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预应力锚杆施工工艺预应力锚杆施工工艺 边坡预应力高强钢筋锚杆施工工法 RJGF(闽)—36—2008 完成单位:福建建工集团总公司 主要完成人:郑志锋 林铁民 陈凤金 1 前言 福建地区是我国多山省份之一,一般地层风化深度较大,岩体结构破碎,覆盖层较厚,地质堆积广为分布,在切坡筑路过程中,经常遇到边坡变形和破坏问题,在山区高速公路建设中不可避免地遭遇路堑高边坡工程技术难题。为了解决这些边坡开挖后稳定性问题,在边坡防护中采用预应力高强钢筋锚杆,可以使结构与地层连锁在一起,形成一种共同工作的复合体,使其能有效地承受拉力和剪力,并能提高潜...
预应力锚杆施工工艺 边坡预应力高强钢筋锚杆施工工法 RJGF(闽)—36—2008 完成单位:福建建工集团总公司 主要完成人:郑志锋 林铁民 陈凤金 1 前言 福建地区是我国多山省份之一,一般地层风化深度较大,岩体结构破碎,覆盖层较厚,地质堆积广为分布,在切坡筑路过程中,经常遇到边坡变形和破坏问题,在山区高速公路建设中不可避免地遭遇路堑高边坡技术难题。为了解决这些边坡开挖后稳定性问题,在边坡防护中采用预应力高强钢筋锚杆,可以使结构与地层连锁在一起,形成一种共同工作的复合体,使其能有效地承受拉力和剪力,并能提高潜在滑移面上的抗剪强度,有效地阻止坡体位移。通过预应力锚杆现场施工总结形成本工法。 2 特点 2.0.1 锚杆与土体结合在一起,使得岩土体结构稳定,通过高强钢筋的张拉施加预应力,可以有效的控制边坡的变形量。 2.0.2 施工所需钻孔孔径小,不用大型机械,机具轻便简单、灵活。 2.0.3 基本采用机械化作业,工艺简便、施工安全。 3 适用范围 预应力锚杆可应用于建筑工程、道路交通等岩土边坡加固的施工。 4 工艺原理 预应力锚杆的一端与支档结构连接,另一端锚固在岩土体层内,并对其施加预应力,以锚固段的摩擦力形成抗拔力,承受岩土压力、水压力、抗浮、抗倾覆等所产生的结构拉力,用以维护岩土体的稳定。锚杆结构示意见图4。 432 5 61 7 Lf8 La 图4 锚杆结构示意图 1——台座;2——锚具3——承压板;4——腰梁;5——钻孔; 6——自由隔离层;7——钢筋;8——注浆体;Lf——自由段长度;La——锚固段长度。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 5 施工工艺流程及操作要点 5.1 施工工艺流程 施工工艺流程见图5.1 施工准备 锚杆杆体加工与制作 钻孔 锚杆杆体安装 压力灌浆 腰梁施工 预应力张拉与锁定 封锚 5.1 施工工艺流程图 5.2 操作要点 5.2.1 施工准备 1 施工前,根据图纸、地质以及技术规范编制专项施工,进行。 2 根据预应力锚杆设计要求、土层条件和环境条件,合理选择材料、设备、器具,布置水、电设施。 3 搭设施工工作平台。 4 测量定位,设置水准点、变形观测点。 5.2.2 钻孔 1 在钻机安放前,按照施工设计图采用全站仪进行测量放样确定孔位以及锚孔方位角,并做出标记。钻机就位后,应保持平稳,导杆或立轴与钻杆倾角一致,并在同一轴线上。 2 为了确保锚固工程施工不致于恶化边坡岩土工程地质条件和保证孔壁的粘结性能,锚孔钻进应采用无水干钻。钻孔速度应根据使用钻机性能和锚固地层严格控制,防止钻孔扭曲和变径,造成下锚困难或其它意外事故。 3 在钻进过程中,合理掌握钻进参数及钻进速度。 5.2.3 锚杆制作与安装 1 锚杆制作 1) 根据锚杆设计长度、垫板、螺帽厚度、外锚头长度以及张拉设备的工作长度等,确定适当的practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 下料长度进行下料。 2) 剪裁锚杆,应使用砂轮机切割,不得采用氧割或电焊;锚杆接长使用闪光对焊或套筒连接; 自由段长度应考虑张拉端张拉时所需要的长度; 3) 根据设计图纸尺寸,在锚杆上安置定位支架,用粘结或绑扎固定定位支架,绑扎时一定要捆 扎牢靠; 4) 锚杆制作完成后,进行外观检验,按锚杆长度,规格对应孔号进行编号; 5) 锚杆制作完成后尽早使用,避免长期存放;锚杆应存放在干燥、清洁的地方,锚杆体裸露部 分应用浸渍油脂的纸张或塑料布进行防潮处理,不得受到机械损坏。 6) 锚杆自由段防腐处理:内涂无水黄油,外套聚乙烯塑料套管,套管直径大于锚筋外径5mm, 10mm,与锚固段接合处用密封塞封闭密实,以防注浆时浆液进入自由段。 2 锚杆安装 1) 锚杆安装前对钻孔重新进行检查,对塌孔、掉块进行清理或处理。 2) 推送锚杆时用力要均匀一致,防止在推送过程中损伤锚杆配件和防护层,并注意在推送过程 中不得使锚杆体转动,应确保将锚杆体推送至预定的深度; 3) 推送困难时,将锚杆抽出,对抽出的锚杆仔细进行检查,并对配件安放固定的有效性、防护 层的损坏程度、孔的清洁度进行观察,当发现锚杆体配件有移动、脱落或锚杆体上粘附的粉 尘和泥土较多时,应加强配件的固定措施并对其它钻孔进行检查,必要时对钻孔重新进行清 理。 5.2.4 压力灌浆 1 浆体配制 按设计规定选择水泥浆体材料。注浆材料应根据设计要求确定,一般宜选用灰砂比为1:1、水灰 比0.45,0.50的水泥砂浆或水灰比0.45,0.50的纯水泥浆,必要时可加入一定量的外加剂或掺合料。 灰浆搅拌必须采用机械强制拌和,注浆浆液应搅拌均匀,随拌随用,浆液应在初凝前用完,并严防石块、 杂物混入浆液。 2 灌浆 1) 灌浆采用压力活塞式注浆泵,灌浆压力一般不得低于0.4Mpa,亦不宜大于2Mpa。 2) 当使用自由段带套管的预应力筋时,宜在锚固段长度和自由段长度内采取同步灌浆;将水泥 浆经胶管(或用1根φ30mm左右的钢管作灌浆管)推入孔内,在孔端注入锚浆。灌注压力一 般为0.4Mpa左右,随着水泥浆的灌入,应逐步将灌浆管向外拔出自至孔口,在拔管过程中 应保证管口始终埋在砂浆内。灌浆时,压力不宜过大,以免吹散浆液和砂浆,待浆液或砂浆 回流到孔口时,用水泥袋纸等捣入孔内,再用湿粘土封堵孔口,并严密捣实,再以0.4Mpa, 0.6Mpa的压力进行补灌,补灌时稳压2min,浆液冲破第一次灌浆体,向锚固体与土的接触 面之间扩散,使锚固体直径扩大,增加径向压应力。由于挤压作用,使锚固体周围的土受到 压缩,孔隙比减小,含水量减少,也提高了土的内摩擦角。稳压数分钟后即可完成。 3 (CA15-ugar Antigen 15patitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and herelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-1. Clinical Immunology test:tion, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collec tion,and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibra atology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) roundslinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hempractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-pigment "o" (AS O), c Streptococcus hemolytic-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-in DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble cha-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-and p5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), -5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-2 3) 当采用自由段无套管的预应力筋时,应进行两次灌浆。第一次灌浆时,先灌注锚固段,必须 保证锚固段长度内灌满,但浆液不得流入自由段。在灌注的水泥浆具备一定强度后,对锚固 段进行张拉,预应力筋张拉锚固后,应对自由段进行第二次灌浆。自由段进行第二次灌注方 法同使用自由段带套管的预应力筋时灌注。灌浆时要注意,对靠近地表面的土层锚杆, 灌浆压力不可过大,以免引起地表面膨胀隆起,或影响附近原有的地下构筑物和管道的使用, 所以每1m覆土厚度的灌浆压力可以0.22Mpa为宜;对垂直孔或倾斜度大的孔,可采用人工 填塞捣实的方法;注浆后自然养护不少于7d,待强度达到设计强度等级的70,以上,才可 进行张拉工艺。在灌浆体硬化之前,不能承受外力或外力引起的锚杆移动。 3 注浆作业开始和中途停止较长时间再作业时,宜用水或稀水泥浆润滑注浆泵及注浆管路。 4 当孔中存有积水时,一定要使积水全部排出,待溢出浆液的稠度与注入的浆液的稠度一样后再抽出注浆管。 5 每次注浆结束都应稳压15min,20min,以使注浆充分。注浆结束后,将注浆管、注浆枪和注浆套管清洗干净。施工过程中,做好注浆记录。 6 当注浆量不得小于计算量,其充盈系数为1.1,1.3时, 浆液不能充满锚固体时,应进行补浆,补浆时以0.4Mpa,0.6Mpa的压力进行补灌,灌时稳压2min,使补灌的浆液挤密第一次灌浆体,或向锚固体与土的接触面之间扩散,从而增加锚固体与周围土体的摩擦力。 注浆完毕应将外露的钢筋清洗干净,并保护好。 5.2.5 腰梁施工 1) 按照设计要求尺寸开挖台座基槽,将预制好的钢筋放入台座内,固定好模板浇筑混凝土,振 捣密实。 2) 腰梁施工宜在锚杆注浆完成7d后开始,同时采用加设套管措施对锚杆进行保护。 5.2.6 预应力张拉与锁定 1 张拉 1) 张拉设备要根据锚杆体的材料和锁定力的大小进行选择。选择时应考虑它的通用性能。 2) 待腰梁砼强度和锚固段浆体强度达到设计强度方能进行张拉。 3) 张拉采用“双控法”及利用拉力与伸长值来控制锚杆应力,以控制油表读数为主,用伸长量 来较核。当实际伸长量与理论伸长值差别大于6%时,应暂停张拉,待查明原因后方可继续 进行。 4) 安装锚具前,要对锚具进行逐个严格检查。预应力锚杆张拉前,依次安装垫板和工作锚螺母, 千斤顶就位,套上工具锚并拧紧工具锚螺母。 5) 将锚垫板表面清除干净,锚具安装应与锚垫板和千斤顶密切对中,并与锚杆轴线方向垂直, 千斤顶轴线与锚杆轴线应在同一条直线上。 6) 正式张拉前进行预张拉,张拉力为设计拉力的10%,20%。正式张拉荷载要分级逐步施加,practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 每次张拉宜分为5-6级进行,除第一次张拉需要稳定30分钟外其余每级持荷稳定时间为5 分钟,不能一次加至锁定荷载。具体张拉方式如下:0.2P?0?0.25P?0.5P?0.75P?1.0P ?1.10P(P为设计拉力值),并做好记录。 2 锁定 锚筋张拉至设定最大张拉荷载值后,应持荷稳定10,15分钟,通过观察油泵压力值以及伸长量变化,来判断是否有预应力损失,若有及时进行补偿张拉。然后卸荷进行锁定作业。拧紧工作锚螺母,卸荷千斤顶油路即完成锁定作业。 5.2.7 封锚 张拉达到设计要求后,用砂轮切割机切掉张拉端多余的预应力筋,预应力筋的外露长度不宜小于其直径的1.5倍,且不宜小于30mm,用环氧树脂涂封锚具及外露预应力筋,封闭前应将锚具周围的混凝土凿毛、冲洗干净,凸出式的锚头宜配置钢筋网片,用微膨胀细石混凝土进行封闭。 5.3劳动组织 现场施工可根据工作面大小及工期要求分为若干作业组进行,工种包括钢筋工、机械操作手及普工等。劳动力组织情况见表5.3。 表5.3 劳动力组织情况表 序号 工种 人数 1 钢筋工 2 2 机械操作手 2 3 普工 2 4 合计 6 6 材料与设备 6.1 材料 6.1.1 预应力锚杆材料 根据预应力值或锚杆长度可采用高强螺纹钢筋。其力学性能指标为:屈服强度?800MPa,极限抗拉强度?1000MPa,伸长率?6%,冷弯90?不出现裂纹,钢筋表面不得有结疤和横向裂纹。钢筋进场时,应按《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》GB1499等的规定抽取试件作力学性能检验,其质量必须符合有关标准的规定。 6.1.2 浆体材料 水泥宜使用普通硅酸盐水泥,必要时采用抗硫酸盐水泥,其强度为42.5MPa,不得使用高铝水泥。 -3 (CA15-ugar Antigen 15patitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and herelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-1. Clinical Immunology test:tion, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collec tion,and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibra atology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) roundslinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hempractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-pigment "o" (AS O), c Streptococcus hemolytic-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-in DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble cha-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-and p5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), -5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 194 细骨料选用粒径不大于2mm的中细砂,砂的含泥量按重量计不大于3%;砂中所含云母、有机质、硫化物及硫酸盐等有害物质的含量,按重量计不宜大于1%。拌合水中不含有影响水泥正常凝结与硬化的有害物质,不得选用污水。 6.1.3 套管材料选用聚乙烯塑料管。 6.1.4 隔离架可选用钢、塑料制作。 6.1.5 防腐材料选用无水黄油。 6.2 机具设备 KZS-100潜孔钻机1台、VFY-13/7-C空压机1台、J3G-400B砂轮切割机2台、YCW-100穿心式液压千斤顶1台、ZB4-500型油泵1台、JZB-110/12注浆泵1台和UJW200灰浆搅拌机1台以及锚具、夹具、连接器若干等。 7 质量控制 7.1 质量控制标准 7.1.1 预应力锚杆施工技术指标应符合标准《锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范》GB 50086、《建筑边坡工程技术规范》GB 50330、《岩土锚杆设计与施工规范》CECS 22:90的规定。 T 14370和《预7.1.2 预应力锚具与连接器应符合现行国家标准《预应力筋用锚具、夹具和连接器》GB/应力筋用锚具、夹具和连接器应用技术规程》JGJ 85的规定。 7.1.3 现场抽检的锚杆数量不少于锚杆总数的5%且不得少于3根进行抗拔力试验。 7.1.4 锚筋组装、安装的允许偏差应符合表7.1.3-1、表7.1.3-2。 表7.1.3-1 锚筋组装的允许偏差 项次 项目 允许偏差 ?50mm 锚筋长度 1 锚固段长度 ?50mm ?50mm 塑料套管端头定位 中心定位 ?50mm 2 注浆管 端头定位 ?50mm 表7.1.3-2 锚筋安装的允许偏差 项次 项目 允许偏差 倾角 ?1.0? 1 入孔方向 方位 ?2.0? 2 入孔深度 ?200mm practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 7.2 质量保证措施 7.2.1 根据设计文件要求编制详细的施工方案,严格按技术要求进行施工,每道工序合格后,方可进行下道工序作业; 7.2.2 钢筋、水泥、锚具等材料应有产品合格证及相应的检验、试验报告; 7.2.3 预应力筋表面不应有污物铁锈或其他有害物质; 7.2.4 用仪器测定钻机导向架的倾角,在钻进过程中随时检查倾斜度。 7.2.5 在钻进过程中根据实际地层变化情况,随时调整钻进参数,以防止造成孔斜偏差。 7.2.6 钻孔的孔深、孔径均应符合设计要求,钻孔深度不宜比规定值大200mm以上,钻头直径不应比规定的钻孔直径小3.0mm以上; 7.2.7 锚杆体放入锚孔前应清除钻孔内的石屑与岩粉; 7.2.8 灌浆后,浆体强度未达到设计要求前,预应力筋不得受扰动; 7.2.9 锚杆基本试验的地质条件、锚杆材料和施工工艺等应与工程锚杆一致,数量不得少于3根。 安全措施 8 8.0.1 预应力施工操作人员在用电及机械使用时应遵守《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》JGJ 46及《建筑机械使用安全技术规程》JGJ 33的有关安全规定; 8.0.2 施工前应认真进行技术交底,施工中应明确分工,统一指挥; 8.0.3 张拉预应力锚杆前应对设备全面检查并固定牢靠张拉时孔口前方严禁站人; 8.0.4 拱部或边墙进行预应力锚杆施工时其下方严禁进行其他作业; 8.0.5 注浆管路应畅通,防止塞泵、塞管; 8.0.6 机械设备的运转部位应有安全防护装置。 9 环保措施 9.0.1 严格执行《建筑施工场界噪声限值》,控制和降低施工机械和运输车辆造成的噪声污染。 9.0.2 合理安排作业时间,避免夜间施工,使施工噪声对周围环境影响减少到最低程度。 9.0.3 适当控制机械布置密度,条件允许时拉开一定距离,避免机械过于集中形成噪音叠加。 9.0.4 粉尘的作业环境中作业,除洒水外,作业人员还配备劳保防护用品。 9.0.5 工程完工后,及时进行现场彻底清理,并按设计要求采用植被覆盖或其它处理措施。 10 效益分析 10.1.1 利用预应力锚杆在边坡加固中应用,有利于减少边坡开挖和弃方量,减少用地面积,从而减少 ugar Antigen 15patitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and herelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-1. Clinical Immunology test:tion, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collec tion,and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibra atology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) roundslinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hempractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-pigment "o" (AS O), c Streptococcus hemolytic-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-in DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble cha-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-and p5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), -5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-6 对周边环境的破坏。 10.1.2 与高强碳素钢丝相比,具有价格便宜、工艺简单、张拉采用单作用千斤顶,适宜高空作业。 11 工程应用实例 11.0.1 福宁高速公路A10标杨家溪2#桥GK61+352,GK61+412段左侧边坡防护,锚杆设计孔径Φ110m,长度10.2m,共65根,采用ф32高强度精轧螺纹钢筋达到边坡稳定,减少对杨家溪2#桥22,24孔桥梁施工影响,工期缩短,防止滑坡、塌方等地质灾害对下方跨海大桥的影响,该工程开竣工时间:2002年10月至2003年3月份。 11.0.2 广东省河龙(河源一龙川)高速公路某路堑边坡,原设计坡度为1:0.65,由于勘察工作的失误,开挖后发现路堑右坡有一层厚度达7m的软弱夹层。施工时被迫将坡度放缓,但仍然发生了2次塌方事故,因此采用了预应力锚杆技术,锚杆设计孔径Φ130m,长度10.2m,共108根,有效地稳定了边坡,经过60d的努力,完全按设计要求完成了全部施工任务。施工结束后,经过对坡顶标志裂缝的量测,没有发现任何位移现象,有效的阻止了边坡坍塌。 11.0.3 预应力锚杆在衡阳市107国道K8+451,641段边坡加固治理中的应用, 锚杆设计孔径Φ110m,长度8.4m,共104根,其成功地控制了已滑动的山体,避免了滑坡的发展,通过监测表明,预应力锚杆在边坡加固工程中的应用具有良好的效果。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 预应力锚杆 6.5.2 施工步骤 施工准备 施工准备包括场地布置、机械设备安装调试、人员上场和材料购置及储备等准备工作。 场地布置包括钻孔作业场地规划、水池、混凝土拌和场地平整,风水电管线布置以及生产、生活用房等。 施工人员人数可根据上场机械设备数量和施工条件确定。每班由班长、钻孔组、注浆浇砼组、空压机司机、锚索安装和张拉等组成。 测量放线 按设计文件要求,准确定出各锚点位置,定位精度:纵横向?10cm。 造孔 造孔工序含钻机就位、施钻成孔和清孔三个作业步骤。 当围护结构基坑开挖到达锚索钻孔位置时,首先要用钢管和木板搭役施钻作业平台。钻机就位要求钻头定位准确,在无设计规定时,最终成孔位置偏差不在于10cm,孔斜误差不超过2%。 施钻机具一般为风动冲击型钻机,在松散地段成孔施工,为防止坍孔,宜选用偏心钻跟进护壁套管方式钻进,钻进过程中,应观察出灰、出碴和漏风情况,做好滑动面、错落面等软弱面所处位置的记录,判断孔段是否进入稳定岩(土)层,以保证孔段进入稳定岩土深度不小于设计要求的锚固段长度。考虑沉碴厚度,孔底应超钻30~50cm。成孔后,用高压风清洗孔壁,以保障砂浆与孔壁的粘结力。钻孔必须采用干钻,严禁水钻。 锚索制作和安装 锚索采用高强度、低松弛的钢绞线,极限抗拉强度不小于1860MPa。 锚索制作和安装可分为下料、除锈防腐、焊接导向锥、绑扎和入孔六个作业步骤。 钢绞线下料长度为孔深加上预留长度,预留长度一般为1.0~1.5m,与张拉锚具型号、绑扎节状个数、垫墩和垫墩位置有关。 在绑扎前,钢绞线应先进行除锈、防腐处理,制作和安装全过程必须避免油脂、泥土等杂物锚固段钢绞线。钢绞线呈同心圆环节布,中心为灌浆管;锚索锚固段间距1~2m设置隔离架和紧箍环,使锚索呈节状,以增大锚索的抗拔力,另外还需设置定位片,使锚索能在孔中居中;自由段钢绞线外套塑料管,套管前端口应切实做好隔浆措施,防止灌浆材料侵入自由段。 导向锥起锚索入孔导向作用,它焊接在锚固段端部。完成造孔工序后,应立即用人工将预制好的锚索从孔口下入孔底。 5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), -5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-ugar Antigen 15patitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and herelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-1. Clinical Immunology test:tion, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collec tion,and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibra atology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) roundslinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hempractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-pigment "o" (AS O), c Streptococcus hemolytic-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-in DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble cha-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-and p8 灌浆 灌浆分制浆和注浆两个作业过程。 锚孔内的浆液为水泥砂浆,标号要求?M35,配合比通过试验配制,可掺入适量早强剂,以缩短张拉等待时间,但严禁掺用具有中、强腐蚀性的外加剂。砂浆必须用525#水泥,中砂过筛,加早强剂,砂浆搅拌机搅拌均匀,浆液在初凝之前用完,并不得混入杂物。 注浆有多种方法,一般采用埋管式注浆,即由孔底向上有压一次性灌浆,压力不小于0.6~0.8Mpa,砂浆至孔口溢满为止,注浆管不拔出。此方法操作简便且灌浆质量好。注浆操作的同时,应制作相应砂浆试件,并埋入滑坡体中养护,以备张拉工序开展作强度参考。 注浆过程中,土体松散、岩体破碎较易发生漏浆情况,严重时砂浆无法注满,此时可采用人工从孔口填塞砾石、岩粉,使之与浆液混合,填塞裂缝漏浆。由于水泥浆有收缩性,注浆后的第二天应做补浆处理,使孔段砂浆饱满。 紧固头设置 紧固头设置包括垫墩预制和锚具安装两道工序。 垫墩为钢筋混凝土方形墩,标号不小于C35,垫墩直接在平整场地上立模预制,达到规定强度后,高强砂浆找平连续墙面,吊立安装,并做混凝土抗压试件,同条件养护,备后续工序参考。松散地表上垫墩应对基底进行夯实处理,防止垫墩在孔段内砂浆养生过程中下沉,造成锚索在孔口附近永久性弯折,致使锚索在孔口段产生预应力损失。 在垫墩强度达到75%设计强度后,吊立安装好垫墩,并安装钢垫板和锚具,用夹片锁好钢绞线。 张拉 张拉前,张拉设备必须配套标定,每只千斤顶应配用的压力表数量不小于两块,表的精度不低于1.5级,其常用读数不宜超过表盘刻度的75%。 在垫墩强度及砂浆强度达75%~80%后,开始用轻型千斤顶对钢绞线逐一张拉,张拉力控制在10~20KPa,使钢绞线逐根顺直,然后进行整束整体初次张拉。整体张拉按多次多级进行,一般采用两次多级,初次最终张拉吨位为锚索设计锚固荷载的50%~70%。当垫墩和孔内砂浆强度达设计强度时,进行末次张拉,末级最终张拉吨位为设计荷载的120%~130%,即最终超张拉20%~30%,各次张拉吨位则按级等分,各级张拉时间间隔不小于三天,以一周最好,使后一次张拉能有效补偿前一次张拉因地层压缩徐变而产生的预应力损失,末次张拉的预应力损失则由超张拉补偿,一般岩层预应力损失比例在13%~20%以内,土层不大于25%,各级张拉均需持荷稳定10分钟以上,使预应力在土体压缩变形稳定后能较好的均匀传递并得到调整。 安放千斤顶时,使锚具底座顶面与钻孔轴线垂直,以确保锚索张拉时千斤顶出力与锚索在同一轴线上。 张拉过程中,应认真测量和记录锚索的伸长量,伸长量作为油压表读数的校核参考值。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 锁定与封头 各次最后一次张拉完成后,立即用夹片将锚索锁定于锚具上,末次张拉完成并锁定后,切除锚索外露段, 用C15素混凝土包裹出露的金属部分,封住锚头。 张拉检测 围护开挖完成后,应随机抽取锚索总数的5%(不少于3根)进行张拉检测,要求张拉力不小于规定大 小,检测合格率达100%后,方可切割锚具外超长部分的钢绞线。锚索张拉中应做好锚索伸长及受力记 录,核实伸长与受力是否相符,作好观测直到交验为止。 6.5.3 机械设备 序号 机械设备名称 型号规格 1 钻机 MGJ-50 2 内燃空压机 P600 3 千斤顶 YCW 4 高压油泵 ZB4-500 5 注浆机 UB3 6 砂浆拌和机 100L 7 混凝土拌和机 350L 8 卷扬机 1T 9 切割机 10 电焊机 6.5.4 劳动力组织 根据施工现场具体情况,每个班一般17人,由钻孔、注浆浇砼组、张拉组、杂工组等成,在班长统一 指挥下开展工作。 成 员 工 作 内 容 数量(人) 班长 指挥协调、安全质量控制,施工记录 1 钻孔组 钻孔、清孔、移机等 3 注浆浇砼组 钢筋制作,注浆,垫墩施工、配合移机 6 电 工 照明、供电 1 空压机司 供风 1 杂工组 锚索制作、安装 3 张位组 锚索张位 2 合计 17 -3 (CA15-ugar Antigen 15patitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and herelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-1. Clinical Immunology test:tion, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collec tion,and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibra atology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) roundslinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hempractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-pigment "o" (AS O), c Streptococcus hemolytic-nd simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-in DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and antidouble cha-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and antilike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-and p5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), -5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 1910 6.5.5 质量控制 1、所有材料特别是锚索专用材料必须进场试验验收合格后方可使用。 2、严格按照有关规范及设计文件施工。 3、钻进过程中一般采取干钻,防止水渗透至滑层加重对滑坡体的影响和钻渣粘结孔壁造成砂浆锚固力下降,特殊情况必须用水的,宜严格控制用水量,加强清孔。 4、为保证锚固段长度和防止清碴不彻底,所有钻孔深度应超钻0.5m。 5、锚索注浆必须是从注浆管孔底反向一次性连续注浆,如注浆出现间隔,必须采取措施,严禁从孔口注浆至锚固段。 6、锚索注浆在砂浆强度达成终凝前严禁扰动锚索。 7、保证垫墩背面地基有足够承载力。 8、保证锚索受力方向为直线。 9、张拉设备使用前必须经过标定,若长时间不用或经过长途运输,必须重新标定。 10、锚索加工严禁使用电焊焊接截断钢绞线,严禁用铅丝绑扎钢绞线。 practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific
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