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2011年村镇规划工作总结及明年打算2011年村镇规划工作总结及明年打算 2011年村镇规划工作总结 及明年工作打算 2011年来,在区委、区政府的正确领导和上级业务主管部门的大力支持下,河口区住房和城乡建设局坚持全面规划、合理布局、正确引导、量力而行的原则,积极加大规划编制力度,加快推进区及镇驻地总体规划修编,完善规划指导体系。在全面加快规划编制进度的同时,我局加强了规划管理工作,严格规划实施,坚决按照编制规划审批相关建设项目,城镇建设得到了健康、快速发展。 一、加大规划编制力度,不断完善规划体系 ,一,城乡总体发展规划修编。随着形势的快速发展,结合...
2011年村镇规划及明年打算 2011年村镇规划工作总结 及明年工作打算 2011年来,在区委、区政府的正确领导和上级业务主管部门的大力支持下,河口区住房和城乡建设局坚持全面规划、合理布局、正确引导、量力而行的原则,积极加大规划编制力度,加快推进区及镇驻地总体规划修编,完善规划指导体系。在全面加快规划编制进度的同时,我局加强了规划管理工作,严格规划实施,坚决按照编制规划审批相关建设项目,城镇建设得到了健康、快速发展。 一、加大规划编制力度,不断完善规划体系 ,一,城乡总体发展规划修编。随着形势的快速发展,结合新情况与新的发展机遇,市委、市政府于今年5月份适时作出“坚持港区城一体发展”的重大决策部署,探索现有区划下的行政管理体制创新,按照资源共享、优势互补、协调发展的原则,确立了河口区与东营港经济开发区实行“班子专兼结合、两区独立运行”的模式,促进区港联动和区港一体化发展。基于以上体制机制改革调整的要求,如何整合发展资源,通力协作,营造“双赢”局面,是地方政府面临的主要难之一。区委区政府及时与东营港经济开发区管委会取得联系,开展工作调研,进行统筹协调,针对体制机制调整以前存在的,彼此间区划上的各自为政,在发regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The long-term goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production safety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long-term 展过程中的竞争大于合作,功能关系、重大基础设施等方面的对接乏力等问题,消除隔阂,达成共识,指出原双方各自编制的规划已不适应新情况的要求。8月份,区住房和城乡建设局、东营港经济开发区规划分局就下一步工作方向与中规院进行了沟通对接。中规院基于目前形势背景,经过研究,提出建议启动《东营河口港区一体化发展战略规划》的编制工作,原《河口区城乡总体发展规划》、《东营港空间发展战略规划》项目暂时中止。当前阶段主要工作内容,1,开展四个方面的专题研究,生态、产业、交通、港城关系,,,2,开展港区一体化战略规划研究。待《东营河口港区一体化发展战略规划》完成后,进一步启动河口、东营港城区总体规划编制。 ,二,各镇总体规划修编工作。结合各镇总体规划到期,按照区政府部署安排,我局积极组织并指导4个镇开展总体规划修编。其中孤岛镇委托同济大学规划设计研究院对孤岛镇总体规划进行修编,已完成初步方案汇报,仙河镇委托哈尔滨工业大学城市规划设计研究院北京分院对总体规划进行修编,基础资料搜集完毕,目前正准备第一轮方案汇报,义和镇总体规划修编已委托山东省城乡规划设计研究院,目前汇报两次,新户镇总体规划修编委托上海同济城市规划设计研究院,已于7月29日完成专家论证,目前正在出成果。结合黄蓝经济区建设的发展机遇,按照城乡总体规划全面加快小城镇建设,强化提升义和镇、新户镇城镇功能。 sent,ementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the impl h willound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branceveloping the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profd in dwork, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the leaefore August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "age (bspecific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stl improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the fety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamentaterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-honest good image. The longclose relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further term-The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long 014).mplement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and i ieve apting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achn campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; acceication tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectifjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The maiGong eaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste,seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bur 2 ,三,新型农村社区规划编制。按照《河口区农村社区布局规划》,我区共有36个社区,2011年计划完成10个新型农村社区规划编制。孤岛镇镇苑社区已完成现状地形测绘,仙河镇渔村社区已完成初步方案设计,义和镇三合社区、民生社区规划已确定初步方案,新户镇镜湖花园社区、南六合社区已完成规划方案设计,河口街道李坨社区规划设计已完成,二吕社区完成初步方案设计,六合街道新东坝社区规划设计已完成,老庙社区前期准备工作已完成。 二、加强城乡规划管理工作,积极推进城乡统筹 一是提高规划决策水平。目前,我局正在积极建议区政府完善专家评审、专家咨询,同时严格执行行政责任追究等制度,确保科学规划管理。二是加大规划审批管理力度。加大管理力度,规范“一书两证”和《乡村建设规划许可证》的发放管理。我局认真开展建设项目的规划选址初审和上报审批工作。截至目前,河口区4个镇、2个街道2011年办理选址书8件、建设用地规划许可10件、建设工程规划许可10件、乡村建设规划许可证9件。三是加强建设项目批后管理。推行建设项目分阶段批后管理模式,从基础定位、主体建设和立面装修三个阶段抓好规划监督,实现对建设项目全过程管理,做到规划审批与管理的有机结合。四是强化规划保障措施。11月27日,河口区作为全市“城乡规划下乡”活动第五站进行了规划宣传,发放宣传材料万余份。另外还开展了“送图集下乡”等活动,积极主动为推进农村住房建 e implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhenprogram personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, th cationional life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectifictive measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizatcorre , further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched somelay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back "and main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The n canide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectificatiowork, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to prov fetyterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-gther close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The lonregulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group furterm-owing: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the longduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the follintro s of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, theear so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basiNew Y seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunardify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to o solil problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue terprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wastefu, ent3 设与危房改造、新型农民集中居住工程建设提供规划服务。五是针对河口区村镇建设情况进行调研。组织有关人员对村镇建设情况进行调研并完成《河口区小城镇发展情况的调研报告》、《河口区新型农村社区建设情况调研报告》两篇。六是及时了解各镇、街道有关工作动态,保证河口区村镇建设工作顺利进行。按照市城乡规划局安排,每月统计各镇、街道规划工作动态,及时了解各镇,街,的工作情况,对工作落后的镇街予以督促,保证村镇建设工作顺利进行,并按时统计上报市城乡规划局。 三、其他工作 一是积极参加村镇规划培训。2011年,河口区积极参加市城乡规划局培训。通过培训,我们学习到了专业知识,了解了外地村镇建设情况,学习到了先进经验,为工作开展奠定基础。二是积极参与规划评优活动。现在我局正在积极组织各镇街及有关设计单位进行规划方案评优申报。规划评优对沟通建设单位和设计单位间联系都有好处,同时也能起到很好的宣传作用,带动其他方案的规划进度和质量。 四、2012年存在问题及工作打算 ,一,各镇驻地总体规划修编。2012年要加快同设计院对接力度,督促各镇规划修编进度,争取2012年全部完成。 ,二,加大专业专项规划及控规编制力度。对各镇提出专业专项规划及控制性规划编制任务,提高各镇的详规覆盖率。 ,三,加大新型农村社区规划编制力度。按照《河口区农村 sent,ementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the impl h willound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branceveloping the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profd in dwork, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the leaefore August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "age (bspecific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stl improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the fety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamentaterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-honest good image. The longclose relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further term-The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long 014).mplement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and i ieve apting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achn campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; acceication tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectifjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The maiGong eaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste,seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bur 4 社区布局规划》完成部分新型农村社区规划编制,并按照规划指导农村社区建设。 ,四,继续加大规划审批管理力度。确保“一张蓝图绘到底”,严格规划审批,加大规划执法力度,严厉打击城乡建设中的违法违规行为,为城乡形象保驾护航。 ,五,开展建设工程竣工规划验收工作。我区规划技术服务中心已于2011年8月成立,目前已能开展大部分业务。2012年我区将全面开展建设工程竣工规划验收工作,维护规划审批的严肃性。 ,六,加大规划宣传力度。2012年继续进行规划宣传,通过发放宣传材料、悬挂横幅、宣传车等形式对规划进行广泛宣传。对编制完成的规划加大规划公示力度,切实保障广大人民群众的知情权、参与权、监督权,提高城乡规划的科学性、合理性和可操作性,充分发挥规划对城乡建设与发展的引导调控作用。 五、存在问题及建议 ,一,近几年来,我区的规划体制逐步理顺,特别是2010年规划分局成立后,规划水平不断提升,对城市的建设发展起到了较好的引领作用,但在规划实施过程中也存在着规划意识不强、环境氛围营造不够等问题,还需要进一步强化规划意识,学习规划知识,提高规划水平。另外我局及各镇、街道规划专业人员少、技术力量薄弱,建议市局加强区局的业务指导和规范化管理,并恳请市局领导经常到我区指导规划建设管理工作。 ional life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the implementation of the rectifictive measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branch will be the topic of organizatcorre , further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profound thoughts touched somelay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the lead in developing the" look back "and main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "work, timely leak turnover, be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stage (before August 30, 2014). The n canide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the specific path: rectificatiowork, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamental improvement goal, to prov fetyterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-gther close relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and honest good image. The lonregulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group furterm-owing: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the longduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2014). The main task is the follintro s of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and implement, mature one, theear so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achieve a breakthrough; on the basiNew Y seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; accepting native Chinese Lunardify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectification campaign, especially to o solil problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The main tasks are: to continue terprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste, Gongjusiyong and other wastefu, ente implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bureaucratism, Jingshenbuzhenprogram personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not sent, seek practical results, th cation5 ,二,区及镇级规划经费少,控规编制覆盖难度较大,建议市局给予配套支持。 东营市河口区住房和城乡建设局 二〇一一年十二月七日 n tasks are: to continue to solidify and deepen the bianzhengbiangai achievements; focus on outstanding issues special rectifjusiyong and other wasteful problems. 2, set In the renovation, the jianzhanglizhi stage (before September 20, 2014). The maiGong eaucratism, Jingshenbuzhen, enterprising consciousness weakened, pay attention to row field hedonism, extravagance and waste,seek practical results, the implementation of the work such as lack of formalism, divorced from reality and the masses of bur sent,ementation of the rectification program personal corrective measures, focusing on the rectification mountain of the sea, not be the topic of organizational life. On this basis, focus against the four winds, formulate and improve the team and the impl h willound thoughts touched some corrective measures to some more "efforts, and to participate as an ordinary party where the branceveloping the" look back ", further modify personal control.Check material, focus on revealing problems more thick, more profd in dwork, timely leak turnover, and lay a solid foundation of the implementation of the rectification; Party members take the leaefore August 30, 2014). The main tasks are: in accordance with the "six" requirement, earnestly back board leadership " See "age (bspecific path: rectification can be generally divided into three stages: 1, carry out the look back, make improvement plan stl improvement goal, to provide safe production platform for security the county's economic and social development. (two) the fety work, ensure the production safety situation continues steady improvement, to achieve a fundamentaterm goal: rectification with good work style, solid work measures, carry out supervision and administration of production sa-honest good image. The longclose relation, further establish the safety supervision cadres for the people, pragmatic and regulations" are strictly implemented, work style and work style of cadres to further change, the party do The group further term-The main task is the following: Continue to deepen the rectification work, promote the overall development of the long 014).mplement, mature one, the introduction of a. 3, to deepen the rectification, strengthen the promotion stage (late September 2breakthrough; on the basis of the national policies and regulations, establish and perfect the system construction plan and i ieve apting native Chinese Lunar New Year so most people dislike, reflect the most intense, strong forward, create momentum, to achn campaign, especially to seize the public funds, extravagance and waste, the door hard, ugly face, something difficult; acceicatio6
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