
《闪电侠 第一季 第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕

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《闪电侠 第一季 第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕《闪电侠 第一季 第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 我叫巴里?艾伦是现今世上速度最快My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man 的人 alive. 我年幼时看到自己的母亲 When I was a child, I saw my mother killed 被令人难以置信的东西杀害 by something impossible. 我父亲因为谋杀母亲进了监狱 My father we...
《闪电侠 第一季 第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕
《闪电侠 第一季 第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 我叫巴里?艾伦是现今世上速度最快My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man 的人 alive. 我年幼时看到自己的母亲 When I was a child, I saw my mother killed 被令人难以置信的东西杀害 by something impossible. 我父亲因为谋杀母亲进了监狱 My father went to prison for her murder. 但是一场事故让我也变得令人难以Then an accident made me the impossible. 置信 在外人看来我只是个普通的鉴证专To the outside world, I am an ordinary forensic 员 scientist, 但我秘密地用自己的速度打击犯罪 but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime 寻找跟我一样的人 and find others like me. 终有一天我会找到杀害母亲的凶手 And one day, I'll find who killed my mother -妈妈 -让我父亲沉冤得雪 and get justice for my father. 而那一天就是今天 That day is today. {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&} 闪电侠第一季二十三集 怎么没带巨无霸来吗 What? No Big Belly Burger? 那可是活在这年头仅有的几个好处It's one of the few perks of living in this time. 之一 我来的那地方已经没有牛了 We're out of cows where I come from. 你不关心这个 You don't care about that. 你有问题问吧 You have questions. Go ahead. 我不知要从何开始斯旺 Not sure where to start... Thawne. 那是你的真名吧艾尔伯德?斯旺 That is your real name-- Eobard Thawne. -从我出生起就是了 -那是什么时候 - Since the day I was born. - And when was that? 136年之后 136 years from now. 这不是你想要知道的 That's not what you want to know. 来吧巴里 Go ahead, Barry. 问吧 Ask it. 你为什么要杀了我母亲 Why did you kill my mother? 因为我恨你 Because I hate you. 不是现在的你是多年后的你 Not you now. You years from now. -未来的我 -某个未来没错 - In the future. - In a future. Yes. 我们是敌人死对头对立面 We're enemies, rivals, opposites, 对方的反面 reverses of one another. 为什么我们为什么是敌人 Why? Wh-why were we enemies? 这不重要 It doesn't matter. 已经不再重要了 It doesn't... matter anymore. 重要的是咱们俩人都不够强壮 What matters is that neither of us was strong enough 无法打败对方 to defeat the other. 直到我知道了你的秘密 Until I learned your secret. 我知道了你的名字 I learned your name. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第1 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 巴里?艾伦 Barry Allen. 最终我知道了怎么一举击败你 And finally, I knew how to defeat you once and for all. 回到过去杀死还是孩子的你 Travel back in time, kill you as a child. 把你从地球上抹掉 Wipe you from the face of the earth. 但是你未来的你跟着我回来了 But then you, future you, that is, followed me back, 然后我们战斗 and we fought. 我们都造成了不小的伤害 We both landed some pretty solid shots. 然后你未来的你 And then you, future you, 把年轻的你救了出去 got your younger self out of there. 我气疯了 I was so mad. 然后我想 But then I thought... 如果你承受悲痛后会如何 what if you were to suffer a tragedy? 如果你承受的打击实在太可怕 What if you were to suffer something so horrible, 太伤人以至于年轻的你永远无法恢so traumatic that your child self could never recover? 复 这样你就不会成为闪电侠 Then you would not become The Flash. 所以我刺中了你母亲的心脏 And so I stabbed your mother in the heart, 之后我终于释怀了 and I was free. 终于可以回到一个没有闪电侠的未Finally able to return to a future without The Flash, 来了 只是我在试图回去的时候发现 only to realize that in traveling back 我失去了回家的道路 I'd lost my way home. 失去了吸取神速力的能力 Lost my ability to harness the speed force. 没有了它我被困在了这里 And without it, I was stuck here. 搁浅在这里无法回到自己的时代 Stranded in this time, unable to return to my own. 而唯一能回去的办法就是闪电侠 And the only way back was The Flash. 但是闪电侠不在了所以我创造了他 But The Flash was gone, and so I created him. 为什么要训练我 Why train me? 为什么要帮助我拯救那么多的人 Why help me save so many people? 因为我需要你变快 Because I needed you to get fast. 快到可以突破时空的壁障 Fast enough to rupture the space-time barrier 并且创造出稳定的虫洞 and create a stable wormhole 通过它我可以回家 through which I could return home. 我为什么要那么做 Why would I ever do that? 因为 Because... 巴里?艾伦如果你给我我想要的 Barry Allen, if you give me what I want, 我就给你你想要的 I'm gonna give you what you want. 你可以回去救你的母亲 You can go back and save your mother. 你可以防止你的父亲进监狱 You can prevent your father from going to prison. 你可以让你们家重新结合在一起 You can reunite the Allen family. 不 No. 不我不相信你 No, I don't believe you. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第2 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 我现在就想杀了你 I want to kill you right now. 我了解那股怒火 I know that rage. 以前每当我仰望你的时候都会有这I used to feel that rage every time I looked upon you. 种感觉 而现在不知为何 And now, somehow, 我知道了乔和亨利的感觉 I know what Joe and Henry feel 当他们满怀自豪地看着你时的感觉 when they look on you with pride. 满怀爱 With love. 不不 No. No. 我不许你对我说这话 Don't you ever say that to me! 我知道你很难过 I know you're upset, 但是我在给你一个机会 but I'm giving you a chance. 我在给你机会去消除我所犯下的所I'm giving you a chance to undo all the evil I've done. 有罪恶 你不想要这个机会吗 Don't you want that chance? 有机会回到过去改正错误 The rare opportunity to go back in time and right a wrong 还能拯救你母亲的性命 and save your mother's life-- 哈里森给你出了个大悖论啊艾伦先quite the paradox Harrison has presented you with, 生 Mr. Allen. 有机会和你爱的人在一起 The chance to be with someone you love? 在我看来挺实在的 Seems pretty cut and dry to me. 乍一看可能是这样斯诺博士 At first blush, Dr. Snow, it would appear so, 但是这福利有着很大的风险 but this gift has unparalleled risk. 巴里你母亲死的那晚 Barry, the night your mother died, 你拯救自己的那一晚 the night you saved yourself from being killed, 那场事件改变了你所在的时间线 that event altered the timeline you were already on 改变了历史的走向 and changed the course of history. 所以你是说我们生活在平行宇宙中So what you're saying is we're living in a parallel 吗 universe? 就像是我之前穿越时空一样 Just like when I time travelled before. 但是他之前只改变了一天 But he--he only changed one day that time. 没错现在想象一下十五年的 Exactly. Now imagine 15 years of 错综复杂的经历 compounded experiences. 一个不同的决定不管是大是小 One different decision, no matter how big or small, 会改变之后所有的发展 impacts everything that follows. 不同的时刻不同的选择 Moments upon moments, choices upon choices. 没有交集所有事都会变得不同 No relationships, nothing would be as it is today, 而且你永远也不会知道其中的区别 and you'd never know the difference 因为你根本不会记得 because you'd never remember any of it. 如果我回去救我妈妈 So if I go back and save my mom, 我爸爸就不会去坐牢 my dad doesn't go to prison. 我不会跟乔还有爱瑞丝住在一起 I never live with Joe and Iris. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第3 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 你也许根本不会遇到我 You might never meet me. 或者遇到凯特琳和罗尼 Or Caitlin or Ronnie. 事实上我们没法知道 Truth is, there's no real way 你的生活会怎样 of knowing what your life will be. 没什么可选的巴里你必须这么做 There's no choice here, Barry. You have to do this. 你得改变过去 You gotta change the past. 乔 Joe? 所以...你就是这么想的吗 So what-- what, that's it? 你觉得我该这么做 You think I should just do it? 是的 Yeah, I do. 但这就意味着我不会搬去跟你住 Which means I will never come to live with you, and... 你不介意吗 you're okay with that? 巴里到时候你可以在父母陪伴下长Barry, you get the chance to grow up with both 大 parents. 你母亲会一直陪在你身边 You don't have to grow up without a mother. 可我就没有父亲了啊 What about growing up without a father? 你当然有你的亲生父亲 You will have a father, your real father. 威尔斯把我们耍得够久了 Wells has messed with our lives long enough. 你之所以成为闪电侠就是为了这个This is why you became The Flash, Barry. 巴里 把一切纠正过来 To put things right. 过去这一年里你救了很多人的命 You saved a lot of people's lives this past year. 现在是时候拯救你自己了 Now it's time to save yours. 爸爸我知道这听起来很不可思议 Dad, look. I know this sounds crazy. 这何止是不可思议小拳王 I think we're way past crazy, slugger. 你动作是很快但是把时间扳回来 Look, you're fast, I get it. But turning back time... 不我不是要把时间扳回来 No, I wouldn't be turning time back. 我是要...回到过去 I would be... going back 回到那晚去拯救她 to that night to save her. 乔怎么说 And what does Joe think about all this? 他觉得我应该这么做 He thinks I should do it. 不行 No. 你不能这么做 You can't. 爸爸 Dad... 如果我成功了那晚的惨剧就不会发I can make it so that night will never have happened. 生 我们又会是一家人 We'll be a family again. 我们就是一家人 We are a family. 没有妈妈就不是一个完整的家庭 Not like this. Not without Mom. 巴里 Barry, 这些都是命中注定的 there's a natural order to things, okay? 万物自有其定律 Things happen the way they do. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第4 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 也许当时我们不明白 We may not know why at the time, 但每件事都有自己的原因 but there must always be a reason. 我是这么相信的我必须得相信 Now, I believe that. I've had to believe it. 我能拯救妈妈 I--I can save Mom. 以什么为代价呢 At what cost? 你说过时间会改变 You said time would change. 那如果时间的变化改变了你呢 What if it changes you? -我不在乎 -我在乎 - I don't care. - I do. 你能成长为这么棒的一个人 I am in awe 让我感到很惊喜 of the remarkable man that you are becoming-- 你做出了这么多成就 all the things you've achieved, 不仅仅是以闪电侠的身份 and not just as The Flash, 而是你自身的成就 but you, Barry. 你的诚实你的善良 Your honesty. Your heart. 你一直是个英雄 You were always a hero. 你妈妈会一直为你感到骄傲 And your mom would be just as proud. 如果她现在能发自己的看法 And if she had a say in this, 只要她知道你回去拯救她 if she thought for one second that you going back to save her 意味着你会失去让你变得如此好的would mean you losing what makes you so special, 东西 她肯定不会同意的 she would never want that. 巴里我对你的期望 Barry, what I hope for you, 可能是一个父亲对孩子最大的期望 maybe the greatest thing that a father can hope for his son 我希望有一天你也能为人父 is that one day, you will become a father yourself. 到时候你就知道 And then you will know... 我有多爱你了 how much I truly love you. 98.6 数据正常 98.6. Normal. 我都不知道这算什么了 I don't even know what that word means anymore. 我也不知道 Me neither. 巴里很感激你 I know Barry really appreciates you 能够回来帮他阻止威尔斯 coming back to help him stop Wells. 这不是我回来的唯一原因凯特 That's not the only reason I'm back, Cait. 我回来了不会再走了 I'm here now. For good. 但我以为 But I thought-- 我原来也是这么想的但我想得太多I thought too-- I thought too much 了 我怕政府不会放过我们 about what might happen if the government tracked us down. 我怕我们控制不了力量伤害到别人 If we couldn't control our powers and we hurt someone. 伤害到你 If we hurt you. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第5 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 但我意识到 But I realized that 尽管有时候我体内还有别人 although sometimes I'm more than one man, 但没有你我的生命依然不完整 I'm not whole unless I'm with you. 我爱你凯特 I love you, Cait. -你确定吗 -我确定 - Are you sure? - I am. 很久以前在粒子加速器那事发生前 Once upon a time and a Particle Accelerator or so ago, 你答应要嫁给我 you agreed to marry me. 我是答应了 Yes, I did. 你觉得我们结婚如何 What do you say we do that? 我想着能在这里找到你 Thought I might find you here. 我不能待在实验室里 I needed to get out of the lab. 我觉得这里能帮助我好好思考 I thought this would be a good place to think. 这是个好地方真的 Oh, it is. Trust me. 我也在这里想过很多事情 I've done a lot of thinking up here. 在我没有跟神秘的"闪电" When I wasn't having clandestine meetings 进行秘密会谈的时候 with the mysterious "Streak." 是啊很高兴我们不再用那个名字了 Yeah, not mad we lost that name. 我觉得那名字很酷啊 Hey, I thought that had pizzazz. -才不呢 -随你了 - No. - Uh-uh. 所以你决定好了吗 So are you gonna do it? 这事太...重大了 It's just so...huge. 这是我一生中做出的最大决定 It's the biggest decision of my life, 如果我错了也没法挽回 and if I'm wrong, I can't undo it. 为什么要挽回呢 Why would you want to? 你能重新见到 I mean, you'd 你的妈妈还有你爸爸 get to see your mom again, your dad, 有一个美满的事业 have a great career, 甚至结婚 even get married. 到时候我就是爱瑞丝?韦斯特?艾伦 Iris West-Allen, huh? 我从来没想过我会用连字号署名 I never really thought of myself as a hyphenator. 一定是2024年的流行 Must be a 2024 thing. 我们不知道这是不是真的会发生 We don't know that that's gonna to happen. 你觉得是因为你没有跟我们住在一Do you think that because you didn't live with us, 起 那是事情不同的原因吗 that's why things are different there? 从小一起长大 Growing up together and... 互相如此了解对方 knowing so much about each other... 这让我很难承认我对你的感情 it made it hard for me to admit how I felt about you. 而我等了那么久你却爱上了艾迪 And I waited too long, and you fell in love with Eddie. 但是跟你和乔住在一起 But living with you and Joe... 我度过了一个美好的人生爱瑞丝 I've had a great life, Iris. 过来巴里 Come here, Barry. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第6 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 你觉得我应该做什么 What do you think I should do? 我需要有人能告诉我 I need someone to tell me. 我觉得... I think... 在你一生中该有一次巴里?艾伦 that for once in your life, Barry Allen, 你不应该处处为别人着想 you should stop thinking about other people. 我觉得你应该顺从你的心意 I think you should do what's in your heart. 为自己而活 Do what you need to do for yourself. 如果能让你好受点 Well, if it makes you feel any better, 你考虑的时间比我想象得 it took you a whole hour longer to decide 要久整整一个小时 than I thought it would. 那这要怎么操作 So how does this work? 你的宏大 Your grand plan? 其实并不宏大巴里 Well, it's really not that grand at all, Barry. 其实很简单 In fact, it's rather simple. 我们利用粒子加速器 We use the Particle Accelerator. 粒子加速器 The Particle Accelerator. 上次启动粒子加速器的时候 The last time that happened, 你造成的爆炸伤害了很多人 you caused an explosion that hurt a lot of people. 这次加速器会如设计般 This time, the accelerator will operate exactly 正常运行 the way it was designed to. 但是这次不是两颗粒子 Except, instead of two particles 反方向在内圈中 moving in opposite directions, 以光速运动互相撞击 colliding at the speed of light in the inner ring, 而是在加速器中 we're only going to inject one particle 只注入一颗粒子 into the accelerator. 而我要与那颗粒子相撞 And I'm what it collides with. 如果你能跑得够快巴里 And if you can go fast enough, Barry, 如果你能以足够的速度撞击那颗粒if you can hit that particle with enough speed, 子 你就能在客观世界中撞出一个洞来 you will punch a hole right through the fabric of reality. 你将可以创造出一个连接这个时间And you will create a portal connecting this time 和 无限时间的传送门 to infinite times. 虫洞 A wormhole. 通过传送门你就能回到过去 Through which one might travel back to the past, say, 比如回到你母亲过世的那晚 to the night your mother died 或者穿越到未来比如说 or forward to the future, to, say, 我的时代 my time. 你说过如果我跑得够快 You said if I run fast enough. 如果我跑得不够快呢 What happens if I don't? 如果你没达到预期的速度障碍 If you don't achieve the desired velocity barrier, 你会死 you'll die. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第7 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 根据威尔斯的计算 According to Wells' calculations, 巴里要在加速器圈里跑出超速 Barry super-speeds inside the accelerator ring. 一旦巴里达到最佳速度 Once Barry reaches optimum speed, 我们就释放氢质子到加速器中 we then launch a hydrogen proton into the accelerator. 一旦碰撞开始虫洞产生 Once the collision happens, a wormhole forms, 就会产生一条时间本身的通道 opening a gateway into time itself. 就在那瞬间我决定喊一句 It's at that moment I plan on shouting something "我发现了"或是"更进一步" along the lines of "Eureka" or possibly "Excelsior." 我还没决定 I'm uncommitted. 你觉得怎么样 What do you think? 我觉得一方面 I mean, on the one hand, 这确实有点道理 it does make a kind of sense. 但另一方面 On the other hand, 为什么 why? 为什么为什么你想要回去 Why, why would you ever consider doing this? 你知道为什么 You know why. 那假设这真的能行 So, for this to actually work, 巴里要跑多快 how fast would Barry have to go? {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&} 每秒680.58米 通过我的推测最少要声速的2倍 By my estimates, Mach Two at a minimum. 你从来没跑过那么快 You've never gone that fast. 如果巴里达不到这个速度呢 So what happens if Barry doesn't reach that speed? 我在想象一个小虫撞击挡风玻璃 I mean, I'm imagining a bug hitting a windshield. 我会被撞多远 How far off am I? 恐怕不会很远 Not very far, I'm afraid. 还是让我来担心我要跑多快吧 Let me worry about how fast I have to go. 我们还需要点东西 We're gonna need something else too. 是吗那是什么 Really? And what's that? 因为我不知道你们怎么想的 'Cause I don't know about you guys, 但是我完全没兴趣 but I'm not at all interested in 帮你自杀 helping you get yourself killed. 我需要你造一台时光机 I need you to build a time machine. 继续 Go on. 如果威尔斯跟你一样快 So, if Wells is as fast as you, 他要时光机来干嘛 what's he need a time machine for? 显然他在杀我妈妈的时候丢失了他Apparently he lost his speed when he killed my mom. 的速度 他只有在短暂的时间内才能恢复速He gets it back sometimes but only in spurts. 度 他不能完全控制它 He can't fully control it. 那我关于轮椅的想法是对的 So I was right about the wheelchair. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第8 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 他在利用轮椅给自己充电 He was using it to charge himself. 等我打开虫洞之后 So after I open the wormhole, 他需要时光机穿越到未来 he's gonna need the ship to travel back to the future. 他一直在储藏零部件 He's been squirreling away the parts. 我们现在只要把它组装在一起就好 Now we just need to put it together. 罗尼我爱你但这是时光机 Ronnie, I love you, but this is a time machine, 不是从宜家买来的书架 not a bookcase from IKEA. 我们有麻烦了 We got a problem. 这些瓦片是由钨制成的 These tiles-- they're made of tungsten. 钨跟其他元素比起来 Well, tungsten does have the highest melting point 确实有最高的熔点 of any other element. 对但是它产生的粉末是易燃的 Yeah, but the dust it generates is flammable. 虫洞产生的压力 The pressure exerted from the wormhole-- 对对 Yeah. Yeah. 它可能导致外部被熔出一个洞 It could cause a hole to be melted into the exterior. 它可能会爆炸 It could explode. 有什么办法吗 Any ideas? 让我问问邪恶博士 Let me ask Dr. Evil. 我以前觉得这个名字很好笑 Which used to be a name that made me smile. 有什么烦心事吗西斯科 Something on your mind, Cisco? 没有 No. 有 Yes. 你怎么把你的逆闪电战衣 How did you fit your Reverse-Flash suit 放到那个小圆圈里的 into that little ring? 是某种压缩的微技术吗 Is it some sort of compressed micro tech? 还是算了我不在乎 Or actually, forget it. I don't care. 也许有点在乎 Maybe a little. 罗尼是对的 Ronnie's right. 我应该对这暂时的飞速做出解释 I should have accounted for the temporal shearing. 很庆幸我们对某些事还很在行 Glad we're still good for something. 我从未低估你的贡献西斯科 I never underestimated your contribution, Cisco. 或者罗尼的 Or Ronnie's. 事实上 As a matter of fact, 你知道有多少次 do you know how many times 我都希望改建加速器的时候你在我I wished you were there with me as I rebuilt the 身边 accelerator? 那样会很有意思的 It would have been a lot more fun. 是吗 Yeah? 那也不会改变 Well, doesn't change the fact 你那个漂亮的小时间球... that your nifty little Time Sphere-- 你是这样称呼它的吗 Is that what you're calling it? 不管它叫什么它要爆炸了 Whatever it's called. It's gonna blow. 如果你用钴树脂加固瓦片就不会爆Not if you cement the tiles with a cobalt resin. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第9 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 炸 那样会阻止极热条件下引起的退化That'll prevent degradation in conditions of extreme 现象 heat. 好吧我们会试试的 Okay. Fine. We'll try that. 就这样吗没别的了吗 That's it? That's all? 你想让我对你说什么 Well, what do you want me to say? 我不知道西斯科 I don't know, Cisco. 我认为在所有人中 I thought that of anyone, 对于我的困境你多少会理解一些 you'd be a little more understanding of my predicament. 我不属于这里 I don't belong here. 这野蛮的时代 These barbaric times. 就好像活在一群死人中间 It's like living amongst the dead. 你就是这样对自己说的吗当你杀我Is that what you told yourself? When you killed me? 的时候 什么 What? 你说什么 What did you say? 另外有一条时间线 It was an alternate timeline. 巴里把它重置了 One that Barry reset. 但我绝不会忘记 But I never forgot it. 那些场景一直在我脑中回放 It just kept coming back to me. 我依然能想起 And I can still picture 当时你看我的眼神 the way you looked at me 你管我叫孩子 when you called me a son 然后用拳头捏碎了我的心脏 and you crushed my heart with your fist. 西斯科... Cisco... 对不起 I'm sorry. 是啊烂极了 Yeah. It sucked. 不是为了杀你而道歉 Not for killing you. 我相信自己一定有合理的理由 I'm sure I had a good reason. 我感到抱歉的是你有能力保留另一I'm sorry for the fact that you're able to retain traces 条 时间线的痕迹这一事实 of another timeline. 你有能力看穿宇宙的振动 You're able to see through the vibrations of the universe. 那就意味着... It means... 直到刚才我才确定 I wasn't sure until just now. 确定什么 Sure of what? 粒子加速器爆炸的那晚... The night the Particle Accelerator exploded... 你也被影响了 You were affected too. 你在说什么 What are you talking about? 不 No. 我没有 I wasn't. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第10 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 不必害怕西斯科 Don't be afraid, Cisco. 一个伟大而光荣的命运 A great and honorable destiny 在等待着你 awaits you now. 我只希望你在伟大的冒险旅程中 I only hope that as you're living your great adventure, 会记住是谁给了你那样的人生 that you remember who gave you that life. 而那是出于爱的给予 And that it was given out of love. 对不起我听说这里是有足够能量 I'm sorry, but I'm told this is the only station 运行这些运算的唯一场所 with enough power to run these calculations. 如果制造出虫洞时有任何纰漏... If we make the slightest error creating the wormhole-- 不必再多说了 Say no more. 乔让我守在这里以备不时之需 Joe told me to stick around in case I was needed, 不过看起来我妨碍你们了 but it seems I'm only in the way. 每个人都会做出贡献的 Everyone has a contribution to make. 也许你还没有发现自己的潜能 Perhaps you just haven't discovered yours yet. 不威尔斯博士向我讲述未来的时候 No, Dr. Wells made it pretty clear 已经说得很清楚了 when he told me about the future. 我并不重要 I don't matter. 就历史而言 As far as history's concerned, 我没拯救世界也没有抱得美人归 I don't save the day or get the girl. 你相信他的话吗 And you believed him? 他有一张2024年的报纸 He had a newspaper from the year 2024. 我还有个写着"世上最好老板"的马克And I have a mug that says "World's Best Boss." 杯呢 我怀疑我的助教会质疑 I doubt my teaching assistant would testify 这句话的真实性 to its authenticity. 今天我们在处理大量 We're dealing with a lot of 重要的科学理念 big scientific ideas today. 但是你斯旺先生 But you, Mr. Thawne, 可能是尖端科研实验室里 might be the most interesting thing here 最有趣的了 at S.T.A.R. Labs. 我吗 Me? 威尔斯博士穿越时空 What are the odds that Dr. Wells would travel back in time 和他的曾曾曾曾祖父在同一个城市 and get stuck in the exact same city 这样的几率会有多大呢 as his great-great-great-great-grandfather? 而且从事同一领域在同一栋楼里 Working in the same profession, the same building? 他想回家的计划里意味着 And that part of his plan to get home would mean 他必须保留和保护你的人生 that he'd have to preserve and protect your life. 那就使你成为一件罕物 That makes you this rare thing 任何科学家都无法计划 that no scientist can plan for. 那是什么 Which is? 巧合 Coincidence. 在科学里没有巧合一说 There is no science to coincidence. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第11 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 你是个反常现象 You, sir, are an anomaly. 可以说是一张万能牌 A wild card, as it were. 在这整件事里你是唯一一个 You are the only person in this whole story 可以选择自己未来的人 who gets to choose his own future. 至少我是这样认为的 At least, that's my opinion. 等等不该是那样 Wait, that can't be right. 天呐 Oh, dear. {\an8}临界警告: 临界物质不稳定 我们遇到了一个问题 We have a problem. 什么问题 What? 计算有误这样会有危险 The calculations. There is a danger. 我知道我愿意冒这个险 I know. I'm ready to take the risk. 不不只是你所有人都会有危险 No, not just to you but to everyone. 威尔斯没有告诉我们全部实情 Wells didn't tell us everything. 巴里就算你达到了精确的速度 Barry, even if you do reach the right speed, 和氢粒子碰撞时 colliding with the hydrogen particle, 爆炸可能会产生一个奇点 there is a chance that explosion could create a singularity. 什么是奇点 What's a singularity? 就是黑洞 It's a black hole. 我们可能会毁灭中城 We could destroy Central City. 这只是首当其冲的 For starters. 如果我们创造出奇点而无法控制的If we create a singularity here and then cannot control 话 it, 我们可能会面临全球性的灾难 we could be looking at a global catastrophe. 拜拜多谢你们的鱼 So long and thanks for all the fish. {\an8}“银河系漫游”五部曲之一 没错是会有点危险 Well, sure, there's a bit of a risk. 我不会把可能造成 I would hardly refer to possibly causing 灭世灾难的事件称为"有点危险" an extinction-level event as "A bit of a risk." 是啊你的加速器简直 Yeah, and your accelerator's 和我高中开的破车一样靠谱 been about as reliable as the beater I drove in high school. 让我问你个问题 Let me ask you a question. 有多少超能力者 How many meta-humans-- 有多少潜在危险 how many dangers-- 是我们今年一起应对的 have we faced this year together? 还是说你忘了是我 Or did you forget that was me 和你们肩并肩一起对付他们每一个fighting alongside each and every one of you? 的 这件事我策划了将近20年 I have been planning this for almost two decades. 它会成功的 It will work. 那我们怎么能保证不在中城的市中And how do we make sure we don't open a black hole 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第12 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 心 弄出一个黑洞来 in the middle of Central City? 一旦虫洞稳定下来 So, once the wormhole stabilizes, 巴里会有1分52秒的时间来改变过Barry will have 1 minute and 52 seconds to alter the 去 past 并回到现在 and return to this time. 如果他能做到这个 If and when he does that, 你就同时关闭虫洞 you can close the wormhole, 然后我们就能从此过上幸福美满的and we can all live happily ever after. 生活 将近两分钟 Almost two minutes. 救诺拉的时间绰绰有余 More than enough time to save Nora. 但这时间却不够阻止你回家 But not enough time to stop you from going home? 每件事都是一个选择 Everything's a choice. 如果我迟了呢 And what if I'm late? 你不会迟的我相信你巴里 You won't be. I believe in you, Barry. 一直都是 Always have. 所以我猜问题就在于 So I guess the question is, 你的朋友和家人是否和我一样相信do your friends and family believe in you as much as I 你 do? 所以 So, 如果我跑得不够快不能和粒子碰撞 if I don't run fast enough to collide with the particle, 那我就化成灰了 then I'm dust, 而如果我跑得够快但没能及时回来 and if I do run fast enough but I'm not back here in time, 那就会形成一个黑洞 then a black hole will form, 吞噬掉整个城市甚至全世界 swallow up the city and possibly the world. 你确定还想直视我的眼睛 You're sure you still want to look me in the eyes 告诉我这是最佳吗 and tell me this is for the best? 如果我说是那一定是撒谎 I'd be lying if I told you I did. 事实上我不我不知道该怎么想 Truth is, I don't-- I don't know what to think. 我以为你是事事拿得准的人 I thought you were the sure one. 在我第一次做决定的时候 I was kind of banking on that 我还指望着这一点呢 when I made my decision the first time. 我是装出来的 I was faking it. 有时候家长会这么做的 Sometimes parents do that. 大部分情况家长都这么做 Most of the time, parents do that. 听着我当然害怕 Look, of course I'm scared. 但我不想让你因为担心我 But I didn't want you to not help your mother 而救不了你的妈妈 because you were worried about me. 我会一直为你担心的乔 Well, I'll always worry about you, Joe, 就像你会一直为我担心一样 just like you'll always worry about me. 对不起但你不能让我不担心 Sorry, but you can't stop that. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第13 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 你觉得我能做到吗 Do you think I can do this? 你觉得我能救我妈妈吗 You think I can save my mom? 我是说你觉得我够快吗 I mean, do you think I'm fast enough? 是的 Yes. 我知道你足够快 I know you are. 你知道我一直 You know, I've-- 我这一生都梦想着 I've dreamed my whole life about... 能够救她 saving her, 让我父亲重获自由但是 freeing my dad, and... 我从未想过我要为此失去另一个父I never thought I'd have to lose another parent to do 亲 that. 巴里 Barry-- 乔这是真的是真的 Joe, it's true. It's true. 我一直都只关注那一晚失去了的东I've always been so focused on everything 西 但同时我也得到了许多 that I lost that night, but I gained so much too. 我出生时只有一位父亲而那次悲剧I was born with one father, and that tragedy gave me... 却给了我 另一个 another. 我觉得我没办法失去你 And I don't think I can lose you. 你永远都不会失去我的 You won't ever lose me. 永远不会你听到了吗 Ever, you hear me? 永远 Ever. 今天不忙是吗 Wow, slow news day? 他们要是知道就好了不是吗 If they only knew, right? 我以为你会在尖端科研实验室 I thought you would be at S.T.A.R. Labs. 我之前在 I was. 但我饿了所以我去了周妈小厨 Then I got hungry, so I went to Mama Chows. 去吃中式点心你的最爱 For dim sum? Your favorite. 还有提醒自己某件事 And to remind myself of something. 什么 What? 一个巧合 A coincidence. 其实是一个很惊人的巧合 A pretty big coincidence, actually. 大约在一年半之前 About a year and a half ago, 我和一个女孩约会过 I had a date with this girl. 凯蒂?罗杰斯她是个舞蹈家 Katie Rogers. She was a dancer. 我们本计划约在周妈小厨见面 We had plans to meet at Mama Chows, 但她发短信给我 but she texted me. 说她拉伤了腿不能来了 She pulled a hamstring and had to cancel. 舞者真是娇贵啊 Oh, those fragile dancers. 我非常沮丧因为我之前很期待 I was bummed 'cause I was looking forward to it. 所以自己吃了晚饭然后回家的路上 So I had dinner by myself, and I was walking home 看到一个抢劫犯手持偷来的背包狂when I saw a mugger running with a stolen backpack. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第14 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 奔 是你的背包 Your backpack. 我抓住了他 And I arrested him. 然后我们就这样认识了 That's how you and I met. 我记得 I remember. 有人刚刚和我说巧合有多么神奇 Someone just told me how powerful a coincidence can be, 这让我意识到为了让你我在一起 and it made me realize how many coincidences had to happen 在这段日子里 for you and I to get together... 得发生多少巧合 in this time. 我们一直都把注意力放在巴里的命We've all been so focused on Barry's destiny, 运上 我都忘了自己的命运 I forgot that I have one too. 就是你 And it's you. 爱瑞丝?韦斯特 Iris West, 我人生中的每一刻都带我走向你 every moment of my life led to meeting you. 别管未来了 Screw the future. 别管未来了 Screw the future. 这真的有约束力吗 Is this actually binding? 在我父亲送我去麻省理工学院前 My father made me become a rabbi 他要我成为犹太教教士 before he would send me to MIT. 就像小孩子说的这将是合法的 This will be "Legit," as the kids say. 小孩子不会这么说的 No kids say that. 就别在大喜之日争论了吧 Let's not fight on our wedding day. 如果大家没的话 If it's all right with everyone, 我就不说希伯来语了 I'd like to skip all the Hebrew. 过去的这一年里 I've learned a lot 在融入他人生活方面我学会了很多 about merging one's life with another this past year. 虽然我们参与的科学领域取得了 Yet, for all the incredible advancements in science 令人难以置信的进步 we've all been party to, 这让相爱的人结合的奇迹 the mystery that brings two people together through love 依然是其魔力所致 is still the province of magic. 拉蒙先生请拿出戒指 Mr. Ramon, the rings please. 我欠你一个真正的戒指 I owe you a real ring. 我不需要 I don't need one. 我已经拥有了一切 I have everything and everyone 以及在场的各位这就足够了 that I could ever need right here. 而且 And... 如果去年发生的所有事情 if all the events of the past year 指引我们来到这一时刻 have led us to this moment, 那也是值得的 it was worth it. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第15 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 我爱你罗尼 I love you, Ronnie. 现在我宣布你们结为夫妻 I now pronounce you husband and wife. 你可以吻新娘了 You may kiss the bride. 别再告诉我该怎么做 Stop telling me what to do. 好 Okay. 那里一共有三个你 There are gonna be three yous back there-- 未来的你 the you from the future 从逆闪电手中拯救了年幼的你 who saved younger you from the Reverse-Flash 还有现在的你 and now you you. 记住要等到未来的你把年幼的你救Remember, wait until future you gets younger you out 出去 of there, 然后你才能去救你妈妈 and then you can go and save your mom. 轻而易举 Piece of cake. 愿神速力与你同在 May the Speed Force be with you. 再见老爸 Good-bye, Dad. 再见儿子 Good-bye, Son. 爱瑞丝 Iris-- 你什么也不必说 You don't have to say anything. 我已经知道了 I already know. 我希望无论你的生活如何 I hope whatever life you get, 那对你而言足够了 it's enough for you. 那样能让你开心 That it makes you happy. 希望你也如此 You too. 记住艾伦先生 Remember, Mr. Allen, 假设你达到适当的速度打开了虫洞 assuming you achieve the proper velocity and open the wormhole, 你也只有1分52秒的时间 you will only have 1 minute and 52 seconds 拯救你母亲并返回 to save your mother and return. 不然 Or else... 我知道 I know. 我们两人的未来都掌控在你手中艾you hold both our futures in your hands now, Mr. 伦先生 Allen. 我知道你能做到的 And I know you can do it. 开始 Now... 奔跑吧 run... 巴里 Barry. 奔跑 Run. 粒子加速器的结构完整性延迟了 The accelerator's structural integrity is holding. 怎么回事 What was that? 巴里没事吧 Is Barry okay? 没事他刚刚超过了声速的两倍 Yeah. He just passed Mach Two. 我一直在等你带巴里回家 I was waiting for you to bring Barry home. 看来他要在这和我们待上一段时间Looks like he's going to be staying with us for a while. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第16 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 了 巴里你看到的就是神速力 Barry, what you're seeing is the Speed Force: 你的过去现在和未来 your past, you present, your future 同时出现在你眼前 all at once. 你要把注意力集中在要去的地方 So you need to focus on where you want to go. 好好想想 So think about... 那天晚上 that night. 想想你母亲 Think about your mother. 该睡觉了晚安小拳王 Time for bed. Good night, slugger. 妈 Mom! 成功了 It's working. 成功了 It's working. 立刻注射氢粒子 Inject the hydrogen particle now. 怎么了发生了什么事 What's that? What happened? 巴里不见了 Barry-- he's gone. -大家看 -虫洞 - Look. - The wormhole. 很稳定开始计时 And it's stable. Start the clock. 妈 Mom! 妈 Mom! 巴里 Barry! 妈 Mom! 诺拉坚持住 Nora! Hold on! 跑巴里快跑 Run, Barry, run! 巴里不 Barry, no! 不不不 No, no, no! 没事了没事了 Hey. It's okay. It's okay. You're okay. 我丈夫和儿子他们 Please. My husband, my son, are they-- 他们没事 They're okay. 他们俩都很安全 They're both safe. 我保证 I promise. 你是谁 Who are you? 我是 I'm... 我是闪电侠 I'm The Flash. 我不明白 I don't understand. 你长得很像我父亲 You look just like my father. 可能你理解不了 This won't make any sense, 但真的是我妈妈 but it's me, Mom. 我是巴里 It's Barry. 巴里 Barry? 你的巴里 Your Barry. 我的好儿子 Oh, my beautiful boy. 我有机会 I got a second chance 重回这里 to come back here and... 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第17 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 跟你报声平安 tell you that I'm okay. 爸爸和我都没事 Dad and I are both okay. 而且我们都爱你妈妈 And we love you, Mom. 我爱你 I love you. 我爱你 I love you. 我亲爱的儿子 Oh, my sweet boy. 再见再见了 Bye. Good-bye. 再见巴里 Good-bye, Barry. 妈妈 Mom. 妈妈 Mom. 妈妈 Mom. 我觉得是时候跟哈里森?威尔斯告别I believe it's time to say good-bye to Harrison Wells. 了 太美了 It's beautiful. 裂缝猎人都会大吃一惊的 Rip Hunter would be impressed. 他建了第一个这玩意 He built the first one of these. 很有意思的一个人 Interesting man. 那是什么 Now what the hell is that? 告诉我该离开了 That's my cue to leave. 谢谢你西斯科 Thank you, Cisco. 别再回来了 Don't ever come back. 还剩三十秒 30 seconds. 回家了 Home. -天呐 -巴里 - Oh, my God. - Barry. 我们要赶快关闭虫洞 We have to shut down the wormhole quickly! 凯特琳 Caitlin! 你没有救她 You didn't save her. 为什么 Why? 为什么 Why? 你本可以过上你想要的生活 You could have had the life you wanted. 你本可以得到你想要的一切 You could have had everything you ever wanted! 我已经得到了 I already do. 可惜时间不长了 Not for long. 切断内部发电机 Cut the internal generators. 还剩十秒快点 Ten seconds, hurry. 三二一 Three, two, one. 罗尼你还好吗 Ronnie, are you okay? 是你干的吗 Did you do it? 是的我都关上了 Yes, I turned them all off. 他们做到了他们切断了发电机 They did it. They cut the generator. 跟你说清楚 Just so we're clear, 在我杀了你以后 after I kill you, 我也会杀了他们 I'm going to kill them. 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第18 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 然后我会去杀死你父亲 And then I'm going to kill your father. 赢的总是我闪电侠 I always win, Flash. 不艾迪天呐 No, Eddie! Oh, my... 艾迪 Eddie! 你干了什么 What did you do? 你干了什么你干了什么 What did you do? What did you do? 没有什么是巧合 No such thing as a coincidence. 发生什么了 What's happening? 西斯科救救我 Cisco, help me. 艾迪是他的先人 Eddie's his ancestor. 如果艾迪死了他就不会出生而且 If Eddie dies, he'll never be born, and... 他的存在正在被抹除 he's being erased from existence. 不不艾迪 No! No! Eddie. 艾迪不要 Eddie, no, no. 别死去好吧不要 Stay with me, okay? Stay. 他错了原来 He was wrong, it turns out. 我才是英雄 I'm a hero after all. 你就是英雄艾迪你是我的英雄 You are, Eddie. You are my hero. 这就是我一直想做的 That's all I ever wanted to be. 你的英雄 Your hero. 不要 No! 我控制了你的生活很久了巴里 I've controlled your life for so long, Barry. 没了我你会怎么样 How will you get along without me? 各位这可不太好 Guys, that's not good. 教授我关闭了虫洞 Professor, I shut down the wormhole. -怎么回事 -我不知道 - What's happening? - I don't know. 你确实关闭了不过它好像正在重新You did close it, but it seems to be reopening. 打开 {\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体 \fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&} 虫洞状态\N不稳定 我们得离开 We got to go. 你还好吗 You okay? 爱瑞丝我们得离开 Iris, we have to go. 我不会留下他 I'm not leaving him. 我们必须得走了亲爱的对不起 We have to go now, honey. I'm sorry. 这就是我们不想让它发生的 So that's what we didn't want to happen. -它在干什么 -吞噬 - What's it doing? - Feeding. 奇点不会停下即使整个地球都不存A singularity won't stop, not even after the earth is 在了 gone. 恐怕吸积盘已经形成了 I'm afraid the accretion disc has already assembled. 什么东西 What? 围绕奇点做轨道运动的一种扩散物The diffuse material that's in orbital motion around the 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第19 / 20页) 《闪电侠第一季第23集 The Flash 2014》英中字幕 质 singularity. 什么意思 What does that mean? 我们得破坏它的运动 We have to disrupt the motion. 它基本上就像个龙卷风只是上下翻Basically it's just like the tornado, only upside down. 转了 而且更大一些 And bigger. 还更可怕一些 And scarier. 巴里那东西有个能量水平 Barry, that event has an energy level 至少是6.7特拉电子伏 of at least 6.7 Tera Electron Volts. 没人能阻止它 It cannot be stopped. 我必须得试试 I have to try. 天呐 Oh, God. 巴里 Barry 文档号:HLDOC20150521XXX 创建时间:5/21/2015 12:57:02 PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档~(第20 / 20页)
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