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北京大学法学院1999、98、97年考研综合卷真题北京大学法学院1999、98、97年考研综合卷真题 北京大学法学院1999、98、97年考研综合 卷试题 刑法学(共20分) 一、 名词解释(每题2.5分,共5分) 1、 犯罪中止 2、 侵占罪 二、 填空题(每题1分,共5分) 1、 已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、(贩毒)、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。 2、 刑事责任的归责要素有:主观恶性、客观危害以及(责任能力)。 3、 死刑只适用于(罪行极其严重)的犯罪分子。 4、 虚开增值税专用发票或者虚开...
北京大学法学院1999、98、97年考研综合卷真题 北京大学法学院1999、98、97年考研综合 卷试题 刑法学(共20分) 一、 名词解释(每题2.5分,共5分) 1、 犯罪中止 2、 侵占罪 二、 填空题(每题1分,共5分) 1、 已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、(贩毒)、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。 2、 刑事责任的归责要素有:主观恶性、客观危害以及(责任能力)。 3、 死刑只适用于(罪行极其严重)的犯罪分子。 4、 虚开增值税专用发票或者虚开用于骗取出口退税、抵扣税款的其他发票,是指有为他人虚开、为自己虚开、(让他人为自己虚开)、介绍他人虚开行为之一的。 5、 邮政工作人员私自开拆或者隐匿、毁弃邮件、电报而窃取财物的,依照(盗窃罪)定罪从重处罚。 三、 简答题(每题5分,共10分) 1、 试述我国刑法关于主犯的种类以及承担刑事责任的规定。 2、 简述信用证诈骗罪在客观方面的行为类型。 刑事诉讼法学(共15分) 1、 根据刑事诉讼法第191条的规定:第二审人民法院发现第一审人民法院的审理有违反法律规定的诉讼程序的情形的,应当裁定撤消原则,发回原审人民法院重新审判。请问:该条所说的情形主要有哪些,法律为什么作此规定,(8分) 2、 根据刑事诉讼法第142条的规定,对于犯罪情节轻微,依照刑法不需要判处刑罚或者免除刑罚的,人民检察院可以作出不起诉决定。请问:该条所说的不起诉的实质和法律后果是什么,法律为什么作此规定,(7分) 民法学(共20分) 一、 名词解释(每题2分,共6分) 1、 附条件的法律行为 2、 无因管理 3、 婚姻终止 二、 简答题(共14分) 1、 法人的民事权利能力有什么特点,(4分) introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 2、 无权代理有什么法律后果,(5分) 3、 什么是作品的合理使用,举3个离子说明作品的合理使用。(5分) 民事诉讼法学(共15分) 1、 为什么说"法定诉讼代理权的发生,完全是基于法律的规定,与被代理人的意愿无关,与代理人的意愿也无关。"(5分) 2、 说明法院主管与管辖的关系。(5分) 3、 不予受理与驳回起诉有何区别。(5分) 刑事诉讼法学(15分) 1、 根据1996年3月修改后的刑事诉讼法的规定,人民检察院在哪些情况下可以作出不起诉的决定,对于这些不起诉的决定,该法规定了哪些制约,(5分) 2、 在刑事诉讼过程中,人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关在哪些情况下应当终止诉讼的进程,在哪些情况下,它们应当分别作出哪几种决定,(5分) 3、 某人民法院对被告人张某涉嫌抢劫一案,经过认真审理,认定检查官指控被告人有罪的关键证据--证人证言、书证、物证等已达到确实充分的程度。但是,被告人在整个审判过程中始终保持沉默。请问:人民法院能否对被告人张某定罪判刑,为什么,(5分) 行政法与行政诉讼法学(共30分) 一、 名词解释(每题2分,共10分) 1、 行政职责 2、 行政主体 3、 特别立法 4、 行政裁决 5、 行政追偿 二、 简答题(共20分) 1、 行政处罚与刑罚的区别。(5分) 2、 行政监督检查的特征。(5分) 3、 如何理解司法审查中的"参照规章",(4分) 4、 如何理解"人民法院审理行政案件,对具体行政行为的合法性进行审查",(6分) 宪法学(共30分) 1、 试述美国1803年马伯里诉麦迪逊案件的。(10分) 2、 试述司法权的特点。(10分) introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 3、 试述我国公民权利与国家权力之间基本关系的内容。(10分) introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 北京大学法学院1998年考研综合卷试题 刑法学(共20分) 一、 名词解释(每题2.5分,共5分) 1、 犯罪集团 2、 集资诈骗罪 二、 填空题(每空1分,共5分) 1、 判处罚金,应当根据()决定罚金数额。 2、 犯罪后自首又有()表现的,应当减轻或者免除处罚。 3、 在国家机关、国有公司、企业、集体企业和人民团体管理、使用或者()中的 私人财产,以公有财产论。 4、 收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童又出卖的,依照()定罪处罚。 5、 走私、()、运输、制造毒品,无论数量多少,都应当追究刑事责任,予以刑事 处罚。 三、 简答题(每题5分,共10分) 试述撤销假释的根据。 1、 2、 我国新修订的《刑法》所规定的"持有型罪名"有哪几个, 民法学(共20分) 一、 概述下列概念之间的区别(12分,每题3分) 1、 人格权与身份权 2、 诺成法律行为与实践法律行为 3、 代位继承与转继承 4、 相邻权与邻接权 二、 简答题(8分,每题4分) 1、 简述职务侵权的概念、主体、范围及责任。 2、 简述民事法律行为的生效要件。 民事诉讼法学(共15分) 1、 辩论原则的设立有何意义,辩论的内容有哪些,(7分) 2、 如何理解执行和解的效力,(8分) 行政法部分(15分) 一、 填空题(每空1分,共7分) 1、 国务院有权规定中央和省、自治区、直辖市的国家行政机关的职权的()。 2、 复议机关审理复议案件,以法律、行政法规、地方性法规、规章,以及()依 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 法制定和发布的()为依据。 3、 违法行为在()年内未被发现的,不再给予行政处罚。 4、 《国家赔偿法》第五条规定:国家不对行政机关工作人员的()行为承担赔偿责任。 5、 对到期不纳税款者,罚以滞纳金,以促使其纳税,这种措施在行政法学上称为()。 6、 行政公开是现代行政法的一个基本要求,它旨在保障公民的()权。 二、 简答题(共2题,每题4分) 1、 现代行政程序法普遍要求行政机关作出行政决定时说明决定的理由,试述该程序规则的价值。 2、 宪法第八条规定,国务院"根据宪法和法律,……制定行政法规",请阐述"根据宪法和法律"这一条件的内涵。 行政诉讼法(15分) 一、 填空题(每空1分,共6分) 新中国的行政诉讼最初由1982年制定的()作出规定。 1、 2、 对法律规定由行政机关()的具体行政行为提起的诉讼,人民法院不予受理。 3、 海关行政案件的上诉审一般由()人民法院管辖。 4、 在我国,行政案件目前由人民法院的()庭审理。 5、 复议机关改变原具体行政行为所认定的事实的,()是被告。 6、 对行政机关与非行政机关共同署名作出的决定不服提起行政诉讼的,人民法院可以通知非行政机关作为()参加诉讼。 二、 简答题(共二题) 1、 简述行政诉讼期间具体行政行为的执行力。(4分) 2、 试述合理性原则在我国行政诉讼中的体现。(5分) 宪法学(每题10分,共30分) 一、 我国如何规定宗教信仰的, 二、 试述我国国务院的性质和组成。 三、 简述现代国家结构形式的主要种类和特征 introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 北京大学法学院1997年考研应用法学综合卷试题 刑法学 一、 名词解释(每题2.5分,共10分) 1、 间接故意 2、 想象竞合犯 3、 刑事责任 4、 自首 二、 简述题(每题5分,共10分) 1、 我国刑法是如何体现对主犯从重处罚的, 2、 简述金融票据诈骗罪在客观方面的行为类型。 刑事诉讼法学 一、 修改后的刑事诉讼法对基本原则的规定增加了哪些新内容,(7分) 二、 刑事诉讼的被告人有哪些诉讼权利,(8分) 民法学 填空题(每题1分,共10分) 一、 1、 我国民法调整的社会关系是平等主体之间的财产关系和人身关系,因而(平等原则)必然贯穿我国民法始终。 2、 代理人在代理权限内,有权(独立)进行意思表示。 3、 债权人有权要求债务人按合同的约定或者(法律的规定)履行义务。 4、 附期限的民事行为,在所附期限到来时(生效或解除)。 5、 合伙经营期间发生亏损,退伙人已分担了合伙债务,退伙人对其参加合伙期间的全部债务(承担无限连带)责任。 6、 保证人保证范围不明确的,推定保证人对(全部债务)承担保证责任。 7、 侵权的民事责任,是指因违反了民事义务,侵害了财产所有权(包括经营管理权),人身权或()而产生的民事责任。 8、 著作权法保护的作品应当符合两个条件:?具有独创性;?()。 9、 为(争夺遗产)而杀害其他继承人的,则丧失继承权。 10、 无国籍人的民事行为能力,一般适用其定居国法律,如未定居的(适用居住地)法律。 二、 简答题(共10分) 1、 如何认定胁迫行为,(3分) 2、 为维护国家、集体或他人合法权益而使自己受到损害,侵害人无力赔偿或者没introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas 有侵害人的情况下,受害人的损害能否得到补救,应由谁来补救,为什么,(4分) 3、 土地、山岭、森林、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面等自然资源的所有权或使用权权属发生争议和因侵权发生纠纷,应由什么机关负责处理,(3分) 民事诉讼法学 一、 举例说明民事诉讼法律关系发生、变更、消灭的原因。(4分) 二、 法院制作的生效调解书有何效力。(5分) 三、 如何认识督促程序中的支付令。(6分) 行政法学与行政诉讼法学 一、 名词解释(每词2分,共6分) 1、 行政处分 2、 行政司法 3、 行政指导 二、 简述题(每题5分,共15分) 1、 监督行政法律关系与行政法律关系的联系和区别。 行政程序的主要制度。 2、 3、 如何理解起诉不停止具体行政行为的执行。 三、 案例分析(9分) 某国家机关综合处处长李某利用出国考察的机会,从国外带回 若干违禁物品,受到海关罚款1000元的行政处罚。其所在机关了解情况后,又给予其撤职行政处分。李某不服,认为处罚、处分太重,便分别以海关和所在行政机关为被告,向法院提起行政诉讼,要求撤销上述处罚和处分。试析: 1、 人民法院应否受理李某的诉讼,为什么, 2、 法院如可受理李某提起的两项诉讼请求或其中的一项,那么何地何级法院享有审判管辖权,为什么, 3、 受诉法院审理后,可能作出哪几种形式的判决,并分别说明各自适用的条件。 宪法学 一、 试比较美国和德国的违宪审查制度。(15分) 二、 我国法律规定戒严的决定权属于谁,谁执行戒严任务,(15分) introduced a number of leading creative talents, and then the "introduction of a high-end talent, bringing an innovative team, a mainstay of the economy," the derivative effect, improving the competitiveness of inner. (C) improvement of science "three" working method. This year, the State will supply side as part of economic structural reform a top priority, structural reforms will create regional industrial transfer and investment direction change. For this change, we have to adapt domestic economic trends in quality and efficiency upgrades, find the right investment trends of the County and docking points, improved ways to improve effectiveness. One is the investment promotion policy to further clarify. To develop "three a" preferential policies, the County policy investment, not to engage in vicious competition in the County. Incentives to attract foreign investment must be clear, no investment on town street, investment task tasks departments and staff, enterprise investment enterprises, three level, have clear criteria for award. To implement the "enclave economy", the street attract projects according to the industrial development of the town planning zone landed, after tax, all included in the attract target in town street, 50% into account the task of landing zone indicators. To make "three one" promo, ... ... Advantages and policy advocacy. To implemented joint trial joint batch system, a new industrial project landing must after sent modified, and Tsunenobu, and environmental, and safety, and land, and tax, and financial, sector joint analysis argument, on environmental policy, and acres are tax, and technology, and resources using, and market prospects, for analysis, on environmental, and capacity, and security, and social stable for risk assessment, not after joint trial joint batch of project cannot landing. To increase its support for the introduction of talent, entrepreneurship, innovation talent on a class, class b business, creative talent, such as different levels of talent, in areas
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