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黑龙江省公共场所和特种行业治安管理条例黑龙江省公共场所和特种行业治安管理条例 法规标题 黑龙江省公共场所和特种行业治安管理条例 法规正文 黑龙江省公共场所和特种行业 治安管理条例 (2007年12月14日黑龙江省第十届人民代表大会 常务委员会第三十次会议通过) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为规范公共场所和特种行业治安管理,维护社会治安秩序,保障公共安全,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《中华人民共和国人民警察法》等有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。 第二条 本省行政区域内公共场所和从事特种行业的单位和...
黑龙江省公共场所和特种行业治安管理条例 法规标题 黑龙江省公共场所和特种行业治安管理条例 法规正文 黑龙江省公共场所和特种行业 治安管理条例 (2007年12月14日黑龙江省第十届人民代表大会 常务委员会第三十次会议通过) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为公共场所和特种行业治安管理,维护社会治安秩序,保障公共安全,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《中华人民共和国人民警察法》等有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。 第二条 本省行政区域内公共场所和从事特种行业的单位和个人,适用本条例。 第三条 本条例所称公共场所是指: (一)车站、港口、码头、机场、停车场等交通运输场所; (二)歌舞厅、游艺室、棋牌室、影剧院、体育场(馆)、滑雪场等经营性文娱、体育健身场所; (三)公园、游乐场、展览馆、旅游景区(点)等风景游览场所; 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest (四)商店、市场等商品交易场所; (五)网吧、信息港等互联网上网服务营业场所; (六)饭店、酒吧、咖啡厅、茶馆、洗浴、按摩、美容美发、信息中介等服务场所; (七)省人民政府根据实际情况规定的需要按照公共场所管理的其他场所。 第四条 本条例所称的特种行业是指: (一)旅馆业; (二)公章刻制业; (三)典当业; (四)开锁业; (五)旧移动电话交易业; (六)金银首饰加工、置换业; (七)废旧金属收购业; (八)机动车维修业; (九)信托寄卖业。 第五条 公共场所和特种行业的治安管理,坚持管理与服务、教育与处罚相结合的原则。 第六条 公安机关是本省公共场所和特种行业治安管理工作的主管部门。县级以上公安机关具体负责管辖范围内的公共场所和特种行业的治安管理工作,并依法履行下列职责: (一)实施行政许可和备案审查; 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest (二)监督、检查公共场所和特种行业治安防范以及治安防范措施的落实; (三)组织、指导法定代表人或者负责人和从业人员的治安培训; (四)检查治安情况,对存在的隐患及时提出整改意见,并督促整改; (五)及时查处治安案件,处置突发事件和治安灾害事故。 第二章 从业条件与许可备案 第七条 开办公共场所和特种行业的,应当具备下列条件: (一)有符合条件的法定代表人或者负责人; (二)有符合条件的固定经营场所和营业设施; (三)场地应当与易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性等危险物品的工厂、仓库保持安全距离,场地的布局和设施符合消防安全和其他有关安全的要求; (四)有治安及相应的管理措施; (五)不得与居民共用一个楼门通道。 在铁路、矿区、油田、港口、机场、施工工地、军事禁区和金属冶炼加工企业附近不得设立废旧金属收购网点,禁止设立网点的区域由所在地县级公安机关划定,并抄告同级工商行政管理部门。 第八条 利用开锁、公章刻制、信托寄卖、金银首饰加工、置换从事犯罪活动受到刑事处罚的,废旧金属收购业违反规定收购生产性废旧金属情节严重的,不得从事本行业经营活动。 第九条 开办经营性公共场所、机动车维修业、废旧金属收购业、信托寄卖业的,应当在取1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest 得营业执照后十五日内向所在地县级公安机关备案;有关闭、合并、迁移、更名、变更法定代表人等情形之一的,应当在注销、变更后十五日内书面告知公安机关。 开办非经营性公共场所的,应当自批准成立之日起十五日内向所在地县级公安机关备案。 第十条 公共场所、机动车维修业、废旧金属收购业、信托寄卖业备案应当提供下列书面材料: (一)营业执照复印件; (二)有关部门的审批手续复印件; (三)场地平面图和应急疏散预案。 备案材料齐全的,公安机关应当出具备案回执。 第十一条 符合旅馆业、公章刻制业、典当业开办条件的,应当向所在地县级公安机关提出申请,在取得《特种行业许可证》后三十日内向工商行政管理部门申请登记。 符合开锁业、旧移动电话交易业、金银首饰加工、置换业开办条件的,应当在领取营业执照后十五日内,向所在地县级公安机关提出申请,取得《特种行业许可证》。 第十二条 旅馆业、公章刻制业、典当业有变更、注销情形的,应当经原核发《特种行业许可证》的公安机关办理变更、注销手续后,到工商行政管理部门办理变更、注销登记。 开锁业、旧移动电话交易业、金银首饰加工、置换业有变更、注销情形的,经营者应当自工商行政管理部门登记之日起十五日内,到原核发《特种行业许可证》的公安机关办理变更、注销手续。 第十三条 公安机关办理特种行业许可的程序,按照《公安机关行政许可工作规定》执行。 公安机关应当对领取《特种行业许可证》的单位进行年度审核,不得收取费用。 第十四条 法律、法规规定的其他特种行业的管理,从其规定。 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest 第三章 治安责任 第十五条 公共场所、特种行业的法定代表人或者负责人为治安责任人,其责任是: (一)根据场所规模,配备专、兼职治安员或者按照有关规定配备保安员,组织本单位的保安员、治安员接受治安业务培训; (二)制定治安安全制度和岗位责任制,检查治安隐患并进行整改,落实治安安全措施; (三)配合公安机关查处治安案件和处置治安灾害事故; (四)发生治安灾害事故时,应当立即报告有关部门救援、处理,组织抢救伤员、疏散群众,维护现场秩序。 第十六条 公共场所和特种行业聘用的从业人员应当持有合法身份证件,境外人员还应当持有国家规定的其他证件。 第十七条 公共场所和特种行业需要聘用保安员应当从保安服务企业聘用。 第十八条 公共场所和特种行业的法定代表人或者负责人、保安员、治安员应当接受治安业务培训。 第十九条 公共场所和特种行业的法定代表人、负责人、从业人员在经营过程中,发现治安违法行为或者涉嫌犯罪的行为、违禁物品和公安机关通报协查的人员或者物品的,应当立即向公安机关报告。 治安员或者保安员负责维护公共场所、特种行业内的治安秩序,防范治安灾害事故、治安案件和违法犯罪行为的发生,应当佩戴明显标志,坚守岗位。 第二十条 公共场所和特种行业应当遵守下列规定: 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest (一)不得为卖淫、嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒、封建迷信等违法犯罪活动提供条件; (二)不得影响周围单位和居民的正常工作、生活; (三)产生的社会生活噪声污染不得超过规定要求; (四)不得收购、窝藏、销售赃物; (五)对公安机关下发的协查通知,应当指定专人负责登记、保管和查对,严禁泄密; (六)对本条例要求登记的项目,应当如实登记,并保存一年以上。 经营旅馆业、公章刻制业、典当业的,应当具备符合治安管理信息系统要求的设施。 其他特种行业治安管理信息系统的建立,由省人民政府规定。国家有规定的,从其规定。 第二十一条 经营旅馆业的,应当遵守下列规定: (一)对旅客实行入住登记,查验有效身份证件,并按规定向公安机关报送相关信息。无身份证件的,经负责人同意,并立即报告当地公安机关; (二)洗浴等场所提供住宿服务的,超过零时对留宿人员应当登记,并按规定向公安机关报送相关信息; (三)建立旅客会客登记、财物保管和值班巡查等制度; (四)对旅客遗留的财物,应当妥善保管,及时通知旅客领取或者送交公安机关依法处理; (五)三星级或者相当于三星级以上的饭店,应当在大堂、电梯、楼道、停车场等部位安装符合国家规定的安全监控系统,并将系统储存的信息保存三十日以上。 第二十二条 经营公章刻制业的,应当遵守下列规定: (一)按照规定的规格、式样、文字和数量刻制; 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest (二)凭公安机关出具的准刻证明,对委托单位的名称、经办人的姓名、身份证号码、住址以及所刻制公章的名称、数量、规格逐项登记,向公安机关报送相关信息,对登记的信息应当保存三年; (三)指定专人负责承接、保管公章和作废公章的销毁工作,对逾期三个月不领取的,应当造册登记,送交所在地县级公安机关处理; (四)不得委托其他单位和个人加工、制作公章。 第二十三条 经营典当业的,应当遵守下列规定: (一)收当、续当、赎当实行查验登记、保管等制度,并按规定向公安机关报送相关信息; (二)不得经营国家禁止典当的物品; (三)不得收当无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人所持有的贵重物品。 第二十四条 经营开锁业的,应当遵守下列规定: (一)按照批准的经营范围从事经营活动; (二)经营者和从业人员应当到公安机关留存相关信息; (三)建立开锁业务登记制度; (四)到居民家开入户门锁,开锁人、申请人应当到辖区公安派出所登记,开锁人应当出示本人有效身份证件和营业执照(或者复印件),公安派出所查验、出具登记证明后,由物业(社区)管理人员或者居(村)民委员会人员到场,方可开启; (五)开启银行金库、机动车锁具、机关企事业单位门锁,应当通知“110”报警服务台,予以登记,并查验申请人的有效身份证件、行车执照或者单位书面证明。 第二十五条 经营旧移动电话交易业的,应当遵守下列规定: 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest (一)不得在核准登记的交易场所外从事交易活动; (二)建立移动电话交易登记、查验制度; (三)不得收售无原始发票或者无本人有效身份证件的移动电话; (四)不得收购无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人所持有的旧移动电话。 第二十六条 经营废旧金属收购业的,应当遵守下列规定: (一)建立登记、查验、保管等制度; (二)收购单位出售的油田、电力、电信通讯、水利、测量、矿山、军用和城市公用设施等报废的专用器材时,应当有出售单位的证明; (三)不得收购国家禁止收购的物品。 第二十七条 经营信托寄卖业的,应当遵守下列规定: (一)在批准的经营范围内从事活动; (二)建立登记、查验、保管等制度,对寄卖人的姓名、住址、有效身份证件以及物品的名称、数量、规格、新旧程度等情况如实登记; (三)不得寄卖无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人所持有的贵重物品。 第二十八条 经营机动车维修业的,应当如实登记下列内容: (一)登记送修车辆的号牌、车型、发动机号码、车架号码、厂牌型号、车身颜色; (二)车主名称或者姓名、送修人姓名和本人的有效身份证件或者驾驶证号码; (三)修理项目,事故车辆应当详细登记修理部位; (四)送修时间、收车人姓名。 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest 承修更换发动机或者车身(架)、改装车型、改变车身颜色等项目的,应当查验公安交通管理部门出具的机动车变更登记审批凭证。 第二十九条 经营金银首饰加工、置换业的,应当遵守下列规定: (一)对顾客的姓名、住址、有效身份证件以及物品的名称、数量、规格、新旧程度等情况如实登记; (二)不得加工、置换无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人所持有的金银首饰。 第三十条 公共场所和特种行业依法建立的行业协会,应当协助公安机关做好公共场所、特种行业的治安管理工作。 第四章 监督检查 第三十一条 人民警察对公共场所和特种行业施行治安管理与检查时,应当出示证件,佩戴省级公安机关统一制发的治安检查专用标志。 第三十二条 人民警察对公共场所和特种行业进行检查时,应当严格实行治安检查登记制度,填写省级公安机关统一制作的《行业场所日常治安检查簿》,由人民警察和被检查方在记录簿上签字备查。 第三十三条 公安机关及其人民警察对公共场所和特种行业实施管理检查时,应当遵守下列规定: (一)在批准的辖区内实施检查,依法办理治安案件; (二)对查获的违法犯罪嫌疑人,应当带离现场; (三)对扣押、收缴的物品应当依照规定办理相关手续,开具单据,并按法定的程序对1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest 物品进行处理; (四)认真履行检查职责,了解、掌握辖区内公共场所和特种行业的基本情况;落实监督检查措施,避免发生重大治安灾害事故; (五)根据实际情况采取定期检查、个别抽查等不同形式,避免影响公共场所、特种行业正常合法的经营活动。 第三十四条 人民警察不得参与、变相参与娱乐服务场所经营活动或者为公共场所、特种行业违法犯罪活动提供庇护。 第五章 法律责任 第三十五条 公共场所和特种行业经营者、从业人员违反本条例的,由公安机关依照《公安机关办理行政案件程序规定》和本条例的规定予以处罚。 警告或者五百元以下罚款的处罚,可以由公安派出所决定。 第三十六条 违反本条例,有下列情形之一的,处以警告;警告后仍未改正的,处以二百元以上五百元以下罚款: (一)治安员或者保安员违反第十九条规定,未依法履行职责的; (二)影响周围单位和居民正常工作、生活,制造社会生活噪声污染超过规定要求的; (三)旅馆业留宿无身份证件的旅客,未向公安机关报告的。 第三十七条 旅馆业的工作人员对住宿的旅客不按规定登记的,处以二百元以上五百元以下罚款。 旅馆业的工作人员明知住宿的旅客是犯罪嫌疑人员或者被公安机关通缉的人员,不向公安机1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest 关报告的,处二百元以上五百元以下罚款;情节严重的,依据《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》处五日以下拘留,可以并处五百元以下罚款。 第三十八条 娱乐场所法定代表人、负责人或者从业人员发现违法或者涉嫌犯罪行为未按照规定向公安机关报告的,由公安机关给予警告;情节严重的,责令停业整顿。 第三十九条 除娱乐场所以外的公共场所和除旅馆业、典当业以外的特种行业,在经营过程中发现违反治安管理或者涉嫌犯罪的行为、违禁物品、公安机关通报协查的人员或者物品,未按照规定向公安机关报告的,由公安机关给予警告;情节严重的,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款。 第四十条 违反本条例,有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,处以二百元以上五百元以下罚款: (一)除娱乐场所以外的公共场所、机动车维修业、废旧金属收购业、信托寄卖业未按规定办理备案或者有注销、变更情形,未书面告知公安机关的; (二)旅馆业、公章刻制业、典当业未配备符合治安管理信息系统要求的设施或者未按规定向公安机关报送相关信息的; (三)公章刻制业无公安机关准刻证明刻制公章的; (四)公章刻制业对作废的公章未按规定销毁或者未按规定送交公安机关处理的; (五)旧移动电话交易业收售无原始发票和无本人有效身份证件的旧移动电话的。 第四十一条 违反本条例,有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款: (一)旅馆业、公章刻制业、典当业、开锁业、旧移动电话交易业、金银首饰加工、置换业未按规定接受公安机关年度审核的; (二)洗浴等场所提供住宿服务,在零时后未对留宿旅客进行登记的; 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest (三)旅馆业对旅客遗留的财物,未妥善保管或者未送交公安机关处理的; (四)公章刻制业委托其他单位和个人加工、制作公章的; (五)经营开锁业,违反第二十四条第二项、第四项、第五项规定的; (六)在核准登记的场所外从事旧移动电话交易的; (七)废旧金属收购业违反第二十六条第二项规定的; (八)收当、寄卖无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人所持有的贵重物品,收购无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人所持有的旧移动电话,加工、置换无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人所持有的金银首饰的; (九)除旅馆业、废旧金属收购业、机动车维修业以外的其他特种行业,违反第二十条第六项规定的。 第四十二条 违反本条例,有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,逾期不改的,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款: (一)旅馆业、公章刻制业、典当业、开锁业、旧移动电话交易业、金银首饰加工、置换业有变更、注销情形,未按规定到公安机关办理变更、注销手续的; (二)治安责任人未依法履行第十五条规定的责任的; (三)公共场所和特种行业的法定代表人或者负责人、保安员、治安员,未按规定接受治安业务培训的。 第四十三条 违反本条例,有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,处以一千元以上二千元以下罚款: (一)聘用的从业人员、保安员不符合第十六条、第十七条规定的; (二)三星级或者相当于三星级以上的饭店,未按规定安装符合国家规定的安全监控系统或1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest 者未将系统存储信息保存三十日以上的。 第四十四条 废旧金属收购业违反第二十条第六项规定的,责令改正,视情节轻重,处以二千元以上五千元以下的罚款、责令停业整顿。 机动车维修业违反第二十条第六项规定的,责令改正,处以五百元以上三千元以下罚款。 第四十五条 未取得《特种行业许可证》擅自开办特种行业的,由公安机关责令限期改正,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款;情节较轻的,处以五百元以下罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。 第四十六条 违反本条例由公安机关责令改正的期限内未改正的特种行业,责令其停业整顿,逾期仍未改正的,由公安机关吊销其《特种行业许可证》。 第四十七条 娱乐场所为第二十条第一项所列违法犯罪活动提供条件的,由公安机关没收违法所得和非法财物,责令停业整顿三个月至六个月;情节严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处以一万元以上二万元以下罚款。 其他公共场所和特种行业为第二十条第一项所列违法犯罪活动提供条件的,由公安机关责令改正,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款。 第四十八条 废旧金属收购业收购公安机关通报协查的赃物以及国家禁止收购的其他物品的,处以五百元以上一千元以下罚款。 第四十九条 违反本条例的行为,应当处以拘留的,按照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》的有关规定执行,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第五十条 当事人对具体行政行为不服的,可以依法提起行政复议或者行政诉讼。 第五十一条 违反本条例的限期整改的期限,不得超过十五日;停业整顿的期限为十五日以上六个月以下。 第五十二条 人民警察违反第三十一条至第三十四条规定的,根据情节给予批评教育或者行1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest 政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第六章 附 则 第五十三条 本条例下列用语的含义是: (一)旅馆业是指经营接待旅客住宿的宾馆、饭店、旅店、招待所以及其他以洗浴、计时休息、酒店式公寓、办事处等形式提供住宿休息服务的行业。 (二)开锁业是指经营以专业人员对锁具(含汽车锁、保险柜锁、门锁以及其他闭锁在标的物上的锁)进行技术操作,解除闭锁在标的物上锁具的闭锁状态或者对锁具进行修理的经营服务等业务的行业。 (三)旧移动电话交易业是指经营以二手移动电话和配件收购、销售、寄售、代购、代销等经营服务业务的行业。 第五十四条 本条例自2008年5月1日起施行。《黑龙江省旧货业治安管理条例》、《黑龙江省实施〈旅馆业治安管理办法〉细则》、《黑龙江省印铸刻字业治安管理规定》、《黑龙江省公共场所治安管理规定》同时废止。 年月日黑龙江省第十届人民代表大会于20080501颁布 CopyRight 黑龙江省公安厅 2007 Web.Net,Version 2.2 1g a solution of the specimen, its membership of the hydrochloric acid of not less than (and except for the requirement) 1.5mL. Total for silver salt method determination without adding hydrochloric acid. Reagent blank operate according to the same method. 12.3.2 vegetable oils: weighing 5.00g samples placed in a 50mL ceramic crucibles, plus 10G magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide on top cover 2G, place the Crucible fire heat until just smoking, immediately remove the Crucible, in case the contents overflow. Smoke after small, then heated to carbonization full. To move the crucible ... 13.2 by wet digestion fluid in the sample digest solution, reagent blank solution and towels plus 3mL arsenic standard solutions of potassium iodide solution (150g/L), O.5mL acid stannous chloride solution, mix well, let stand 15min. 3G zinc capsules, respectively immediately stuffed with lead acetate cotton air scoop, tip and tube insert tube filled with 4mL silver salt solution under the liquid surface, reaction 45min at room temperature, remove the tubes, and chloroform up to 4mL. LCM Cuvette, tubes with zero adjust zero point in wavelength 520nm measuring absorbance of standard curve. 13.3 ashing method take the digestive tract-ashing method digestive juices and reagent blank respectively at 150ml, cone-shaped bottle. Lessons of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0mL arsenic standard liquid (the equivalent of 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0vg, arsenic), respectively 150mL Erlenmeyer flask, add water to 43.5mL, add 6.5mL hydrochloric acid. 13.2 per cent below "in the sample digest
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