至实体经济。期间值得注意的是,实体经济和虚拟经济的交叉行业始终是反复走强,如房地产走势基本与日经225可重叠,我们研究发现,全球市场的房地产走势与股市走势有很强的正相关性,但不同步;房价走势相对股市而言波动相对要小。 资产重估也以三个序列来走,2006被重点挖掘并且行情热火朝天的是商业地产和资源性资产;目前已经得到挖掘行情也最为炫目的,是已上市或拟上市银行、保险、券商股权为主的金融类资产;未来还有一个规模效At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 应更大,当前正在得到挖掘的交叉持股概念,这其中的一个分支就是创投概念当下的狂轰滥炸。 资产重估的第三步已经极大地放大了泡沫,并支撑一些“伪蓝筹”业绩增长,现在已经有观点指出2008年股权投资将影响上市公司30%增长,因此我们对股权投资性蓝筹最好抱以戒心。 资产重估后的蓝筹分化异常严重,蓝筹游戏将摆动到周期性行业。投资者对周期类公司持有很强的戒心,使得周期类公司的股价往往会大大低于其应有的价值。然而经济规律的作用却是不可阻挡的。长江证券(19.11,-0.04,-0.21%,吧)的一份报告说明,1987年后,大量资金流入实体经济,业绩蓝筹崛起,其中最让人吃惊的却是周期性行业在日本牛市中的表现:结论显示,钢铁、航空运输、机械、煤炭、证券等周期性行业在牛市后期获得明显的超额收益。美国股市统计也得出同样结论。1989年后,周期类股票业绩走软,而其他类的股票业绩依然可以维系,如科技股、消费类股,资金对股市推动的力量越来越小,资金开始转向一些小盘、成长 股。 如何选择蓝筹股 一般来讲,人们认为“蓝筹股”就是一流、最好的股票,其实也不尽然。美国证券交易所网站对蓝筹股的定义是:所谓蓝筹股是指那些以其产品或服务的品质和超越经济景气好坏的盈利能力和盈利可靠性而赢得全国声誉的企业的股票。听起来好绕口,但能从中发现几个关键的字眼:知名的大公司、稳定的盈利、红利增长、管理素质和产品品质等。大致有个模糊的概念了吧,其实蓝筹股本来就没有惟一准确的定义,它存在于一些指数中,存在于证券分析师的报告中,也存在于一些消费者的心中。 大型公司的股票不一定是蓝筹股,蓝筹股却一定是大型公司的股票。 大的公司不一定是好的公司,但规模大却是成为蓝筹公司的必要条件。蓝筹公司在资本市场上受到大宗资本和主流资本的长期关注和青睐,以资产规模、营业收入和公司市值等指标来衡量,企业规模是巨大的。 就市值论,2004年2月道指30成份股公司总市值3万多亿美元,平均市值超过1千亿美元,差不多相当于芬兰这类中等国家一年的国内生产总值;就资产论,花旗集团、JP摩根、GE、GM等公司都高达几千亿美元,花旗集团竟达1万多亿美元;就营业收入论,道指30公司2002年的销售收入约1.8万亿美元,超过同年中国国内生产总值1.25万亿美元。所以,说蓝筹股公司富可敌国一点也不夸张。 国民经济支柱行业里的公司股票不一定是蓝筹股,蓝筹股却一定不会诞生在边缘行业里。 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 对蓝筹股的认识可不能仅仅局限在“股”字上,它承载的是“产业与民生”甚至“国家的光荣与梦想”。所以但凡是蓝筹股一般都出现在国家的支柱产业中,蓝筹公司也都是行业龙头企业。 有些公司经营得很好,业绩也很优良,比如“小商品城”,但是从其所处的行业属性来看,绝对称不上蓝筹股。而像“宝钢股份”,“中国国航”这样的上市公司处在钢铁、航天这些国计民生的支柱产业中,就具备蓝筹公司的特质。特别的,中国还处在工业化的初级阶段,所以制造业更容易诞生蓝筹,而在零售业或餐饮服务业,在国外能看到沃尔玛、麦当劳等蓝筹公司,国内却很难发掘到。 蓝筹公司也一定担当着产业领袖的角色,是产业价值链和产业配套分工体系的主干和统摄力量。不仅在规模上,在技术水平、管理水平上都是这个行业的代表。比如宝钢,它在原材料铁矿石价格的谈判上,在行业里就有相当的分量。而其板材产品,也会成为这个行业的一个标准。 2011蓝筹股公司 一线蓝筹股公司 主要有:中国石化、中国联通、宝钢股份、鞍钢新轧、武钢股份、粤高速、民生银行等。 二线蓝筹股公司 电力:600886 国投电力 000027 深能源A 600642 申能股份 600900 长江电力 600795 国电电力 交通运输: 600026 中海发展 600317 营口港 600428 中远航运 000089 深圳机场 600012 皖通高速 000429 粤高速 电力设备: 000400 许继电气 600312 平高电气 石化化工: 600409 三友化工 000949 新乡化纤 000677 山东海龙 000525 红太阳 000510 金路集团 600028 中国机械: 000680 山推股份 600560 金自天正 600879 火箭股份 600169 太原重工 钢铁: 600581 八一钢铁 汽车: 000800 一汽轿车 600104 上海汽车 000625 长安汽车 600006 东风汽车 医药: 600267 海正药业 600594 益佰制药 600055 万东医疗 600587 新华医疗 造纸: 000488 晨鸣纸业 600308 华泰股份 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to 信息技术: 600797 浙大网新 000970 中科三环 002065 东华合创 600487 亨通光电 建材: 000401 冀东水泥 600801 华新水泥 水务: 000826 合加资源 家电: 600690 青岛海尔 有色金属: 600547 山东黄金 600489 中金黄金 600472 包头铝业 000831 关铝股份 煤炭: 601001 大同煤业 600123 兰花科创 食品: 600300 维维股份 纺织服装: 600177 雅戈尔 At present, we would like to take the opportunity of maintaining party member's progressiveness education activity, to strengthen and improve the Office itself. First, to strengthen ideological building, forge basic quality. Ideology construction is the important content of the construction of the contingent of cadres. Government offices at all levels to put ideological construction in construction from start to finish top of the effort to forge a political reliability, faith, quality excellent cadres. To strengthen the sense of political. For the Office, is to insist on responsibility and consistency under, firmly implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policies and decisions indicates that premise, "two guarantees". Is to ensure that the municipal party Committee and the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the municipal government. Municipal Government made major policy decisions, we must unswervingly carry out, inspection tells us this is not a political problem, at this point, every one must unequivocally. Second, ensure that the views and uninterrupted. To prevent and correct "below, above difficult to hear calls for" obstruction of, really know what grass-roots do, what are people thinking, to provide government leaders with timely, accurate, and reliable information for decision-making. To strengthen the overall situation. At present, development is the overall situation of the work of the city, any organization, any sector, any person can deviate from this Centre. The County (district), the Office should focus on the big picture, from their workPractical, departments, functions, characteristics, and find its location, clear focus and direction of the work, enhance work initiative, highlights the important role of the Office in the serving, integrated services play in the overall coordination function, embody the work level. To strengthen the consciousness of lifelong learning. To strengthening learning, timely "charging", put strengthening politicale and flexibility, and strive to achieve both the overall situation, careful and thoughtful and methodical, grasp a sense of propriety. Secondly, we should further improve the meeting. Make great efforts to streamline Conference under transactional activities and leaders, so leaders can free up more time to catch events, about events. On the subject of well-chosen, check the material carefully for the Conference, the whole process of the Conference services, standardization of work. Third, we should further improve the logistics service. Carefully implement Premier Wen Jiabao "management, security, service, clean, efficient, consistent, become" directives, according to deepen reform, strengthen management and serve the overall interests, team cohesion, improve service, increase efficiency goals, to scientific management and social services as direction, intensify administrative reform, and gradually establish a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized logistics management system. Efforts to reduce administrative costs, strengthen the management of funds, assets, and standard position-related consumption, perfect reception system for organs and provides powerful protection and quality of life for workers and staff services. Third, strengthening quality, top-notch, image and strengthen the system of Government Office construction is not only a hub for the work of the Office, is the image "window". If your Office work, poor image, not only affects theSector as a whole, but will also affect the overall image of the Governmentemployment, business, money" as the core, conscientiously the public of important matters and human, financial, material, notOff deepening public content. To build a long-term mechanism of open Government to ensure open government institutionalization, standardization and regularization. According to the arrangements of the Municipal Government this year to full implementation of first asking duty system in the city and a handle system, 12 pilot departments of the Municipal Government to determine, in accordance with the pilot scheme, seriously implement Exchange in early April; the County (district) and the pilot departments should formulate as soon as possible practical implementation of the program, at both the city and county level in full swing in the first half. 8, solid and meticulous, improved efficiency, daily Government Affairs Services. Coordination, meetings, logistics, hospitality, daily routine work, large width, not finely, which do not put in place, will affect the proper functioning of the global work of the Government. Therefore, the Office will, do have to be careful and meticulous, careful planning, sure. One is to further improve the integrated coordination. Focus on coordinating relations between party committees and administrative departments, coordinating every aspect of left and right, up and down. Each idea before work, integrated, organized and busy but orderly; coordination process to scientific method, pay attention to the global, organic unity principlapplication reliability, avoid blind construction. To speed up the network integration, information integration, network interconnection, sharing of information resources. This year, County (district) Government Office services network to achieve broadband connectivity with the Government Office network; has not been connected to the Office network with the city municipal government departments, networking ready to, to access government office network before the end of April. Application of information technology should be placed in a prominent position, strengthening the information technology training for administrative staff, expedite the implementation of electronic document processing, the lead in the use of computer drafting, approval, issuance of official documents, as soon as possible to promote paperless and online transmission of official documents, improving the application level of the completed system. To develop and improve security measures, establish and perfect rules and regulations, implementation of the accountability system, enhance Government Web sites maintenance and network security management. To increase the intensity of work, completed the 2005 task statement of system of Government Administration informatization construction in the city. 7, results-oriented, results, further deepening the open government. This year, national and provincial public affairs work on a number of new requirements, the city also has the further development of open defined specific tasks. System of government offices are the County (district) and sectoral public affairs focal points of the work of, must come from the transformation of government functions and optimizing the development environment, set the height of the image of the Government, effective public affairs work in hand, grabbed a success. To open Government to the Government sector agencies, units and vertical management units development extends to advance on village affairs, and strive to achieve full coverage without gaps. To adhere to the "right to
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