

2014-04-03 28页 doc 672KB 21阅读




神探夏洛克剧本S00E00-你的博客写得怎么样了 -不错 非常好 你的博客写得怎么样了 How's your blog going?Good. 不错 非常好 Fine. Good. Very 写了很多吗 Written much? 只字未写 Not a word. 约翰,你需要一段时间才能适应正常生活 John, it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life. 那是 Sure. 把你的一切遭遇写进博客 会有很大帮助 And it will help so much to writ...
-你的博客写得怎么样了 -不错 非常好 你的博客写得怎么样了 How's your blog going?Good. 不错 非常好 Fine. Good. Very 写了很多吗 Written much? 只字未写 Not a word. 约翰,你需要一段时间才能适应正常生活 John, it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life. 那是 Sure. 把你的一切遭遇写进博客 会有很大帮助 And it will help so much to write about everything that's happening to you. 我没什么遭遇 Nothing happens to me. 目前为止 并未在尸体上发现痕迹 As far as we can see, no marks on the body. -无法确定身份 No identification. 就和其它几宗案子一样 Same as the others. 一模一样 Exactly the same. 你不会是要打电话给他吧 Um, you're not phoning him are you? 我们能处理好 完全可以 Because we can handle this. We can absolutely handle it. 你还有活要干 You've got work to do. 我是雷斯垂德探长 ,收到后请立即回电 This is Inspector Lestrade. Please call me as soon as you get this. 我想我们需要你 I think we're going to need you. 约翰! 约翰·华生! John! John Watson! 我是迈克·史丹佛 啊对 Stamford. Mike Stamford. Right. 我们以前一起在巴茨医院共事 We were at Bart's together. 抱歉 你好 迈克 Yes, sorry. Yes, Mike, hello. 没事 我知道我胖了 Yeah, I know, I got fat. 没有 No... 听说你去国外挨枪子儿了 I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at. 情况如何 What happened? 我中了枪 I got shot. 你还在巴茨医院吗 So you still at Bart's, then? 现在教书 Teaching now. 对着一群朝气十足的小屁孩 Bright young things, 就跟我们以前一个样 like we used to be. 老天 我真讨厌他们 你呢 God, I hate them. What about you? 处理停当之前 先住在城里吗 Staying in town till you get yourself sorted? 靠军队退休金没法在伦敦过日子 Can't afford London on an army pension. 那个 有去找人合租公寓之类的吗 I don't know, get yourself a flat-share or something? 谁想当我室友 Who'd want me to flatmate 怎么 What? 今天也有个人和我这么说过 Well, you're the second person to say that to me today. 是谁 Who was the first? 有多新鲜 How fresh? 刚刚送来 67岁 自然死亡 Just in. Sixty-seven, natural causes. 以前在这儿工作 捐献的遗体 Used to work here, donated his body. 我认识他 他人很好 I knew him. He was nice. 嗯 那就开始鞭挞吧 Fine. We'll start with the riding crop. 今天不太顺哈 So, bad day, was it? 二十分钟后告诉我尸体的瘀伤情况 I need to know what bruises form in the next 20 minutes. 某人的不在场证明就靠"他"了 发短信给我 A man's alibi depends on it. Text me. 那个 我想问下 等一下... Listen, I was wondering, maybe later... 你怎么涂了唇膏 你以前从不涂唇膏 Are you wearing lipstick? You weren't wearing lipstick before. 我想换换形象 I just refreshed it a bit. 不好意思 你刚说什么 Sorry, you were saying? 我是想问 你想来杯咖啡吗 I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee? 清咖啡 两块糖 麻烦了 我就在楼上 Black, two sugars please, I'll be upstairs. 好吧 Okay. 【福尔摩斯的收件箱 收件人: 麦考夫 主: 回复: 一个不可能的情况 当你排除了所有不可能性 剩下的无论多不可能 都是真相 收件人: 格雷格森 主题: 回复:回复: 谁偷了教堂的钟 如果你能从卧室看到教堂 那么戴维斯就是小偷发件人: 雷斯垂德 主题: 请给我电话 如题 雷斯垂德】 有点时过境迁的感觉 It's a bit different from my day. 岂止如此 You've no idea. 迈克 能借你手机用下吗 我的没信号 Mike, can I borrow your phone? No signal on mine. 你不能用固话吗 Well, what's wrong with the landline? 我喜欢发短信 I'd rather text. 不好意思 我换了件外套 Sorry, other coat. 给 用我的吧 Oh, here. Use mine. 谢谢 Oh. Thank you. 这是我的一个老朋友 约翰·华生 This is an old mate of mine, John Watson. 阿富汗还是伊拉克 Afghanistan or Iraq? 阿富汗 不好意思 你怎么知道 Afghanistan. Sorry, how did you know? 茉莉 谢谢你的咖啡 Ah, coffee! Thank you, Molly. 你的唇膏怎么没了 What happened to the lipstick? 对我来说没什么用 It wasn't working for me. 是吗 我倒觉得效果很好 Really? I thought it was a big improvement. 不然你的嘴看起来太小 Mouth's too small now. 好吧 Okay. 你对小提琴有何看法 How do you feel about the violin? 不好意思 你说什么 Sorry, what? 我在思考问题时会拉小提琴 I play the violin when I'm thinking. 有时我会连续几天一言不发 Sometimes I don't talk for days on end 你会介意吗. Would that bother you? 未来的室友该彼此了解最坏的情况 Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other. 你和他说起过我吗 Oh, you told him me about me? 提也没提过 Not a word. 那谁说过室友的事了? 我 Then who said anything about flatmates? I did. 早上我告诉迈克 我这种人肯定很难找室友 I told Mike this morning that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for. 而刚过午餐 他就带来自己的一个老友 Now here he is after lunch with an old friend 刚从阿富汗退役回来 clearly home from military service in Afghanistan. 这不难推论 It wasn't a difficult leap. 你怎么知道阿富汗的事 How did you know about Afghanistan? 在伦敦市中心 我看中一处不错的房子 I've got my eye on a nice little place in central London. 我们应该能付得起房租 明晚七点在那里见Together we could afford it. We'll meet there tomorrow evening, 7:00. 抱歉 赶时间 Sorry, I've got to dash. 我大概把马鞭忘在停尸间了 I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary. 就这样吗 怎么 Is that it? Is that what? 我们才刚见面 就要一起去看房了吗 We've just met and we're going to go and look at a flat? 有问题吗 Problem? 我们互相一无所知 我不知道你叫什么 We don't know a thing about each other, I don't know your name, 甚至不知道该在哪儿见面 I don't even know where we're meeting. 我知道你是个军医 I know you're an army doctor 刚从阿富汗因伤退役回来 and you've recently been invalided home from Afghanistan. 我知道你有个挺有钱的哥哥很担心你 I know you've got a brother with a bit of money who's worried about you, 你却不肯向他求助 因为你看不惯他 but you won't go to him for help because you don't approve of him, 可能因为他是个酒鬼 possibly because he's an alcoholic, 更可能是因为他最近抛弃了自己的妻子 more likely because he recently walked out on his wife002E 我也知道你的咨询师认为你的瘸腿是身心疾病And I know your therapist thinks your limp is psychosomatic, 我倒觉得一点不错 quite correctly, I'm afraid. 这样应该差不多了吧 你觉得呢 That's enough to be going on with don't you think? 我叫夏洛克·福尔摩斯 地址是贝克街221B The name's Sherlock Holmes and the address is 221B Baker Street. 午安 Afternoon. 好吧 他就这德行 Yeah, he's always like that. 赫德森太太是我们的房东 Mrs Hudson, our landlady. 福尔摩斯先生 Ah, Mr Holmes. 叫我夏洛克就好 Sherlock, please. 房东太太给我特惠价 她欠我个人情 Getting a special rate, owes me a favour. 几年前她丈夫在弗罗里达被判死刑 A few years ago her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida. 我帮了她一下 I was able to help out. 你救了他丈夫吗 You stopped her husband being executed? 才不 我是给他板上钉钉 Oh no, I ensured it. 夏洛克 快进来 Sherlock!Come in, come in. 很好 Yep. 这儿不错 真的很不错 Well, this could be very nice. Very nice, indeed. 当然 我完全同意 所以我提前搬了进来 Yes, I think so. My thoughts exactly. So I went ahead and moved in. 只要把这些垃圾清理了就好 As soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out. 那这些都是你的东西咯 So, this is all your stuff? 显然我可以稍微收拾一下 Obviously, I can straighten things up a bit. 那真是颗骷髅吗 That's a real skull? 我的伙伴 对我来说是 Friend of mine. Well, I say friend. 你觉得如何 华生医生 What do you think, Dr Watson? 你们要是分开睡 楼上还有间卧室 There's another bedroom upstairs, if you'll be needing two bedrooms. 我们当然分开睡 Well, of course we'll be needing two. 别担心 这楼里什么人都有 Oh, don't worry, there's all sorts round here. 住隔壁特纳太太家那对还结婚了呢 Mrs Turner, next door, has got married ones. 夏洛克 看你这乱的 Sherlock, the mess you've made. 昨晚我在网上搜了下你 Oh, I um, looked you up on the Internet last night. 有什么有趣发现吗 Anything interesting? 找到了你的网站 "演绎法" Found your website."The Science of Deduction." 有何想法 What did you think? 很有意思 Quite amusing, I suppose. 怎么个有意思法 Amusing? 你说你能通过领带判定对方是软件设计师 You said you could identify a software designer by his tie 还能通过左手看出对方是退休的管道工 and, what was it, a retired plumber by his left hand. 没错 我还能通过你的脸和腿 看出你的军旅生涯 Yes, and I can read your military career by your face and your leg, 通过你的手机 知道你哥的饮酒习惯 and your brother's drinking habits by your mobile phone. 这地方真是乱透了 State of the place already! 你怎么做到的 How? 你也看过文章了 You read the article. 那太荒谬了 The article was absurd. 但我知道他的饮酒习惯 还知道他抛弃了妻子But I know about his drinking habits. I even know that he left his wife. 那几起自杀事件又如何 夏洛克 What about these suicides then, Sherlock? 这不正是你拿手的吗 Thought that would be right up your street. 已经发生了四起 Been a fourth one now. 没错 我的拿手戏正好找上门来 Yes, actually, it's very much up my street. 那个 你的拿手戏是啥来着 Can I just ask, what is your street? 发生了第五起 There's been a fifth. 事发地点 Where this time? 碧斯顿的劳瑞斯顿花园 你来吗 Brixton, Lauriston Gardens. Will you come? 这次的法医是谁 Who's on forensics? 安德森 Anderson 他跟我不是很合得来 Anderson won't work with me. 他又不会当你助手 He won't be your assistant. 但我需要个助手 But I need an assistant. 你到底来不来 Will you come? 我不坐警车 稍后就到 Not in a police car. I'll be right behind. 谢谢 Thank you. 万岁 Oh, brilliant! 我本以为今晚会很无聊 I thought it was going to be a dull evening. 说实话 赫德森太太 对着无聊的肥皂剧可对付不了屡出奇招的连环杀手啊 Honestly, you can't beat a really imaginative serial killer when there's nothing on the telly, Mrs Hudson. 我会晚归 可能需要点吃的 I may be out late, might need some food. 亲爱的 我是你房东 不是管家 I'm your landlady, dear, not your housekeeper. 冷的就行 Something cold will do. 约翰 喝杯茶 别客气 别等我 John, make yourself at home. Have a cup of tea, don't wait up. 看他那急匆匆的样子 我丈夫以前也这样 Look at him dashing about. My husband was just the same. 你就沉稳多了 我看得出来 But you're more the sitting down type, I can tell. 我来帮你沏茶 你先歇歇腿 I'll make you that cuppa, you rest your leg. 腿你个头 Damn my leg! 抱歉 非常抱歉 Sorry, I'm so sorry. 但有时这该死的情绪控制不了... It's just sometimes this bloody thing... 亲爱的 我理解 我髋关节这也不好 I understand, dear, I've got a hip. 有杯茶喝就太好了 谢谢 A cup of tea would be lovely, thank you. 仅此一次 亲爱的 我不是你管家 Just this once, dear. I'm not your housekeeper. 有的话 再来几片饼干 A couple of biscuits, too, if you've got 'em. 我不是你管家哦 Not your housekeeper. 【泰晤士报 发现第四起自杀案 雷斯垂德探长负责调查此案】 你是医生 You're a doctor. 事实上 你是个军医 In fact, you're an army doctor. 是的 Yes. 做得好吗 Any good? 相当好 Very good. 那你一定目睹过无数创伤 致命伤 Seen a lot of injuries then, violent deaths? 是啊 Well, yes. 一定很困扰吧 - Bit of trouble too, I bet. 当然 这辈子都看够了 Of course, yes. Enough for a lifetime. 看得太多了 Far too much. 还想看更多吗 这还用说 Want to see some more? God, yes! 那就来吧 Come on, then. 抱歉 赫德森太太 不喝茶了 要出去 Sorry, Mrs Hudson, I'll skip the cuppa. Off out. 你俩都出去吗 What, both of you? 终于有好玩的了 No point sitting at home 没理由坐等在家中 when there's finally some halfway interesting murders. 死了人你这么开心 真不得体 Look at you all happy. It's not decent. 管他得不得体 Who cares about decent? 赫德森太太 游戏开始了 The game, Mrs Hudson, is on! 的士 Taxi! 好吧 我知道你一肚子问题 Okay, you've got questions. 我们这是去哪儿 Where are we going? 犯罪现场 发生了一起谋杀案 下一个呢 Crime scene. There's been a murder. Next? 你是谁 做什么的 你觉得呢 Who are you? What do you do? What do you think? 我本想说...私家侦探 但是呢 I'd say private detective, but... But? 但警察不会去找私家侦探 The police don't go to private detectives. 我是顾问侦探 I'm a consulting detective. 我自创的 全世界独此一家 I'm the only one in the world. I invented the job. 那是干什么的 What does that mean? 当警察束手无策时 It means when the police are out of their depth, 常有的事 就来找我当顾问 which is always, they consult me. 但警察不会找外行当顾问 But the police don't consult...amateurs. 我昨天第一次见到你时 When I met you for the first time yesterday 问你是去过阿富汗还是伊拉克 你好像很惊讶and asked, "Afghanistan or Iraq?" you looked surprised. 对 你到底怎么知道的 How did you know? 我不知道 是观察到的 I didn't know, I saw. 谢谢 Thank you. 脸上晒黑了 手腕以上却没晒黑 Tannedface, but no tan above the wrists. 说明你从国外回来 但不是日光浴 You've been abroad, but not sunbathing. 你的发型 站立姿势说明你是军人出身 Your haircut and the way you hold yourself says military. 你进来时所说的话... Your conversation when you entered the room... 有点时过境迁的感觉 Ah, bit different from my day. 说明在巴茨医院受训过 ...says trained at Bart's. 所以显然是军医 So army doctor, obvious. 你走路跛得厉害 Your limp's really bad when you walk, 却宁愿站着也不要求坐下 but you don't ask for a chair when you stand, 装得好像若无其事 like you've forgotten about it. 所以多少有点身心失调 That means the limp is at least partly psychosomatic. 说明导致你创伤的最初原因 That says the original circumstances of the injury were traumatising. 是在战场上受的伤 Wounded in action then. 并在战场上受伤 自然是阿富汗或伊拉克 and wounded in action these days? Afghanistan or Iraq? 你说我在看心理咨询 You said I had a therapist. 你的跛脚是身心疾病 当然要心理咨询 You've got a psychosomatic limp, of course you've got a therapist. 还有你哥 Then there's your brother... 给 用我的吧 谢谢 Here, use mine. Thank you. 你的手机很昂贵 能收发邮件 能听音乐 Your phone. It's expensive, e-mail enabled, mp3 player, 你却找人合租 不会自己破费买 you're looking for a flat-share, you wouldn't waste money on this. 而是个礼物 It's a gift, then. 有刮痕 不止一两条 而是很多 Scratches, not just one, but many over time. 肯定是和钥匙硬币放在同一个口袋 It's been in the same pocket as keys and coins. 你不会这样对自己的奢侈品 The man sitting beside me wouldn't treat his one luxury item like this, 所以是别人的手机 so the previous owner then. 下一个就简单了 你应该早知道了 The next bit's easy. You know it already. 刻的字吗 The engraving. 海瑞·华生 明显是给你手机的家人 "Harry Watson," clearly a family member who's given you his old phone. 不会是你父亲 这手机明显是年轻人用的 Not your father, this is a young man's gadget. 可能是兄弟 但你这样的战斗英雄 Could be a cousin, but then you're a war hero returning home 竟无处可住 who can't find a place to live. 应该没有其他亲戚 关系也不够亲近 Unlikely you've got an extended family, certainly not one you're close to. 所以是你哥哥 So brother it is. 还有克拉拉 克拉拉是谁 Now, Clara. Who's Clara? 三个吻说明两人是爱情关系 Three kisses says it's a romantic attachment, 而买这么贵的手机 应该是妻子 不是女友 the expense of the phone says wife, not girlfriend. 肯定是最近才送的 才用了六个月 She's given this to him recently, the model is only six months old, 然后婚姻出了问题 才用了六个月就送人 so it's a marriage in trouble then. Six months on, he's just given it away? 如果是她提出的 他会留作纪念这是人之常情 If she'd left him, he'd have kept the phone, probably.People do, sentiment. 但他不想要这手机 说明是他提出的 But no, he wanted rid of it. He left her. 他把手机给了你 说明想跟你保持联系 He gave the phone to you, that says he wants you to stay in touch. 他担心你 你在找便宜住处 He's worried about you. You're looking for cheap accommodation, 却不去向自己兄弟求助 but you won't go to your brother for help. 说明你跟他之间有问题 That says you've got problems with him. 也许是你喜欢他妻子 或你讨厌他喝酒 Maybe you liked his wife. Maybe you don't like his drinking. 好吧 但你怎么可能知道喝酒 Yeah, how can you possibly know about the drinking? 瞎猜的 好运猜中了 Shot in the dark. Good one, though. 谢谢 Thank you. 电源插口 周围有细小的磨损痕迹 Power connection, tiny scuff marks around the edge of it. 每晚他插上充电 但手总是在抖 Every night he plugs it into recharge, but his hands are shaking. 清醒的人手机上不会有这种痕迹 You never see those marks on a sober man's phone, 醉鬼的手机上都有 you never see a drunk's without them. 所以 看吧 你说得对 There you go, you see, you were right. 什么 怎么对了 I was right? Right about what? 警察不会请外行当顾问 The police don't consult amateurs. 真是太了不起了 That was amazing! 你真这么觉得吗 Do you think so? 当然 真是惊人 Of course it was. It was extraordinary. 非同凡响 It was quite extraordinary. 别人一般不这么说 That's not what people usually say. 他们一般怎么说 滚 What do they usually say? Piss off. 我有猜错什么吗 Did I get anything wrong? 我跟海瑞处得不好 从没好过 Harry and me don't get on, never have. 克拉拉和海瑞三个月前闹翻了 正在办离婚Harry and Clara are getting a divorce, split up three months ago. 海瑞也确实酗酒 Harry's a drinker. 那就是全猜中 真没想到 Spot on then. I didn't expect to be right about everything. 海瑞是海瑞德的昵称 Harry is short for Harriet. 海瑞是你姐姐 Harry's your sister? 我来这到底该干嘛来着 Now what exactly am I supposed to be doing here? 居然是你姐姐 Your sister. 说真的 我到底来这干嘛 No, seriously, why am I here? 总免不了有错 Oh, there's always something! 你好 怪胎 Hello, freak. 我找雷斯垂德探长 I'm here to see Inspector Lestrade. 来干嘛 我是受邀前来 Why? I was invited. 为什么 我想是他要让我来看下 Why? I think he wants me to take a look. 你也知道我的想法吧 Well, you know what I think, don't you? -一向知道 Always, Sally. 我甚至知道你昨晚没回家 Even though you didn't make it home last night. 这位是谁 Who's this? 我同事 华生医生 Colleague of mine, Dr Watson. 华生医生 这位是萨莉·多诺万警佐 老朋友了Dr Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan. Old friend. 同事 你这种人怎么会有同事 "A colleague?" How did you get a colleague? 他跟踪你回家了吗 Did he follow you home? 不如我还是走吧 Look, would it be better if I just go... 不用 No. 怪胎来了 我带他进去 Yeah, Freak's here. Bringing him in. 安德森 又见面了 Ah, Anderson, here we are again. 这是犯罪现场 It's a crime scene. 可别给我弄毁了 明白了吗 I don't want it contaminated. Are we clear on that? 明白得很 Quite clear. 你那小伎俩或许糊弄得了雷斯垂德探长 Magic tricks might impress Inspector Lestrade, 我可不吃那套 they don't work on me. 你妻子很久不回家了吧 And is your wife away for long? 别搞得像你自己推理出来的 是听别人说的吧 Oh, don't pretend you worked that out. Someone told you that! 是你的除臭剂告诉我的 Your deodorant told me that. 我的除臭剂 男士用的 My deodorant? It's for men. 这不废话么 是我在用啊 Well, of course it's for men, I'm wearing it! 多诺万警佐也用了 So is Sergeant Donovan. 味道好像没了 我能进去了吗 Oh, I think it just vaporised. May I go in? 你给我听着 不管你在暗示什么 You listen me, okay? Whatever it is you're trying to imply... 我什么都没暗示 I'm not implying anything, 相信萨莉只是顺道路过找你聊天再碰巧过了个夜I'm sure Sally came round for a nice little chatand happened to stay over. 从她的膝盖状况来看 我猜她还帮你擦了地板 I assume scrubbed your floors, going by the state of her knees. 好吧 进去就是 Right, just... Just go in. Just... Just go! 我给你两分钟 You have two minutes. 可能不够 I may need longer. 把这穿上 他是谁 Put this on. Who's this? 跟我一起的 He's with me. 我知道 他究竟是谁 Yeah, but who is he? 我说了跟我一起的 I told you, he's with me. 现场在哪儿 So, where are we? 楼上 It's upstairs. 足迹分析表明 过去12小时内 Footprint analysis says that the only other person in this room 到过这房间的另一个人身高1米74 in the last 12 hours was a man of about 5'7", 看来他和受害人是一同驱车至此 and it seemed that he and the victim arrived together by car. 尸体上没有任何辨认身份的信息 All identification is missing from the body, 就如同其他受害者一样 just like the others. 知道她是谁 从哪儿来的吗 Have no idea who she is or where she's from. 显然她是从外地来的 Well, she's from out of town, clearly. 准备回去前在伦敦住上一晚 Planned to spend a single night in London before returning home. -目前为止就这些,显而易见 显而易见? So far, so obvious. Obvious? 没错 从她右腿后面就能看出来 Yes, obvious, back of her right leg. 华生医生 你有什么看法 Dr Watson, what do you think? 问我吗 你是医生 What do I think? You're the medical man. 外面有一整个专业团队呢 We have a whole team right outside. 我用不着他们 They won't work with me. 听着 我坏了所有规矩放你进来 Look, I'm breaking every rule letting you in here. 没错 因为你需要我 Yeah, 'cause you need me. 的确 老天保佑 Yes, I do, God help me. 约翰 John? 如他所说 请便吧 Oh, just do as he says, help yourself. 怎么,要我在这儿做什么 Well? What am I doing here? 帮我理清思路 Helping me make a point. 我是来帮你分担房租的 I'm supposed to be helping you pay the rent. 对 这可有趣得多 Yeah, this is more fun. 有趣个什么 一位女士死了 Fun? There's a woman lying dead. 不 还死了两个女人三个男人 No, there are two women and three men lying dead. 再继续废话只会死更多人 Keep talking and there'll be more. 死因是什么 Now, cause of death? 很可能是窒息而亡 Asphyxiation, probably. 被她自己的呕吐物噎住昏倒 She passed out and choked on her own vomit. 尸体上闻不出酒味 I can't smell any alcohol on her, 也许是癫痫发作 很可能是由药物引起 could be a seizure, possibly drugs. 是毒药 It was poison. 你怎么知道 How do you know? 因为他们都是中毒而死 Because they were all poisoned. 谁毒死了他们 他们自己 By who? By themselves. 什么 我们查出了是何种毒药 Themselves? -We've identified the drug. 无所谓了 反正就是毒药 Doesn't matter, it was poison. 每次的作案手法都相同 Same pattern each time. 每个人都很正常 却突然消失 Each one of them disappears from their normal lives, 消失在戏院 家里 办公室或是酒吧 from the theatre, from their home, from the office, from the pub, 稍后便被发现死在完全不相干的地方 and turn up a few hours later, somewhere they've no reason to be, dead. 尸体上没有暴力留下的痕迹 也没有强迫服毒的迹象 No marks of violence on the body. No suggestion of compulsion. 他们都服下了同一种毒药 Each of them has taken the same poison, 据我们所知 都是出于自愿 and as far as we can tell, taken it voluntarily. 夏洛克 我说了给你两分钟 告诉我你的发现Sherlock, two minutes, I said. I need anything you've got. 好吧 写下来 Okay, take this down. 告诉我就是 - Just tell me what you've got. 我不要自己写 I'm not going to write it down. 别闹了 Sherlock! 好吧 我来就是 It's all right, I'll do it. 多谢 Thank you. 受害人三十出头 职业女性 The victim is in her early 30s, professional person. 从她的衣着来看 我猜是传媒界的 Going by her clothes, I'd guess something in the media, 一身显眼的粉红色 going by the frankly alarming shade of pink. 今天刚从加的夫过来 She's travelled from Cardiff today, 打算在伦敦住一宿 intending to stay in London for one night, 看她手提箱的大小就知道了 that's obvious from the size of her suitcase. 手提箱? A suitcase? 对 手提箱 A suitcase, yes. 她结婚好几年了 但并不幸福 She's been married several years, but not happily. 她有一票情人 但没一个知道她结婚了 She's had a string of lovers, but none of them knew she was married. 老天啊 你就编故事吧 For God's sake, if you're just making this up... 看她的婚戒 太紧了 Her wedding ring, look at it! It's too tight. 她刚戴的时候比较瘦 说明结婚挺久了 She was thinner when she first wore it, that says married for a while. 还有这戒指上面有污垢 Also there's grime in the gem setting. 但她别的首饰都做过定期保养 But the rest of her jewellery has recently been cleaned, 婚姻不幸的证据就在此 that tells you everything you need to know about the state of her marriage. 戒指的里圈要比外圈光亮许多 The inside of the ring is shinier than the outside. 说明经常拿下来 That means it's regularly removed. 戒指只有在她取下来时才会被磨亮 The only polishing it gets is when she works it off her finger, 但取下来并不容易 肯定有其理由 but it can't be easy, so she must have a reason. 看她的长指甲就知道这不是工作所需 It can't be for work, her nails are too long. 她不是做手工活的 She doesn't work with her hands, 那她是为了什么或是谁取下戒指的呢 so what, or rather who does she remove her ring for? 显然不止一个情人 Clearly not one lover, 不然这么长时间 她肯定掩饰不了已婚的身份she'd never sustain the fiction of being single over time. 因此肯定不止一个 简单 So more likely a string of them. Simple. 厉害 抱歉 Brilliant! Sorry. 为什么是加的夫 Cardiff? 显而易见 不是吗 Obvious, isn't it? 我可看不出来 It's not obvious to me. 神啊 你那滑稽的小脑袋里到底装着什么 Dear God, what's it like inside your funny little brains? 空空如也吧 It must be so boring. 她的外套有点潮湿 Her coat is slightly damp. 几小时前她一定淋了场大雨 She's been in heavy rain in the last few hours, 而伦敦当时没有下雨 no rain anywhere in London until the last few minutes. 外套领子下面也湿了 她曾把领子立起来挡风Under her coat collar it is da
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