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ED-4701-100半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(1.寿命测试) Standard of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association 日本电子信息技术产业协会标准 Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices (Life test I) 半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(1.寿命测试) 1. SCOPE These standards provide for environmental test metho...
Standard of Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association 日本电子信息技术产业协会 Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices (Life test I) 半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(1.寿命测试) 1. SCOPE These standards provide for environmental test methods and endurance and endurance test methods (especially life test )aimed at evaluating the resistance and the endurance of discrete semiconductor devices and integrated circuits for general industrial applications and consumer applications , under the various environmental conditions of various kinds that occur during their use, storage and transportation. 1. 范围 这些标准主要是用于测试工业或民用半导体器件和集成电路的抗阻和耐久性,模拟半导体在使用、运输和储藏过程中所能遇到的情况。 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS The definitions of the technical terms used in these standards in the relevant specifications are given in EIAJ ED-4701/001”Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices (General).” 2. 术语定义 这些标准和相关规范中所使用的技术术语定义参照EIAJ ED-4701/001(半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(通用)) 3. PRECAUTIONS The precautions used in these standards and in the relevant specifications are given in EIAJ ED-4701/001”Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices (General).” 3. 注意事项 这些标准和相关规范所需要的注意事项参照EIAJ ED-4701/001(半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(通用)) 4. TEST METHODS Refer to the Appendix for the test methods. Remarks: The various test methods are arranged independently for the sake of more convenient use of these standards. 4. 测试方法 测试方法,请参阅附录。 备注:为了方便使用这些标准,不同的测试标准方法独立排版。 APPENDIX TEST METHOD 101 STEADY STATE OPERATING LIFE 101 稳态运行寿命测试方法 1. SCOPE This standard provides for the method to evaluate the endurance of semiconductor devices when they are submitted to electric stress and thermal stress of long duration. Remarks: Care must be taken when executing this test, because the device temperature may exceed the ambient preset temperature and rise conspicuously due to internally dissipated heat from the device. 1. 范围 本标准规定的方法用于评估半导体器件的耐久性,可提供给电应力和热应力测试。 备注: 由于器件会产生热量,在测试过程中设备的温度可能会超过预设温度,因此在测试中一定要注意温控。 2. TEST EQUIPMENT Equipment to be used in this test should consist of a chamber capable to keep the specified test temperature within the specified tolerance, the power supply capable to generate the specified AC or DC voltages, and the board to make electrical contact to the terminals of devices under test with socket or other mounting method, having heat. 2. 测试设备 一个温控较好实验室,并带有提供AC或DC电压的电源,和一个具有耐热性、能在测试条件下或其他安装条件为终端设备供电的电路板。 2.1 Circuitry The biasing and operating schemes shall consider the limitations of the device. Device thermal characterization shall be considered to ensure that the temperature of “Hot Spots” on the die does not exceed maximum rated junction temperature (Tjmax). 2.1 电路 偏差和操作设计过程中应该考虑到设备的局限性,应考虑设备的热特性,以确保在模具上的“热点”的温度不超过最大额定结温(Tjmax)。 2.2 Device mounting Device mounting shall consider the thermal capacity to minimize adverse effects during test. Remarks: When he SMD is mounted on the test board for evaluation, the relevant conditions (substrate material, land size, soldering method, flux cleaning, ect.)should be specified in the relevant specifications. 2.2 设备安装 设备安装在测试过程中,应考虑热容量以尽量减少不利影响。 备注: 当SMD安装在测试板上进行测试时,相关设备条件(衬底材料,用地规模,焊接方法,助焊剂清洗等)应符合指定的相关规范。 2.3 Environmental chamber The environmental chamber shall be capable of maintaining the specified ambient temperature within a tolerance of ±5℃ throughout the chamber while a test is being conducted. 2.3 实验室环境 在测试过程中,实验室的温度应该控制在设定温度±5℃的范围内。 3. PROCEDURE 3.1 Initial measurement The initial measurements should be carried out in conformity with the items and conditions specified in relevant specifications. 3. 测试程序 3.1 初始计量 应符合有关规范中规定的项目和条件下进行初步测量。 3.2 Operating mode and test circuit Operating mode and test circuit should be in conformity with the stipulations of the relevant specifications. 3.2 操作方式和测试电路 操作方式和测试电路应符合相关规范的规定。 (1) High-Temperature Operating Life (HTOL) The HTOL test is configured to exercise the maximum number of nodes feasible. The supply voltages and clock frequency should be in conformity with the stipulations of the relevant specifications. (1) 高温作业寿命测试(HTOL) HTOL测试是用于测试配置能够承受的最高温度,测试的电源电压和频率应符合相关规范的规定。 (2) High-Temperature Reverse-Bias (HTRB) The HTRB test is configured to apply the maximum rated DC reverse voltage (VRMAX)to the devices that remain in a static mode of operation for the duration of the test. The supply voltage should be conformity with the stipulation of the relevant specifications. (2) 高温反向偏置 HTRB测试是测量设备在测试期间保持在一个静态的运作模式所能承受的最大直流反向电压,电源电压应符合相关规范的规定。 (3) High-Temperature Forward-Bias(HTFB) (3) The HTFB test is configured to apply power to the device samples so as to forward bias major power-handling junctions. The devices are operated in either a static or pulsed operating mode. Operating condition should be conformity with the stipulations of the relevant specifications. The HTFB test is typically used for diodes, transistors or power driver integrated circuits. (4) 高温正向偏置 HTFB测试用正向偏压通往主要的的功率处理节点,无论是静态或脉冲操作模式中操作的设备,工作条件应符合相关规范的规定。 3.3 Ambient temperature The ambient temperature should be 125℃±5℃,unless otherwise exceed the maximum rated junction temperature (Tjmax). Remarks: Care must be taken because the maximum rated junction temperature (Tjmax) may be exceeded due to internally dissipated heat from the specimen. 3.3 环境温度 除非另有超过最大额定结温(Tjmax),环境温度应在125℃±5℃。 备注: 由于器件会产生热量,在测试过程中设备的温度可能会超过最大额定结温(Tjmax),因此在测试中一定要注意温控。 3.4 Test duration The test duration should be 1000 hours (+168 hours, -0 hours), unless otherwise specified. If interim measurements are deemed necessary, they may be chosen from the following standard time intervals, as time to perform such measurements. 24 hours (+8 hours, -0 hours) 48 hours (+8 hours, -0 hours) 96 hours (+24 hours, -0 hours) 168 hours (+72 hours, -0 hours) 504 hours (+168 hours, -0 hours) Remarks: The time spent reducing chamber conditions to room ambient and conducting the interim measurements shall not be considered a portion of the total specified test duration. 3.4测试时间 除非另有规定,试验持续的时间应为1000小时(168小时,-0小时)。如果临时测量值被认为是必要的,它们可以被选自以下的标准时间间隔进行测量。 24 h (+8 h, -0) 48 h (+8 h, -0 h) 96 h (+24 h, -0 h) 168 h (+72 h, -0 h) 504 h (+168 h, -0 h) 备注: 实验室降温和测试中期测试所花的时间不应包含在预设的实验周期内。 3.5 Post treatment At the end of the test period, the specimen should be stored under normal conditions from 2 hours to 24 hours. 3.5 后续处理 在测试期结束时,试样应在正常条件下贮存2~24小时。 3.6 End-point measurement The end-point measurements should be carried out in conformity with the items and conditions specified in the relevant specifications. Remarks: Electrical end-point testing shall be completed within 48 hours of removal of bias from devices. 3.6 终点测量 终点测量应符合相关规范规定的项目和条件进行。 备注: 电气终点测试,应完成48小时内撤除设备中的偏差。 4. INFORMATION TO BE GIVEN IN THE RELEVANT SPECIFICATIONS 4.提供资讯应该在相关的规范 (1) Specimen mounting method (When required) [Refer to 2.2] (2) Items and conditions of the initial measurements [Refer to 3.1] (3) Operating mode and test circuit [Refer to 3.2] (4) Ambient temperature (When using test duration other than 125℃) [Refer to 3.3] (5) Test duration (When using test duration other than 1000 hours ) [Refer to 3.4] (6) Post treatment (When executing post treatment other than the specified ones) [Refer to 3.5] (7) Items and conditions of the end-point measurement. [Refer to 3.6] TEST METHOD 102 TEMPERATUIRE HUMIDITY BIAS (THB) 102 温度、湿度偏差测试方法(THB) 1. SCOPE This standard provides for the method to evaluate the endurance of semiconductor devices when used in high temperature and high humidity ambient. 1. 范围 本标准用于评估半导体器件在高温和高湿度环境中使用时的耐久性。 Remarks: 1. At the beginning, this test was designed by assuming the evaluation of the endurance of semiconductor devices contained mainly in resin sealed packages, against the corrosion phenomenon of metallic wiring on the chip. Recently, however, this test is being used to accelerate the leak phenomenon due to infiltration of moisture through the passivation film and as a part of various kinds of series tests, but care must be taken because accelerability data are not necessarily well known, and it may bring about failure modes that do not occur in the field. 备注: 1、 在开始,通过假设的测试方法测试在树脂密封条件下半导体器件的耐久性和芯片上的金属布线的腐蚀性。 然而最近由于水分渗透钝化膜和部分测试器件,此测试可被用于加速的侧漏现象,但测试过程中应该注意,因为加速性数据并不是众所周知的,并且可能带来现场不会发生的故障模式。 2. Care must be taken because failure modes consisting of short-circuit between external leads by plating metal, that do not occur in the field, may occur under condition C (temperature 85℃,humidity 85%),and Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test. 2、测试时一定要注意,外部引线之间的短路虽然在现场不会发生,但是在测试条件C和不饱和加压蒸汽实验中可能发生。 2. TEST EQUIPMENT 2.1 Capacity of the test equipment Equipment to be used in this test should be provided with a chamber capable to keep the test temperature and humidity specified in section 3.2.2 for long time, a power supply, and whenever required a timer to turn the power supply ON an OFF during the specified time, when required. 2. 测试设备 2.1 容量测试设备 在本次测试使用的设备应提供一个能够保持长时间测试3.2.2节中指定的温度和湿度、电源的实验室,并在需要时定时切换电源的开关。 2.2 Material and construction of the chamber The chamber should be made of the material that does not react under high humidity conditions. Moreover, water condensed on the ceiling of the chamber should not drop on the specimen. 2.2 设备材料和构造 实验箱应该是在高湿度的条件下不发生化学反应的材料制成。此外,天花板上凝结的水滴不应滴在样品上。 2.3 Water to be used in test Water to be used in the test should be distilled water or deionized water, with PH from 6.0 to 7.2, and resistivity of 500 Ohm-m or more at 23℃. 2.3 测试中用的水 测试中使用的水是蒸馏水或去离子水,在23℃PH值从6.0到7.2、电阻率为500欧姆/米或以上。 3. PROCEDURE When the specimen is a plastic-molded SMD, carry out the moisture soaking and soldering heat stress treatment specified in test method 104 (moisture soaking and soldering heat stress series tests) before executing this test. 3. 测试程序 当样品是塑料成型SMD,开始此测试之前,应该首先在指定的水分浸泡和焊接热应力处理经过104测试—水分浸泡和焊接热应力系列测试。 3.1 Initial measurement Carry out the initial measurements in conformity with the items and conditions specified in the relevant specifications. 3.1初始计量 应符合有关规范中规定的项目和条件下进行初步测量。 3.2 Test Apply the specified voltage on the specimen in the test chamber kept at high temperature and high humidity conditions. When required turn the power ON and OFF cyclically. When putting the specimen in and out of the chamber, make sure that water drops are not stuck to the specimen and do not dip it in water. Remarks: When the SMD is to be mounted on a jig for evaluation, the relevant conditions (substrate material, size of the land, soldering method, flux cleaning. Etc.) should be specifications. 3.2 测试 保证样品在高温、高湿度条件下并施加指定电压。如果有需要,可以循环开关电源。当放置和取出样品时应确保水滴不滴在样品和标签上。 备注: 当样品是安装在夹具评价时,相关设备条件(基板材料,土地的大小,焊接法,焊剂清洗等)详述。 3.2.1 Test circuit The test circuit should be in conformity with the relevant specifications. 3.2.1 测试电路 测试电路应符合相关规范的规定。 3.2.2 Test conditions (1) Voltage application Apply voltage continuously in conformity with the conditions specified in the relevant specifications. Apply the voltage intermittently when the power dissipation is large, however, and turn the power supply ON and OFF in conformity with the time specified in the relevant specifications. 3.2.2 测试条件 (1)应用电压 连续施加电压符合相关规范中规定的条件。间歇性施加电压时功耗也很大,在切换电源开关时符合相关规范中指定的时间。 Remarks: 1. The applied voltage should be in conformity with the stipulations of the relevant specifications, and it is desirable to restrict the internal heat generation so as to minimize power dissipation. 备注: 1、应该按照所施加的电压与规定的相关规定,以限制内部产生的热量,减少能耗。 2. The relative humidity of the chip surface in the package decreases due to heat generation of the chip when the device has large power ON and OFF in order to attain more effective results related to corrosion. In general, continuous power application is desirable when the power dissipation is smaller than 100mW, and intermittent power application consisting of 1-hour ON and 3-hour OFF is recommended when the power dissipation exceeds 100Mw. 2. 为了加大腐蚀性对测试结果的影响,一般采用大功率设备,芯片开关时会产生大量热量,使封装中的芯片表面的相对湿度降低。在一般情况下,当功耗小于100mW时,连续通电是最理想的,功耗超过100MW时,间歇性通电(1小时开、3小时关)较为理想。 (2) Tolerance of the applied voltage The tolerance of the applied voltage should be within ±5% of the preset value. (2) 电压偏差 电压在指定值±5%范围内。 (3) High temperature and high humidity conditions Select the temperature and humidity conditions out of those ones of Table 1, and apply the Conditions C unless otherwise specified. Under condition D, E and F (Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test), the temperature and the humidity from the start to the end of the test should be controlled in conformity with the profile of Figure 1, unless otherwise specified. The relative humidity in the chamber during the heating and humidification phase as well as in the cooling and dehumidification phase should be kept from 50% to 85%. (3)高温、高湿度环境 温度、湿度要求应该符合表1,除非有特殊要求一般在环境C下测试。除了有特殊要求,环境D、E、F(非饱和加压蒸汽测试)温度和湿度的控制程序应该根据图1执行。 在加热湿润阶段和除湿阶段试验箱的相对湿度应该控制在50%到85%。 (4) Test duration Test duration should be refered to Table 1, except when otherwise specified. Under condition D,E, and F(Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test), the time count should be started when the vapor pressure and temperature reach stable as shown in Figure 1. (5) 测试时间 除了有特殊要求,测试时间应该根据表1执行。环境D、E、F(非饱和加压蒸汽测试)测试时,应该等压力和温度达到稳定时(如图1)才开始计时。 3.3 Post treatment After finishing the tests, leave the specimen standing under normal conditions, from 2 hours to 24 hours. Remarks: Under condition D, E, and F (Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test), special care should be taken when handling the specimen after finishing the test, because failure modes different from those ones of the tests may occur due to condensation, sudden changes in the temperature and pressure, and other relevant factors. After finishing the test, remove the specimen from the chamber after confirming that the interior of the chamber has retuned approximately to the normal condition in conformity with the specified temperature and humidity profile, and then leave the specimen in room temperature. 3.3 后续处理 在测试期结束时,试样应在正常条件下贮存2~24小时。 备注:环境D、E、F(非饱和加压蒸汽测试)测试结束后由于环境条件的突然改变,内部器件上面会出现结露等现象,因此要格外小心。当确认实验室的温度和湿度与规定相符合时,将样品从试验箱中取出,并放在室温中。 3.4 End-point measurement Carry out the end-point measurements in conformity with the items and conditions specified in the relevant specifications. These measurements should be carried out within 48 hours under normal conditions after the completion of the tests, except when other specified. Remarks: In case of expending more completion time of the measurements than 48 hours, the specimen should be storaged in suitable storage conditions such as no influence of test results. 3.4 终点测试 终点测试应该符合相关规范的项目和条件规定,在测试结束后48小时之内将设备拆除。 备注: 测试结束后如果需要花费超过48小时拆除时,应该保证样品是在不影响测试结果的情况下储藏。 4. INFORMATION TO BE GIVEN IN THE RELEVANT SPECIFICATIONS TEST METHOD 103 TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY STORAGE 103 温度、湿度储藏测试方法 1. SCOPE This standard dprovides for the methods to evaluate the endurance of plastic moulded package semiconductor devices when they are used in high temperature and high humidity ambient. 1. 范围 本标准用于评估塑料封装的半导体器件在高温和高湿度环境中使用时的耐久性。 Remarks: 1. This test have been designed with the object with the object of evaluating the endurance, against corrosion, of metallic wiring of chips of chips of semiconductor devices contained mainly in plastic packages. Recently it is also being used as a means to accelerate the leak phenomenon due to the moisture penetration through the passivation film and as a pre-conditioning for various kinds of tests, but care must be taken because data related to accelerability are not clearly known yet. 备注: 1、该测试用于评估有塑料封装具有金属布线半导体器件芯片的耐久性、防腐性。最近,由于水分渗透通过钝化膜,该方法也被用作一种手段来加速泄漏的现象和作为预调节各种测试。由于加速性的相关数据尚不明确,在测试过程中必须小心谨慎。 2. Care must be taken because failure modes consisting of short-circuit between external leads by plating metal, that do not occur in the filed, may occur under condition C (temperature 85℃,humidity85%), and Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test(condition D, E, and F). 2. 测试时一定要注意,外部引线之间的短路虽然在现场不会发生,但是在测试条件C(85℃,湿度为85%)和不饱和加压蒸汽实验中可能发生。 2. TEST EQUIPMENT 2.1 Capacity of the equipment Chamber to be used in this test should be capable to keep the temperature and humidity conditions specified in section 3.2 for long time. 2. 测试仪器 2.1 容量测试仪器 在本次测试使用的设备应提供一个能够保持长时间保持测试3.2节中指定的温度和湿度条件的试验箱。 2.2 Materials and construction of the thermostatic/humidistatic chamber The chamber should be made of material that does not under high humidity conditions. Moreover, water condensed on the ceiling of the chamber should not drop on the specimen. 2.2 恒温、恒湿度试验箱的材料和构造 实验箱应该是在高湿度的条件下不发生化学反应的材料制成。此外,天花板上凝结的水滴不应滴在样品上。 2.3 Water to be used in test Water to be used in the test should be distilled water or deionized water, with PH from 6.0 to 7.2, and resistivity of 500 Ohm-m or more at 23℃. 2.3 测试中用的水 测试中使用的水是蒸馏水或去离子水,在23℃PH值从6.0到7.2、电阻率为500欧姆/米或以上。 3. PROCEDURE When the specimen is a plastic-molded SMD, carry out the moisture soaking and soldering heat stress treatment specified in test method 104 (moisture soaking and soldering heat stress series tests) before executing this test. 3. 测试程序 当样品是塑料成型SMD,开始此测试之前,应该首先在指定的水分浸泡和焊接热应力处理经过104测试—水分浸泡和焊接热应力系列测试。 3.1 Initial measurement Carry out the initial measurements in conformity with the items and conditions specified in the relevant specifications. 3.1初始计量 应符合有关规范中规定的项目和条件下进行初步测量。 3.2 Tests Place the specimen in the chamber kept at high temperature and high humidity conditions. When putting the specimen in and out of the chamber, make sure that water drops not to be stuck to the specimen and not to dip it in water. Remarks: When the SMD is to be mounted on the jig for evaluation, the relevant conditions (board materials, size of the land, soldering method, flux cleaning, etc.) should be specified in the relevant specifications. 3.2 测试 保证样品在高温、高湿度条件下并施加指定电压。当放置和取出样品时应确保水滴不滴在样品和标签上。 备注: 当样品是安装在夹具评价时,相关设备条件(基板材料,土地的大小,焊接法,焊剂清洗等)详述。 (1) Test conditions Select the temperature and humidity conditions out of those ones of Table 1, and apply the Conditions C unless otherwise specified. Under condition D, E and F (Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test), the temperature and the humidity from the start to the end of the test should be controlled in conformity with the profile of Figure 1, unless otherwise specified. The relative humidity in the chamber during the heating and humidification phase as well as in the cooling and dehumidification phase should be kept from 50% to 85%. (1)测试环境 温度、湿度要求应该符合表1,除非有特殊要求一般在环境C下测试。除了有特殊要求,环境D、E、F(非饱和加压蒸汽测试)温度和湿度的控制程序应该根据图1执行。 在加热湿润阶段和除湿阶段试验箱的相对湿度应该控制在50%到85%。 (2) Test duration Test duration should be refered to Table 1, except when otherwise specified. Under condition D,E, and F(Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test), the time count should be started when the vapor pressure and temperature reach stable as shown in Figure 1. (2)测试时间 除了有特殊要求,测试时间应该根据表1执行。环境D、E、F(非饱和加压蒸汽测试)测试时,应该等压力和温度达到稳定时(如图1)才开始计时。 3.3 Post treatment After finishing the tests, leave the specimen standing under normal conditions, from 2 hours to 24 hours. Remarks: Under condition D, E, and F (Unsaturated Pressurized Vapor Test), special care should be taken when handling the specimen after finishing the test, because failure modes different from those ones of the tests may occur due to condensation, sudden changes in the temperature and pressure, and other relevant factors. After finishing the test, remove the specimen from the chamber after confirming that the interior of the chamber has retuned approximately to the normal condition in conformity with the specified temperature and humidity profile, and then leave the specimen in room temperature. 3.3后续处理 在测试期结束时,试样应在正常条件下贮存2~24小时。 备注:环境D、E、F(非饱和加压蒸汽测试)测试结束后由于环境条件的突然改变,内部器件上面会出现结露等现象,因此要格外小心。当确认实验室的温度和湿度与规定相符合时,将样品从试验箱中取出,并放在室温中。 3.4 End-point measurement Carry out the end-point measurements i
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