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儿童饮食9误区  饮食营养质量的优劣,对儿童的成长发育影响极大。时下,社会上有这样一句顺口溜:“营养营养,胖也不良,瘦也不良”。的确,胖瘦都与饮食营养有关,那么,儿童中存在哪些不良饮食行为呢?大马酋长咖啡   误区一:盲目给孩子补充多种营养素   不少家长怕孩子营养不够,又是补钙又是补铁,这样给孩子补充多种营养素,既不能解决营养素缺乏的问题,又会给孩子的主要脏器加重负担。专家指出,一定要到医院进行检查后,看孩子体内缺什么营养素,再适量补充所需的营养素。   误区二:给孩子吃大量低脂肪食品   高脂、高能量食物的消费给健康带来的危害已家...
  饮食营养质量的优劣,对儿童的成长发育影响极大。时下,社会上有这样一句顺口溜:“营养营养,胖也不良,瘦也不良”。的确,胖瘦都与饮食营养有关,那么,儿童中存在哪些不良饮食行为呢?大马酋长咖啡   误区一:盲目给孩子补充多种营养素   不少家长怕孩子营养不够,又是补钙又是补铁,这样给孩子补充多种营养素,既不能解决营养素缺乏的问题,又会给孩子的主要脏器加重负担。专家指出,一定要到医院进行检查后,看孩子体内缺什么营养素,再适量补充所需的营养素。   误区二:给孩子吃大量低脂肪食品   高脂、高能量食物的消费给健康带来的危害已家喻户晓。如果从儿童时代就开始吃低脂肪食品,成年后得心脏病的危险会减少,于是一些家长让孩子长期大量吃低脂肪食品,殊不知,长期给孩子提供这样的膳食结构,会造成孩子营养不良。因此,合理膳食很重要,热量与营养素分配应均衡,即早、中、晚三餐的分配应分别占全天的30%、40%和30%为宜。   误区三:零食不断影响正餐   大多数孩子抵御不了零食的诱惑,如膨化食品、冷饮、糖果等往往是孩子们的最爱,其中合成色素出现的频率也最高。吃过量零食会影响食欲,妨碍正餐的摄入量。提倡儿童食用健康零食,营养素含量丰富、同时是低脂肪、低盐和低糖的食品和饮料,如全麦饼干、营养麦片、新鲜蔬菜和水果、奶酪、花生酱、酸奶、面包等。而糖果、巧克力、薯片(条)、甜果脯、虾条、油炸圈饼、碳酸饮料等高脂肪、高盐和高糖的食品尽量少吃。   误区四:以饮料代替喝水   有些家长在家中备足了各种各样的饮料,孩子往往以饮料代替喝水。过多饮用饮料,会造成过多能量摄入,从而导致肥胖或营养不良等问题。例如像可乐型的饮料,它除了含有能量外,几乎没有什么营养。对于孩子来说,最好的饮料是水,这是因为水是营养素之一。建议学龄儿童每日至少喝水1200毫升,补充水分可以多选用白开水、矿泉水和其他瓶装水,应以白开水为主。   误区五:早餐仅吃鸡蛋加牛奶   一些儿童不吃早餐或者常以碳水化合物为主的食物,如煎饼、馒头、油条等作为早餐,缺乏优质蛋白质食物以及含维生素和矿物质的食谱。另一方面,有的家长给孩子的早餐是牛奶、鸡蛋,形成了不合理的早餐结构。营养质量好的早餐,应该包括谷物、动物性食品、奶类及蔬菜水果四大部分。如果早餐没有像馒头、面条、稀饭、面包等谷类食物,就缺少热量的供应,光是鸡蛋和牛奶高蛋白的物质,孩子不仅吸收不好,而且优质蛋白质用于供应热量有些大材小用了。   误区六:不要将洋快餐作为孩子的奖励品   一些家长在孩子取得成绩时,往往会想到带孩子去吃顿洋快餐。殊不知,这种奖励使孩子的胃口越来越大,嘴巴也越吃越馋。经常吃洋快餐不利于孩子身体发育成长,快餐属于高能量、高脂肪的食品,常吃易引起孩子肥胖,肠胃功能不好或者体态肥胖的儿童更不宜吃洋快餐。   误区七:豆制品等于蔬菜   一些家长见孩子不愿意吃青菜,认为豆制品营养价值高,就给孩子吃豆腐、豆浆等豆制品,这样孩子就不用吃青菜了。事实上,豆制品是一种营养丰富的植物性蛋白质,可看作荤菜,但如果孩子光吃豆腐,把豆腐当作青菜,就会缺乏维生素和纤维素。   误区八:只要不喝碳酸饮料,喝其他果汁饮料就无妨?   其实不是。果汁饮料中含有较高的糖分,当人体不能将这些糖消耗掉时,就会转化为脂肪组织储存在体内,成为肥胖的基础。同时,在糖的代谢过程中需要胰岛素的参与,过量的糖使机体长时间处于高血糖状态,久而久之,会造成机体对胰岛素作用的敏感性下降,即正常剂量的胰岛素产生低于正常生物学效应的一种状态。也就是我们常说的胰岛素抵抗,它是成人 Ⅱ型糖尿病的发病基础。另外,由于多喝了含糖的饮料,往往会影响到孩子的食欲,尤其是在餐前半小时喝了含糖饮料,会使孩子不愿吃饭,影响正常平衡膳食的摄取。   误区九:红烧肉不能吃,但奶油蛋糕可以多吃。   不对。红烧肉中的脂肪组织是天然的动物脂肪,它是可以被人体代谢的,但目前市场上的奶油蛋糕使用的奶油多为“人造酥油”、“雪白奶油”,他们并不是真正的奶油,而是经过氢化的脂类物质,也叫“反式脂肪酸”,它们往往使食物吃起来更酥脆美味而受人喜爱追逐。但由于反式脂肪酸是经人工氢化处理后才诞生的,自然界中几乎不存有,人类也难以处理此类不饱和脂肪,这些脂类物质如在人体内滞留,就会增加罹患心脏血管疾病的机率和导致脂肪肝的发生,严重的脂肪肝最终可变成肝硬化,最终导致肝癌的发生。 Nutritional quality, development has great influence on the growth of children. Nowadays, there is a such doggerel: "community http://dmqzkfw.com/post/56.html nutrition, fat is bad, thin and poor". Indeed, fat diet related, and so, what the bad eating behaviors of children? Malaysian chief coffee A misunderstanding: the blind to the child to add a variety of nutrients Many parents fear their children nutrition is not enough, and calcium and iron, so to the child to add a variety of nutrients, can not solve the nutrient deficiency problems, will increase the burden on the main organs of the child. The expert points out, must go to the hospital for examination, to see children in the lack of any nutrient, more appropriate to add the necessary nutrients. Misunderstanding www.hjmgyt1.com two: eat a lot of low fat food for children High fat, high energy and food consumption to health hazards brought already make known to every family. If you start eating low fat foods from childhood, the risk of heart disease in adulthood will be reduced, so some parents let their children eat large amounts of low fat food, however, long-term provision of such a diet for children, will cause the child malnutrition. Therefore, a reasonable diet is very important, calories and nutrients distribution should be balanced, allocation is early, late meals should be separately accounted for 30%, 40% and 30% is appropriate. Misunderstanding three: snacks constantly affect prandial Most of the children couldn't resist the temptation of snacks, such as puffed food, cold drinks, candy is often the www.wxgs7.com children's love, the synthetic pigment has also had the highest frequency. Eat too much snacks will affect the appetite, prevent the intake of meals. Encourage children to eat healthy snacks, nutrient rich, is also a low fat, low salt and low sugar foods and beverages, such as whole wheat crackers, oatmeal, fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese, peanut butter, yogurt, bread, etc.. And the candy, chocolate, crisps (a), preserved fruit, sweet shrimp, donuts, carbonic acid beverage high in fat, salt and sugar foods to eat less. Misunderstanding four: with drinks instead of water Some parents with a variety of drinks at home, children often instead of water to drink. Drinking too much drink, will www.xzyymgw.net cause excessive energy intake, leading to obesity or malnutrition. Such as cola type drinks, which in addition contain energy, almost no nutrition. For children, the best drink is water, this is because water is one of nutriment. It is recommended that school-age children daily at least drink 1200 ml, supplement moisture content can choose white boiling water, mineral water and other bottled water, should be white boiling water. Misunderstanding five: breakfast only eat egg and milk Some children do not eat breakfast or often to carbohydrate based foods, such as steamed buns, pancakes, deep-fried dough sticks for breakfast, the lack of high quality protein foods and recipes contain vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, some parents give their children breakfast milk, egg, forming a breakfast www.huangjiazhizun.com irrational structure. Breakfast good nutritional quality, should include Cereals, animal food, milk and fruits and vegetables four parts. If breakfast is not like steamed buns, noodles, rice porridge, bread, cereal, lack of heat supply, light is the egg and milk protein substances, children not only the absorption is not good, and high quality protein used to supply heat some put fine timber to petty use. Misunderstanding six: do not be foreign fast food as her prize Some parents in the child achievement, tend to think of the kids to eat foreign fast food meal. However, this reward makes the child's appetite is more and more big, the mouth also eat more greedy. Often eat fast food www.wxjao.com is not conducive to children physical development and growth, fast food is a high energy, high fat food, eat easy to cause the child obesity, gastrointestinal function is not good or fatter children should not eat more fast food. Misunderstanding seven: bean products is equal to the vegetables Some parents see their children not to eat vegetables, that bean products of high nutritional value, give the child to eat bean curd, soybean milk, bean products, so that the children do not eat vegetables. In fact, soy is a plant protein nutrient rich, can be regarded as meat dish, but if the children of light to eat tofu, tofu as vegetables, there will be a lack of vitamin and cellulose. Misunderstanding eight: as long as you do not drink carbonated drinks, fruit juice drink other drinks anyway? In fact, not. Fruit juice drinks contain high sugar content, when the body can not be the sugar consumed, can be transformed into fat stored in the body, a fat based. At the same time, in the metabolic process of www.qdvacuum.com sugars need insulin to participate in, the excess glucose to make the body a long time in high glucose condition, in the course of time, will cause the decrease of body sensitivity to insulin action, a state normal dose insulin production is lower than the normal biological effect. Is what we often say that the insulin resistance, it is the basic adult onset diabetes. In addition, since the drink sugary drinks, often affect the child's appetite, especially in half an hour before meals drink sugary drinks, will make the children do not want to eat, affect the normal balance of dietary intake. Misunderstanding nine: pork braised in brown sauce can not eat, but to eat cream cake. No. Pork braised in brown sauce in adipose tissue is a natural animal fat, it can be the body metabolism, but currently www.dmqzkfw.com on the market use cream cream cake for "artificial butter", "white cream", they are not really cream, but after lipid hydrogenated, also called the "trans fatty acids", they tend to make more crisp and delicious to eat together and loved by the people chase food. But because of trans fatty acids is born through artificial hydrogenation treatment, almost no human being in nature, are difficult to deal with this kind of unsaturated fat, these lipids such as stranded in the human body, will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and lead to the occurrence of fatty liver, severe fatty liver may eventually become cirrhosis, eventually lead to the occurrence of liver cancer.
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