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专八翻译翻译50篇专八翻译练习--ModelTest50篇---答案Model Test 1 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] Instead of harassing the monks, the tigers voluntarily stood guard at the gate of the temple. As a reward for it, the monks would place some edibles in front of the gate for the tigers to eat. Towards evening, when...
Model Test 1 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] Instead of harassing the monks, the tigers voluntarily stood guard at the gate of the temple. As a reward for it, the monks would place some edibles in front of the gate for the tigers to eat. Towards evening, when the setting sun had dyed half of the sky red, the tigers would come up to the gate in groups to eat their fill and then left slipping and jumping. The monks usually left the gate wide open while peacefully engaged in their daily routine of chanting Buddhist scripture inside the temple. Normally none of their came out to watch the tigers eat. Sometimes, however, one or two monks did appear standing at the gate, but the tigers would remain unalarmed and, taking the monks for their friends, did nothing to harm them. They just kept on eating unhurriedly until they finished and left. Sometimes, when they found,monks at the gate, they would whisk away like the wind after uttering several thunderous roars. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CIINESE 【参考译文】 涉足爱河的青年男女常以爱情为砝码,而他们的父母更愿意他们选择有钱人。在浪漫主义小说里,上述择偶难常以一种巧妙而圆满的方式得到解决:女主人公开始出身贫寒,竟然在小说结尾摇身一变,成了巨额财富的继承人。然而,在现实生活中,年轻人要是指望这样一种结局,准会大失所望。谨镇的父母一方面认同女儿应该为爱而嫁,一方面却费尽心思,确保她结识的男士非富则贵。这种有时也很奏效,我的外祖父堪称典范,他那一大群浪漫纯情的女儿无一嫁给囊中羞涩之徒。 在流行心理分析的今天,这个问题就不再像80年前那么简单了。现在,我们意识到金钱可能是促成真挚爱情的全部或部分原因,历史上亦不乏家喻户晓的例子。 Model Test 2 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 In the following year, a formal peace pact was signed. About a month later, Cixi left Xi’an at last. She was utterly fearful of foreigners just as she was extremely arro-gant toward her own countrymen. She stopped far a long time in Henan and halted in Baoding for quite a few days before finally arriving in Beijing. According to unofficial accounts,an amusing episode took place during this long and drawn out journey. When a local official offered a monkey to her as a gift,she was so pleased that she ordered a yellow mandarin jacket to be conferred upon the monkey.later, a eunuch heard some officials complaining that people were considered less worthy than a monkey and went to inform Cixi,who realized that her order had been indeed a little too whimsical. So she issued another edict granting each of the escorting officials a yellow mandarin jacket. Upon the receipt of such an unusual favor the officials did not know whether they should thank Cixi or rather the monkey for it. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHIINESE 【参考译文】 我们也许会脱口说出,是“9.11”事件改变了这一切,正如我们会脱口说出,英雄需要有恶棍来陪衬,善良需要有邪恶来砥砺。试着看看“9.11”死难者遗孀的眼睛,试着谈谈“9.11”事件所引发的好处。这也许并非巧合,但它们也绝非相互依存的伙伴:善良用不着邪恶陪伴,我们并不亏欠魔鬼什么,“9.11”事件也没有把我们变成更好的人。它只是一次让我们发现自己本色的机会。纽约市市长鲁迪·朱利安尼在参加朋友的葬礼中说道:“也许这一切的目的就是要让人了解今天的美国仍像当年为争取独立而战时那样坚强,仍像当年为结束奴隶制而团结奋战时那样坚强,仍像当年我们的父辈为消灭纳粹而战时那样坚强。”他认为,恐怖主义者就是希望我们胆怯。但自“9.11”事件以来,他们想必对我们有了很多了解。当然我们对自己也有了不少认识。 Model Test 3 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The Chinese government’s policy towards Hong Kong is “one country, two sys-terms”. This principle is not only conductive to the economic development in Hong Kong but also in accord with China's own interests. We have no intention to make the Hong Kong government unable to perform its normal functions during the transition period. On the contrary, we hope that it will effectively administer Hong Kong's affair. The best guarantee is the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the memorandum of understand-ing on the construction of the new airport. As for the years after 1997,the National People's Congress has passed the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. That basic law is the most powerful guarantee. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 伦敦大学始建于1836年,以迎合当时日渐增强的中产阶级对无宗教派别的教育的渴求。这些教育包括艺术、科学和医学。当时,英国的所有大学通常只向英国国教教徒授予学位。而且,这些大学几乎不重视与神学无关的课程。在1900年以前,伦敦大学充当其他学校的考试机构;而在这一年,它重组为考试和教学并举的机构。伦敦大学的一个鲜明特点是,它承认或委任一些别的教育机构的老师,这些机构不一定与该校有联系,学生可以师从这些老师而最终取得伦敦大学的学位。现今,伦敦大学已成为一个庞大的系统,它包括散布于伦敦各区及其周边地区的学院、研究院和专科学院。主校区位于布卢姆兹伯里区,在大英博物馆附近。 Mode Test 4 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] While I had not completely recovered from my fright and was still at a loss what to say or do, the man had already walked slowly away with the old and the young. I blankly watched them disappearing, deeply touched by the scene of the three receding figures. I was so excited that I wanted very much to put aside my bike and go over to help.But I didn't.For I know the little boy and the elderly man are like the two loads of a carrying pole weighing down on the shoulder of that middle-aged gentleman. No matter how heavy the burdens may be, neither of them will be put down. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE [参考译文] 我们年复一年地吃着柑橘生活,这就证明了柑橘的好处。事实上,是柑橘诚实的品质令我们所有的人羡慕不已。如果它开始变坏的话—即使我们中间最优秀者也会变坏—它是从外表而不是从内里开始的。有多少梨子,在向人们展现容光焕发的笑容时,内里已经腐烂。有多少看上去纯洁无瑕的苹果,刚刚发芽就已经包藏蛀虫。而柑橘不隐藏瑕疵。它的外表就是它的内心的写照。假如你反应快,不等售货员把坏橘子放进纸袋儿,你就能把它指出来。 Model Test 5 SECTION A CEIINFSE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] Nevertheless, scholars and historical commentators in each dynasty often singled out a few occurrences which they considered to be chiefly responsible for the collapse of the old regime. Sometimes they went so far as to announce that except for a certain in-cident,the dynastic change would never have occurred. Thus, quite a few Qing schol-ars attributed the fall of the Ming dynasty to Emperor Chongzhen's execution of his ablest general,Yuan Chonghuan. On the other hand, popular writers often blamed the Manchu occupation of China on a beautiful woman named Chen Yuanyuan-a mere singing girl bought for a thousand taels of silver to become the concubine of Wu Sangui,garrison commander of the strategic Shanhai Pass. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 穆尔还证实了我的另一点看法,即拜伦爱搞恶作剧。穆尔曾写信告诫拜伦不要和雪莱、亨特这些人一道创办一份名叫《自由主义》的杂志,因为这些人已被世人盯上。拜伦却把这封信给雪莱他们看了。雪莱遂给穆尔写了一封谦恭并且相当动人的忠告。爱起疑心和爱搞恶作剧这两点怪癖均属于这位伟大天才的性格某处所沾染的一种疾患;没有这种疾患,天才--我指的是靠想像力而活着的那种—在很大程度上也就不复存在。机轮要想转得快就不能完全切合,否则摩擦力会减弱动力。 Model Test 6 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLLSH 【参考译文】 In extended families, older member's opinion was respected, and the youngest members are loved and taken good cane of by all. China's constitution stipulates that grown-up children are duty-bound to support their parents. In the cities, couples who do not live with their aged parents give the latter living allowances and help them with the house chores. In the countryside, though quite a number of extended families have dissolved, many marred sons and their families continue to live in the same courtyard with their parents. To them, breaking up the extended family means cooking their meals separately. Married sons most often have their houses built near their parents’ Home, making it convenient for parents and children to help and visit each other as be-fore. SECTION B ENGLLSH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 承蒙如此推祟,不胜荣幸。只是我素来不惯于贵上的恩踢,实在不知道如何领情,或以何言辞来答谢。 当初受到些许鼓励,造访大人时,我一如其余万民百姓,为您富有魅力的谈吐所折服,不禁奢望能自诩。我虽然目睹举世之人为博得大人眷顾,竟相争斗,却仍不免奢望自己或可身受大人关切;不料晋渴之后,竟未得丝毫鼓励,自尊自惭之心,不容我再次登门。我是个闲散书生,不善奉承,以前当众向大人致意时,实已竭尽了取宠之能事,我已做了所能做的一切;然而倾全力而遭冷遇,世上决不会有人引以为乐的,即使你所做的微乎其微。 Model Test 7 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLLSH 【参考译文】 No task seems too large for the people of China. They are building their future on a scale that matches the needs for their people, who could fault this effort if they truly understood what it takes to provide for the people of China. In the history of every in-dustrialized nation, there has been a great period of building infrastructure for the bene-fit of its people. China is in this period now and the task is much greater than the ones that any other country has ever faced. There should be no question that the Chinese people have the ability to successfully complete the Three Gorges Project. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE [参考译文] 不过作者的烦恼也多得不得了。尽管他对竞争都有些神经兮兮的,但竞争却是十分激烈的。他可能骂他的评论者,或者责备他的出版商不肯出钱登广告;他可能像梅勒那样以动人的坦白自吹自擂。不过他的年事日增;而年轻人是裁判员,必须取悦他们才行。他一心一意想当少年;除非他头脑清醒,或者才能特殊,否则就可能落后,和他所写的那类小说一起与时俱废,像失宠的画家、歌手那样,被人弃如敝展。这是一个残忍的过程。公众是很容易变心的,他们敌视和忿恨昨天的宠儿,恨不得这帮人整天酗酒,身败名裂,自杀了事。 Model Test 8 SECTION A CHMESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 We consume our eggs sparingly. My wife has to go to a lot more trouble when a hen is sitting. As the brooding hen will fly out of its roost to seek food once every other day, she has to get the feed ready for it beforehand.And she has to be careful not to let the hen heave its droppings in the roost for fear that it should cause the eggs to rot. She puts all the eggs that a hen is sitting on in lukewarm salty water to test them. Those that float are rotten and must be thrown away; those that sink are kept for the hen to continue brood. She will thus busy herself with all that for as long as three weeks un-til the chirring sound comes out of the eggs.Then she will be left in a state of great ex-citement for two or three day. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 我们的邻居金星和火星反射颇为均匀的光辉,而地球还外加一点闪烁。地球的光随着它的自转而时明时暗:这是因为海洋、沙漠、森林和云层这样一些因距离太远而小得看不见的对象反射阳光的量发生变化所致。结果,这种变化是如此强烈而特点鲜明,以致于从星光的简单消长就可以获得数量惊人的信息。 普林斯顿大学和该校高等研究院的科学家们对地球的反射开展了一项详细的研究,目的不是去了解外星人对我们的地球家园有何看法,而是以此作为一种途径,以提供人类科学家去了解可能与地球相似的遥远行星。这些科学家正在参与美国国家航空航天局一项飞行任务的早期规划,这项任务称为“类地行星发现者”,这是一种太空探测器,它将扫描太空以寻找适合生命存在的行星。 Model Test 9 SECTION A CHINESE TD ENGLISH 【参考译文】 We must revive and carry forward the practice of seeking truth from facts, the fine tradition and style which Chairman Mao fostered in our Party. The minimum require-ment for a Communist is to be an honest person, honest in word and honest in deed. Deed and word must match and theory and practice must be closely integrated. We must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated. We must revive and carry forward the practice of criticism and self-criticism, the fine tradition and style which Chairman Mao fostered in our Party. Within the Party and within the ranks of the people,we should conscientiously apply the principle. “Say all you know and say it without reserve” and “Blame not the speaker but be warned by his words”,as well as the principle of unity-criticism—unity. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CIHIESE [参考译文] 如今,许多人不思考死亡了,也许是这样吧。因为我们的宗教信仰已经淡化了,作为一个社会我们接受死亡的能力也减弱了。然而,作为个体,我们别无选择。不管有无信仰,我们都得过日子,在我们能够时,寻求生命的意义或慰藉。卡罗尔·阿巴克尔说:“许多快死的人想谈谈使他们的生命延续的动力。这可能是宗教、家庭、快车或钓鱼。这不是一定的。有些人就觉得没有意义,那没问题。但我仍然支持。” 如今死亡常常被抽象化。我们看过无数卡通片和电影里的死亡故事,我们也记得战争中死亡的人。但是,不知怎的,这些无所不在的意象并没有使我们更好地理解死亡的真谛。对于死亡的理解我们难以表述,也许这就是死亡的真谛。然而,即使是在一个世俗的年代,我们也需要在生命中留有一片空间,展开我们对生命必然死亡的思考。 Model Test 10 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Talking of my childhood, I’m forever grateful to my good parents. To them I owe my habit of living a quiet and simple life and my “back to nature” propensity. They gave me a happy and clean environment so that I am now able to feel content under any circumstances.I have a deep respect and love for life. I have no grievances against humanity. I think many human failings can be remedied so long as people strive with firm determination. Not only do I always remember my parents with gratitude, I also always bear in mind how we should behave ourselves as parents. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHIINESE [参考译文] 说到西行之事,作者堪称是一位经验丰富的向导,他的著作是他偏爱用最综合的手法处理最重大的题材的明证。然而,作为一位旧西部历史学家而拥有的经验,尤其在新西部时代的今天,并不等于一切。 它充满了梦想和失望、浪漫和传奇,或者,正如此书副标题所称,满是“历史、传奇与传说”。但何为历史? 也许有人认为,对人物、时期和地方做“有事实依据”的逼真描述,再加上一些传奇故事和民间传说作为佐料,便是历史。但此处所谓的“事实”一般反映的是曾一度被人们接受、占统治地位的英国文化对“天定命运论”的信仰和实现发财致富的梦想。倘若在叙述时不卖弄技巧,则讲述传奇故事和民间传说的微不足道的努力往往达不到理想的效果。 Model Test 11 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 I couldn't read his countenance without seeing his face.However, judging from what he had said, he was evidently living in a world of his own-bereft of home, love or warmth, and flogged by the scourge of life. But he acted unyieldingly and was filled with bitter hatred. He was using both hands to bear the burden of life. He was never scared or discouraged. He could achieve what children from well-to-do families could “achieve, and he had ideas that they didn't dare to have. Life is a melting pot which hardens the will of children like him so that they are able to withstand the bitterest blows of life ever. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 尽管由各种不同货币所造成的神秘感消失了,但游客的欧洲之旅将因这种更换而变得更加方便和简单。2001年12月31日,12个欧盟成员国决定启用欧元—这个变化会影响3亿人的生活。其实,从1999年开始欧元就从“虚拟货币”的形式存在了,并已被用于支票和信用卡交易。下一步便是把“虚拟货币”转变为看得见、摸得着的“有形货币”,即采用新的欧元纸币和硬币,废除相关的旧货币。以前每到一个不同的国家就要更换一次货币,还得花时间来熟悉那些不同的硬币和纸币,现在你可以在欧洲的许多地方使用同一种货币——从北欧的芬兰到南欧的意大利。 Model Test 12 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 To begin with, she is the incarnation of the legendary king of ancient Sichuan named Wang Di.She has come to be known sometimes as a beauty with misfortune and sometimes as a patriot concerned over the fate of the nation. Her call is full of longings for home; she loiters about the mountains crying and spitting up blood.She is pathetic, sad, pure and sincere…She is in the eyes of all a symbol of love, which seems to have become a national feeling. And this feeling has gone beyond the national boundary to affect most of the eastern countries. Nevertheless, all that is a typical instance of un- deserved reputation. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 但是秋天已经渐渐远去,树木光秃,硬如骨头。太阳低悬在惨白的天边,暮色在下午3点58分降临;20分钟后天黑了下来,店铺开始上灯营业—这就是冬季的英格兰,很可能是世界奇观之一。 我是个有各种事要做的忙人,但我还是经常挤出时间来,在下午3点58分信步来到草滩—片稀疏的柳树环绕着的广阔河边草地。3点58分,非常细微的雾霭像尘埃一般从地面升起,慢慢地慢慢地打动着万物,使树木变得朦胧飘渺、遥远而又多变。喧闹的白骨顶闭上它的短嘴,不再啾啾地叫了。这时,不仅是万籁俱静,而且这种寂静在蒸腾,渐渐消失在稀薄黑暗的暮霭之中。我喜欢在这个时候看看手表,欣赏暮色在下午4点半之前如期降临。 Model Test 13 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 All things under heaven and earth are made up of different parts, but the slogan "women are as good as men" makes demands on women without making a correspond-ing demand on men to be “just as good as women”:to raise children just as patiently, to do household chores just as uncomplainingly, to care for the old just as dutifully. Come to think of it, the slogan "women are as good as men” has spurred women on to achievements to challenge men’s. But at the same time,women must still do what men do not stoop to. The fact is, “women are as good as men” means that women after doing what women do, must take up another burden. Let's face it, basically women are not as the same as men. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHIIVESE 【参考译文】 这正是问题所在。个人计算机的平均寿命已缩减至18个月左右——当然,这并不是指鼠标磨损或磁盘驱动器损坏之类的情况。说得明白点,电子产品可能在你甚至还未完全弄清如何摆弄时就已经过时了。 如此说来,所有那些旧的键盘、监视器、资源组织器和中央处理器的最终命运又怎样了呢?它们多数都被堆在家里的阁楼上或被遗忘在公司的仓库里,占据着宝贵的空间。但是也有许多电子产品的废弃物在废渣填埋地入土,而这正是隐患所在。 遗憾的是,对电子垃圾的处理问题在任何时候都不会很快消失,事实上,电子垃圾每分钟都在不断增加。仅在日本,消费者每年丢弃大约2000万台电视机、洗衣机、冰箱和空调机。在欧洲,仅1998年一年就产生了600万吨的电器和电子设备垃圾,这个数字预期会以每年3%至5%的速度递增—这意味着到2010年其数量将近翻一番。 Model Test 14 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 After making perennial efforts to measure my exact height, I reached the inescap-able conclusion that I was permanently handicapped. Back in those days, I was a cal-low young chap vastly capable of daring and foolhardiness, and determined to wrestle with this prejudice against men's lack of height. So by hook or by crook, I married a girl who was 1.74 meters in height. Such an astonishing tour de force thus achieved greatly bolstered the morale and esteem of those of us who were "handicapped". But only after the girl was enticed into matrimony did I begin to feel my self-in-flicted anguish. This over-reaction of mine not only failed to put an end to my "perma-nent handicap",but also gave me lifetime regret. I was deprived of the earthy pleasure of walling with my wife in the street with my strong art around her delicate neck. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 这个博物馆不仅以在报刊上连载数十年之久的连环画为其特色,它还收藏了属于漫画艺术门类的多种艺术形式的作品,包括政治漫画、连环漫画杂志和连环画小说、单幅滑稽漫画(在杂志上可看到此种形式)、动画影片、讽刺漫画、体育漫画、书刊杂志插图,甚至还有广告和贺卡美术作品。 尽管博物馆大部分漫画作品挂在成人水平视线这一高度,但是它也有一些适合和吸引儿童之处,其中包括一个放映动画短片的电影院和“最佳创造城中心”,孩子们能够在中心学习用手或电脑画漫画。博物馆还为儿童和成年开办了一所漫画艺术学校,为孩子们举办短期漫画营,开设学画课程和知识文化课,并组织一些其他的活动。 Model Test 15 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] The boy watched her at her side silently, as if he was expecting something. His old clothes, though wet with sweat, were still clean. On the right shoulder was a square-shaped patch, which reminded me of the life 30 years ago. Meek and mild, the boy was waiting quietly. Yet the corpulent woman turned her fat head to look around, totally ignoring him. In despair, the boy went away sullenly. Staring at his skinny figure receding unsteadily n the wind, I was suddenly stricken by a surge of bitterness and pain. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 这个决定对于我来说之所以不是那么困难,乃是因为我确信我的弟弟凭着他在处理公共事务方面的长期锻炼以及其卓越的才能,将有能力立刻接替我的位置,而丝毫无损英帝国的活力与发展。另外,他还与你们大家一样,存在着一样我所缺乏的、无可比拟的幸事一那就是,他有妻子儿女,有一个幸福的家庭。 现在我不再染指公共事务,并放下我肩上的担子。也许我将与祖国告别一些时日,但我将永远深深关注不列颠民族与帝国的命运。将来只要我能以个人身份为陛下效力,我将决不辜负陛下的厚爱。 Model Test 16 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文】 She is always likely to know prosperity comfort, and security. She will grow up and lead her whole life in a proud and successful nation that is respected by the entire world and which is attempting to be a friend and partner to all nations. Since this is all she will ever know—it will all seem very, very ordinary to her. There is something extraordinarily beautiful about that is there not? When the extraordinary becomes the ordinary—that is the final stage of all progress and success—right? SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 但是,从更为广泛的意义上来说,我们无法奉献这块土地,无法使其神圣化。因为那些曾在这里战斗过的活着和死去的勇士们已经使这块土地神圣化,这已远远超过了我们菲薄的力量所能。世人不会注意,也不会长久记住我们今天在这里所说的话,但是,人们会永志不忘他们的英雄业绩。对我们这些活着的人来说,更应该把自己献身于勇士们曾在此为之奋斗、豪迈推动,但尚未完成的工作,更应该把自己献身于依旧摆在我们面前的伟大任务:从这些烈士身上汲取更多的献身精神,为着他们为之精诚奉献的事业,我们也绝不能让烈士们的鲜血白流;要在上帝的保佑下,使我们的国家获得自由的新生;要使我们这个民有、民治、民享的政府长存于世。 Model Test 17 SECHON A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Starting at Shanhai Pass in the east and ending up at Jiayu Pass in the west, the Great Wall traverses up and down over numerous mountains and valleys in five of China’s northern provinces and two autonomous regions. As it extends over a distance of more than 6000 kms, it is called in Chinese the Wanmlichangcheng which means “Ten Thousand Li Long Wall”. It is a symbol of intelligence of the working people of old days, and also one of the great architectural miracles in the world. Construction of the wall first began in the 7th century B.C. after Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221—206BC) achieved the unification of China in 221 B.C... He had the fortification walls of the three kingdoms Qin, Zhao and Yan linked up to be a continuous wall extending more than ten thousand li (a li = 1/2 kms), which formed the essential size of the present-day Great Wall. Since then the later dynasties continued to repair and build the wall. The great wall as it stands today was restored and reinforced during the Ming Dynasty. The great Wall winds like a giant serpent along the lofty myriad mountains. It is one of the most famous attractions to visitors. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE [参考译文] 作家和其他知识分子很难维持他们的尊严。有人说(或许略微过甚其辞)他们受到迫害,有人说他们的电话肯定被偷听了,言者凿凿,几乎成了值得骄傲的事。有人争先恐后公开宣布他们过去思想上犯了错误。还有些人不知不觉放弃了政治思想,把兴趣转向非政治的保守主义。整个国家陷人剑拔弩张、惊慌失措的气氛中。人们不胜怀念那一切似乎都是定则的建国初期,怀念内战时期那有声有色的年代(成百成千本书曾以此为题),怀念二十年代的轻松洒脱的风貌,怀念三十年代的专心致志的事业感。 Model Test 18 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 First, a decision was made to deepen the reform and strengthen macro control of the national economy. This was done so as to solve conspicuous contradictions and problems which have surfaced in economic development, mainly through economic means. Now the initial achievements have been made in implementing the decision. Second, systematic and comprehensive research has been done on how to accelerate the building of a socialist market economy. These have centered on reforms in banking, finance, taxation, and management of State assets, the investment system and foreign trade system.Important reforms in these sectors will be implemented in the near future.Third, the anti-corruption drive has been launched so as to foster an honest style of work. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHDVESE [参考译文] 那不是别人,而是一位27岁的巴西巨富。他集花花公子、体育爱好者和发明家于一身,在他定居的城市巴黎为全城人进行了数次飞行表演。起先,他是在飞艇上进行的;后来,于1906年驾全部自行设计的飞机上天。 与样样东西都申请专利的怀特兄弟不同,他并不谋求个人私利。他免费向人们馈赠各种设计,并自掏腰包支付各种费用。两相对照,怀特兄弟沉默寡言、节衣缩食;而他却机智幽默、善于交际。他在马克西姆餐厅有包桌。 他就是阿尔贝托·桑托斯·杜蒙特。杜蒙特从在巴西的孩提时代起就迷上了航空飞行。他出生于巴西最富有的咖啡大亨家族之一,7个孩子中他最小。他阅读了儒勒·凡尔纳的全部作品。随着年龄的增长,他越来越相信:通过合适的人操纵得当的机器设备,任何难题都是可以解决的。 Model Test 19 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The leaves were shooting high above the water like the skirts of slim dancing girls. They were dotted in between the layers with white flowers, some blooming gracefully; others, as if bashfully, still in bud. They were like bright pearls and stars in an azure sky. Their subtle fragrance was wafted by the passing breeze, in whiffs airy as the notes of a song coming faintly from some distant tower. There was a tremor on leaf and flow-er, which, with the suddenness of lightening, some drifted to the far end of the pond. The leaves, jostling and overlapping, produced,as it were, a wave of deep green. Un-der the leaves, softly hidden from view, water was rippling even its color was not dis-cernible so that the leaves looked more enchanting. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 经过在立宪会议上的多次辩论,人们最终选择了选举团制度。选举团制度在美国已运转了200多年,但人们仍旧不知道它运转的效率如何,或者说,它是否是最好的制度。不少美国人认为他们每年去投票站投票,所以,从长远角度来看,他们控制着行政部门的命运。然而,1992年的总统大选清楚地透视出许多美国人根本不清楚总统是如何产生的。由于罗斯·佩罗和他的第三党的参与,1992年的大选以无候选人超过半数票而告终。选举团制度勉强维持了下来,且不断受到攻击。许多其他选举制度被列在讨论之中,但更为重要的是,如何有效地变革选举制度。 Model Test 20 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The vermillion button on its cap was dazzling, the blue satin cap itself was dazzling, the giant pearl on the brim of the cap was dazzling, the long gown of light blue satin embroidered with intertwined dragons and lined with squirrel fur was dazzling, the cream-colored satin sleeveless jacket was dazzling, the lilac cummerbund was dazzling. and its officials boots with their painted white soles were dazzling, too. Only after everyone crowded around this rainbow, offered it their greetings and enquired its health, could it be observed that its handsome,clean-cut round white face and its coal-black eyes full of mirth were also dazzling. One couldn't make out what this rainbow was saying even though its voice was very clear. Since it was constantly interrupting its. speech with a" hahaha" or an" ahahah",one could see that its snow-white teeth were dazzling too. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE [参考译文] 首先,传统包括历史意识。对于任何一个超过二十五岁仍想继续写诗的人来说,我们可以说这种历史意识几乎是不可或缺的。这种历史意识包括一种感悟,即不仅感觉到历史的过去性,而且还感觉到它的现时性。这种历史意识迫使一个人在写作时不仅只描述他已了如指掌的自己的一代,而且写作时还要带着一种感觉—从荷马开始的全部欧洲文学,以及在这个大范围中他自己国家的全部文学,都是同时存在的,都是同属一个体系的。有了这种历史意识,即意识到历史的无时性和现时性,以及这种无时与现时又是相互结合的,一个作家便成为传统的了。这种历史意识同时也使一个作家清醒地认识到自己的历史地位和历史价值。 Model Test 21 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] Since the change takes place by slow degrees-year by year, month by month, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, you feel as if you were permanently your same old self always seeing much fun and meaning in life, like one, walking a long, long way down an extremely gentle mountain slope, hardly per-ceives its degree of incline or notices the altered scenes as he moves along. You thus take a positive view of life and find it endurable. Suppose a kid suddenly became a young man overnight, or a young man suddenly became an old man in a matter of hours from dawn till dusk, you would definitely feel astonished, emotionally stirred and sad, or lose any interest in life due to its transience. Hence it is evident that life is sustained by “gradualness”. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE [参考译文] 当今,我们需要领导人认识这样一点:高科技时代面临的根本挑战是人际关系方面心理与教育的挑战。这个问题仅靠专业知识是解决不了的,即使是很有天分的军事思想家具备尖端的专业知识也不行。他们青睐的是新奇的武器系统和与众不同的战略思想。而我们必须依靠的是人类的品质—富于同情,注重实际,非凡的智能,创造性想像,以及不同文化间的相互认同与理解,正如在美国内战最艰苦时期,亚伯拉罕·林肯在国会的第二次年度咨文中所说的那样:“我们的情形是前所未有的,所以,我们必须采用新的思维方式和行动方式。我们必须首先解放自己,然后才能拯救整个国家。” Model Test 22 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLLSH 【参考译文】 The woman was very good at commending: her orders were all couched in soft-toned imperative sentences. However, it simply wasn't right, I thought, for her to ask her husband to do everything. But to these orders of hers, he never said a word of “No”, nor did he reveal any sign of impatience. On the contrary, his response showed that he was as meek as a lamb, seeming to regard it as a great pleasure to busy his head of for his slave master. Therefore,I came to the conclusion that his wife must be a great beauty, for beautiful women without exception. stuck up, imagining them-selves noble princesses. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 但是,美国人是一个静不下来的民族,他们随时都愿搬家,所以,尽管他们喜欢郊区生活,他们也决不会就此停下自己的追求。只要事业有所进步,收入有所提高,他们会很快就到更好的社区,去寻找面积更大、景色更美和游泳池更大更好的住处。他也许会恋着这个暂时的家,但这并不意味着他们会把根扎在那里。今天的工作、今天的收人、今天的家以及今天的朋友和邻居:所有这些都只是一个美国人(和他的家庭)存在的一部分。速溶咖啡,瞬间的朋友—没有什么被看成是永恒的。美国人总是希望和期盼着改变现状,以求更好;并且,美国人发现与新事物打交道并不困难。 Model Test 23 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Zhu Yuanzhang, the Emperor Taizu of Ming, was a man of the most humble origin,with nothing but his natural ability at his disposal. His parents were poor peasants. Forced to leave their homeland because of famine, they sold their son into a Buddhist monastery to save both his life and their own. After a few years as a novice monk, Zhu ran away and became a bandit.This was a logical step for him to take, considering the great confusion of the age, with revolts breaking out everywhere. Some years later, he ascended the throne in Nanjing and proclaimed the founding of the Ming dynasty, which was to last nearly three hundred yeas. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE [参考译文] 对优美的定义比对任何事物的定义都少,但我们对它的关心却比对任何事物的关心都多;甚至可以说优美是我们惟一关心的事物。然而什么是优美?为什么一件事物是优美的,而另一件则是邪恶的?为什么一件是美的,而另一件则是丑的?有些人说所有优美的事物都是和谐的,对称的,均衡的;然而这种说法还没有对优美做出解释。我们还要知道为什么均衡比不均衡要美,亦即为什么均衡令人心悦而不均衡则令人不快?均衡本身还是个需要进一步解释的东西。均衡是一种比例上的对等或相近,那么也就是说对等构成了均衡。因此,优美似乎存在于对等。 Model Test 24 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The rapidly increasing population presents a great challenge to the country's social And economic development, the utilization of resources and environmental protection, and delays the improvement of living standards and the quality of the people. In order to guarantee its people’s minimum living conditions and enable citizens to become better of, the only correct choice that China can make is to strive for economic growth and adjust its population growth to the country's social and economic development.In view of the present situation, the Chinese government has formulated a population of controlling the size and raising the quality of the population and a family planning policy of late marriage and childbirth, having fewer but healthier babies, and one child per family. Shorthanded rural families with financial difficulties may have a second child after an interval of 3 or more years. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 与妹妹安妮、嫂嫂坎迪斯站在屋外的平台上,我看见远处的夜灯在黑暗的北卡罗来纳蓝岭山脉的层峦叠翠中闪烁着微光。我感觉精神不错,比起一年前肯定好得多。去年,医生诊断说我和丈夫乔将不能生儿育女,这令我们惊愕不已。我头昏脑胀地赶来参加我家一年一度的团聚。那个星期的大部分时间,我都蜷在父亲家那间墙壁黄黄的客厅里,躲避所有客人,尤其是我那5个年幼的侄子、侄女。乔则为我脆弱不堪的精神状态担忧了大半个星期。 这个夏季,我与乔隔阂依旧。因生理上的无助,我怂恿他去接受生育治疗,又催他去咨询领养事宜。拽着他开始了如迷宫般的错综复杂的领养程序—至今我们仍哪踢其间。当发现因年龄过大(我38岁,乔51岁),我们在其他所有途径前—国内的和国际的—都吃了闭门羹后,我们一直在为领养一个中国小孩而努力。 Model Test 25 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Human beings are extremely interested in the study of ants. The more we study them, the more they seem to be like ourselves. Our dictionary tells us that the ant is a social insect. That means that ants live in societies in which they depend on one another. The societies are not all exactly the same. There are differences because there are ants of very many kinds-more than 15,000 kinds,in fact. But in general, each kind has ants of three main types: queens, males and workers. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 到黎明时分,那溪流、树林和山峰的世界已被积雪覆盖,闪着一片美丽的白光。 一场大雪之后,最可爱的要算是长绿树木。它们缀满白雪的粗大树枝低垂在树干周围,使它们看上去就像一只只正合拢翅膀抵御严寒的巨鸟。 但是在一场小雪之后,最美的就要数那些落叶树了。它们是那样脆弱,那样缥缈,像透明的烟雾沿着河岸飘动,仿佛潺潺水声也会把它们震碎似的。低矮的灌木丛犹如银丝织成的工艺品,在这个令人陶醉的世界里,它们是那样轻盈,那样小心地踞起脚尖,哪怕是一阵最轻柔的微风也会把微微闪光的雪花从它们身上吹落,留下些赤裸裸的褐色枝条惹人怜惜。 Model Test 26 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Because of their earnest and down-to-earth approach to work, westerners are, in the eyes of Chinese smarties, next door to idiotic, They are being laughed at by Chinese smarties for the tremendous amount of energy they put into their activities.While westerners go about whatever work they do methodically and patiently,never dreaming of reaching great heights in one step, we Chinese are always given to seeking a shortcut and regard the ability to boast as the master key to it. Boasting is an essential art of life just as hyperbole is an indispensable rhetorical figure.The Tang poet Li Bai’s famous lines “The Yellow River comes from the sky” and “My white hair of thirty thousand feet”,examples of hyperbole,which, to those who know little about the art of rhetoric,may sound like a gross exaggeration of the part of the poet. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 理论上,这一技术可以在需要快速检查大量人员的任何地方使用,包括机场、火车站、公共汽车站、边界过境处或体育场。就像对使用能识别面孔并与已知罪犯进行对比的技术提出的意见一样,这一技术会引起一大堆关于应该如何使用的问题。 但是莱文和他的科学家们说,这一技术在付诸使用之前还需加以改进。还需要在实验室外对大量的人进行测试,以对正常反应范围有一个更好的了解。这个仪器不会被因尴尬而脸红所欺骗。但莱文说,可能会有其他的反应引起脸部血流的突然变化而使仪器上当。还有一个危险是人们会学会欺骗仪器,就像他们试图通过呼吸控制或服用药物使自己放松来欺骗使用测谎仪的检验员一样。 Model Test 27 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Young couples streamed into the North China Car Emporium last week, when work and school were off for National Day and the Mid-autumn Festival. The eager customers were lured in by the greater variety of low-and-mid-price models on the market and also, just now, by the easy loans that are being offered. Urban planners may fret about traffic and pollution. But judging from the pent-up dreams expressed at this huge car lot in southern Beijing, private car ownership is an unstopped wave, bringing vast changes in social attitudes and habits along with challenges to the environment. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 他惟一没有得到的赏识是诺贝尔奖,这并不是他没有努力。他尽了一切所能。20世纪40年代末,他甚至雇佣了一家宣传媒体来促成他的事业。遗憾啊,终究没有天文学的任何奖项,而等到诺贝尔颁奖委员会决定天文学可以看做物理学的一个分支时,一切都太晚了。据知情人说,在1953年哈勃逝世之时,他差一点就获得该奖了。 相信哈勃会以自己的名字为哈勃太空望远镜增辉而感到欣慰的,哈勃望远镜探索了哈勃不可能想到却完全能理解的宇宙深度。无论哈勃望远镜带来什么样的奇迹,这些奇迹都好似从哈勃在加利福尼亚的山头上扫视的第一眼开始起步的。 Model Test 28 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The mountains along the riverbanks,enveloped in a thin mist, appeared quite different from what we had been accustomed to see. The moon was hanging leisurely high up in the sky. A wide sandy beach lay stretching all the way from the riverside to where I lived, showing a vast expanse of whit in the moonlight, with slight undertones of green. Suddenly the sweet fragrance of tuberoses wafted up from somewhere. It might be the sweet fragrance of moon, I thought. I stood lost in reverie. It was not until fifteen minutes later that,tuning round to,my own shadow on the wall, I finally returned to my old self. Of course it will bring me great pleasure to,the same brilliant moonlight a few more times even though I've said, “It doesn't matter at all if you see no moon.” SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 英语语言中没有中央权威捍卫其纯正性,因此,许多方言得以发展:美国、英国、加拿大、印度和澳大利亚方言只是其中的几种。英语没有发音。但在这种多样性中,英语有语法的一致性和一套核心词汇。因此,每个讲英语的国家都能把自己的文化因素注人到英语的用法及词汇中。 没有任何理由相信,在未来的50年间会出现取代英语的另一种语言。可是,英语也不可能在21世纪一统天下。更确切地说,少数几种语言可能各霸一方—它们有各自特定的影响地域。例如,因为在美国由于贸易的扩大和国内拉美人口的增加,西班牙语的地位在提高。这种情况可构成一个英语一西班牙语双语区。 Model Test 29 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 A man may have traveled all over the world, but what often emerge in his dreams are not the famous mountains he has climbed nor the oceans he has crossed, but the narrow, winding lanes he used to pass through or the marshes where he used to catch frogs as a child.Memories of one's early days are invariably tinged with a peculiar color. Even remembered pain is quite different to actual, present pain. It is like caressing one's scar;the physical pain is gone, and one rather feels a little proud of the smooth and shiny blotch. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 十多年前,也就是在多任务做法这个词变成日常用词之前很久,一位和我保持通信联系的印第安那州已退休的神学教授提出了可以被称做单一任务做法—即一次做一件事的老式做法的充分理由。他举了一个最简单的例子说:“你洗盘子的时候,就只管洗你的盘子。”我发现这是个好建议,不管你干什么。 一位自然主义作家悲叹人们往往“不信缓慢、沉默和寂静的好处”,强调成为“沉默的守护者、鉴赏者”的价值。 也许这对于她——一位对自然节律做出反应而不是对每天朝九晚五的工作和老板做出反应的作家来说,说来容易。还有,一些研究人员也发现,多任务做法会分散人的注意力,这实际上是在降低生产率。与其说他是朋友,倒不如说他成了敌人,一个盗贼—劫掠那些狂热工作的人们用于集中精力和思考问题的时间。 Model Test 30 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 From then on, I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer. He would bark furiously at the sight of me. And the more scared I was, the fiercer he became. I developed a canine phobia.As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog. Hence instead of shying away in fear, I stood confronting him. I stood firm and so did he.He barked angrily with his mouth wide open as if he were about to run at me. But, nevertheless, he never moved a single step towards me. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CEIINESE 【参考译文】 人的心脏稳定地跳动着,把血液输送到人体的各个部位,从而产生了脉搏。说摸到一个人的脉搏,指的是对他加深了了解,而决不仅限于他的健康状况。你开始了解他的全面情况了,包括他的意图和他的目的。 很多人都怀疑并且不信任“把心当袖子穿”的人,即那些公开表露感情,显示他们的爱慕和忠诚的人。很多人都觉得内心的感情应藏在心里,而不应公开表示,让大家知道。人们普遍认为:把心贴在袖子外面的人,感情不深刻、不真挚。他们的感情来得太容易、太不值钱了。 Model Test 31 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 As a sophomore, I was taught History of Western Philosophy by Professor He Lin. He did not frown at my one-hundred-page long book report in English, but rather praised me in class. It was under his guidance that I read a great deal of ancient Greek philosophers in English translation, the delight from which was just like that of discovering a new planet. I.also taught Italian Renaissance Art by Professor Winter in the Gongzi Courtyard. In his lectures, he passed around many painting albums, and humorously but rigorously offered his critical evaluations. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE [参考译文] 我在她身边坐了一会儿,一遍遍地为她抚平丝样的长发,而且慢慢地我洞悉了一件事,那就是我的孩子也将有关于身体的记忆。在内心深处:我的儿子将记住为了让他毫不害怕地在浴缸里打水玩,我抓住他,所带给他的强有力的扶持。我的女儿,当她为了逗大家高兴在绿色的后院中跳啊跳时,她将感受到这和风,这时我也和她一起跳,在一个圈子里不停地旋转。 这些微妙的、出自真爱的行为打破了旧轨道,开始了一个新的历程。现在我把一切记忆都放在那个枕头下面了。我已经在他们的位置上放了一个礼物:那是牢不可破的道理—我在他们的心灵里放下了1000个睡前亲吻。 Model Test 32 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] At the moment there suddenly appeared before my eyes a vision of green. One year, in winter, I had returned to my hometown, traveling by car on a highway to the southern border of our country. The small car wound its way over hill and dale, both sides of the read thickly wooded with towering green foliage:pines,cypresses and emerald bamboo .And there were many other trees whose names I did not know. The varied green of the trees were set off by a luxuriant carpet of scented lawn. I was cocooned in “green”. From delighted surprise I entered a state of pleasant calm.I was quietly, happily intoxicated in the midst of this all-encompassing green. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CIIIIVESE 【参考译文】 但这些积极的趋向掩盖了好莱坞电影制片厂和连锁电影院所面临的深层问题,电影院中观众人数的实际增长是极有限的。在过去的10年间,票房总收人比原来增加近两倍,而售出的票数仅增加了30%,这表明票房记录是由更高的票价促成的,而不是电影观众人数的增长带来的。 至少对于电影经营者来说,更危险的发展趋势是:电影放映的第一个周末,票房收人极高,随后便迅速减少。影院经营者赚取的钱大多来自于第二周以后在他们影院放映的电影。对比之下,电影制片厂得到的是放映第一周的大部分电影票收人。 Model Test 33 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Out of sheer boredom I would pick up a book-science or literature, it was all the Same to me--and read on and on till it suddenly dawned on me that I had turned a dozen pages without taking in a word. My sense of hearing, however, was so acute that I seemed able to hear all the footsteps outside the gate, including those of Zijun, gradually approaching-but all too often they faded away again to be lost at last in the medley of other footfalls. I hated the steward’s son who wore cloth-soled shoes which sounded quite different from those of Zijun. I hated the little wretch next door who used face-cream, often wore new leather shoes, and whose steps sounded all too like those of Zijun. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 国际中学毕业考试是1968年由设立在日内瓦的国际中学毕业考试组织创立的,最初的目的是为了使学生在一个国家取得的学历资格能够得到其他国家的认可。 最近,由于人们越来越认为传统的“A级”考试过于狭隘,政府也绞尽脑汁寻找其他可行的替代,于是IB受到了从私立精英学校到城市综合学校等各种英国学校的青睐。 同时,政府正在起草一份白皮书形式的立法,名为《学校:取得成功》。该建议包括“设立一个覆盖面大的奖项,既奖励在学业和专业技术方面的成就,也奖励如志愿工作等其他方面的成就。”“这一奖项会表明什么是真正的成就和献身精神,也是每个人都能争取到的。” Model Test 34 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 He appeared lost in thought, his face inscrutable.He was even,inscrutable than his facial expression. He had a hand in every good or bad event that went on in the team.As an excellent driver,his safety record had reached a million kilometers.But at the same time he was a troublemaker,the head of other troublemakers.He had staged this farce to make a fool of Xie Jing,a lucky bird of the time and an ace of the youth in the factory.But he took no pleasure in seeing Xie Jing’s desperation.Indeed,the whole performance got on his nerves,striking him as futile and contemptible. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CIIDME 【参考译文】 他继续作为现实主义的代言人,抨击浪漫主义和一个新的敌人——资本主义。浪漫主义只是美国生活优越性的一层薄薄的面纱,他大可心安理得地去揭露它。可是,难道资本主义也是一种优越性吗?当年在费城进行的宪法辩论,既动听又深刻;后来关于蓄奴制的争辩,也曾使整个美国冷静思考道德和社会价值间题。可是内战结束后,来威尔斯开始认为祟高的动机已经消失了;“当时没有什么大问题;能够激发理想主义者的想像和道德主义者的良心的,只有改革文官制度之类的小事。战后,我们有了可以专心做生意、践买贵卖的机会;这是世界上其他国家的人所没有的。” Model Test 35 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The station clock has struck ten, and the people of Almond Blossom Lane, old and young, are taking the air along the banks of a pond which, although it is the source of evil exhalations drawn up by the summer sun in the daytime, provides late at night an open space where one may catch the fresh, cool breezes. Despite a sharp downpour a moment ago, it is still unbearably hot and close.It is the sort of weather that makes people feel parched inside and thirsting for another thunderstorm. Yet the frogs that crouch among the reeds by the pond are as untiringly strident as ever. The sound of the strollers’ voices comes in desultory snatches. From time to time a silent flash of lightening splashes the starless sky with a harsh blue glare and for one startled moment shows up the weeping willows by the pond, drooping and tumbling over the water. Then, just as suddenly, it is dark again. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CIIDME 【参考译文】 这种态度遭到批评,而且也受到了其他事件的考验。其中一次考验发生在1974年下半年,那时苏联进人谷物市场,从私商手中购买了大量玉米和小麦。这一史无前例的购买活动使尼克松政府感到震惊。美国食品杂货店和肉类柜台上的谷物和肉食价格直线上升。同时,没有足够的谷物可以满足其他国家老顾客的需要。在同苏联进行迅速而秘密的外交接触后问题得到了缓和,但这件事提醒我们,大规模出售极短缺的商品可能严重影响价格的稳定。 美国对外经济政策受到的考验还来自那些不接受这种政策的总方针的人们。近年来,劳工运动的成员也参与了这场争论,并且拥护日益强烈的保护主义立场。他们的目的是要保护他们自己,免遭国外低工资工人的竞争。事实上,某些货物进口增长的速率之快,使工业界和劳方都感到吃惊,他们要求在某些领域内规定进口的最高限额。 Model Test 36 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 The sky looked much broader there, and it seemed that night fell later. From the reflection in the water, we felt it only dusk, which is what the Qinhuai River nights looks like…Now, with broad open space in front of us, we suddenly felt very light-heated, and the gentle breeze stroking our cheeks, hands and clothes brought about a sense of refreshment. The sunlight must be milder in Nanjing than in Hangiliou. A summer night on the West Lake remains very hot, and the water seems so boiled, but the water of the Qinhuai is always cool and green. Despite the flickering shapes of people and snatches of song, the water of the Qinhuai looks as calm and coolly green as if it were covered with a thin, green veil. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 不再存在精神上的间题了。惟一存在的问题是:什么时候我会勃然大怒?因为我念着这个问题:如今写作的青年男女已经忘却了人类内心冲突的问题,而惟有这种冲突才产生得出优秀的文字作品,因为这是惟一值得去写的,值得付出痛苦和心血的。 他必须再度记住这些问题。他必须使得自己懂得,天下最卑鄙者就是心怀恐惧;学会永远忘却恐惧;学会在自己的工作室里,只给那些古老的心灵真谛和真理留有空间,其他一概不留;教给自己一条放之四海而皆准的真理:缺少了这些-爱情、荣誉、怜悯、自尊、同情和牺牲,任何小说都是短暂且注定失败的。除非他做到这些,否则他在耕耘时就要遭受诅咒。 Model Test 37 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGISH 【参考译文】 I prefer our teacher to make public the composition subject several days before the class meet. I prefer lyrical, descriptive and narrative subjects to argumentative ones because being enthusiastic, young people are fond of lyrical and descriptive writings and also eager to write about their own emotions and aspirations. Only by giving a true account of our feelings,thoughts and life, can we produce good writings. Forcing stu-dents to do hollow theorizing in composition will not only fail to improve their writing ability but also subject them, so to speak, to an ordeal of invisible mental abuse. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 她沿着一条小径徐徐向前,犹如回到了往昔。突然,她抚弄起几朵似天鹅绒般柔软的鲜红色玫瑰,不知不觉、若有所思地抚弄着,好像母亲抚弄孩子的手。她微微俯身向前,去嗅玫瑰的芳香,接着又失了神儿似地信步向前。不时,一朵红艳艳的不露芬芳的玫瑰会吸引住她。她停住脚凝视着,好像不知道那是什么似的。驻足一簇垂下来的粉红花瓣前,那种温柔、亲近的感觉又涌遍全身。接着,她对着一朵白玫瑰出神,这朵白玫瑰的花心是淡绿色的,但像冰。 Model Test 38 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 He had already turned thirty and had had more than three girl-friends. But it was strange they left him one after another. Not long ago, Mrs. Wang introduced him to another girl, called Rongrong. She was pretty and fair, with long and crescent eyebrows and clear and bright eyes. The moment he saw her, he tried to impress her, bragging about everything under the sun, and holding forth on and on, the girl reciprocated with only a faint smile. Finding that the girl did not respond warmly, he was a little perplexed, not knowing what the girl thought of him. SECTION B ENGLLSH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 虽然宗教规范美国人一生中重大事件的习俗和礼仪——如出生、成年、结婚和死亡,但它对人们行为和思想上的影响已成日落西山之势。美国人想听取个人忠告时找的不是神父,而是心理医生和职业咨询者。人们把二十世纪叫做世俗的世纪,美国当然也是如此。信仰个人的上帝、关心上帝对自己行为的评判、关心来世—所有这些似乎多越来越淡泊。人们感兴趣的是如何提高自己在现实中的生活水平,他们坚信自己有能力通过努力来改善处境。这种信念也许来源于本杰明·富兰克林,因为他曾说过:“上帝帮助那些帮助自己的人。” Model Test 39 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Some feminist researchers think that women's liberation movement in China is still operating within the framework of the male culture because froth the very beginning it was directed by men, who set the male sex as a model for women to follow. They argue that the time has come for Chinese women to define their own roles in society and strive for a society in which they can choose to work outside home or to stay at home, in which they can have more time to develop their own interests and improve community conditions. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CIIDME 【参考译文】 许多梦想业已实现。我果然从那块巨石上开始了漫漫征途,那是最具辉煌的梦想成真;那是一连串锥心刺骨的苦读,最终取得了学业的最大成功;那是在不列颠发疯般找工作的日子;那是偌大的世界上没有一声问候的岁月;那是每一天如同白纸一张充满了狂想痴迷的冲动。岁月就是这样不经意地流逝,我终于获得了走出非洲的能力,领略到外面世界的精彩,在远离猴面包树与非洲落日的地方找到了自己的家。命运无数次的尽情嘲弄,以及非洲巨石上撩动的那魔幻般的虚妄,成为我大步走出这块土地的力量。 今天,我明智多了。年轻时所有的梦想,绝不会比眼前的梦更令人心醉。与我心爱的人携手走进温柔之乡。与之携手再一次踏上那片褐色的土地,走过浓密的灌木丛,走过那熟悉的石砾小路,回到那梦幻再不会成空的地方。 Model Test 41 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] I put out the light. Outside the window, a few cold stars shimmered in the blue-black sky. No one should be knocking at my door at this time of the night, I thought. And even suppose someone really were doing so, it must surely be an ignorant good-for-nothing—waking people up like this yet giving no reply. Yet these musings were cut short again—this time, the sound from outside my door was a rumbling, like the sound of thunder. Naturally, it couldn’t be the thunderous din of mosquitoes. Certainly, there were mosquitoes around, but they were all hidden in dark corners, long since having lost any impetus to make such a sound. I knew too that it wasn’t real thunder, for it was still too early for that just then. I turned over under my quilt, pressing my left ear firmly to the pillow, suspecting that this rumbling was nothing more than a ringing in my ears. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CIIDME 【参考译文】 库尼茨自己的作品语言朴实、雅致,他认识到对刻意的指责和对嬉皮士诗人进行改革的重要性。他说:“世界上各式各样的人群对主流诗歌都有所贡献,而这种贡献需要一代一代人不断地做出,以使传统本身充满活力。”否则的话,“某些风格、技巧,甚至诗意会趋于僵化和一成不变。” 他解释说,诗人的生活是一个改革的过程。“你必须建立一个全新的自我形象,据此,在作品中创造新的风格、新的飞跃。” 就库尼茨而言,他的改革之一是他所用的语言的改变:他在早期作品中采用的是较拘谨、较规范的语言,而现在的作品中则采用比较简洁的词汇。这种变化“使我能写出更深情的作品,并渗人新的生活领域和思想领域,几乎没有了先前较形式化的风格”。 Model Test 42 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文l The national bourgeoisie is entirely and eternally counter-revolutionary. Not an inch must be conceding to the rich peasants. The yellow trade unions must be fought tooth and nail. If we shake hands with Tsai Ting-kai, we must call him a counter-revolutionary at the same moment. Was there ever a cat that did not love fish or a warlord who was not a counter-revolutionary? Intellectuals are three-day revolutionaries whom it is dangerous to recruit. It follows therefore that closed-doorism is the sole wonder-working magic, while the united front is an opportunist tactic. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 因此我们是否关心一下由于工农业不可抵挡的扩展而加速当前物种灭绝的发生呢?是否有必要努力去减慢这个永不停止的过程呢?我认为是应该的。我们知道,人类的健康与发展与其他许多物种的健康发展密切相关,而我们不能确知哪一种生物对我们的生存最为重要。但是,对付物种灭绝的危机问题决非易事,因为世界上许多生物多样性地区处在最贫穷的国家里,尤其是亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲。这些国家拨出地方兴建国家公园和自然保护区而禁止人们侵犯甚至接近他们,这种做法合理吗?当一个国家相当大一部分人仍生活在贫困线以下,去花大笔钱挽救一些物种—如一头大象或一株兰花,这样做是否合理呢? Model Test 43 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH [参考译文] As expected, the sun soon appeared revealing half of its face, which was very red but not bright. It kept rising laboriously bit by bit as if weighted down with a heavy burden on its back until, after breaking through the rosy clouds,it completely emerged from the sea aglow with a lovely red. Then, before I knew it, the dark red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eyes until they stung and all of a sudden lighting up the surrounding clouds. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 美国文化并不因循守旧,相反,它很民主。美国人非常怀疑传承至今的权威,坚信个人有权决定自己的命运。他们很难接受那些来源不明的、他们永不承认其权威的社会习俗。这并不说明美国人总是以平常心态对待多元化,因为我们知道,美国历史上有些时期对遵从社会习俗和道德准则也曾采取高压态势。但这确实说明美国人将文化变革视为需要公开辩论的原则性问题,而辩论双方的观点可能截然不同。美国人在海外享有务实的美誉,在经济和技术事务上可能确实如此。但在一些重大的政治问题以及几乎所有的文化间题上,美国人往往独断专行、永不妥协,因为他们认为在这些间题上体现出的民主原则出了问题。 Model Test 44 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 It wasn't Ma Bong's fault-it wasn't as if he'd been disloyal or irresponsible abut meeting the request, or that he had lacked the ability to win her hand, or that he'd never really been attracted to her, or any such thing. In those days, all the young men in the brigade would have been prepared to fight to the death for a woman like Yang Yang, if the policy had permitted to do so. The problem was Yang Yang herself. After Niu Ben revealed the truth behind the incident, Yang Yang vanished without a trace. More precisely, Yang Yang disappeared two months after the disappearance of Fu Zhenglian, at the end of the dayon which he "showed his face" again. Other girls in the dormitory recalled that Yang Yang had got up around midnight to use the outhouse, and never returned. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 去年8月,她却被炒了鱿鱼—原因是她拒绝化妆。本月初,杰斯伯森小姐把她的前老板告到了美国地区法院。她说,为了保住她的工作,她被迫涂眉毛油、擦口红、擦红脸蛋和扑面粉。这不仅是侮辱,而且还是性别歧视。 她的诉讼案对公司在要求雇员工作时应有何种仪表方面可以走多远的问题提出了最新的考验。从男人要求有蓄时髦的山羊胡子的权利,到空姐厌倦吃公司强制规定的饮食,再到脸上逐渐布满皱纹而被替换下岗的新闻节目主持人等种种情况看,过去的25年里充满了雇员要求按自己意愿展示其外表及真实自我权利的诉讼案例。 Model Test 45 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 I remind myself that a woman of forty should dress down and wear light make-up; that she should not let an unrestrained guffaw ruffle the wrinkles in her face, and force the sight on others. Toward the young, she should display tolerance to blunt the edge of their challenge; to the old, she must exercise restraint to save their sensitive ego firm being hurt. It is inappropriate for her to bustle about, spread rumors, or act as go-be-tween or get very enthusiastic or very busy over anything. On the other hand, she should not droop in self-pity and sigh at the sight of her own shadow, either. Perhaps what she should do is to enrich herself by thinking, reading and writing, and to work in a down-to-earth manner with persistence and an eye for detail. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 然而,到二十世纪三十年代经济大萧条时期.作为美国理想典范的企业家形象已经大为逊色,随着公司体制的兴起发生了重要的变化。留存下来的企业巨头已寥容无几。“技术专家”代替他们成了公司的首脑。这些高层管理人员精通公司的各项业务,成为整个工业机器中不可缺少的轮齿。结果是高薪的经理代替了趾高气扬的大老板。 今天,大公司的首脑常常参与公众生活许多方面的活动。他们不仅决定公司的命运,同时还在其社区的各种委员会中任职并担任大学的董事。这些新的公司领导人常常飞往华盛顿,同政府官员商讨国家的政策方针。他们对国家的经济状况以及美国同其他国家的关系极为关注。 Model Test 46 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 My face and ears blush scarlet instantly, and couldn't tell what has happened. I know from novels and films that a kiss on the hand is merely a conventional politeness, but it feels as if I have done something shameful, and I dare not look him in the eye. Flustered, I hurry out and stand outside in the odd air, looking back at the cream-colored building, looking out at the snow swirling on the broad streets, at the stream of traffic and the snow-covered pines. And by my side I sense countless pairs of flashing eyes, each and every on forget-me-not blue. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 繁荣带来了新问题。房屋供不应求,汽车生产也不能满足订单上的数量。物价飞涨,使人担心通货膨胀失去控制,但是到了1948年,物资供应接近需求量,物价稳定下来了。 由于物价上涨,许多工会要求增加工资。1946年,当他们的要求没有得到满足时,四百五十万工人举行罢工。劳工这个显示实力的行动震惊了许多公众。因此,共和党控制的国会在第二年通过了塔夫脱一哈特莱法案。这项法案遭到工会领袖的强烈反对—它规定工会和雇主均须提前六十天通知对方,方可解除合同,允许资方控告工会负责人违约,限制工会依照现行合同所享受的若干特权。此后,工人虽然继续增加工资,并且由于雇主资助退休金与健康保险,工人享有更多的保险待遇,但他们认为,塔夫脱——哈特莱法案规定的各种限制意在大大削弱工会与资方讨价还价的能力。在1948年的大选中,杜鲁门总统与民主党保证废除这项法律。 Model Test 47 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 I remember fondly the sounds of my birthplace-the sounds of thunder and of rain. Those mighty crashes rumbled and reverberated from mountain valley to mountain valley, as if the new shoots of spring were shaking in the frozen ground, awakening, and bursting forth with a terrifying vigor. Threads of rain, soft as fine grass would then caress them with a tender hand, so that clumps of glossy green leaves would sprout forth and red flowers burst open. These fond recollections lingered with me like a kind of homesickness, leaving me dejected. Within my heart, the climate seemed as parched of rain as this leaden sky, for a long time not a single tear of tenderness had fallen from my arid eyes. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 新政府谋求通过立法对这些情况进行补救。“区域发展法”使联邦政府有权帮助贫苦地区建立新工业和所需的公共投施。另一项法律则规定,对于因缺少必要技能而居于低薪或失业的工人带工资进行培训。此外,各州政府也获得在紧急情况下可以行使的权力,使失业保险金的期限在原定的二十六个星期基础上再延长十三个星期。 肯尼迪总统以前两任为榜样,请求国会放宽某些社会保险立法。结果社会保险法规定工人可以在六十二岁退休,而不必等到六十五岁。最低工资也增至每小时一美元二十五美分。联邦政府的房屋也逐步加强,帮助老年人及收人低或收人中等的家庭获得价格适宜的住宅。 Model Test 48 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Tourism, a fast developing economic sector over the last two decades in all parts of the world, is now receiving increasing attention among the Chinese public.Many people have written to the press making suggestions for the promotion of tourism in China. It is believed that the development of tourism will help promote mutual understanding and friendship between the people of China and other countries, and facilitate ex-changes in the field of culture, science and technology. Moreover, it will help accumu-late funds for China's great cause. Furthermore, the experience of other countries shows that tourism directly and indirectly helps promote the growth of,economic sectors such as communications, commerce, service trades, light industry, arts and crafts industry and urban construction. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 它提醒我们,作为一个群体,我们相信什么,不相信什么,需要什么和缺少什么。通过把敌人描绘成“对立面”,描绘成对我们的稳定和我们的秩序和价值观的威胁与危害,我们自愿地集合在一起进行抗争并重申我们与自己所属的群体的同一性。为了使我们自己摆脱来自陌生异己的人——敌人的威胁,我们进行合作。在合作的过程中我们拥有共同的观点和情感,共同支配财力并自愿面对在正常情况下我们会回避的威胁。我们的敌人迫使我们克制自己,不再自我陶醉于为所有的人谋福祉的冲动和愿望,使我们成为普通人,开化了的人。我们置身于这个仇视异己的群体之中,像优秀的士兵那样服从命令,这是由于我们使自己相信,不这样做我们的生活方式——我们的价值和信念—就会毁灭,我们将不得不全盘接受那些刚被我们排斥为陌生异己的人——敌人的价值、信念和习惯。这会带来变化。我们都知道这种变化对于一种有条不紊,已成习惯的生活方式的破坏将会是多么彻底。无怪乎我们会如此生气,如此迫切去消除这种威胁了。 Model Test 49 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Several years later when I moved to the western suburbs, I kept my habit of rising at four to begin work at the window. The glittering spire atop the tower of the Beijing Exhibition Center, which I could see in the daytime through my window, would no longer be visible now in the early morning haze.Nevertheless I knew that, though invisible,it remained there intact, towering to the skies to inspire people with hope and the urge for moving ahead. At this, I would be beside myself with joy and feel as if my heart were also flying high up into the skies. Ten years later, I moved again. In the new home of mine, I had no silk trees, nor could I get of limpid blue in front of my door. In the first few years after I moved there, lotus flowers continued to blossom on the surface of the pond. In the summertime, when day broke early at four, a vast stretch of lotus leaves looking skywards outside my window came dimly into sight while the quiet fragrance of the lotus flowers assailed my nose. All that delighted me even more than the silk trees and the flittering spire. 【参考译文] 有时,我们对别人不够关怀,因而在举止上不知不觉地伤害了别人的感情。事后我们感到内疚和沮丧,这时朋友会来安慰我们。这种积极的双向行为犹如一剂良药,还比求助于心理学家划算得多。 在青春和老年两时期中,友谊是极为重要的。青年时期,少男少女因变化无常和各种情感交集而惶惑。老年时期,人们因感到自己无所作为和无足轻重而沮丧。在这两种情况下,朋友会起感人至深的作用。生活中有挚友,人们就能鼓起勇气,变得积极。年轻人就有精神支柱来表现自己的个性,中老年人则会怀着乐观主义和生活情趣步入晚年。这种积极的人生态度,对于卓有成效地克服上述两个人生阶段中固有的心理危机至关重要。 Model Test 50 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH 【参考译文】 Locust trees in the North, as a decorative embellishment of nature, also associate us with autumn. On getting up early in the morning, you will find the ground strewn all over with flower-like pistils fallen from locust trees. Quiet and smelless, they feel tiny and soft underfoot. After a street cleaner has done the sweeping under the shade of the trees, you will discover countless lines left by his broom in the dust, which look so fine and quiet that somehow a feeling of forlornness will begin to creep up on you. The same depth of implication is found in the ancient saying that a single fallen leaf from the wu-tong tree is more than enough to inform the world of autumn’s presence. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE 【参考译文】 这将是一个紧张的年份。此时最紧张的首要人物应当是微软公司的总经理比尔·盖茨了。L994年年底微软公司宣市。期待已久的windows95直到八月份才能面市——距最初计划发行日期差不多两年时间。 期望的礼物,数百万用户要升级换代的新系统,现在大概要到1996年初才能频频上市。消息公布后,微软公司股票下跌2.75美元,跌至每股59.87美元(早已反弹过了),同样,一些软件开发商的股票也下跌了。 开发商面临的间题是Windows95赶上采用改进32位系统的硬件(即可以同时处理32位的任何组合)。直到新系统上市以后,开发商才能发行32位型的应用软件,同时,用户也才能将旧16位型软件升级换代。
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