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710分大学英语四级考试模拟训练答案与解析710分大学英语四级考试模拟训练答案与解析 1 Part Writing Football Fans Football can bring football fans happiness and sadness. Without football, their world will become empty. On the other hand, football is not football without the fans and it can not survive without the support o...
710分大学英语四级考试模拟训练答案与解析 1 Part Writing Football Fans Football can bring football fans happiness and sadness. Without football, their world will become empty. On the other hand, football is not football without the fans and it can not survive without the support of the fans. In a sense, they exist for each other. However, some football fans' behavior has done harm to the development of football. When their favorite team loses, some fans get so crazy that they will shout dirty words, beat the referee and even burn cars. When their team wins, some will drink and scream and do harmful things in the name of celebration. To some extent, they bring shame to football. Then, what kind of football fans are popular ones? In my opinion, they should be those who sincerely care for football in the first pace. Secondly, they should be people with proper language and behavior. Lastly, they are not those who take football as losses and wins only, but as a means to promote public interest. Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 Y 【解析】主旨题。从文章的标题就可得知本篇文章是关于如何做一个雇员。 2. 【答案】 Y 【解析】细节题。 题干中的“most”、“used to”、“for themselves”等关键词与原文第1 段“only one out of every five Americans at work „ worked for somebody else”的信息相 对应。 3. 【答案】 N 【解析】细节题。利用题干中“advice”、“ written”、“promotion”等关键词查找信息。 第2段中“You can find a great deal of very dubious advice„”与题干中的“of vital importance”相悖。 4. 【答案】 N 【解析】细节题。文章第2段后半部分中有一个非常重要的句型:“„ more people fail because „ than because„ ”许多人失败,与其说是因为他们缺乏足够的专业知识,还 不如说是因为他们不知道如何做一个雇员。 5. 【答案】 Y 【解析】参看文章第四段内容。 6. 【答案】 Y 【解析】细节题。据题干中关键词“foundations for skill in expression”查找信息。文章 第6段中指出的“have to be laid early”与题干相呼应。 7. 【答案】 Y 【解析】细节题。思考文章最后一段: “my complaint is opposite: „ not enough job opportunities for those „ who need challenge and risk”。 8. 【答案】 the fastest-growing groups 【解析】根据关键词“two things”、“characterizing”、“middle and upper classes” 等在第 1段查找信息。 9. 【答案】 poetry;short stories 【解析】根据关键词“writing”、“obtain skill in expression”查找信息。在第7段。 1 10. 【答案】 adaptability, imagination and creativity; security 【解析】根据关键词“buying”、“selling”、“advertising”等查找信息。在最后一段。 Part Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: I heard that John's wife is expecting. When is she due? W: Around October 30. They are going to give a baby shower next Sunday. Q: What will John's wife do in October? [D] 【解析】男士听说John的妻子怀孕了,问女士John妻子的预产期是什么时候。女士回 答10月30日左右。所以答案是D。 12. M: Did you go to Dr. White‘s for a checkup this morning? W: Yes, and I can pretty honestly say I've never felt better though the blood test report hasn't come out. Q: What do we learn about the woman's health? [B] 【解析】男士问女士今天上午是否去医生处检查身体了。女士答 Yes,且十分有把握地 说尽管血液检查结果还未出来,但她感觉相当不错。本题主要考查学生对“否定词 + 比较级”表示最高级的英文结构的理解。所以答案为B。 13. M: Hi, I'm a freshman. I'm just wondering how much a dorm room is? W: Well, it's $600 a month for room and board, but if you pay by the year, you can get 10% off. Q: What else do you get if paying by the year? [D] 【解析】男士是个新生,想问一下寝室的费用。女士说食宿每月$600,但如果按年交费 的话,则可打九折。注意对get 10% off的理解。所以答案为D。 14. W: Roger really drives me mad. He never listens to me. M: Take it easy, my dear. Things will work out. I remember you did the same thing to me when you were his age. Q: What is the most possible relationship between the two speakers? [A] 【解析】女士抱怨说Roger从不听她话,都把她气疯了。男士则安慰她说:别着急,慢 慢来。我记得你像Roger这么大的时候也是这样气我的。所以二人应该是父女关系。 15. M: The bookstore has run out of the textbook assigned by Prof. Day. W: He didn't expect so many students to take his course this semester. Q: What do we learn about this situation? [C] 【解析】男士说书店已经没有Prof. Day 指定的那套教材了。女士回应道:Prof. Day 没 有料到这学期有那么多学生选他的课。所以可以推知答案C:教授订的教材不够。 16. M: I'm in charge of buying the fruit for the children at our kindergarten. I'm so happy to find that pears and plums are in season. Give me three dozen of each, please. W: I hope that they are as good as they look. Q: How many pears does the man want to buy? [B] 【解析】男士说他负责给幼儿园的孩子们买水果。看见梨和李子上市了,就说各买3打, 即各买36个。所以答案为B。 17. W: How's your new job with the perfume company? M: It seemed promising at first, but I guess I'm no salesman. And to add fuel to the fire, the boss and I rarely see eye to eye with each other. Q: What do we know about the man's job? 2 [C] 【解析】女士问男士在香水公司的那份新工作干得如何。男士说开始时觉得似乎可以有 所作为的,但后来发觉自己不是干销售的料。且和老板意见总是相左。所以答案为C。 18. W: I'm crazy about the baby blue cashmere scarf in the window. Could I see it, please? M: We're about to mark down all of our window merchandise. Why not wait until Friday? Q: What does the man suggest that the woman do? [A] 【解析】女士想看看橱窗里的浅蓝色羊绒围巾。男士则说他们正准备把橱窗里的所有商 品降价,建议她等到周五。对话中are about to mark down 的理解很关键,且Why not … 是英文中典型的提建议句型。所以答案为A。 Now youll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: Excuse me… M: Yes? W: [19] I'm studying English and need to do an interview about homeless people for homework. May I ask you a few questions? M: Sure. W: Thanks. We've been talking about the issue of homeless people in this country. What do you think about this situation? M: I think it's a real problem. W: Why do you think that? M: Well, there are more and more people living and sleeping on the streets. And shelters are really crowded. W: I'm sorry, [19] could you repeat that more slowly? M: Oh, yeah, sure. There are more people sleeping outside because they don't have homes. The shelters are crowded. W: [19] What does ―shelter‖ mean? M: Those are places to sleep organized by the city or religious groups. W: Could you give me an example of what kind of people are homeless? M: Well, of course. [20] There are some with drug and alcohol problems, but there are more and more homeless families now, too. W: Families? Why do you think that is? M: There's just not much cheap housing anymore. And [20] a lot of families just have the mom and kids and not much money. W: What do you think should be done? M: I really don't know. Maybe [21] building more cheap housing and helping the homeless find jobs, if they can work. W: What do you think about building more shelters? M: [21] Not effective. W: I'd like to hear more about that. M: Well, [21] building them more shelters doesn't stop the problem. They are still homeless. W: I see. Well, that's the end of my interview. Thanks so much for your help. M: No problem. Glad to help. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 3 19. What can you conclude about the woman in the conversation? [A]【解析】在对话开头女士说她现在在学英语,需要做一个关于无家可归者的采访作业。 且后来又让男士放慢语速,解释“shelter”是什么意思等。所以可以推知女士是非英语 国家的人。 20. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of homeless people? [C]【解析】女士请男士给出例子说明什么人是无家可归者。男士提到吸毒酗酒的人,还有 那些没有父亲,只有母亲和孩子的穷家庭,而未提到有宗教问题的人。 21. What should be done to help solve the issue, according to the man? [B]【解析】对话的结尾部分,女士问男士应该如何解决无家可归这一社会问题。男士说建 些经济适用房、帮助他们找工作。而多建收容所并不能有效地根除这一问题。所以答案 为B。 Conversation Two M: So, how are things going at work these days? W: Could be better. Did I tell you I have a new boss? [22] She drives me absolutely crazy. M: What does she do? W: Oh, [22] she's so hard to work with. She's so unpleasant and keeps giving me a lot of work that she wants done right away. I can't tell you how exhausted I am when I get home every day. M: Have you thought about talking to her? W: I tried once, but it was in vain. She didn't listen. In fact, she talked for a good five minutes! All she could talk about was how it was her responsibility to make sure that things didn't get fouled up, and that I would have to learn to work under pressure. [23] She's under the illusion that she's a good manager. M: I wonder where she got that idea. Sorry, go on. W: Oh, no! M: What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost! W: [23] That's my boss! This is truly the worst moment of my entire life. M: Calm down. Maybe she didn't hear what you said. W: I will never live this down. M: Hey, take it easy! W: [23] She heard every word I said. What am I going to do? M: Maybe she needed to hear it. You said she isn't a good listener. W: How can I ever go back to work? I really put my foot in my mouth this time. M: Come on. [24] You're making it worse than it really is. [25] When you get back to the office, you can go and talk to her and try to straighten things out. W: Oh, I could just kick myself. M: Listen, just take a deep breath. It's over and done with. I'm sure she's embarrassed, too. And you know she may even think about what you said. You never know Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 4 Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. things could get better at the office. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. What does the woman think of her new boss? [C]【解析】对话开头女士抱怨她的新任老板难于共事,每天都给她派很多活且要求马上做, 所以她每天下班都是精疲力竭。与选项C相吻合。 23. What embarrasses the woman in the conversation? [B]【解析】女士抱怨完后又说:She‘s under the illusion that she is a good manager等不太友好 的话。突然她神情大变,因为她看到了她的老板,而且老板听到了她说的每一个字。女 士称这是她一生中最糟糕的时刻。所以答案为B。 24. How does the man feel about the woman's embarrassment? [D]【解析】 男士说:You are making it worse than it really is。且还对女士说Calm down. Take it easy. Take a deep breath.等。说明男士认为女士的反应有点过了。 25. What does the man suggest the woman doing so as to solve the problem? [B]【解析】 靠近结尾处,男士对女士说:When you get back to the office, you can go and talk to her and try to straighten things out。所以答案是B。A和C选项只是男士安慰女士。选 项D未提及。 Section B Passage One Recorded music is one of the world's most widely distributed commercial products. And [27] no two rock and roll groups define the sixties, popular music or longevity better than the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Although the Stones are still together and touring after their first chart hit in 1964, [26] it is the Beatles who enjoyed the biggest return of popularity in the 1990s. [27] The Rolling Stones mixed the more traditional ideas of country western music into the more radical city ideas of hard rock. This country element helped its audience express an urge to ―get away from it all‖, or ―go back to the old days‖. [28] Between Elvis and Alice, rock critics say, a number of rock stars have helped American society define its beliefs and attitudes. For example, Bob Dylan touched a nerve of disaffection—he spoke of civil rights, loneliness, change and the bewilderment of younger and older generations. As musicians and composers, the Beatles bridged generation gaps and language barriers, reshaping rock music with their wit and sophistication. [29] Its open-ended embrace of light pop, hard-rock, Indian music, swing, classical music, and blues, their music makes the case for musical unity-in-diversity, blending all these diverse influences into surprisingly perfect combinations. Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. Who enjoyed the biggest return of popularity in the 1990s? 5 [C]【解析】开头部分用although引出的转折。在篇章听力理解中,一些常用的逻辑关系词, 如表因果、转折、让步等引出的细节常常是一大考点。 27. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Stones? [B]【解析】本题还是考查although部分的信息。注意前后提到的不同时间。选项A,C,D 在文中均提到。 28. What have some rock stars positively done for American society, according to rock critics? [A]【解析】文章中间部分直接提到。选项B是具体例子。选项C和D是关于Beatles的具 体细节。只有A概括了一些摇滚明星对社会的积极贡献。 29. What is unique about the Beatles? [D]【解析】文章最后提到:their music makes the case for music unity-in-diversity, blending all these diverse influences into surprisingly perfect combinations。他们的音乐证明在音乐王国 里将不同风格的音乐有机结合在一起构成完美的一体是可行的。他们率先所为,当属独 特。 Passage Two [30] The English are passionate lovers of competitive sports. And when they are neither playing nor watching games, they like to talk about them, or when they cannot do that, to think about them. The game peculiarly associated with England is cricket. Nearly every village in England has its own cricket club. A first-class match lasts for up to five days, with six-hour play on each day. However, for the majority of the British public the eight months of the football season are more important than the four months of cricket. Professional football is always a big business. [31] The Cup Final, which is played in May each year in London, is the biggest event of the season and one of the most famous football matches in the world. Rugby football is played with an egg-shaped ball. [31] It can be a dangerous game as players wear no protective clothing. This form of sport is favored by the middle class and it is also the game played at the great majority of public schools. Britain was the first home of many of the modern world's most popular sports. The English can not claim, today, that they have surpassing skill in any form of sport when they engage in international competition. [32] But they care strongly about the “sporting spirit”, the capacity to play with respect for the rules and for the opponents, to win with modesty and to lose with good temper. Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 30. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage? [A]【解析】文章一开头指出英国人是passionate lovers of competitive sports。当他们不运动 也没看比赛时,喜欢谈论体育运动。如果不能谈论,就想想。所以英国人对体育运动已 达到了痴迷的程度,体育运动几乎成了他们生活的全部。后文又列举了许多事实加以说 明。 31. Which of the following statements is TRUE? [C]【解析】文章提到The Cup Final , which is played in May each year in London, is the biggest event of the season and one of the most famous matches in the world. 所以可知世界杯决赛 享有世界声誉。至于选项D,文中只说其危险是因队员没穿防护服,并未说是因他们不 喜欢穿防护服。 6 32. What do the English care more about when they compete in international sports? [C]【解析】文章结尾由转折词but引出的信息。 Passage Three [33] The typical conversation between Americans takes a form that can be called repartee. No one speaks for very long. Speakers take turns frequently, often after only a few sentences have been spoken. “Watching a conversation between two Americans is like watching a table tennis game,” a British observer said. “Your head goes back and forth so fast that it almost makes your neck hurt.” Americans engage in little ritual interaction. Only a few ritual interchanges are common: “How are you?” “I'm fine, thank you‖, ―Nice to meet you‖, and ―Hope to see you again‖. [34] These things are said under certain circumstances Americans learn to recognize, and like any ritual interchanges, are concerned more with form than with substance. That is, the questions are supposed to be asked and the statements are supposed to be made in particular circumstances, no matter what the people involved are feeling or what they really have in mind. In many Americans' opinions, people who rely heavily on ritual interchanges are “too shy” or “too polite”, unwilling to reveal their true natures and ideas. [35] A third form of interaction, one Americans tend to avoid, is argument. Americans do not conceive of argument as a sport or a pleasurable pastime. [35] If Americans are in a discussion in which a difference of opinion is emerging, they are likely to say, “Let's not get into an argument about this.” Rather than argue, they will prefer to find areas of agreement, change the topic, or even physically move away from the person they have been talking to. Not surprisingly, people who like to argue are likely to be labeled “pushy”, “aggressive” or “opinionated”. Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 33. Which one is mentioned as a form of Americans' favorite interaction? [A]【解析】文章开头部分就说美国人之间典型的对话方式是repartee。既然是典型的,在一 定程度上也应是他们喜爱的方式。 34. What can you infer about ritual interaction? [D]【解析】文中提到客套性的交流are concerned more with form than with substance。即注重 形式而非内容。暗含这种交流方式只是交际性的,没有任何思想内容。 35. What do most Americans avoid doing when different opinions come up in a discussion? [B]【解析】文章最后提到美国人的第三种沟通方式,即:避免争论。 Section C 36. 【答案】output 【解析】此处需要一个名词,且可以用prodigious修饰。注意上文300 million copies of her crime novels been sold in 103 languages的提示。 37. 【答案】except 【解析】注意单词的拼写。 38. 【答案】readership 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 39. 【答案】constantly 【解析】此处需要一个副词。该词为四级高频词汇。 40. 【答案】transcend 【解析】据语法,此处需要一个动词,做that从句的谓语,且能和41题的boundary构 7 成动宾关系。 41. 【答案】boundary 【解析】此处需要一个名词。该词为四级高频词汇。 42. 【答案】misinterpret 【解析】此处需要一个动词。注意上文yet的提示。 43. 【答案】obsessed 【解析】据语法分析,此处需要一个动词过去分词构成被动结构。 44. 【答案】where one feels that crime stories have got to be something more nearly approaching realism 【解析】关键词:crime stories, nearly approaching realism。注意下文didn‘t feel anything of that sort, like the puzzle, play on a board等提示。 45. 【答案】restoring innocence in a world where there are no right answers and innocence has gone 【解析】听懂该部分前两个单词很关键。后半部分的关键词no right answers, innocence, gone等也是基于对前两个单词的理解。然后用语法知识写出完整答案。 46. 【答案】Agatha Christie knew instinctively that all human beings have one thing in common—curiosity 【解析】注意下文的提示:We all want an answer to the question: what happens next? 说 明人类有一点是相通的,即人都有好奇心。 Part Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词:consent (to sth) 同意 ;准许 ;赞同 contribution (常用于构成短语make contributions/ a contribution to sth) 贡献 ;捐款 perception 感知 ;看法 ;见解 insight (into sth) 洞 察力 attribution 归因 ;归属 动词:consent (to sth) 同意 ;准许 ;赞同 derives (动词的第三人称单数形式 ;一般构成 短语derive sth from sth else) 从…中得到…. resent (sth/ doing sth) 愤恨 ;气愤 pretend 假装 concerned (过去分词/过去式)担心;忧虑;关心 形容词:concerned (about/ for sth; that ) 担心/ 忧虑的 ;关心/ 关切的 blank 空百的 ;没 有装饰的 vacant 空着的 ;未被占用的 ;(职位等)空缺的 副词:hardly 几乎不 equally 平等地 ;同样地 ;均等地 virtually 几乎 ;差不多 ;事 实上 ;(计算机术语)模/ 虚拟地 介词:regarding 关于 【短文大意】: 广告人招致非议是因为他们往往都敢想敢为,野心勃勃。但本文指出广告的目的不仅仅 是兜售物品,也有广而告之的作用,从而还广告人一个公道。在当今广告充斥报纸、杂志的 年代,人们从中获益多多:省了钱,解决了生计问题等,且对人性也有了进一步的了解。 47.【答案】I 【解析】分析该句语法结构,所缺的词肯定是动词。根据上下文,句中的“critics”对后 面的“them”、“they” (均指广告人)当然是忿恨不满了(resent, 注意与拼写相近的consent 区别开来)。 8 48. 【答案】F 【解析】据句子结构判断,应填入一个副词修饰“important”,而前面的“another”一 词提示只能是“equally”。 49.【答案】B 【解析】该句中所缺的应该是谓语,和后面的“from”应构成固定搭配,且应是单数形 式。 50.【答案】C 【解析】据空格前面的“details”以及后面的几个关于细节方面的列举词,可推知所缺 词应该是表示“关于”等的介词,所以选“regarding”。 51.【答案】M 【解析】所缺词应是一个一般现在时的动词,且是复数;下句中的“this claim”提示答 案只能是“pretend”。 52.【答案】D 【解析】需要填入副词修饰形容词“possible”, 而且后面的“not”一词非常关键,提示 前面所缺的词应该是表示否定的副词,与“not”构成双重否定,这样才能与上句在逻 辑上保持一致。所以答案是“hardly”。 53.【答案】J 【解析】所填入的词应该是形容词,修饰后面的名词“wall”。 给出的15个词中只有“blank” 和“vacant”两个形容词。从搭配上看,“blank”可以和“wall”搭配,表示“一面素墙”, 没有涂、画或挂任何东西,空空如也。而“vacant”一般表示职位、房间等未被占据, 是空的,如:This post/ apartment is still vacant. 54.【答案】G 【解析】所填入的词应是名词,且应可以和“make”搭配,后面又要与介词“to”搭配。 根据下文给的例子,答案只能是“contribution”。 55.【答案】O 【解析】所缺词应该是个副词。后面的“every newspaper and magazine”提示“virtually (几 乎)”最符合上下文。 56.【答案】K 【解析】所填入的词应是个名词,且要求与“into”搭配。所以答案是“insight” (insight into „ 对„„的洞察力)。 Section B Passage One 在生活中,人们往往因担心所见事实会伤害到某些我们珍爱的东西而否认所见事实。 如文章中提到的接受治疗的男士,因害怕他的治疗师由于怀孕会中断对他的治疗而否认治 疗师怀孕的事实。但专家们指出:否认事实应是无意识的,否则将起不到保护的作用。人 人都会竭力维护正面的自我形象。如果自我形象受到挑战的方面对自身越重要,我们就越 可能予以否认。正如心理学家Tavis 和Aroson在其新作《犯错》里所说的:自我维护和否 认事实缘于有人对自身能力的自信却又犯错误。解决的办法只能是否认所犯的错误。 57. 【答案】C 【解析】本题考察学生对指代词的理解。第1段倒数第2句中的“this”,据前后句可知 指的是“pregnant”。所以答案C正确。 58. 【答案】A 【解析】据题干中“protective function”搜索信息。第2段提到:“Denial is unconscious, 9 or it wouldn't work.”。本题考查学生对连词or引出的虚拟语态的理解:矢口否认是 一个无意识的行为,否则的话,它就起不了作用了(就起不到保护否认者的作用了)。 选项 C 没有说明是有意还是无意的行为,所以不是正确答案。答案A才是正确答案。 59. 【答案】C 【解析】题干中关键词为“least likely”。 而文章第1段中提到“the fragile patient”,以 及最后一段提到那些很自信的人犯了错误不愿意承认等,可以推知4个选项中只有C 最不可能否认错误了。 60. 【答案】D 【解析】词汇理解题。主要依据“which clashes with that image”可知“dissonance”表 示“不协调,有冲突”。故答案D正确。 61. 【答案】B 【解析】纵观全篇,作者都是引用例子和专家的话作客观的论述。 Passage Two 本文是普林斯顿大学校长的一篇演讲节选。作者从该大学第13任校长Woodrow Wilson的人文教育理念 ——“教师传授给学生的应该是学习的灵魂”出发探讨普林斯顿大学对社 会履行的第三个责任,即:培养下一代公民和领导者。如果普林斯顿的教育者们让学生练就 能应用于任何职业的思维习惯,以造福社会为己任,那么每一个普林斯顿的学生就会从她的 教育中学会尊重和欣赏不同的理念和价值、开放的思维方式、社会责任感等,从而履行普林 斯顿大学对社会的责任,充分实践该校座右铭:普林斯顿服务国家,服务全世界。 62. 【答案】B 【解析】文章以第一人称we的口吻阐述普林斯顿大学应对社会所尽的义务,以及提到 前任的几届校长办学的理念,由此可以得知 B 为正确答案。 63. 【答案】C 【解析】主旨题。对于主旨题答案的选择,既不可以太泛、太笼统,也不可以太狭窄。 选项 A 和 B太笼统,D与第2段阐述的普林斯顿大学文科教育理念不符。 64. 【答案】B 【解析】细节题。第2段第1句中:“not so much A as B”。 一般译为:与其说是A, 还 不如说是B, 肯定的是后者。 所以答案是B。至于C和D, 据上下文,其主语应为 “students”, 而不是“teachers”。 65. 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查学生对最后一段第3句中副词“thus”引出的因果关系以及第2句中 “this”指代关系的理解。“this”当然是指上句提到的内容。 66. 【答案】D 【解析】细节题。最后一段倒数第2句“If we do our jobs well „”中,条件从句中的 前提条件通过前一句“consequently”可以得知: 如果普林斯顿的教育者们让学生练就 能应用于任何职业的思维习惯,那么每一个普林斯顿的学生就会从她的教育中学会以 开放的思维方式去尊重和欣赏不同的理念和价值。所以D为正确答案。而选项A、B、 C都只是具体的例子来说明D。 Part Cloze 10 生活中不乏凭借简单的方式和平凡的品格创立伟业的事例。勤奋、耐心而非运气、天赋 造就了一个又一个成功之才。但通往成功的路是比较漫长的。质的飞跃和进步来得相对慢些。 不过正如一位法国作家所言:知道如何等待是成功的一大秘诀。东方也有谚语为证:时间和 耐心将蚕叶蜕变成了蚕丝。在耐心等待的过程中,别忘了愉快工作,努力奋斗! 67.【答案】B 【解析】 固定搭配provide sb. with sth., 往往暗含免费提供所需要或实用的东西。 supply sb. with sth., 更多的是指提供缺乏或不足的东西,且需要付费。offer后接双宾语, 不和with搭配。 68.【答案】C 【解析】scope主要有两个意思:(做/实现某事的)机会,余地;(题目/组织/活动等包括 或涉及的)范围。在该篇文章中应为前者的意思。capacity一般表示所能容纳、吸收、 理解等的能力。scale表示规模,级别。 range 表示(变动或浮动的)范围,界限。 69.【答案】C 【解析】辨析一组拼写相似,词意相近的词。constant 恒定的,不变的, 如:constant temperature/speed 恒温/ 匀速。 consistent 与„„相一致的(与with搭配);一贯的(方 针,政策,行事方式等)。persistent 持之以恒的,有毅力的。 insistent 坚决要求的, 如: insistent demands再三的要求。根据上下文关键词successful最相关的只能是 persistent。 70.【答案】D 【解析】考查词组搭配。look down 一般与on/upon搭配,表示蔑视,瞧不起。look up 查 阅字典。 look through 浏览。 look into 调查,观察。根据上下文,应该是观察深入 实际生活的意思。 71.【答案】B 【解析】the + adj. 表示某一类的人。industrious 勤奋用功的。 industrial 工业的。 72.【答案】A 【解析】辨别一组拼写相近的词。perseverance 持之以恒,毅力。 preservation 保护,保 存。 performance 表演,表现,履行。 presentation 提出,呈现,颁发。据上下文,应 是 perseverance。 73.【答案】A 【解析】英文典型句型:主语 + be + among „。通常译为 “„„位于„„之列;„„ 是„„的一员”。如:John is among the best modern architects. 74.【答案】D 【解析】前句提到天赋或许并不重要。再通过下文的例子就可以推知最伟大的人是最 不相信天赋的了。所以答案应为least。 75.【答案】B 【解析】intensify表示在程度上加剧,增强。上下文所要表达的意思是:有些人把天赋 定义为常识性较强。focus 聚焦。 highlight 突出,强调(重要性)。 enlarge 放大。 76.【答案】B 【解析】介词by与means 的搭配:通过„„ 方法,方式,手段。 77.【答案】D 【解析】英文惯用搭配:A rather than B 通常译为:与其说是B,还不如说是A。 other than除了„„,一般和否定词连用,构成双重否定。如:I don't know any French people other than you. 除了你,我不认识别的法国人了(我只认识你一个法国人)。 78.【答案】A 11 【解析】but做副词,表示only,只有,仅仅。 79.【答案】C 【解析】辨别一组拼写相似,词意相近的词。distinct可以明显清晰听到、看到、感觉到、 闻到等的,如:There was a distinct smell of gas(有股明显的煤气味)。 distinctive 独 特的,有特色的,如:the distinctive scent of roses玫瑰花独特的香味。 distinguished 卓越的,著名的。 distinguishable 可以区分开来的。 80.【答案】D 【解析】固定搭配。in great/ some/ equal measure 在很大/ 某种/ 同等程度上。 to some/ a certain/ a great extent/ degree 在某种/ 一定/ 很大程度上。根据上下文意思选D,意为“ 在很大程度上”。 81.【答案】C 【解析】连词as在上下文中应表示“像„„一样”。 82.【答案】C 【解析】分析该句的语法,所缺的词应该是形容词或分词,修饰主语,表伴随,且后面 可与动词不定式衔接。satisfying 与主语不合逻辑。satisfactory 令人满意的。 contented 一般修饰名词,做定语。 content 可以做形容词和动词,在本篇的上下文中应是形容 词,be content to do sth.是常用的英文搭配:满足于做„„。 83.【答案】D 【解析】据上下文关键词,如wait long, patiently, best等的提示。 84.【答案】B 【解析】proverb 谚语,俗语。 motto 座右铭。 fable 寓言。 quotation 引用别人的话。 85.【答案】D 【解析】固定搭配,the life and soul of sth. 某东西的精华,精髓,灵魂。 heart and soul 名 词短语,一般作状语用,如:serve the people heart and soul全心全意为人民服务。其 他两个不是固定搭配。 86.【答案】A 【解析】分析语法结构。结尾是由两个分号连接的3个并列句,所以所缺的成分应该是 谓语,且表达“在于,存在于”的意思。consist of 由„„构成。 Part Translation 87.【答案】He must have cheated on/in the exam 【解析】据英文部分he can‘t have done that well可知是针对过去已发生的事情所言。要 翻译的部分是考查学生对must have done结构的掌握。 88.【答案】won't be long before he succeeds 【解析】本题考查的是“持续的一段时间 + before”的句型。一般都翻译为:经过…. 时 间才…. 。如:It may be many years before the situation improves.这种状况或许要过很多 年才能得到改善。 89.【答案】he was at a loss for words; he was at a loss how 【解析】注意英文部分的提示:连词as倒装, 表转折; was为过去式。需要翻译的部分也 应是过去时,但不可再用连词but或副词however。“找不到恰当的词语”对应英文 “at a loss for words”。 90.【答案】What interests me about this novel 【解析】分析英文,得知需要翻译的部分应该是名词或名词从句,在句中做主语。所以用 what引导名词从句。 12 91.【答案】in that they attach more importance to 【解析】分析英文,得知陈述的是一般事实,所以应该用一般现在时。用于解释主句中相 比较的两个部分时,通常用in that引出原因。“看重”对应英文“attach importance to sth”。 13 2 Part Writing China Pursuing Foreign Students As China expands its economic, political and cultural reach across the globe, its efforts to participate in the education sector have also increased. As is seen, China is making efforts to increase the allure of its universities and pursue foreign students. There is no consensus over the merits and demerits of this phenomenon. As far as I am concerned, its advantages outweigh disadvantages. Above all, it may enhance the intercultural exchange between China and other countries. We Chinese may learn quite a lot from other cultures and other countries may also benefit a great deal from the profundity of Chinese culture. Mutually beneficial, isn't it? Another aspect is that the admission of foreign students to Chinese campuses enables Chinese students to learn the different personalities and foreign students‘ way of thinking , which will undoubtedly widen our horizon. In short, the entry of foreign students into Chinese universities should be advocated. Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 N 【解析】从“love affair”这两个关键词可以回到文章第一段, 题干的陈述和原文中 “in newly disclosed correspondence between them”不相符。 2. 【答案】 Y 【解析】文章第2段提及 “his mother's vehement disapproval of the relationship”,可见 题干的说法与原文相符。 3. 【答案】NG 【解析】原文并没有提到Einstein和Maric是否为一见钟情这一点。 4. 【答案】N 【解析】原文提到 “Maric appears to have been more of 'a sounding board' than a contributor to Einstein's ideas”, 题干中的说法和原文不相符。 5. 【答案】Y 【解析】从原文第12段的表述 “„scientific questions with which both were concerned”, 可以看出题干中的表述是正确的。 6. 【答案】N 【解析】原文明确提到Maric是“dull woman”, 题干中的“interesting”表达的是完全相 反的内容。 7. 【答案】Y 【解析】从原文最后一段可以看出题干的表述是正确的。 8. 【答案】the couple's meager income 【解析】从文章第11段第1句可以找到答案。 9. 【答案】absolute rest 【解析】回到原文,找到题干中的关键词 “rule out the possibility”, 就可以找到该题目 的答案。 10. 【答案】walk out into the universe 14 【解析】找到题干中的关键词“scientific historians”在原文中的位置即可找到答案。 Part Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: Can you tell me when I can leave here, doctor? I have some important business to attend to. M: That depends on how your condition reacts to our treatment. You may leave as soon as the bleeding stops. I think that will take a couple of days. Q: What does the doctor mean? [B] 【解析】女士问大夫何时可以出院,因为她还有要事需料理。男士则说:只要不出血了 就可以出院。所以答案为B。 12. W: How would you like to deposit your money? M: I think I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? [A] 【解析】本题是猜场景题。听者应抓住场景的典型词汇。如对话中提到的deposit your money, need a checking account 等提示该对话应发生在银行。 13. W: Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to the Central Cinema, please? M: Taxi is a bit expensive. So you can either take the subway to the 14th street or you can take No. 22 bus. But I think you'd better take the subway in case there is a traffic jam if you take the bus. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? [B] 【解析】对话中男士尽管提了几种方式,但他又说but I think you‘d better take the subway, 通过But, had better表达了最佳建议。 14. M: Hurry up, Linda. I hear that there aren't many tickets left for the football match. W: I'm ready now. Let's go. It's the early bird that catches the worm. Q: Why did the man ask the woman to hurry up? [C] 【解析】男士催女士快点,因为他听说足球票快售完了。 15. W: I must point out that the use of this new technology is very expensive and you can never guarantee success. M: Why don't you think about its potential benefits to mankind? Q: What are they talking about? [B] 【解析】注意上下文两个指代词this, its均指new technology,也即对话的中心词。女士 说使用这种新技术不能保证成功。而男士则回应道:为什么不想想这种技术对人类的潜 在益处呢?由此可知他们在谈论一种可能造福人类的新技术。 16. M: I think I'm going to give up playing tennis. I lost again today. W: Just because you lost? Is that the reason to quit? Q: What does the woman imply? [A] 【解析】男士说他想放弃打网球,因为今天又输了。女士听后则反问:Just because you lost? Is that the reason to quit? 听者尤其应注意just。难道就因为输了?那是打退堂鼓的 理由吗?对话中往往会用问话来暗示说话者要表达的真实意思。所以答案为A。 17. M: Jim is really a dishonest man. Why did you lend so much money to him? W: Sorry, darling. I wish I hadn't done so. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? [D] 【解析】男士说Jim不诚实,责怪女士借那么多的钱给他。女士表示抱歉,并说:I wish 15 I hadn‘t done so. 用虚拟语态表达但愿过去发生的事情没发生:但愿没借钱给Jim。 18. M: Flight 704 is supposed to arrive at a quarter to six. W: Yes. But it is five minutes past six now. The flight hasn't arrived yet. Q: By now, how many minutes is the flight late? [B] 【解析】男士说704航班应在a quarter to six到达。而女士说现在已经five minutes past six。 所以航班已晚点20分钟了。学生如果对时间的不同表达方式非常熟悉的话,解答这类 题应是再易不过了。 Now youll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: [19] What?! A 75-year-old has been enrolled at your university? That's really some news. But how come? M: I guess he must have been wanting to get back to school and graduate, you know. W: So„what's his major then? M: [20] Computer science, believe it or not. W: Wow, [21] that'll be pretty hard going at his age. It's a wonder he didn't choose something like history or philosophy„that wouldn't have surprised me so much. M: I wonder he must like challenges, or he wouldn't have been our first freshman over 70. W: Yeah, sounds like it. Well, may he succeed! M: Of course„[22] there are certain advantages in it for him„I mean he'll be doing it for the fun of it, not like us, under all that pressures to get the grades. If he can handle the technical side of things, I think he'll make a great student. W: You know what they say:“You're never too old to learn!” Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What is the woman's response when she heard a 75-year-old has been enrolled at the university? [A] 【解析】在对话开头女士就用What?!表达了她听说一个七旬老人上大学消息后的惊讶。 而且还说:那可真是新闻了! 20. What is the major of the 75-year-old college student? [D] 【解析】这位老年大学生的专业是computer science。对话前半部直接提到。 21. What does the woman think of the major the old man chose? [B] 【解析】对话前半部分直接提到that‘ll be pretty hard going at his age.在他那把年纪学计 算机是相当难的。 22. According to the man, compared to themselves, what is the advantage for the 75-year-old student? [B] 【解析】接近对话尾部时,男士说:there are certain advantages in it for him…. he‘ll be doing it for the fun of it, not like us, under all that pressure to get the grades. 所以答案为B。 Conversation Two M: [23] Is the Earth really getting warmer? W: Yes, there's no doubt about it. Scientists say that four out of the last ten years have been the hottest since records began. 16 M: But why does it matter if the Earth gets a little warmer? W: It matters because it changes a lot of things concerning our life. [24] If the Earth gets hotter, this will cause the level of the sea to rise. M: [24] You mean it will cause flooding? W: [24] Yeah, vast areas of the Indian coast, Bangladesh, Holland, and even London, would be under water. To say nothing of beautiful Venice. M: That's terrible! And will there be any other effects? W: Yes, there will be many. [24] The global weather system will change too, causing too much rain in some areas and too little in others. M: Can we do something about it? W: There're a lot we can do. [25] First of all, we must reduce the amount of pollution coming from industries and cars and stop deforestation. Otherwise, we will suffer from our careless actions. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. What are they talking about? [D]【解析】对话开头,男士问女士:地球是否真地变暖了。女士予以肯定答复。下文都是 围绕气候变暖的话题展开,尤其是全球气温上升带来的后果。所以答案为D。 24. Which of the following is NOT the consequence of the Earth's getting warmer? [B] 【解析】 对话中间男士问will there be any other effects? 从问题中的两个信号词any, other,听者就可推知前后上下文都是谈论气温上升带来的后果。选项中只有B未被提 及。所以答案为B。 25. Which of the following is NOT the way put forward by the woman to prevent global warming? [D] 【解析】对话结尾部分男士问是否能做些什么来改变这一事态。女士说有好些可做的, 如选项A,B,C提到的,只是未提D。所以答案为D。 Section B Passage One [26] People feel blue for a variety of reasons. They feel depressed after failing an exam or losing a job. [26] They feel grief when someone dear to them, for example, a close family member, passes away. Suffering from a serious disease with little hope of a complete recovery, [26] one may feel rejected. [27] There seems to be a relationship between depression and bad luck. If your spirits are down and you show it, people might refrain from talking to you. Many good opportunities may slip away as a result. And you might be left wondering why your luck doesn't change. [28] To cheer yourself up, you can study or work. Your mood might improve if you keep yourself busy and try to achieve goals. And if staying busy doesn't help, you can just wait for the sadness to go away. It is said that time heals all wounds. [28] Finally, you might find solace in realizing your situation is not the worst. You can also choose to look at the bright side of things because every cloud has a silver lining. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. What does the word ―blue‖ mean here? 17 [C] 【解析】文章开头就说People feel blue for a variety of reasons,而后通过列举一些原因说 明They feel depressed….. They feel grief…. feel rejected 等与People feel blue相对应。所 以可以得知人们会因这些原因而悲伤,失意,情绪低落。 27. According to the passage, what does depression seem to result in? [A] 【解析】文章中间提到There seems to be a relationship between depression and bad luck, 然后进一步说明二者是如何关联的:如果你情绪低落并且表现出来了,周围人可能就会 对你敬而远之,许多机会也就因此溜掉。所以情绪低落带来的后果就是bad luck。 28. Which of the following is NOT the way mentioned in the passage to cheer oneself up? [D] 【解析】文章最后探讨如何让自己高兴起来。其中提到选项A,B和C,未提及D。 Passage Two [29] The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. [30] Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them. [31] One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country, depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In a developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences might be. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. What is this passage mainly about? [B] 【解析】文章开门见山指出人口多的利弊是have long been a subject of discussion among economists。然后又引用不同经济学家的观点。文章后半部分提到贯彻计划生育难度之 一在于各国政府对人口增长所持的态度不一,即考虑人口增长利弊的方方面面。所以答 案为B。 30. What may a small population lead to according to some economists? [A] 【解析】文章前半部分说each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population。两个比较级less和lower与选项A相对 应。 31. What is one of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program? [B] 【解析】文章后半部分直接提到:One of the difficulties in carrying out a worldwide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country。所以答案为B。 18 Passage Three [32] Most people think of a camel as an obedient beast of burden because it is best known for its ability to carry heavy loads across vast stretches of desert without requiring water. In reality, the camel is considerably more than just the Arabian equivalent of the mule. [35] It also possesses a great amount of intelligence and sensitivity. [33] The Arabs assert that camels are so acutely aware of injustice and ill treatment that a camel owner who punishes one of the beasts too harshly finds it difficult to escape the camel's vengeance. Apparently, the animal will remember an injury and wait for an opportunity to get revenge. In order to protect themselves from the vengeful beasts, Arabian camel drivers have learned to trick their animals into believing they have achieved revenge. [34] When an Arab realizes that he has excited the camel's rage, he places his own garments on the ground in the animal's path. He arranges the clothing so that it appears to cover a man's body. When the camel recognizes its master's clothing on the ground, it seizes the pile with its teeth, shakes the garments violently and tramples on them in a rage. Eventually, after its anger has died away, the camel departs, assuming its revenge is complete. Only then does the owner of the garments come out of hiding, safe for the time being, thanks to this clever ruse. Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. What is most people's impression about the disposition of a camel? [C] 【解析】文章开头指出:Most people think of a camel as an obedient beast of burden。 33. According to the Arabs, how do camels respond to injustice and ill treatment? [A] 【解析】文章中间部分提到骆驼对主人给予的惩罚会牢记于心并伺机报复。 34. How do Arabian camel drivers let their camels take revenge? [C] 【解析】文章后半部分讲述了阿拉伯人为了躲过骆驼的报复,把自己的衣服弄成一团, 看上去里面像是裹着人似的,然后把它放在骆驼的必经之路。当骆驼认出是主人的衣服 后,就开始泄愤了:it seizes the pile with its teeth, shakes the garments violently and tramples on them in a rage. 所以答案为C。 35. What is true according to the passage? [C] 【解析】文章前半部分提到:It also possesses a great amount of intelligence and sensitivity. 选项A和B中的never,always太绝对。一般说来绝对选项都不可能是正确选项,除非 问题是:Which statement is False? Which is NOT mentioned? 等。 Section C 36. 【答案】desperately 【解析】此处需要一个副词。根据下文but和前一个单词trying的搭配可以解出答案。 该词为四级高频词汇,注意拼写。 37. 【答案】signal 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 38. 【答案】despair 【解析】固定搭配。―in despair‖ 表示“绝望(地)”。 39. 【答案】crashed 【解析】此处需要一个过去分词。 19 40. 【答案】estimated 【解析】该词为四级高频词汇。注意是过去式。 41. 【答案】disasters 【解析】根据后面动词were是复数形式,该词一定也是复数。 42. 【答案】collapsed 【解析】根据前面时间状语提示,该词一定是过去式。 43. 【答案】damage 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 44. 【答案】What force was so powerful and so dangerous that it could destroy a nation's communications system 【解析】本句的结构是:… so powerful and so dangerous that ….。只要听者能听辩出该 结构以及关键词powerful,dangerous,再根据文章开头的内容,完成本句应该不难。 45. 【答案】Several hours later, however, AT & T took the blame for the crash 【解析】注意该句中的一个惯用搭配:took the blame for (the crash)。即:承担…责任。 crash为复现词汇,39题出现过。 46. 【答案】By 7:00 p.m. the company figured out how to repair the system and the system recovered 【解析】上一句:事故原因已查明。最后一句承接上文交代结果。句与句之间的逻辑关 系理解对解读所缺信息极有帮助。 Part Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词:message (书面或口头的)信息 ;消息 ;(书 ;演讲等的)要旨 ability 能力 capacity 容量 ;容纳能力 ;吸收理解能力 动词:learned 学习(过去分词形式) failing 失败(现在分词形式) explore 勘探 ;考察 ; 探索 preventing 阻止 ;阻碍(现在分词形式 一般和from构成搭配) protect 保护 形容词: precious珍/ 宝贵的 helpful 有用/ 益的 ;愿意帮忙的 useless 无用的 learned 有学问的 ;博学的 successful 成功的 impossible 不可能的 副词:profoundly 极大地 ;深刻地 ;完全彻底地 hardly 几乎不 【短文大意】: 痛苦令人深省,使感知和认知升华。本文作者以自己的亲身经历证明了这一点。在家庭 教育中,痛苦挫折教育尤其重要。在孩子的成长过程中,如果缺少了这一课,从长远来看, 对孩子的耐心、毅力、应付失败等能力的培养有害而无益。 47.【答案】E 【解析】答案很明显:因为此句显然是一个现在完成时的句子,“have” 之后要用动词 的过去分词,所给词汇中只有“learned”符合要求。 48. 【答案】I 【解析】“make sb. aware”意为“让某人意识到”。形容词“aware”之前的修饰词应为 副词。D项是否定的意思,不合句意。 49.【答案】J 【解析】空白处应为一名词。“从平凡中找到快乐的能力”符合句意。capacity=ability。 50.【答案】A 20 【解析】“make sth. adj”为一句型。“死亡使得人生更加珍贵”。A符合句意。 51.【答案】H 【解析】此处应为一形容词。“impossible”符合句意。 52.【答案】L 【解析】此处应选一动词。“and”连接两个并列的谓语部分。意为“探索丰富和有意义 生命的潜能”。 53.【答案】N 【解析】此处应选一个可以与“from”搭配的动词。“protect sb. from sth.”的意思是“保 护某人不受某事的伤害”。 54.【答案】K 【解析】此处意为“如果让孩子伤心落泪,那是我们作父母的失职”。 55.【答案】D 【解析】选名词“message”, 其后的“that”从句作“message”的同位语。 56.【答案】B 【解析】所选词要与“inevitable”一词同性,且含褒义。句意为“孩子应该认识到痛苦、 挫折和失败不仅不可避免,而且于人生有益”。 Section B Passage One 传统的观念认为成年人肯定比儿童聪明,但一项新的研究表明儿童在11或12岁时大脑中控制学习部位的发育已接近成人。该项研究以约500名左右身体健康的新生儿至青少年 为对象,对他们大脑的多种认知能力,如:短期记忆、空间识别、推理能力等在不同时期的 发育进程进行扫描和研究,以期绘制出能代表全美少年儿童大脑的正常发育图。 57. 【答案】D 【解析】细节题。A项“battery”一词有干扰性,“a battery of”此处意为 “一系列”, 而非 “电池”。B项中的关键词为 “New research”, 而 “an adult is definitely smarter than a fifth-grader”是传统的观念。C项错误最明显,项目的资助者是National Institutes of Health。所以只有D项是正确的,文章第3段的“tricky”一词表明了这一点。 58. 【答案】B 【解析】细节题。按文章第2段可以直接作出选择,memorizing和language proficiency 分别是原文memory和language skills的同义反复。 59. 【答案】C 【解析】词义推断题。从文章第3段的第3句可以推断出 “sedate”的意思就相当于该 句中的“keep„still”。 60. 【答案】D 【解析】细节题。从文章第4段第1句可以看出,the MRI images展现的是大脑在整个 童年过程中的运行方式和重组方式,而非其结构。从该段的第2句的“shifting”一 词可以看出,儿童的行为能力和智能随着年龄的变化而变化,而不是一直保持不变的。 C项中,“the majority of population” 和原文中的 “diverse population”意义不完全 相同。D项为正确答案,可以从该段第1句找到依据。 61. 【答案】C 【解析】细节推理题,A项中的any概括范围太广,而原文中的该命题特指 “cognitive 21 tasks”。B项命题与倒数第2段第1句相矛盾。D项中的 “first”与文中倒数第2段的 第2句中的 “last”相悖。 Passage Two 新闻报道和事实本身之间总是有出入的。本文以《世界新闻周刊》总编Mr. Clontz 为例予以说明。Mr. Clontz的乐趣是报道那些最令人难以置信的东西,而对其所报道的 真实性毫不关心。如该刊曾经报道过关于摇滚之王埃尔维斯假死的新闻等。但许多读者 似乎对此类报道深信不疑。 62. 【答案】D 【解析】这是关于段落大意的general question。第1段的第1句已经明确地表明该段的 主要内容,即报道和事实之间总是有出入的。所以D为正确答案。 63. 【答案】C 【解析】细节题,但是解析该题也要注意上下文的联系。实际上,文章的第1、第2和 第3段都在表达 “报道歪曲事实”这个概念。 64. 【答案】A 【解析】细节题。从文章倒数第3段的最后一句可以看出Mr. Clontz对报道的真实性是 毫不关心的。 65. 【答案】A 【解析】细节题。A项明显正确。B项错误地理解了文章倒数第2段的第1句,该句作 者实际用的是一种讥讽的口吻。从文章最后一段可以看出,许多人对Mr. Clontz的故 事是相信,而非责备,因此C项不正确。D项也与文章内容不符,Mr. Clontz并没有 阻止员工编造一些假的故事。 66. 【答案】B 【解析】该题问到作者写作的口吻,通篇来看,明显是一种讥讽的口吻,而非同情、支 持或漠视。 Part Cloze 1997年7月1日,重要的历史时刻。经过156年的分离,香港终于回归中国。香港也 从此进入了一个崭新的时代。本文回顾了在过去一个半世纪里中国经历的荣辱盛衰。为了维 护一个国家的主权和尊严以及领土的完整,多少仁人志士胸怀崇高理想和坚定的信念为此奋 斗不息才换来了我们今天的一切,文章对此表示了无限的感恩和极大的尊重,并高度颂扬了 “一国两治”富有独创性的崭新理念。 67.【答案】B 【解析】考查形近词的辨析,关键是historical和historic两词,前者意为 “历史的、与 历史有关的”,后者意为 “历史上著名的、有历史意义的”,文中指的是1997年7月1 日是有历史纪念意义的。 68.【答案】C 【解析】考查近义词的辨析,entire强调“全部,所有”;complete强调“完成”;whole 强调“整体”; total强调“总数”。此处指香港回归祖国,与祖国其他部分又成为一个 整体”,所以选择C。 69.【答案】A 22 【解析】announce指的是以官方的名义正式宣告、宣布;declare多指宣布决议、宣战等; publicize指公布、宣扬,使用的场合不太正式;advertise指的是为产品或服务做广告。 70.【答案】D 【解析】前面有冠词a, 所以排除A选项。period指一段时期,while指的是一小段时间, era指的是时代。回归祖国对于香港来说是开天辟地的大事,标志着香港进入一个新时 代。 71.【答案】A 【解析】考查介词的用法。across指“横穿一段空间距离”, in指“在某个时空范围之内”, past指的是“过了,晚于„„”, through指的是“跨越时空距离”,而且live through本 身已成为一个固定短语,意为“经历过、度过”。 72.【答案】D 【解析】考查近义词辨析。object指的是“具体的物体”;matter指的是“物质”;goods 指的是“货物”;possession指的是“所有物,财产”。 73.【答案】A 【解析】ability和capability都指“能力”,前者多用“the ability to do”; 后者多用“capability of doing”; talent指“天赋、天才、天资”,而且多与介词for搭配;idea指的是“想法、 观点”。 74.【答案】B 【解析】owner指某个东西的所有者;master指“主人、事物的控制者”;predecessor指 “前任、前辈”;producer指的是“制造者”。此处指的是“命运的主人”,所以用master。 75.【答案】D 【解析】考查副词的用法。However和yet表转折,therefore表因果,indeed表示确认和 加强语气。从前后这两句的关系来看,选D。 76.【答案】D 【解析】考查固定短语devote oneself to sth. 的用法,意为“献身于、致力于”。 77.【答案】C 【解析】考查近义词辨析以及习惯性用法。huge, large, big多用来修饰具体事物。 78.【答案】B 【解析】考查连词as的用法,因为„we do today是一个句子,所以不能直接跟在诸如like、 to、unlike这些介词的后面。 79.【答案】A 【解析】approach表示“方式、方法”,但很少与in搭配,多用在“the approach to (doing) sth.”这样的名词词组中;method表示“方式、方法”,但多与介词by搭配;“in a/the„ manner”表示“以„„的方式、方法”,“in this/that way”表示“以这样或那样的方式”, way前面通常不用形容词来修饰。 80.【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句中关系词的用法。在该定语从句中,关系词指物,同时作为介词 about的宾语,所以用which。 81.【答案】A 【解析】考查副词的意义和用法。otherwise意为 “别样,以另外的方式”;however表 示转折,可以放在句首、句中、句末,多用逗号隔开;therefore表示因果关系,意为“因 此”;nevertheless意为“尽管如此”。 82.【答案】B 【解析】考查名词与介词的搭配。 23 83.【答案】C 【解析】“rise to the challenge”是固定短语,表示“成功应付挑战”。 84.【答案】D 【解析】前面有is, 所以排除find, “is found”表示“被发现”, “is fined”表示“被罚 款”, “is founded”表示“被建立”,此处 “is well founded”表示“ 有很好的基础或 原因”。 85.【答案】C 【解析】考查短语的意义。“after all”意为 “毕竟”,“overall”意为 “总的来说,大体 上”,“above all”表示“首先,首要的是”,强调重要性上排列第一,“first of all”意为 “首先、第一点”。 86.【答案】A 【解析】考查对上下文的理解和介词的用法。“within”表示“在„„范围内”“,within our prerogative”即指“在我们的权利范围内”。 Part Translation 87.【答案】He indulged himself in computer games all the time /He was addicted to computer games all the time 【解析】本题主要考查学生对四级高频词汇“沉迷于….”的运用。对应英文的“indulge oneself in sth”。 88.【答案】No matter how hard we'd try ; however hard we‘d try 【解析】本题主要考查连词no matter how 或however做连词的用法。 89.【答案】can our products be popular in the market 【解析】分析英文部分,得知only置于句首,主句应该用倒装结构。 90.【答案】I tried to assure the passengers that 【解析】分析本题汉语部分“向…… 保证”,英文部分“that flying would be safe”, 得 知是向乘客保证飞行安全,也即让乘客放心,让他们相信考飞行是安全的。对应英文 assure sb that。 91.【答案】all the villagers leave the houses as soon as possible 【解析】英文部分给出的谓语动词是“ordered”,它要求其后的宾语从句用虚拟语态, 即(should)+ 动词原形,不管主句是何时态。 3 Part I Writing Colleges Have Opened Their Doors Wider Colleges have opened their doors wider in recent years because the student population has increased enormously from 4 million to more than 7 million in less than six years since 1997. Is this a good thing? Some argue that the enrollment increase will benefit both individuals and the society. It allows more students to pursue higher education and state loans enable children from poor families to complete their education at universities and colleges. This may in turn contribute to helping them to eliminate poverty for the society. Others express concerns over the rapid expansion. They are afraid that some problems may 24 arise from it, for example, the problem of employment. A lot more graduates may have great trouble in finding a job after graduation, which will lead to social problems. In my opinion, the former view is more reasonable. Admittedly, a rapid increase of graduates seemingly places a heavy burden on the society. However, on second thoughts, we find that it is due to the rapid expansion that, to a great extent, we can delay the approach of the upcoming employment wave. Moreover, just as property and wealth once were keys to success, education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society and an element that most ensures success in life and eliminates poverty. In this sense, I am convinced that the admission expansion is very instrumental. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 Y 【解析】该句句意为:根据说明,该系统是用来防止车辆偷盗的。本题解题依据为文章 第1段第1句话,与原文之意相符。 2. 【答案】 Y 【解析】该句句意为:设定该防盗系统时,你应该让所有乘客下车。 本题依据为 “SETTING THE SYSTEM”标题下列出的第二点,与原文之意吻合。 3. 【答案】 N 【解析】该句句意为: 当用钥匙打开车后门时,该系统设置将被取消。本题解题依据为 “CANCELLING THE SYSTEM”下面一段,该段大意为:用钥匙打开前门或滑门,该 系统将完全取消。显然本题句意与原文所述不符。 4. 【答案】 N 【解析】 该句句意为:该系统只有在使用钥匙打开前门、滑门、后门及发动机罩时才 会起动。本题解题依据为“Activating the system”下面第2句话“ If any of the front, sliding and back doors and hood is unlocked without using the key”(如不用钥匙打开前门、滑门、 后门和发动机罩,该系统将发出警报并切断起动机电路)。由此可见,该句意与本题之 意相反。 5. 【答案】 N 【解析】 该句句意为: 如果终止警报,你得把车的点火钥匙从“ACC”位置拨到“LOCK” 位置。本题解题依据为“Stopping the alarm”下面第1句话“:Turn the ignition key from the 'LOCK' to 'ACC' position”(把点火钥匙从“LOCK”拨到 “ACC”位置)。本题句意显 然与原文不符。 6. 【答案】 N 【解析】该句句意为: 当指示灯闪烁时,不需要用钥匙打开任何门和发动机罩。本题解 题依据为“INDICATOR LIGHT”下面的第2句话:“You need the key to open the front, sliding and back doors and hood”(你需要钥匙打开前后门、滑门和发动机罩)。显然本题 句意与原文所述不符。 7. 【答案】 NG 【解析】 该句句意为: 本文告诉我们该系统能有效工作以至于从未出现故障。通览全 文,本文根本未提及该信息,因而无法得知。 8. 【答案】 30 seconds 【解析】 答案依据为本文“SETTING THE SYSTEM”标题下“„the system will give you a preparation time of 30 seconds before the setting„”。 25 9. 【答案】 starts flashing 【解析】答案依据为“SETTING THE SYSTEM”标题下,小标题4后面的内容。 10. 【答案】 Toyota dealer 【解析】依据文章最后一句话 ―If the system does not work properly, have it checked by your Toyota dealer‖, 可知此处应填入Toyota dealer。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: I forgot to bring my pencil and paper to take notes with in class. W: That's all right. I have enough for both of us. Q: What will the woman most probably do next? [B] 【解析】男士提出自己忘带纸和笔记课堂笔记,女士说自己有足够的纸笔供他们两人使 用。由此可推断答案应为B。 12. W: When is Jason coming? M: Well, he said he'd be here at seven-thirty, but if you know him, it will be at least eight o'clock. Q: What do we know about Jason? [D] 【解析】男士说如果你让Jason 7:30到,他会最早8点才到。言下之意,Jason不是一 个守时的人。因此答案应为D。 13. M: Are you ready to check out? W: Yes. I'll pay the bill and you'll call the desk and have our baggage taken out to the taxi. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? [B] 【解析】对话中女士说我会pay the bill (付账),你给前台打个电话,把我们的行李拿到 出租车上。由这些关键词可以推知答案应为B。 14. M: Remember, you promised to help me with my homework for English class. W: But I want to watch this program first. It is almost over. Wait a moment, please. Q: What does the woman mean? [A] 【解析】对话中男士说女士曾经答应自己会帮助完成英语课的作业,而女士通过转折词 but表明自己想先看完这个电视节目,言下之意她会等电视节目结束后再帮助男士学习。 由此可推断答案应为A。 15. M: I was terribly embarrassed when some of the audience got up and left in the middle of the performance. W: Well, some people just can't seem to appreciate real-life drama. Q: What are they talking about? [C] 【解析】 女士说有些观众在演出的中途就起身离开令自己非常尴尬。男士安慰她说有 些人不太懂得欣赏现实主义的戏剧。根据他们谈话中出现的 ―performance‖和 ―drama‖ 可以推断答案为C。 16. W: Professor Hook was so strange today. M: I noticed that, too. He was talking so quietly and then not giving us any homework at all. Can you believe that? Q: What can be inferred about Professor Hook? [B] 【解析】对话中女士先说到Professor Hook今天特别奇怪,男士补充说到,他今天说话 声音很小,并且也没给他们布置家庭作业,确实很奇怪,言下之意就是Professor Hook 常常会大声说话,并且会布置家庭作业,由此可推断答案应为B。 26 17. M: This room is so crowded. I can hardly breathe and I can't see anything. W: I don't understand why they didn't have this show in a bigger place. Do you? Q: What is the woman complaining about? [D] 【解析】对话中男士说演出的房间太拥挤了,自己都快无法呼吸了,并且什么也看不见。 女士补充说自己不明白为什么他们不安排一个大点的房间演出。由此可推断答案应为 D。 18. M: The newspaper says that it'll be raining today. What do you think? W: I don't believe it. Look, the sun's shining. Q: What does the woman mean? [B] 【解析】对话中男士说报纸上说今天会下雨;女士说到自己不相信会下雨,因为现在阳 光明媚。由此可推断答案应为B。 Conversation One M: I'm just going down to the store to buy some cigarettes. Do you want anything? W: Let me see„ We haven't got many eggs left, so bring a dozen large ones. [20]And please pick up a bottle of cooking oil. M: Hold on! If you want me to get a lot of things, get a list. W: All right, but wait a minute. M: Hurry up, then. W: [20] We have plenty of cocoa, but we've run out of coffee and there isn't much tea left; bring a large tin of instant coffee and a quarter pound of tea. Oh, and some ham. M: How much? W: Eh… half a pound will do. M: OK, is that all? W: Well, we are out of vegetables, too. Bring some beans and… M: [21]You seem to be out of everything today. I only want to go out for a walk. It sounds that I'll need a truck to bring all that home. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers? [C]【解析】纵观整个对话,两人一直在谈论给家里购买什么食品。两人的语气特别随意, 由此可知两人是夫妻关系。 20. What dose the woman need? [B]【解析】对话中女士先让男士买一壶食用油上来,然后又提到“…bring a large tin of instant coffee and a quarter pound of tea. Oh, and some ham.”,由此可知,女士需要买Ham, coffee, tea和cooking oil。 21. What is the man's attitude towards the woman? [D]【解析】男士在对话的最后抱怨说家里似乎什么都缺,自己需要一辆卡车把女士需要的 东西拉回家,言下之意,他觉得这个女士需要的东西太多了,由此可知答案应该为D. Conversation Two M: Well, Cynthia, [23]our first semester at university is almost over. I can't wait for the holidays. W: Me, too, Edward! Why don' t we go somewhere far away and forget about lectures and essays and all that hard work? M: Sounds good to me. Now, how long will we have before we have to be back here on campus 27 for the next semester? W: We've got about six weeks, I think. M: How about going to the coast? It would be great to do some swimming and surfing. W: The coast would be good, but let's look at our other options. There are the mountains. They're nice and cool at this time of year. And we can do some bush-walking. [22]There's also the desert, which I really enjoyed last year. M: What about going to Sydney? [24] I've never been there and they say it's a great city to visit. Lots of things to do there, I've heard. W: I agree Sydney would be good but there are too many tourists there at this time of year. And I'd rather get away from buildings and cars. There are enough of those around here. I vote for mountains. M: All right, then, let's do that. [25]Now we have to decide where we're going to stay and how we're going to get there. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. Where did the woman go for holiday last year? [C]【解析】对话中女士讲到 “There's also the desert, which I really enjoyed last year”,由此 可知C为正确选项。 23. Who are the two speakers? [B]【解析】对话开头男士说他们在大学的第一学期就要结束了,自己期盼着假期的到来。 由此可知他们应该是大一的新生。因此答案应该为B。 24. Why does the man vote for Sydney? [D]【解析】男士提出了去悉尼旅游,并且说到自己听说悉尼特别好玩。因此答案应该为D。 25. What will the two speakers probably do next? [D]【解析】在对话最后男士说 ―Now we have to decide where we're going to stay and how we're going to get there。言下之意。他们需要为他们的旅行做一些具体的准备工作。由 此可知答案为B。 Section B Passage One I know a woman who likes to do shopping, but I also know a whole lot of people who hate it! [28]People who hate shopping are likely to like supermarkets, those huge stores where almost everything you need to feed your family or to clean your home is available in one location. The supermarket saves me both money and time. [26]But the little corner grocery store is often more conveniently located, pleasanter and open at late hours when the supermarket is closed. But the grocer must charge you more than the big market for most items, because he can only buy a small number of cases of one product from the manufacturer, [27]while a supermarket chain can buy thousands of cases at a time; thus the supermarket can buy cheaper and sell cheaper to you. Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. Which is more conveniently located, the supermarket or the grocery store, according to the passage? [B]【解析】文章中提到超市在节约时间和金钱方面的优势后,用一个转折词but谈到了杂 货店和超市相比更加方便。根据“But the little corner grocery store is often more conveniently located, pleasanter and open at late hours when the supermarket is closed”,可知 28 答案应为B。 27. Why can the supermarket sell cheaper to the customers? [C]【解析】文章的结尾处讲到超市的物品价格更加低廉,其原因就是它们一次的进货量比 较大。根据“while a supermarket chain can buy thousands of cases at a time; thus the supermarket can buy cheaper and sell cheaper to you”,可知答案应为C。 28. What kind of goods can we buy from the supermarket? [D] 【解析】根据文章的开头处提到的“People who hate shopping are likely to like supermarkets, those huge stores where almost everything you need to feed your family or to clean your home is available in one location.”可直接得出答案为D。 29. What can be inferred from the passage? [A]【解析】纵观全文,其中既谈到了超市在价格低廉方面的优势,也同时涉及到了杂货店 在位置便捷,购物舒心以及营业时间更长等方面的优点。由此可推知作者对超市和杂货 店都很熟悉,认为二者各有千秋。因此答案为A。 Passage Two My friend, Vernon Davies, kept birds. One day he phoned and told me he was going away for a week. He asked me to feed the birds for him and said that he would leave the key to his front door in my mailbox. Unfortunately, I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vernon was going to return. What was worse, it was already dark when I arrived at his house. [30]I soon found the key Vernon gave me could not unlock either the front door or the back door. I was getting desperate. I kept thinking of what Vernon would say when he came back. I was just going to give up when I noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open. I found a barrel and pushed it under the window. As the barrel was very heavy, I made a lot of noise. But in the end, I managed to climb up and open the window. I actually had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone was shining a torch up at me. I looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady, one of Vernon’s neighbours. “What are you doing up there?” said the policeman. Feeling like a complete fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr. Davies's birds.” Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 30. Why couldn't the man open the door? [A]【解析】细节题。文章中提到“I soon found the key Vernon gave me could not unlock either the front door or the back door”,由此可知正确选项应为A。 31. Why did the man feel desperate? [B]【解析】推理题。从文中我们得知:本来答应朋友的委托应该不是一件难事,但由于自 己的不经意将此事忘却了。如果朋友抱怨下来,将是非常令人尴尬的。由此可知答案应 为B。 32. Why did the man feel like a fool? [B]【解析】推理题。黑夜里爬人家的窗户,虽不是出于不良行为,但此时被警察发觉,有 谁相信他是要喂鸟呢?由此可以推断答案应为B。 Passage Three One crime prevention aid in the suburbs is the Neighborhood Watch Program started five 29 years ago and is sponsored by the National Sheriff's Association. The aim is to get people to watch out for their neighbors. They are asked to be alert for any unusual activity, [33]such as strangers who may be bringing things out of a house to an unfamiliar waiting vehicle. Vandalism is also a target of the program. Children are less likely to run around with spray cans if they know that neighbors are alert and that they will probably be caught. So far, 2,300 programs have been set up with at least one in every state. In some cases, neighborhood block clubs have been established to give instructions.[34]A National Neighborhood Watch Program has been set up, including one and one-half seven to million citizens at a federal government cost of 5 cents to 22 cents per person. [35]The national office supplies sheriffs and local office departments with program materials, crime prevention literature, and ideas on making homes more secure. Statistics show that this system works and is working better all the time. Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 33. Which of the following activities is NOT affected by the Neighborhood Watch Program? [B]【解析】细节题。文中提到这个项目涵盖陌生人从房子里将东西搬到大家不熟悉的车上; 破坏他人财物的行为以及孩子们拿着喷雾器到处跑的行为。只有B没有谈到。因此答案 应为B。 34. How far has the program gone? [A]【解析】文中提到“A National Neighborhood Watch Program has been set up, including one and one-half seven to million citizens at a federal government cost of 5 cents to 22 cents per person.”,由此可知联邦政府从财力上给这个项目予以支持,因此A为正确选项。 35. The national office contributes a lot to Neighborhood Watch Programs, including all the following actions except__________. [D]【解析】细节题。根据短文结尾处提到的“The national office supplies sheriffs and local office departments with program materials, crime prevention literature, and ideas on making homes more secure.”可知只有D没有涉及到,因此正确选项应为D。 Section C 36. 【答案】effort 【解析】此处前面提到欧盟表示将支持俄罗斯想成为WTO成员的…,由此可知此处需 要一个名词,意思上可能为“愿望”或“努力”。 37. 【答案】 officials 【解析】 此处需要一个名词。注意名词的复数。在四级填空式听写中,常常需要大家 填写名词的复数形式。 38 【答案】negotiate 【解析】 因为前面的动词不定式符号to, 所以此处应填入一个原形动词。大家需要注 意negotiate的拼写。 39. 【答案】balanced 【解析】此处需要形容词,表达俄罗斯对于这项的一个态度。在听写中,要特别注 意运用自己的语法常识和上下文的线索。此处的balanced的-ed读音很轻,需要大家 运用语言知识来把握。 40. 【答案】competition 【解析】此处需要一个名词。注意competition的拼写。 41. 【答案】exchange 30 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 42. 【答案】process 【解析】根据对上下文的把握,此处需要一个名词,做speed up的宾语。 43. 【答案】environmental 【解析】此处需要一个名词或者形容词修饰agreement。一定要注意environmental的 拼写,比较容易拼写错误。 44. 【答案】These“greenhouse gases”trap heat in the atmosphere and are blamed for changing the world's climate 【解析】这是一个简单的并列句。在听写中注意把握主干,记下trap heat, atmosphere, blamed changing, climate这些关键词,然后利用自己的语言知识将句子完整地表达出 来。 45. 【答案】 Currently, nations producing only 44% have approved the Protocol 【解析】这是一个简单句。大家注意对数据的记录,另外如果对approved不太熟悉, 可以换用agree on之类的近义词。 46. 【答案】To join the WTO, a country must reach trade agreement with major trading countries that are also WTO members 【解析】这个句子中包含了一个简单的定语从句。听写中注意把握句子的主干: to join WTO, reach trade agreement, major trading countries , WTO members,然后根据这些关键 词语将句子补全。 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词:techniques 技术[名词复数] rest 休息 climate 气候 skill技术 appetite胃口;食欲;欲望 temperature温度 curiosity好奇心;求知欲 changes 变化 [名词复数] 动词:consisting由…组成;由…构成 [现代分词] melting融化;消散 [现代分词] vanishing消失;灭绝[现代分词] changes 变化[第三人称单数形式] eroding侵 蚀;腐蚀[现代分词] 形容词: remote 遥远的 rest剩下的;余下的 willing 情愿的;乐意的 skillful熟练 的;巧妙的 【短文大意】 这是一篇有关全球变暖的说明文。文章首先谈到人们对全球变暖这一现象认识不足。随 后文章通过引用雪山融化,河流干涸以及过去一个世纪气温的上升等例子来提醒人们全球变 暖是在大家毫无意识的情况下发生的,需要引起大家的关注。 47. 【答案】E 【解析】此处应填入一个形容词,而“be willing to”是大家熟悉的固定搭配,因此答 案应为E。 48. 【答案】H 【解析】此处应填入一个名词,而appetite通常和介词for搭配,此处句子的意思为控 制我们无止境的欲望。 49. 【答案】A 31 【解析】此处应填入一个形容词,根据上下文意思应选A项,意即:全球气候变暖似 乎离我们太遥远,我们无需为此担心。 50. 【答案】B 【解析】此处应填入一个名词,而与computer 搭配的名词在选项中只有B正确。 51. 【答案】F 【解析】此处应填入一个名词,根据上下文意思此处应表达气候变化之意,因此F为 正确选项。 52. 【答案】L 【解析】此处应填入一个名词,而句子要表达“上个世纪全球的……上升了1华氏度”, 应能迅速找出正确答案应为temperature。 53. 【答案】I 【解析】此处应填入一个现在分词,显然ice 与melt 搭配,因此I为正确选项。 54. 【答案】K 【解析】此处应填入一个现在分词,表示“海岸受到侵蚀”,因此应选K。 55. 【答案】N 【解析】该题较为简单,应填入一个复数名词,所以填入N项。 56. 【答案】D 【解析】此处应填入一个形容词,与前后的the…of构成固定搭配。而大家所熟悉的“the rest of”为最佳选择。 Section B Passage One 本篇文章主要介绍了银行外在建筑风格的变化以及银行功能的转变。在建筑风格上,过 去的银行常常是铜墙铁壁,戒备森严,给人可靠和放心踏实的感觉;而现在银行的建筑却更 加强调想象力和创造性。就银行的功能而言,其功能的转变主要反映出老一辈人和现在的人 们对金钱的不同态度。老一辈人认为钱是可以摸得到的实实在在的东西,而现在的人们则很 少使用现金,并将钱视为有创意的产品。 57. 【答案】B 【解析】主旨题。该题要求学生总结文章的主题。文章主要写了银行发展的两个方面: 一是银行的外在建筑风格,过去的银行通常有“heavy walls”、“barred windows”以及 “bronze doors”,给人以非常可靠、放心踏实的感觉;二是银行的功能转变。选项B正 是恰当的概括,所以应该是正确答案。文章并无涉及现在和过去对钱的价值比较,所以 A项“钱不如过去值钱”不对。文章也没有对比哪种建筑风格更好,所以C项“过去 的银行的建筑风格比现代银行的建筑风格更好”也不对。D项说“偏见使得老一辈人认 为现代银行不可靠”,不符合文章意思。 58. 【答案】D 【解析】细节归纳题。问题问老一代人与年轻一代人对钱的认识态度是什么。老一代人 的看法可以从第3段开头看出:“In his generation money was thought of as a real commodity that„”。年轻一代对钱的看法可以从第4段第4行至第6行,尤其是“„ he offers us a service in which the most valuable element is the creativity for the invention of large numbers”,从这可以归纳出D为正确答案。 59. 【答案】C 【解析】语义题。该题较容易,只要参阅第3段“commodity”后的定语从句“that could be carried, or stolen”。这实际上就是解释老一代人对钱的看法,他们认为钱是可以被携 32 带或被偷走,也就是可以摸得到的实实在在的东西,所以C项正确。 60. 【答案】D 【解析】细节推论题。题目问现代银行应该具有什么功能?四选项的意思分别是:A“充 满雄心且友好”,B“可靠且威力无穷”,C“明智且不可穿越”,D“富有想象力且有创 造性”。要回答这个问题,应定位在文章第四段“„in which the most valuable element is the creativity”和第5段“„ boasts of imaginative powers”,从中不难看出现代银行应该 是富有想象力并且有创造力。 61. 【答案】C 【解析】推论题。该题要求学生判断作者对银行的外在风格和功能的转变这一趋势的态 度。最明确的提示应该是第四段开头“But the attitude toward money has, of course, changed”。随后进一步分析了现代银行不同于过去银行的功能,作者用了“creative imagination”, 可以看出其态度是肯定的。因此C项正确。 Passage Two 本篇文章主要讲述了配偶离家出走后对其另一半造成的影响。当配偶悄然收拾好行李, 没有留下任何纸条或说一声再见就离家出走时,他们将其所欠下的债务,他们的忧虑以及迷 惑不解的家人抛在了身后,这样会对被抛弃的人造成莫大的伤害,究其本质,这其实是一种 极度自私的行为。 62. 【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。问题问“当她的丈夫离家出走时,Eileen Doyle怎么样”。根据第 1段第2行“Eileen was astonished„”可以断定C“(她)不明白为什么”应该是正确答 案。其余三项均不符合文章意思。 63. 【答案】A 【解析】细节理解题。问题问“离开家庭的大多数人”。该题较简单,解题依据应该是 文章第2段,其大意为:一年中的每一天都有一小帮男人和女人悄然收拾几件行李,没 有留下任何纸条或说一声再见(“„without so much as a note or goodbye„”,其中 “without so much as”为重要句型,表示“甚至„„都没有”),最后一次关上前门离家 出走了,把他们的债务,他们的忧虑,还有迷惑不解的家庭抛在身后。可见A项正确。 64. 【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题。文章第4段第2、第3句说明那些被遗弃的人甚至宁愿自己的配 偶已经死亡,至少死亡不会意味着自己被抛弃或失败,所以要比被遗弃的感觉好点。B、 C两项属于四级考试中典型的陷阱式干扰项,因为B项中的“pride and confidence”及 C项中的“rejection or failure”在原文中皆有出现,马虎的考生可能不假思索就选了B 或C,正好中了圈套,其实稍微细心一点就会发现B、C和文章所说的并不是一回事。 第4段第3句“At least it„”中的it是指death而不是题干中主语所指。 65. 【答案】D 【解析】 细节推论题。问题的题干应该在第4段开头,所以答案在此之后:“Worse than that,„ an unfinished marriage,„wait seven years before„”D项正是这种意思。 66. 【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。依据第5段第2行:“It's typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other people's pain and difficulties”。B项说“这是一种自私行为”, 为正确答案。A“这是种绝望行为”;C “这是突然决定的结果”;D“这是沉重负疚 33 感的结果”。 Part V Cloze 本文主要介绍了美国利用科学技术为老年人设计各种产品以便为其提供全方位的帮助。 除开人工心脏移植,人工肺、肝等的移植为老年人带来健康以外,美国的各相关行业还生产 了各种人性化的产品以帮助老年人解决生活中的各种困难。 67. 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查的是固定词组的搭配。英语中“满足……的需要”用“meet one‘s needs” 来表达。因此答案应为B。 68. 【答案】B 【解析】本题需要结合上下文做出语义的判断。第一句话讲到在未来40年,美国65 岁以上老人的比例将会翻倍,因此如何满足这个群体的要求对美国政府的智谋当然会是 一个挑战。A. chance “机会”; C. call“呼喊”; D. change “变化”均不符合上下文 的意思。 69. 【答案】D 【解析】 本题考查的是形容词的辩义。根据上下文,此处需要填入一个形容词,来表 达“从很大程度上说”这个意思。只有considerable “相当大的;相当多的”符合上下 文的意思。A. valuable“有价值的;宝贵的”; B.comprehensive “广泛的;全面的; 综合的”以及C.considerate“体贴的”均不符合上下文的含义。 70. 【答案】A 【解析】 此处需要填入一个连接词。从句子的语法成分上来看。从句的主语、谓语和 宾语成分均有,因此可以断定需要一个副词,这样可以排除who和whom。再从句子的 意思上看,此处需要填入how,表示“判定一个社会是否优越,主要取决于其对于那些 生活不能自理的人照顾得如何”,因此答案应为A。 71. 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查的是动词词组的用法。四个选项提供的四个介词仅有for可以与care 构成固定词组。care for表示“照顾,照料”的含义,符合上下文的意思。 72. 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查的是动词辨义。结合上下文,高度发达的技术应该是使得研发帮助年 迈人群的技术进步成为可能。四个选项中,仅有D.promises可表达“使…很有可能”。 A. protects“保护,防护”;B. profits表示“有益于,对(某人)有好处”,其对象只能 是人。C. proclaims“宣布,声明”均不符合题意。 73. 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查的是名词辩义。四个选项都能和“in...to”构成固定搭配。A. in relation to“关于,与…...相比”;B. in contrast to“与...形成对比”;C. in addition to“除...之外; 另外”;D. in proportion to“(与某物)成比例”。结合上下文,“除开众所周知的心脏移 植以外...”;只有C选项符合题意。 74. 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查的是动词辨义。结合上下文,“除开众所周知的心脏移植外,人们在 研制人造肺、肝以及人造骨骼方面都做出了不懈努力。”四个选项中,仅有D. develop 表示“研制(产品)”的意思。A. discover“发现”;B.promote“促进”;“增进”; C. assemble “聚集”;“装配”均不符合题意。 34 75. 【答案】C 【解析】本题需要结合上下文选择一个合适的副词。“电子耳目前应该有效率已经达到 了75%”。四个选项中仅有C. already符合句意。 76. 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查的是动词辨义。结合上下文,“(器官)移植使人们得到更好的医疗救 治”。四个选项中,仅有A. permit可以表示“使某人做某事”。B.persist“坚持”;C.serve “为……服务”;D.pursue“追求”均不符合题意。 77. 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查的是动词辨义。结合上下文,“通过向体内不断释放小剂量的药物而 使之能得到更好的医疗救治”。四个选项中,仅有B. releasing可以表示“释放”。A. removing“移除”;C.relieving“减轻(痛苦,焦虑等)”;以及D.replacing“代替”均不 符合题意。 78. 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查的是副词辨义。结合上下文,“即使是非常简单的事情对老年人来说 也可能很困难,有时甚至不能完成”。四个选项中,D. sometimes “有时”更加符合题 意。A. always和B. usually意思相近,如若选择A,也同时应该能选B,因此两者皆可 排除。 C.eventually“最终;最后”,不符合上下文的意思。 79. 【答案】 A 【解析】本题考查的是固定词组的搭配。respond to表示“对... …回应”,符合上下文的 意思。其它介词与respond不能搭配。 80. 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查的是名词的辩义。结合上下文,“美国的各企业生产了各种物美价廉 的产品来回应这种需求”。四个选项都可以和“a…of”搭配。但仅有B. a variety of可以 表示“种种;各种”; A. a set of表示“(物品的)一套;一副;一组”;C. a series of则 强调“(并无联系而)连续发生的同类事件;一系列”;D. a group of“一组”。因此答案 应为B。 81. 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查的是名词的辩义。结合上下文,美国的各企业生产了各种物美价廉的 产品来回应这种需求”。四个选项中,只有products表示“产品”。A. production 表示“生 产(强调过程);产量”; B. produce是个动词,表示“生产”;D.sales “总销售量”。 因此答案应为C。 82. 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查的是动词的辩义。结合上下文,“公司设计了独特有效的开瓶器,使 那些双手残疾的人能轻易打开瓶罐”。四个选项中,只有A. enable可以表示“使……可 能”。B. make sb. do sth. 表示“引起;导致” C. cause“导致;使发生”;D. encourage sb to do sth表示“激励;鼓励”。因此答案应为A。 83. 【答案】C 【解析】结合上下文,“公司设计了独特有效的开瓶器,使那些双手太无力而不能轻易 打开瓶罐的人能够打开瓶罐”。此处仅有“too…to”能表达“太…而不能”。因此答案 应为C。 84. 【答案】B 【解析】本题需要根据上下文填入合适的介词。结合上下文,“这些设备使人们能穿上 袜子而不会扭伤背部”。此处只有B.without符合文章的意思。 85. 【答案】D 35 【解析】本题考查的是形容词的辩义。结合上下文,“人们能买到长柄梳和U型背刷来 帮助老人”。此处只有D. available 可以表示“可以得到的;可用的”,符合题义。A.valuable “宝贵的;有价值的”;B. ready“对...有准备的”;C. near“附近的”。 86. 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查的是形容词的辩义。结合上下文,此处需要填入一个形容词表示“够 不着”,只有C符合题义。 Part Translation 87. 【答案】 more than I can describe in words/beyond words 【解析】此处考查的是 ―more than+含有can的从句‖, more than后面虽然是肯定形式, 却表示否定含义。 88. 【答案】 singing and dancing to their heart's content 【解析】此处考查的是分词做状语的用法。非谓语动词在四级翻译题中常常考查,需要 引起足够的重视。 89. 【答案】 as if she knew me 【解析】此处考查的是as if的用法。注意这个句子需要使用虚拟语气。 90. 【答案】 so that it could be conducted / done smoothly 【解析】此处考查的是目的状语从句的用法。 91. 【答案】 he (should) be offended/annoyed 【解析】此处考查的是虚拟语气。在lest, in case和for fear that等引导的状语从句要用 “ (should)+动词原形”。虚拟语气在每年的四级考试中均会涉及,需要引起足够的重视。 4 Part Writing Mobile Phones on Campus Recently, a growing number of students begin to use a mobile phone on campus. Is it a good or bad thing? With regard to this phenomenon, different people hold different views. As a saying goes, each coin has two sides. Indeed, mobile phones have some advantages. For one thing, it enables students to communicate with their friends and relatives very conveniently and rapidly. For another, it can make the students fashionable and satisfy their pride. However, the mobile telephone has a negative effect on the students. Not only will the mobile phone cost them more money than before, but also distract them from their study. Moreover, it will sometimes become a nuisance especially when it rings in class or in the library. As far as I'm concerned, it is unnecessary for the students on campus to use mobile telephones. Since the students' main task on campus is to study, they should concentrate more on their study. If they want to use a mobile telephone, they can use it after graduation. Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】N 【解析】该句句意为“据估计,10%的美国人一年至少有一天晚上无家可归”。本题解题 依据在第2段最后一句话,原文是说大约十分之一的穷人而不是美国人。所以题干与原 文不符合。 2. 【答案】Y 36 【解析】该句句意为“可以有把握地说,自1996年以来,长期无家可归的状况有所改进”。 根据原文第4段最后一句话可知该句表达的意思与原文一致。 3. 【答案】NG 【解析】该句句意为“无家可归管理信息系统在解决该问题上十分有效”。原文在第2 个小标题提到了这个管理系统,但对它是否有效并未作任何说明。 4. 【答案】Y 【解析】该句句意为“最有可能无家可归的是那些具有严重的经济、身体或心理问题的 人”。此句内容其实是围绕原文第3个问题展开的,在第3个小标题的第1段作了详细 的说明。题干表达的意思与原文一致。 5. 【答案】Y 【解析】该句句意为“永久援助房和过渡房被证明是好的措施”。在原文第4个问题的第 2段和第3段,分别说明了永久援助房和过渡房这两种方法经调查研究表明十分有效。 6. 【答案】N 【解析】该句句意为“预防无家可归最好的措施是改变经济状况”。原文最后一个问题的 第1句话明确说明:最有效的措施是对于那些刚刚改过自新、有心理疾病或停止滥用药 物的人,公众应该提供制度性的援助。 7. 【答案】N 【解析】该句句意是“劳教机构和心理健康中心计划在住房业方面投资”。与原文倒数第 3段和倒数第2段表达的意思不符合。 8. 【答案】they don't really do much good 【解析】见原文第3个小标题下第1段最后一句话。 9. 【答案】leaving corrections and mental health facilities/ released from corrections and mental health facilities 【解析】见原文第5个小标题下第1段第3句。 10.【答案】to provide financial assistance 【解析】见最后一段第2句话。 Part Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: Peter, Professor Wilson will teach us next semester. How about his lecture? M: Never before have I heard the professor given such interesting chemistry lectures. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? [B] 【解析】女士问男士Wilson教授的课怎么样, 男士表示自己从未上过这么有意思的化学 课,注意never引导的倒装句,所以答案为B。 12. W: I heard that you had decided not to attend the sports meet. Is that true? M: I think under no circumstances should I give up the rare chance. Q: What do we learn from the man's response? [C] 【解析】女士问男士听说他决定不参加运动会了, 男士表示自己无论如何不会错过这个 难得的机会,注意双重否定的结构表示肯定的意思,所以答案为C。 13. M: What do you think of the lecture? W: Both Helen and Barbara found it interesting, but Sally regretted having attended it and Susan said it was just a waste of time. Q: What do we know from the conversation? [B] 【解析】此题考查人名与信息的匹配,根据筛选答案为B。 37 14. W: I would like to look at the apartment. M: Well, you may come anytime after 5 p.m., ring the bell to my apartment and I'll show you around. Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? [C] 【解析】此题考查对话双方的关系,根据apartment, show sb. around等词语可以判断二 者为房东和租房者的关系,所以答案为C。 15. M: Why are you eating apples for your lunch? Are you on a diet? W: I'm not on a diet. There's nothing but fruits left in the house. Q: Why is the woman eating apples for her lunch? [C] 【解析】男士问女士为什么吃苹果,是不是在节食, 女士回答家里除了水果什么都没有, 所以答案为C。 16. M: There is a limit of three books per person. W: Fine. I'll be certain to return them on time. Q: Where did their conversation most probably take place? [C] 【解析】本题考查的是地点,根据关键词three books per person,return on time,可以判 定地点为图书馆,所以答案为C。 17. M: The English and maths papers weren't easy enough for me. I managed to answer only 16 questions, but I couldn't answer the rest. W: Cheer up! Perhaps you didn't do too badly. Q: What does the woman mean? [A] 【解析】男士告诉女士自己在英文和数学考试中考得不是十分理想,女士安慰他说也许 并不是太糟,不用太担心,所以答案为A。 18. M: Linda, could you possibly give me a hand? I failed to clear up the mess on my own. W: Well, I'd love to, but I am occupied with preparation for tomorrow's meeting. Q: What will the man do next? [A] 【解析】男士希望女士能帮他的忙,但是女士说她在为明天的会议做准备,没有时间, 根据女士的回答可推测男士接下来应该要接着自己干活,所以答案为A。 Now youll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: Hey, Tom. What's up? Where are you off to? M: I'm on my way to the bank. [20 ] I have to open a savings account. Want to come? W: Sure. Wait a minute. M: OK. (a little while later) W: You just said you wanted to open a savings account? M: Yes. W: They usually have two kinds of deposit—time deposit and current deposit. M: What is the minimum deposit for a savings account? W: Sorry. I don't know, but how much money do you want to deposit to start with? M: [19] Two thousand dollars. W: That's big enough for both, I'm sure. M: You know the interest rate, don't you? W: [22] For current deposit it is very low. M: I don't mind that. I want to put my money in the bank just to be on the safe side. 38 W: Good idea. M: Is it convenient to withdraw money from my savings account here? W: It's very easy. [21] You just need to fill out a withdrawal form and hand in your check book together with it, and everything will be OK. M: Do they use a password? W: Yes, you can if you like. M: Do I have to show anything as proof of identification? W: No. They want nothing. Just tell them your name and address. That's all. M: Thank you. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. How much money does the man want to deposit to start with? [A] 【解析】细节题,女士问男士存款刚开始打算要存多少,男士回答两千美元,所以答案 为A。 20. What does the man want to do in the bank? [B] 【解析】从开头的细节可以了解到男士到银行的目的是开户存钱,所以答案为B。 21. How can the man withdraw money from his savings account? [C] 【解析】男士问女士在这里取款是否方便,女士说男士要取钱时只要填一张取款单并附 上自己的存折就能取钱了,所以答案为C。 22. According to the conversation, what do you know about the ―interest rate‖? [A] 【解析】男士问女士存款利率怎么样,女士回答说current deposit(活期存款)的利率 相当低,所以答案为A。 Conversation Two W: Hello, Professor Dannis, my name is Anna Adams. [23] I read in the university newspaper that you were looking for a student to work as a language laboratory assistant? M: Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job? W: I think so, [23[ but before I apply, I'd like you to tell me more about the work. M: Have you worked with tape recorders before? W: I used cassettes a lot when I was studying French in high school. M: Good. [24[ There are many different kinds of language labs, ours is a small one, and it's fairly easy to operate. This is the main control panel, you can set the controls for a lot of students to listen to the lessons they want to hear. If you decide to take the job, I'll explain how the system operates. Most of the lessons are on cassette tapes, but some of them are also on long reel tapes of records. The cassettes are kept in order on these shelves, and they are clearly numbered with the language and the lesson number. For example, the cassettes in the green boxes are French lessons. Records and tapes are over there. W: How many hours would I work? M: We need someone ten hours a week, Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. This is one of the busiest times for this laboratory. W: [25] I'll fill out an application for this job right now. It would fit into my schedule nicely. M: Fine, I'll get back to you in a week or so after we review the applications. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 39 23. What is the woman? [B] 【解析】从开头的细节我们可以知道女士对校报应征语言实验室助理的信息很感兴趣, 想要了解更多细节,所以可以判定她为应征者,答案为B。 24. What is the man's opinion of the language laboratory? [B] 【解析】男士向女士介绍说他们的语言实验室非常小,而且很容易操作,所以答案为B。 25. What will the woman do right now? [A] 【解析】女士认为工作时间很合适,所以准备立刻填,准备应征,所以答案为A。 Section B Passage One For years and years people have been saying that the railways are dead. ―We can do without railways,‖ people say, as if motorcars and planes made the railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, that they lose money that they're dying. [26 ]But this is far from the truth. In these days of expensive oil, the railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods from place to place, they're cheaper than planes. [27] And they have much in common with planes. [28] A plane goes in a straight line and so does a railway. What is more, [27] it takes you from the heart of a city into the heart of another. It doesn't leave you as a plane does, miles and miles from the city center. It doesn't hold you up, as a car does, [28] in endless traffic jams. [27] And a single train can carry goods which no plane or motorcar could ever do. Far from being dead, the railways are very much alive. [28] Modern railway lines give you a smooth, untroubled journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep in comfort, feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling at speed at the same time? And we are only at the beginning, for we have just entered the age of super fast trains, traveling at 150 miles an hour and more. Soon we will be wondering why we spent so much on motorways we can't use because we have not enough money to buy the oil and planes we can't fly in for the same reason. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. What is the main topic of this talk? [C] 【解析】主旨题,从开头提供的信息可以看出有人认为铁路运输已经穷途末路,但是本 文认为这远不是事实,相反,比起汽车交通运输或航空业,铁路业显现出无比的竞争 力,所以答案为C。 27. According to the passage, which of the following is right? [D] 【解析】从第二段第一句可以看出,飞机和火车有很多相似点,所以选项A不正确, 第二句看出火车是把你从城区一个中心带到另一个中心,而飞机场才是远离城区的地 方,所以选项B、C不正确,而火车同飞机,汽车交通运输相比载货量更大,所以答 案为D。 28. According to the speaker, which of the following is not mentioned as the advantage of the railways? [A] 【解析】文中提到了火车的各种优点,如B项直线飞行,C项可以使你避免无休无止的 堵车,和D项舒适的旅行,只要能运载很多乘客没有提到,所以答案为A。 Passage Two In the near future, diagnosing a patient's illness may become much less painful for the 40 patient and less uncertain for the doctor. [29] Research and technological advances in scientific photography may ultimately enable a doctor to discover a patient's problem with pictures rather than with blood and tissue samples. Such new diagnostic techniques may even help doctors detect diseases much earlier than they could, using conventional techniques.[30] One new technique is thermography, a photographic process in which variations in temperature within the body show up its different colors. Even at rest, the temperatures of different areas of the body are constantly changing. Scientists are now trying to understand why this is true and how these variations in temperature relate to illness. Although the research is incomplete, most scientists agree that thermography holds definite possibilities for early detection of disease or for predicting an individual predisposition for certain unhealthy conditions. This technique of measuring the variations of body temperature graphically has a great advantage over X-rays and other conventional diagnostic methods. With the thermography, there are no side effects, no uncomfortable exploratory procedures and there is no need to take blood and tissue samples. Patients need not endure pain or fear unknown procedures.[31] There's no question that this new graphic technique will improve health care in the future. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29. How can a doctor discover a patient's problem in the near future as a result of the research and technological advances? [D] 【解析】从开头的信息我们得出,随着现代医学器械的改进,造影术已经取代了血液和 肌肉样本为医生诊断病情提够帮助和依据,所以答案为D。 30. Who would be most interested in the advances mentioned in the talk? [A] 【解析】本文主要讲解现代医学技术是如何帮助医生确诊病情并帮助医生发现早期病变 的,从四个选项中我们可以看出应该是技术人员更感兴趣的,所以答案为A。 31. What is the main subject of the talk? [D] 【解析】主旨题。本文的大意是介绍造影术是如何为医学服务,实现各种医疗诊察用途 的,所以答案为D。 Passage Three [32] It is estimated that some seven hundred million people—about half the world's population—are unable to read and write, and there are probably two hundred and fifty million more whose level of attainment is so slight that it barely qualifies as literacy. Recently the attack on illiteracy has been stepped up. [33] A world plan has been drawn up by a committee of UNESCO experts in Paris, as part of the UNESCO Nations Development Decade, and an international conference on the subject has also been held. [34] UNESO stresses that functional literacy is the aim. People must learn the basic skills of responsible citizenship: the ability to read notices, newspapers, timetables, letters, pricelists, to keep simple records and accounts, to sort out the significance of the information gathered, and to fill in forms. [35] The major areas of illiteracy are in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. There are at least one hundred million illiterates, comprising eighty to eighty-five per cent of the total population. In Europe the figure is about twenty-four million, most of them in Southern Europe, with Spain, Italy, Portugal, and former Yugoslavia heading the list (the United Kingdom has about seven hundred thousand). 41 Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32. As is estimated, how many people are unable to read and write? [A] 【解析】细节题,开头的第一句就提到世界上有七亿人没有读写能力,所以答案为A。 33. According to the passage, what is UNESCO? [B] 【解析】从文中的第二部分,可以确定该组织是隶属于联合国的一个致力于提高民众读 写能力的组织,所以答案为B。 34. What is the aim of the world plan mentioned in the passage? [C] 【解析】该项活动主要的目的是教会没有读写能力的人最基本的读写技能,满足基本的 国民生存需要,所以答案为C。 35. Which of the following is not the major area of illiteracy? [D] 【解析】细节题,文中提到的没有读写能力的民众主要集中在亚洲,非洲和中南美洲。 不包括北美洲,所以答案为D。 Section C 36. complain 【解析】此处需要一个动词,注意complain 中ai的拼写。 37. comfortable 【解析】此处需要一个形容词,comfortable是常考词汇,一定要掌握拼写和各种词性。 38. inform 【解析】此处需要一个动词,注意应填动词的原型。 39. latest 【解析】此处需要一个形容词。 40. technology 【解析】此处需要一个名词,注意-nology这一常用词尾的拼写。 41. Olympics 【解析】此处需要一个名词,注意Olympics中的复数形式和首字母的大写。 42. education 【解析】此处需要一个名词,education 是常考词汇,易于掌握。 43. programs 【解析】此处需要一个动词,注意programs的复数形式。 44. important political and social events can be watched on TV while they are happening. 【解析】本句的前半句注意两个词组important political 和social events 中political 的拼写以及events的复数形式,can be watched的被动形式,while 之后注意句子的进行形式。 45. A second kind of program that many people like to watch is called a talk show. 【解析】本句的主语较长,主语之中又嵌套了定语从句,所以需注意全句的结构。 46. You can learn many interesting things about important people in theater, politics, sports, and other fields. 【解析】本句主要注意后半句的theater, politics, sports, and other fields 除了theater, 其他词 汇都需复数形式。 Part Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth) Section A 【】 42 名词:companions 陪伴者 fortune 财富 lawyer律师 will遗嘱 动词: refuse 拒绝 gather 聚集 cut 切断 swarm 蜂拥 形容词: right 正确的 violent 激烈的 pleased 满意的 wrong错误 副词: immensely非常地;广大地 eventually最终地 angrily生气地 文章主要介绍了一个有趣的小故事。老露西十分富有,但性情古怪,又深居简出,日 常陪伴她的只有两只宠物猫。在她死后,她的亲属们都来争夺财产,正当他们认为自己都 应该得到大笔遗产的时候,律师宣布露西把全部财产都给了自己的两只宠物猫。 47. 【答案】C 【解析】形容词修饰名词,可以确定该空应该填名词。根据后面的“were”,我们应该 填复数名词companions。 48. 【答案】J 【解析】根据助动词had, 该空缺少动词。“refuse to do sth.”拒绝做某事。 49. 【答案】I 【解析】系动词后加形容词构成系表结构。根据上下文,亲戚们只对她的钱感兴趣,关 于这一点,她的想法是正确的。所以选 right。其他几个形容词please,wrong和violent 均不符合语境。 50. 【答案】G 【解析】首先应该辨别出该空缺少谓语动词。而且是动词的过去时态。答案应该在G 和H中产生。swarm 指“挤满、蜂拥”;gather指“聚集”。根据前面所说的“few relations” (少数几个亲戚),应该选gathered。 51. 【答案】A 【解析】该空需要一个名词,根据上下文,应该是指他们都相信露西给他们留下了一笔 财富。 52. 【答案】L 【解析】修饰名词argument,需要一个形容词,根据上下文“激烈的争吵”符合原意。 53. 【答案】M 【解析】“cut off”是固定的词组,指“切断”。该句意思为在她切断与亲戚的联系之前, 她侄儿是少数几个拜访过她的人。 54. 【答案】K 【解析】“to arrive(到达)”的逻辑主语应该指人。这儿就是指律师。 55. 【答案】B 【解析】指律师庄严地宣读遗嘱will。 56. 【答案】E 【解析】修饰形容词,此空应该选副词。选项中有三个副词:eventually 最后地,最终 地;immensely(非常地,广大地);angrily(生气地)。根据词意,immensely符合, 指Lucy确实非常有钱。 Section B Passage A 本文是说明文,讲述了在浩瀚的太空中,给人类探索带来危险的不止是各种星体,还有 各种宇宙射线。文章探讨了宇宙射线对人类可能造成的伤害和如何防御宇宙有害射线。 57. 【答案】A 43 【解析】细节推理题。根据第1段第2句,大气层之所以对人类至关重要是因为它保护 人类不受来自太空的有害射线伤害。B 项“为植物生长提供足够的光线”、C项“它 提供人类生存所必需的热量”以及D项“它遮蔽下落的流星”都不准确。 58. 【答案】B 【解析】细节题。根据原文第2段,科学家推断人可以忍受远大于0.1雷姆的辐射而不 受到伤害,所以A项可以排除。问题在于要判断是否受到射线伤害极为困难,暴露在 射线中的后果要比较长时间才看得出,所以B项正确。 59. 【答案】D 【解析】细节题。与58题一致,根据最后一段第2句话“迄今为止,还没有辐射危害 数量的报告,但阿波罗号的飞行任务时间相当短”, 可知,阿波罗号的船员已经受到 的有害辐射还不知道。 60. 【答案】B 【解析】推断题。根据最后一句“药物也许有助于减小辐射带来的伤害,但至今还没发 现真正有效的药物”,可以推断防止宇宙辐射绝不容易。 61. 【答案】D 【解析】主旨题。此文主要是谈辐射的危害大以及防辐射的一些措施,D最准确。 Passage B 本文讲述了美国人虽然喜欢多样化和个性化,但是他们却非常喜欢穿着制服。文章接 着分析了他们喜欢制服的原因,并且分析了穿着制服的各种好处和弊端。 62. 【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。根据原文第1段,美国人虽然膜拜多样化和个性化,但他们同样 也喜爱和尊敬制服。A 选项意为“以貌取人”,不正确。C选项指“喜欢拥有职业身 份”,文中没提到。D项指“像尊敬穿制服的将军一样尊敬穿制服的电梯操作员”。原 文只是说美国人尊敬制服,不管是电梯操作员的制服还是将军的制服,并没说对两种 职业的尊敬程度等同。所以正确答案应为D。 63. 【答案】A 【解析】根据第2段,在许多人心目中,穿制服比普通衣服更专业,他们期待穿制服的 人提供更高质量的工作。所以选A正确。 64. 【答案】D 【解析】通过第2段的举例说明,可知制服的首要功能就是能够赋予穿制服的人专业身 份。所以选项D正确。第3段提到了制服的其他一些实际用途,但不是其主要功能。 65. 【答案】C 【解析】根据第4段第1句,可知制服缺乏多样性,让穿制服的人失去个性,故答案为 选项C。 66. 【答案】D 【解析】主旨题。 根据本文内容,不仅讲述了穿制服的好处,也提到了穿制服存在的 问题。所以本文最好的标题应为D。 Part Cloze 本文为一篇说明文。具体讨论了老人的赡养及照顾等问题。 67. 【答案】A 44 【解析】本句意为他们的业余生活要由陌生人来照料。“in the hands of(由„„控制或 照料)”为固定搭配。 68. 【答案】B 【解析】“grown children”过去分词做定语,意为长大的孩子。“growing children(正在 成长的孩子)”,不符合题意。 69. 【答案】C 【解析】“regular(定期的、有规律的)”、“normal(正常的)”、“constant(经常的)”、 “lasting(持续的)”,这里指定期来看望的人。 70. 【答案】A 【解析】“imaginary(不真实的、虚构的)”、“imaginable(可想象的)”、“imaginative(富 于想象力的)”、“imagery(肖像)”。 所以选A,表示这种故事是虚构的。 71. 【答案】A 【解析】that 连接定语从句修饰care。 B、C、D均不能做关系代词。 72. 【答案】B 【解析】选连接词how, 意思为Samuel Prestoon 研究美国家庭是怎样发生变化的,其 他连接词词意不符合。 73. 【答案】D 【解析】average指一般、通常的情况;common表示“普通的”,强调大部分;ordinary 与special相对立,强调普遍性;standard意为“的”。 74. 【答案】C 【解析】moreover 表示递进关系,指除此之外,补充说明前面的观点。B,D均表转折。 75. 【答案】B 【解析】“years ago”为固定表达,所以选B。 76. 【答案】A 【解析】share意为“共享”,常与common搭配。consent意为“同意”。 77. 【答案】B 【解析】person和man都指代单数,people 指代复数。 78. 【答案】C 【解析】could表能力,且与前面时态一致。 79. 【答案】B 【解析】questioned和inquired表示“询问、疑问”,interrogate意为“审问”。故interviewed (面试、访问)符合句意。 80. 【答案】C 【解析】“take on”表示“承担责任”或“呈现”。“take in”意为“接受,欺骗”。“take up”意为“拿起,开始从事,占据”。“take off”意为“起飞”或“脱下”。 81. 【答案】D 【解析】obligation 指义务; admiration意为“赞美,羡慕”; initiative意为“主动”; necessity 意为“必要”。 82. 【答案】C 【解析】“make sb. do sth.”表示“使某人做„„”,符合句意。 83. 【答案】A 【解析】someone在这里泛指某个人。Anyone和anybody指任何人,everyone指每个 人。 84. 【答案】B 45 【解析】dependent指“依赖人的”,符合题意。elderly意为“年老的”;dependable意 为“能够依赖的”;independent意为“独立的”。 85. 【答案】C 【解析】mutually意为“相互地”。照顾老人和被别人照顾是相互满足的经历。 86. 【答案】A 【解析】involved 可表示“有关的”。 Part Translation 87. 【答案】as he likes her 【解析】as引导让步状语从句时需要把形容词或副词方在句首,相当于although引导 的让步状语从句。例如:I know some of the family secrets, young as I am = although I am young, I know some of the family secrets。 88. 【答案】is as great as ever / it used to be / it was 【解析】“和以前一样多”的表达法较多,use to be 是最常用的,it was 是比较简洁的 用法,as great as ever 是根据句意填写的。 89. 【答案】delaying making the decision 【解析】“延期”考查的是词组delay doing sth, 但不要忘记mind doing sth. 的搭配,所 以本句是搭配中套用搭配。 90. 【答案】to whom I complained 【解析】本句应填写的是同谓语,注意过去时态和complain to 的搭配。 91. 【答案】I wouldn't have troubled him so much 【解析】本句考查的是虚拟语气,根据前半句had known, 所以主句应该用would have done 的结构,“添麻烦”英文中用“trouble”一个词就能表达了。 5 Part I Writing Private Schools With the development of the society and economy, there arise a lot of new things. Various private schools are one of them. When you open newspapers, when you turn on TV, when you walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements about private schools. There are private schools mainly dealing with foreign languages, computers, music, sports and so on. However, is it a good or bad thing to have so many private schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools concerning their advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, private schools can meet the special need of the society and the special need of people. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a society without private schools or a society with private schools, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 Y 【解析】从文中给出的伊丽莎白女王的信息,可以推断出她的出生地在苏格兰,同时, 她死后也得到民众爱戴的信息可以在文中第一段直接查到。 2. 【答案】 N 46 【解析】爱德华八世的退位是由于爱情的缘故,但是并不是被迫的,因此,“be forced to abdication”的表述是与实际情况不相符的。 3. 【答案】Y 【解析】通过 Prince Albert 在原文中查找到的相关信息,可以判断,两人是结婚之后再 继承王位的。 4. 【答案】 N 【解析】通过Canada 一词,迅速查找到与此句相关的信息,可以知道题干中提到的政 府官员的热烈欢迎是与原文不相符的。 5. 【答案】 NG 【解析】文章中虽然提到伊丽莎白女王的女儿Margaret Rose,但她与历史上的玫瑰战 争有无关联,文中并未提及,另外,文中也未提及她是伊丽莎白女王的第几个女儿。 6. 【答案】 Y 【解析】通过两个短语 “take action” 和“solve the problems”,可以在文中找到相关的 信息,判断题干是与原文信息相符的。 7. 【答案】N 【解析】文中提到与伊丽莎白的性格有关的信息,如 “never would the public see the strain on the face of the Queen Mother, nor would her popularity ever flag”, “Her passion for horseracing never flagged either” 以及 “Elizabeth lived a life of charm”。但最关键的判 断题干的句子应该是:“She made a difference to millions around the world with her bravery, courage and commitment at a time when such characteristics seemed lacking in the royal household‖。 8. 【答案】loyalty and commitment 【解析】见文章倒数第11段最后一句。 9. 【答案】 crisis or tumult 【解析】见文章倒数第3段。 10. 【答案】 the royal family 【解析】见文章倒数第2段第1句。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W:Did you visit the Television Tower when you had your vacation in Shanghai last summer? M: I couldn't make it last June. But I finally visited it two months later. I plan to visit it again sometime next year. Q: What do we learn about the man? [C] 【解析】女士问男士去年夏天在上海度假时是否去了电视塔,男士回答说当时没有,但 是两个月后去了那里,男士还计划明年再去那里一趟。所以答案为C。 12. W: If I were you, I would have accepted the job. M: I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family. Q: Why didn't the man accept the job? [D] 【解析】女士说要是她就会接受那份工作,男士说他拒绝那份工作是因为那份工作需要 频繁出差。所以答案为D。 13. M: Wouldn't you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to 47 children? W: I don't think it would be as boring as working in an office. Teaching is more stimulating. Q: What does the woman imply about office work? [A]【解析】 男士问女士教书的工作是否很乏味,女士说在办公室工作比教书更乏味。所以 答案为A。 14. W: Oh, it's so cold. We haven't had such a severe winter for so long, have we? M: Yes, the forecast says it's going to get worse before it warms up. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [D] 【解析】女士说好久没有过这么寒冷的冬天了,男士表示同意并且说天气转暖之前还会 变得更冷。所以答案为D。 15. M: Are you ready to check out? W: Yes. I'll pay the bill and you'll call the desk and have our baggage taken out to the taxi. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? [B]【解析】男士问女士是否准备付帐后离开,女士说是的,她来付帐,男士给前台打电话 并且把行李拿到出租车上去,所以这个对话应该发生在旅店。所以选答案B。 16. M: I was terribly embarrassed when some of the audience got up and left in the middle of the performance. W: Well, some people just can't seem to appreciate real-life drama. Q: What does the woman mean? [B]【解析】男士说在演出过程中有些人站起来走了,这使得他很尴尬,女士说有些人就不 会欣赏反映现实生活的戏剧。所以选答案B。 17. M: You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, weren't you? W: Me? You must have made a mistake. I was at home that night. Q: What are they talking about? [D]【解析】 男士对女士说发生抢劫的那天晚上有人看见她在那个商店附近闲逛,女士说那 天晚上她在家里。所以选答案D。 18. M: Prof. Kennedy has been very busy this semester. As far as I know, he works until mid-night every day. W: I wouldn't have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [B]【解析】男士说肯尼迪教授那个学期很忙,每天工作到深夜,女士说如果她知道教授那 么忙,就不会去麻烦他了。“I wouldn't have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.”这句话用的是虚拟语气,表示与事实相反。所以答案选B。 Now you’ll hear two long conversations. Conversation One M: What do you want to do tonight? W: No idea. Why don't you decide? M: How about going to the movies? W: Now that sounds like a great idea. I've got the newspaper in my bag. Wait a minute. I'll check the movie reviews to see what good movies are showing. I prefer to go to the movie theatre rather than MTV. It has a better atmosphere. M: [19] Okay. Check to see if there are any horror movies showing. I like those. I think horrors are exciting. They give me a thrill. W: [19] [20] No. The last time we went to watch a horror. It was called ―Alien‖. It nearly 48 frightened me to death. I had nightmares for weeks afterwards. M: All right. But we're not going to see another tragedy movie. I don't care if it is a powerful movie. I fell asleep during the last one, it was so boring. W: I think that was the director's fault for making such a bad movie, not yours. [19] I usually like tragedies because they have strong plots. They make you think after you've left the theatre. Do you remember [20] ―Dances with Wolves‖? M: Yes. But I'm still not convinced. W: [21] That leaves us only one choice, a comedy movie. [20] It is called ―Home Alone‖. M: Yes, the review does make it sound good. [21] I like comedy movies, especially family comedies. W: [21] Me too. Family movies are always good. And look who the leading actor is. M: Oh! I saw his last movie. His acting was sensational, especially for a kid. He portrayed his part so well. He even got an Oscar nomination for it. W: [21] Okay, let's go. Where is it showing? 19. What did the woman mean when they were talking about horror movies? [B]【解析】女士说不想看恐怖电影,因为上次他们去看的“外星人”把她吓坏了,还使她 做噩梦,她说她通常喜欢看悲剧因为悲剧有很好的情节,可以引发人们进行思考。所以 她在试图说服男士去看悲剧。所以答案为B。 20. Which movie's name is not mentioned in the conversation? [C]【解析】从文中画线部分可知,Alien,Home Alone,Dances with Wolves都被提到,只 有Terminator没有被提到。所以答案为C。 21. What movie were they going to watch at last? [D]【解析】从文章末尾的画线部分可知答案选D。 22. How many kinds of movies have been mentioned in this conversation? [B]【解析】文中提到了horror movie,tragedy movie,comedy movie和family movie四种电 影,所以答案B正确。 Conversation Two W: Sit down please, Mr. Johnson. M: Introduce you, ma'am? W: I have read your letter here. You seem to have done very well in school. Can you tell me something about your schoolwork? M: [23] As you can see, my strongest subjects were art subjects. My best subject was history, and my second best was geography. However, my favorite subject was math, and the results I got in the math paper were quite reasonable. W: That's true. Now, can you tell me why you think these subjects will help you in this job? M: Well, ma'am. I understand that you manufacture computers, prepare software, and advise diets on how to use them. Is that right? W: That's right. M: [24] And I've been told that working with computers needs a logical mind rather than great skills in mathematics. That's especially true, I believe, when it comes to writing programs. So I think my results show that I have some ability in logic and in mathematics, as well. W: So, you would like to write material for computers, would you? 49 M: [25] Yes, ma'am. That's what interests me most about computers, writing programs. But I think the computer industry itself is still expanding enormously. I'm sure that career prospects in the industry would be very good. W: I see. Well, thank you. I've enjoyed our talk. We'll be writing to you. M: Thank you, M' am. Good-bye. 23. According to the conversation, Mr. Johnson is NOT very strong in which subject? [D]【解析】文中提到他最强的科目是文科,他最好的科目是历史,第二好的科目是地理, 不过他最喜欢的科目是数学,他的数学成绩也还可以。所以选答案D。 24. What can help Mr. Johnson a lot in the job? [C]【解析】文中说他被告知和计算机打交道需要一个有逻辑性的头脑而非特别好的数学技 巧并提到他自己有一定的逻辑和数学能力,所以也需要一定的数学技能,所以答案C 正确。 25. What would Mr. Johnson like to work as? [A]【解析】文中提到他最感兴趣的是编写计算机程序,所以选答案A。 Section B Passage One [26] An attempt to study how people in the business world show their superiority was made by two researchers using a series of silent films. They had two actors play the parts of an executive and a visitor, and switch roles each time. The scene had one man at his desk playing the part of an executive, while the other, playing the part of a visitor, knocks at the door, opens it and approaches the desk to discuss some business matter. [26] The audience watching the films was asked to rate the executive and the visitor in terms of status. [27] A certain set of rules about status began to emerge from the ratings. [28] The visitor showed the least amount of status when he stopped just inside the door to talk across the room to the seated man. He was considered to have more status when he walked halfway up to the desk, and he had the most status when he walked directly to the desk and stood right in front of the seated executive. Another thing that affected the status of the visitor in the eyes of the observers was the time between knocking and entering. The quicker the visitor entered the room, the more status he had. The longer the executive took to answer, the more status he had. 26. The two researchers designed the experiment to find out . [C]【解析】文章开头部分提到这两个研究人员要研究的是“做生意的人显示他们的优越性”, 从下文知道,优越性就指的是地位status,符合答案C。 27. Which of the following best summarizes the passage? [A]【解析】文章中间部分提到在这个实验中,一系列关于地位的规则开始出现,所以答案 A正确。 28. Having entered the room, the closer the visitor approaches the executive, . [B]【解析】文中这段文字的意思是说拜访者离管理者的距离越远,他的地位越低;拜访者 离管理者的距离越近,他的地位越高。所以选答案B。 Passage Two There are three groups of English learners: beginners, intermediate learners, and learners of specialist English. Beginners need to learn the basics of English. Students who have reached an 50 intermediate level benefit from learning general English skills. [29] But what about students who want to learn specialist English for their work or professional life?Most students, who fit into this third group have a clear idea about what they want to learn. A bank clerk, for example, wants to use this special vocabulary and technical terms of finance. But for teachers, deciding how to teach specialist English is not always so easy. For a start, the variety is enormous. Every field from air-line pilots to secretaries has its own vocabulary and technical terms. Teachers also need to have an up-to-date knowledge of that specialist language, and not many teachers are exposed to working environments outside the classroom. These issues have influenced the way specialist English is taught in schools. [30] This type of course is usually known as English for Specific Purposes or ESP, and there are ESP courses for almost every area of professional and working life. In Britain, for example, there are courses which teach English for doctors, lawyers, reporters, travel agents and people working in the hotel industry. By far, the most popular ESP courses are for business English. 29. What is the characteristic of learners of special English? [D]【解析】文中说大多数学习职业英语的学生清楚地知道他们想要学习什么。所以选答案 D。 30. Who needs ESP courses most? [A]【解析】文中说学习ESP课程的人几乎涉及到各种职业领域。所以选答案A。 31. What is the speaker mainly talking about? [C]【解析】纵观全文,说话人虽然提到了三组英语学习者,但是第一种和第二种只是一带 而过,他主要说的是第三组学习者,他们学的是English for Specific Purposes。所以选 答案C。 Passage Three In November 1965, New York was blacked out by an electricity failure. [32] The authorities promised that it would not happen again. Pessimists were certain that it would occur again within five years at the latest. In July 1977, there was a repeat performance which produced varying degrees of chaos throughout the city of eight million people. In 1965, the failure occurred in the cool autumn and at a time of comparative prosperity. [33] In 1977, the disaster was much more serious because it came when unemployment was high and the city was suffering from one of its worst heat waves. In 1965, there was little crime during the darkness, and fewer than a hundred people were arrested. In 1977, hundreds of stores were broken into and looted. Looters smashed shop windows and helped themselves to jewelry, clothes or television sets. [35] Nearly 4, 000 people were arrested but far more disappeared into the darkness of the night. The number of policemen available was quite inadequate and they wisely refrained from using their guns against mobs which far outnumbered them and included armed men. Hospitals had to treat hundreds of people cut by glass from shop windows. Banks and most businesses remained closed the next day. [34] The black-out started at 9:30 p.m., when lightning hit and knocked out vital cables. Many stores were thus caught by surprise. The vast majority of New Yorkers, however, were not involved in looting. They helped strangers, distributed candles and batteries, and tried to survive in a nightmare world without traffic lights, refrigerators, elevators, water and electrical power. For twenty-four hours, New York 51 realized how helpless it was without electricity. 32. According to the speaker, who were right, the authorities or the pessimists? [D]【解析】所以选择答案D。 33. In what way was the blackout of 1977 not really a repeat performance? [A]【解析】 34. What caused the blackout in July 1977? [C]【解析】文中指出那次停电是由于闪电引起的,闪电毁坏了重要的电缆。所以答案是C。 35. Why did many looters manage to escape? [C]【解析】文中提到许多抢劫的人成功逃跑是由于警察的数量远远不够,而且还有人携带 武器,B选项有一定的干扰性,错在“Many”这个词上,只是知道有些looters携带武器, 并没说许多looters携带武器。因此,答案C正确。 Section C 36. 【答案】largely 【解析】此处需要一个副词。 37. 【答案】expense 【解析】此处需要一个名词,at the expense of 是一个短语,意思为“以......为代价”。 38 【答案】personnel 【解析】此处需要一个名词,注意和personal 区分开。 39. 【答案】ignore 【解析】此处需要一个动词。 40. 【答案】relations 【解析】此处需要一个名词复数。 41. 【答案】clients 【解析】此处需要一个名词复数,和relations并列。 42. 【答案】endure 【解析】此处需要一个动词。 43. 【答案】responsibility 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 44. 【答案】Although these people know health is the greatest possession, few of them like to prevent themselves from destroying their own health 【解析】首先应抓住这个句子的主要结构,它是一个复合句。前半句的关键词是people, health,possession等,后半句的主要结构是“prevent sb. from doing sth.”。难点在于 possession,few等。 45. 【答案】 Life is lifeless without health 【解析】这个句子很简短,重点和难点都是lifeless这个词。 46. 【答案】that official didn't realize that until it was too late 【解析】这个句子的主要结构是“not…until…”句型。关键词是official,realize,late 等。 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 52 名词:philosophy 哲学 excuse 借口(也可以做动词,意思是原谅) fall 跌倒(也可以做动 词) misfortune 不幸 thief 小偷 动词:assist 帮助 hurt 伤害 worry 担心 comfort 安慰 complain 抱怨 greet 打招呼 suffer 遭受苦难 形容词:grateful 感激的 subtle 微妙的 副词:luckily 幸运地 【短文大意】 本文讲的是关于美国总统罗斯福的故事。罗斯福的家中被盗,他却因此感谢上帝,还列 出了三条原因。这个故事主要想告诉我们应该在生活中学会感恩。感恩是一种重要的人生哲 学。它能给你的生活带来阳光,而抱怨没有任何益处。 47.【答案】G 【解析】此处应选一个动词。此句句意为“感谢你们写信安慰我”。 48. 【答案】B 【解析】句意为“首先,小偷只从我这儿偷走了点东西,一点也没有伤害我”。此处空 白前有“did not”,故只能选一个动词。 49.【答案】K 【解析】句意为“第三,对我而言幸运的是„„”。 50.【答案】L 【解析】句意为“是那个人而不是我成了小偷”。言外之意,所偷之物带给小偷的是无尽 的耻辱,人生的污点。注意此句的幽默之处。 51.【答案】C 【解析】 “be grateful to sb. for sth.”意为“为某事感激某人”。填入“grateful”符合上 下文。人生中应学会辩证地看问题。 52.【答案】D 【解析】此处只能选一个名词。句意为“学会感激是为人之道,也体现人生的大智慧”。 53.【答案】I 【解析】所选的词要与“failure”一词同性近义,均指人生的不幸、逆境和挫折。 54.【答案】M 【解析】所选词必须能与“about”搭配。“complain about”意为“抱怨”,很合句意。 55.【答案】H 【解析】“fall”在这里是名词,意思是“跌倒”。中文中常说“跌倒了爬起来”,此处英 文同理。 56.【答案】E 【解析】“excuse”在此处意思是“借口”,符合句意。“成功了当然有一堆人要感谢,失 败了切莫找借口忘恩负义”。 Section B Passage One 本文主要讲的是为什么计算机犯罪通常会逃脱惩罚。原因之一在于没有人发现。原因之 二在于即使有人发现,也不会去告发,因为这有损于公司的声誉。 57. 【答案】 D 53 【解析】本题主要由第1段的内容推理出来,同时兼用排除法。由第二段的前两句话, 可知计算机犯罪并非不能查出来,所以A、C不对;由第1段第2句中“for his own purposes”可以排除B。 58. 【答案】 D 【解析】第3段主要讲的是我们还不知道有多少计算机犯罪未被发现,第2、第3两句 说那些被发现了的都是偶然的,是他们的运气不好,显然,没被发现的要比已被发现 的数量要多得多。 59. 【答案】B 【解析】本题表面要求寻找细节,但实际仍是一道推断题,考查考生对最后两段的理解。 为什么计算机犯罪会逃脱惩罚呢?最后一段的前两句说得很明白,是因为公司的经 理们害怕“the bad publicity”,即是“bad reputation”之意,所以他们会在揭发计算 机犯罪时犹豫。 60. 【答案】 B 【解析】文章有3处都提到了这个问题的答案,它们分别是第1段的最后一句、第2 段的第2句和第4段。最直接的线索是第2段的第2句。 61. 【答案】 D 【解析】这是一道难度较大的主旨题。答案A和D很相似,文章的很多地方也都讲的 是“computer criminals escape punishment”,但这是表面的,正是因为他们容易逃脱 惩罚,所以文章最后一句说他们可以到一个新地方继续从事犯罪活动,其结果自然 是计算机犯罪消除不了,因此本题选项D更佳。 Passage Two 文章通过描述儿童对数目的反应,探讨儿童对数目的认知能力的发展情况。研 究表明儿童对数目的认知能力既不是轻而易举的,也不是天生的。 62. 【答案】 C 【解析】主旨题。文章通过描述儿童对数目的反应,探讨儿童对数目的认知能力的发展 情况。 63. 【答案】A 【解析】推断题。该题可以参考文章第1段的第3句话:孩子在学会走路和说话后不久 就能开始简单的数数并摆放餐具了。 64. 【答案】 C 【解析】语义题。文中的“illuminated”与“clarified”都有“阐明”的意思。选项A) illustrated意指“举例说明”。如果不认识“illuminated”这个单词,也可以参考后面 的几句话。如“Psychologists have demonstrated that young children,„”以及“Such studies have suggested that the very concept of„”中的“demonstrated”和“suggested” 都可以给我们一些启发。 65. 【答案】 B 【解析】细节题。第2段第4句“Psychologists have demonstrated that young children, asked to count the pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils„ ”表明当 孩子们被哄着去数一堆铅笔的数目时,他们通常是分别数出不同颜色铅笔的数目 (readily report the number of blue or red pencils)。 66. 【答案】 D 54 【解析】细节归纳题。文章最后两句话表明孩子们在学习数学时,既非轻而易举(“with effort”),也非天生的 (“far from innate”)。所以可以看出答案D最不符合作者意思, 为正确答案。 Part V Cloze 本文主要讲的是伯灵敦的人们受到了钟声的困扰。钟声是由四个当地的大学生 敲响的,他们敲钟是为了抗议日夜穿过当地一条狭窄街道的载重货车发出的噪音。 67.【答案】D 【解析】由下文可知,这四名学生是在教堂的钟楼内敲钟以示抗议的,“我”也是在此对 他们进行采访的(参见文章最后一句)。 68.【答案】C 【解析】“ring”意为“ to (cause to) give a sound like a bell (钟、铃等)鸣,响,敲 钟,摇铃”参见下文中的“bell ringer”这一词组。 69.【答案】B 【解析】由下文(使人在夜间难以入睡)可知,这些大卡车是不分昼夜地穿行在这条街 上的。 70.【答案】B 【解析】大卡车的噪音扰民,使人很难入睡。 71.【答案】A 【解析】“do damage to”意为“对„„造成损坏”。 72.【答案】C 【解析】“a place of historical interest”意为“名胜古迹”。 73.【答案】A 【解析】 “If”引导条件状语从句,意为:如果必须让这些噪音很大的卡车在路面上行 驶,那为何不新建一条环城公路呢? 74.【答案】C 【解析】照应下句,意为:镇和一个大的村庄没有什么两样,街道狭窄,本来就不是为 通行这么多车辆而设计的。 75.【答案】B 【解析】Be meant /intended for sth /to do sth.= be done or made for a particular purpose. 76.【答案】C 【解析】Jean Lacey是一位生物系学生,由“also”一词可知Harry Fields也是学生物的。 77.【答案】D 【解析】 由上文可知,他们要连续两周不停地敲钟,制造尽可能大的噪音,以迫使政府 意识到噪音扰民这一问题。 78.【答案】A 【解析】“stand (vt.)”意为“to bear; put up with; tolerate; endure”,即“容忍;忍受”。 79.【答案】B 【解析】联系下文,此处意为:不管怎么说大多数官员是不住在这儿的,他们进城来是 为了参加会议。 80.【答案】A 【解析】这些官员既不住在这儿,进城来开会,又待在有隔音功能的大厅内,很有可能 注意不到噪音的严重性。 55 81.【答案】C 【解析】“mostly (ad.)”意为“大多数”,即“most of the public (were on their side)”。 82.【答案】B 【解析】“be afraid that”意为“fear that”。 83.【答案】D 【解析】“come to stop them (from doing that)”意为“来阻止他们(这样做)”。 84.【答案】A 【解析】“proper”意为“right, suitable, correct”,即“适当的,恰当的,对的”。此处意 为“实际上我们是正当的敲钟人——是帮助教堂敲钟的”。 85.【答案】D 【解析】联系上文,他们不担心警察来阻止他们,是因为他们是专门负责帮助教堂敲钟 的。没有一条法律规定不准练习敲钟。 86.【答案】A 【解析】“我”在采访完这四名大学生后,离开教堂,耳边还回荡着钟声。 Part VI Translation 87.【答案】 no matter whether it is big or small / however small it might be / either big or small / big or small 【解析】“不论大小”可译为“no matter whether it is big or small 或者however small it might be 或者 either big or small 或者big or small”。 88.【答案】 worry about nothing/be afraid of nothing wherever/no matter where you go 【解析】 “worry about”是一个动词短语,意思为“担心”,“都不怕”也可译为“be afraid of nothing”;“wherever/no matter where you go”正好对应“走遍天下”。 89.【答案】 so that/in order that they might understand each other / so as to/in order to get a mutual understanding / for mutual understanding 【解析】“以便”表示目的,可以译成从句形式,如“so that/in order that+句子”,也可译 成不定式短语,如“so as to/in order to+动词原形”,还可译成介词短语形式,如“for…”。 90.【答案】 Apart from setting a good example 【解析】“除了”可译成“Apart from…”,“以身作则”可译成“set a good example…”, 连起来,即得到答案。 91.【答案】rather than regret for the past 【解析】“而不是”可译成“rather than…”,“rather than…”前后的结构应该一致,所以 后面应该跟动词原形。 6 Part I Writing The TeacherStudent Relationship It goes without saying that a good teacherstudent relationship can effectively further students to higher level in study. Teachers with patience and understanding encourage their students and are always ready to help the students. They are welcomed by the students. As for the students, learning becomes one enjoyable and interesting thing. Nevertheless, a bad relationship between teachers and students seriously weakens the 56 achievement of teaching. It discourages the students from learning vigorously, leaving them with a negative and passive attitude towards study. As a consequence, teaching also becomes a burdensome task for the teachers. There is no denying that both the teachers and the students will be bothered with this and therefore a vicious circle is formed. When it comes to my opinion, a good teacher-student relationship makes a teacher's job worthwhile, while a bad one hinders the students' development. So more attention should be attached to the relationship between students and teachers. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 N 【解析】本题的定位词是“break up”, 应锁定“Rebound”这个标题,最后一句话。文 章谈到“less discriminating”,指的是比较不挑剔,与“choosy”意思正好相反。 2. 【答案】 NG 【解析】本题的定位词是“Romeo and Juliet Effect”, 锁定第2个小标题,作者提到了 “Romeo and Juliet Effect”, 也提到了人们因为父母的反对而结婚,但是并不存在比较。 3. 【答案】Y 【解析】本题的定位词是“appearance”,锁定小标题“Physical Appearance”, 本题涉及 伴侣容貌与婚姻持久的关系,与该段的意思相同。 4. 【答案】N 【解析】本题的定位词是“escape”, 锁定小标题“Escape”段落,作者谈到有些人结婚 是为了远离不愉快的家庭环境。但并不能帮助逃避现实。 5. 【答案】Y 【解析】本题的定位词是“push”, 锁定小标题“Social Pressure”,作者通过50多岁那 位男子的访谈暗示了社会压力对婚姻的影响。 6. 【答案】N 【解析】本题的定位词是“economic”, 锁定小标题“Economic Advancement”下的第2 段,作者提到“Is marrying for economic advancement the right reason? The answer depends on the individuals”。 7. 【答案】N 【解析】本题的定位词是“pity and obligation”, 锁定小标题“Pity and Obligation”, 作 者谈到这样的婚姻中,被同情的一方往往“resent being the object of a crusade”,而并不 是不满足。 8. 【答案】the Romeo and Juliet 【解析】本题的定位词是“interference”,小标题“Rebellion”下第二句话。 9. 【答案】more important business ties / social connections 【解析】本题的定位词是“economic advancement”, 锁定小标题“Economic Advancement”, 参考这句话“This can be especially true on some professions where social connections provide important business ties”。 10.【答案】emotional security 【解析】本题的定位词是“interpersonal emotional relationship”,参考最后一个小标题 “Positive Reasons for Marrying”下的这句:“Marrying for emotional security implies that a 57 person seeks the stable structure of marriage to help ensure the maintenance of a close interpersonal emotional relationship over time.”原题只是把句子中概念的顺序调换了一下。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: Can I borrow your Longman dictionary? I lost mine on the bus. W: You've asked the right person. I happen to have one at hand. Q: What does the woman mean? [B] 【解析】男士问女士是否可以借用她的字典。女士的回答为你找对人了,并进一步解释 说她碰巧手头有一本。所以答案为B。 12. W: You've sold your car. You don't need one? M: Not really. I've never liked driving anyway. Now that we've moved to a place near the subway entrance, we can get about quite conveniently. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? [D] 【解析】女士对男士卖掉汽车不解,问他难道是不需要车吗,男士告诉她说他不喜欢开 车,而且他还搬到了一个力地铁口很紧的地方。所以答案A和B错误,正确答案为 C。 13. W: If it hadn't been snowing so hard, I might have been home by 8 o'clock. M: It's too bad you didn't make it. Tom was here and he wanted to discuss his dissertation with you. Q: What happened to the woman? [D]【解析】对话中女士说如果不是下这么大雪,她八点前就回家了。注意用的是虚拟语气, 所以真实情况是她没有在八点前会见。所以答案为D。 14. M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we'd gone to the school dining hall. W: But the food isn't everything. Isn't it nice just to get away from all the noise? Q: What can we learn from the conversation? [A] 【解析】对话中男士对餐馆的饭菜很不满意,而女士觉得饭菜算不了什么,躲开吵闹本 身就很不错。从她的回答可以看出答案A符合题意。 15. W: Wouldn't you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to children? M: I don't think it would be as boring as working in an office. Teaching is most stimulating. Q: What does the woman imply about office work? [A]【解析】 对话中男士问女士年复一年的教书是不是很让人烦。女士回答说教书不像在办 公室上班那么让人烦。所以选答案A。 16. W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you? M: So do I. Let me call the room service. Hello, room service, please send a menu to room 320 right away. Q: Where are the two speakers? [A]【解析】回答此题目需要抓住一个关键词组room service,只有在宾馆里才会有这样的服 务,所以选答案A。 17. W: This coat costs 50 dollars, but I have only 35 dollars. M: I have 26 dollars. Q: How much do they have between them? 58 [A]【解析】此题目需要做个简单的计算,即把两人的钱数相加,所以答案为A。 18. W: The taxi driver must have been speeding. M: Well, not really. He crashed into the tree because he was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck ahead of him. Q: What do you learn about the taxi driver? [B]【解析】出租车司机为了躲开从前面卡车上掉的盒子而撞到了树上。所以答案选B。 Now you’ll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: Hello. Klarkson College. May I help you? M: Yes. I'm looking for information on courses in computer programming. I need it for the fall semester. W: Do you want a day or evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. W: Uh-huh. Have you taken any courses in data processing? M: No. W: Oh, well, [19] data processing is a pre-requisite course. You have to take that course before you can take computer programming. M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it's not on Thursdays. W: Well, [20] there's a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven. M: Just once a week? W: Yes. But that's almost three hours, from 7 to 9:45 p.m. M: Oh, that's all right. I can manage that. How many weeks does the course last? W: Um, let me see. [20][21]12 weeks. You start the first week in September and finish„oh, just before Christmas, December 21st. M: And how much is the course? W: [20] [21] That's $300 and that includes the necessary computer time. M: Uh-huh, OK. Um, where do I go to register? W: Registration is on the 2nd and 3rd of September, between 6 and 9 p.m., in Frost Auditorium. M: Is that the round building behind the parking lot? W: Yes, that's the one. M:[ 21] Oh, I know how to get there. Oh, is there anything I should bring with me? W: No. Just your check book. M: Well, thank you so much. W: You are very welcome. Bye. M: Bye-bye. 19. What is required before taking the computer programming course? [C]【解析】从女士的回答看出,要学编程这门课程必须先学data processing这门课,所以答 案为C。 20. What do you know about the computer programming course? [B]【解析】从女士进一步的介绍可知,这门课是周一晚上上课,共12周,即大约三个月, 300美元是这门课的学费加上必要的上机费而不是注册费,所以答案B正确。 21. What is true according to the conversation? [C]【解析】从女士的介绍可知,这门课学费是300 美元,共12周,所以每周花费25美元, 59 符合答案C。 Conversation Two M: Susan, I could really use your help this weekend. W: What is it, Jim? Another term paper? M: No, no. This is easy compared to that. [22] My cousin is coming on Thursday. She had an interview at the college and I promised my aunt I'd look after her. We are going to the game on Friday, but Saturday I'm on duty at the lab all day and can't get out of it. Uh, [22] I was wondering if you could show her around during the day and maybe we can all meet for dinner later. W: Sure. I don't have any plans. What kind of things does she like to do? M: [23] Actually I haven't seen her for 2 years. She lives so far away. [23] [25] But this will be her first time on a college campus; she is still in high school. So she probably will enjoy anything on campus. W: Well, there is a music festival in the auditorium. That's a possibility. Only I hope it doesn't snow. They are predicting 68 inches for the weekend. Everything will be closed down then. M: Uh, how about dropping her off at your place on my way to work, around eleven? But if there is a blizzard, I'll give you a call and see if we can work out something else. W: Sounds good. [24] Meantime I'll keep Saturday open. We can decide Friday night when we have a better idea of the forecast. M: I hope this works out. I feel kind of responsible. She won't know her way around. And I want her to have a good time. Anyway I really appreciate your help. I owe you one. W: No problem. I'll talk to you tomorrow. 22. What does Jim ask Susan to do? [C]【解析】对话中提到男生的cousin来大学面试,他问Susan白天是否可以带她到处转转。 所以答案C正确。 23. What does Jim say about his cousin's interests? [D]【解析】因为男生两年没见到他的cousin了,所以不太清楚她的爱好,但因为她是中学 生,所以猜测她可能喜欢大学里的任何活动,所以选答案D。 24. What do you know about their plan for Saturday? [C]【解析】两人讨论说要等周五晚上再决定,所以答案C正确。 25. What can be inferred about Jim's cousin? [B]【解析】Jim说他cousin还在读高中,所以可知她比他年龄小,所以选答案B。 Section B Passage One [26] An elderly woman yesterday made a legal claim against a department store because it had wrongly accused her of [27] stealing a Christmas card. Ms. Doss White, 72 years old, is claiming $3,000 damages from the store for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment. Mrs. White visited the store while doing Christmas shopping, but did not buy anything. She was followed through the town by a store manager. He had been told that a customer saw her take a card and put it in her shopping bag. He stopped her at a bookstore as she was reading a book. Mrs. White said, ―This man, a total stranger, suddenly grasped my bag and asked if he could look in it.‖ [28]She was taken back to the store and shut in a small room in full view of shoppers for 20 minutes until the police arrived. At the police station she was body-searched and nothing was found. [29] Her lawyer said the department store sent an insincere apology and they insisted that she may have 60 been stealing. The hearing continues today. 26. What does the story tell us about the old woman? [D]【解析】文章的开头之处指出“昨天一位老太太起诉了一家百货商店,因为该店冤枉她 偷了一张圣诞贺卡”,符合答案D。 27. What was said to have been stolen? [D]【解析】题目询问据称什么东西被偷了。文章首句指出“该店冤枉她偷了一张圣诞贺卡”, 所以选答案D。 28. What happened to Mrs. White after she was taken back to the store? [B]【解析】题目问Mrs. White被带回商场之后发生了什么事。答案对应的句子是“她被带 回商店,并在众目睽睽之下被关进一个小房间达20分钟之久,直到警方人员到来”,所 以选答案B。 32. What was now the attitude of the department store in this legal case? [C]【解析】题目问在这个案子中,商店的态度如何。文中说“老太太的律师说百货商店的 道歉并不真诚,而且他们坚持认为她可能头偷了圣诞卡”,所以选答案C。 Passage Two The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding ceremony. Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together. The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring. That tradition is said to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to marry. [30] The diamond represented beauty. He placed it on the third finger of her left hand. [31] He chose that finger because it was thought that the blood vessel in that finger went directly to the heart. Today we know that this is not true. Yet the tradition continues. Americans generally are engaged for a period of about one year if they are planning a wedding ceremony and a party. During this time, friends of the bride may hold a party at which women friends and family members give the bride gifts that she will need as a wife. These could include cooking equipment or new clothing. Friends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him. This usually takes place the night before the wedding. Only men are invited to the bachelor party. During the marriage ceremony, the bride and her would-be husband usually exchange gold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. The wife often wears both the wedding ring and the engagement ring on the same finger. The husband wears his ring on the third finger of his left hand. Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time to plan the wedding. [32]But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people are sure they want to marry each other. Either person may decide to break the engagement. If this happens, the woman usually returns the ring to the man; they also return any wedding gifts they have received. 33. What was the diamond ring said to represent? [A]【解析】题目问钻石代表什么。关键在于听到“钻石代表美丽”,即答案A。 34. Why did the Austrian man place the diamond ring on the third finger of the left hand of his would-be wife? [C]【解析】题目问那个奥地利人为什么把钻石戴在准妻子的左手中指上,关键是听到“人 们认为左手中指里的血管直接与心脏相通”,所以选答案C。 32. What is the chief advantage of having the engagement period? 61 [B]【解析】题目问订婚期的主要好处是什么,答案在句子“但主要目的是和使双方有充足 的时间来确定他们愿意与对方结婚”,所以选择答案B。 Passage Three The nationwide EU-China Training Project for Clerical Staff recently started in Beijing following the launch of a piloting program in Wuhan, Hubei Province. [33] The project is designed to improve the competitiveness of Sino-EU joint ventures. Any enterprise in any region will be able to discuss training requests with foreign experts and jointly devise training programs. Helped by European and Chinese experts the project will not only train clerical staff, [34]but also benefit the Chinese education system by employing the latest European training methods. Most of the project's services will be free. [35] The piloting program in Wuhan, funded with 15 million euros from the EU Commission and Hubei Province, will improve staff in Sino-EU joint ventures over the next five years. Another 40 projects will go in other provinces and in different companies. 33. What's the purpose of the project? [D]【解析】题目问这个项目的目的是什么,第二段第一句指出“这个项目的目的是提升中 欧合资企业的竞争力”,所以选答案D。需要注意的是答案B的意思是“提升在中国的 欧洲公司的竞争力”,与题目不符。 34. How can the project benefit the Chinese education system? [C]【解析】题目问这个项目能给中国的教育制度带来什么好处,关键是听到“这个项目还 会因为采用最新的欧洲培训方法而是中国教育制度收益”,所以选答案C。 35. Who supported the pilot program in Wuhan? [D]【解析】题目问谁为武汉的试点项目提供资金,关键是听到“投资1500万欧元的武汉试 点项目由欧盟委员会和湖北省共同承担”,所以选答案D。 Section C 36. 【答案】experience 【解析】此处需要一个动词,它和前面的do和be为并列成分。 37. 【答案】goals 【解析】 此处需要一个作主语的名词。 38 【答案】vision 【解析】此处缺一个名词。 39. 【答案】short-term 【解析】可以参考后面的long-range,拼写时两个单词之间需要加上连词符号。 40. 【答案】setting 【解析】这里需要一个动词的现在分词与goals搭配,意思是“树(设)立目标”。 41. 【答案】decide 【解析】此处需要一个动词和后面的get为并列成分。 42. 【答案】accident 【解析】by accident为固定搭配,意思是“偶然”。 43. 【答案】ideals 【解析】根据需要,此处需要填一个名词,而且意思上和后面的goals属于同一范畴, 不要忽略是用名词的复数形式。 44. 【答案】You are the one who must decide what to go after and in what direction to aim your 62 life 【解析】首先应该记下句中的一些关键词,如decide, direction等,再抓住You are the one who …句型,最后根据语法和关键词把从句补充完整。 45. 【答案】 Writing goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power 【解析】这个句子的主语Writing goals 是关键,同时需要注意后面reviewed 和regularly 的拼写。 46. 【答案】when you write your goals in a particular fashion,you are able to stimulate your subconsciousness 【解析】这个句子的结构是When…, you are able to do…, 其中的particular,stimulate 和 subconsciousness是难点。句中的 in a particular fashion 相当于in a particular way。 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词:incidents事件;事变 effects影响remains剩余的东西;废墟;遗体 portable手提打字 机;可移动的房屋 liberal开明的人;自由主义者 affects 感情,情感 equipment 装 备;设备 动词 remains 保留;保持[第三人称单数] refreshing 使清新,振作,吃点心[现代分词] predicting 预言;预料[现代分词] affects 影响[第三人称单数] 形容词 definite 明确的;肯定的critical关键的;批评的 reluctant不愿意的;难处理的 refreshing 使人振作的;使人耳目一新的 portable轻便的;可携带的 enormous 巨 大的 liberal自由的;丰盛的 loud响亮的;吵闹的 副词 particularly特别;尤其loud大声地;响亮地 【短文大意】今天飞机所面临的最大威胁不是持枪的恐怖分子,而是公务舱里拿手提电脑的 人。因为手提电脑、收音机、录音机和手机等发出的辐射可能影响飞机的导航和通讯 波长,有人建议在飞机起飞和降落的“关键”时刻禁用这些电子产品,甚至有人提出 在整个航行过程中都禁用这些电子产品。因为飞机容易受到这些产品发出的电磁影 响,作者担心恐怖分子会利用这一点来破坏飞机的导航设备。 47.【答案】I 【解析】此处需要形容词做computer的定语。根据上下文,能带上飞机的应该是笔记本 电脑。portable 表示“便携的”。 48. 【答案】B 【解析】此处需要名词做report的宾语,并且是可数名词,再根据上下文,判断是incidents, 选remains。 49.【答案】D 【解析】此处需要动词,做“the source”的谓语,并且必须是第三人称单数,根据句义, 排除affects而选remains,即答案D。 50.【答案】E 【解析】此处需要形容词做stage的定语,根据后面的landing和take-off,可以断定是 表示“关键的”(critical)时刻。 51.【答案】F 【解析】此处需要介词短语或副词来连接“stages of flight”和“take-off and landing”。 63 52.【答案】G 【解析】此处需要表语形容词,空格后半句说很多乘客喜欢在飞行时工作,因此对于完 全的禁令,他们是不愿意的(reluctant)。 53.【答案】K 【解析】这里需要跟的是difficulty的内容,因此用动名词predicting。 54.【答案】M 【解析】此处需要动词,第三人称单数,且必须能与wavelengths搭配。 55.【答案】N 【解析】此处需要名词,做damage的宾语。 56.【答案】O 【解析】此处需要形容词,来修饰music,再根据句义,因为音乐太大而听不到指令,所 以选loud。 Section B Passage One 本篇文章主要介绍了伦敦著名设计师Anya Hindmarch为了促进环保,减少塑料袋的使用,设计了一款上面写着“我不是塑料袋”的帆布大手提包,结果热卖,引起抢购,甚至在 香港出现了拥挤伤人事件。设计者的意图很明确:既然我不能从伦理道德的角度去限制人们 使用塑料袋,我可以从时尚的角度去引领大家。最后她还提醒纽约市民注意那些经历了香港 拥挤伤人事件但却没买到包包的人会飞到纽约试试运气。最后她还不忘幽默一句:“我可不 想看到包被踩上脏乎乎的脚印或发生拥挤伤人事件”。 57. 【答案】B 【解析】该句话的上文谈到了这种布包的流行,那么这句话肯定是对布包流行的阐释。 A和B都谈到了包的流行,那就要注意关键词line的理解了,这里指的是排队的人。 58. 【答案】C 【解析】文中谈到Anya Hindmarch在世界各地有34家商店,但是卖这种布袋的商店远 远不止34家,在食品超市里也有售。 59. 【答案】B 【解析】文中说“canvas tote”成为伦敦的时髦话题,而且又是Anya Hindmarch女士设 计的,因此就是那种布袋了。 60. 【答案】A 【解析】文章没有明确谈到她的态度,但根据最后一句话“I don't want to think about the carbon footprint for that”she said, “Or the trampled”她还是很乐于看到自己的包畅销。 61. 【答案】D 【解析】作者既谈到了该潮流对环保的促进作用,也看到了这股潮流成为商家盈利的一 个有利手段,因此还是比较客观的。 Passage Two 在这篇文章里,作者把新泽西州一中学生Tanja Vogt 和美国革命期间的伟大革命家和思想宣传家汤姆斯?佩恩(Thomas Paine)作了比较,因为两者都是因为写了一篇文章而对社会 作出了贡献,也对美国社会产生了重要影响。Tanja Vogt得知教育局准备用聚苯乙烯制造的 64 午餐托盘来替代纸制的托盘后,马上写了一篇文章来呼吁大家制止这种行为。在老师的鼓励 下,她和同学们在中学做了调查并把调查结果呈给教育局,教育局最后决定恢复使用纸制托 盘。 62. 【答案】A 【解析】根据第一段最后一句“the answer is that both inspired major changes in their societies by writing an essay” 可知,作者花如此大的篇幅写Vogt的故事的目的不是为 了保护环境,也不是为了让读者挑战权威,而是为了表明essay的影响和作用。 63. 【答案】B 【解析】根据第4段第3句后半部分“Stehle challenged his class to do something about the polystyrene problem”可知,作为教师,Stehle讲这个故事,目的是为了让学生们以 Thomas Paine为榜样为环境问题做点什么。 64. 【答案】A 【解析】根据4个选项分别进行定位。 65. 【答案】B 【解析】根据语法、逻辑把4个选项放进原句进行检验。 66. 【答案】C 【解析】“the Board of Education”做出这个决定的主要立足点是因为纸质托盘较贵,而 当Vogt等人向其提交调查结果时,“the Board of Education”并没有就聚苯乙烯对环 境有害展开调查,而只是在学生中做了一个关于愿意不愿意使用较贵的纸质托盘的调 查,由此可推断其事先是知道聚苯乙烯对环境的危害性的。D错在“with their academic knowledge”。 Part V Cloze 本文指出,男人和女人对卡通画、喜剧或俏皮话的反应不同是有原因的。这个发现或许 有助于解释为什么男女有别,也有助于揭示男女大脑工作的秘密。 67.【答案】C 【解析】考查的是情态动词的用法,根据上下文,这里表达的是一种可能,故选might。 68.【答案】A 【解析】考查短语用法:turn out证明是;carry out 执行; work out 计算出,解决; speak out 说出。 69.【答案】C 【解析】根据破折号后的“men and women”,应选gender。 70.【答案】B 【解析】confronted with 面临。 71.【答案】D 【解析】shed light on为固定搭配,意为“解释、阐明”。 72.【答案】A 【解析】这里要表示的是大脑工作的方式,所以用how。 73.【答案】A 【解析】go a long way towards 向„„方向努力。 74.【答案】D 【解析】eminent显赫的,杰出的。“This very day”表示强调。 65 75.【答案】A 【解析】otherwise 不同的。 76.【答案】D 【解析】根据空格的than,可以考虑用比较级。之后的greater表明应是选faster。 77.【答案】B 【解析】due to由于。 78.【答案】C 【解析】这句话与上句是并列的,都是与男人对比,所以用比较级。 79.【答案】B 【解析】be all business为固定搭配,意为“老练”。 80.【答案】B 【解析】考词义:supposed 猜想的,认为的,alleged所谓的,ostensible虚假的,feasible 可行的。 81.【答案】A 【解析】固定搭配。 82.【答案】C 【解析】hardly necessary 几乎没必要。 83.【答案】B 【解析】伴随状语。“refer to”指“谈到”。这里是说他谈到一本关于男女差异的书。 84.【答案】C 【解析】男女很有可能有不同的处理情感信息的方式。 85.【答案】D 【解析】这项研究在科学界是很重要的一个发现,但是对凡人来说则是习以为常的。 86.【答案】B 【解析】one指代observation。 Part VI Translation 87.【答案】would have left for New York 【解析】前面出现了by开头的时间短语,一般情况下后面需要用将来完成时态。 88.【答案】the temperature falling so quickly/rapid; with such a rapid/quick-falling temperature 【解析】这里可以用独立主格结构,with sb./sth. doing sth.,要用主动语态,这部分也可 以翻译成with such a rapid/quick-falling temperature。 89.【答案】your delaying (making) the decision/ your putting off (making)the decision 【解析】mind后面需要接动名词,mind doing 的意思是“介意(自己)干„„”,mind sb‘s doing的意思是“介意(别人)干„„”。“推迟”既可以翻译成“delay”,也可以用“put off”,这两个词后面都需要接名词或者动名词。 90.【答案】pick up a lot of bad habits/ accustom oneself to bad habits /get into bad habits/ acquire a bad habit 【解析】这个短语的翻译方法很多,只要能用到一即可。 91.【答案】increased/rise by 27% 【解析】英语中表示增加的部分,用前置词by,如to increase/rise by fifty people 增加 了50人;to increase/rise by eighty per cent 等等。 7 Part I Writing 66 My Attitude Towards Fighting Against Criminals Today crime rate in our society seems to be rising. Thefts, robberies, pickpockets and murders are reported to take place even in broad daylight. Facing this phenomenon, people take different attitudes. Some feel frightened and turn a blind eye to the criminals. Others are brave and run risk of their lives in fighting with the criminals. They take it as their duty to protect the social law and order. As for me, I take the attitude of the latter. As a member of the big family—our society, I prefer to fight against the criminals. To ensure the social security and protect people‘s lives, I put forward the following suggestions: First of all, the government should keep a continuous law education among people. Secondly, criminals should be punished severely. And finally, it is imperative to set up a public foundation system to reward those who fight against criminals. Only in this way, will more people join the fight against criminals and will our society be more secure and peaceful. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 N 【解析】从文章题目可以看出,这篇文章主要列举了房地产投资者的十大错误,但文章 没有指出这是所有的错误。文章第三段的“You should identify the 10 types of traps into which real-estate investors most often fall”更是指出这是通常最容易落入的陷阱,而不是 所有的。我们在对含有“always”,“all”之类的词的题目作判断时一定要慎重。除非文 章当中出现这样的句子,一般情况下不要判断这样的题目为“YES”。 2. 【答案】 Y 【解析】这个题目的答案可以在第一个副标题下面的第一段找到原文是“Lack of a plan is the biggest mistake new investors make”。 3. 【答案】N 【解析】在文章的第二个副标题“Thinking you‘ll get rich quick”下面紧跟着的“That kind of wrongheaded thinking”说明这种看法是错误的。在第二段还可以找到“Real estate isn't easy. It's a good long-term investment”,这进一步从正面解释这种看法是幼稚的。 4. 【答案】N 【解析】这个题目的答案可以在第三个副标题的第一段找到:“A key to success is building the right team of professionals”。从这里可以看出,做房地产投资要成功仅仅有个人能力 远远不够,还需要团队的力量。 5. 【答案】Y 【解析】从文章第四个副标题的第一段 “Heller says the biggest reason investors don't make money is simple: They pay too much for properties”,可以判断本题正确。 6. 【答案】N 【解析】从文章第五个副标题下的第一段可以知道尽管大家都知道要行医需要多年的教 育和训练,但大家对投资房地产有个误区,有很多人甚至连书本都没碰就进入这一行业。 7. 【答案】NG 【解析】在文章第五个副标题下的第二段最后一句可以看到作者建议“If you can't find a local chapter, find out who owns a lot of rental properties in the area, call them up and offer to pay for an hour or two of their time to find out whether this is a good career for you”。但文章 并没有提到是否应该找朋友探讨。 67 8. 【答案】7% to 10% 【解析】从文章第七个副标题的第二段可知,买了房子然后往外出租也不一定能成。一 般的房地产经纪人更愿意做一个小区的出租代理,这样就使得 “And fees of 7% to 10% of the monthly rent are common”。 9. 【答案】have two or three ways/ have two, if not three, ways 【解析】文章第九个副标题的第二段开头就是本题目的答案“Always have two, if not three, ways to get out of any deal”。 10. 【答案】double the amount of time and money 【解析】在全文的最后一段,可以发现“Crowe tells his new rehabbers that after they've done their homework, they should double the amount of time and money they think it will take.”这 句话。这正是这个题目的答案。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: What medicine are you taking? W: No, not medicine. These are vitamin pills to keep me from catching cold. I‘m keeping a diet and do not have balanced meals. Q: What is the woman taking? [B]【解析】男士问女士在吃什么药。女士的回答为No,并进一步解释说这些维生素药片能 使她不得感冒。所以答案为B。 12. W: Hi! I‘m interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. M: OK. Please have a seat. One of our rental agents will be with you in a moment. Q: Where does the conversation most probably happen? [C] 【解析】女士想租一个两居的房子,男士告诉她说他们的一个业务员很快就来。所以 答案为C。 13. W: I just learned that Elizabeth is going back to France in two weeks. I thought she was looking for a job. M: No. She was here only for studies. She has to go back now. Her visa expires soon. She hasn‘t seen her family for two years. Q: Why will Elizabeth go back to her country? [D]【解析】 对话中女士原以为Elizabeth回法国是为了找工作,而真正的原因有两个,一 是她的签证很快要到期了,另一个原因是她两年没见到家人了。所以答案为D。 14. M: How do you like your new apartment? W: It‘s comfortable. But we miss the beautiful garden in the old house although it is unfurnished. Q: How do the woman and her family feel about their new apartment? [C] 【解析】 问题是关于女士和家人对旧房子的感觉。从她的回答可以看出答案C符合题 意。A、B、D三个答案都与旧房子有关。 15. W: You cough a lot. It will do you good if you quit smoking or at least cut down on it. M: My doctor has told me the same thing, but I just can‘t force myself to do it. Q: What does the man think of the woman‘s suggestion? [A]【解析】 对话中女士建议男士戒烟或者少吸烟。男士回答说他的医生也这样建议的,但 68 是他不能强迫自己做到这一点。所以选答案A。 16. M: How was your trip to New York? W: To tell the truth, I would rather have stayed at home and watched the TV opera. Q: What does the woman mean? [D]【解析】男士问女士纽约之行如何?女士的回答是她更愿意呆在家里看电视剧。对话中 用到了虚拟语气,表示与过去实际发生的情况相反。 17. W: Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend? I hear the speaker is an expert in Jane Austin. M: Great! I‘m writing a paper on one of her novels. Maybe I can get some new information to add to it. Q: What does the man mean? [B]【解析】 女士问男士是否会去周末的演讲,因为演讲者是研究Jane Austin的专家。男士 回答为“太棒了”!因为他或许可以从中获得一些新内容,新知识。 18. M: The train is leaving in ten minutes. When Susan and John going to get here? W: It‘s 10:30 already. They are supposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15. Q: When is the train leaving? [B]【解析】男士说还有10分钟火车就要开了。女士的回应是现在已经10:30了。所以答 案为B。需要注意的是对话中多了一个干扰,女士说她让大家10:15在此集合。这句 话与答案无关。 Now you’ll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: I‘m very interested in Cambridge University. I hope I can visit it one day. M: I just read an article about it.[19] It‘s very interesting that the university has lecture halls, libraries, laboratories, museums and offices throughout the city. There is no campus. So don‘t feel surprised if no one can show you where the university is when you visit it. W: Really? How does such a university administrate its students and teachers and staff? M: The university consists of 31 self-governing colleges.[20] Individual colleges choose their own students, who have to meet the minimum entrance requirements set by the university. W: It seems colleges play an important role in such a university. M: Yes. Undergraduates usually live and study in their colleges, where they are taught in small groups. W: What about the university? M: [20]The university organizes lectures and laboratory and practical work. It also sets examinations and awards degrees. W: Are there any woman students there? M: [21]About 40 percent of the students are women and about 8 percent from overseas. The university allowed women to take its exams in 1881, but it was not until 1948 that they were awarded degrees. W: Is research emphasized in this university? M: The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research. It has more than 60 specialized subject libraries, as well as the University Library. [21]Since the beginning of the 20 th century, more than 60 university members have won Nobel Prizes. W: I wish I could visit it as soon as I graduate. 69 19. Why is it difficult for visitors to locate Cambridge University? [D]【解析】从男士的回答看出,剑桥大学的图书馆、实验室和办公室等遍布剑桥市,学校 也没有校园,所以没有人会告诉她学校的具体位置,所以答案为D。 20. What does the passage tell us about the colleges of Cambridge University? [B]【解析】从男士进一步的介绍可知,剑桥大学的各个学院自主择生,但学生需要满足学 校定的最低入学要求(meet the minimum entrance requirements set by the university)。其他 几个选项提到的工作都是学校的责任。 21. What can be learned from the passage about research in Cambridge University? [C]【解析】从20世纪初已经有60多位剑桥学校成员获得了诺贝尔奖,符合答案C。 22. What does the passage tell us about women students in Cambridge University? [A]【解析】对话中没有提到答案B中的女生科研情况,可排除。对话中提到,大约40% 的 学生是女生,而不是答案C中的一半。1881年开始女生可以参加考试,但没有提在其他 方面是否与男生平等,故排除答案D;女生直到1948年才被授予学位,所以答案A正 确。 Conversation Two M: I‘d like to take a half-day tour around the city. What do you have available? W: [24]Well, we have two half-day tour daily —one in the morning from 9:15 to 12:30 and another four-hour tour in the afternoon, starting at 1:30. M: [25]There are two places I really want to see — one is Fisherman‘s Wharf and the other is Golden Gate Park. W: [24]The morning tour does include a stop at Fisherman‘s Wharf — but I‘m afraid our tours don‘t include the park. You might enjoy going there on your own… you could easily spend a whole day there relaxing. M: That might be a good idea… well, [25]I guess I‘ll sign up for tomorrow morning‘s tour, anyway. Is there still room? W: Yes, there is. Will this be for yourself only? M: No, my wife and two children will also be going. What is the fee, by the way? W: For adults, $10. Children under 12 go for half-price, and children under three are free. M: [25]My children are both under 12. W: [25]That‘ll come to $30 plus tax. M: There you are… see you tomorrow. W: See you tomorrow. 23. Where does the conversation most probably take place? [A]【解析】从两人的对话内容可知选答案A。 24. What do we know about the woman‘s arrangement for the two tours around the city? [B]【解析】从女人的介绍可以看出上下午的时间不一样,只有下午的为4小时,故答案A 错误;只有上午的游览会安排去渔人码头,所以答案B正确。 25. What can we learn from the conversation? [D]【解析】这个男人的两个孩子都是12岁以下,所以答案A错误;尽管旅行社的安排不 是太理想,他还报了名参加上午的旅行团,所以答案B错误;他们一家人除了付30元 的门票还需要交税,所以答案C错误;一开始男人就说打算去看渔人码头和金门公园, 可见他对这个城市有一些了解,所以选答案D。 70 Section B Passage One [28]Some of the changes in body functions during sleep may help us remain asleep for sustained periods, so that we can recharge.[27] For example, we do not see, we can not hear very well, and our sense of smell is depressed. As a result, minor environmental changes do not disturb us from our state of slumber. [26]Some physical responses, such as sneezing or coughing, are also lost, perhaps due to our reduced sensitivity to tickles in the nose or throat. [27]At the same time, our senses remain responsive enough so that extreme external stimuli can rouse us to wakefulness. Certain processes that we take for granted when awake may almost vanish during REM sleep, the state in which we dream. [27]One dramatic change is our loss of the ability to regulate body temperature. In REM sleep, the brain no longer initiates the process to lose heat if it is too warm or to produce heat if it is too cold. [27]This shutdown may have originally evolved to conserve energy during sleep. During the REM state, the brain also sends signals to the motor neurons to reduce their excitability, thereby paralyzing many muscles. Such paralysis allows us to experience our dreams, however active they may be, without moving a muscle. If this autoparalysis system fails, a person can act out dreams, sometimes with violent results. 26. Why don‘t people cough in the state of sleep? [A]【解析】我们睡觉时不会打喷嚏,不会咳嗽是因为对鼻子和嗓子受到的刺激不那么敏感 了,符合答案A。 27. Which of the following is true according to the passage? [B]【解析】睡着的时候,我们看不见东西,也听不太清楚声音,闻味道的能力也减弱了, 但不是所有的感觉都消失了,所以答案A、D错误;大脑不再调节身体温度是为了节约 能量,大脑不是完全停止工作,所以答案C错误,而B正确。 28. Why are some body functions turned off during sleep? [C]【解析】文章的开头点出主题,即在睡眠的时候人体的一些功能有变化是为了能够让我 们充电(recharge),即休息,所以选答案C。 Passage Two Jogging became popular some twenty years ago and had remained a favorite way of keeping fit for lots of people. If you have never tried it and are normally healthy, there is no reason why you shouldn‘t start jogging today! It is basically running at a steady speed over long or short distance. It‘s a form of exercise which can be enjoyed by males and females of any age. Teenagers can jog and so, with caution, can people in their seventies or eighties. [29]One of the main advantages of jogging over many other sports is that it can be done anywhere. People jog around college campuses, around house estates, in parks, in the countryside and even in urban areas. Special courts, fields, pitches and running tracks are not necessary. [31]Similarly, no special equipment is required — no costly bats, rackets or balls and no expensive sports kit. [30] Good quality running shoes are advisable but otherwise the jogger can simply wear loose, comfortable clothing. Special jogging suits are widely available these days and can be bought quite cheaply but these are not essential. In addition to being able to jog anywhere, you can also jog at any time, in any season! It‘s not usual to see joggers exercising in the height of summer or in the depths of winter! Jogging is a solo sport. You don‘t need to wait until you have gathered a team or found a partner. You can jog alone. There is no harm, of course, in jogging with a friend. 71 35. What is the main advantage of jogging over other sports? [C]【解析】慢跑优于其他运动的地方有很多,其中的一点就是可以在任何地方跑步,接着 还列举了一些可以长跑的地方,如学校校园、自家房外、公园等等。所以选答案C。 36. What is advisable for jogging? [A]【解析】文章中建议大家穿高质量的运动鞋跑步锻炼。 37. What equipment do you need for jogging? [B]【解析】出了不受场地限制外,慢跑的另外一大好处是无需昂贵的设备或设施。 Passage Three Women are more involved in sports than they used to be. And, [32]they are usually beating their rivals in events like long-distance running and long-distance swimming, events that require the strength of both body and mind to fight tiredness, discouragement, or illness. What gives women their greater endurance? The answer seems to lie in the female physiology. [34]Endurance depends not on muscle, but on fat. Although a man had a higher percentage of muscle tissue than a woman, the woman has relatively more fat. [33]On the average, 25 percent of her body weight is fat, compared with only 15 percent in men. The difference gives women at least two advantages in endurance events. [35]Because fat is significantly lighter than muscle, a woman has far less weight to carry around than a man of the same age and height. The second advantage, however, is more important. Muscles need fuel to function. After the body uses up its ready supply of fuel, it must switch to fat. [35] With their greater proportion of fat, women simply have more fuel available. Their bodies are also more accustomed to utilizing fat and doing it more efficiently. 32. According to the passage, in which sports game are women more likely to beat men? [C]【解析】女人可以在长跑和长距离游泳等项目上击败男人。所以选择答案C。 33. What percentage of a man‘s weight is fat? [D]【解析】男人体重的15%是脂肪。 34. What does endurance depend on according to the passage? [B]【解析】人的耐力取决于脂肪的多少而不是肌肉。 35. Which of the following is the reason why women can beat men in endurance events? [A]【解析】女人之所以在需要耐力的项目上比男人有优势有两个原因:一是女人体重小于 同身高和年龄的男人,二是因为身体消耗完能量后需要脂肪来提供能量,女人身体中的 脂肪含量要高于男性,所以有优势。只有答案A正确。 Section C 36. 【答案】depressed 【解析】此处需要一个形容词作定语,修饰后面的person。 37. 【答案】 probably 【解析】 此处需要一个副词。注意probably的拼写。这是个四级高频词。 38 【答案】withdrawal 【解析】此处缺一个名词。在拼写withdrawal时注意不要漏掉后面的两个字母。 39. 【答案】convey 【解析】这个动词口语后面的meaning搭配使用,意思是“传达意思,传达信息”。 72 40. 【答案】tone 【解析】这个词和后面的voice一词连在一起的意思是“说话的语气”。 41. 【答案】whereas 【解析】此处需要一个表示对比的连接词。Whereas的拼写也需要注意。 42. 【答案】Apparently 【解析】此处需要个副词,注意第一个字母需要大写。 43. 【答案】emotions 【解析】根据需要,此处得填一个名词,而且意思上和后面的attitudes属于同一范畴, 不要忽略是用名词的复数形式。 44. 【答案】Universal emotions, such as happiness, fear and sadness, are expressed in a similar nonverbal way throughout the world 【解析】首先应该抓住句中的一些关键词,如emotions, expressed, nonverbal等,nonverbal 这个词可以从上下文中得到启发。而最后的短语throughout the world可有助于我们听 清楚修饰emotions的那个词universal。最后根据语法把句子连接起来即可。 45. 【答案】 It may be acceptable in some countries for men to embrace each other and for women to hold hands 【解析】这个句子如果把握了这个结构It may be acceptable…for men to do … and for women to do,就基本把握了整个句子。 46. 【答案】In order to correctly interpret another culture‘s style of communication, it is necessary to study the ―silent language‖ of that culture 【解析】这个句子的结构是In order to do sth…, it is necessary to do sth. 其中的interpret, communication, silent language算是难点,再加上出现两次的culture这个词,重组一下 即可得到答案。 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词:change改变;变化 life 生命;生活individuals个人;个体 understanding 理解 friendship 友谊 代词something 某事;某物 动词 change 改变;变化understanding 理解[现代分词] require 要求 see 看见 give 给;给予 replied 回答;回复[过去时/过去分词] 形容词 clear清楚的 necessary 必要的 common 一般的;普通的 副词 however不过;然而;无论如何;不管怎样 therefore 因此;所以 连词 however 无论用什么方式;不管用什么方法 【短文大意】 父母和老师们都不可能成为孩子的朋友。这篇文章是与朋友有关的。通读全文可知: 作者认为,友谊的根本在于互惠,朋友之间要互相给予。这很难做到,所以友谊才珍贵, 才值得珍惜。 47.【答案】H 【解析】根据语法知识,此处应该添名词或者作用相当于名词的代词之类的词。根据段 首句可知,这篇文章与朋友有关,所以找与这个有关的词。根据下文,特别是第二段的 段首句,可知应选friendship。 73 48. 【答案】J 【解析】这一句讲了家长与老师的作用。根据and可知,这个句子的两部分是并列关系。 所以这个空格要选动词,与后面的guide呼应。see to 的意思是“确保,保证”。 49.【答案】E 【解析】It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的why引导的从句。整个句子是主系表结构, 所以要选形容词,根据意思选clear,而不是common。 50.【答案】K 【解析】根据下一句中的what people have in common可以判断。 51.【答案】C 【解析】根据语法知识可知这里需要复数名词作主语,选项中只有C individuals符合要 求;我们也可以根据下一句The more individuals …, the more…, the better friends they are 可知,要选individuals。因为这两句话是紧紧连在一起的,后面的话是对前一句话的补 充。 52.【答案】F 【解析】if necessary 的意思是“如果必要的话”。 53.【答案】I 【解析】因为成为好朋友的条件很难达到,所以友谊很珍贵,所以得到真正的朋友是值 得称颂的。这两句话之间是因果顺承关系,故选therefore。 54.【答案】B 【解析】in life的意思是“一生中”。拥有真正的朋友是一生中值得称颂的事情。 55.【答案】A 【解析】change … for …的意思是“用„„换„„”。有人问Cyrus是否愿意用他的马去 换个王国。 56.【答案】M 【解析】有人问Cyrus,下面是他的回答。要用动词的过去时态。 Section B Passage One 本篇文章主要介绍了民俗文化与流行文化不同之处。前者以家庭为纽带,社会秩序 主要靠宗教维持,人们生活基本自给自足。文中提到的信奉门诺教的Amish族是这种文化的代表。他们几乎不与外族通婚,信徒甚至不用汽车。与之相反的流行文化强调自我,注重 变化,警察和军队成为社会秩序的维持者,人们的社会分工更明确,现代化的社会生产取代 了较为落后的生产方式。 57. 【答案】C 【解析】这篇文章共分两段,分别介绍了两种不同的文化:民俗文化与流行文化。所 以答案C正确。 58. 【答案】B 【解析】答案A在文章第二段第三句出现,这是流行文化的特点之一,故错误;答 案C与文章第一段第一句提到的民俗文化的“isolated”这一特点相反,所以不能选, 同时在举Amish族这个例子时也提到“Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect”(见 第一段倒数第二句),所以此答案不正确;答案 D与文章第一段第四句提到的“There is relatively little division of labor into specialized duties”不相符,所以错误;只有答案 74 B与文章第一段第三句“Tradition is paramount, and change comes infrequently and slowly”一致,所以正确。 59. 【答案】A 【解析】文章第一段的第七句提到“Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada”,故选A。 60. 【答案】C 【解析】在文章第一段的后半部分介绍Amish族时提到“The Amish‘s central religious concept of Demut, ?humility‘, clearly reflects the weakness of individualism „”,这一段的 最后一句提到“The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order”,可见他们的宗教是唯一的,故答案A不正确;B和D 都是流行文化的特点;从文章第一段的后半部分提到的“Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age. In Amish areas, horse-drawn buggies still serve as a local transportation device, and the faithful are not permitted to own automobiles”可以看出,这个部族不用现代的汽车,但用“ horse-drawn buggies” (马拉汽车);故答案C正确。 61. 【答案】D 【解析】 参见第二段最后一句。 Passage Two 这篇文章主要论述了人的直觉,或者说人们的常识在处理人际关系中的作用。这种能力 不需要学习就可以掌握。也是因为如此,人际关系学作为一门学科最晚出现。 62. 【答案】C 【解析】第二段第一句指出,人的直觉很有洞察力“remarkably penetrating”,可以帮助 我们理解人的行为,也就是说,人的常识已经足够解决人际关系中的问题了。 63. 【答案】D 【解析】从第二段第三句可以看出,如果没有心理学知识,人际关系方面的问题仍然可 以很容易地解决。也就是说,人们的直觉是很合理正确的。 64. 【答案】B 【解析】从第二段倒数第二句话的表述可以看出B 为正确答案。 65. 【答案】C 【解析】第一段结尾说, “For this reason psychology holds a unique position among the sciences”this 指前文提到的内容,即“the complexity of feelings and actions that can be understood at a glance is surprisingly great”,瞥上一眼就可以理解人们的感觉和行为。 与答案C的表述一致。 66. 【答案】 A 【解析】文章最后一段提到人际关系学发展慢的原因时说:“… science would destroy the conceited and pleasing illusions people have about themselves”,这暗示出科学会研究出更 直白的事物,符合答案A。接下来提到的另一原因为“„because we know much about people intuitively, there had been less stimulation for studying them scientifically”,既然人 们可以凭直觉了解人类,就没有什么动力来科学研究这一领域了。其他选项文章都没 有提到。 75 Part V Cloze 本文讲述地球变暖影响了许多鸟类的迁徙模式。鸟类这样做是自然选择的结果。科学家 们说,地球变暖正改变着许多鸟类的迁徙模式,同时还改变着多少代一直不变固定在鸟类基 因里的飞行路线。 67.【答案】A 【解析】其他三个词的意思分别是“口译,解释”,“回忆,想起”,“解决,决心”,均不 合题意。 68.【答案】D 【解析】 probably 的意思是“可能地”,一般指可能性较大,符合题意。verbally的意思 是“口头地,用言辞地”;similarly的意思是“相同地,类似地”;作为副词用时, likely 前通常会有修饰性的词,如 very或 quite,不宜选它。 69.【答案】B 【解析】Eberhard Curio是研究鸟类迁徙变化的人,是“研究者”。 70.【答案】B 【解析】Eberhard Curio是Bochum University的一员,“属于„„”,用介词of。 71.【答案】A 【解析】native 的意思是“原产的,固有的‖,要与to连用,如 a plant native to Asia(原 产于亚洲的植物)。 72.【答案】D 【解析】根据下一句的提示But now they fly westward to spend …,选答案D。used to do含有“过去常常干某事,但现在不这样了”的意思。 73.【答案】C 【解析】这里列举这些鸟过去过冬的地方,用and。 74.【答案】C 【解析】 这两句话分别讲了鸟类过去与现在过冬的情况,根上句话的提示选答案C。 75.【答案】A 【解析】 指代上文提到的东西,用such一词。 76.【答案】B 【解析】 natural selection的意思是“自然选择”。各类物种进行的变化,都是为了适应 环境,都是自然选择的结果。 77.【答案】A 【解析】disadvantageous意为“不利的, 吃亏的”。根据后面的will die可知,要选A。 78.【答案】C 【解析】 while含有两者之间的对比含义。这里讲了飞往不同方向的鸟类的不同结局。 79.【答案】D 【解析】offspring的意思是“后代”。根据句中的pass on … to 判断。鸟类一些有利于 生存的本领传给后代,所以它们才一代代繁衍下来。 80.【答案】D 【解析】currently的意思是“目前,当前”,符合题意。其他三个词deliberately,consequently 与 rightly的意思分别是“故意地”,“因此,从而”,“正当地,公正地”,均不合题意。 81.【答案】A 【解析】 根据后面的提示based on the position of the sun。visual的意思是“视觉的”。 76 82.【答案】C 【解析】with the aid of 的意思是“在„„的帮助下”。这句话可以译为:最近,科学家 们相信,鸟类是用类似第二感的东西来确定飞行路线,它们或者是靠看太阳的位置来定 位或者是靠某种体内指南针的帮助来定位。 83.【答案】B 【解析】since的意思是“因为,由于”。 84.【答案】A 【解析】要靠体内的指南针来指路,必须依赖地球的磁场,否则指南针就毫无意义了。 85.【答案】B 【解析】这一段话是对上面一段话的补充,所以不能选含因果关系意义的therefore与含 转折意义的however。and虽然含有补充和并列关系,但一般不会把它单独用逗号与其 他词分开。 86.【答案】C 【解析】生物的“种类”或“物种”,要用species一词。 Part VI Translation 87.【答案】at the cost /expense of the environment 【解析】词组“以(牺牲)„„为代价”对应的英文表达为at the cost /expense of„。 88.【答案】did she realize/ become aware of /be conscious of 【解析】 此题要考察not…until的用法。注意谓语部分需要倒装。“意识到”可以译为 “realize”也可以译为become aware of或be conscious of。 89.【答案】to adapt (herself ) to college life 【解析】“适应„„”的英文表达为adapt (oneself) to sth./doing sth.。“大学生活”是college life而不应译为 life in college。 90.【答案】no matter where you go/ wherever you go 【解析】“无论你去哪里”既可以翻译成no matter where you go,也可以翻译成wherever you go。句子用一般现在时态。 91.【答案】sold so well/to sell so well 【解析】“书卖得好”对应的英语是sell well,不能根据汉语思维习惯翻译成被动语态。 expect后面既可以跟that从句,也可以说 expect sb./sth. to do sth.。 8 Part I Writing Overseas Study at an Early Age Nowadays more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost. It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study. With the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too. 77 Consequently, pursuing overseas study became a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rush economic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their children‘s overseas study. As for me, overseas study is surely a helpful way to get both advanced knowledge and necessary experiences, but overseas study at an early age is neither necessary nor beneficial. The students may be too young to either tend for themselves or think for themselves. I do think that overseas study can contribute to one‘s self improvement, but it‘s better to be pursued after one has finished his college study at home, when he is more capable of learning and living on his own. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】Y 【解析】此句为关于文章主题的一个判断。文章的标题是―当你遇到你的另一半时,你 为什么会发胖的四个原因‖,而在文章的第三段,作者明确提出了―It‘s also no surprise that many women in love find that they are getting fat steadily throughout the marriage‖, 说明处 于热恋中的女人在这一阶段要比在其他任何阶段更容易发胖。 2. 【答案】N 【解析】文章的第二段提到―But once you start celebrating month or year anniversaries, chances are that you‘re so comfortable in your relationship that impressing your partner isn‘t always your first priority anymore‖ , 该句的意思是说一旦你已经开始庆祝你们认识几个 月或几年的纪念日的时候,很有可能你已经对这种恋爱关系很放心了,以致于你不会把 吸引对方当作你的头等大事来做。而在解释发胖的第一个原因时,作者在该段的末尾提 出―And once you‘re married, other responsibilities become more important – your kids, home, money, work, expenses – and looking good becomes second priority‖ ,这两处的意思都与题 干的意思相矛盾。 3. 【答案】Y 【解析】文章的第二个小标题的第一句话为―Your friends and family can certainly tempt you to stray from healthy eating habits, and your partner is no different.‖ 此句的意思是说 ―你的朋友和家人当然能诱惑你,让你摆脱你的健康的饮食习惯,你的伴侣也不例外(他 们也会这样做)。符合原文的意思,故判断为正确。 4. 【答案】NG 【解析】文章的第四个小标题探讨的是当你在享受充满乐趣的恋爱关系时,焦虑对你的 影响,提到了两个方面的作用:一方面是―Good stress, known as eustress, can actually fuel your relationship weight gain‖;而在另一方面,在你的感情遇到挫折时,人们通常处理的 方式是and one of the most common ways people deal with stress is to try and eat it away。此 段并未涉及到情侣们该如何缓解焦虑以及能否轻松缓解焦虑的问题,故判断为NG。 5. 【答案】N 【解析】与原文中提到的意思矛盾,原文中指出―If you want to avoid getting fat in your relationship, practice these tips, starting from the very first moment you lay eyes on each other‖,也即当你们一开始关注对方的时候就应该将这些建议付诸实施。 6. 【答案】Y 【解析】在第三条建议 ―Don‘t Match Bite for Bite‖中,作者提到,不能和男友将一顿饭 两人平分,因为男性有着更高的热量摄取量,他们吃的多,但不会发胖。这就是男性和 女性的生理差异,也是男女就餐时女性要特别提醒自己注意的。 78 7. 【答案】Y 【解析】该陈述与文章最后一段的中心意思相符,故判定为正确。要想知道自己一天摄 取了多少热量,可以做一个小的测试。 8. 【答案】gain more weight 【解析】此处的研究指的是文章的第三段Cornell University所做的研究,该研究表明新 婚夫妇比单身的人或鳏寡独居的人总体来说更容易发胖,特别是在结婚的头两年。原文 如下:newlyweds gain more weight on average than single people or widowers or divorcees, usually within the first two years of getting married. 9. 【答案】exercising together 【解析】文章提出的第一个建议就是进行健身约会,一起锻炼不仅动机最强,也是最有 效的减肥方式。 10. 【答案】limit the amount of calories (you consume each day) and eat the right amount of calories for your body 【解析】文章的最后一段提到了减肥的秘诀,也就是本题的答案。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: Adam got three A's this term. M: So I have heard. Q: What does the man mean? [D] 【解析】女士说亚当得了三个A, 男士表示自己听说的也是如此,所以答案为D。 12. W: I've been having trouble with my term paper. Would it be convenient to see you today? M: Yes, my office hours are 8:00 to noon. Q: Who is the man? [A] 【解析】女士表示自己在学期论文方面有些问题,想要跟男士约时间探讨,而男士说自 己的办公时间为八点到中午,据此判断,男士应该是她的老师,所以答案为A。 13. M: Have you started writing your paper for English literature class? W: Not yet. I'm still doing my homework for writing and studying for the tests in English grammar and French. Q: For which class must the woman write a paper? [A] 【解析】男士问女士有没有写英国文学的论文,女士回答还没有,自己还在做写作作 业,并且还要复习英文语法和法语,所以答案为A。 14. M: Why are you so sure that Alice didn't commit the crime? W: She couldn't have committed that crime because I was with her. And we were out of town on that day. Q: Where was the crime most probably committed? [D] 【解析】男士问女士为何确定Alice没有犯罪,女士回答因为Alice一直和她在一起, 她们一起去了城外,由此判定罪行发生在城里,所以答案为D。 15. M: Isn't it rather cold outside, Lisa? W: It is a bit. But I can't stand the terrible smoke inside. I'd rather stay here if you don't mind. Q: Why does the woman want to stay outside? [D] 【解析】男士问女士外面很冷吧,女士回答是的,但是她不能忍受烟味,于是待在户外, 所以答案为D。 79 16. W: We've lived here in New York for 5 years now and I think it's time to have the house painted. M: You are right. Mr. Mike, our neighbor, just had his house painted. But we cannot afford to do it unless we paint it ourselves. Q: Who is going to paint the house? [D] 【解析】女士跟男士说他们已经在目前的房子里住了五年,所以想要粉刷房子,男士说 除非自己动手,否则无法负担粉刷房子的费用。所以答案为D,他们自己动手粉刷房 子。 17. M: The radio says it'll be cloudy and raining today. What do you think? W: I don't believe it. Look, the sun is out. There's not a cloud in the sky. They are always wrong. Q: What does the woman mean? [B] 【解析】男士说预报说今天天气将会多云并有雨,女士表示不相信,说太阳已经出来了, 天气预报总是出错,所以答案为B。 18. W: Didn't Jane go traveling with you last summer? M: Are you kidding? Even if it didn't cost her anything, she'd rather stay at home. Q: What does the man imply about Jane? [B] 【解析】女士问男士去年夏天是否和Jane去旅行,男士说别开玩笑了,Jane即使不用花 钱也不愿旅游,她更愿意呆在家里,所以答案为B。 Now you'll hear two long conversations. Conversation One M: Have you ever visited a redwood forest? I recently had a chance to go to Muir Woods National Monument north of San Francisco. W: I've never seen a redwood tree. I really can't imagine how big they are. M: The coastal redwoods are the tallest living things. Some are more than three hundred and fifty feet high. But none of the trees at Muir Woods is that high. [19]You have to go further north in California to see the tallest trees. W: You said that Muir Woods is near San Francisco? I guess it must be quite a tourist attraction. M: Yes, [20] it's less than an hour's drive away, so it's easy to get to. W: I've heard that many redwood trees are thousands of years old. Are the ones in Muir Woods that old? M: [21] The oldest documented age for a coastal redwood is more than a thousand years. The trees at Muir Woods are 400 to 800 years old. W: Why have they survived so long? M: They have remarkable resistance to forest fires. The tough, thick bark protects the trees during a fire. [22] The coastal redwoods also like a damp, foggy climate. W: Then since Muir Woods is near foggy San Francisco, it must be ideal for the trees' survival. I can't wait to go there and see them! Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you've just heard. 19. Where can the tallest trees be found? [B] 【解析】从男士的回答可以看出海岸边的红杉是最高的树种,但莫尔灌木丛的树木并非 最高,要想看最高的树,就必须到加州北部,所以答案为B。 80 20. Why do many tourists visit Muir Woods, rather than other redwood forests? [B] 【解析】女士询问莫尔灌木丛吸引人的原因,男士回答因为其靠近旧金山,开车不到一 小时就到了,非常方便,所以答案为B。 21. Approximately what is the oldest documented age for a redwood tree? [B] 【解析】细节题,男士说有记载的最老的红杉年龄在一千多年以上,所以根据这些推断 答案为B。 22. What has contributed most to the redwoods' survival? [C] 【解析】男士提到海岸红杉喜欢湿润多雾的气候,女士回答莫尔灌木丛靠近多雾的旧金 山,所以这应该是红杉能大量存在的原因,所以答案为C。 Conversation Two M: Is this table on the corner okay? W: Sure. We can sit here. M: Gee. You've hardly got anything on your tray. W: Yeah. I guess I'm just not that hungry. M: What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well? W: Well, I've been really worried. It's my car. It's in the shop again. M: Really? What's wrong this time? W: I don't know exactly. Something's wrong with the brakes, I think. M: [23] Well, at least that shouldn't cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost? W: He said he would call me with an estimate later on today. M: Watch out he doesn't try to take advantage of you. W: What do you mean? M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn't know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person. W: Maybe so. [24] But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbours. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable. M: Oh, that's good to know. Maybe I'll try using him in the future. [25] By the way, do you need a ride home after class today? W: Oh, I'll sure appreciate it. It's really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you've just heard. 23. What does the man say about the woman's car? [D] 【解析】男士表示美国汽车的零部件很便宜,所以女士修车应该不会花费太大,所以让 她不用担心,所以答案为D。 24. What does the woman say about the mechanic? [A] 【解析】男士让女士小心机械师会瞒骗车主,要高价的修车费,但是女士回答技师是邻 居推荐的,他曾经帮她干活而且收费很合理,所以她非常相信他,所以答案为A。 25. What does the man offer to do? [A] 【解析】男士最后询问下课后女士是否需要搭他的车,女士回答住在校外没有车很不方 便,所以需要搭车,非常感谢,所以答案为A。 81 Section B Passage One One of the great joys of gardening is to share a garden with wildlife, especially birds. [26] Attracting birds to a garden is made easier by following a few basic guidelines. [27] All birds depend on plants for shelter, nest and roosting sites, and food. To the extent that your yard offers some or all of these features, it can become a haven for bird‘ life. As a general rule, [27] the more native plants are planted in the yard, the more birds will come. Some birds are so particular that you must have the special plant that they demand while others only demand that you provide for their basic needs. Most birds require some [27] shelter for roosting, preening and sleeping. [28] By varying the height as well as density of plants, a greater number of species are encouraged to seek out shelter in your yard. Nesting requirements in birds are quite varied. [27] To encourage as many different types of birds as possible, vary the types of plants, use a number of native plants, and vary the height of plants. Birds eat seeds, fruit, or nectar, as well as insects found on plants. Again, diversity encourages more birds, particularly plants that bloom in different seasons. [27] One of the surest ways to encourage birds in a yard, especially a new yard, is to provide water. If you do not have pets or wandering cats, provide water on the ground, in an open spot. Most birds love to bathe and drink at this level, but are wary, and want a perch nearby, but not overhanging the water. If you have pets or wandering cats, move the water higher, beyond their reach. Leave the water in the open, with no overhanging branches. Change the water often, especially in the warm weather. Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you've just heard. 26. What is the purpose of the discussion? [B] 【解析】本文的开篇提到种植的乐趣在于可以和野生生物,特别是野生鸟类分享你的花 园,然后说到吸引鸟类可以通过一些基本方法,可知本文主要探讨吸引野生鸟类的方法, 所以答案为B。 27. According to the author, what are the three general requirements to attract birds? [A] 【解析】细节题,文章指出吸引鸟类前来的三个因素为种类繁多的植物,鸟类栖息地和 食物(如水源),所以答案为A。 28. How tall should plants be in order to attract birds? [D] 【解析】文中提到不同高度和密度的树木可以吸引不同的鸟类,所以树木的高度主要取 决于鸟的种类,所以答案为D。 Passage Two Here, I want to talk about the history of the White House. [29] At first, most Americans didn't think there was anything particularly special about the White House. Few had ever seen it or had any idea what it looked like, and even the families who lived there found it completely inadequate. When it was built, the White House was the largest house in the country and it remained so until after the Civil war. But it served so many different purposes that little of it was available for the First Family to actually live in. The first floor, or ―State Floor‖, was made up entirely of public rooms, and the president's offices, which were staffed by as many as 30 employees, took half of the second floor up. The First Family had to get by with the eight or fewer second-floor rooms that were left. [30] By Lincoln's time, the situation was intolerable. The White House was open to visitors; office seekers, cranks, and the merely curious had no difficulty 82 making their way upstairs from the official rooms on the first floor. Lincoln was so uncomfortable with the situation that he had a private corridor constructed. He also received a $20,000 appropriation to improve the furnishings of the White House. The new furnishings did not last for more than a few years. When Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, the White House fell into disorder. No one really supervised the White House during the first five weeks. Mrs. Lincoln laid in mourning in the room, and vandals helped themselves. [31] Let's have a break, then I'll continue to talk about how the White House progressed to its present state. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you've just heard. 29. How did Americans feel toward the White House at the beginning? [C] 【解析】美国民众最开始时对于白宫采取无所谓的态度,很少有人参观过白宫,也不知 道白宫是什么样子,所以答案为C。 30. Why was the White House in disorder during Lincoln's time? [C] 【解析】在林肯时代,参观者可以随意进出白宫,各种各样的人在白宫各个楼层和房间 穿梭,非常混乱,使林肯和第一家庭极为不便,所以答案为C。 31. What can be inferred about the author's topic for the next part? [A] 【解析】本文主要谈到早期的白宫没有得到民众的重视,内部十分混乱,第一家庭居住 也十分不便,根据最后一句我们知道下面将谈到白宫是如何改进并变成今天这个样子 的,所以答案为A。 Passage Three Today, Chinese Americans make up less than 1% of the U.S. population, but roughly a third of all ethnic restaurants in the U.S. are ―Chinese‖, and every supermarket carries a line of ―Chinese‖ food. [32] It started with the gold rush of 1849. As thousands of Chinese streamed into California in search of gold, hundreds of thousands of Chinese migrated to the United States. By 1882, when Congress curtailed Chinese immigration, there were more than 300,000 Chinese nationals living on the West Coast. Most came from Guangdong Province. So most Chinese restaurants served Cantonese-style food. In Cantonese cuisine, very little goes to waste: nearly every part of an animal that can be eaten is used in one dish or another. [33] Chinese cooks, however quickly learned to modify their dishes to make them more palatable to a wider American audience. The result, a Chinese-American cuisine that looked and tasted Chinese, but was actually invented in the U.S. and was unknown in China. One good example of a Chinese-American dish is Chop Suey. No one knows for sure when it was invented, or how it got its name. [34] It likely started in 1850 when a bunch of hungry miners busted their way into a Chinese restaurant late at night and demanded to be fed. The chef just stirred all the table scraps and leftovers he could find into a big mess and served it. The miners loved it. When they asked what it was, the chef replied ―chop suey‖, which means ―garbage bits‖ in Cantonese. The dish remained virtually unheard of in China until after World War ?. [35] Today, it's advertised as American cuisine. Well, what other contributions have immigrants made to American cuisine? Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you've just heard. 32. When did Chinese food first catch on in America? [C] 【解析】文中指出今天,除美国餐馆以外,中国菜馆几乎占美国餐馆的1/3,在超市中 也都有专门的中餐部门,而这种情况始于1849年的淘金热,那时中国劳工大量涌入旧 83 金山,也带来了中国风味的菜肴,所以答案为C。 33. How did Americans come to accept Chinese food? [D] 【解析】在美国的中餐馆以广东风味的菜肴为主,厨师们为了迎合西方顾客的口味,改 良了菜肴的味道,所以答案为D。 34. What is the origin of Chop Suey? [A] 【解析】文中解释了广东菜什锦杂碎的来历。在19世纪末,一天晚上,一群饥饿的矿 工涌进一家中餐馆,由于没有足够的菜肴,厨师把所有的剩菜和原料都放进了锅里,出 人意料地受到了矿工的好评,厨师以广东话的剩菜的发音为其命名,这便是杂碎的由来, 所以答案为A。 35. What is the general discussion likely to be about? [A] 【解析】文章最后说杂碎这道由中国人发明的菜肴如今成了广为人知的美国菜肴,下面 将谈谈移民们还为美国菜肴带来了什么,所以主要谈论的就是不同种族是如何丰富美 国菜肴的,所以答案为A。 Section C 36. frustrating 【解析】此处需要一个形容词来形容非科技人员的感受。 37. coping 【解析】此处需要一个动词,但注意不定式后应有的形式。 38. motivations 【解析】此处需填一个名词,注意此处需要复数形式。 39. convenience 【解析】此处考查固定搭配,convenience 是常考单词,注意其拼写。 40. primarily 【解析】此处需要一个副词,来修饰动词focus。 41. generalize 【解析】此处需要一个动词,意为“推而广之”。 42. universe 【解析】此处需要一个名词,意为“宇宙”,此词的形容词形式universal 也为常考词汇。 43. categories 【解析】根据需要,此处需要一个名词,注意这里需用复数形式。 44. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems. 【解析】本句的前半句为条件状语从句,handily为比较难的词汇,意为“没有现成的问题”, 后半句注意最后的problems是用复数形式。 45. No engineer looks at television remote control without wondering what it would take to turn it into a hand gun 【解析】本句是一个双重否定形式no engineer…without wondering…, 前半句中remote control 是关键词汇,为“遥控器”的意思,后半句中turn sth into…是关键词组。 46. To the engineer, the world is a toy box full of unsatisfactory playthings 【解析】前半句较为简单,后半句的unsatisfactory 为常考词汇,注意拼写,playthings 是复 数,容易忽略,应当注意。 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 84 【】 名词:threat危害,威胁 process 过程,进程 necessity必要性 动词: melting 融化[现在分词] reducing减少,降低[现在分词] debate辩论 releasing 释放 [现在分词] forming形成[现在分词] 形容词: obvious 明显的 hard 艰难的;难的 proud值得骄傲的 easy容易的 frequent时常发生的,频繁的 副词: increasingly日益,加剧 interestingly 有趣地 hard困难;艰难 文章主要介绍了全球气候变暖给全球的环境、经济带来的影响。第一段总述气候变化 给全球的环境以及经济带来的不良影响;第二段主要讲全球变暖给地球自然环境带来的破坏 性作用;第三至五段文章以新西兰国家为例,讲述其怎样利用越来越艰难的自然环境来发展 农业经济。 47. 【答案】J 【解析】该句主要讲全球气候正在变暖,虽然缓慢但是可以测量,并且谈到了其影响。 后面列举的一系列现象正是全球变暖的表现,是我们可以看到的,比如天气模式正在 变化,温度上升,干旱更频繁并且危害性越大等,这些说明了全球变暖的影响是很明 显的,所以从意义上应该选J。另外从语法角度考虑,系动词become后接形容词做表 语,我们一般说影响/后果比较明显,因此选J。 48. 【答案】E 【解析】整个段落都是讲全球变暖的影响,对自然界的影响越来越严重。该句讲干旱 变得越来越有破坏性,用了more...and...结构。Devastating表示性质,由此判断 空格处应该填一个表示频率的形容词,另外后面谈到了洪水的发生,百年一遇的洪水 每两到三年发生一次,说明发生次数越来频繁,由此可以判断前面的干旱也应该填一 个表示―频繁‖的词,只有frequent―时常发生的,频繁的‖符合要求,因此选E。 49. 【答案】C 【解析】前面谈到全球气候变暖,温度上升,冰河的范围正在缩小,同时根据常识判 断,海平面上升是因为两极的冰川融化的结果,所以填一个表示融化的动词,另外需 注意前后一致,整个句子用的都是进行时态,所以用动词+ing形式,所以选C。干扰 项releasing表示―释放‖的意思,一般来说,我们说冰川融化而不是释放变成水,导致 海平面上升的,所以排除。 50. 【答案】B 【解析】第二段讲的都是全球变暖带来的一系列的自然灾害litany of disaster,灾害当 然是不好的消息,所以与之相反,好消息可能看起来很难发现。因此可以判断空格处 应该填hard。 51. 【答案】A 【解析】我们知道全球气候的变化是一个延续的过程,由于其变化是不可避免的,我 们能做的只是加速或减慢这一过程,文中用了动词slow―减慢‖,所以后面填一名词 process―过程,进程‖,也就是努力减少天气变化带来的危害。因此选A。 52. 【答案】H 【解析】空格所在的句子讲新西兰仍需要找到一种最大限度利用困难环境的方式。由 于前面谈到的气候变化是一个延续的过程,随着时间的推移,其后果会越来越严重。 因此,对新西兰来说,其所面临的处境也会越来越艰难。所以空格处应该填一个表示 85 ―日益,加剧‖的副词increasingly,修饰difficult situation―艰难的处境‖。虽然 interestingly―有趣地‖也是副词形式,但是明显不符合文中意思。 53. 【答案】G 【解析】该句谈到了要解决气候变化这个难题,可以通过提高能源利用率,减少温室 气体的排放。通过常识知道,温室气体的排放也是导致气温升高的一个原因,所以空 格处应该填一个表示―减少,降低‖的动词,而且应该考虑前后词性的一致性,前面用 的是by improving,因此选G。动词forming―形成,组成‖是干扰项,虽然也是ing形 式,但是放到文中语义不通。 54. 【答案】L 【解析】从句子结构判断,此句的主语很长,用的是动名词形式dealing with…by…―通过……来处理……问题‖,谓语是is,表语是名词,a用来修饰名词。 空格中应该填一个名词,而根据句意,提高能源利用率,减少温室气体的排放,对于 处理气候变暖的问题来说是有必要的,所以选L。 55. 【答案】D 【解析】根据语法知识判断,has a history空格中应该填一个形容词,而文章后面谈 到了新西兰农业的发展,Dr. Allan Freeth的公司正在促进更大限度的利用全球气候不 断变化所带来的一切机会: make the most of any opportunities offered by a changing world climate,这是成功的范例,是值得骄傲的事情,与第三段的末尾一句提出的问 题相呼应,因此空格处应该填形容词proud,表示值得骄傲的历史,所以选D。 56. 【答案】N 【解析】对于气候的变化,空格所在句用了Some…some…―一些人认为 …另一些人 认为…‖前后表示对比。按照一般的看法,气候的变化带给我们的是不好的影响,是 对人类的生存环境构成威胁,像洪涝灾害以及海平面上升之类;后面与之相反说一些 人看到了希望。由此判断空格处应该填一个表示―危害,威胁‖的名词,由a修饰,所 以选N。 Section B Passage One 文章讲述了在繁多的生物群体中,每一物种的生存都有赖于其他生命体的存在,同 时不同 物种间又互相防御。这种相互依存、相互防御在生物圈中非常常见,作者列举了生 物界中很多具体事例来讨论不同物种或机体如何防御其他生命体的入侵。 57. 【答案】D 【解析】此题属主旨题,文章主要讨论了在生物界中,不同物种和机体如何防御其他生 命体的入侵,因此D符合文章的大意。 58. 【答案】D 【解析】此题属词汇语义题,该句主要讲述在繁多的生物群体中,每一物种的生存都有 赖于其他生命体的存在,在句中intricate和vast同时修饰assemblage,vast表示繁多, 根据句意可判断intricate在该句中应表示―复杂,多样‖的意思,因此D符合此题。 59. 【答案】A 【解析】此题属事实细节题,文章第二段第一句介绍了有些细菌能够分泌抗菌素,第二 段第二句指出这些细菌分泌抗菌素的作用:These substances are capable of killing or inhabiting the growth……可知抗菌素的产生能够杀死或禁止其他不同菌类的生长,因此 86 A为正确答案。 60. 【答案】C 【解析】此题属推理题,根据文章最后一句:The immune system recognizes and takes action against foreign invaders and transplanted tissues that are treated as foreign cells, 可知肌体的 免疫系统将会把与该肌体基因不相容的细胞或组织视为入侵者,从而采取行动,所以, C符合此题。 61. 【答案】B 【解析】此题属于事实细节题,根据文章最后一段:免疫系统会检测出与该肌体基因不 相容的细胞或组织,并采取措施以抵御入侵者,因此,B符合此题。 Passage Two 文章主要介绍了讽刺性文体。第一段介绍了讽刺性文体最突出的特点不在 于提出新的观点或理论,而在于以夸张的描述,从不同的角度阐释人们生活中已知的熟 悉的理论或观点。第二段论述讽刺性文体有其存在的必要,文章认为讽刺性文体最重要 的功用在于可以引发人们质疑固有的,被人们普遍接受的理论和观点。 62. 【答案】A 【解析】此题属主旨题,根据文章第一段和第二段的第一句话,概括说明了讽刺性文体 为人们提供了一个新的视角看待人们普遍接受的理论和观点,所以人们需要并且喜欢 它,所以可知文章主要论述讽刺性文体得以存在的理由,因此,A符合此题。 63. 【答案】D 【解析】此题属词汇语义题,此句意为讽刺性文体使我们惊讶地意识到很多我们接受的 并且深信不疑的价值观念都是错误的,realization在句中的意思为―意识‖,与D项 awareness的意思一致,因此D符合此题。 64. 【答案】C 【解析】此题属推理题,作者在此举例来说明前面的观点Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false.作者提到的这三部作品都是著名的讽刺性文学作品,用其来论证讽刺性文体常常鞭 笞我们生活中司空见惯的现象和深信不疑的道理。因此,C 为正确答案。 65. 【答案】B 【解析】此题属推理题,根据文章最后一句:…satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous combination….可以推断出:讽刺性文学常常通过把我们 生活中司空见惯的现象进行不合理的搭配,从而创造出讽刺效果来引起人们对于生活的 反思。所以,odd combinations of objects and ideas常见于讽刺性文体中。 66. 【答案】B 【解析】此题属于事实细节题,根据文章最后一段“tends to remind people …and only partially true life…”可知:讽刺性文体提示人们司空见惯的东西并非是完全正确,因此 B符合题意。 Part V Cloze 本文为一篇说明文。具体介绍了语言中两种不同类型的词汇,即口语词汇和正式用 87 语词汇。 67. 【答案】A 【解析】习惯表达与固定搭配题:此处为定语从句,需要一个介词与从句中的动词短语 搭配become acquainted with sb./sth.意为―熟悉某事物,认识某人‖ 。 68. 【答案】D 【解析】词义辨析题:此处需要一个动词来修饰先行词those words。learn指一般性的 学习,在这里最为合适;study也有学习的意思,但更侧重―研究,攻读‖;imitate意 为―模仿‖;stimulate意为―刺激,激发‖。 69. 【答案】B 【解析】词义辨析题:members of our own family是常见的搭配,指我们的家庭成员, 在这里最为合适。mate意为―伙伴,同事‖,可组成复合名词,如:classmate―同学‖, roommate―同房间的人‖。relative意为―亲戚‖,fellow意为―伙伴,家伙‖。 70. 【答案】B 【解析】语法结构题:which引导非限制性定语从句,和前面的定语从句并列,修饰先 行词those words,关系代词that只能在限制性定语从句中代替which。 71. 【答案】B 【解析】语法结构题:even if在这里引导条件状语从句。even是副词,不能引导状语 从句。In spite of和despite表示―尽管‖,为介词词组或介词,也不能引导状语从句。 72. 【答案】D 【解析】词义辨析题:本句作者想要表达的意思是―它们涉及生活中的一般性事情‖。 concern意为―涉及‖,符合题意。mind和care表示―介意,计较‖,relate的意思是―讲 述;将(两事物) 联系起来‖,relate to的意思才是―涉及某人(某事物)‖。 73. 【答案】A 【解析】词义辨析题:本题主要考查的是use和apply的辨析。use意为―使用‖,apply 意为―运用‖,这里指和所有用这种语言的人都能够交流,而无需深度的运用,所以 use比apply更合适。hire意为―雇用‖;adopt意为―采纳‖。 74. 【答案】D 【解析】词组辨析题:根据下文not the exclusive…a limited class可知这种语言是属于大 众的。at large意为―大多数的‖;in public意为―公开地,当众‖;at most意为―至多, 不超过‖;at best意为―充其量,至多‖。 75. 【答案】B 【解析】词义辨析题:share意为―份额,共享‖;right和privilege意为―权利,特权‖, 在本句不符合题意;possession意为―拥有,占有‖,通常指拥有财物。 76. 【答案】B 【解析】词义辨析题:comprise意为―包含,包括,由……组成‖。compose常用于被动 结构be composed of表示―由……组成‖。consist是不及物动词,必须和of组成动词 短语表示―由……组成‖,constitute意为―构成(某整体)‖。 77. 【答案】A 【解析】句意辨析题:此处第二种语言是相对第一种语言而言,根据上下文,第一种是 广泛的运用于口语当中,而第二种则是很少运用于口语,因此用seldom―不常,罕见‖。 78. 【答案】B 【解析】句意辨析题:necessity―必需,必要性,需要‖。本句作者想要表达的意思是―每 一个受过教育的人都知道它们的意思,但是我们在家中或市场里对话时,却不大需要 88 用到它们‖。prospect意为―前景‖;way意为―方式‖;reason意为―理由‖。 79. 【答案】B 【解析】词义辨析题:本句意为―我们最初既不是从母亲嘴里,也不是从同学那里了解 这些单词的……‖。first意为―第一,首先‖;primary意为―基本的,原始的‖;prior意 为―优先的,在先的‖;principal意为―主要的,首要的‖。 80. 【答案】B 【解析】固定搭配题:learn sth.from one‘s lips的意思是表示―从某人嘴里得知‖。 81.【答案】D 【解析】语法结构题:not…but…的意思是―不是……而是……‖。 82. 【答案】C 【解析】词组搭配题:attend a lecture的意思是―参加一个讲座‖。hear of意为―听到或知 道某人(某事)的情况‖;hear from意为―收到……的信‖;listen意为―听‖。这三个短语 都是用―听讲座‖这一中文表达中动词用―听‖这一点迷惑考生。 83. 【答案】C 【解析】词义辨析题:第二种词汇相对于第一种是口语中不常用的,也就是比较正式的。 本题是用形似词来考查考生。formal意为―正式的‖;former意为―以前的‖;formula意为 ―公式,方程‖;formative意为―形成的‖。 84. 【答案】A 【解析】词义辨析题:本题需要一个名词与discussing―讨论‖搭配。本篇文章都是在说 明词汇运用即语言本身的各个方面,用某种词汇讨论一个特殊的话题,故用topic―话 题‖合适。theme意为―主题‖,放在这里太过重视语言所表达的内涵,不符合整篇文章 的主题;idea意为―观点‖;point 意为―要点‖。 85. 【答案】D 【解析】词义辨析题:本句作者想要表达的意思是―……讨论问题的方式超越了日常生 活的范围‖,故用extent―范围‖。degree意为―程度‖;border意为―边界‖;link意为―连 接‖。 86. 【答案】A 【解析】词义辨析题:此处是两种词汇的比较,故选distinction―差别‖。diversion意为―转 移,转向‖;diversity意为―多样性,变化‖;similarity意为―相似之处‖。 Part VI Translation 87. 【答案】has no choice but to 【解析】词组“别无选择”对应的英文表达为 ―has no choice‖, “除此之外”不应按 中文思维考虑except, 而应该用地道的英文 ―but to‖。 88. 【答案】make up for 【解析】本句考查的是弥补的英文翻译,应为固定词组make up for。 89. 【答案】far from being satisfactory 【解析】不应按中文直接翻为not satisfied, 而应用地道的英文表达 ―far from being …‖ 。 90. 【答案】Conscious of her mistake/Having realized her mistake 【解析】“意识到”可以有多种译法, ―be conscious of‖ 或者 ―realize‖ 都可 以,注意 该分句为句首,一定要大写。 91. 【答案】as she claimed 89 【解析】“正如”用as不仅地道而且简单,宣称用"claim"就可,如果用‖declare‖则过大, 不符合句意。 9 Part I Writing Teenage Smoking Teenage smoking is on the rise. According to the chart, in the last twenty years the rate of teenage smoking has almost tripled. It rose from 7 percent in 1986 to 20 percent in 2006. At the same time, the age of the smokers has dropped. They began to smoke at an earlier age—some as young as 8 years old. The factors for a great rise in the teenage smoking are complex. Some attribute it to the increased standard of living which enables kids to have more pocket money for cigarettes. Others place the blame on the neglectful parents who either fail to set a good example or don't discipline children enough. Whatever the causes, only particular external circumstances have been examined. It should be recognized that there is a strong desire to be like adults among the modern teenagers. To him, the cigarette is a symbol of the mysterious adult world. There is also a subconscious feeling on the part of teenagers that smoking will give them a more positive view of themselves, making them feel mature and tough and sophisticated. The discovery of the value of smoking as a sign of maturity and toughness contributes to the rise in teenage smoking. Adolescence is a crucial age for a person to be a nonsmoker. It is important that a sustained anti-smoking campaign should be conducted both on campus and in the community to make young people aware of the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 Y 【解析】本题系主旨题,考查文章的中心思想。浏览全文可知本文讨论的主要是如何避 免食物污染以及和食物有关的疾病,故答案应为Y。 2. 【答案】 N 【解析】据文章的第三段可知,The majority of the reported food-borne illnesses actually occur in the home, says the CDCP.,故题干与原文相悖,答案应为N。 3. 【答案】 N 【解析】据文章的第六段可知,Most of the disease-causing bacteria reside on the outside of food.,故题干与原文相悖,答案应为N。 4. 【答案】 Y 【解析】据文章的第十段可知,There were other Seattle children who ate larger hamburgers at the same restaurant on the same day. They didn‘t get sick, even though all the meat came from the same supplier.因此题干与原文内容一致,答案应为Y。 5. 【答案】 Y 【解析】据文章第十一段可知,As few as seven organisms can cause illness. Cooking, then, is a control factor,故题干与原文内容一致,答案应为Y。 6. 【答案】 N 【解析】根据Shopping and Storing Food这一部分的第一段可知,Although food may still 90 be good after it is out of date, food manufacturers and processors can‘t guarantee its safety.故 题干与原文内容相悖,答案应为N。 7. 【答案】 NG 【解析】根据Hand washing这一部分最后一段的最后一句话可知,Paper towels work well. 原文表示纸巾能起到作用,但并没有提到纸巾是最有效的手段,故答案应是NG。 8. 【答案】 ―code dates‖ or the ―use by‖ dates 【解析】根据Shopping and Storing Food这一部分第一段可知, Davidson recommends buying foods within ―code dates‖ or the ―use by‖ dates,故答案应为―code dates‖ or the ―use by dates‖。 9. 【答案】 hot soapy water 【解析】根据Hand washing这一部分第一段可知,Hands should be washed in hot soapy water for 10 to 15 seconds before and after food preparation.,故答案应为hot soapy water。 10. 【答案】 be (all) clean 【解析】根据Keep It Clean这一部分第一句“make sure sponges, towels and cloths are all clean”,故答案应为be (all) clean。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: Edward has completed only about half of his term paper for art history class. M: Well, that‘s more than I can say for myself. Q: What does the man imply? [A] 【解析】女士介绍Edward仅仅完成了论文的一半,而男士补充说道自己要完成的内容 更多,因此答案为A。 12. W: I had to have Mr. Sloan come over and adjust my TV again last night. M: If I were you, I‘d have someone else check it out. Q: What does the woman think the man should do? [C] 【解析】女士说到昨晚让Mr. Sloan来检查她的电视机了, 男士说 ―如果我是你,我会 找别人来检查的‖。因此答案为C。 13. M: Do you like your new dress? W: I would never have bought the dress if I had known that Nancy had one. Q: What does the woman mean? [D) 【解析】男士问到女士对她新衣服的看法,女士用了一个虚拟语气的句子来回答:“如 果我知道Nancy有一件一样的衣服的话,我就不会买了。” 因此答案为D。注意虚拟 语气在短对话中常常考查,一定注意其所表达的隐含意思。 14. W: I‘d like to get this prescription refilled please. M: I‘m sorry, Miss. This prescription can‘t be refilled. See, it says ―No refill‖ right here on the label. Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place? [C] 【解析】根据对话中的关键词prescription (处方), ―refill‖ 和 ―label‖我们可知答案为C。 注意此类地点题中对关键词的把握。 15. W: Does this elevator stop on every floor? M: No, it stops only on the even ones. If you want an odd floor, go to the even one above it and then walk down. Q: Why won‘t the elevator stop on the ninth floor? 91 [A] 【解析】文中男士说 ―电梯仅仅在偶数楼层停,如果你想去奇数楼层,可以坐到其上面 的偶数楼层,然后再步行下一层楼梯。‖ 因此答案为A。 16. W: John, can you tell me what in the book interested you most? M: No, well, nothing specific, but I like it overall. Q: What did the man think of the book? [A] 【解析】女士问男士这本书最令他感兴趣的是什么,男士回答说 “虽然没有什么特别 的地方,但自己总体上说很喜欢这本书”。因此答案为A。 17. M: Hi, Tina, you‘ll graduate in a couple of months. How‘s the job-hunting going? W: I‘ve sent out lots of resumes, but no prospects yet. Q: What is the woman doing now? [D] 【解析】 男士问女士工作找得怎样了,女士回答说自己发出了很多份简历,但没有希 望,因此答案为D。 18. W: I just wish everyone wouldn‘t make such a big deal about it. It embarrasses me. M: If I were in your shoes, I would enjoy all the attention. Anyway, you saved a girl‘s life before she drowned. Q: What does the man mean? [C] 【解析】女士说对大家的过分关注感到尴尬。男士用了一个虚拟语气的句子表达自己的 态度。“如果我是你我会特别享受大家的关注的。”因此答案为C。 Conversation 1 M: Last time we talked about the history of paper, but do you know what paper is used for? W: Oh, that‘s an easy question. Paper is used for newspapers, books, writing paper, envelops, wrapping paper, paper bags… M: Yes, actually only half of the paper that is made is used for such purposes. Have you got an idea about other uses of paper? W: No, I‘m afraid not. M: There are many other uses. [19]Paper is very good for keeping you warm. Houses are often insulated with paper. You have perhaps seen homeless people asleep on a larger number of newspapers. W: Yes, I have. So they are insulating themselves against cold. M: You are right. In Finland, it is very cold in winter. It is sometimes 40 degrees Centigrade below zero. [20]The farmers wear paper boots in the snow. Nothing could be warmer. W: Oh, that‘s unbelievable. M: Now more and more things are made of paper. We have had paper plates, cups and dishes for a long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made of paper. W: Fascinating! M: [21]People have made paper boats, but they have not yet made paper planes or cars. Just wait, they probably will. W: Well, you have become an expert on paper. How do you know all that? M: [22]You know I‘m preparing for a presentation, so I‘ve looked up a lot of material. W: Well, I‘m sure your presentation will go really well. M: Thank you. Questions: 19. What function does paper perform in house-building? [C]【解析】对话开头男士在女士讲述完纸张的一般用途后,话锋一转,开始介绍起纸张的 92 其他用途。他首先提到了纸张在房屋建造时的保温功能。根据对话中 ―Paper is very good for keeping you warm. Houses are often insulated with paper‖,可以得出答案为C。 20. Why do farmers in Finland wear paper boots in snow? [A] 【解析】男士在介绍完纸张因为其超强的保暖功能而在房屋建筑中得到应用后,进而举 例讲到在芬兰,农民们都在冰天雪地中穿着一种“纸靴子”来御寒,因为 ―Nothing could be warmer‖,由此可知答案为A。 21. What is true of paper planes and cars? [B] 【解析】最后男士介绍人们已经建造了纸质的船舶,而纸质的飞机和纸质的汽车虽然目 前还未能出现,但未来有可能出现。根据这一意思答案为B。 22. How does the man got to know so much about paper? [D] 【解析】对话结尾处男士解释了自己为什么对纸张的用途了解得那么清楚。 ― You know I‘m preparing for a presentation, so I‘ve looked up a lot of material‖。由此可知答案为D。 Conversation 2 W: Good morning, Mr. Pitt. M: Good morning. W: First of all, I‘d like you to tell me a little about what you‘ve been doing. M: Well, I left school after I‘d done my A Levels. W: Ah, yes, A levels. What subjects did you take? M: French, German, chemistry and art, [23] but art always has been my cup of tea. W: Good at Art? I see. Now what about hobbies? Er, what do you do in your spare time? M: I like jazz, traditional and fold music. [24] I don‘t play, of course, but I do go to quite a lot of concerts and to the theatre occasionally. Also I‘ve done quite a bit of photograph and travel. W: Interesting. That‘s all I want about your background. Now let‘s talk about the management trainee schedule. What exactly do you think a manager does? M: I don‘t know a great deal about the work. W: But have you got any ideas about it? You must have thought about it.. M: Well, I…suppose he has a lot of…er…what is called, policy-making to do. And…he has to know how to work with people, and all about the company. W: Mm… M: Yes, I…should think a manager must know something about all aspects of the work. W: Yes, that‘s right. [25]We like our management staff to undergo a thorough training. Young men on our trainee schedule have to work through every branch in the company. M: Right, I see. W: You should hear from us in a couple of weeks. One way or another. Thank you. M: Goodbye. Questions: 23. Which subject is Mr. Pitt good at? [A] 【解析】在对话开头男士谈到了他修过的一些课程,进而谈到 ―but art always has been my cup of tea‖ 。 ―(sth) be one‘s cup of tea‖意为 ―对胃口的事物‖, ―感兴趣的事情‖。因此答 案应为A。 24. What does Mr. Pitt NOT do in his spare time? [C] 【解析】在女士问到他业余的兴趣的时候,男士介绍他喜欢爵士乐,传统音乐以及民间 音乐,但说到自己没有机会去弹奏。因此C是这位男士没有做的。而经常参加音乐会, 偶尔去剧院,经常摄影以及旅游都是男士业余从事的行为。结合问题,本题应选C。 93 25. What are the management stuff required to do in the company? [A] 【解析】在对话的结尾处,女士提到 ―We like our management staff to undergo a thorough training‖,由此可知答案为A。 Section B Passage One When Iraqi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil wells at the end of the Gulf War, scientists feared environmental disaster. [26]Would black powder in the smoke from the fires circle the globe and block out the sun? Many said ―no way‖; rain would wash the black powder from the atmosphere. But in America, air-sampling balloons have detected high concentrations of particles similar to those collected in Kuwait. Now that the fires are out, scientists are turning their attention to yet another threat: the oil that didn‘t catch fire. It has formed huge lakes in the Kuwaiti desert. They trap insects and birds, and poison a variety of other desert animals and plants. [27]The only good news is that the oil lakes have not affected the underground water resources. So far, the oil has not been absorbed because of the hard sand just below the surface. Nothing, however, stops the oil from evaporating. The resulting poisonous gases are choking nearby residents. [28]Officials are trying to organize a quick cleanup, but they‘re not sure how to do it. One possibility is to burn the oil. Get those black powder detectors ready. Questions 26. What were the scientists worried about soon after the Gulf War? [D] 【解析】短文一开头就介绍了海湾战争末期伊拉克军队轰炸了数以百计的科威特油井, 于是 ―…scientists feared environmental disaster‖听到这里要警觉起来,本题的关键信息 就要出现了:Would black powder in the smoke from the fires circle the globe and block out the sun? 所以答案为D。 27. What was the good news for the scientists? [D] 【解析】段落中往往会出现because, so等指示的因果关系或the most important, the best, the only等指示的特殊信息。从短文中我们可以听到 ―The only good news is that the oil lakes have not affected the underground water resources‖。如果对the only后的信息敏感 的话,就不会错过重要信息了。 28. What are the officials trying to do at the moment? [C] 【解析】四个选项都是不定式的形式,考虑在说明文的末尾一般会提到解决问题的办法, 可以预测这四个选项暗示了四种解决问题的办法。在短文末尾我们可以听到 ―Officials are trying to organize a quick cleanup, but they‘re not sure how to do it. One possibility is to burn the oil‖。由此可知答案为C。 Passage Two The decade for natural disaster reduction is [29] a program designed to reduce the impact of natural disasters throughout the world. With the support from the UN, countries will be encouraged to share information about how to plan for and cope with hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters. One of the most important things the program plans to do is o remind us of what we can do to protect ourselves, for example, we can pack a suitcase with flash lights, a radio, food, drinking water and some tools. This safety kit may help us survive disaster until help arrives. 94 Besides, the programs will encourage governments to establish building standards, emergency response plans and training plans. These measures can help to limit the destruction by natural disasters. [30]The comparatively mild-effects of the northern California earthquake in 1989 are good evidence that we do have the technology to prevent vast destruction. The recent disasters, on the other hand, prove that people will suffer if we don‘t use that technology. When a highway collapsed in northern California, people were killed in their cars. [31]The highway was not built according to stricter standards to resist earthquakes. Individuals and governments have to be far-sighted. We should take extra time and spend extra money to build disaster safety into our lives. Although such program can‘t hold back the winds or stop earthquakes, they can save people‘s lives and homes. Questions 29. What is the purpose of the program mentioned in this passage? [B] 【解析】从本题的选项看,这道题是有关某种目的的。在短文的开头,我们可以听到 ―a program designed to reduce the impact of natural disasters throughout the world‖,其目的是降 低全球自然灾害对人类的破坏。因此答案是B。 30. What can we learn from the northern California earthquake in 1989? [C] 【解析】根据选项的内容我们可以预测问题应该是关于人类的技术和灾难的破坏的。从 短文中我们可以听到 ―The comparatively mild-effects of the northern California earthquake in 1989 are good evidence that we do have the technology to prevent vast destruction‖我们有技术避免巨大的损失。说明文中的例子往往是出题点。在听的时候应 该注意文中提到的例子以及相关的评论。 31. Why did the highway in northern California collapse? [D] 【解析】从本题的选项看问题可能是为什么公路会坍塌。从短文中我们能听到 ―The highway was not built according to stricter standards to resist earthquakes‖,即高速公路没有 严格按照更高的防震标准建设。显然,正确答案是D。 Passage Three The ups and downs of life may seem to have no predictable plan. [32]But scientists now know there are very definite patterns that almost all people share. Even if you‘ve passed some of your ―prime‖, you still have other prime years to experience in the future. Certain important primes seem to peak later in life. When are you smartest? From 18-25, according to I.Q. scores; but you‘re wiser and more experienced with increasing age. You‘re sharpest in your 20‘s; around 30, memory begins to decline, particularly your ability to perform mathematical computations. But your I.Q. for other tasks climbs. Your vocabulary at age 45, for example, is three times as great as when you graduated from college. At 60, your brain possesses almost four times as much information as it did at 21. [33]This trade-off between sharpness and wisdom has led psychologists to suggest that ―maturity quotients‖ (M.Q.) be adopted for adults. When are you happiest? You have the best physical sense of yourself from 15 to 24; the best professional sense from 40 to 49. [34]Before age 24, we believe that our happiest years are yet to come; over 30, we believe that they‘re behind us. A National Health Survey agrees: After age 30, we ―become more realistic and do not view happiness as a goal in itself. If we maintain our health, achieve professional and 95 emotional goals, and then happiness, we feel, will follow‖. Questions: 32. According to the passage, what do we know about our life pattern? [C] 【解析】通过四个选项可以断定本题是关于人的生命规律的。A,B两项意义相近;而 B,C两项正好意义相反,考生需要清楚它们的差别在于人们是否有相同的生命规律。 短文第一句说生命的沉浮似乎无法预料,紧接着关键词but引导出了关键信息: ―But scientists now know there are very definite patterns that almost all people share‖,所以答案 为C。 33. Why do scientists suggest that ―maturity quotients‖ be adopted for adults? [B] 【解析】选项表明本题是关于成人的,考生听到的时候要注意,文中指出随着年龄的增 加,人会变得迟钝,但会拥有越来越多的智慧。因此 ―This trade-off between sharpness and wisdom has led psychologists to suggest that ―maturity quotients‖ (M.Q.) be adopted for adults‖。这里的trade-off一词至关重要,是 ―平衡‖的意思。 34. According to the speaker, when are people happiest? [D] 【解析】从选项看,显然这是一个有关年龄的题,文中多处提到年龄,需要做简要的笔 记记下这些数据。根据 ―Before age 24, we believe that our happiest years are yet to come; over 30, we believe that they‘re behind us‖。这句话说明答案应该是D。 35. What is the passage talking about? [A] 【解析】本题考查的是对文章主旨的判断。从文中我们能听到许多有关生命规律的单词 或短语,如: the ups and downs of life, prime years, life patterns, age等等,因此可以断定 答案为A。 Section C 36. 【答案】brands 【解析】此空需要一个复数的名词。在竞争型经济中,顾客对同一种产品会有几方面的 选择呢?不外是不同的品牌和价格。易犯错误:忘记用复数形式。 37. 【答案】identical 【解析】此处需要一个形容词。从意思上看,本句要表达的是:在不同的标签下面, 所有的产品都几乎面目相同,难以辨别。这里要考查的是对identical这个单词的把握。 38. 【答案】tends 【解析】此处需要一个动词,且该动词能跟带to的不定式搭配使用。此处需要注意的是: 不要忽视了第三人称单数形式。 39. 【答案】confronted 【解析】 既然同一产品的不同品牌面目难分,生产商就要面临如何销售自己产品的问 题。从搭配上看,“生产商are________with一个问题”,根据所要表达的意思,此处 需要一个类似faced的词表达“面临”的含义。此处需要注意的是:由于语法的要求, 这里需要使用被动语态。 40. 【答案】various 【解析】这句话表达的意思是:他们都想方设法吸引顾客。in…ways表示“以…方式”, 此处可能需要一个类似于different的词。 41. 【答案】classified 【解析】此处需要的是一个被动语态的动词。通过be_______into three types,我们知道这 个动词应该是表示“分类”概念的词。 42. 【答案】reasoning 96 【解析】此句正是对“They try to appeal to consumers in _________ways”这一句的详细 阐述。reasoning的意思是“站得住脚的,以理服人的”。 43. 【答案】recommends 【解析】紧接上句,广告试图影响人们思维的方法之一就是宣称某产品具有科学性。例 如:it may say the dentist __________Flash toothpaste。我们知道,牙医牙齿保健方面具 有权威性,经过这样的权威推荐的牙膏看起来就就具有科学性。因此此处需要一个表 示“推荐,建议”之类的动词。这个词的拼写亦是需要注意的问题。 44. 【答案】the truth of the ad may be less important than the appearance of truth 【解析】此处关键词有truth, ad,less important, appearance of truth。 45. 【答案】Products that are essentially boring, such as insecticide, are often advertised in an amusing way. 【解析】 此处关键词有products, essentially, boring,insecticide ,advertised和 amusing。insecticide这个词由insect 和后缀-cide(杀害,杀害者)组成。类似的词还 有suicide。 46. 【答案】Advertisers believe that consumers are likely to remember and buy products that the consumers associate with fun. 【解析】此处关键词有advertiser,believe,consumers,associate。整个句子中有一个宾 语从句that consumers are likely to do …,这个从句中还有一个that 引导的定语从句修 饰products。 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词:combine 联合企业 self-discipline自我约束 enthusiasm热情 regulations规章(复 数) discoveries发现(复数) honor荣誉 favorite特别喜爱的人或物 动词:combine联合 connect 连接 dim使变模糊 abandoned丢弃[过去式/过去分词] honor给……以荣誉;尊敬 disposed 排列;抛弃(需要与of搭配)[过去式或过去 分词] self-discipline自我约束 honor尊敬;给……荣誉 discoveries发现 [第三 人称单数] 形容词:dim昏暗的;模糊的 modest谦虚的 favorite最喜欢的 early早的 副词:eventually终于;最后 perfectly完美地 这篇文章以作者自己为例,讲到自然主义者是天生的,而不是后天培训而成的。作者 对于自然界有着与生俱来的热爱,正是这种对大自然的热爱促使他乐于对自然界进行各种探 索,钟情于阅读各类有关自然的书籍,并最终发表了300多篇有关自然界的论文和专著,取 得了卓越的科研成就。 47. 【答案】I 【解析】此处需要一个过去时态的及物动词作谓语。可供选择的词有abandoned和 disposed两个。从第一句提到的“我相信自然主义者是天生的”和下文的“与他们不一 样”可以推断兄弟姐妹是不喜欢花和昆虫的。故最合适的应为abandoned。disposed作 “抛弃”解时是不及物动词,需要与of构成固定搭配。 48. 【答案】N 【解析】此处需要一个元音开头的形容词作定语。以元音开头的只有early,根据and 后面的“不会做心算”也可以进一步确认。not an early reader意为“不是很早就学会阅 读的人”。 97 49. 【答案】G 【解析】此处需要一个形容词作定语。根据后一句But后的内容,可知此空需要一个与 crystal-clear(一清二楚)意思相反的词,故答案应为dim。dim memory意为“模糊的记忆” 50. 【答案】D 【解析】此处需要一个名词作主语,根据and前面的strong love,可知此空需要一个意思 上并列的enthusiasm。 51. 【答案】M 【解析】此处需要一个形容词作定语。根据topics前面的谓语动词love可知答案应为 favorite。 52. 【答案】 F 【解析】此处需要一个名词,且与observations构成并列关系。故正确答案应为 discoveries。 53. 【答案】O 【解析】此处需要一个副词作状语修饰谓语seems to fit together。可供选择的答案仅有 perfectly和eventually。从上下文语义来看,perfectly为合适的答案。seems to fit perfectly together意为“似乎相配得非常完美”。 54. 【答案】J 【解析】此处需要一个原形动词作谓语。从下一句But后的内容来看,此处需要一个表 示积极含义的动词,故honor最合适。honor with the title of scientific research意为“尊 称这些为科学研究”。 55. 【答案】C 【解析】此处需要一个名词,和hard training构成并列关系。故正确答案应为 self-discipline。 56. 【答案】A 【解析】此处需要一个及物动词,而且需要是动词原形。根据下文“获得这两个领域最 棒的东西”可知,此处最佳选择应为combine。 Section B Passage One 这篇文章主要讲述了芯片能为人们带来的好处以及可能引发的问题。将一枚微型芯片植 入手中,不仅能在就医时为医生提供该病人详细的病史,还可以便捷地进行医疗费的结算; 此外芯片还能帮助确定迷路的孩子和老人的位置以及当作信用卡使用而无需再带钱包。与此 同时,此类芯片也会引发诸如侵犯个人隐私等方面问题。因此,除了技术问题,各种相应的 法律和隐私的问题都需要得到解决。 57.【答案】D 【解析】主旨题。第3段是对前两段的总结以及进一步的阐述。选项A和C只是对例 子中的某些细节的陈述,不能总结例子的中心思想。这两段的例子说的都是芯片的好处。 B选项所说的是使用芯片会带来的问题,也只是谈芯片一个方面的影响,不能作为全文 的主题。 58. 【答案】 B 【解析】 态度题。第5段最后一句表明Lee Tien对芯片的看法。他认为“It‘s a double-edge sword.”(“这是一把双刃剑”)故他对其没有完全肯定,也没有完全否定,表明这种看 法是很审慎的,因此选项A,C,D都不正确。 59. 【答案】D 98 【解析】推理题。本题实际上考查的是对bits of的理解。第6段是有关这个发明的描述, 其中第2句提到bits of information,表明这家公司考虑到了芯片的容量问题。而选项A, B,C在文中均无体现。 60. 【答案】C 【解析】推理题。倒数第2段表明了“数字天使”的特点。选项A,B,D都可从本段 推断出来,只有C没有提及。 61. 【答案】C 【解析】细节题。最后一段提到了三个问题要解决,只有选项C没有提及。 Passage Two 这篇文章旨在对未来主义诗歌做出。文章首先谈到了未来主义诗歌诞生的社会背 景,即现在生活的纷乱吵杂和超快节奏需要有一种相应的文学形式予以表达。在这样一种社 会背景下诞生了未来主义诗歌。未来主义诗歌通过大量采用各种拟声词和一长串基本词以及 通过用多种颜色的墨水创作的方法,表达了现代生活的压力。 62. 【答案】B 【解析】主旨题。本题考查文章的大意。通读全文,不难看出,作者是在对Futurist Poetry (未来主义诗歌)做出评价,与B项相同。A和C的内容文中并未涉及;D仅在文中 第4段被提到了,即 ―…a great change in our emotional life‖,这只是一个方面,显然不 能作为文章的主题。故正确选项为B。 63. 【答案】B 【解析】细节题。注意题干中的 ―novel idea‖意为“新思想,新观点”。答案见原文第一 段 ―When a new movement in art attains certain vogue, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at‖。 64. 【答案】A 【解析】 细节题。见原文第2段 ―This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expressions. We must speed up our literature too…‖,即生活的变化要求文学表现 形式的变化。 65. 【答案】C 【解析】 推理题。作者前后两次提到这一点。第1段 ―…for whatever Futurist poetry may be…it can hardly be classed as literature‖和最后一段 ―This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as literature‖。 66. 【答案】A 【解析】推理题。见文章第2段 ―We must pour out a cataract of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives…we must make up words that imitate them: we must use many sizes of types and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will‖。从这里可以看出,B,C和D都属于未来主义诗人表达应用手 段。而qualifying adjectives(限定性形容词)则不可夹在“一长串基本词”(a cataract of essential words)中间。故A项不在未来主义诗人采用之列,因此为正确答案。 Part V Cloze 这篇文章主要讲述了对物品的质量和低质服务的投诉问题。对物品的质量问题和低质服 务的投诉并不是件容易的事情,本文提供了一些行之有效的方法:首先应该向负责人投诉, 99 比如说在大商店可以要求见采购员,在小商店可直接投诉;其次可以通过写投诉信的方式投 诉,并且应该备份自己写的投诉信。如若对得到的答复不满意,就可以写信给总经理并把信 予以备份。 67. 【答案】A 【解析】―大多数人不喜欢……‖四个选项都可以与make搭配,因此需要看哪一个符合 句子的要求。文章首句说,对物品的质量问题和低质服务的投诉并不是件容易的事。因 此空格中需要填上一个在意思上表示―不满‖的词。答案应为A。make a fuss ―强烈不满‖, 符合题意。另外,make a fuss还有“大惊小怪”的意思。 68. 【答案】B 【解析】 ―但是如果你买的东西有毛病,或者没有做到……,你请求……来使它恢复正 常‖ 本空格所在句前半句以or相连,那么其前后的内容都应该是关于产品所出现的问 题。因此答案应为B。 69. 【答案】D 【解析】 ―但是如果你买的东西有毛病,或者他们没有做到所声称的那样,你不是请 求……来使它恢复正常‖。买的东西出问题了,来使它恢复正常应是商家应该做的。因 此应该选D favor。 70. 【答案】C 【解析】 ―认真地对待投诉、调换商品、修理有问题的产品或改正低质的服务是店主的 责任,因为……‖。take sb/sth seriously 是固定搭配,意思为―认真地对待某人或某事‖。 故答案应为C。 71. 【答案】A 【解析】 ―认真地对待投诉、调换商品、修理有问题的产品或改正低质的服务是店主的 责任,因为……‖。空格处要填的词应是A. replace,意思是“调换(商品)”。 72. 【答案】C 【解析】―认真地对待投诉、调换商品、修理有问题的产品或改正低质的服务是店主的 责任,因为他们已经同你……协议‖。enter into an agreement “订约”系固定搭配,固 本题应选C。 73. 【答案】A 【解析】 ―厂商也有……,但那是以后的事情。‖产品出问题了,除店主外,厂商也应 该对此负责。因此答案应该为A 。play a part系固定搭配,意思是―参与,起作用‖。 74. 【答案】B 【解析】 ―回到你买这个东西的那个商店,带上你所拥有的任何……‖。fault―缺点,毛 病‖;receipt ―票据‖;complaint―牢骚,抱怨‖;goods―物品‖,从意思上看,去商店投诉 需要带上你所拥有的任何票据,故B为正确选项。 75. 【答案】C 【解析】 ―小的商店,……也可能就是店主,你可以直接向其投诉‖。小商店可能是自 主经营,故店主可能就是商店的售货员,故应该选 C。 76. 【答案】D 【解析】 ―在……商店,要求见经理‖。仅从本句难以判定所缺部分的含义,需要借助 上下文来确定。上一句提到in a small store, 再上一句提到in a large store,因此空格处 也要填上一个表示商店规模的词,故应选择 D。chain store意为―连锁店‖。 77. 【答案】A 【解析】 ―如果你打电话,问一下处理你的……的人的名字,否则,你也许不会知道后 来是谁处理……投诉‖。第78空显然应该选with,deal with系固定搭配。本句中的handle 100 和的deal with应具有相同的内容,故空格处要填一个与后面的complaint意思相近的词, 应选答案A。 78. 【答案】A 【解析】从上一题的分析可见,应选择A。deal with意为―安排,处理‖。 79. 【答案】B 【解析】―即使是最勇敢的人也会发现……在众人面前抱怨是件困难的事情,因此如果 你不想做……,就写信‖。A ―举起,抬起‖;B ―站起来,支持‖;C放弃‖;D ―设立,竖 立‖。从全句的意思上看,能与in a group of people搭配的只有B。 80. 【答案】C 【解析】―即使是最勇敢的人也会发现……在众人面前抱怨是件困难的事情,因此如果 你不想做……,就写信‖。当众站起来和写信是两种相对立的方式,我们知道写信是不 用亲自到场的,故前者需要in person “亲自”的。故答案应为C in person。 81. 【答案】A 【解析】“……事实真相并把你所写的信备份”。四个选项均能与stick构成固定搭配, 故取决于意思。A.“坚持”;B.“突出,伸出”;C. “竖起”;D.“继续支持,保持联系”。 从意思上看,stick to符合整句的含义,正确答案应为A。整个句子的意思是“坚持事 实真相并把你写的信备份”。 82. 【答案】B 【解析】“在这个……,你应该给出任何票据号码,但你不必给出票据和其他证据来…… 你买了某种东西”。at the stage“在这一阶段”,和全句意思相符合。因此答案应为B。 83. 【答案】D 【解析】“在这个……,你应该给出任何票据号码,但你不必给出票据和其他证据来…… 你买了某种东西”。根据常识,票据是购物的凭证,故答案应为D。 84 . 【答案】A 【解析】“如果你对得到的答复不满意,或者你没有得到一个……就写信给公司,商店 或组织的总经理”。本句中or前后的内容都是关于对对方处理的不满意,因此答案应为 A。 85. 【答案】D 【解析】“……备份你自己的信 ……”。A.be about to do“打算做某事”;B. be able to do “能作某事”;C. be certain to do“肯定会做某事”;D. be sure to do“务必,一定要做某 事”。从意思上看,应选D。 86. 【答案】A 【解析】从意思上看,除了备份自己的信外,与之对应的是还应备份自己收到的任何信 件,以后这些都是凭证。故应选A。 Part VI Translation 87. 【答案】as you have described them to me 【解析】该句考查as的用法。此句要求考生翻译作状语的句子成分,应注意使用完成时 态。 88. 【答案】rather than the process that led to these findings 【解析】该句考查“而不是……”这一结构,在英文中通常是rather than和instead of。 89. 【答案】it was taken for granted 【解析】该句考查take sth. for granted的扩展用法及中英文语态的转换。当中文出现“人 们”、“大家”等虚指的人称时,我们在翻译实践中往往采用被动语态。此外,要注意 101 it作形式主语指代that从句的用法。 90. 【答案】trying to convince him of our sincerity/trying to make him believe that we are sincere 【解析】此句考查由it作形式主语,而由动名词(短语)做真正主语的句型结构。除开 本句的It is no use外,必须以动名词作真正主语的结构还有:It is no good/ fun/ a waste of time等。 91. 【答案】when it comes to artificial intelligence/ when talking about artificial intelligence 【解析】该句考查when it comes to的固定表达,其意为“当谈到……的时候”,也可以 翻译成“when talking about artificial intelligence”。 10 Part I Writing Starting Career in a Big City or Small Town Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round? Every graduate faces this question when he starts his career. A large number of college graduates prefer to stay in the big cities. To them, big cities mean more experiences, more opportunities to see the big world and more space for career development. At the same time, higher salary is another temptation. But some graduates want to start in small towns. Even though there may not be many big companies, they can have a quieter and less competitive life there. Another reason is that they can be a big fish in a small pond. They can easily get the management‘s attention and may win promotion earlier. As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start my career in a big city like Beijing. A good beginning is half the battle, and in Beijing I can find a job in a big company where I can meet people from different places and cultures. I will learn from them what I can not get from textbooks. Part IIReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 Y 【解析】 该句句意为:河流改道的巨大水利工程导致咸海缩小。 解题依据为本文第2 段 倒数第2句和第3句:“Thirty years ago, government planners diverted the rivers that flow into the sea in order to irrigate farmland. As a result, the sea has shrunk to half its original size, stranding ships on dry land.” („„结果,咸海缩减至原来的一半„„)由此可知, 此题与原文意思相符。 2. 【答案】 N 【解析】该句句意为:巨坝和灌溉工程的建设好处多于坏处。解题依据为本文第3段第 2句话:“But many countries continue to build massive dams and irrigation systems, even though such projects can create more problems than they fix.” (虽然产生更多问题,许多 国家仍继续建巨坝和灌溉工程。)由此可知,坏处多于好处,所以此题与原文意思不符。 3. 【答案】Y 【解析】该句句意为: 缺水的主要原因是人口增多和水污染。本题解题依据可定位到本 文第4段第一句话 “Growing populations will worsen problems with water„” 及第11 段第一句话 “But almost everyone contributes to water pollution”。两者都是水资源缺乏 的原因,与原文意思相符。 4. 【答案】Y 102 【解析】该句句意为: 美国人面临的有关水的问题为地下水的减少和污染。本题解题依 据为第7段第2句话 “But Americans could face serious water shortages, too, especially in areas that rely on groundwater” 和第8段第3句话 “ Nevertheless, one in five Americans every day unknowingly drink tap water contaminated with bacteria and chemical wastes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency”,这两句话加在一起即为美国人所面临 的水资源方面的问题,与原文意思相符。 5. 【答案】N 【解析】该句句意为:根据这篇文章,所有水的污染都来自于家庭废弃物。本题解题依 据为第11段最后一句话 “„70 percent of the pollutants could be traced to household waste” (70%的污染物源于家庭废弃物),据此,本题之意与原文意思不符。 6. 【答案】N 【解析】该句句意为:美国人将不会面临缺水问题。该题解题依据为文章第7段第2句: “But Americans could face serious water shortages, too, especially in areas that rely on groundwater,„”显然本题之意与原文意思不符。 7. 【答案】NG 【解析】该句句意为:水利专家Gleick 提供了与水相关的问题的最佳解决。根据本 文第13段第一句话 “Water expert Gleick advocates conservation and local solutions to water-related problems” 所述,专家Gleick 虽然提供了一些解决方法,但是并未明确 指出这些解决方法是最佳的。 8. 【答案】one-third 【解析】解题依据为第4段最后一句话:“He fears that by the year 2025, as many as one-third of the world's predicted 8.3 billion people will suffer from water shortages”。 9. 【答案】glaciers and ice caps 【解析】 解题依据为第5段第2句话:“Two-thirds of this freshwater is locked in glaciers and ice caps”。 10. 【答案】 water pollution /polluting water 【解析】解题依据为第10段第2句话:“Toxic chemicals pollute water when released untreated into rivers and lakes.” Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: The little island you mentioned is marvelous. I've never seen so many wild plants! W: Oh, so you went there after all! Q: What has the woman assumed about the man? [B] 【解析】男士说女士提到过的小岛很棒并且说他从未见过这么多的野生植物。女士的回 答为“你到底还是去了”。说明女士没想到男士会去。所以答案为B。 12. M: Hey, you should be doing your art class now. Why are you here? W: I realized I have no talent for drawing. Drama is a better alternative than those brushes. Q: What does the woman mean? [C] 【解析】男士问女士为什么没有上绘画课,女士回答说她没有绘画天分。并且说戏剧是 一个更好的选择,所以答案为C。 13. W: It's really cold outside. You'd better wear a pair of gloves to keep your hands warm. M: That's a good idea. If only I had one with me. 103 Q: What can be inferred about the man? [C] 【解析】女士说男士最好戴双手套保暖。男士说:“好主意。要是我随身带着就好了。”这 是虚拟语气,与事实相反,说明他没有随身带着,所以答案为C。 14. M: I've been trying every bookstore in town for a copy of the chemistry textbook. The school's bookstore ran out for quite some time. W: Have you tried the one near the Sam's? I heard they still have a few copies left. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? [D] 【解析】男士说他想买一本化学课本。女士说她听说山姆会员店附近的那家书店还有几 本。所以答案为D。 15. W: Nobody told me that the class was canceled today. M: Well, sorry. I meant to, but I was so busy that it slipped my mind. Q: What does the man mean? [A] 【解析】女士说没人通知她今天的课取消了。男士道歉并说他本打算通知她此事,但是 由于太忙给忘了。所以答案为A。 16. M: At the Jade Restaurant, it's hard to find a table. W: No surprise there. It's the best one around. Q: What do we learn form this conversation? [C] 【解析】男士说在这家餐厅很难找到座位。女士说这一点儿也不奇怪,这家餐厅是附近 最好的一家。所以答案为C。 17. W: Sorry, I didn't catch your words just now. Could you tell me again when the assignment is due and how long should I write the paper? M: It's due next Tuesday. The paper should be no shorter than ten pages and I'm expecting to see your insight into the issue. Q: Who are the two speakers? [B] 【解析】女士问那篇论文应写多长及何时交,男士说在下周二交并且论文长度不少于十 页等。所以答案为B。 18. M: I'd like to read the book after John finishes with it. W: No problem, but I think he promised Sandy first. Q: What does John intend to do? [A] 【解析】男士说约翰读完这本书后他想读一下。女士先说没问题,然后又说约翰先答应 了姗蒂。所以答案为A。 Now you’ll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: OK, last night you were supposed to read an article about human bones. Are there any comments about it? M: Well, to begin with, I was surprised to find out there was so much going on in bones. I always assumed they were pretty lifeless. W: Well, that's an assumption many people make. But the fact is that bones are made of dynamic living tissue that requires continuous maintenance and repair. M: Right. [19] That's one of the things I found so fascinating about the article the way the bones repair themselves. W: OK. [19] So can you tell us how the bones repair themselves? M: Sure. See, there are two groups of different types of specialized cells in the bone that work together to do it. The first group goes to an area of the bone that needs repair. [20] This group 104 of cells produces the chemical that actually breaks down the bone tissue, and leaves a hole in it. After that the second group of specialized cells comes and produces the new tissue that fills in the hole that was made by the first group. W: Very good. This is a very complex process. [21] In fact, the scientists who study human bones don't completely understand it yet. They are still trying to find out how it all actually works. Specifically, because sometimes after the first group of cells leaves a hole in the bone tissue, for some reason, the second group doesn't completely fill in the hole. And this can cause real problems. It can actually lead to a disease in which the bone becomes weak and is easily broken. M: OK, I get it. [22] So if the scientists can figure out what makes the specialized cells work, maybe they can find a way to make sure the second group of cells completely fills the hole in the bone tissue every time. That'll prevent the disease from ever occurring. 19. What is the discussion mainly about? [C]【解析】两个人在讨论关于人类骨骼的问题。男士说那篇文章最吸引人的地方是骨骼进 行自我修理的方式。女士问男士能否讲讲这方面的事情。所以答案为C。 20. What is the function of the first group of specialized cells discussed in the talk? [C]【解析】男士说第一组细胞产生一种化合物,这种化合物可以破坏骨骼组织,并在其中 留下一个洞。所以答案为C。 21. What does the professor say about scientists who study the specialized cells in human bones? [B]【解析】男士说研究人类骨骼的科学家也还没有完全搞懂,他们仍然在努力发现这些细 胞是如何发挥作用的。所以答案为B。 22. According to the student, what is one important purpose of studying specialized cells in human bones? [A]【解析】男士说如果科学家们能搞懂这些细胞是如何发挥作用的,他们可能会找到一种 方法确保第二组细胞完全把骨骼组织中的洞填满,那将阻止这样的疾病发生。所以答案 为A。 Conversation Two M: Hi, Diana, mind if I sit down? W: Not at all, Jerry. How have you been? M: Good. [24] But I'm surprised to see you on the city bus. Your car in the shop? W: [24] No. I've just been thinking a lot about the environment lately. So I decided the air will be a lot cleaner if we all used public transportation when we could. M: I'm sure you are right. The diesel (柴油) bus isn't exactly pollution free. W: True. They'll be running a lot cleaner soon. We were just talking about that in my environmental engineering class. M: What could the city do? Install pollution filters in all their buses? W: They could, but those filters make the engines work harder and really cut down on the fuel efficiency. Instead they found a way to make their engines more efficient. M: How? W: Well, [25] there is a material that's a really good insulator. And a thin coat of it gets sprayed on a certain part of the engine. M: An insulator? 105 W: Yeah. [23] What it does is reflect back the heat of burning fuel. So the fuel will burn much hotter and burn up more completely. M: So a lot less unburned fuel comes out to pollute the air. W: And the bus will need less fuel. So with the saving on fuel cost, they say this will all pay for itself in just six months. M: Sounds like people should all go out and get some of this stuff to spray their car engines. W: Well, it's not really that easy. You see, normally, the materials are fine powder. To melt it so you can spray a coat of it on the engine parts, you first have to heat it over 10000 degrees and then, well, you get the idea. It's not something you or I will be able to do ourselves. 23. What is the conversation mainly about? [C]【解析】女士说这种方法可以把正在燃烧的燃料发出的热量反射回去,所以燃料会温度 更高,燃烧会更充分。所以答案为C。 24. Why did the woman decide to ride the city bus? [B]【解析】男士问女士为什么坐公交车而没有自己开车,女士回答说她最近总是在想环境 保护的问题,她觉得坐公交车会使得空气更洁净一些。所以答案为B。 25. What is the new material? [D]【解析】女士说有一种很好的绝缘材料,可以在引擎的某个部分喷上薄薄的一层。所以 答案为D。 Section B Passage One I grew up in a small town. My father raised chickens and ran a construction company. When I was 10 years old, my dad gave me the responsibility of feeding chickens and cleaning up the stable. He believed it was important to me to learn responsibility from those jobs. [27] When I was 22, I found a job in New York at a country music club. I washed dishes and cooked from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and then went on stage and sang until 2:00 in the morning. I soon became known as a singing cook. I had been refused so many times by record companies that it was easy to be discouraged. [26] One night, a woman executive from a company named Warner Brothers Records came to hear me sing. When the show was over, we sat down and talked. [26] Several weeks later, my manager received a phone call—Warner Brothers wanted to sign me to a record deal. I released my first record in July, 1987. It was sold over 2 million copies. My best efforts had gone into every job I ever held. [28] It was the sense of responsibility that made me feel like a man. Knowing that I had done my best filled me with pride. I still feel that way today, even though I have become a well-known singer. 26. Who first recognized the speaker's gift for singing? [B]【解析】一天晚上,一个来源于华纳兄弟唱片公司的女性管理人员来听他唱歌,几周以 后,这家公司打电话给他的经理说想和他签约一张唱片,因此答案选B。 27. Where did the speaker work before he became a professional singer? [A]【解析】说话人在成为一个职业歌唱家之前在一家乡村音乐俱乐部工作,因此答案选A。 28. What made the speaker feel proud of himself ? [A]【解析】说话人在文章末尾提到责任感使得他更像一个男人,知道自己付出了最大努力 使得他很自豪,因此答案选A。 106 Passage Two One of the important materials used in the construction of buildings and roads is cement. It is a powder made mainly from limestone and clay. Even though the ancient Egyptians and Romans used a kind of cement, [29] it was not until 1824 that an English bricklayer developed cement strong enough for modern roads and buildings. [30] While the bricklayer was experimenting in his kitchen, he found that a mixture of limestone and clay that had been heated formed a substance. This substance became hard and stone-like as it cooled. [31] When it was ground into a fine powder, it could be stored. [31] When the powder was mixed with water, it made an excellent quality of cement that quickly hardened in sunlight or even under water, it made an excellent quality of cement that is used today. 38. Who developed the kind of cement that is used today? [B]【解析】文中说直到1824年,一个英国人发明了一种硬度很强足以用来铺路和建房子的 水泥,所以选答案B。 39. Where was the modern cement first made? [B]【解析】当那个英国人在他的厨房试验时,他发现把石灰石和泥混在一起加热后会形成 一种物质,从下文知道,这种物质就指的是现在的水泥,所以选答案B。 40. How is the modern cement made? [D]【解析】当这种石灰石和泥的混合物被磨成粉末,这种粉末和水混合,就形成了一种质 量很好的水泥,那就是我们现在使用的水泥,所以选答案D。 Passage Three [35] Some people have very good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. There are other people who can only remember things when they have said them over and over again. [32] The famous English writer, Charles Dickens said that he could walk down any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many of the great men of the world have had wonderful memories. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child. Some children who live abroad with their parents seem to learn two languages as easily as one. [33] In school it is not so easy to learn a second language because students have too little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects as well. [34] A man's mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our minds. [35] Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. 32. Why does the speaker mention Charles Dickens in the passage? [B]【解析】说话人提到他可以走在伦敦的任何一条街道上告诉你他经过的每家店铺的名称, 世界上许多其他伟大的人也有很好的记忆力。所以选择答案C。 33. Why is it difficult for students to study a second language in school? 107 [B]【解析】在学校要学会第二语言很难,因为学生忙于其他科目的学习,几乎没有什么时 间学习它。所以选择答案B。 34. In what way is a man's mind different from a camera? [C]【解析】文中说一个人的大脑很像一台相机,但是它不仅把我们所看到的东西拍成照片, 而且还把我们感觉到的、听到的、闻到的和吃到的都记录了下来。所以答案选C。 35. What is the passage mainly about? [C]【解析】文章开头和结尾都提到了记忆力这个词,而且它还贯穿于整篇文章。所以答案 选C。 Section C 36. 【答案】subject 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 37. 【答案】audience 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 38 【答案】achieving 【解析】此处缺一个动名词,和falling, solving并列。 39. 【答案】public 【解析】此处需要一个名词。 40. 【答案】celebrate 【解析】此处需要一个动词做谓语。 41. 【答案】mates 【解析】此处需要一个名词,注意是名词复数,和后边的friends, coworkers, families是 并列成分。 42. 【答案】conquers 【解析】此处需要一个动词做谓语,主语是love不可数名词,所以谓语用第三人称单 数。 43. 【答案】columns 【解析】此处需要一个名词,意思是“专栏”,因为有numerous修饰,而且column是 可数名词,所以要用复数形式。 44. 【答案】they also believe that it is the best basis for marriage 【解析】关键词为believe,basis,marriage。关键要能听出来这里有一个that引导的宾 语从句。 45. 【答案】 Americans consider marriage a private arrangement between the two people involved 【解析】 这时一个单独的句子,所以Americans中的A要大写。关键词为Americans, marriage,arrangement,people等。involved为过去分词做定语修饰people。 46. 【答案】when he or she falls in love, the strongest feelings are supposed to be for the loved one 【解析】关键词为falls in love,strongest feelings,for the loved one等。知道be supposed to do结构会使这个句子更容易些。falls为第三人称单数,注意不要把s 丢掉。loved 为过去分词做定语修饰one,其中的d容易丢掉,要特别注意。 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) 108 Section A 【词性分析】 名词:backbone支柱 background背景 opportunities机会(复数) snowball 雪球pace 速度 动词:liked 喜欢[过去式/过去分词] led 引导[过去式/过去分词] enjoyed 喜欢[过去式/过 去分词] developed 发展[过去式/过去分词]impressed 给…留下印象 [过去式/过去分 词] developing 发展[现在分词] 形容词:infinite 无限的horseless 没有马的 definite 一定的farther 更远的(far的比较级) 【短文大意】 拥有汽车的世界给人们带来了自由。汽车业成了交通系统的支柱产业,它为人们提供了 更多的就业机会,使得人们可以住在远离他们工作的城市的郊区,更多的道路被修建,更多 的城市涌现。汽车的前途很光明。 47.【答案】N 【解析】此处需要一个动词的过去分词,意思为“汽车的快速给人们留下了深刻的印象”, 所以impressed 是正确答案。 48. 【答案】E 【解析】此处需要一个动词的过去式,意思为“拥有汽车使人们可以通往任何地方”, “lead to”又是一个动词短语,所以led 是正确答案。 49.【答案】O 【解析】此处需要一个名词,意思为“这使得人们可以在任何时候、以任何速度旅行”, 所以pace 是正确答案。 50.【答案】A 【解析】此处需要一个名词,意思为“汽车的流行使得它成了交通系统的支柱”,所以 backbone是正确答案。 51.【答案】M 【解析】此处需要一个形容词,意思为“汽车使人们可能住在离工作单位比以前更远的 地方”,所以farther 是正确答案。 52.【答案】L 【解析】此处需要一个形容词,意思为“当然,因为有更多的地方要去,所以就必须建 造更发达的道路”,所以developed是正确答案。 53.【答案】J 【解析】此处需要一个形容词或名词做定语,根据下文 “Jobs increased, industries grew, new industries developed, and cities appeared”,此句意思为“汽车引发了雪球效应”,所以 snowball 是正确答案。 54.【答案】I 【解析】此处需要一个名词复数,意思为“如今,汽车工业继续提供了更多的机会”,所 以opportunities 是正确答案。 55.【答案】G 【解析】此处需要一个形容词,意思为“不用马拉的车辆”,所以horseless 是正确答案。 56.【答案】B 【解析】此处需要一个形容词,意思为“汽车的将来会无限光明”,所以infinite 是正确 答案。 Section B Passage One 109 本篇文章主要介绍了领导者的问题。研究显示现实生活中存在着两种不同的领导方式。 这两种方式分别是工具型领导和表达型领导。工具型领导重视由一个社会组织完成某项任 务;表达型领导重视一个社会组织所有成员的集体幸福。工具型领导能成功地促进组织目标 的实现,通常得到其组织成员的尊敬;表达型领导会为他人提供情感上的帮助,通常得到其 组织成员的爱戴。 57. 【答案】D 【解析】主旨题。本篇主要讨论不同的领导者(如instrumental leaders以及expressive leaders)在不同的社会群体中所充当的角色和发挥的作用。所以D为正确答案。A、 B、C三个选项都不能正确概括本文主旨。 58. 【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。A选项的招募(recruitment)和B选项选举程序(election process) 都在第1段中作为较大群体的领导者的产生方式被明确提到。D选项也在第一段中作 为家庭领导者的产生方式被明确提到。只有C选项在本文中被提及。 59. 【答案】A 【解析】推论题。A选项意思是:某一特定群体的有效领导者,不一定就可以成为另一 群体的有效领导者。这正好与第二段的意思相吻合,即领导者没有一个固定的特点,只 要是符合了一个特定群体需要的人就有可能成为该群体的领导者,原文为“It seems„ virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group”。B选项和C选项的意思与本文无关。D选项意为:许多 人想成为领导者,但却很少能拿出证据来证明他们具有这样的资格。这显然是对文章意 思的曲解。 60. 【答案】 B 【解析】细节理解题。第2段中“„decades of research have failed to produce consistent vidence that there is any category of ‘natural leaders'”,意思是说数十年来的研究并不能 找出可靠的证据来证明哪些人可以成为“天生的领导者”,这与B项意思一致。 61. 【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题。第3、4段主要讲了两种类型的领导者的区别。其中“instrumental leader”侧重于群体目标的实现,而“expressive leader”相对于前者并不侧重于群体目 标的实现,而是注重为群体成员提供情感支持,并尽力减少内部纷争。参考原文: "Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them.” Passage Two 这篇文章首先论述了人们对于“房租控制政策”的不同看法,支持者认为这可以保护住 在公寓里的住户,反对者认为这会最终导致公寓的缺少。“最低工资法案”也会导致同样的 问题,它虽然维护了工人的权益,却会导致失业问题。总之,经济问题没有简单的答案。 62. 【答案】A 【解析】细节理解题。本题问的是规定最高租金可能会导致什么结果。文章第一段明确 指出,如果landlords(房东)收取租户的租金有了最高限额,他们的利润会受到影响, 110 也可能导致他们投资其他行业,因此,C、D两项都是错误的。B项“使租房为家的 人担忧”文中没有涉及,也不对。依据第1段最后一句话 “„ the end result of rent control is a shortage of apartments in the city”,可知A项为正确选项。 63. 【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题。依据第1段第4句 “However, the critics say that after a long time, rent control may have negative effects”,可断定C项正确。A、B、D诸项都含绝对意 味,都不符合文中意思。 64. 【答案】A 【解析】细节理解题。解答该题只要准确理解第2段的含义,尤其从第3行开始。 “However, if the minimum is high „ Thus, critics claim, an increase in the minimum wage may cause unemployment”。 此题比较简单。 65. 【答案】 B 【解析】主旨题。本文从“rent control”和最低工资控制两方面讨论了政府控制可能造 成的后果。进一步说,许多政府行为可能会保护某些利益,但从长远来看,也会带来 许多问题。B项正确。A项说(文章叙述了)供求关系,C项说(文章叙述了)政府 控制的必要性;D项说(文章叙述了)摆脱政府控制的紧迫性;文章并没有深入谈及 这三项内容,显然不能成为文章主旨。 66. 【答案】 D 【解析】细节判断题。依据第4段第2句话的“The predictions may be correct only if ?other things are equal'” 可得知A项是对的。从第2段可得知规定最低工资会使得雇主雇 用更少的工人,会考虑用机器替代工人,也就会导致更多的人失业,所以B项应该是 可以成立的说法。C项的内容实际上就是A项的另一种表达,也可以成立。依据第4 段内容,可知D项不正确。经济理论应该有相当的参考价值,但还需考虑方方面面的 因素。 Part V Cloze 本文讲述的是近年来,越来越多的外籍教师来到了美国。我们应该思考一下使用外籍教 师的优点和缺点。外籍教师的外国背景可以说是一笔财富,但是这对于大学学校和外籍教师 本人来讲,都有一个相互适应的问题。 67.【答案】 C 【解析】本题考查搭配关系。本句句意为:当然,在教学岗位上应考虑聘用外籍教师的 利与弊。根据句意,应选介词of。 68.【答案】 A 【解析】 本题考查介词用法。根据上题译文,介词in符合题意及英语习惯表达,故正 确。其他选项均不符合英语习惯表达。 69.【答案】 D 【解析】本题考查动词辨析。thought 意为 “认为”,measured 意为“测量”,balanced 意为“平衡”,considered 意为“考虑”。D项符合题意,故正确。 70.【答案】 C 【解析】本题考查名词辨析。situation 意为“形势,情况”;circumstance 意为“情况”; background 意为“背景”;condition 意为“条件”。本句句意为:对于大学和个人,被 当作宝的外籍背景也使外籍教师个人和大学产生了适应方面的问题。据此,只有C选 111 项符合题意,故正确。 71.【答案】 B 【解析】 本题考查动词辨析。emerge意为“出现”,是不及物动词,可排除;carries意 为“携带”;creates意为“创造、产生”;solves意为“解决”;B项符合题意,且和“ problems” 为固定搭配,故正确。 72.【答案】 A 【解析】本题考查代词用法。本句句意为:“从事研究的外来学者通常待在实验室以保护 自己。” isolate oneself somewhere 为习惯用法,意为:把某人隔离在某地。此处空格应 指主语the foreign research scholar, 所以应用 himself 指代;由此确定A项为正确答案。 73.【答案】 C 【解析】本题考查上下文逻辑关系。根据上下文,逗号后所述内容与前文内容正好相反, 所以此处应选表示转折意义的词,显然C正确。选项B和D都表示递进,而选项A意 为“否则”,不符合上下文逻辑关系。 74.【答案】C 【解析】本题考查搭配关系。根据fit 动词不与by 连用,可排除选项B;而fit 与into 或with连用为“适合,符合”之义,两选项均与句意不合。本句句意为:但他所需要 的是适应组织严密的大学体制。据此,只有C项符合题意,故正确。“be fitted to”意为 “使适应;使胜任”。 75.【答案】 D 【解析】 本题考查代词用法。本句空格本为“the system”,为避免重复,一般用that 来 替代,所以D项正确。 76.【答案】 B 【解析】本题考查搭配关系。“be faced with”为固定搭配,意为“面对,面临”,所以B 项正确。其余选项均搭配错误。 77.【答案】 D 【解析】本题考查动词辨析。上句句意为:外籍教师面临人生观、课程安排及教学方法 等方面的差异。因而本句应在意义上与上下文保持一致,lack 意为“缺乏”,符合题意 要求,故为正确答案。而have(有)、possess (拥有) 和need(需要)均不合题意。 78.【答案】 A 【解析】本题考查名词辨析。concept意为“概念、观念”,feeling意为“情感、感觉”, plan意为“计划”,intelligence意为“智力、脑力”。本句句意为:要求外籍教授具有美 国学生头脑中已有的观念。显然A选项和句意吻合,故正确。 79.【答案】 D 【解析】本题考查动词辨析。ordered 为“命令、定购”之义;asked 为“询问,请求” 之义;insisted 为“坚持”之义。根据句意,显然选项D正确。 80.【答案】 B 【解析】本题考查搭配关系。“adapt oneself to”意为“使某人自己适应于”,其余选项均 无此搭配关系,所以B项正确。 81.【答案】 C 【解析】 本题考查搭配关系。adjustments 为空格所填动词的宾语,其搭配动词应用make, 所以C项正确。 82.【答案】 A 【解析】本题考查习惯用法。“take advantage of”为固定用法,其意为“利用”,和题意 吻合,故A项正确。 112 83.【答案】 D 【解析】本题考查动词辨析。show意为“显现、表明”;afford意为“担负得起(费用、 损失等)”;express意为“表达、表示”;offer意为“提供,给予”。本句句义为:大学 也必须作一些调整,以充分利用外籍教师所能提供的服务。选项D与题意吻合,故正 确。 84.【答案】 B 【解析】本题考查形容词辨析。powerful 意为“强有力的”,creative 意为“有创造力的”, imaginary 意为“虚构的、幻想的”,advanced意为“先进的、高级的”。本句句意为: 人们还不知道如何创造性地利用外籍教师。很显然选项B符合题意,故正确。 85.【答案】 C 【解析】本题考查名词辨析。scope意为“范围”,range意为“变动范围、视觉范围”, field意为“领域”,district意为“行政区域”。根据句意,此处应指研究领域,因而选项 C正确。 86.【答案】 B 【解析】本题考查短语动词辨析。“called on”与“called upon”意义等同,A、C均可排 除;“called at”意为“在某处拜访某人”,与题意不合,也可排除;只有“called for (需 要)”符合题意,故正确。 Part VI Translation 87.【答案】turned a deaf ear to our warnings 【解析】词组“对„„充耳不闻”对应的英文表达为turn a deaf ear to„。 88.【答案】as fluently as he speaks English 【解析】此题要考察同级比较的用法。同级比较的结构是as + adj. /adv +as„。 89.【答案】Whether Tony will come or not 【解析】“是否„„”的英文表达为whether „ or not,时态用一般将来时。 90.【答案】could not help laughing 【解析】“忍不住做某事”可以翻译成can‘t help doing sth.,句子用一般过去时。 91.【答案】 did she realize/learn/become aware of/be conscious of 【解析】此题考察的是倒装结构。放在句首,句子要用倒装结构,主谓部分倒装;“了解” 可以译为realize,learn,become aware of或be conscious of。根据时态前后一致的原则, 要用一般过去时。 20086 Part I Writing Recreational Activities With the improvement of the standard of living, people now spend plenty of time on various forms of recreational activities. People can surf the Internet, go in for sports, go dancing, go to the movies and the like. Recreational activities do good to people‘s health, both physically and mentally. Sports and games can keep people healthy. Going to concerts, playing video games or online games can stir people‘s imagination. People can obtain huge amounts of information and knowledge by surfing the Internet. However, too many recreational activities might be harmful. People‘s work and study will be adversely affected if too much time is spent on recreational activities. Therefore, only through 113 joining in recreational activities rationally will people benefit from them. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】A 【解析】问题考查电视称为最具吸引力的原因。第一段的第一句就直陈的原因。即because it delivers mass audience to advertisers, 与题干完全吻合。故答案为A。 2. 【答案】D 【解析】此题考查增加电视频道的结果。Television的第二段列举了电视影响广告的四个 特征。其中第二个特征提到,增加电视频道,使观众能看到的广告的绝对数量增加。故 答案为D。 3. 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查报纸作为广告媒体和电视的区别。Newspaper部分第二段首句对报纸 和电视做了比较。在报纸上登广告更便宜(less expensive),而且可以为读者提供更长、更 详细的服务信息。故答案为B。 4. 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查电台广告不断增加的原因。题干出自该部分的首段首句。该段最后还 明确指出听众可以随时随地收听广播,电台为广告商提供了能与听众全天候交流的途 径。换言之,听众很容易接触到电台的广告。故答案为C。 5. 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查杂志受广告商青睐的原因。这个部分的第一段最后指出,广告商将杂 志视为一种接触特定目标读者群的途径,并在文中举了体育画报的例子。故答案为A。 6. 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查户外广告流行的原因。该部分提到,户外广告流行的原因是现在越来 越多的消费者在户外的时间延长,使得户外广告成为一种有效的广告方式。故答案为B。 7. 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查网络广告所面临的挑战。该部分第一段提到,网络广告商所面临的挑 战是要创作出让特定目标群过目不忘、印象深刻的广告。故答案为C。 8. 【答案】quite homogeneous, but small 【解析】题干出自Internet部分第二段末句Advertisers will have to adjust their methods to reach these audiences。其中these audiences指的是上句中的受众群体,在题干中将其改 为了that引导的定语从句。即网络广告受众的特点是: 同化性很强,但数量相对较小。 由此可以确定答案。 9. 【答案】relationships with consumers 【解析】定位在Direct mail部分。空格内应该填入一个名词或名词词组,与to develop 构成动词不定式,修饰business。该部分最后两句提到,直投是一种与消费者建立直接 联系的有效手段。对于很多公司而言,这是一种最有效的广告方式。build与题干中的 develop相对应。因此其宾语relationships with consumers就是答案。 10. 【答案】the appropriate media 【解析】 这是一道主旨题。答案应该在文章的首段中寻找。从语法分析,此处应该填 入一个名词或名词短语作为select的宾语。文章开篇提到,确定一种产品或服务的目标 受众后,广告商必须选择合适的媒体(the appropriate media)来投放广告。故the 114 appropriate media为本题答案。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: Today‘s a bad day for me! I fell off a step and twisted my ankle. W: Don‘t worry. Usually ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activities for a while. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? [A] 【解析】选项A中的a good rest与女士所说的stop regular activities意思一致。故答案为 A。 12. W: May I see your ticket please? I think you‘re sitting in my seat. M: Oh, you‘re right! My seat is in the balcony. I‘m terribly sorry! Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? [C] 【解析】本题考查对话的地点或场景。听音的关键在于捕捉balcony一词。这个词有“阳 台”的意思,也有“剧院的楼厅”的意思。故答案为C theatre。 13. W: Did you hear Jay Smith died in his sleep last night? M: Yes, it‘s very sad. Please let everybody know that whoever wants to may attend the funeral. Q: What are the speakers talking about? [B] 【解析】女士说“史密斯先生睡觉时去世了”。男士回答说,“是的,很让人伤心‖。选 项B中的sad和原文中的sad复现。故B为答案。 14. M: Have you taken Prof. Yang‘s exam before? I‘m kind of nervous. W: Yes. Just concentrate on the important ideas she‘s talked about in class and ignore the details. Q: How does the woman suggest the man prepare for Prof. Yang‘s exam? [D]【解析】选项中出现lessons, notes, learning, lectures等词,可以初步判定本题考查与上 课有关的问题。选项D中的focus on和main points分别与女士说的concentrate on和 important ideas相对应,属同义转述。故答案为D。 15. W: I‘m so sorry, sir. And you‘ll let me pay to have your jacket cleaned, won‘t you? M: That‘s all right. It could happen to anyone. And I‘m sure that coffee doesn‘t leave lasting marks on clothing. Q: What can we infer from the conversation? [D]【解析】通过男士的语言,“不要紧”,“我肯定咖啡污渍不会洗不掉”,可以推断“女士 不小心把咖啡洒在男士衣服上了”。故答案为D。 16. W: Have you seen the movie ―The Departed‖? The plot was so complicated that I really got lost. M: Yeah. I felt the same. But after I saw it a second time, I could put all the pieces together. Q: How did the two speakers find the movie? [B]【解析】女士说电影情节太复杂,她不明白。男士的回答中,首先用了“Yeah”一词, 表明男士认同女士的观点。选项B中的hard to understand与女士说的complicated属同 义转述。故答案为B。 17. M: I‘m really surprised you got an A on the test. You didn‘t seem to have done a lot of reading. 115 W: Now you know why I never missed a lecture. Q: What contributes to the woman‘s high score? [A]【解析】选项A的内容与对话中女士所说“I never missed a lecture”为同义转述。故答 案为A。miss在这里的意思是“错过”。 18. W: Have you heard about a new digital television system? It lets people get about 500 channels. M: Yeah. But I doubt they have anything different from what we watch now. Q: What does the man mean? [D]【解析】本题听力重点在男士所说的“I doubt they have anything different from what we watch now.‖ doubt一词可以帮助判断男士对新电视系统持怀疑态度。选项D的内容是 对该句的同义转述。故答案为D。 Now you’ll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: Gosh! Have you seen this, Richard? M: Seen what? W: In the paper. [19]It says there is a man going around pretending he is from the electricity board. He‘s been calling at people‘s homes, saying he is coming to check that all their appliances are safe. Then he gets around them to make him a cup of tea, and while they are out of the room, he steals their money, handbag, whatever and makes off with it. M: But you know, Jane, it is partly their own fault. You should never let anyone like that in unless you are expecting them. W: It‘s all very well to say that. But someone comes to the door and says electricity or gas, and you automatically think they are OK, [20]especially if they flash a card to you. M: Does this man have an ID then? W: Yes, that‘s just it. [20]It seems he used to work for the electricity board at one time. According to the paper, [21]the police are warning people especially pensioners not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment. It‘s a bit sad. [22]One old lady told them she‘s just been to the post office to draw her pension when he called; she said he must follow to her home. [22]He stole the whole lot. M: But what does he look like? Surely they must have a description. W: Oh yes, they have. Let‘s see. In his 30s, tall, bushy dark hair, slight northern accent. Sounds a bit like you actually. 19. What does the woman want the man to read in the newspaper? [C]【解析】对话中女士所说的“in the paper”是解答本题的关键点所在。其后的句子即是 本题的答案所在。选项中的in disguise与对话中的pretending一词相对应。 20. How did the man mentioned in the newspaper try to win further trust from the victims? [D]【解析】if they flash a card to you是虚拟语气。意为“向你出示证件”。另外,女士接着 说这个窃贼以前确实做过电工。因此他容易确定别人的信任。选项D中的ID对应文中 的card。故答案为D。 21. What is the warning from the police? [C]【解析】对话中的warning为提示词。选项C的内容not to let anyone in without an appointment与not to admit anyone unless they have an appointment属同义转述。 22. What does the woman speaker tell us about the old lady? 116 [C]【解析】听到对话中的draw her pension以及He stole the whole lot不难选出答案C。draw 是“取钱”的意思。pension意为“退休金”。 Conversation Two M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concepts? W: Yes, certainly. [23]I was a marketing consultant responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. They were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of a very high standard. M: Which markets were you responsible for? W: For Europe and Japan. M: I see from your resume that you speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan? W: Yes, I have. I spent a month in Japan in 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators, and the tourist organizations. [24]As I speak Japanese, I had a very big advantage. M: Yes, of course. Have you had any contact with Japan in your present job? W: Yes, I‘ve had a lot. Cruises have become very popular with the Japanese both for holidays and for business conferences. In fact, the market for all types of luxury holidays for the Japanese has increased a lot recently. M: Really? I am interested to hear more about that. But first tell me, have you ever traveled on a luxury train, the Orient Express for example? W: No, I haven‘t. [25]But I‘ve traveled in the Glacier Express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. [25]I love train travel. [25]That‘s why I am very interested in this job. 23. What did the woman do in her first job? [A]【解析】对话的前两句。男士询问女士的第一份工作是什么,女士回答I was a marketing consultant…即她的第一份工作是做市场营销顾问。故选项A正确。 24. What gave the woman an advantage during her business trip in Japan? [D]【解析】本题考查女士的工作优势。这个信息在对话中女士已经明确表示。她提到As I speak Japanese, I had a very big advantage。 25. Why‘s the woman applying for the new job? [B]【解析】本题考查女士申请这份新工作的原因。需要根据男士的问题和女士的回答进行 推断。男士问女士是否乘坐豪华列车旅游,女士说她虽然没有乘坐过豪华列车,但她乘 坐过火车旅游,并曾乘坐火车在中国游览。她强调说她喜欢坐火车。由此可以推断这份 新工作很可能需要员工乘坐火车。故答案为B。需要特别注意对话中出现的but一词。 Section B Passage One Time! I think a lot about time. And not just because it‘s the name of the news organization I work for. Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it a never ending frustration and an unwinnable battle. [26]My everyday is a race against the clock that I never ever seem to win. This is hardly a lonesome complaint. According to the families and work institutes national study of the changing workforce, fifty-five percent of the employees say they don‘t have enough time for themselves, sixty-three percent don‘t have enough time for their spouses or partners, and sixty-seven percent don‘t have enough time for their children. It‘s also not a new complaint. [27]I bet our ancestors returned home from hunting wild animals and gathering nuts, and complained about how little time they had to paint battle scenes on their cave walls. The difference is that the boss of animal hunting and the head of nut gathering probably 117 told them to ―Shut up!‖ or ―No survival for you!‖ Today‘s workers are still demanding control over their time. The difference is: today‘s bosses are listening. I‘ve been reading a report issued today called When Worker Works produced jointly by three organizations. [28]They set out to find and award the employers who employ the most creative and most effective ways to give their workers flexibility. I found this report worth reading and suggest every boss should read it for ideas. 26. What is the speaker complaining about? [A]【解析】通过短文中的My everyday is a race against the clock that I never ever seem to win 可以了解困扰讲话人的问题所在,即时间永远不够用。故答案为A。 27. What does the speaker say about our ancestors? [A]【解析】讲话人在说到缺少时间时提到了祖先在捕猎和采集食物时对时间的看法和经历。 讲话人认为,祖先的生活性质虽然和现代人不同,但他们也同样是很忙碌的,也有着同 样的抱怨。故答案为A。 28. Why does the speaker suggest all bosses read the report by the three organizations? [D]【解析】by three organizations为提示语。问题中的report指的是对话中的When Worker Works。讲话者向大家推荐这份报道,原因是这份报道可以告诉大家比较有效的工作方 式,即让员工拥有更多工作时间的灵活性。这样势必在很大程度上提高工作效率,员工 的抱怨也会减少。选项D的内容是对to give their workers flexibility的同义转述。故答案 为D。 Passage Two [31]―Loving a child is a circular business. The more you give, the more you get, the more you want to give‖ Penelope Leach once said. What she said proves to be true of my blended family. I was born in 1931. As the youngest of six children, I learned to share my parents‘ love. [29]Raising six children during the difficult times of the Great Depression took its toll on my parents‘ relationship and resulted in their divorce when I was 18 years old. Daddy never had very close relationships with his children and drifted even farther away from us after the divorce. Several years later a wonderful woman came into his life, and they were married. She had two sons, one of them still at home. Under her influence, we became a ―blended family‖ and a good relationship developed between the two families. She always treated us as if we were her own children. [30]It was because of our other mother, daddy‘s second wife, that he became closer to his own children. They shared over 25 years together before our father passed away. At the time of his death, the question came up of my mother, daddy‘s first wife, attending his funeral. [31]I will never forget the unconditional love shown by my stepmother when I asked her if she would object to mother attending daddy‘s funeral. Without giving it a second thought, she immediately replied, ―Of course not, honey, she‘s the mother of my children.‖ 29. According to the speaker, what contributed to her parents‘ divorce? [B]【解析】six children、the difficult times、the Great Depression、和resulted in their divorce 这几个点完全可以帮助做出正确判断。因为家庭成员多和大萧条时期所造成的经济困难 导致了父母的离异。故答案为B。 30. What brought the father closer to his own children? [D]【解析】本题考查父亲和孩子关系更亲近的原因。这个原因在短文中已经提到了。用的 是强调句型it was…that。第二任妻子的积极行动影响了父亲,所以父亲和孩子的关系 变得更亲近。故答案为D。 118 31. What message does the speaker want to convey in this talk? [B]【解析】主旨题。需要理解全文然后做出判断。短文的开头和结尾是听音的重点。选项 B的意思是“由爱生爱”,短文中的内容是对此的佐证。首段中的the more…the more…the more、proves to be true以及末段中的never forget、the unconditional love也等都可以帮助 确定短文的主旨。故答案为B。 Passage Three In February last year, my wife lost her job. [32]Just as suddenly, the owner of the greenhouse where I worked as manager died of a heart attack. His family announced that they were going to close the business because no one in the family wanted to run it. Things looked pretty gloomy. My wife and I read the want-ads each day. [33]Then one morning, as I was hanging out the Going Out of Business sign at the greenhouse, the door opened and in walked a customer. She was an office manager whose company had just moved into the new office park on the edge of the town. She was looking for part of plants to place in the reception areas and offices. ―I don‘t know anything about plants,‖ she said, ―I‘m sure in a few weeks they‘ll all be dead.‖ While I was helping her select her purchases, my mind was racing. [34]Perhaps as many as a dozen firms have recently opened offices in the new office park, and there were several hundred more acres with construction underway. That afternoon, I drove out to the office park.. By 6 o‘clock that evening, I had signed contracts with seven companies to rent plants from me and pay me a fee to maintain them. Within a week, I had worked out an agreement to lease the greenhouse from the owner‘s family. Business is now increasing rapidly, and one day, [35]we hope to be the proud owners of the greenhouse. 32. What do we learn about the greenhouse? [B]【解析】where I worked as manager是定语从句,删除后句意仍然完整,即the owner of the greenhouse died of heart attack,答案显而易见。故答案为B。 33. What was the speaker doing when the customer walked in one morning? [C]【解析】细节题。…as I was hanging out the Going Out of Business sign…, the door…and in walked a customer。当顾客进来的时候,他在张贴告示。选项C的putting up与hanging out 为同义转述。故答案为C。 34. What did the speaker think of when serving the office manager? [C]【解析】说话人想到,这位顾客是刚刚搬进新的办公园区,还有很多别的公司也是刚进 入办公园区,他们也都需要新的盆景,这是个商机。故答案为C。 35. What was the speaker‘s hope for the future? [A]【解析】短文的最后一句为答案所在。…and one day, we hope to be the proud owner of the greenhouse。问题中的the future与此处的one day相对应。故答案为A。 Section C 36. 【答案】labor 【解析】空格前的形容词physical表明此处需要填入一个名词,与空格后的名词raw materials, capital语义并列。 37. 【答案】 ingredients 【解析】 ingredient意为“要素”。注意此名词为复数形式。 38 【答案】vital 【解析】该句是上句的反面描述。vital是形容词,意为“重要的”。在这里修饰raw material, 119 意为“重要的原材料”。 39. 【答案】individuals 【解析】需要填入主语成分。谓语动词offer提示该名词为复数形式。本句是说,作为 劳动力大军的个人(individuals)提供的是知识,而非肌肉或体力。 40. 【答案】engage 【解析】本句缺少谓语动词。因主语knowledge workers是复数形式,所以这里应该填 入原形动词,而且该动词必须可以和in搭配。本句的意思是,受过教育的工人从事 (engage in)的是脑力劳动。 41. 【答案】figures 【解析】所填写的词与words、data语义并列。本句的意思是,这些脑力劳动者处理的 是一些文字、数字(figures)和数据等。注意使用复数。 42. 【答案】generating 【解析】空格后的processing, as well as exchanging提示这里应该填入一个动词的现在分 词,且能够和information搭配。该句是说,作为未来的脑力劳动者,你所做的工作就 是生成(generating)、处理和交换信息。 43. 【答案】Currently 【解析】空格后的逗号提示这里应该填个副词。currently意为“目前地”,与in the future 形成前后对比。注意首字母大写。 44. 【答案】will be making decision in such areas as product development, quality control and customer satisfaction 45. 【答案】 to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with the improved technology and procedures 46. 【答案】Don‘t expect the companies will provide you with a clearly-defined career path Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词:interviews 采访;面试 manufacture 制造;生产 moments 时刻 news 新闻; 消息 balloon 气球 regret 后悔 claim要求权;债权 动词:accomplish 完成任务 manufacture 制造;生产declare 宣称 regret 后悔 claim 声称;断言 advanced 前进;预付[过去分词] limited[过去分词] 限于 reduced[过 去分词] 减少 interviews 采访;面试 [第三人称单数] 形容词: scary 吓人的 advanced先进的;高级的 limited有限的 reduced减少的 副词: constantly 经常地 totally 完全地 本文介绍几年前,我因一项写作任务需要到欧洲旅行三个月。因为语言不通,并且对 当地的地理和交通系统完全不熟悉,我想辞去这项任务。就在此时我突然想到:如果不试一 下,我将一无所获。于是我接下了那个任务。从那以后,我总是毫不犹豫地选择去偏远的地 区。每次你尝试一下,就会发现,积累得多了,世界大门向你打开得就越多。 47.【答案】D 【解析】but转折句中缺少谓语动词。could提示这里需要一个动词原形。因此,accomplish、 claim、 declare、 regret四个词为备选项。accomplish是及物动词,不能接动词不定式, 故排除。declare后常接that引导宾语从句,不能接动词不定式,故排除。Regret后可接 120 动词不定式,但此处与不合语义。故排除。故答案为D。本句是说, 我决不会据此就 说我对欧洲这片大陆很熟悉。 48. 【答案】H 【解析】空格前的系动词be提示这里是一个形容词或动词的过去分词,且该词能够和 to搭配使用。因此,只有limited和reduced两个词可以选择。reduce一词常用于表示 数量或价格上的减少,与文中外语知识少的意思不相符。故排除。limited是limit的过 去分词,常见搭配limit sth. to sth.,其中to是介词。此句句意为“我的外语仅限于大 学里学习的一些语法而已”。故答案为H。 49.【答案】O 【解析】根据语法知识,unable和unfamiliar是并列关系,此处需要一个副词修饰形容 词unfamiliar,故E和O两个选项备选。E constantly意为“经常地”,是个频率副词, 不是程度副词,不能用来表示unfamiliar的程度,故排除。totally意为“完全地”,表示 程度,符合语义。故答案为O。 50.【答案】G 【解析】空格内需要填入set up的宾语。因此,G interviews、I manufacture和J moments 入选。manufacture意为“生产”,虽然可以作set up的宾语,但不合语义,故排除。moments 意为“时刻”,不能作set up的宾语,因此排除。interviews意为“采访”,能作set up 的宾语,也符合语义,故答案为G interviews。 51.【答案】M 【解析】空格前的with及形容词considerable提示此处需要一个名词,且能被considerable 修饰。因此,news和regret两个词入选。news可以被considerable修饰,但意思与文意 不符,故排除。with considerable regret意为“觉得相当遗憾”。 故答案为M regret。 52.【答案】J 【解析】空格前的系动词were以及形容词bad提示此处应填入一个复数名词。因此,备 选项分别是J moments和G interviews。J moments用在此处符合语义,表达作者糟糕的 经历,且与空格后的the time相呼应。再者,G已经入选第50的答案,故可以确定, 本题的答案为J。 53.【答案】B 【解析】空格后的名词bookings(预定)提示此处应该填入一个形容词或动词的分词形 式,可以修饰名词bookings。因此,选项B和选项N是备选项。N选项scary的意思是 “吓人的”,不能用来修饰bookings,故排除。advanced可以修饰bookings, 意为“提前 预约”,故答案为B。 54.【答案】N 【解析】系动词is提示此处需要形容词或动词的分词。故advanced,scary,limited,reduced 四个词备选。limited和advanced已经入选48和53的答案,可以先行排除。reduced意 为“减少”,不合语义。选项N scary意为“吓人的,可怕的”,参考空格前的the new, the different的语义,可以确定此处应该填入scary一词。句意为“问题的关键是,人们几 乎都认为陌生的事物让人心生恐惧”。故答案为N。 55.【答案】C 【解析】不定冠词a提示答案应该是个单数可数名词。只有C balloon可选。句意为“四 十岁的时候我学会了滑雪,乘坐热气球飞越了莱茵河”。 56.【答案】A 【解析】情态动词can提示此处为一个原形动词。A、F、M三个选项备选。F declare意 为“宣称”,不能接wonders, 故排除。同样地,regret也不能和wonders搭配使用,也 121 被排除。accomplish意为“达成、完成”,可以和wonders搭配使用,意为“创造奇迹”, 故A为答案。 Section B Passage One 虽然人类早就意识到了全球变暖的问题,但是对缓解这个问题所做的却非常少。因 为人类没有解决这个问题的好办法。本文作者建议使用新技术来缓解全球变暖的环境危机。 全球变暖这场辩论所存在的问题是,它由一个技术问题变成了道德问题。 57. 【答案】D 【解析】主旨题。定位文章首段首句。We won‘t do much about it表明缓解全球变暖我 们不会倾注太多。故答案为D。选项A内容过于绝对,文中表达的是“may or may not be the …”,故排除。选项B内容与文中首段第三句But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed意思不一致。 故排除。C的内容没有提及。 58. 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查对Al Gore观点的理解。定位点在文章的第二段。作者对此观点的理 解是“merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution”,即“好像仅仅意识到 全球变暖就能找到解决办法似的”,故答案为C。B是对inconvenient一词的误解。 “inconvenient truth‖这里意为“不愿面对的事实”,并非“给人们带来不方便”的意 思,故排除。A没有提及。D选项的内容是作者自己的观点,与题干不符。故答案为 C。 59. 【答案】A 【解析】定位点在第三段。线索词2050可以提示定位点。选项A的内容是对本段内容 的复述。预测到2050年,能源使用总量和温室气体排放量会增加42%。但科学家 指出这只是保守估计,实际数字将会翻倍,而造成数据上升的原因是我们要发展经 济(we need economic growth),故答案为A。其它三个选项在文中未提及。 60. 【答案】B 【解析】线索词Kyoto Protocol帮助定位到第四段。该段提到,没有任何政府会为了缓 解全球变暖而严格限制其国家经济的增长,限制个人使用能源的自由;一些政客为了 表示自己有所作为就扯出了Kyoto Protocol。故答案为B。选项A内容与作者观点相 反,故排除。D的内容文中未提及。选项C内容have greatly cut back与文中Still, politicians want to show they‘re ―doing something‖”不符相悖。故排除。 61. 【答案】B 【解析】作者对解决全球变暖问题的建议。定位点在第五段。该段首句即是作者的建议: 如果全球变暖是一个潜在的灾难的话,那么唯一的解决办法就是依靠新技术。选项B 中的ultimate与原文中only相对应。故答案为B。文章最后一段只说对全球变暖的争 论已经上升到对道德问题的讨论,并为将moral issue和practical one作对比,故排除 A。C和D在文中未提及。 Passage Two 当今社会网络盛行,网络隐私问题引起关注。有的时候人们因为大意而泄露了个人信息, 而有的时候,人们是为了一些蝇头小利而不惜泄露个人信息。隐私就像健康一样,只有在失 122 去的时候才知道珍惜。 62. 【答案】A 【解析】本题属于在特殊符号处设置题目。破折号之前的例子解释到,无论是谁,他们 都会以一种你所不愿意被看到的方式来看你。21世纪就好像是一个被人裸视的时 代。故答案为A。B中try every means意为“想方设法”,与原文“轻而易举”表述 相反,故排除。C中“大家坦诚相见”与文中“大家都不愿意暴露个人隐私”意思 相悖,故排除。文中没有涉及通过高科技手段可以很容易将罪犯擒获的内容,故排 除D。 63. 【答案】C 【解析】答案定位在第三段首句。心理学家告诉我们,在某些阶段,某个合适的时间, 与朋友、家人和爱人坦诚相见很重要;同时,我们需要界限。即我们需要保持一定 距离。故答案为C。A与文中boundaries相悖。B的内容并非心理学家给的建议, 不合题目要求。D未提及。 64. 【答案】B 【解析】本题问的是我们越来越不能保守自己秘密的原因。题干出处在段尾,因此,该 句前面的句子就是答案所在。你在任何地方留下的数据残渣都可以让陌生人很容易地 就了解你;有时,一个简单的搜索都能暴露你的想法。换言之,人们在使用高科技产 品的同时会泄露大量个人隐私。故答案为B。A属于过度推断。C的内容并不是原因。 D未提及。 65. 【答案】D 【解析】第六段通过一个调查描述了美国人对待隐私泄露的态度。大部分人很在意;接 下来转折指出,美国人言行不一。只有一小部分人会改变行为方式来保护个人隐私。 故答案为D。A的表述与原文不符。B和C的内容在文中没有提及。 66. 【答案】D 【解析】考查作者将隐私比作健康的原因。答案在最后一段。;隐私就像健康一样,拥 有的时候不在意;失去后才知道自己原本可以多做一些事情来珍惜它、保护它。故答 案为D。 Part V Cloze 本文指出,不同的大学在教育目的方面侧重点各不相同。大学是教授各种高水平知识 的机构,同时也进行一系列的科研工作,这主要是为了拓宽人们的学科知识。规模小而新的 大学不会让教师们去从事那些规模大的大学里才有可能从事的科研。大多数学生上大学主要 是为了获得他所选择的领域所需要的知识。教育学家认为,这并不是唯一的目的。大学还要 致力于培养有知识而且有判断力和有智慧的人。 67.【答案】A 【解析】be aimed at doing sth是固定搭配。意为“目标是…‖。 68.【答案】D 【解析】结合上下文可知,此处指各学校所授科目不同,所强调的方面有不同。Vary from…to…是固定搭配,意为“…和…不同”,符合题意。故为答案。B选项range from…to…也是固定搭配,其意“在…范围内变动”。文章中并未涉及到范围的问题, 所以被排除。 69.【答案】B 【解析】四个选项都可以和in搭配。In place意为“在适当的位置上”,in control意为“在 123 控制之下”,in prospect意为“有希望”,in favor of意为“赞同,有利于”。结合上下 文,此处说的是根据在适当位置上的人的观点。因此答案为B place。 70.【答案】B 【解析】根据上下文可知,规模较小、建校时间较短的大学不同于规模大的大学,它们 没有人力或设备进行大量的研究工作。由此可知所填词应该有“拥有”的意思。故答 案为B。其它选项均与此处语义不符。 71.【答案】D 【解析】根据第70题的题解可知,所填词汇应该有“大量的”的意思。A maximum和 D vast都有此意。但maximum表示程度,意为“最大量的,最大程度的”,但原文内 容并未涉及程度,因此排除。vast意为“大量的”,表示数量,故答案为D。 72.【答案】A 【解析】本题为逻辑判断题。前后句是转折关系,故答案为A but。 73.【答案】B 【解析】 语义题。A natural 意为“自然的”;B essential “非常必要的”;C functional “功能的”;D optional“可选择的”。essential与此处语义相符。故答案为B。 74.【答案】C 【解析】keep sb.in touch with sth.是固定搭配。意为“使某人了解某事物发展的最新动态”, 故答案为C touch。 75.【答案】A 【解析】分析句子可知,空格所在句子说的是大部分学生上大学的目的,即获得职业所 需要的必要知识。 A acquire意为“获得”,符合语义,故为答案。B accept意为“接 受”,是干扰项。接受知识与获得知识并非一个概念。故排除。另外,在表达“学习、 获得知识”之意时,容易受到中文干扰,翻译成learn knowledge,此说法是不正确的。 76.【答案】B 【解析】根据上下文语义及常识判断,大学生所学习的必然是他们所选专业的职业技能。 B profession意为“职业”,与此处语义相符。故为答案。 77.【答案】D 【解析】本题考查only和mere作形容词时的语义区别。Only作形容词时意思为“唯一 的;仅有的‖; mere作形容词时的意思是“仅仅,只不过”,放在此处不符合语义。故 答案为D only。 78.【答案】A 【解析】固定搭配考查。produce sb. with sth是固定搭配,意为“让某人拥有某物”,故 为答案。下句中出现的with对本题有提示作用。 79.【答案】C 【解析】 根据句意,所填词汇应有“鼓励”之意。四个选项中只有C符合题意。故答 案为C encourage。A prompt ―促使‖; B provoke “激起、惹怒”;D anticipate “期待” 均与此处语义不符。 80.【答案】C 【解析】根据上下文可知,下句中的interested为所填词汇的同根词复现。因此,答案为 C interests。在此指有不同兴趣爱好的人。 81.【答案】A 【解析】语义题。所填词汇应该有“加深,加宽”之意。A broaden 符合,故为答案。B lengthen “延长”;C enforce “强迫”;D specify “指定”均与此处语义不符。 82.【答案】B 124 【解析】通过空格后面a student should…/He should…/He should可以推断,这些建议应 该是在学习完一门secondary school course之后提出的,故答案为B after。其它选项 均与语义不符。 83.【答案】D 【解析】固定搭配题。for one‘s sake是固定搭配,意为“为了…起见”。此处意为“为了 知识本身”,故答案为D sake。 84.【答案】B 【解析】固定搭配题。make sacrifices是固定搭配。意为“做出牺牲”,故答案为B make。 85.【答案】A 【解析】根据上下文可知,空内词汇是上文中in many fields of study中的fields的原词复 现,意为“选择的学习领域”。故答案为A。 86.【答案】C 【解析】语义题。make contribution to意为“为…做贡献”。结合上下文,空格内词汇的 意思应该是“有意义的”,修饰contribution。故C meaningful为答案。A radical “彻 底的”;B truthful “诚实的”;D initial “最初的”均与此处语义不符。 Part VI Translation 87.【答案】can be applied to the development of new technology 【解析】题干中的the results of this research与“应用于”这个动作是被动关系,所以“可 以应用于”要用被动语态来表达,即can be applied to。 88.【答案】must be wrong 【解析】 本题目考查情态动词的用法。“一定”表示肯定猜测,用must。题干中的now 提示是对现在正在发生的事情的肯定猜测,因此,must后面接be或动词原形。 89.【答案】no matter what job it is/whatever job it is 【解析】被译的部分为让步状语从句。用no matter what或whatever来引导,二者可以互 换。时态依照题干中is的提示,可以确定为一般现在时。需要注意,no matter引导的让 步状语从句的语序要用陈述语序,时态要和整句的时态保持一致。 90.【答案】Compared with the place where I grew up 【解析】由于题干中的逗号后面没有连词,可以判定这里需要使用独立主格结构。“相比” 的逻辑主语是this town,二者是被动关系。因此,“与…相比”翻译成compared with。 compared with与名词短语in comparison with二者同义,可以互换。 91.【答案】Not until he had finished his mission 【解析】not until表示否定含义,放在句首时从句不倒装,主句部分倒装;从句的时态应 该时过去完成时,以体现主句、从句的前后顺序。 200812 Part I Writing Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags Nowadays, plastic bags have been an indispensable part of our life because they bring us much convenience. We are so dependent upon plastic bags that we could not live without them. Convenient as plastic bags are, they also bring us many problems, such as the so-called ―white pollution‖, the difficulty in discomposing, and their suffocating property. Besides spoiling the environment, they are also harmful to our health because the chemical material they contain can not be broken down. Consequently, millions of dollars are spent in eliminating the pollution 125 they cause, yet the result is not satisfying. As a result, limiting the use of disposable plastic bags has become a top priority. Firstly, this measure will reduce pollution and also preserve many resources. Next, our living environment would be much more beautiful without those flying plastic bags. In brief, in view of the great benefits, drastic measures have to be taken to reduce the use of disposable plastic bags. Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 1. 【答案】 A 【解析】题目询问Stella Bianchi在和小男孩说话时希望男孩的母亲做什么。因此定位在 第三段中Stella Bianchi的话语中。I thought she was coming over to apologize。选项A make an apology是apologize的同义转述,题干中expect一词对应文章中的thought。故答案 为A。 2. 【答案】 D 【解析】题目询问作者对管教别人的孩子的看法。依照定位法,可以在文章第四段第二 句找到答案。Dealing with other people‘s children has become a minefield.作者认为,管教 他人的孩子就像是进入了雷区,即会惹上很多的麻烦。D选项中lots of trouble与文章 中的minefield一词相对应。故答案为D。 3. 【答案】B 【解析】题干中Naomi White of Nonash University是线索词。依此线索,可以迅速定位 到文章的第七段。该段第二句Naomi White提到,“我们(家长)把孩子当作自身的延伸, 所以,当你说我孩子表现不好的时候,某种程度上你就是在批评我”。选项B的意思为 “受伤害”,“难受”,与文章中表达的意思相符。故答案为B。 4. 【答案】A 【解析】线索词为Andrew Fuller。文中第九段引用Andrew Fuller的话。其中go to the child 和a quiet reminder与选项A中的talk to them directly in a mild way意思相符。故答案为 A。 5. 【答案】C 【解析】题目询问我们社会以孩子为中心的本性会带来什么影响。Child-centric nature of our society 是线索词。定位处在文章第十六段。其中提到“他们担心指出这些问题会 引起与大一点儿的孩子或者他们父母的冲突”,即他们不太愿意指出孩子的错误行为, 故答案为C。 6. 【答案】B 【解析】线索词in a world where everyone is exhausted from overwork and lack of sleep 可 以帮助准确定位文章第十八段。选项B中的it‘s difficult to create a code of conduct 是对 原文中a code of conduct is hard to create 的同义转述。故答案为B。 7. 【答案】D 【解析】题目询问当孩子在学校有麻烦的时候,以前的人是怎么反应的。文章第十九段 第二句提到,以前的家长会说“you probably deserved it‖ (你大概是罪有应得),即他们会 责备自己的孩子。题干中的used to和文中的the days相对应,都是“曾经”,“那个时候” 的意思。故答案为D。 8. 【答案】challenged 【解析】定位地点:全文倒数第五段。题干出自文章首句。照搬即可。答案为challenged.。 9. 【答案】can be proud of 126 【解析】定位地点:文章倒数第四段。分析题干可知,according to …something句子成分 完整,they和空格内容应该是修饰something的定语从句,省略了引导词that。因此空 格内应该填入they的谓宾或系表。该段中提到,“我们家长们把孩子们当作物品,他们 的表现和作为是用来让我们引以为自豪的。”题干将原文中的something we改为 something they, we 后面的can be proud of 即是答案。 10. 【答案】stay silent 【解析】全文最后一段中recommends that we don‘t与题干中的suggests that…people should not意思是一样的。二者是同义转述。空格前由于有should not,空格内应该填入 原形动词或词组。因此,原文中we don‘t后面的内容stay silent即为答案。 Part III Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: I just received an E-mail from one of my former classmates. I was surprised. I hadn‘t heard from him for ages. W: Well, I‘ve been out of touch with most of my old friends, only one or two still drop me a line occasionally. Q: What does the woman mean? [D] 【解析】 女士提到她与大多数老朋友都失去联系。Out of touch为重点词汇,意为“失 去联系”。所以答案为D。 12. M: If you can make up your mind about the color, I can start on the outside of your house early next week. W: Well, right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but I‘ll let you know tomorrow. Q: Who is the woman talking to? [A] 【解析】 本题考查人物身份。男士话语中提到color, 女士话语中提到white for the window frames以及yellow for the walls。浏览选项可知选项A中的painter从事的工作与颜 色相关。所以答案为A。 13. W: Excuse me, do you have any apartments available for under 500 dollars a month? I need to move in next week when my new job starts. M: The only vacant one I have is 600 dollars. Have you inquired at the apartment complex down the street? Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? [C] 【解析】 对话中男士询问女士是否去公寓楼问过了。 选项C的内容与男士的话相对应。 所以答案为C。 14. W: You bought a pair of jeans yesterday, didn‘t you? What are they like? M: Oh, they are pretty much like my other ones, except with a larger waist. I guess I haven‘t spent much time exercising lately. Q: What can we infer from the conversation about the man? [C] 【解析】 男士的话是本题的重点。男士提到所买的裤子和其它的差不多,只是腰部变 宽了,并且继续补充说最近自己疏于锻炼。由此可以推断出男士的意思是他长胖了。 所以答案为C。 15. W: I really like those abstract paintings we saw yesterday. What do you think? M: I guess it‘s something I haven‘t acquired a taste for yet. 127 Q: What does the man imply? [D]【解析】 本题考查对男士的话语进行推理,所以男士的话为听音重点。女士询问男士是 否喜欢抽象画,男士回答说他还没有此爱好。委婉的表达了他不喜欢的态度。所以答 案为D。 16. W: You haven‘t seen a blue notebook, have you? I hope I didn‘t leave it in the reading room. M: Did you check that pile of journals you borrowed from the library the other day? Q: What is the man trying to say to the woman? [B]【解析】女士询问男士是否看到自己遗失的笔记本,男士让对方检查一下那摞杂志。选 项B的内容与此对应。所以答案为B。 17. M: How about joining me for a cup of coffee? W: I‘d love to, but I‘m exhausted. I was up till 3 this morning, writing a paper for my literature class. Q: Why does the woman decline the man‘s invitation? [A]【解析】 男士建议一起去喝杯咖啡。女士拒绝并给出原因。因为她熬夜到今天凌晨三点, 觉得很疲劳。A选项的内容与此相对应。故答案为A。 18. W: You had a job interview yesterday, didn‘t you? How did it go? M: Not too bad, I guess. There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager‘s job. And finally it was down to three of us, but the other two seemed better qualified. Q: What does the man imply? [B]【解析】本题正确解题的关键在于排除干扰,准确捕捉重点信息。女士询问面试情况, 男士的回答not too bad有很大的干扰性。但真正的听音重点是but the other two seemed better qualified, 意思是另外两个似乎更有资格,即他本人得到这份工作的机会不是很 大。故答案B正确。 Now you’ll hear two long conversations. Conversation One W: Simon, how does it feel to be retired? M: Well, not so bad. W: How have you been spending your time? M: [19]I have been spending more time with my family. I‘ve also traveled a bit, you know, off season when everywhere is less crowded and hotels cost less. W: Great. M: You know I haven‘t stopped work completely. W: Yes, could you tell us more about this? M: I‘m on a scheme that‘s called phased retirement: I had a six-month break from work; after that I could apply for project work with the company I used to work for. W: How does the scheme work? M: Well, it‘s a trial at the moment. 20] Instead of hiring temporary stuff, the company advertises posts on its website that retired employees like myself can access. W: What sort of work advertised? M: Well, all sorts of things, really. Administrative work and more specialized work, the sort of thing I can do. Some of the projects can last five or six months, and others can just be a couple of days. I can decide more or less when to work. So I can manage my own time. W: I can see it‘s good for you. What does your company get out of this? M: Well, [21]I still have all my old contacts at work, so I know who to contact to get something 128 done. The company gets flexibility, too. Once the job‘s over, that‘s it. I‘m not on their books any more. 19. Why does Simon find his retired life enjoyable? [A]【解析】从男士的回答看出,退休后,他有更多的时间和家人在一起;还会外出旅游, 由此可知,他在退休后可以更为灵活地安排时间。所以答案为A。 20. How does Simon get to know about the company‘s available posts? [D]【解析】从男士进一步的介绍the company advertises posts on its website that retired employees like myself can access可知,他可以从公司的网站上得知招聘岗位信息。因此 答案为D。其它三个选项在对话中根本没有提及。 21. Why does the company adopt the phased retirement scheme? [D]【解析】该题目的重点信息存在于男士对女士what is your company get out of this问题的 回答中。男士回答I still have all my old contacts at work, so I know who to contact to get something done。虽然他退休了,但他原来的业务关系依然存在,依然可以利用。也就 是说公司可以利用退休员工的资源。故答案D正确。 Conversation Two W: Oh, where are we going? M: [22] I want to show you something. W: I know, but what is it? M: [22] A farm. It‘s just down this road. It‘s a small place, but at least it would be our own. W: A farm? How can we afford to buy a farm? M: [23]It isn‘t very large, only 40 acres. We wouldn‘t have to pay very much right now. W: [23]Is there a house on the place? M: [23]A small one, two bedrooms, but it needs to be fixed up a little. I can do the job myself. W: OK. Is there enough space for a kitchen garden? M: There is about half an acre around the house. That‘s plenty of space. W: Then we can grow our own fresh vegetables. And maybe keep a few chickens, couldn‘t we? M: Yes, and we can probably grow a lot of our own food. W: What are you thinking about growing, if we do take this place? M: [24]Well, it really isn‘t big enough for corn. I thought we might try to raise a crop of potatoes. W: Potatoes? There is a lot of work. M: We are used to hard work, aren‘t we? W: [25]Yes, we are, but the money. Do we have enough to get started? It seems like a dream. M: I think we‘ve saved enough. We can pay a little on the farm and maybe put a few dollars down on the tractor, too. 22. What are the speakers going to do at the time of the conversation? [C]【解析】女士问去哪里,男士回答要带她去看个东西;女士追问是什么东西,男士回答 说是一个农场。地方不大,但如果买下来,就是属于他们自己的财产。由此可知,他们 是去看一处他们想买下来的农场。故答案为C。 23. What does the man say about the farm? [B]【解析】对话中男士有两处对农场的描述。一是it isn‘t very large; 另外当女士问那里是否有房子的时候,男士回答说a small one, two bedrooms。故答案为B。 24. Why does the man intend to grow potatoes rather than corn on the farm? 129 [C]【解析】从男士的回答中可以直接得知答案为C。 25. What is the woman‘s greatest concern about the man‘s plan? [A]【解析】在对话的最后部分,女士提到but the money. Do we have enough to get started? It seems like a dream. 通过她的话语可以得知,她最关心的还是他们是否有足够的钱可以买 得起这个农场,即她最关心的还是钱的问题。故答案为A。 Section B Passage One Members of the city council and distinguished guests, [26]it is my privilege to introduce to you today Mr. Robert Washington, chief of our city‘s police force. He will address us on the subject of the Community Policing Program. Most of you know that Mr. Washington has a distinguished record as head of our police force for more than ten years. [27]However, you may not know that he also holds a master‘s degree in criminology and studied abroad for a year with the International Police Force which deals with crimes around the world. Mr. Washington first introduced the Community Policing Program 8 years ago. [28]The idea behind the program is to get the police officers out of their cars and into our neighborhoods where they can talk directly to merchants and residents about the real dynamics of our city. These officers do more than make arrests. They try to find ways to help solve the problems that contribute to crime in the first place. Often that means hooking people up with services offered by other city agencies, such as schools, hospitals, housing, drug treatment centers. [28]And the program seems to be working: crime is down and our citizens report that they feel more secure. Today Mr. Washington is going to tell us more about this program. Now let‘s welcome Mr. Robert Washington. 26. What is the purpose of the speaker‘s remarks? [A]【解析】短文开头就明确提到to introduce to you…chief of our city‘s police force, 符合答案 A。 27. What does the speaker say about Mr. Robert Washington? [D]【解析】短文中明确介绍he also holds a master‘s degree in criminology, 与选项D的内容 完全一致。选项A中的distinguished是针对文中Mr. Washington has a distinguished record as head of our police force 所设计的干扰项;选项B、C内容与原文内容不符;故答案为 D。 28. What is the idea behind the Community Policing Program? [B]【解析】正确回答本题的关键在于正确理解Community Policing Program的意思。短文中 其实已经给出解释:the idea behind the program is to get the police officers out of their cars and into our neighborhoods,即要求警察走出警车,走入社区,接近民众。故答案为B。 29. How has the Community Policing Program turned out to be? [C]【解析】短文最后提到the program seems to be working,并接着做了进一步的说明: crime is down and our citizens report that they feel more secure。以上信息都说明这个program是 有效的。effective和working二词同义。故答案为C。 Passage Two [30]There are between 3000 and 6000 public languages in the world, and we must add approximately 6 billion private languages since each one of us necessarily has one. [30]Considering these facts, the possibilities for breakdowns in communication seem infinite in number. However, we do communicate successfully from time to time. And we do learn to speak languages. But learning to speak languages seems to be a very mysterious process. For a long time, people thought that we learned a language only by imitation and association. For 130 example, a baby touches a hot pot and starts to cry. The mother says, ―Hot, hot!‖ And the baby, when it stops crying, imitates the mother and says, ―Hot, hot!‖ However, Noam Chomsky, a famous expert in language, pointed out that although children do learn some words by imitation and association, they also combine words to make meaningful sentences in ways that are unique, unlearned and creative. [31]Because young children can make sentences they have never heard before, Chomsky suggested that human infants are born with the ability to learn language. Chomsky meant that underneath all the differences between public and private languages, there is a universal language mechanism that makes it possible for us, as infants, to learn any language in the world. This theory explains the potential that human infants have for learning language. [32]But it does not really explain how children come to use language in particular ways. 31. Why does the speaker say there are great possibilities for communication breakdowns? [B]【解析】短文中提到原因是there are between 3000 and 6000 public languages in the world, 选项B的内容与之相符,故答案为B。 32. What is Chomsky‘s view point on the ability to learn a language? [C]【解析】短文中提到Chomsky认为人类学习语言的能力与生俱来。选项C的内容与短文 中的内容属于同义转述。故答案为C。 32. What does Chomsky‘s theory fail to explain according to the speaker? [D]【解析】短文最后一句指出,Chomsky的理论不能真正地解释孩子们如何用各自的方式 使用语言。故答案为D。but一词在这里的使用需要引起特别注意。But转折处通常是 考点,其后面的句子往往为答案所在。 Passage Three When US spacewoman Joan Higginbotham is not flying and working in space, she might be found somewhere on earth giving a speech. [33]Higginbotham, who grew up in Chicago and became an engineer before joining NASA, that is, the National Air and Space Administration, gives about a dozen speeches a year. Each speech is different because [34]she tailors her remarks to each audience. Through interviews and E-mails, she finds out in advance her listeners‘ educational level and what information they want to know. On the subject of space walks, for example, [34]audiences vary in their interests and how much complexity they can comprehend. [34]To elementary school children, Higginbotham may discuss a problem that many kids want to know about. ―How do spacemen in a spacesuit eat, drink, and go to the bathroom?‖ Her answer is ―the spacesuit is really a small spacecraft with room for food and water-containers, and a waste-collection system.‖ [34][35]To a high school audience, she might satisfy a curiosity that often arises in her pre-speech interviews with students who obviously have seen many science fiction movies. [35]―Do spacemen carry weapons in case they encounter enemies in space?‖ Her answer is ―No‖. [34]To scientists, she might provide technical details on such topics as the design of spacesuits that protects spacemen from the deadly temperature extremes of space. Just as elaborate preparation is required for success in space, Higginbotham says that it‘s important for speakers to learn as much as possible about their listeners before a speech because every audience is different. 33. What did Joan Higginbotham do before joining NASA? [B]【解析】问题询问Joan Higginbotham在加入NASA之前是做什么的。短文中给了明确说 明。…who grew in Chicago and became an engineer before joining NASA。故答案为B。 131 34. How does Higginbotham prepare her speeches on space walks? [C]【解析】短文中使用tailor一词,意为“调整”,同时指出听众的层次不同,兴趣不同, 并进一步举例加以详细说明To elementary school children…, To a high school audience…,To scientists…由此可以得知Higginbotham是根据听众的层次准备讲演稿的。 故答案为C。 35. What does the high school audience want to know about space travel? [A]【解析】本题考查对细节的捕捉能力。注意听有关high school audience部分的表述,可 知答案为A。 Section C 36. 【答案】trend 【解析】此处需要名词。意思是“趋势”。 37. 【答案】 phenomenon 【解析】 此处需要一个单数名词。注意phenomenon的拼写。这是个四级高频词。 38 【答案】scene 【解析】此处缺一个名词。空格前的world是个形容词。 39. 【答案】offences 【解析】此处需要一个复数名词。意思是“犯罪,罪行”。 40. 【答案】murder 【解析】此处需要一个名词,与前面robbery和rape一样表示一种犯罪类型。 41. 【答案】particularly 【解析】空格前面有逗号,可知这里需要一个副词或一个动词的分词。Particularly意思 是“特别是”。这是个高频词汇。 42. 【答案】explosion 【解析】该词与crime构成名词词组。 43. 【答案】associated 【解析】associated与with为固定搭配。意思是“与…有联系”。 44. 【答案】changing national borders, greater economic growth and the lack of accepted social ideas of right and wrong 45. 【答案】 are now facing the sort of cultural variety that has been common in America for most of its history 46. 【答案】failure to recognize and plan for such diversity can lead to serious crime problems Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) Section A 【词性分析】 名词: characters 人物 desire 需求;欲望 diversity 多样性 respect 尊重 动词: derive 获得;提取 escape 逃脱 respect 尊重 narrow 使缩小 widen 使 变宽 communicating交流;沟通 [现在分词] establishing建立[现在分词] desire 需求;欲望 形容词: abundant 大量的 narrow 窄的;细的 副词: completely 完全地 naturally 自然地 properly 合适地 【短文大意】:没有书籍的人生是不完整的人生。书籍影响人生的深度和宽度。读书可以让 132 人们更加了解自己。书籍为读者想象力的发展提供丰富的材料。同时书籍还可以拓展 人们的视野,培养人们探索的态度。书籍的社会和教育意义是不可估量的。 47.【答案】F 【解析】空格前的the natural提示,这里应该填入一个名词。因此B characters、F desire、 G diversity 可供选择。空格后的介词for表明该词必须能与之搭配。以上三个选项中只 有F desire可以和for 搭配,表示“对„„的需求”。故答案为F。 48. 【答案】K 【解析】此处需要一个副词。所以D、K、M 入选。只有K符合语义。故答案为K。 49.【答案】H 【解析】空格前的不定式to表明此处需要一个原形动词。因此E、H、N、J、O五个词 可供选择。空格后的from表明所填词汇应该可以与之搭配,故N、J、O三个选项被排 除。E可以和from搭配,意思为“来自”,与此处语义不相符,故排除。所以答案为H。 50.【答案】G 【解析】此处需要一个单数名词。只有F和G可供选择。因F 已选为47题的答案且不 符合语义。故答案为G。a diversity of human experiences的意思是“多种多样的人类经 历‘。 51.【答案】N 【解析】同49题,此处需要一个原形动词。因此E、H、N、J、O五个词可供选择。Escape 已经使用过,故排除。其它四个选项中只有respect符合语义,表示“尊重”之意。 故 答案为N。 52.【答案】I 【解析】通过while和their own relationships and responses to life以及逗号,根据语法知 识,可以判定此处需要填入一个动词的分词形式作为伴随状语。 因此,C和I两个词 可供选择。空格后的relationships一词表明该动词需要与之搭配并符合语义,故答案为 establishing。 53.【答案】B 【解析】空格前后的the以及are提示此处需要一个复数名词。只有B可供选择。故答案 为B。意思是“故事中的人物角色”。 54.【答案】A 【解析】空格后的名词material提示空格内需要填入一个形容词。A和J两个选项入选。 二者中只有A和material搭配符合语义。表示“大量的材料”。故答案为A。 55.【答案】O 【解析】根据语法知识,此处应该填入一个原形动词作为books的谓语。由于escape和 respect已经使用过,所以排除。空格后面的their outlook将可以选择的项目限定在 widen和narrow两个词上。意为“拓展视野”或“缩小视野”。后者与文章的主旨 相矛盾,故答案为O。 56.【答案】M 【解析】 空格所在句子结构完整,因此判断此处应为一个副词。该词用来修饰train them to use leisure, “训练他们利用休闲时间”,故“合理地”一词符合此处语义。故答案为 M。 Section B Passage One 133 本文讨论男性健康问题。由于男性很少去看医生,因此与女性相比,男性更容易死于重 大疾病,寿命也相对短。男性不经常去看医生的原因有两个。一是他们认为自己是不可战胜 的;另外一个是“鸵鸟策略”。他们害怕去医生那里会得到不好的消息,因而宁愿选择不去 了解。文章最后指出男性还是应该关注自身的身体健康,定期进行体检。 57. 【答案】C 【解析】题干中的at the beginning of the passage提示答案定位在文章开头。开头提到, “如果你是一位男性并且正在阅读这篇文章,那么恭喜你:你是个幸存者!”survivor 表示“过去到现在为止是幸存者”,选项C中的have lived long enough与此相对应。 故答案为C。文章首段只提到可能活到78岁,并没有与以前的数据作对比,所以B 不正确。A属于过度推断。D在文章中未提及。 58. 【答案】B 【解析】在文章的第二段可以找到答案。第二段中破折号的使用是重点提示,第二个破 折号后面所叙述的正是男性平均寿命比女性少5年的最重要的原因,即“男性不去看 医生”。故答案为B。A是原因之一,但不是最重要的,即不符合题干中the most important reason…的要求,故排除。选项C是对文中men take more risks的误读;D在 文章中没有提及。 59. 【答案】A 【解析】定位在文章的第八段中带省略号的句子。根据上下文,明显可以判断处省略号 的内容应该与it could happen to him相对应,即“这种事也可能发生在我身上。”故 答案为A。选项A只是一个例子,而选项C和D都与原文内容相悖。 60. 【答案】D 【解析】第九段的第一句为该题的定位点。文章对“ostrich approach‖进行了解释,即 scared of what might be there and would rather not know。D选项内容与此内容相符。故 答案为D。C的内容未提及。B是对文中approach一词的误读。A选项内容与原文不 符。 61. 【答案】B 【解析】本题定位在最后一段。文章第一句提到“男性定期体检会增加公共支出,但从 长远看,预防要比治疗便宜得多”。故答案B正确。A选项中的may一词与原文中的 inevitably不一致。C选项是对原文place strain on the public purse的错误理解。选项D 在文中没有提及。 Passage Two 当顾客在购物过程中发生不愉快的时候,他们很少向经理投诉,而是向周围的人抱怨。 零售商的经营因此会受到很大影响,会失去很多客源。文章指出,零售商应该不断调整策略, 解决顾客购物经常遇到的问题,销售人员应该礼貌待客,为顾客提供高质量的服务。文章最 后也对顾客提出建议。希望顾客可以直接向商家反映问题,让商家有了解问题和改进的机会。 62. 【答案】B 【解析】B中的relate their unhappy experiences to people around them与原文alert their friends, relatives, co-workers相一致。故答案为B。选项A的内容与原文第二段意思 相反。C与原文末句意思不一致。D没有提及。 63. 【答案】D 【解析】定位在文章第四段。The store loses customer, but the shopper must also find a 134 replacement,意思是“商店会因此失去顾客,但是顾客也必须找到替代的商店”。也 就是说,不向零售商投诉同样也会给顾客带来不便和麻烦。故答案为D。C选项为 干扰项。其内容“很多商店提供同样的服务”与but前面“商店会失去顾客”不构 成转折关系,因此排除。A的信息文中没有涉及,属于过度推断。选项B与原文意 思不符。 64. 【答案】B 【解析】见文章第八段。零售商雇用当地兼职警察充当停车服务人员以解决购物停车问 题。B的内容与原文相符。故答案为B。A与文章无关。C是对police的错误理解。 商店帮助解决顾客停车问题是为了让顾客进店购物,与购物后的事情无关。所以D 排除。 65. 【答案】A 【解析】见文章倒数第三段。其中most importantly为关键词汇。B、C、D的内容在文 章都有所涉及,但都不是“最重要的”,因此答案为A。 66. 【答案】 C 【解析】定位点在文章最后一段。C的内容与原文filing complaints to the retailer相一致。 故答案为C。A是对hard-pressed一词的错误理解。D中的diplomatic使用错位。原 文中明确指出be diplomatic是销售人员应该做到的,并不是要求顾客做到的。D文中 没有提及。 Part V Cloze 本文的主题是有组织的体育活动。文章介绍了有组织的体育活动形成的时间和原因, 并指出来自不同家庭背景孩子对有组织的体育活动有着不同的体验。家庭或者社区拥有组织 和赞助体育运动项目所需要的资源的孩子们能够保证有参与的机会。而来自低收入家庭和贫 苦社区的孩子们却做不到这一点。社会环境会影响一个人的全面发展这种想法鼓舞了人们对 这个项目感兴趣并且在二十世纪早期进行了改革。他们的目的是把孩子们培养成负责任、能 干活的成年人。 67.【答案】A 【解析】考查惯用衔接。应填入一个介词,该词可以和后面的children搭配,表示“在„„ 中间”。答案为A among。 68.【答案】D 【解析】 连词and提示此处需要一个与organize对应而且意思相近的词。Sponsor的意 思是“资助、赞助”。A spread 传播,B speed 加速,C spur刺激 三个选项在这里都不 符合语义。故答案为D。 69.【答案】A 【解析】access to 是固定搭配。意思是“获得(进入,接近„„)的机会”。故答案为A。其它三个选项都不能与to 搭配。 70.【答案】B 【解析】根据上下句判断,二者明显存在比较关系。所以只有B和C两个选择。从内容 上分析,上句说的是来自有资源社区孩子认为理所当然,那么低收入社区孩子显然就不 会是同样的看法。故答案为B less。 71.【答案】D 【解析】语义题。说明低收入家庭和社区孩子不认为参加有组织的体育活动是理所当然 135 的客观原因。四个选项中只有D lack可以表达客观原因。其它三个都属于人为进行限制。 故答案为D。 72.【答案】C 【解析】空格前的pay for提示空格内的词与“费用”有关。Participation fees为习惯搭配。 意思是“参与费‖。bill的意思是“账单”。accounts指的是“账目”。fare的意思是“(车 船)费”。 73.【答案】B 【解析】逻辑题。空格前面说孩子们缺乏必要的资源,空格后面说他们所在的社区没有 资源,显然二者之间是因果关系。故答案B是正确的。C为干扰项。此处使用and构成 逻辑错误。 74.【答案】A 【解析】空格前的and提示此处需要一个动词,该词需要与build形成并列关系。选项A maintain 意为“维护”,在这里符合语义。故答案是A。 contain意为“包含”, sustain 意为“维持、支持”, entertain意为“招待”,三者均不合语义。故排除。 75.【答案】B 【解析】此句是说有组织的体育活动的出现时间。下句中的originally表明此处介绍的是 这些活动的首次出现。故答案为B first。 76.【答案】D 【解析】本题考查结构衔接。该句介绍有组织的青年体育活动出现的背景。When是用 来表示时间的。故D为正确答案。 77.【答案】A 【解析】空格后面that 引导宾语从句解释教育家和发展专家的发现。该发现是一种现象, 属于客观事实。故答案为A realized。recalled意为“回忆”。expected意为“期望”。 exhibited 意为“展示”。均不符合题意。 78.【答案】C 【解析】根据语法知识,此处应该填入一个副词,用来修饰动词influenced,表示“影响” 的程度。常用的表达方式是“强烈的影响”。因此答案为C strongly。 79.【答案】D 【解析】根据上下文可知,此处应该是一个表达结果的词组。四个选项中只有lead…to 表示结果,为固定搭配。其它的都不能表示结果。故答案为D。 80.【答案】C 【解析】in particular ways是固定搭配。意思是“以特定的方式”,故答案为C。A precise 意为“精确的”, B precious 意为“珍贵的”,D peculiar意为“奇怪的”。它们都不能 和in 及ways搭配。 81.【答案】B 【解析】that引导同位语从句,对this belief进行解释。this所指代的内容在上段可以找 到。即“社会环境影响一个人的全面发展”。上段中的social surroundings有提示作用。 故此处应填入environment。故答案为B。 82.【答案】A 【解析】语义判断题。空格内需要一个形容词修饰belief一词。根据前后句判断,此处的 意思是说“对这些人来说,该发现是令人鼓舞的”。故答案为A encouraging。其它选项 均与题意不符。 83.【答案】D 【解析】at the beginning of 为固定搭配。意思是“在…之初”,故答案为D。 136 84.【答案】B 【解析】根据语法,此处需要填入一个疑问词引导宾语从句。空格后面they might control the experiences of children中主语宾语齐全,因此排除A、C、D三个选项。故答案为B。 85.【答案】C 【解析】四个词中只有produce后面可以接表示人的词,意为“培养出„„的人”。故答 案为C。 86.【答案】A 【解析】语义题。空格后的名词短语capitalist economy提示所填入的词应该能与之搭配。 Growing capitalist economy意为“不断增长的资本主义经济”。故答案为A。B breeding 繁 殖;C raising 提高;D flying 飞翔。 Part VI Translation 87.【答案】(which)they haven‘t found solutions to /that they haven‘t solved yet 【解析】中文部分是定语从句,先行词是problems, 关系代词用which。which在这里也 可以省略。“还没有‖表明时态要用现在完成时。“(问题的)解决方法”译为solutions to 或answers to。注意solution后面的to 是不可以缺省的。也可以用动词solve来翻译。 88.【答案】What most parents concern/ What most parents are concerned about 【解析】 中文部分是主语从句。需要注意的是主语从句的语序应该是陈述语序。 89.【答案】in case it turn(s) cold/incase it is getting colder 【解析】in case后面接句子时可以用现在时态,也可以用should+动词原形结构,其中should 可以省略。另外需要注意区分in case和in case of 二者的区别。in case后接句子;in case of后接名词或名词短语。 90.【答案】decided to launch/start their own enterprise/business 【解析】“决定做某事”的英文表达是decide to do sth。“自己创业”可以翻译成launch one‘s own enterprise或者翻译成start one‘s own business。需要特别注意的是动词的时态。decide 的时态需要和received的时态一致。 91.【答案】until a doctor discovered it by chance/happened to discover it 【解析】句子中was一词表明该句子的时态是一般过去时,因此,在翻译的过程中,需 要格外注意动词discover的时态。本句也可以译为until it was accidentally found by a doctor。 137
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