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英语比较状语从句中的省略 哼一- 曩语崧 5研究 英 语 比 较 状 语 从 句 中 的 省 略 甘肃省永昌县第四中学 张佐贤 省略句是英语的一种习惯用法,其特点是: 虽然省去了句子语法构成所需要的一种或多种 组成部分,但仍然能够表达完整的意义。在比较 状语从句中,省略主要有以下几种情况: 1.在下列句子结构中。than后不用主语。例 如 : 1)You have talked rllore than is necessary(一 more than what is necessary).你讲得太多了。 2)I hav...
哼一- 曩语崧 5研究 英 语 比 较 状 语 从 句 中 的 省 略 甘肃省永昌县第四中学 张佐贤 省略句是英语的一种习惯用法,其特点是: 虽然省去了句子语法构成所需要的一种或多种 组成部分,但仍然能够表达完整的意义。在比较 状语从句中,省略主要有以下几种情况: 1.在下列句子结构中。than后不用主语。例 如 : 1)You have talked rllore than is necessary(一 more than what is necessary).你讲得太多了。 2)I have done more than is required (= more than what is required).我做了比要求还 要多的工作。 2.在下列句子结构中。than后不用宾语。例 如 : 1)He got more than he asked for(一 ilK)re than what he asked for).他获得的比他需要的多。 2) That was more than he expected (= more than what he expected).那比他期望的还 要多。 3.主语和谓语动词同时省略。例如: 1)I know yon no better thanhim(= than I know him).我了解你胜过了解他。 2)She is in better health now than last year(= than she was last year).她现在身体 比去年好了。 4.省略主语,谓语动词和宾语。例如 : 1)I like violin better than ever(than I ever did,or liked it before).我比以前任何时候都 更爱好小提琴。 2)A man can find more reason for doing as he wishes than for doing as he ought(= than he can find reasons for doing as he ought).人给 自 己愿意做的事找的理 由总比该做 的事的理 由 要多一些。 5.省略谓语动词和宾语。例如 : 1)I know you better than he(= than he does or knows you).我 比他更了解你。 2) You play the piano better than your sister(= than your sister does or play it).你钢 琴弹得比你妹妹好。 6.省略谓语动词。例如: 语言知识 1) Manchester is rther from London than Oxford(一 than Oxford is).曼彻斯特离 伦敦 比牛津远。 2)Nothing pays better than to be honest (= than tO be honest does).没有任何东西比 诚实更合算。 7.省略主语,系动词 be和表语。例如: 1)His usual suit of dark blue was neater and better cared for than with others(一 than it was the case with others).他穿的深蓝色普通 制服,但比别人的要整洁些,保护得要好些。 2)He is fonder of work than of play(= than he is fond of play).他喜好工作胜过游戏。 8.省略系动词 be和表语。例如 : 1)I feel that he is better qualified tO teach me than I him (= than I am qualified tO teach him).我认为他教我比我教他更为胜任。 2)The speech of the street is incomparably more forceful than the speech of the academy(= than the speech of the academy is forcefu1).街头 语言不知比学院式语言要有力多少倍。 9.在非正式文体中省略 than和其它成分。 例如 : 1)1 would much rather go with you(than stay here).我宁愿和你一同去。 2)I have neve~seen a more beautiful gar— den(than this).我从来没有见过比这更为美丽 的花园 。 10.“still less”。“much less”,“still moro竹和 “much more”后面的从旬常常省略。例如: 1)We fear no death,still less difficulties (= still less do we fear difficulties).我们死都 不怕,何况困难。 2) I do not like tobacco,much less wine (一 much less do I like wine).我不喜欢烟草 , 更不必说酒了。 3)1 was forbidden tO see him,still more tO talk to him (= and 1 was still more forbid— den tO talk tO him).我见他都不允许,更不用 说同他谈话了。 (下转第 72页) 2008.3.总 215 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 芗r语言知识 寸一· 曩徭 5研竞 样,不如一死。 2.1978年在美 国出版 的 Webster’s New World Dictiormry (Of The American Lan— guage)rather条说,rather than—instead of/in place of,意为“代之以⋯”,如 : 1)Women should paint their cheeks with health rather than rouge.妇女应 以健康润泽面 颊,而不应涂以胭脂。 2)I always prefer starting early,rather than leaving everything to the last miuute.我总 是早早开始工作,而不是拖到急时才做。 3)It was what he meant rather than what he said.那是指他话 中的意思,而不是指他所说 的话 。 3.语法家 Quirk在上述著作第 9.129中 说,Another reason for not treating them as fully coordinative is that in subject position they do not normally bring about plural concord unless the f st noun phrase is plura1.They therefore resem- ble in this respect prepositions rather than coordi— nators.[不把它们(指上述的 4个准连词)视为完 全并列连词的理由是,在主语位置上(除非第一 个名词短语是复数),它们通常不带复数。所 以,在这点上,它们象介词而不象连词。]故他在 上述著作第 7.28节的注解Eel中,又明确地说, The quasicoordinators as well as,rather than, more than and as much as behave like prepositions rather than conjunctions when they Occur in the subject.[在主语位置上,准连词 as well as,rath— er than,more than 和as much as起介词作用,而 不起连词作用。]如: 1)The minister,rather than(一instead of) the trade union,is responsible for the present impasse.是部长,而不是工会 ,应对 目前的僵局 负责。 2)I,rather than(一 instead of)you(宾 格),should do the work.做这项工作的应该是 我,而不是你 。 3)It was you,rather than(一 instead of) (that)(it was)he,that caused the trouble.招惹 麻烦的是你 ,而不是他。(注:此为强调句,强 调主语 you,故 rather than算是在主语位置上; rather than后面是主格 he而不是宾格 him,故 rather than后面应为 that it was he,把 rather than看作并列连词或从属连词无论在语法上 或逻辑上都是讲不通的。) (上接第 67页) 4)It is difficult to understand his books, much more his lectures(一 and it is much more difficult to understand his lectures).他的书难 懂,而他的演讲更难懂。 11.在。as+ 形容词或副词+ as+ ever”结 构中。第二个 as后面的主语和 ever后的谓语动 词常常省略。例如 : 1)He is as diligent as ever(一 as he ever was before,or as he ever was diligent).他照常 勤奋用功。 2)He works as hared as ever(= as he ev— er did).他一贯工作努力。 12.“as⋯as+从旬”中的省略。例如: 1)She loved me as much as her own child (= as she loved her own child).她爱我爱得像 她 自己的孩子一样深。 2)I shall come as early as possible(一 as it is possible for me to come).我要尽早来。 13.“not so⋯as+从句”中的省略。例如: 1)Li M ng does not run so fast as Wang Lin (=as Wang Lin does).李明跑得没有王林那么快。 2)It is not so hot today as yesterday(一 as 2008.3.总 215 it was yesterday).今天没有昨天那么热。 l4.非正式文体中a|s和其它成分的省略。例如: 1)He is as strong as you,and works as hard(一 and works as hard as you).他和你一 样强壮,而且工作一样努力。 2) There is no such thing (一 no such thing as that).没有这么一回事。 15、“the more⋯the more⋯”句型常常以省略 的形式出现 。省 略部分根据上下文或说话场合判 断。例如: 1) e longer the wire,the greater the re— sistance(一 The longer the wire is,the greater the resistance is).导线越长,其电阻越大。 2)Actually,the busier,the happier (= the busier he is,the happier he feels).事实上, 他越忙越高兴。 ·72 · 参考文献: 1.丁望道 《英语 句子结构和动词用法详解》.外 语教学与研究出版社 ,1982年 2.田雨三 刘养之 《英语省 略 句》.商 务印 书 馆 ,1981年 3.张道真 《实用英语语 法》,外语教学与研究 出 版社.1995年 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
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