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顶级求职英语资料连载五 这份文档可能包含了纽哈斯国际教育咨询拥有的专利,或者未决专利应用的相关内容和素材。提供这份文 档给使用者并不意味着对这些专利的任何授权。 版权所有 ©纽哈斯教育咨询。HiAll 标识和产品名称都是纽哈斯国际教育咨询的商标或者注册商标。其他 标识和产品名称都是各自所有者的商标或者注册商标。 地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路 18 号财智国际大厦 B 座 2109 邮编:100083 电话:(8610)82600684...
这份文档可能包含了纽哈斯国际教育咨询拥有的专利,或者未决专利应用的相关内容和素材。提供这份文 档给使用者并不意味着对这些专利的任何授权。 版权所有 ©纽哈斯教育咨询。HiAll 标识和产品名称都是纽哈斯国际教育咨询的商标或者注册商标。其他 标识和产品名称都是各自所有者的商标或者注册商标。 地址:北京市海淀区中关村东路 18 号财智国际大厦 B 座 2109 邮编:100083 电话:(8610)82600684 51664012 邮件:service@hiall.com.cn HiAll2006-9-22 求职英语班--打造职场 Bilingual 告别校园,不代表告别课堂,新鲜事物源源不断,我们就需要源源不断的新知识,去面 对崭新的职业领域。 英语,不是用来笔上考试的,不是大学校园的 4.6 级,它已经活生生地,即将被运用 在你的口头上。 不要说你只有眼睛和手认识英语,你即将进入一个职业的角色,这个角色需要你的耳朵 和嘴巴。 你梦想的公司,他们的员工即使来自河北,山西,江苏,云南,他们一样都在操纵着地 道的英文应付美国,英国,意大利的老板,只因为你要去的公司是 International ★ 课程适合对象 • 求职中英语部分了解不多或缺少经验而担心的准备求职的大学生。 • 缺少英语面试经验,希望能够从事外企工作的人。 • 希望通过短期学习获得求职英语的基本技能以及训练方法的求职大学生或在职人员。 ★ 听说读写的全面提升 • 英语面试的各个环节:37 个常见问题,面试和 AC 面试可能会遇到的英语场景。 • 如何用地道的英语回答考官问题,以及获得面试技巧以及常用词汇及正确表达。 • 案例阅读,分析以及笔试;获得快速获得有用案例信息的技巧,笔试的解题方法。 • 英文简历,开放性问题和求职信函的写作,获得各部分写作的重点,常用的结构以及 表达方式。 ★ 课程安排 ★ 您还将获得 • 企业需求能力的拓展训练。 • 实战模拟面试。 • 与著名企业员工的面对面交流。 • 个性化的简历服务。 • 来自全国各地,在求职路上志同道和的人脉关系。 ★ 报名须知 【培训时间】2006 年 9 月 22 日-9 月 24 日 9:00-11:00 13:00-17:00 共计 18 个课时 【培训地点】HiAll培训教室—中科院自动化研究所 13 层第二会议室 【培训费用】560 元/人,含 3 本专用教材 【报名方式】http://www.hiall.com.cn/activity/SignUp.php 【咨询电话】 010-82600684 service@hiall.com.cn ★ 以往求职英语的照片 5.1.Presenting Yourself Successfully - Before, During & After Your Job Interview Before Your Job Interview: • Learn all you can about the company or organization; learn as much as you can so that your questions are sophisticated and knowledgeable during the interview. • Be prepared to answer and ask questions. (see our sample questions) • Prepare your clothes for your interview, • Prepare a pen and notebook for taking notes during interview, During Your Job Interview: • Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. • Treat all people you encounter with professionalism and kindness. • Maintain a professional image. • Don't chew gum or smell like smoke. Don't take cell phone calls during an interview. • Never interrupt the interviewer, • Be aware of your non-verbal behavior • Be enthusiastic, confident and energetic, but not aggressive, pushy or egotistical. That fine line is important. Be confident and reassuring and calm. • Don't make negative comments about previous employers, professors or others. • Listen very carefully and give thoughtful, to-the-point and honest answers. • Establish a follow-up plan • When the interviewer concludes the interview, offer a firm handshake and make eye contact. Depart gracefully. After the Interview: • Make notes right away so you don't forget critical details. • Write a personal thank-you note to the person who interviewed you and send it within 48 hours of the interview. • Don't call the employer back immediately, they will contact you when they have made their decision 5.2.Successfully Answer Behavioral Questions in Your Job Interview The "behavioral" interviewer will ask you open-ended questions that will cause you to describe real circumstances and your responses to them. General answers about behavior are not what the employer is looking for. You must describe in detail a particular event, project, or experience and you dealt with the situation, and what the outcome was. The premise behind behavioral interviewing is that the most accurate predictor of future performance is past performance in similar situations. Although it will be more difficult to prepare concrete answers in advance to these interviews (as opposed to traditional ones), you can and should take some time to review your understanding of yourself, your past successes and concrete examples of your accomplishments. Work on honesty, sincerity and candidness. When you start to tell a behavioral story, the interviewer may try to sort out the details by understanding your behaviors. The interviewer will probe for more depth, detail or understanding with questions like: “What were you thinking at that point?” or “Tell me more about what you discussed with that person.” If you’ve told a story that’s anything but totally honest, your response will not hold up through these probes. If you have a spouse or friend that can pose as an interviewer for you, it can be helpful for you to practice answering open-ended questions, such as the following. Have your friend probe further: • Tell me about a time that you demonstrated initiative? • Describe a situation when have you motivated yourself to complete an assignment or task that you did not want to do? • Think about a difficult boss, professor or other person. What made him or her difficult? How did you successfully interact with this person? • Think about a complex project or assignment that you have been assigned. What approach did you take to complete it? • Tell me about the riskiest decision that you have made. What were your considerations in making that particular decision. • Can you tell me about an occasion where you needed to work with a group to get a job done? What were the challenges and difficulties and how did you face these? • Describe a situation when you or a group that you were a part of were in danger of missing a deadline. What did you do? • Tell me about a time when you worked with a person who did things very differently from you. How did you get the job done? Would you work with that person again if given the choice? • Describe your three greatest accomplishments to date. • Tell me about a situation when you had to learn something new in a short time. How did you proceed? • Can you tell me about a complex problem that you solved? Describe the process you utilized. • Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split second decision. • Give me an example of a bad decision that you made and what you learned from that mistake? • Tell me about a time when something you tried to accomplish and failed. What did you learn from that failure? • Tell me about a time when you missed an obvious solution to a problem. What did you learn from that mistake? • Tell me about a challenge that you successfully met. • Describe a situation when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done. • Please tell me about one or two unpopular decisions you have made. What were the positive and negative outcomes of those decisions? • What leadership positions have you held? Describe your leadership style. What aspects of your leadership style have you changed or deleted once you learned that these aspects were not successful? • Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem. • Summarize a situation where you successfully persuaded others to do something or to see your point of view. Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion. • Give an example of when your persistence had the biggest payoff. • How have you most constructively dealt with disappointment and turned it into a learning experience? Please give me a concrete example in your life. • Tell me of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree. • Describe a situation in which you effectively developed a solution to a problem by combining different perspectives or approaches. When answering "behavioral questions", do try to steer clear of the common answers that interviewers are adept at spotting. For example, don't try to portray yourself as a person that never makes mistakes. Or as a person whose only failings are that you work too much, are too dedicated, too loyal, etc. Be honest about your mistakes since the experienced interviewer will be looking for "progress" and "growth", not perfection. But, do give an example of how you learned from your mistake and how that experience has benefited you in the long run. Be succinct and concise. In all behavioral answers, the interviewer wants to hear: • A brief description of the problem, challenge or situation. • What your action was & how you decided that action. • A brief description of the result of your action and your assessment of its result. 5.3 面试常见 37 个问题 1."Tell me about yourself" 简要介绍你自己。 2."Why are you interested in this position?" 你为什么对这份工作感兴趣? 3."What are your strengths?" 谈谈你的优势? 4."What is Your Biggest Weakness?" 谈谈你最大的弱点是什么? 5."Why do You Feel You are Right for this Position?" 为什么你认为自己适合这个职位? 6."Can you give me the highlights of your resume?"谈谈你的简历上有些什么值得特别关 注的吗? 7."Why did you choose your major?" 你为什么选择这个专业? 8."What are your interests?" 你有哪些兴趣爱好呢? 9."What are your short and long term goals?" 你对于短期和长期的目标是什么? 10."Tell me how your friends/family would describe you?"如果我向你的朋友或者家人询 问对你的,你认为他们会怎样说? 11."Using single s, tell me your three greatest strengths and one weakness." 用简单 的词,描述你的三项最突出的优点和一个缺点。 12."What motivates you to succeed?" 你 争取成功的动力是什么? 13."What qualities do you feel are important to be successful in _____ (i.e. customer service)?" 哪些品质在你看来对成功是最重要的? 14."What previous experience has helped you develop these qualities?" 哪些之前的精力 帮助你获得了这些品质? 15."Can you give me an example of teamwork and leadership?" 你能向我列举一个团队活 动和领导力的例子吗? 16."What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?" 你经历过最大的挑 战是什么?你如何跨越它的? 17."Why should I hire you over the other candidates I am interviewing?" 我为什么要从这 么多应聘者中选择你呢? 18."Do you have any questions?" 你有一些什么问题吗? 19."What are your compensation expectations?" 你去年的收入是多少?你对于报酬有什 么样的期望? General Questions: 20."What is your greatest accomplishment?"你觉得自己最大的成就是什么? 21."Have you ever been asked to do something unethical? If yes, how did you handle it?" 曾经有人要求你去做一些不道德的事情吗?如果有,你是怎么处理的呢? 22."What do you do if you totally disagree with a request made by your manager?"如果你 完全不同意你上司的某个要求,你怎么处理? Leadership Questions: 23."When in a group setting, what is your typical role?" 你在团队中通常的作用是什么? 24."How do you motivate a team to succeed?" 你怎么激励团队达到成功? Teamwork Questions: 25."Have you been in team situations where not everyone carried their fair share of the workload? If so, how did you handle the situation?"如果你所处的团队中,并不是每个成员 都承担着相同的工作量,你怎样处理这种情况? Problem-Solving Questions: Problem-solving questions demonstrate your ability to come up with solutions to difficult situations and your ability to think on your feet. 26."How do you prioritize when you are given too many tasks to accomplish?" 你怎样在 一堆根本做不完的工作任务中区分轻重缓急? 27."Why are manhole covers round?" 为什么下水道的井盖是圆的? Organizational and Planning Questions: Organizational and planning questions demonstrate how you approach your job and how you think. If someone appears disorganized, more likely than not, that candidate will be rejected. 28."Tell me about a goal you set for yourself and how you accomplished it." 分析:给自己的工作和生活设定有效的并按计划执行是一个非常好的习惯,如果你现在 还没有这个习惯,不妨开始学着去做。至少,你应该知道怎么去制订计划并执行。 29."Do you typically achieve what you set out to do?" 分析:直观上感觉面试官是在考察你是不是一个有恒心和毅力的人,因此回答“是”无疑是一 个稳妥的答案(如例一)。但是很可能所有应聘者都会给出肯定的答案,你不妨尝试做点改 变(如例二)。 Miscellaneous Questions: 30."What de-motivates or discourages you?"有哪些因素可能会让你失去动力或信心? 31."Do you work better in teams or by yourself?" 对于你来说,与团队一起工作和独自干 活哪样效率更高? 32."How important to you is a positive attitude?"积极的态度对你有多重要? 33."What is your definition of success?" 你怎样定义成功? 34. "What was your biggest disappointment during your college life?" 你大学阶段最大的 遗憾是什么? 35. "Tell me about the most difficult decision you have had to make." 你曾经做过的最难 的决定是什么? 36. "What is your ideal job?" 你理想的工作是什么? 37. 到现在为止,你还有应聘别的公司吗?进行得怎样? 5.4.Reasons for Job Rejection Seldom do we know exactly why someone isn’t selected for a particular position. What we know is that certain factors contribute to rejection of applicants. You can improve your employment opportunities by eliminating traits that contribute to rejection. z Poor personal appearance z Inappropriate demeanor (informal behavior, slouching in chair) z Inability to express oneself clearly z A know-it-all attitude z Lack of enthusiasm z Lack of self-confidence z Too many excuses z Poor preparation for the interview z Lack of maturity z Condemnation of past employers z Lack of commitment for long-term z Lack of knowledge in specialization z Cynicism z No interest in community activities z Inability to take criticism z Lack of experience or desire to get it z Radical ideas z Tardiness to interview z No apparent interest in job z Inability to answer questions HiAll 全新 2.0 培训课程体系 课程类别 课程名称 课程介绍 求职调研与行业指南 * 常见行业(IT, 快速消费品,咨询,金融,政府)剖析 * 常见招聘流程、应聘技巧以及职业发展介绍 中文简历写作 * 不同行业 HR 筛选简历的 * 优秀简历的秘诀,如何在简历中突现出自己的 USP * 简历的投递方式 面试常见的 37 个问题 * 讲解面试的结构化趋势;应对不同类型面试的技巧 * 常见的面试 37 问,突出行为训练 * 设计多种面试场景,讲理论知识转化为实践能力,点评 细节 基础网申与求职信写作 * 著名公司网申实例分析,网申填写技巧 * 网申 Key words 筛选原则以及 Key words 的使用 * 中英文求职信函写作技巧 求职礼仪与商务沟通 * 根据学生可能的去向设计多种面试场景 * 帮助学员了解求职相关的商业礼仪,服饰、言谈举止需 要注意的事项 * 讲解求职每一环节涉及的沟通技巧进行讲解 * 如何 打“COLD CALL” Level I: 求职精品班 小组面试与公众演讲 * 小组面试现场模拟,专业点评 * 如何做 PRESENTATION,如何在小组面试中表现自己 英文 resume * 优秀英文简历的秘诀,如何在简历中突现出自己的 USP * Action words & Key words 的使用 英语面试常见问题 * 帮助学生了解面试常见问题的英语回答方式以及回答 结构 * 讲解学生需要在面试中对不同情况的口语表达,如表达 兴趣爱好,表达自己的希望等 * 用英文回答问题的技巧以及注意事项,表现较好的口语 水平 英文笔试(TOEIC/SHL) * SHL 笔试百道真题分析 * 笔试技巧深度讲解 Open Questions * 根据开放性问题的性质以及回答方式,分五类跟学生讲 解问题背后考察的东西以及回答技巧 * 开放性问题的回答结构,内容分布以及重点句型,词汇 的运用 * 运用摸板把握回答英语开放性问题的窍门,培养自信心 Level II: 求职英语班 案例阅读分析 * 如何短期提高你的英文阅读水平 * 优秀例文分析,剖析阅读技巧 * 英语求职写作常用专业词汇和短语 * 提高对英语的语言逻辑能力 * 掌握英语求职中写作的基本要求和技巧 Case interview & Mock interview * 让学生了解小组面试的流程以及内容 * 常见的小组面试的案例分类分析 * 怎么做好小组面试的技巧以及注意事项 * 模拟的真实面试,让学生了解作为个体,怎么表现才能 脱颖而出 * 怎么做好英文的 PRESENTATION 投资银行 * 各投行在中国业务介绍及应聘须知 * 大小 IB 区别和应聘必备 qualifications * IPO 具体业务说明和必备知识 * Fixed income 业务介绍及应聘须知 * 投行网申注意事项,简历关键词分析 * 投行面试、案例分析 四大会计师事务所 * 四大的概况介绍 * 进入四大以后的职业发展,如何提高业绩 * 针对四大着重讲解求职简历的写作和面试的技巧 * 简历投递以及网申 keywords 使用、网络故障的解决 * 现场小组面试;优秀学员现身说法 快速消费品 * 宝洁笔试应对技巧,部门要求介绍 * 雀巢 HR 青睐的简历应该如何写作 * 玛氏网申表格填写的注意事项 * 历年卡夫、雀巢、玛氏等多家快消行业面试、笔试真题 解剖 * 来自快消公司内部的声音,让你和快消公司零距离接触 商业银行 * 汇丰、中行、浦发、工行简历筛选标准剖析 * 花旗,招行,建行等多家银行的招聘流程内幕 * 历年各大银行面试真题,笔试真题剖析、现场点评 * 现场模拟面试,如何扬长避短,让你与面试官应答如流 咨询公司 * 以往年 Mckinsey, BCG,Bain 等顶级咨询公司真实案 例进行模拟案例面试 * 咨询公司业务范畴及职业发展介绍 * 典型案例面试分类,各类案例分析思路 其他(媒体/公务员/广告 类) * 简历筛选标准剖析 * 招聘流程内幕 * 历年面试真题,笔试真题剖析、现场点评 * 现场模拟面试 * 来自公司的内部声音 Level III: 行业单项班 以及职位相 关课程 市场/销售 * 你也可以成为一名优秀的市场/销售人员 * 市场/销售人员必备的素质分析 * 销售的分类和不同特点 * 客户分类和需求分析 * 市场/销售人员须知:简历投递、网申技巧以及面试分 析 人力资源 * 人力资源部门的工作职责介绍,内部声音 * 人力资源部门人员素质需求以及常见岗位 * 简历投递如何突出自己的经历 * 面试过程中招聘者只要看重的素质分析 * 常见职业发展路径 管理培训生 * 揭开管理培训生的面纱 * 管理培训生应聘须知:简历投递、网申筛选以及面试技 巧 * 内部工作环境,来自公司内部员工的生活实录 * 工作情况介绍以及职业发展路径 求职精品班精华 * 求职精品班精品课程 * 辅导老师全程辅导,指导学员的作业与求职遇到的困难 * 增加模拟实战环节:Cold Call,主动求职 * 推荐名企实习机会 对一简历修改 * 统一对学员进行中英文简历写作技巧培训 * 对学员进行分组,每个小组 6-8 人,由简历中心专业指 导老师进行一对一辅导 * 学员修改后反馈给老师,由老师最终润色,并制作简历 库 * 根据需要可制作简历册 实战模拟面试 * 一对一模拟面试 * 小组讨论模拟面试 * 案例分析模拟 Level IV: Workshop Cold Call & 主动求职 * 如何给陌生公司主动打电话(陌拜电话) * 如何主动登门进行求职 * 实战练习,提高学员的竞争意识 求职基础课程 * 简历、面试、网申等基础课程 Level V: 网络课堂 知名公司求职 * 知名公司业务介绍 * 常见招聘职位以及素质需求 * 简历投递、面试技巧以及网申笔试等 * 内部工作实录 近期培训列表 班号 课程名称 课程时间 上课地点 培训费用 备注 YYH060902 求职英语 班 9 月 22 日-9 月 24 日,每 天 9:00-12:00 13:30-17:30,共计 8 次课,18 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第二 会议室 560RMB 含3本专用 教材 IBH060903 投资银行 单项班 9 月 23 日-9 月 24 日,每 天 9:00-11:00 13:00-17:00,共计 6 次课,12 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第一 会议室 1280RMB 含3本专用 教材 BFH061001 四大单项 班 10 月 1 日, 13:00-19:00,共计 3 次课,6 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第二 会议室 280RMB JYH061002 国庆精英 特训班 10 月 2 日-10 月 6 日,每 天 7:00-12:00 14: 00-17:00 19:00-21: 00,共计 20 次课,50 课时 北京海淀区太平 岛度假村 1980RMB 含4本专用 教材 FMCGH0610 03 快消单项 班 10 月 7 日, 13:00-19:00,共计 3 次课,6 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第二 会议室 280RMB CFH061004 咨询单项 班 10 月 14 日, 13:00-19:00,共计 3 次课,6 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第二 会议室 480RMB 含1本专用 教材 JPH061005 求职精品 班 10 月 13 日-10 月 15 日, 每天 9:00-12:00 13:30-17:30,共计 8 次课,18 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第二 会议室 480RMB 含3本专用 教材 IBH061006 投资银行 单项班 10 月 21 日-10 月 22 日, 每天 9:00-11:00 13:00-17:00,共计 6 次课,12 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第一 会议室 1280RMB 含3本专用 教材 YYH061007 求职英语 班 10 月 27 日-10 月 29 日, 每天 9:00-12:00 13:30-17:30,共计 8 次课,18 学时 中科院自动化研 究所 13 层第二 会议室 560RMB 含3本专用 教材
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