首页 > 超声检查时与英文的对话


2017-09-21 2页 doc 14KB 90阅读




超声检查时与英文的对话超声检查时与英文的对话 Dialogues in ultrasound room 超声室对话 For digestive system(gall bladder,pancreas) 消化系统(胆囊,胰腺) Good morning~Mr….(Miss…,Mrs….) 早上好~…先生(…小姐,…太太) I’m doctor sophieshi. 我是sophie医生。 Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 I’ll do an abdomen ultrasonograp...
超声检查时与英文的对话 Dialogues in ultrasound room 超声室对话 For digestive system(gall bladder,pancreas) 消化系统(胆囊,胰腺) Good morning~Mr….(Miss…,Mrs….) 早上好~…先生(…小姐,…太太) I’m doctor sophieshi. 我是sophie医生。 Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 I’ll do an abdomen ultrasonography for you,including L,GB,P,SP,K(liver, gallbladder,pancreas,spleen,kidney). 我将为您做腹部超声波检查,包括肝胆胰脾肾。 The GB and P check has to be done on an empty stomach. 胆囊和胰腺检查需要空腹。 Have you eaten anything today? 您今天空腹了吗? (no)OK,let me examine you please. (是的)好的,请让我为您做检吧.。 Please unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt and lie down on the couch lift up your shirt. 请解开衣服放松皮带躺在检查床上。 Please relax.I’m not going to do anything to hurt you,but a little cool. 请放松,我不会使您感到疼痛,但是有一点点冷。 Now put your arms overhead. 请把手放在头上。 Please breathe deeply,and just hold your breath for a moment, 请深呼吸,然后屏住。 Breathe through your mouth. 张口呼吸。 Any tenderness here? 这里有压痛吗, Please lie on your right side(left side). 请向右侧睡(左侧睡)。 Right.That’s finished. 好了,检查结束了。 You can wipe off the gel with paper,and get up to dress now. 您可以用纸把耦合剂檫掉然后起来穿衣服了。 Please sit down here for a moment,our nurse will come to take your report right now and take you to the physician. 您在这里坐一会儿,护士马上过来取报告然后带您去医生那里。 Take care ,Bye. 再见。 (not empty stomach) (不是空腹) I’ll make an appointment for you right away. 那我来给您预约一下。 Come Friday morning at 8 o’clock,please don’t eat or drink anything after 8 o’clock the night before your check. 星期五早晨来,前一晚8点以后不要吃或喝任何东西。 I’v writed down the time and noice on the paper,you may look at it and question me if you have something to ask.我把预约的时间和注意事项写在预约单上,如果您有何问请尽管提。 Remember to take the appointment and request form. 记得把预约单和申请单一起带来。 It ‘s my pleasure. 不用谢。 See you Friday morning. 星期五早上见~
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