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怎样用英语回答辞职原因怎样用英语回答辞职原因   Everyone makes a big fuss about having a gap on your resume, and most folks are fearful of getting fired because of this very reason. But what if your current state of underemployment is your own doing?   每个人都对你上的空白时间大惊小怪。正是出于同一理由许多人担心被解雇。但如果你目前的 待业 是自...
怎样用英语回答辞职原因   Everyone makes a big fuss about having a gap on your resume, and most folks are fearful of getting fired because of this very reason. But what if your current state of underemployment is your own doing?   每个人都对你上的空白时间大惊小怪。正是出于同一理由许多人担心被解雇。但如果你目前的 待业 是自己一手造成的该怎么办呢?   A bad boss, crummy coworkers, or poor working conditions may have led you to walk away but you don\t want to reveal that in an interview. However valid your reasons may have been, such factors can be turned back on you, causing you to be perceived as someone who couldn\t handle directions, work well with others, or wasn\t willing to do whatever it took to get the job done.   也许是老板不好、同事糟糕、工作条件差导致你辞职 但是你可不想在中提及这些。不论你的理由多么正当,这样的原因都会起反作用,让别人感觉你是一个把握不了方向、无法和别人共事、或不愿为完成工作做出牺牲的人。   So, how should you discuss the fact that you quit your last job without scaring off recruiters? Read on for four tips.   那么如何谈论辞职的事情,又不会 吓跑 招聘者呢?下面为您提供四条建议:   3. You Finally Examined Your Unexamined Life 终于开始审视你的人生   对于改行者来说这个理由尤为有效。你可以直接告诉面试官在这段时间里你在重新审视生活中什么对你最重要、你的激情所在并发现希望从事别的行业。即便目前申请的工作和以前那个差不多,如果当前的雇主和以前的所属行业不同,那么这个理由也会起作用。同样地,如果申请的公司属于 绿色环保 型、非盈利型或其他非常值得效力的,那么你可以说,在你重新审视的时期,你发现为有社会责任或环保意识的雇主工作对自己是多么重要。   4. Play the Consulting Card 为别人提供咨询   将重点放在虽然你没有从事全职工作但是却在提供咨询(如果实际如此的话)。你可以说提供咨询给了你机会关注职业中某个让你感兴趣的地方。这种对一个面的关注导致你去应聘现在你正面试的工作。如果你还没有开始,那么行动起来 即便只是为一个慈善机构或社区组织提供咨询。这会使你的简历保持 同步 ;也能让你在谈到最近的职业经历时做到真实。   求职英语:怎样回答面试中最难的那些问题   How to Answer the Toughest Interview Questions   怎样回答面试中最难的那些问题   你知道他们会来的 工作面试中突然出现的那些看似无法回答的问题。求职英语:怎样回答辞职原因求职英语:怎样回答辞职原因。   You can\t clam up. And you don\t want to stutter and stammer. So what\s a job seeker to do?   你不能沉默。而你又不想结结巴巴地说。那么,作为一个求职者这个时候应该怎么做呢?   The Future Question   关于 未来 的问题   Otherwise known as the big picture question, the future question goes something like this: Where do you see yourself in five years?   这种问题也叫做 前景 问题,关于未来的问题一般会这样问: 你认为自己在五年内会发展到什么地步?   The best tactic: Talk about your values.   最佳对策:谈谈你的价值   Don\t get too detailed about your specific career plan. Instead, discuss things that are important to you professionally and how you plan to achieve them. If growth is a goal, mention that. You can also talk about challenge, another value that employers prize in their employees.   不要详细地去谈你具体的职业计划。而是要谈那些对你的职业来说重要的事情以及你会如何计划去实现这些目标。如果经济增长是你的目标的话,就提出来。你也可以谈挑战,这是雇主在员工身上欣赏的另一个优势。   The Salary Question   关于 薪资 的问题   Most people will tell you that whoever answers this question first loses. But that\s not necessarily true.   很多人都会告诉你不管是谁只要先回答了这个问题就会有损失。但这并不一定是正确的。   When an interviewer asks your salary requirement, try first to gently deflect the question by inquiring about the salary for the position.   当一位面试官开始问你薪资要求的时候,首先试试反问他们该职位的薪资来转移这个话题。   If the interviewer presses you for a number, give a range. To decide on a range, think about the salary you want, your salary at your most recent position and the industry-standa#from 求职英语:怎样回答辞职原因来自cnrencaihttp://www.cnrencai.com/ end#rd salary for the job.   如果该位雇主坚持要你给出一个数字,那就给一个大概的范围。要决定这个范围的话,要综合考虑你想要的薪水、你近期职位上的薪资,以及该职位的行业标准薪资。   The bottom line: The salary question is one of the most important, so you should prepare for it in advance and plan what to say.   重中之重:薪资问题是其中最重要的一个问题,所以你应该提前做好应对准备,并计划好到时该怎么说。   The Why Question   关于 为什么 的问题   There\s a fine line between boastful and confident. And you need to learn it.   自夸和自信之间有微妙的区别。求职英语:怎样回答辞职原因文章求职英语:怎样回答辞职原因出自http://www.cnrencai.com/article/wk-6027576177515.html,转载请保留此链接!。你要学会区别两者。   When an interviewer asks you why they should hire you, you\re going to speak confidently and honestly about your abilities. But you should avoid sounding overly boastful.   如果一位面试官问你他们为什么要雇用你,你要自信而诚实的说出你的能力。但是要避免听起来太过自吹。   以认真为目标,通过练习来准备。这样做是对的:站在镜子面前,边说自己的能力和成就边观察自己的面部情。告诉你自己:我有很强的工作热情。我非常真诚。我有优秀的行业交际网。我积极地追求自己的目标。   It\s sometimes hard to praise yourself, but after a few sessions you\ll sound sincere.   很多时候表扬自己很难,但是在几次练习之后你的话听起来就会很真诚。   The Seemingly Silly Question   看起来很愚蠢的问题   If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you beWhat if you were a carOr an animal?   如果你是一棵树,你想成为哪种类型的树?如果你是辆车你会怎么样?或者是一只动物呢你又会怎么样?   These type of questions can bring your interview to a screeching halt.   类似的这些问题能让你的面试嘎然而止。   First, don\t panic. Pause and take a deep breath. Then remind yourself that there\s no right answer to these questions. The job isn\t hinging on whether you choose to be a spruce versus an oak.   首先,不要慌。稍停顿一下,来个深呼吸。然后提醒自己这些问题没有正确的答案。这份工作重点并不是要你选择做云杉还是橡树。   Interviewers usually ask these questions to see how you react under pressure and how well you handle the unexpected. It\s not so important what type of tree (or car, or animal) you choose as that you explain your choice in a way that makes you look favorable.   面试官一般问这些问题都是想看看你在面临压力时的反应以及你如何处理突发事情。回答选择什么类型的树并不重要,重要的是你对自己做出选择的解释方式是否能让面试官满意。   那么,就选择做云杉吧,因为你想在自己的职业生涯中达到新的高度。求职英语:怎样回答辞职原因http://www.cnrencai.comziwojieshao.html。或者做橡树,因为你计划在公司生根发芽。随便选哪个,你都可以回答得很好。   求职英语:怎样绕过求职障碍   set realistic goals. 不管理想多么远大,总是要一步一步得去实现。制定现实的目标,不要梦想一步登天。make sure you aren\\t pursuing conflicting goals. don\\t expect miracles. establish a priority for your goals. if getting a job quickly is essential, realize that your needs probably rule out getting a high salary. review your goals periodically. if what seemed a realistic goal at the start appears unattainable 12 weeks later, change your goal.   be willing to invest in yourself. 找工作是要投资的。花点钱制作一份能给人留下深刻印象的简历还是值得的。。if your resume typed on a portable is less impressive than one typed on a full-size electronic typewriter, the little money saved may not be worth it. you will have a better chance to succeed if you look successful.   revise your strategies as needed. 根据情况调整你的求职战略。don\\t continue to send out a resume or an application letter that has gotten no results. and don\\t keep pursuing a position if it obviously isn\\t attainable. if you discover that you aren\\t as marketable as you assumed you would be, revise your resume and your goals.
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