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职场英语考试大纲及样题职场英语考试大纲及样题 全国职场英语考试大纲(一级) 为适应经济全球化趋势,推进我国对外交流与合作,满足企业、事业单位选拔国际化人才的需求,促进我国职业英语教学水平的提升,特开发职场英语考试。 一、考试目的 本考试是对职场英语应用能力的测试。考试结果可作为用人单位和教育培训机构评价相关人员职场英语能力的参考依据。 二、考试对象 有意提高职场英语应用能力以适应国际化需求的企业、事业单位在职人员、职业技术类院校在校学生以及其他社会人员。 三、考试性质 本考试是职场英语应用能力考试,是一种标准参照性考试,评价被测试者...
职场英语考试大纲及样题 全国职场英语考试大纲(一级) 为适应经济全球化趋势,推进我国对外交流与合作,满足企业、事业单位选拔国际化人才的需求,促进我国职业英语教学水平的提升,特开发职场英语考试。 一、考试目的 本考试是对职场英语应用能力的测试。考试结果可作为用人单位和教育培训机构评价相关人员职场英语能力的参考依据。 二、考试对象 有意提高职场英语应用能力以适应国际化需求的企业、事业单位在职人员、职业技术类院校在校学生以及其他社会人员。 三、考试性质 本考试是职场英语应用能力考试,是一种标准参照性考试,评价被测试者在日常办公、公务旅行、客户服务等典型工作情景下应用英语听、说、读、写、译技能完成工作流程中相关任务的能力。 四、英语语言知识与技能要求 本考试所包含的主要英语语言知识与技能具体要求如下表: 序号 项目 英语语言知识与技能 1 词汇 掌握3,000个左右英语单词以及由这些词构成的常用词组。 能够听懂语速为120词/分钟左右的职业场景中的会话或陈述,能掌握2 听力 其要点和相关细节,并领会说话人的态度、感情和真实意图。 3 口语 能够较好地运用会话策略,在职场活动中基本完成交际任务。 能运用有效的阅读技巧,读懂职场活动中常见的书面材料,掌握中心 4 阅读 意思,理解主要事实和相关细节,并能够进行归纳推理。阅读速度不 低于60词/分钟。 能够运用基本的写作技巧,在30分钟内完成不少于100词的常用应用5 写作 文写作任务。 6 翻译 能够运用翻译技巧,完成职业场景中简单的翻译任务。 五、职场英语应用能力要求 本考试所要求的主要职场英语应用能力如下表: 序 主要工作任务 典型工作情景 职场英语应用能力 号 及工作流程 , 能够理解招聘广告 , 能够撰写简历 获取招聘信息 => 准备应, 能够介绍个人信息 1 求职与招聘 聘 => 参与面试=> 询问面, 能够听懂面试提问 试结果 , 能够表达就业意向和待遇要求 , 能够询问面试结果 , 能够简要介绍历史及发展 , 能够描述组织架构及主要部门职能 2 组织机构概述 介绍背景、架构及文化 , 能够理解岗位描述 , 能够理解企业文化 , 能够得体、有效地进行电话沟通 进行内部沟通 , 能够指示工作地点 3 日常办公 进行外部联络 , 能够撰写简单的应用文 处理文档 , 能够理解常见办公设备操作说明 , 能够安排简单的工作日程 , 能够听懂公共场所的广播信息 , 能够读懂公共场所的指示信息 , 能够安排旅行日程 安排日程 => 办理预订 , 能够办理票务、食宿等预约或预订 4 公务旅行 => 准备旅行 => 办理旅行, 能够办理入住和结账手续 手续 , 能够问讯与求助 , 能够兑换货币 , 能够办理出入境手续 , 能够发出、接受或拒绝邀请 , 能够制定活动 邀请来访 => 安排日程 , 能够得体地与客人进行寒暄 5 来访接待 => 迎接客人 => 款待客人 , 能够读懂菜单和介绍常见的菜式 => 送行 , 能够安排参观与休闲活动 , 能够得体地表达感谢 , 能够安排会议日程 , 能够制作简单的会议议程 准备会议 => 处理会中事6 会议安排 , 能够拟定会议通知 务 => 处理后续事务 , 能够读懂会议纪要 , 能够整理会后相关信息 , 能够读懂简单的生产或业务流程介绍 , 能够理解客户咨询 熟悉产品或服务 => 销售7 产品与销售 , 能够简单地描述产品的外观、功能产品或服务 => 完成交付 和特点 , 能够读懂简单的设备及软件说明 , 能够谈论产品价格 序 主要工作任务 典型工作情景 职场英语应用能力 号 及工作流程 , 能够理解简单的产品广告 , 能够讨论货物运输方式 , 能够填写运输单据中的通用信息 , 能够跟踪货物运输过程 维护客户关系: , 能够得体地表达问候、祝贺、慰问 问候客户 => 提供信息 等 => 搜集反馈 , 能够提供产品及服务信息 , 能够收集整理反馈信息 投诉: , 能够就产品或服务缺陷进行投诉 发起投诉 => 提出要求 , 能够提出合理的补偿要求 8 客户服务 , 能够解释公司政策 处理投诉: , 能够根据调查结果提出恰当的解决 接受投诉 => 了解情况 办法 => 提供解决或转交相 关部门 => 表达歉意并进 行承诺 => 跟踪回访 六、考试项目 本考试为笔试,包括听力、阅读、翻译与写作四大模块。各个题型、题数、 计分和考试时间等如下表: 序号 模块 计分 时间(分钟) 题型 题数 计分 职场单句信息捕捉 5 5 工作场景识别 5 5 职场短对话补全 5 5 1 听力 30 25 职场短对话理解 10 10 工作流程短篇理解 2 5 合 计 27 30 单句信息匹配 5 5 图表信息判断 5 5 2 阅读 40 40 职场短篇理解 15 30 合 计 25 40 职场单句翻译 5 10 15 25 职场段落翻译 3 翻译 1 5 合 计 6 15 15 30 应用文写作 4 写作 1 15 合计 100 120 59 100 七、考试组织机构 由常设的“全国国际商务英语考试中心”负责组织考务培训、命题、考试、阅卷和认证工作。由来自相关行业和高校的专家组成专家委员会,指导考试和认证工作。 通过考试中心资质认证的各地高校和培训机构可以申请设立考点。考试中心对各地考点实行年审和动态管理。 八、考试时间 每年六月和十二月的第一个星期日各组织一次考试。 九、考试成绩和认证 考试总分为100分,成绩60分以上(含60分)为通过。考试通过者可获得商务部中国国际贸易学会颁发的全国职场英语证书。 全国职场英语考试(一级) China Workplace English Test (Level One) 试卷册 (120分钟) ——————————————————————————— 注 意 事 项 一、请将自己的姓名、准考证号写在答题卡上。试卷册和答题卡均不得带出考场。 考试结束,监考人员收卷后考生才可离开。 二、全部考试时间为120分钟,不得拖延。 三、选择题的答案一定要填涂在答题卡上;翻译(TRANSLATION)部分第二节 (Section B)和写作(WRITING)部分的答案要写在答题卡上,凡是写在试卷 册上的一律不给分。 四、选择题每题只能选一个答案;如多选,则该题无分。选定答案后,用2B浓度 以上的铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线。正确方法如下: [A] [B] [C] [D] 使用其它符号答题者不给分。划线要有一定粗度,浓度要盖过字母底色。 五、如需改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦净原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的方法重 新填涂。 Part I LISTENING (25 minutes, 30 points) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear five short sentences. Each sentence will be spoken only once. At the end of each sentence there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. The meeting will be at __________. A. 3 a.m. on Thursday B. 3 p.m. on Thursday C. 3 a.m. on Tuesday D. 3 p.m. on Tuesday 2. __________ meets the requirements for the job. A. John Lynn B. George Lynn C. John Lee D. George Lee 3. The telephone number is __________. A. 36672891 B. 36678219 C. 35619701 D. 35679829 4. The pizza should be sent to __________. A. Burnett Exhibition Agency B. Burnett Advertising Agency C. Cornell Insurance Agency D. Cornell Exhibition Agency 5. The price of the TV set was originally __________. A. $305 B. $315 C. $350 D. $355 Section B Directions:For each question in this section, you will hear four statements about a picture on your Test Paper. When you hear the statements, you must select the one that best describes what you see in the picture. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The statements are not printed out and will be spoken only once. Example: You’ll hear: Statement B, “The man is driving”, is the best description of the picture, so you should select B and mark it on the Answer Sheet. 6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________ Section C Directions: In this section, there are five recorded questions or statements. The questions or statements will be spoken only once. After each question or statement, there is a pause. During the pause, you should decide which is the proper response among the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 11. A. Thank you for calling! B. How can I help you? C. Never mind. D. This is Richard Miller speaking. 12. A. I haven’t seen you before. B. It’s my pleasure. C. Nice to meet you. D. How are you? 13. A. You’ll get it next time. B. I’m really sorry about that. C. Don’t be angry about it. D. I don’t think it’s hard. 14. A. Yes, better not. B. No, I do mind! C. Yes, do as you like. D. No, it’s not allowed here. 15. A. It’s all right. B. I don’t care. C. You’re welcome. D. I’m pleased. Section D Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A. He can’t breathe in his office. B. He is not so sure about his work. C. One of his dear friends is giving him trouble. D. His job is giving him a lot of stress. From the conversation we learn that the man is under a lot of pressure from work. Therefore, the correct answer is D. 16. A. In 1990. B. In 1991. C. In 1992. D. In 1993. 17. A. Answering phone calls. B. Receiving visitors. C. Writing emails to customers. D. Making reservations. 18. A. Shenyang. B. Hangzhou. C. Changchun. D. Suzhou. 19. A. Shanghai. B. A factory. C. A market. D. A scenic spot. 20. A. The woman refuses the product. B. The woman thinks the product is acceptable. C. The woman thinks it’s too expensive. D. The woman thinks the price is acceptable. 21. A. He can’t make phone calls because his phone is out of order. B. He keeps getting a noise after getting through to a number. C. He can’t hear anything after getting through to a number. D. The line is always busy when he makes a phone call. 22. A. She will change her job soon. B. She will work there for a long time. C. She will get a promotion. D. She likes to be an engineer. 23. A. At the railway station. B. In the hotel. C. At the airport. D. In the bank. 24. A. Because she doesn’t enjoy having dinner with the man. B. Because she will have dinner with her family. C. Because she hasn’t finished her work. D. Because she has already had dinner. 25. A. Manager and secretary. B. Doctor and patient. C. Friends. D. Customer and waitress. Section E Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage. At the end of it, some questions will be asked about what was said. You will hear the passage and questions twice. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 26. A. Name. B. Identification. C. A form of payment. D. Salary. 27. A. ,?,?,?,?, B. ,?,?,?,?, C. ,?,?,?,?, D. ,?,?,?,?, The steps here are in random order:: , Specify the requirements for the room. , Indicate any special services that you need. , Take your keys and enjoy your stay. , Inform the receptionist that you need a room. , Pay for your room by cash or credit card. Part II READING (40 minutes, 40 points) Section A Directions: Read the following party plan and decide who is the best person for each task. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Party Plan Candidates 28. Get souvenirs ready. A. Barbara Richards used to work for a gift company. 29. Organize food and drinks. B. Andrew Smith is skilled in art and design. 30. Type the address labels for invitations. C. Linda Bright has contacts with performers in the music business. 31. Prepare attractive invitations and posters. D. Bob Taylor is a chef in the company canteen. 32. Select entertainers. E. Robert Lee has developed excellent keyboard skills. Section B Directions: In this section there are five questions about a table and a chart. For each question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. FLIGHT TIMETABLE (1) FROM SYDNEY TO LONDON Mon. Departure 09:45 Wed. Departure 14:20 Fri. Departure 15:10 (2) FROM LONDON TO SYDNEY Sat. Departure 10:35 Sun. Departure 21:05 33. You can fly from Sydney to London __________. A. on any day B. any night C. on some weekdays D. on all weekdays 34. You cannot fly from London to Sydney __________. A. on weekdays B. on weekends C. at night D. during the day First Year Income 40000 30000Beijing Shanghai 20000GuangzhouIncomeChengdu10000 0 09 Year *The chart above shows the income (in RMB) for college graduates during their first year of work over the period of 2005-2009 in four major cities of China. 35. The city of __________ has seen the highest income levels over the five years. A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Guangzhou D. Chengdu 36. Graduates in the four cities earned the highest income in __________. A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2008 D. 2009 37. Which of the following statements is true? A. Graduates in all four cities earned the lowest income in 2005. B. The year 2008 experienced a fall of income across all four cities. C. The year 2007 saw a fall in income in all four cities. D. Generally speaking, graduates in Chengdu have the lowest income. Section C Directions: Read the following passages. Choose the best answer for each question from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 38 to 40 are based on the following passage. Some candidates for jobs were wearing jeans, purple sweat suits, and sneakers. Other applicants weren’t afraid to show pierced body parts and odd hairstyles. Still others chewed gum or showed up in clothes with wrinkles or with their pants falling down. One recruiter even told a candidate with his trousers down below his hips, to “Pull your pants up.” Their strange choice of dress cost some candidates the job. Does it really make a difference how you dress for an interview? In many cases, it does. I’ll never forget the gentleman I interviewed for an accounting position. He had been out of work for a few months and wanted to show me why. He took off his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt and showed me the scar that he got from a car accident. He didn’t get the job. Neither did the young lady in a bright red skirt so short and tight that she could hardly sit down! In the conservative business climate I worked in at the time, appearances did matter. In other environments it isn’t as important. However, it does make sense to dress your best for an interview, regardless of the dress code at the organization. If you’re in doubt about how to dress for an interview, it is best to dress conservatively. It is much better to be overdressed than underdressed (or undressed). If you’re not sure, check with the person who scheduled the interview and ask. 38. Which of the following is proper for an interview? A. Wearing jeans and a T-shirt. B. Wearing a shirt and a suit. C. Having an unusual hairstyle. D. Wearing poorly-fitting trousers. 39. Why didn’t the man get the job for the accounting position? A. Because he was injured in an accident. B. Because he wore a jacket. C. Because he had been out of work for a long time. D. Because he didn’t behave properly. 40. What does the sentence in the last paragraph “It is much better to be overdressed than underdressed (or undressed).” mean? A. To wear more clothes is better than to wear less. B. To dress formally is better than to dress casually. C. The outer garments are more important than the underwear. D. Simple clothes are not as good as expensive clothes. Passage Two Questions 41 to 43 are based on the following passage. Are you tired of rushing day in and day out to a 9-to-5 job? If you are, perhaps, you should try out one of the many very simple home business ideas you’ll find if you look around. There are many advantages in running your own home business rather than working for a company. You have a more flexible schedule. You work in your own space and at your own pace. In other words, you get a chance to spend more relaxing and quality time with your friends or loved ones. Depending on the number of hours you put in, the effort you expend, and other factors, you can earn as much money as you wish. You might be more relaxed with no boss to check on your work. Hence, you might be capable of higher productivity and a better quality of work. Due to the advent of the worldwide web, it is possible to try out various home business ideas online these days. What is your specialty? Are you good at cooking, gardening or sewing? Once you have determined your specialty, setting up your business is much easier and simpler. Some people are good at baking and designing lovely wedding cakes or cakes for other special occasions. Others might be good at baking various types of cakes like chocolate cakes, banana cakes and orange cakes. Other than selling products, you can sell your service. If you are a qualified accountant, writer, engineer or any other profession, simply set up your business online and offer your services as a freelancer. 41. Which of the following statements about running a home business is true? A. You may have more flexibility with your time, but will earn less money. B. You needn’t work very hard to earn as much money as you wish. C. You will work less efficiently with less pressure from boss. D. You can improve your quality of life by spending more time with your family. 42. According to the writer, what’s the best choice for setting up an online business? A. Doing what one is good at. B. Selling popular products online. C. Selling products rather than services. D. Selling services rather than products. 43. What’s the best title for this passage? A. How to Run a Business. B. Simple Home Business Ideas. C. How to Design a Wedding Cake. D. The Advantages of Working at Home. Passage Three Questions 44 to 47 are based on the following passage. About Us Walmart serves customers and members more than 200 million times per week at more than 8,650 retail units under 55 different banners in 15 countries. With fiscal year 2010 sales of $405 billion, Walmart employs more than 2 million associates worldwide. A leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity, Walmart ranked first among retailers in Fortune Magazine’s 2010 Most Admired Companies survey. Our History Walmart was founded in 1962, with the opening of the first Walmart discount store in Rogers, Ark. The company incorporated as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., on Oct. 31, 1969. The company’s shares began trading in 1970 and were listed on the New York Stock Exchange two years later. The company grew to 276 stores in 11 states by the end of the decade. In 1983, the company opened its first Sam’s Club membership warehouse and in 1988 opened the first supercenter—now the company’s dominant format—featuring a complete grocery in addition to general merchandise. Walmart became an international company in 1991 when it opened its first Sam’s Club near Mexico City. Our Purpose Saving people money to help them live better was the goal that Sam Walton envisioned when he opened the doors to the first Walmart more than 40 years ago. Today, this mission is more important than ever to our customers and members around the world. We work hard every day in all our markets to deliver on this promise. We operate with the same level of integrity and respect that Mr. Sam Walton put in place. It is because of these values and culture that Walmart continues to make a difference in the lives of our customers, members and associates. 44. What can we know from Fortune Magazine’s 2010 Most Admired Companies survey? A. Walmart is the most admired retailer of 2010. B. Walmart is No. 1 in terms of sales volume in the year of 2010. C. Walmart is the most admired company in 2010. D. Walmart is the first leader in employment opportunity. 45. When did Walmart become a listed company? A. In 1969. B. In 1970. C. In 1972. D. In 1983. 46. Who is Sam Walton? A. The CEO of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. B. The owner of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. C. The doorkeeper of the first Walmart. D. The founder of Walmart. 47. What’s the purpose of this passage? A. To tell the audience about the history of Walmart. B. To make clear the goal of Walmart. C. To give a brief introduction to Walmart. D. To describe the values and culture of Walmart. Passage Four Questions 48 to 52 are based on the following passage. Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to apply for the position of Human Resources Manager advertised in Shenzhen Daily dated May 9. I find the ad quite attractive with its emphasis on leadership, initiative, and flexibility. And I believe my experience and qualification will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The enclosed résumé will provide you with the information about my experience in the area of Human Resources Management. Four years ago, I got an MBA at Beijing University. I had worked for a 300-employee company as a Human Resources Assistant for a year before I began to serve my present company as Human Resources Manager. I’d like to draw your attention to Page 2 of my résumé, on which I describe my concept of human resources management. I’m confident I can make an immediate contribution to the improved management of your company’s human resources. Although working with my present employer and colleagues has been very pleasant, I am more willing to join your company where I can expect more responsibilities and opportunities. And I am free to travel and willing to work in other cities. I hope to have the opportunity to talk with you in person to further discuss my qualifications. Please call me at to arrange an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your kind consideration. Faithfully yours, James Wong 48. What is the purpose of this letter? A. Establishing business relations. B. Applying for a job. C. Setting up a business meeting. D. Talking about the résumé. 49. What is the source of the information about the job vacancy? A. Newspapers. B. The company’s website. C. TV commercials. D. Friends. 50. Which of the following is NOT particularly stressed in the ad? A. Leadership. B. Initiative. C. Flexibility. D. Responsibility. 51. When did the applicant begin to work for his present company? A. One year ago. B. Two years ago. C. Three years ago. D. Four years ago. 52. Why did the applicant apply for this position? A. Because he would like to have more opportunities to travel freely. B. Because he would like to take on more responsibilities. C. Because he is eager to work in other cities. D. Because he isn’t getting along with his present boss. Part III TRANSLATION (25 minutes, 15 points) Section A Directions: Choose the best translation for each sentence from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 53. Thank you for your invitation, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to accept. A. 感谢您的请求,但我害怕我无法接受。 B. 感谢您的邀请,但我害怕我将不能接受。 C. 感谢您的请求,但我恐怕我将不能接受。 D. 感谢您的邀请,但我恐怕无法应邀出席。 54. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 22404029. A. 万一您有任何问题,欢迎致电22404029与我们联系。 B. 万一您有任何问题,请自由致电22404029与我们联系。 C. 如有任何查询,欢迎致电22404029与我们联系。 D. 如有任何查询,请自由致电22404029与我们联系。 55. The solution to the sales problem lies in a better quality of the products. A. 销售问题的解决方案取决于更好的产品质量。 B. 解决销售问题,关键在于提升产品质量。 C. 下决心解决销售问题,就能提升产品质量。 D. 找到解决销售问题的办法,就能提升产品质量。 56. 交易会将于下周在展览中心举办。 A. The trade fair is to be held at the exhibition center in next week. B. The trade fair is to be held at the exhibition center next week. C. The trade meeting will hold at the exhibition center in next week. D. The trade meeting will hold at the exhibition center next week. 57. 该职位需要应聘者有六年管理经验。 A. The position requires six years of management experience. B. The position requires six years of manager experience. C. The position needs six years of management experience. D. The position needs six years of manager experience. Section B Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write the Chinese version on the Answer Sheet. 58. We would like to thank you for choosing our product. We have put you on our VIP list and with this, we are anxious to serve you better. For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Part IV WRITING (30 minutes, 15 points) Directions: Write a memo of no less than 100 words according to the given information, and write it on the Answer Sheet. 59. 公司每年举办的圣诞晚会今年将会推迟到一月中旬。请以人力资源部经理帕特?刘易斯 (Pat Lewis)的名义写一份备忘录通知全体员工,内容包括: , 通知晚会推迟事宜; , 说明原因; , 代表公司表达歉意。 参 考 答 案 全国职场英语考试(一级) ===================================================================== Part I Listening Section A 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C Section B 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A Section C 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. A Section D 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A Section E 26. D 27. C Part II Reading Section A 28. A 29. D 30. E 31. B 32. C Section B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. D Section C 38. B 39. D 40. B 41. D 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. D 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. D 51. C 52. B Part III Translation Section A 53. D 54. C 55. B 56. B 57. A Section B 58. 感谢贵方选择我公司产品。我公司已将您列为贵宾客户,并将竭诚为您提供更优质的服务。 如需要其它信息,请与我们联系。 Part IV Writing 59. Sample Memo: TO: All Staff Pat Lewis, Human Resources Director FROM: DATE: November 20th SUBJECT: STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY It’s that time of year again. As you all know, Christmas is our busiest season of the year. Every year it is a struggle for the managers to find the time and energy to organize a staff Christmas party. This year, we have decided to postpone the Christmas party until mid January, after our busy season. We apologize that the celebration will have to wait until the new year, but we guarantee that it will be worth the wait. For further information, please call 222-3098. Thank you. 听 力 原 文 全国职场英语考试(一级) ===================================================================== Listening Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear five short sentences. Each sentence will be spoken only once. At the end of each sentence there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now the test will begin. 1. I was wondering if you could come to the meeting at 3 p.m. on Tuesday. 2. John Lee has the educational background and relevant experience required for the job. 3. If you have any questions, please call our office at 36672891 for help. 4. Please send the pizza we ordered to Burnett Advertising Agency, No. 480 Jinling Road. 5. Our digital TV, model 315, was $350 before we put it on sale. Section B Directions:For each question in this section, you will hear four statements about a picture on your Test Paper. When you hear the statements, you must select the one that best describes what you see in the picture. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The statements are not printed out and will be spoken only once. Example: You will hear: A. The man is reading a map. B. The man is driving. C. The man is working at his computer. D. The man is walking. Statement B, “The man is driving”, is the best description of the picture, so you should select B and mark it on the Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin. 6. A. They are listening to a concert. B. They are having a meeting. C. They are eating at a restaurant. D. They are dancing to the music. 7. A. The woman is reading a book. B. The woman is playing chess. C. The woman is talking on the phone. D. The woman is drinking her coffee. 8. A. The man is looking at a picture. B. The man is looking for his key. C. The man is talking to someone. D. The man is waiting for the lift. 9. A. The meeting room is full of people. B. There is no one seated at the table. C. Someone is making a presentation. D. There’re several computers on the table. 10. A. The man is leaving the building. B. The man is talking with a girl. C. The man is writing a letter. D. The man is looking at his watch. Section C Directions: In this section, there are five recorded questions or statements. The questions or statements will be spoken only once. After each question or statement, there is a pause. During the pause, you should decide which is the proper response among the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now the test will begin. 11. Hello! May I speak to Mr. Richard Miller, please? 12. Mr. Keller, I’d like you to meet Mr. Alan Campbell, our customer from Australia. 13. Why is it so hard to get fast service from your company? 14. Do you mind if I smoke here in the office? 15. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Mrs. Palmer. Section D Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: M: Oh, dear, I have so much pressure from work that I can’t even breathe. W: Why don’t you take some time off and relax. Q: What does the man mean? You will read: A. He can’t breathe in his office. B. He is not so sure about his work. C. One of his dear friends is giving him trouble. D. His job is giving him a lot of stress. From the conversation we learn that the man is under a lot of pressure from work. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Now the test will begin. 16. M: Ms. Joy Gilbert, welcome to Business Today. When did you join Starbucks? F: In 1990. And I got my first management post three years later. Q: When did the woman get her first management post? 17. M: You don’t have much experience in customer service. F: Well, I used to work part-time in a small company. I answered phone calls, received visitors and wrote emails to customers. Q: Which of the following was NOT one of the woman’s duties, 18. F: You’re from Shenyang, aren’t you? M: No, I was born in Changchun, but left at 10 when my parents moved to Hangzhou. Q: Where was the man when he was 9 years old? 19. F: You’ll be here for three days, right? M: Yes. We’d like to have a tour round your factory on Tuesday. Then we’ll go to Shanghai on Friday. Q: Where will the man go for a tour before he leaves? 20. M: What do you think about the price of our product? F: Well, at your price it’s very hard for us to sell your product in our market. Q: What can we infer from the conversation? 21. F: Hello, how can I help you? M: Hi. I think my phone is out of order. I keep getting a funny noise after I get through to a number. Q: What’s the man’s problem? 22. M: Have you found a new job? F: Yes, I’m now a receptionist in a foreign enterprise. But I don’t think I’ll stay there for long. Q: What does the woman mean? 23. F: Excuse me. I was caught in a traffic jam and missed my plane. Can you tell me when the next flight to Beijing will take off? M: The earliest one is at 4 p.m. You’ve got fifty minutes before take-off. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 24. M: Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? F: Thank you, I would enjoy that very much. But I have to finish my report. Q: Why can’t the woman go? 25. M: Sara, please make fifteen copies of this report for me and send a copy to Mr. Richards. F: Certainly, sir. I will do it right now. Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? Section E Directions: In this section, you will hear one passage. At the end of it, some questions will be asked about what was said. You will hear the passage and questions twice. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now the test will begin. Getting checked into a hotel is an easy task that requires you to give proper identification, a form of payment and some personal information to the hotel staff. Here are some instructions for you to follow if you haven’t already made a reservation. Step 1 Greet the front desk person and communicate that you’d like a room. Step 2 Specify how many rooms you need, how many people are in your party, how long you intend to stay, what size beds you need and if you prefer smoking or non-smoking rooms. Step 3 Request any special services like help with your luggage, wake-up calls, room service, etc. Step 4 Pay for your room if you’re paying cash. Or give your card for an imprint if you’re paying by credit card. Step 5 Get your keys and head up to your room. Enjoy your stay. Questions 26-27 are based on the passage you’ve just heard. 26. Which of the following is NOT required when checking into a hotel? 27. Which of the following can best describe the steps for checking into a hotel?
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