

2013-02-04 50页 doc 288KB 40阅读




神探夏洛克_第二集_中英对白1=破烂熊乐园倾情奉献 2茶道中人曾语 茶壶经过多道茶的浸润 The great artisans say the more the teapot is used 3将愈加温润如玉 焕然有光 the more beautiful it becomes. 4养壶在于重复多次地用老茶汤汁浇壶身 The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. 5陶土吸入茶汤的沉淀 The deposit left on the clay 6形成深厚温润...
1=破烂熊乐园倾情奉献 2茶道中人曾语 茶壶经过多道茶的浸润 The great artisans say the more the teapot is used 3将愈加温润如玉 焕然有光 the more beautiful it becomes. 4养壶在于重复多次地用老茶汤汁浇壶身 The pot is seasoned by repeatedly pouring tea over the surface. 5陶土吸入茶汤的沉淀 The deposit left on the clay 6形成深厚温润的面光泽 creates this beautiful patina over time. 7有些茶壶焕发的典雅的幽光 Some pots, the clay has been burnished 8是经四百年前的茶汤浸润而成 by tea made over 400 years ago. 9博物馆将在十分钟后关门 This museum will be closing in 10 minutes. 10四百年的古董 他们允许你用来泡茶喝呢 400 years old, they're letting you use it to make yourself a brew. 11有些东西注定不该空坐在玻璃护罩里 Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass, 12它们生来就该被人触碰 they're made to be touched. 13为人所用 To be handled. 14这些茶壶需要关爱 These pots need attention. 15陶土有裂纹了 The clay is cracking. 16我不觉得浇一丁点儿茶汁 会有多大帮助 Well, I can't see how a tiny splash of tea is going to help. 17有时候一些东西需要你仔细地观察 Sometimes you have to look hard at something 18才能品味其价值 to see its value. 19看到么 See? 20这一只的光泽稍微亮些 This one shines a little brighter. 21不知道... I don't suppose... 22我是说... Um, I mean... 23你愿意跟我出去喝点东西么 I don't suppose that you want to have a drink? 24当然了 不是喝茶 Not tea, obviously. 25跟我去酒吧 喝一杯 今晚 Um, in a pub, with me, tonight. 26你不会那么喜欢我的 You wouldn't like me all that much. 27喜不喜欢由我自己决定的嘛 Can I maybe decide that for myself? 28我不能去 I can't. 29抱歉 I'm sorry. 30请别再尝试约我了 Please stop asking. 31是保安么 Is that security? 32有人在么 Hello? 33- 神探夏洛克 第一季第2集 盲眼银行家 34-=破烂熊字幕组=- 翻译:人鱼心台大叉 fflonestar tpring 校对:tpring molatime 时间轴:来打酱油的迷糊浅浅 烟雨訾洲 35请工作人员速至收银机... Can the till supervisor please go to...? 36包装区域出现不明货物 Unexpected item in bagging area 37请重试 please try again. 38商品未扫描 请重试 Item not scanned. Please try again. 39能小点声吗? Can you maybe keep your voice down? 40额度不足 信用卡授权失败 好吧 我明白了 Card not authorised. Yes, all right! I've got it. 41请使用其它付款方式 额度不足 信用卡授权失败 Please use an alternative method of payment. Card not authorised. 42请使用其它付款方式 Please use an alternative method of payment. 43自己留着吧 老子不买了 Keep it. Keep that. 44你出去好久 是啊 但我啥都没买成 You took your time. Yeah, I didn't get the shopping. 45什么 怎么了? What? Why not? 46因为我在商店里跟自动收银机吵了一架 Because I had a row in the shop with a chip and PIN machine. 47你...你跟台机器吵了一架? You... You had a row with a machine?! 48差不多 它不动弹 Sort of. It sat there 49我朝它叫骂 你有现金么? and I shouted abuse. Have you got cash? 50用我的卡吧 Take my card. 51你该自己去的 You could always go yourself, you know, 52你在这坐了一上午 you've been sitting there all morning, 53我出门这么长时间 你就没挪过窝 you've not even moved since I left. 54上次找你办的那个案子呢? And what happened about that case you were offered - 55切里亚的钻石? 没兴趣 the Jharia diamond? Not interested. 56我给过他们答复了 I sent them a message. 57不劳您大驾 我能提得动 Don't worry about me, I can manage. 58你用的是我的电脑? 当然了 Is that my computer? Of course. 59什么 我的在卧室呢 What? Mine was in the bedroom. 60什么 就这么两步你都懒得走么? What? And you couldn't be bothered to get up? 61我设了开机密码的 It's password protected. 62不妨说 我一分钟内就猜到了 In a manner of speaking. Took me less than a minute to guess yours, 63不是什么碉堡嘛 not exactly Fort Knox. 64好吧 还来 Right. Thank you. 65得找个工作了 没劲 Need to get a job. Oh, dull. 66听着 是... Listen, um... 67如果你能借我点儿... ..if you'd be able to lend me some... 68夏洛克 你在听我说话么 我得去趟银行 Sherlock, are you listening? I need to go to the bank. 69对了 你所谓去银行... Yes, when you said we were going to the bank... 70夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes. 71夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes. 72塞巴斯汀 好啊 哥们 Sebastian. Hiya, buddy. 73好久不见了 算算该有八年了吧? How long - eight years since I last clapped eyes on you? 74这是我朋友 约翰·华生 This is my friend, John Watson 75朋友? 同事 Friend? Colleague. 76好吧 Right. 77随便坐 Grab a pew. 78喝点什么 咖啡还是水? Do you need anything, coffee, water? 79不需要么 我们不渴 谢了 No? We're all sorted here, thanks. 80看来你过得挺滋润啊 经常出国 So you're doing well. You've been abroad a lot. 81怎么说? Well, so? 82全球飞来飞去 一个月内两次 Flying all the way around the world twice in a month. 83哈 我看出来了 你又来了 Right. You're doing that thing. 84 我们是大学同学 这家伙总耍这种鬼把戏 We were at uni together, and this guy here had a trick he used to do. 85才不是什么鬼把戏 It's not a trick. 86他看你一眼 就知道你的生平 He could look at you and tell you your whole life story. 87是啊 我见识过了 Yes, I've seen him do it. 88搞得人人自危 讨嫌的家伙 Put the wind up everybody, we hated him. 89我们去学院宴会厅吃早餐 We'd come down to breakfast in the formal hall 90这混蛋就一针见血地指出 你前一天鬼混了 and this freak would know you'd been shagging the previous night. 91我只是观察细节 请指教吧 I simply observed. Go on, enlighten me. 92每月出差两回 满世界飞 全说中了 Two trips a month, flying all the way around the world, you're quite right. 93怎么看出来的? How could you tell? 94别告诉我 是我领带上溅了一滴 Are you going to tell me there's a stain on my tie 95什么曼哈顿产的特制番茄酱? from some special kind of ketchup you can only buy in Manhattan? 96不 我... 那是我鞋上的泥点? No, I... Is it the mud on my shoes? 97我刚才在外面跟你秘书聊了会儿 I was just chatting with your secretary outside. 98她告诉我的 She told me. 99你能赶来我太荣幸了 有人非法闯入银行 I'm glad you could make it over, we've had a break-in. 100威廉爵士的办公室 他曾是行长 Sir William's office - the bank's former chairman. 101为表纪念 银行保留了他的办公室 The room's been left here like a sort of memorial. 102昨晚有人闯入 Someone broke in late last night. 103偷了什么? 房间里什么都没少 What did they steal? Nothing. 104仅仅留了一条讯息 Just left a little message. 105六十秒内出现的 60 seconds apart. 106有人在午夜闯进这里 So, someone came up here in the middle of the night, 107挥洒颜料 一分钟内又离开了 splashed paint around and left within a minute. 108有多少种方法进那个办公室? How many ways into that office? 109呵 这就是有意思的地方 Well, that's where this gets really interesting. 110银行内部每扇门 都由这台电脑上锁 Every door that opens in this bank, it gets locked right here. 111每个步入式柜台 每个洗手间 Every walk-in cupboard, every toilet. 112那个门昨晚没有开过? That door didn't open last night? 113我们保安系统有漏洞 There's a hole in our security. 114你能找到的话 我们付你 Find it and we'll pay you - 115五位数 five figures. 116这是预付款 This is an advance. 117告诉我他怎么进来的 Tell me how he got in. 118更大的数额在后面 There's a bigger one on its way. 119我不需要金钱激励 塞巴斯汀 I don't need an incentive, Sebastian. 120他 咳咳 他是在开玩笑 He's, er... ..he's kidding you, obviously. 121暂时由我帮他保管吧 Shall I look after that for him? 122谢谢 Thanks. 123 这个月出国两次 Two trips around the world this month. 124你没有问过他的秘书 You didn't ask his secretary, 125你那么说 就是想故意惹恼他罢了 you said that just to irritate him. 126你怎么知道的 注意到他的手表了吗? How did you know? Did you see his watch? 127他的表怎么了 His watch? 128时间是对的 但日期不对 The time was right, but the date was wrong. 129日期是两天以前 Said two days ago. 130他穿越日界线两次了 还没调回来 Crossed the date line twice and he didn't alter it. 131一个月内怎么看出来的? Within a month? How did you get that? 132新款百年灵 New Breitling. 133今年二月刚刚上市的 Only came out this February. 134好吧 你觉得我们还需要在这继续查么 OK. So do you think we should sniff around here for a bit longer? 135我要的线索齐了 多谢 Got everything I need to know already, thanks. 136那涂鸦是个讯息 That graffiti was a message. 137给银行交易大厅某个员工的 Someone at the bank, working on the trading floors. 138只要找到讯息接收方 We find the intended recipient and... 139就能牵出留讯息的人了? They'll lead us to the person who sent it? 140当然 Obvious. 141交易大厅里有三百名工作人员 该从何找起呢 Well, there's 300 people up there, who was it meant for? 142柱子 什么? Pillars. What? 143柱子和屏幕 Pillars and the screens. 144很少有地方能看到那涂鸦 Very few places you could see that graffiti from. 145范围大大缩小了 That narrows the field considerably. 146还有 讯息是在 And, of course, the message was left 147昨晚11点34分留下的 这能说明很多事 at 11.34 last night. That tells us a lot. 148是吗? Does it? 149每小时都有人轮班 Traders come to work at all hours. 150有些同香港的交易得半夜进行 Some trade with Hong Kong in the middle of the night. 151那条讯息是给半夜里来的人看的 That message was intended for somebody who came in at midnight. 152黄页上姓凡·库的人不多 Not many Van Coons in the phone book. 153出租车 Taxi! 154现在怎么办 在这儿呆坐着等他回来么 So what do we do now? Sit here and wait for him to come back? 155刚搬进来 啥? Just moved in. What? 156楼上这家 名牌是新的 Floor above, new label. 157也可能是刚换 Could have just replaced it. 158没人那么无聊 哪位? No-one ever does that. Hello? 159你好 我住你家楼下 我们应该还没见过面 Hi, um, I live in the flat just below you. I don't think we've met. 160是啊 呃 我才刚搬进来没几天 No, well, er, I've just moved in. 161是这样 我忘记带钥匙了 Actually, I've just locked my keys in my flat. 162要我放你进来吗? Do you want me to buzz you in? 163谢了 能顺便借用你家阳台吗? Yeah. And can we use your balcony? 164啊? What?! 165夏洛克 Sherlock? 166夏洛克 你没事吧 Sherlock, are you OK? 167好吧 等你乐意了再给我开门吧 Yeah, any time you feel like letting me in(!) 168你觉得会是破产吗? Do you think he'd lost a lot of money? 169城市小青年自杀挺常见的 Suicide is pretty common among City boys. 170还不能确定就是自杀 得了 We don't know that it was suicide. Come on. 171门从里面锁死 The door was locked from the inside, 172你是爬阳台进来的 you had to climb down the balcony. 173从待洗衣物看来他离开了三天 Been away three days judging by the laundry. 174看箱子里 有些东西折的很整齐 Look at the case, there was something tightly packed inside it. 175多谢 我信你就行了 不愿意了? Thanks. I'll take your word for it. Problem? 176是啊 我可没绝望到要去翻死人内裤 Yeah, I'm not desperate to root around some bloke's dirty underwear. 177银行里的涂鸦 意图何在呢? Those symbols at the bank, the graffiti, why were they put there? 178某种密码么 显而易见 Some sort of code? Obviously. 179为什么要画? 要交流的话 发电邮啊 Why were they painted? Want to communicate, why not use e-mail? 180可能他没有回复 Well, maybe he wasn't answering. 181好呀 你跟上了 Oh, good, you follow. 182还是不懂 No. 183哪种讯息让大家唯恐避之不及? What kind of a message would everyone try to avoid? 184比如今天早上? What about this morning? 185你盯着的那些信 你说账单? Those letters you were looking at? Bills? 186没错 他被威胁了 Yes. He was being threatened. 187至少不是煤气公司 Not by the Gas Board. 188看看能不能从杯子上提些指纹 ...see if we can get prints off this glass. 189警官 初次见面 Sergeant, we haven't met. 190是啊 我知道你是谁 Yeah, I know who you are 191我希望你最好别碰任何证据 and I would prefer it if you didn't tamper with any of the evidence. 192我给雷斯垂德打过电话 他过来了么? I phoned Lestrade. Is he on his way? 193他很忙 这里由我负责 He's busy. I'm in charge. 194还有 我不是什么警官 我是迪莫克探长 And it's not Sergeant, it's Detective Inspector Dimmock. 195这显然是自杀 We're obviously looking at a suicide. 196这似乎是所有证据的唯一解释 It does seem the only explanation of all the facts. 197错 这只是解释之一 Wrong, it's one possible explanation 198支持部分证据 of some of the facts. 199你有了中意的结论 但你 You've got a solution that you like, but you are choosing 200选择忽略了与之不符的一切 to ignore anything you see that doesn't comply with it. 201比如? 伤口在头部右侧 Like? Wound's on the right side of his head. 202所以? 凡·库是左撇子 And? Van Coon was left-handed. 203身体得有多柔韧啊 Requires quite a bit of contortion. 204左撇子? 你竟然没注意到 Left-handed? I'm amazed you didn't notice. 205看他家的摆设就知道了 All you have to do is look around this flat. 206咖啡桌靠左 Coffee table on the left-hand side, 207咖啡杯手柄朝左 coffee mug handle pointing to the left. 208电源插头常用左边 纸和笔 Power sockets, habitually used the ones on the left. Pen and paper 209在电话左侧 用右手接电话 左手 on the left of the phone. Picked up with his right, took messages with his left. 210还要继续? 不了 你已经说明了 D'you want me to go on? No, I think you've covered it. 211还是继续吧 快说完了 I might as well, I'm almost at the bottom of the list. 212面包板上刀和黄油 There's a knife on the breadboard with butter 213放在刀刃右边 on the right side of the blade 214因为他用左手握刀 because he used it with his left. It's highly unlikely 215左撇子很难对头部右侧开枪自杀 that a left-handed man would shoot himself in the right of his head. 216结论 有人闯了进来杀害了他 Conclusion, someone broke in here and murdered him - 217这才是所有证据的唯一结论 only explanation of all of the facts. 218那枪呢? But the gun? 219他知道会有人来杀他 He was waiting for the killer. 220他被威胁过了 什么? He'd been threatened. What? 221今天在银行 警告了他一次 Today at the bank, sort of a warning. 222袭击者进入时他开了一枪 He fired a shot when his attacker came in. 223子弹呢 从开着的窗户飞了 And the bullet? Went through the open window. 224拜托 Oh, come on(!) 225这几率该有多小啊 What are the chances of that?! 226等着看弹道检测吧 Wait until you get the ballistics report. 227致命的子弹 The bullet in his brain 228不是他枪里的 我向你保证 wasn't fired from his gun, I guarantee it. 229他的门从里反锁了 凶手怎么进来的呢? If his door was locked from the inside, how did the killer get in? 230很好 你终于问了个正确的问题 Good, you're finally asking the right questions. 231他几乎是用叉子剪自己的头发 He's left trying to sort of cut his hair with a fork, 232也就是根本做不到 which of course can never be done. 233涂鸦是用来威胁的 It was a threat, that's what the graffiti meant. 234我在开会 I'm kind of in a meeting. 235你能先跟我秘书预约一下么 Can you make an appointment with my secretary? 236我觉得不能等了 抱歉 塞巴斯汀 I don't think this can wait. Sorry, Sebastian. 237你的一位交易员 在你办公室工作的 被谋杀了 One of your traders, someone who worked in your office, was killed. 238什么? 凡·库 What? Van Coon. 239警方正在他家 The police are at his flat. 240被谋杀了? 抱歉影响了大家的胃口 Killed?! Sorry to interfere with everyone's digestion. 241还要预约么 Still want to make an appointment(?) 242要不九点跟苏格兰场警官约一下? Would maybe nine o'clock at Scotland Yard suit? 243哈罗公学 牛津大学 有为青年啊 Harrow, Oxford...very bright guy. 244在亚洲工作过 所以…… Worked in Asia for a while, so... 245你让他负责香港账户? You gave him the Hong Kong accounts? 246曾经一早上损失了五百万 Lost 5 million in a single morning, 247一周内又赚回来了 made it all back a week later. 248艾迪有着钢铁般的意志 Nerves of steel, Eddie had. 249谁会想杀他呢 人人都会树敌 Who'd want to kill him? We all make enemies. 250但不是人人都会被爆头 You don't all end up with a bullet through your temple. 251常人是不会 失陪一下 Not usually. Excuse me. 252董事长的短信 It's my chairman. 253警方找他了 Police have been on to him. 254显然 警方说是自杀 Apparently they're telling him it was a suicide. 255他们弄错了 Well, they've got it wrong, 256塞巴斯汀 他是被谋杀的 Sebastian. He was murdered. 257恐怕警方不这么看 Well, I'm afraid they don't see it like that. 258所以? 所以我老板也不这么看 So? And neither does my boss. 259别忘了我雇你查什么的 别分心 I hired you to do a job. Don't get sidetracked. 260果然银行家都是铁石心肠的混蛋 I thought bankers were all supposed to be heartless bastards. 261我要你跑一趟克里斯宾拍卖行 I need you to get over to Crispians. 262有两个明代成化年间的古董花瓶拍卖 Two Ming vases up for auction - Chenghua. 263你能评估下么 应该素琳去啊 她才是专家 Will you appraise them? Soo Lin should go - she's the expert. 264素琳辞职了 需要你帮忙 Soo Lin has resigned her job. I need you. 265就是临时工哦 嗯 没问题 Just locum work. No, that's fine. 266你... 其实以你的资历干这个浪费了 You're, um... Well, you're a bit over-qualified. 267呃 因为我急需用钱 Er, I could always do with the money. 268这周有两位医师度假去了 Well, we've got two away on holiday this week 269还有一位因为怀孕离职了 and one's just left to have a baby. 270对你来说可能太平凡了 It might be a bit mundane for you. 271不不不 有时候平凡点也是好事 Er, no, mundane is good, sometimes. 272我挺喜欢平凡 Mundane works. 273简历上说你曾经是个军人 军医 It says here you were a soldier. And a doctor. 274你还会别的技能么? Anything else you can do? 275在学校学过单簧管 I learned the clarinet at school. 276呵呵 期待你的表演哦 Oh..well, I'll look forward to it. 277我说过了 你能给我递支笔么 I said, could you pass me a pen? 278什么 啥时候? 大概一小时以前 What? When? About an hour ago. 279根本没注意我已经出门了吗? Didn't notice I'd gone out then? 280我去一家诊所面试了 I went to see about a job at that surgery. 281怎么样 棒极了 她很迷人 How was it? Great. She's great. 282谁? Who? 283工作 The job. 284她? She?! 285它 It. 286随便了 过来看 Yeah, have a look. 287"能穿墙的侵入者" "The intruder who can walk through walls." 288昨天晚上的事 It happened last night. 289一记者在家中遭枪击身亡 Journalist shot dead in his flat. 290房内门窗皆从内反锁 Doors locked, windows bolted from the inside. 291跟凡·库一样 Exactly the same as Van Coon. 292天哪 你是说... 凶手又得手了 God! You think...? He's killed another one. 293布莱恩·卢奇 自由职业记者 Brian Lukis, freelance journalist, 294在自己家被杀 murdered in his flat. 295房门从内紧锁 Doors locked from the inside. 296你得承认 两次很相似 You've got to admit, it's similar. 297两人都是被能穿水泥墙的凶手杀的 Both men killed by someone who can walk through solid walls. 298探长 你真认为艾迪·凡·库的死 Inspector, do you seriously believe that Eddie Van Coon was 299仅仅是一起都市自杀? just another city suicide? 300我猜你该看过弹道检测报告了吧 You have seen the ballistics report, I suppose? 301杀害他的子弹 是出自他的枪口么 And the shot that killed him. Was it fired from his own gun? 302不 No. 303不 所以这案子进程本来 No. So this investigation might move 304会快很多 要是你们当初相信我的话 a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel. 305我刚向你递交了谋杀调查申请 I've just handed you a murder inquiry. 306请给我五分钟调查死者公寓 Five minutes in his flat. 307四楼 Four floors up. 308所以他们自认为安全了 That's why they think they're safe. 309门链搭上 门闩上 就认为固若金汤了 Put a chain across the door, bolt it shut, think they're impregnable. 310他们根本没考虑 还有别的方法进入房间 They don't reckon for one second that there's another way in. 311我不懂 这是个飞檐走壁的凶手 I don't understand. Dealing with a killer who can climb. 312你到底在干嘛 凶手能像昆虫一样攀墙 What are you doing? Clings to the walls like an insect. 313这就是他的入口 That's how he got in. 314什么? What?! 315他沿墙而上 跑过屋顶 He climbed up the side of the walls, ran along the roof, 316从天窗跳了进来 dropped in through this skylight. 317你开玩笑吧 蜘蛛侠吗? You're not serious?! Like Spider-Man? 318他爬上了港口住宅区公寓六楼 He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building, 319从阳台跳进去杀了凡·库 鬼扯 jumped the balcony and killed Van Coon. Oh, hold on(!) 320他也是这么进银行的 沿着窗架攀进露台 That's how he got into the bank - ran along the window ledge onto the terrace. 321我得找到这两个受害人的联系 I have to find out what connects these two men. 322借书卡上敲的日期是他被杀当天 Date stamped on the book is the same day that he died. 323夏洛克? Sherlock? 324好 杀手到银行 So, the killer goes to the bank, 325留下了威胁密码 leaves a threatening cipher at the bank. 326凡·库看到后惊慌失措 跑回自己家锁上门 Van Coon panics, returns to his apartment, locks himself in. 327几小时后 他被杀害 Hours later, he dies. 328凶手在图书馆发现了卢奇 把密码写在 The killer finds Lukis at the library, he writes the cipher 329他一定会看到的书架上 on the shelf where he knows it'll be seen. 330卢奇逃回家里 Lukis goes home. 331深夜 同样被杀害 Late that night, he dies too. 332他们为什么会被杀 夏洛克? Why did they die, Sherlock? 333只有密码能告诉我们 Only the cipher can tell us. 334世界全靠编码和密码运转 约翰 The world's run on codes and ciphers, John. 335从价值百万的银行报警系统 From the million-pound security system at the bank 336到你欺负的条码扫描仪 to the PIN machine you took exception to. 337我们身边密码术无处不在 Cryptography inhabits our every waking moment. 338是 我知道 但是... Yes, OK, but... 339都是电脑生成的 But it's all computer generated - 340电子编译 电子密码 electronic codes, electronic ciphering methods. 341这次的不同 This is different. 342这是古代手法 It's an ancient device. 343现代编译法没用 Modern code-breaking methods won't unravel it. 344我们这是去哪? 我要去咨询个人 Where are we headed? I need to ask some advice. 345什么? 不好意思再说一遍? What?! Sorry? 346你听清楚了 我死都不说了 You heard me perfectly. I'm not saying it again. 347你咨询别人? 是颜料 You need advice? On painting. 348对 我得问问专家 Yes, I need to talk to an expert. 349新系列的一部分 Part of a new exhibition. 350很有意思 我命名它为 Interesting. I call it... 351城市嗜血狂 Urban Bloodlust Frenzy. 352朗朗上口 Catchy(!) 353我只有两分钟 社区协警 I've got two minutes before a Community Support Officer 354就要转过那墙角来了 comes around that corner. 355我画着 你说? Can we do this while I'm working? 356你知道这谁画的么 我认得这颜料 Know the author? I recognise the paint. 357像密歇根产的 喷力强劲 It's like Michigan...hard-core propellant. 358我猜含锌 I'd say zinc. 359那个符号呢 你认识么 And what about the symbols? Do you recognise them? 360都不知是不是个符号 I'm not even sure it's a proper language. 361两个人被杀了 莱兹 Two men have been murdered, Raz. 362破解这密码是找到凶手的关键 Deciphering this is the key to finding out who killed them. 363这是你们唯一的线索? And this is all you've got to go on(?) 364好像不太够吧 你到底帮不帮忙? It's hardly much, is it? Are you going to help us or not? 365我帮你问问 I'll ask around. 366肯定有人知道点什么 喂 Somebody must know something about it. Oi! 367你他妈的在干什么? What the hell do you think you're doing? 36
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