

2019-05-28 8页 doc 23KB 89阅读




英语语言学教学大纲英语语言学概论教学大纲 一.概述 1.课程简介 本课程向学生介绍语言学领域的一些重要研究成果,包括语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学、语用学的基本理论以及语言与文化、社会、思维之间的关系等。每章学习结束之后学生需完成相应的巩固练习。通过本课程的学习,使学生具备语言学基本知识,并利用语言学知识和理论对语言现象进行基本分析的能力。 2.编写依据 《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》提出要培养具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质、面向21世纪的复合型外语人才。其中宽广的知识面是指英语专业知识...
英语语言学概论教学大纲 一.概述 1.课程简介 本课程向学生介绍语言学领域的一些重要研究成果,包括语音学、词汇学、句法学、语义学、语用学的基本理论以及语言与文化、社会、思维之间的关系等。每章学习结束之后学生需完成相应的巩固练习。通过本课程的学习,使学生具备语言学基本知识,并利用语言学知识和理论对语言现象进行基本分析的能力。 2.编写依据 《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》提出要培养具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质、面向21世纪的复合型外语人才。其中宽广的知识面是指英语专业知识和相关学科知识,而英语专业知识则包括文学、语言学和相关国家社会与文化的知识。作为英语专业的本科生,具备一定的语言学知识是很有必要的。 3.目的任务 培养学生的语言意识和逻辑思维能力,提高学生对语言现象的观察和分析的能力。 4.课程类别 专业必修课。 5.开课学期 建议安排在第8个学期开课。 二、每章教学内容与 第一章Introduction 知识点: 1. The nature, contents, purpose and requirements of the present course 2. The definitions of language and linguistics 3. The scope of linguistics 4. Some distinctions in linguistics 5. Design features of human language 第二章Phonology 知识点: 1. The definition of phonetics and phonology 2. the distinction between phonetics and phonology 3. Broad and narrow transcriptions 4. The classification of English consonants 5. The classification of English vowels 6. The distinction between phone, phoneme and allophone 7. Identification of phonemic contrast, complementary distribution and minimal pair 8. Sequential, assimilation and deletion rules 9. Suprasegmental features 第三章Morphology 知识点: 1. The definition of morphology and morpheme 1 2. The distinction between open and close class 3. The distinction between derivational and inflectional morphemes 4. Morphological rules of word formation 5. Compounds 第四章Syntax 知识点: 1. The definition of syntax 2. Categories: word-level, phrase 3. Phrase structure rules 4. Phrase elements and the S rule 5. V arious types of transformations 第五章Semantics 知识点: 1. The definition of semantics 2. Different views on “meaning” 3. Sense and reference 4. Sense relations between words and between sentences 5. Componential analysis 6. Predication analysis 第六章Pragmatics 知识点: 1. The definition of pragmatics 2. Sentence meaning and utterance meaning 3. speech act theory: Austin’s model and Searle’s classification 4. Grice’s Cooperative Principle 第七章Language change 知识点: 1. Different kinds of language change: phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical. 2. Some recent trends in language change. 3. Causes of language change. 第八章Language and society 知识点: 1. The definition of sociolinguistics. 2. The scope of and approaches to sociolinguistic studies. 3. V arieties of language: dialects, register, formality. 4. standard dialect. 5. Pidgin and Creole. 6. Bilinguislism and diglossia 第九章Language and culture 1. The definition of culture. 2. The relationship between language and culture. 3. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 4. Cultural differences in respect of greetings, terms of address, thanks and compliments, etc. 5. The significance of cultural teaching and learning. 6. Cultural overlap and diffusion. 7. Intercultural communication. 第十章Language acquisition 知识点: 1. The definition of language acquisition. 2. Theories of language acquisition: behaviorist, innatist, and interactionist views. 3. Cognitive factors in language acquisition. 4. The Critical Period Hypothesis. 5. Different stages in language development. 6. Atypical development in language acquisition. 第十一章Second language acquisition 知识点: 1. The definition of second language acquisition. 2. The connections between first and second language acquisition. 3. Contrastive and error analysis in second language acquisition. 4. The definition of interlanguage. 5. The role of native language in second language acquisition. 6. Second language learning models and input hypothesis. 7. Individual differences in second language acquisition. 8. The pedagogical implications of second language acquisition. 第十二章Language and brain 知识点: 1. The definition of neurolinguistics. 2. The structure and function of the human brain. 3. Approaches to the study of the brain in relation to language. 4. The definition of aphasia. 5. The definition of psycholinguistics. 6. Psycholinguistic research methods. 7. Linguistics and language processing. 8. Psycholinguistic modeling. 三、考核方法与要求 1.考核形式:期末考试+ 出勤+ 平时学习现 2.成绩:期末考试60% + 出勤20% + 平时学习表现20% 四、教材 戴炜栋等(2002),《新编简明英语语言学教程》,上海外语教育出版社。
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