

2018-09-20 50页 doc 540KB 112阅读




航海学仪器题航海学仪器题 1, 在地球北纬某处将自由陀螺仪的主轴初始指北,一段时间后,它将偏离子午面,这是由于_____。 A.陀螺仪的主轴可指向任意方向 B.陀螺仪主轴相对宇宙空间运动 C.陀螺仪主轴相对地球出现运动 D.以上都不对 2, 陀螺仪主轴指北端在子午面东侧作上升运动,这是由于_____的作用。 A.地球的自东向西旋转 B.地球自转角速度的水平分量 C.地球自转角速度的垂直分量 D.陀螺仪的进动性 3, 假设某摆式罗经阻尼因数f=3,阻尼周期=90min,起始时主轴方位角为180?,则经过_____个阻尼周期,可认为...
航海学仪器 1, 在地球北纬某处将自由陀螺仪的主轴初始指北,一段时间后,它将偏离子午面,这是由于_____。 A.陀螺仪的主轴可指向任意方向 B.陀螺仪主轴相对宇宙空间运动 C.陀螺仪主轴相对地球出现运动 D.以上都不对 2, 陀螺仪主轴指北端在子午面东侧作上升运动,这是由于_____的作用。 A.地球的自东向西旋转 B.地球自转角速度的水平分量 C.地球自转角速度的垂直分量 D.陀螺仪的进动性 3, 假设某摆式罗经阻尼因数f=3,阻尼周期=90min,起始时主轴方位角为180?,则经过_____个阻尼周期,可认为罗经达到航海要求的稳定。 A.2.5 B.3 C.3.5 D.4 4, 因为安许茨系列罗经采用了水平轴阻尼法,所以它不产生_____。 A.速度误差 B.纬度误差 C.冲击误差 D.摇摆误差 5, 陀螺罗经的速度误差随船舶航向变化,在____航向上误差为零。 A.045?和225? B.090?和270? C.000?和180? D.135?和315? 6, 下列哪种因素不会影响陀螺罗经的速度误差的大小_____。 A.航向船速 B.地球半径纬度 C.地球自转角速度 D.罗经的阻尼因数 7, 某船安许茨型陀螺罗经的基线偏左舷1?,下列叙述中,不正确的是_____。 A.该误差是个固定误差 B.该误差表现为读数误差 C.应逆时针调整基线1?校正该误差 D.可以调整金属托架来校正该误差 8, 下列那种(些)原因会导致安许茨型罗经陀螺球高度偏高, A.陀螺球渗漏 B.支撑液体甘油成分偏少 C.电磁上托线圈故障 D.支撑液体温度偏低 9, 某船安许茨4型罗经配备了四台分罗经装于船舶不同的位置,在打开分罗经前发现所有的分罗经和主罗经均相差相同的角度,此时最好应_____。 A.不用作任何调整,分罗经会自动跟踪主罗经航向 B.逐个调整分罗经的航向与主罗经匹配 C.不开随动开关,调整主罗经航向与分罗经匹配 D.以上说法均不正确 10, 关于斯伯利37型罗经的陀螺球,下列叙述不正确的是_____。 A.陀螺球内仅装有一个陀螺马达 B.陀螺球偏西装有阻尼重物 C.陀螺球重心下移,以产生控制力矩 D.船舶的航向变化信号可以被随动变压器测得 11, 阿玛勃朗MK10型罗经采用水平轴的纬度误差校正力矩,该校正信号应输至_____放大器放大后,控制_____钮丝受扭,产生校正力矩。 A.倾斜,水平 B.方位,水平 C.倾斜,垂直 D.方位,垂直 12, 地球上自由陀螺仪“东升西降”的视运动规律的含义是_____。 A.陀螺仪主轴的东端上升,西端下降 B.陀螺仪主轴的东半平面上升,西半平面下降 C.陀螺仪主轴指北端在东经上升,西经下降 D.陀螺仪主轴指北端在子午面东侧上升,在西侧下降 12, 某船穿过赤道北向航行,该船斯伯利37型罗经在用补偿器消除纬度误差时,尤其应注意_____。 A.在纬度每变化10度时重新调整纬度旋钮 B.将纬度开关改正过来 C.注意航向变化的快慢 D.注意船速的快慢 14, 下列哪一项与陀螺罗经的速度误差无关_____。 A.航速 B.航向 C.船舶所在纬度 D.罗经结构参数 15, 陀螺罗经的基线误差是指罗经_____ A.航向读数误差 B.偏离真北的误差 C.偏离罗北的误差 D.偏离水平面的误差 16, 安许茨4型罗经主罗经配备乙醚管的作用是_____。 A.敏感支撑液体的温度变化 B.对支撑液体消毒 C.顶起罗经桌D.增加支撑液体导电性能 17, 安许茨4型罗经的组成设备主要有_____。 A.主罗经和分罗经 B.电源设备 C.航向器和报警设备 D.A+B+C 18, 安许茨?型陀螺罗经储液缸中支承液体的液面至加液孔顶端的距离一般为_____ A.,,,C, B.,,,,, C.,,,C, D.,,,,,C, 19, 下列哪个现象不能肯定是安许茨陀螺球出现故障的是_____。 A.陀螺球沉底或球内杂音大 B.出现45度固定误差 C.球略倾斜并往复摆动 D.陀螺球位置较高 20, 斯伯利37型罗经的传向系统的功能是_____。 A.同步连续跟踪主罗经航向 B.传送并记录历史航向 C.反映主罗经航向变化的快慢 D.步进式跟踪主罗经航向 21, 阿玛勃朗10型罗经的控制力矩由_____钮丝受扭产生,阻尼力矩由_____钮丝受扭产生。 A.垂直,水平 B.水平,垂直 C.倾斜,方位 D.方位,倾斜 22, 若根据绘制好的罗经阻尼曲线计算出的阻尼周期远大于罗经说明书上的数据,说明_____。 A.罗经性能不符合要求 B.罗经性能优于设计要求 C.罗经工作正常 D.罗经稳定时间比设计的要短 23, 安许茨4型罗经采用了温控系统,其作用是_____。 A.使液温正常,减小支撑液体对陀螺球运动的摩擦阻力 B.使陀螺球高低位置正常 C.保证陀螺马达转动自如 D.使支撑液体导电性能良好 24, 启动安许茨4型罗经,未打开随动开关,则_____。 A.刻度盘不旋转 B.分罗经不工作 C.陀螺球无法找北指北 D.A和B均对 25, 启动斯伯利37型陀螺罗经时,将方式转换开关置于“START”位置,并等待10分钟,其目的是_____。 A.等待陀螺马达加速 B.等待机器预热 C.等待罗经稳定指北 D.等待随动系统跟踪上航向的变化 26, 在起动阿玛—勃朗10型罗经时,按下“方位”或“倾斜”按钮调整陀螺球的方位和高度,调整完毕后在放松方位或倾斜按钮前,务必先将旋转速率旋钮置于_____,以免储液缸发生倾倒 A.垂直向上位置 B.水平位置 C.垂直向下位置 D.任意位置 27, 某三自由度陀螺仪主轴动量矩指北,其主轴指北端初始水平指北,,若在Oy轴负向施加外力矩,则主轴指北端将_____。 A.向上运动 B.向下运动 C.向东运动 D.向西运动 28, 从航海的角度上讲,罗经的稳定时间是指罗经自启动到主轴偏离子午面_____以内所需要的时间。 A.?1? B. ?2? C. ?0.5? D. ?0.1? 29, 陀螺罗经阻尼力矩的作用是_____。 A.使罗经自动指北 B.使罗经稳定指北 C.使罗经减小指向误差 D.使罗经指向不变 30, 斯伯利37型罗经采用_____消除纬度误差, A.查表法 B.刻度盘读数补偿法 C.计算法 D.补偿器自动补偿 31,已知某船罗经指示航向为145?,查表知陀螺罗经的速度误差值为1.5?,不考虑其它误差,则该船的真航向为_____。 A.143.5? B.146.5? C.142.5? D.147.5? 32, 陀螺罗经的第二类冲击误差是由于_____而产生的。 A.惯性力矩作用在罗经重力控制设备上 B.惯性力矩作用在罗经阻尼设备上 C.惯性力矩作用在罗经几何中心上 D.罗经在船舶摇摆时 33, 安许茨IV型罗经采用何种阻尼设备, A.电磁摆与力矩器 B.液体阻尼器 C.水银器偏心联结 D.偏西加阻尼配重 34, 关于斯伯利37型罗经的陀螺球,下列叙述不正确的是_____。 A.陀螺球内仅装有一个陀螺马达 B.陀螺球偏西装有阻尼重物 C.陀螺球重心下移,以产生控制力矩 D.船舶的航向变化信号可以被随动变压器测得 35, 在起动斯伯利37型罗经时,主罗经顶部的锁紧杠杆应在_____时解锁_____。 A.起动陀螺马达前 B.起动陀螺马达后马上C.起动陀螺马达后约10分钟D.A、B、C均可 36, 关于陀螺仪的定轴性,下列叙述正确的是_____。 A.陀螺仪的定轴性是相对于惯性空间而言的 B.陀螺仪的定轴性是指陀螺仪不受任何外力时的运动特征 C.若初始让自由陀螺仪的主轴指北,它将保持指向不变 D.陀螺仪的定轴性是指主轴相对于陀螺仪基座保持指向不变 37, 关于视运动的概念,下列叙述不正确的是_____。 A.视运动是一种相对运动的概念 B.人看到太阳和恒星的运动现象也是视运动 C.人看到的陀螺仪主轴的运动和人看到的恒星的运动具有相似性 D.视运动是相对于惯性空间而言的 38, 在北纬,船用陀螺罗经在稳定位置时,为什么其主轴指北端相对水平面有一高度角,主要用于产生 A.控制力矩 B.补偿力矩 C.动量矩 D.以上均错 39, 安许茨4型陀螺罗经阻尼力矩的大小与_____成正比 A.纬度 B.主轴高度角 C.陀螺仪动量矩 D.多余液体角 40, 关于罗经纬度误差,下列哪种说法是错误的, A.纬度误差随纬度的增大而增大 B.纬度误差是垂直轴阻尼法造成的 C.纬度误差的符号与纬度有关 D.纬度误差的大小与船速有关 41, 关于安许茨罗经分罗经的作用,叙述不正确的是_____。 A.可以用来操舵 B.可以用来测天体方位 C.可以用来测物标方位 D.可以用来校准主罗经航向 42, 启动安许茨4型罗经,应在接通电源开关后至少20分钟才打开随动开关,其目的是_____。 A.等待陀螺球预热 B.等待陀螺马达加速 C.等待支撑液体温度上升 D.等待罗经指北 43, 安许茨4型陀螺罗经的陀螺马达电源为3相_____ A.115V,400Hz B.115V,333Hz C.26V,400Hz D.110V,333Hz 44, 阿玛,勃朗型罗经两套独立的随动系统是用来检测 A.贮液缸相对于地理位置的偏角 B.贮液缸相对于陀螺球的偏角 C.陀螺球相对于地理位置的偏角 D.陀螺球相对于宇宙空间的偏角 45, 一般应在开航前3-4小时启动罗经,这是因为_____。 A.罗经需要预热 B.陀螺马达加速需要时间 C.罗经随动系统跟踪需要时间 D.罗经稳定指北需要时间 46, 关于罗经纬度误差,下列哪种说法是错误的, A.纬度误差随纬度的增大而增大 B.纬度误差是垂直轴阻尼法造成的 C.纬度误差的符号与纬度有关 D.纬度误差的大小与船速有关 47, 某船正北航行,该船上的陀螺罗经速度误差为____误差,且误差值_____。 A.偏东,最大 B.偏东,最小 C.偏西,最大 D.偏西,最小 48, 关于安许茨4型罗经的随动球,叙述不正确的是_____。 A.随动球上有随动电极 B.随动球是密封球体 C.随动球有顶、底、和赤道电极 D.随动球表面也有绝缘硬橡胶 49, 起动船用陀螺罗经时,其主轴指北端的摆动轨迹为_____ A.收敛螺旋线 B.指数衰减曲线 C.椭圆曲线 D.以上均错 50, 其它条件相同,阻尼因数越大,则罗经的稳定时间将_____。 A.不变 B.变长 C.变短 D.不能肯定 51, 陀螺仪施加了控制力矩后,可使主轴具有_____的性能 A.相对于宇宙稳定不动 B.具有寻找真北 C.具有稳定指北 D.A和B均对 52, 斯伯利37型罗经采用_____方法消除纬度误差, A.查表法 B.刻度盘读数补偿法 C.计算法 D.补偿器自动补偿 53, 当某船大幅度转向之后,最好不要马上使用方位分罗经观测物标方位,这是考虑_____。 A.分罗经难以跟踪上主罗经航向 B.主罗经航向变化太快C.冲击误差对罗经指示有影响 D.分罗经航向变化太快 54, 指出下列哪项不属于安许茨4型罗经的随动系统, A.信号电桥 B.方位电机 C.传动齿轮 D.贮液缸 55, 下列哪项设备不在安许茨4型罗经的罗经桌上, A.温度计 B.方位电机 C.微动开关 D.乙醚管 56, 下列哪种情况可以判断陀螺球已经损坏? A.起动罗经6个小时才能稳定指北 B.陀螺球高度偏低 C.三相电流有一相指示接近于零 D.罗经出现45?的固定误差 57, 下列哪种原因不会导致安许茨4型罗经陀螺球位置过低, A.陀螺球渗漏 B.支撑液体中安息香酸过多 C.电源电压太低 D.电磁上托线圈电源线焊头脱落 58, 检查安许茨4型罗经的随动速度,是测量随动部分以最大速度使航向转过90度所需的时间,应不超过_____。 A.1分钟 B.30秒 C.20秒 D.50秒 59, 下列哪项操作是为了实现斯伯利37型罗经的快速启动, A.将锁紧手柄解锁 B.将方式转换开关置于“SLEW”,并进行旋转操作 C.将方式转换开关置于“START”,并等待10分钟 D.将补偿器的速度和纬度旋钮设置好 60, 陀螺罗经速度误差的大小与罗经结构参数_____,其符号与纬度的南纬或北纬_____ A.有关,有关 B.有关,无关 C.无关,无关 D.无关,有关 61, 关于陀螺罗经的第一类冲击误差和第二类冲击误差,下列叙述中不正确的是_____。 A.第一类冲击误差是惯性力矩作用于罗经的控制设备上产生的 B.第二类冲击误差是惯性力矩作用于罗经的阻尼设备上产生的 C.船机动航行时,两类误差总是同时存在 D.两类冲击误差总是相互抵消 62, 安许茨系列罗经采用什么方法消除摇摆误差, A.润滑油 B.双转子 C.电磁上托线圈 D.高粘度的硅油 63, 启动带有锁紧手柄的斯伯利37型罗经时,将方式转换开关打至“START”档,此时_____。 A.陀螺马达开始加速 B.陀螺球开始找北 C.刻度盘开始跟踪陀螺球航向D.A、B和C均正确 64,绘制罗经的阻尼曲线一般应借助于_____。 A.主罗经航向刻度盘 B分罗经方位圈. C.分罗经接线箱 D.航向记录器 65, 液体连通器式陀螺罗经在起动过程中,当主轴指北端向水平面靠拢时,阻尼力矩起到_____的作用 A.增进其靠拢 B.阻止其靠拢 C.不起作用 D.以上都不对 66, 关于陀螺罗经速度误差的特性,下列哪种说法是错误的, A.速度越大,误差越大 B.纬度越大,误差越大 C.航向越大,误差越大 D.速度误差与罗经的结构参数无关 67, 阿玛勃朗MK10型罗经有_____套随动系统, A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 68 在船舶纬度和速度变化多大范围时,应重新调整罗经的纬度误差和速度误差校正器_____。 A.根据船舶的瞬时纬度和航速进行校正 B.每当纬度变化1度,航速变化1节校正一次 C.每当纬度至多变化5度,航速至多变化5节校正一次 D.对纬度和航速的变化无具体要求 69, 以安许茨罗经为例,三相交流电电流小时,可能的原因是什么? A.支承液体的导电率太小 B.支承液体,陀螺球及随动球等的导电部位太脏 C.变流机输出的三相电压小于110伏 D.A或B或C均可 GPS 1. 利用GPS卫星定位时,通常选择距离单位为_____ A.nm海里 B.km千米 C.sm法定里) D.根据需要选择 2. 在GPS卫星导航系统中,通常驾驶员在对GPS卫星导航仪进行冷启动时,HDOP值范围一般设置大_____ 小_____ A.好,不好 B.不好,好 C.不好,不好 D.好,好 3. GPS卫星导航仪在冷启动时必须进行初始化操作,船舶驾驶员在进行初始化操作时,只有在利用GPS卫星进行_____定位时,才不需要输入天线高度 A.3D B.2D C.2D/3D D.A+C 4. 通常,DGPS所使用的频率范围为255—525KHz,这一频率范围为无线电信标使用的频率范为,该频率范 围为_____ A.低频频率范围 B.中频频率范围 C.甚高频频率范围 D.高频频率范围 5. DGPS信号的覆盖面积主要取决于_____ A.GPS卫星的发射功率与运载体上DGPS接收机的性能 B.GPS卫星天线高度与运载体上DGPS接收机的性能 C.GPS卫星轨道高度 D.联网DGPS无线电信标台的数目 6. 按照工作方式进行分类,卫星导航系统分为_____卫星导航系统 A.测速和距离变化率 B.有源 C.无源 D.B+C 7.在GPS卫星导航系统中,GPS卫星导航仪所接收的GPS导航信息包括_____ A.GPS卫星导航系统工作状态与GPA系统时间 B.GPS卫星星历 C.GPS卫星识别标志 D.A+b+C 8.在GPS卫星导航系统中,GPS卫星轨道平面与地球赤道平面的夹角称为GPS卫星的轨道倾角,GPS卫星的轨道倾角为55?,属于_____ A.极轨道 B.同步轨道 C.任意轨道 D.高轨道 9. 商船上用的最多的GPS卫星导航仪是_____GPS卫星导航仪 A.单通道、单频、CA码、时序型 B.双通道、单频、CA码、时序型 C.单通道、单频、CA码、多路复用型 D.多通道、双频、CA码和P码、连续型 10. 通常,航海所使用的DGPS无线电信标台设在_____ A.GPS卫星上 B.岸或岛屿上 C.DGPS卫星导航仪所在的船上 D.沿海岸边或岛屿海岸边缘处 11. .船载AIS设备中,能够提供语音信息的设备是—( A. ARPA部 B. GPS导航仪 C. VHF D. DF 12. 在GPS卫星导航系统中,GPS卫星导航仪在冷启动时必须进行初始化操作,船舶驾驶员在进行初始化操作时,应该输入_____ A.时间、推算船位、测地系、报警范围、HDOP值 B.起始点、中点、终点、世界时、风流压差、航向与航速、推算船位、测地系、报警范围、HDOP值 C.风流压差、航向与航速、推算船位 D.船舶数据、推算船位、GPS天线高度、起始点、中点、终点、世界时、风流压差、航向与航速、测地系、 报警范围、HDOP值 13. 船舶利用DGPS卫星导航仪进行_____ A.救助,广播 B.定位,导航 C.救生,求生 D.授时,照相 14.差分GPS无线电信标由_____组成 A.注入站、通讯站与协调站 B.接收机部分、数据处理部分与发射机部分 C.差分GPS基准台、完善性监视器、发射机与计算机 D.注入站、主控站与跟踪站 15. DGPS卫星导航系统由_____组成 A.GPS卫星网、基准台、数据链(通讯链)和用户设备 B.基准台、用户设备 C.数据链(通讯链)、基准台、用户设备 D.GPS卫星网、基准台、用户设备 16. 在GPS卫星导航系统中,GPS卫星导航仪定位误差的大小与下列_____因素有关 A.卫星几何图形 B.锂电池寿命 C.卫星轨道参数 D.卫星几何图形与测距误差的大小 17. 在GPS卫星导航系统中,GPS卫星导航仪显示POSN字符表示_____ A.GPS卫星定位 B.推算定位 C.正在进行GPS或者推算定位 D.组合导航定位 18. 根据DGPS卫星导航系统的作用距离及定位精度,可以看出:DGPS卫星导航仪可为船舶在_____提 供定位和导航 A.江河、湖泊 B.狭窄水道、港口及近海 C.远洋 19.GPS卫星导航系统发射两种信号频率的目地是为了_____ A.识别卫星 B.能同时观测两颗卫星定位 C.减少无线电信号传播延迟误差 D.有更多的通讯与定位机 20. 能够为船载AIS提供时间信息的传感器是: A. ARPA B. GPS导航仪 C. 罗经 D. 计程仪 21. 以下哪些信息是AIS播发的静态信息? A 船位 B 对地航向 C 船舶类型 D 对地速度 22. 以下哪些信息是AIS播发的动态信息? A MMIS B UTC C 船名和呼号 D GPS天线位置 100.在不能使用AIS通道的地区,AIS发射机接收器必须能够由——通道所接收的信息来转换变化通道。 A. CH16 B. CH12 C. CH14 D. CH70 36 1. Weekly NMs are available without subscription from appointed ______. A. Admiralty Distributors B. Admiralty Publication House C. United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) D. UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) 2. A bowline is used to ______. A. join lines of equal size B. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a line C. be a stopper D. keep a line from fraying 3. For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river,you should navigate your vessel ______. A. toward the inside of the bend B. toward the outside of the bend C. toward the center of the river just before the bend,then change course for the river's center after the bend D. in the river's center 4. Oil slick caused by spillage of oil from tanker ship is ______. A. a drop of oil B. the emulsion of oil at sea surface C. the weathered oil D. the oil floating on the surface of the sea water 5. ______ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water. A. Evaporation B. Dispersion C. Emulsification D. Drifting 6. Buoyancy is a measure of the ship's ______. A. ability to float B. deadweight C. freeboard D. midships strength 7. PAN - PAN is to be used to announce ______( A. a distress message B. an urgency message C. a safety message D. a massage of SMCP 8. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: LOUDSPEAKERS IN THE VESSEL'S CABINS,MESS ROOMS,ETC.,AND ON DECK VIA WHICH IMPORTANT INFORMATION CAN BE BROADCAST FROM A CENTRAL POINT,MOSTLY FROM THE NAVIGATION BRIDGE defines ______( A. PP-system B. PA-system C. AP-system D. AA-system 9. MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines ______( A. Dredging (of anchor) B. Dragging (of anchor) C. Weighing anchor D. Walking out anchor 10. A set of interior steps on a ship leading up to a deck from below is known as ______. A. a companion way B. tween-decks C. stairs D. Any of the above are acceptable 11. What does MBDD mean on the load waterline mark, A. Timber tropical load waterline B. Timber summer load waterline C. Timber winter load waterline D. Timber winter North Atlantic load waterline 12. An emergency sea anchor may be constructed by using ______. A. a boat bucket B. an air tank filled with water C. an oar and canvas weighted down D. All of the above 13. Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the ______. A. uncorrected KG B. maximum allowed KG C. virtual height of the center of gravity D. metacentric height 14. All echo-sounders can measure the ______. A. actual depth of water B. actual depth of water below keel C. average depth from waterline to hard bottom D. average depth of water to soft bottom 15. Kapok life jackets should NOT be ______. A. stowed near open flame or where smoking is permitted B. used as seats,pillows,or foot rests C. left on open decks D. All of the above 16. If not attached to the nozzle,each low-velocity spray applicator on a vessel must be stowed ______. A. in a protected area on the main deck B. inside a machinery space near the entrance C. next to the fire hydrant to which the fire hose is attached D. on a rack inside the quarters near the entrance 17. During a fire drill on a vessel,what action is required? A. Start each fire pump B. Launch and run a lifeboat C. Inventory rescue and fire equipment D. Inspect fire hoses 18. An inflatable life raft should be lifted back aboard the ship by using ______. A. the single hook at the top of the raft B. two lines passed under the raft C. the towing bridle D. All of the above 19. If a magnetic compass is not affected by any magnetic field other than the Earth's,which statement is TRUE? A. Compass error and variation are equal B. Compass north will be true north C. Variation will equal deviation D. There will be no compass error 20. It is usually unnecessary, and indeed often impossible, ______ every printed clause. A. to give rise to B. giving give rise to C. given give full effect to D. to give full effect to 21. The wheel order STEADY means ________( A. the steering gear is very stable B. the rudder is to be held in the fore and aft position C. reducing swing as rapidly as possible D. reducing amount of rudder angle to certain degrees 22. Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ______. A. faking B. flemishing down C. mousing D. worming 23. On cargo booms,preventers are ______. A. auxiliary guys B. extra fair leads C. steel bands D. stops 24. Forces within a vessel have caused a difference between the starboard and port drafts. This difference is called ______. A. list B. heel C. trim D. flotation 25. In small-angle stability,when external forces exist,the buoyant force is assumed to act vertically upwards through the center of buoyancy and through the ______. A. center of gravity B. center of flotation C. metacenter D. metacentric height 26. The vessel was drifted off from her ______ due to strong wind( A. course B. track C. direction D. trend 27. Please tell me ________ to reverse your engine from full ahead to full astern( A. how length will it take B. how long it will take C. how long will it get D. how much hours it will take 28. The common way to obtain your ship's position is ______( A. keeping a close watch and lookout B. taking a radar range and bearing C. observing a radar target and listening to signals D. keeping a well clear caution 29. It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to ______( A. avoid any swing in a restricted space B. shelter the ship from strong winds C. prevent to touch with other vessels D. make a convenience of cargo discharging 30. Ship security officer is . A. the guard posted on the vessel B. a person responsible for implementation of international ship and port security code on board ship C. the master of the vessel D. All the above 31. SINGLE UP FORWARD TO HEAD LINE AND SPRING means ________( A. let go all the lines forward including head line and spring B. let go the head line and spring only C. let go all the lines except a head line and a spring D. let go the head line and spring including all the lines 32. A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to starboard if you ______. A. reverse port engine,apply right rudder B. reverse port engine,rudder amidships C. reverse starboard engine,apply right rudder D. reverse starboard engine,rudder amidships 33. Every ship should hoist ______ when approaching and entering ports( A. its flashing light B. the ship's name C. its identification D. its signal letters 34. Which of the following statement is not correct as to the use of auto-piloting? A. The auto-piloting shall be checked by the duty officer every hour B. The manual-piloting shall be tested at least once every watch C. The use of auto-piloting is at the discretion of duty officers instead of the helmsman D. The transferring of manual-piloting and auto-piloting shall be undertaken by the duty officer, or under his supervision 35. When a vessel is aground,______( A. she is underway B. she is not underway C. whether she is underway cannot be determined D. she might be or not be underway 36. From ______ the mariner can know the data of tide( A. the Sea Pilot B. the Cargo Plan C. the Tide Table D. the Port List 37. A series of brief showers accompanied by strong,shifting winds may occur along or some distance ahead of a(n) ______. A. upper front aloft B. cyclone C. occluded front D. cold front 38. Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can ______ it( A. cross B. approach C. proceed near D. run into 39. If a weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure system to be 100 miles due east of you,what winds can you expect in the Southern Hemisphere? ______. A. South-southwesterly B. North-northwesterly C. South-southeasterly D. North-northeasterly 40. Cloud formations are minimal when the ______. A. surface temperature and temperature aloft are equal B. surface temperature and temperature aloft differ greatly C. barometric pressure is very low D. relative humidity is very high 41. INTERTROPICAL CONVERGENCE ZONE OVER SOUTH PHILIPPINE PASSING OVER MINDANAO NORTHERN SULU AND PALAWAN(This paragraph is likely to be under the heading of ______( A. GALE WARNING B. 24 HOURS FORECAST C. SYNOPSIS D. STORM WARNING 42. A security level, for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident is defined as ______. A. Security level 1 B. Security level 2 C. Security level 3 D. Security level 4 43. On discovery of new dangers,of changes or defects in aids to navigation,Masters of vessels should immediately inform ______( A. their government B. their port of registry C. British Government D. Hydrographer of the Navy of Ministry of Defense of U(K 44. Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of ______. A. marine broadcast Notice to Mariners B. Weekly Notices to Mariners C. corrected editions of charts D. Light Lists 45. In revised editions of Admiralty charts the ______ are corrected first( A. smaller scales B. larger scales C. smaller scales and larger scales D. moderate scales 46. On a chart,the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector. The red sector ______. A. indicates the limits of the navigable channel B. indicates a danger area C. is used to identify the characteristics of the light D. serves no significant purpose 47. One of the principal dangers inherent in liquefied petroleum gas is that ______. A. as it warms up it becomes heavier than air B. the way it reacts with sea water C. its low temperature causes frostbite or freezing D. the strong odor it produces 48. Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3, Section 1( A. fixed to B. needed for C. pushed to D. drawn to 49. Generally, ______ are used as the track charts on the high sea, ______ are used for harbors,inland waters and coastal areas( A. Mercator charts,Loran charts B. Admiralty charts,Routeing charts C. large scale charts,small scale charts D. small scale charts,large scale charts 50. You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______( A. Deadweight Scale B. Tide Tables C. Notices to Mariners D. Table of Azimuth 51. The navigational term Set of current means ______( A. velocity of current in knots B. direction from which the current flows C. estimated current D. direction toward which the current flows 52. The short-long dashed, magenta lines parallel to York River Entrance Channel mark ______. A. fish trap areas B. naval exercise areas C. underwater cables D. recommended track lines 53. ______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0(03 minutes Northward( A. To consider B. To check C. To examine D. To agree with 54. Charts are subject to frequent correction according to ______( A. Notices to Mariners B. Mariner's handbook C. Sailing Directions D. Guide to Port Entry 55. The Pilotage-quarantine anchorage, ______ between Damen Dao and Qingshan Dao,is defined by the lines ______ the given points( A. situated,connected B. situated,connecting C. situating,connected D. situating,connecting 56. Mariners proceeding across the main routes are recommended to do so at ______. A. as wide an angle as practicable B. as wide an angle so practicable C. like wide an angle as practicable D. like wide as angle so practicable 57. SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of ______( A. sweep introduction B. sweep interest C. sweep intention D. sweep intensity 58. A storm is forecast for the area where your vessel is moored. For its safety you should put ________. A. more slack in the mooring lines B. a strain on the mooring lines C. chafing gear on the mooring lines D. grease on the mooring lines 59. In determining if risk of collision exists,such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident,particularly when approaching ______( A. very large vessel B. a long tow C. a vessel at close range D. all A,B and C 60. Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be ________( A. considered B. insured C. relied upon D. suspected 61. The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry Collision Avoidance System means ______( A. plan position indicator B. plain position indicator C. plane position indication D. policy proof of interest 62. Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with ______. A. no notice B. one day's notice C. a week's notice D. thirty (30) days notice 63. One of the following is not a integral part of ship security plan. A. Internal and external communication B. Restricted areas C. Access to ship D. Non of the above 64. The annual change in ______ is ,0.2 degree east in this water area( A. marine insurance B. magnetic variation C. maritime accident D. mean high water 65. Deviation in a compass is caused by the ______. A. vessel's geographic position B. vessel's heading C. earth's magnetic field D. influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel 66. When is a stand-on vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to avoid collision? ______. A. When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other B. When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision C. When collision is imminent D. The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take action 67. When underway in a channel,you should ______. A. stay near the middle of the channel B. keep to the starboard side of any vessels you meet C. exchange whistle signals with any other vessels in the channel D. keep to the side of the channel which lies to your starboard 68. You intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel. As you approach the other vessel's stern ________. A. you will gain speed B. both vessels will gain speed C. the vessels will drift together D. the vessels will drift apart 二(关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项) 第一组: Charts should be used with prudence:there are areas where the source data are old,incomplete or of poor quality. The mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed,the larger scales are usually corrected first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is received,some months must elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is,in many cases,still sparse,charted shoals may be in error as regards position,least depth and extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist,particularly away from well-established routes. 69. ______are the most detailed. A. the larger scale charts B. the smaller scale charts C. the charts covering the area where the source data are old,incomplete or of poor quality D. the charts which are corrected to date 70. In the area ______the charted shoals are unlikely to be in error. A. where hydrographic information is still sparse B. where the source data are old,incomplete or of poor quality C. away from well-established routes D. where new hydrographic survey information has just been incorporated in the charts 71. If the information provided by a chart covering an area where a new hydrographic survey has just been carried out has still some error as regards position,least depth and extent of shoals, the most probable reason is that ______ . A. the survey did not discover the shoals there B. the survey was incomplete or of poor quality C. the survey was made away from well-established routes D. the survey information has not yet been fully incorporated in the chart 72. This passage is most likely extracted from ______ of NM. A. Section I - Explanatory Notes B. Section II - Updates to Standard Navigational Charts C. Section III - Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings D. Section IV - Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions 第二组: The overall concept upon which the GMDSS is based is that all ships will carry an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). EPIRBs are designed to alert a shore Rescue Co-ordination Centre (RCC),via a satellite link,in the event of an emergency. They can be operated both manually and automatically. They will also provide the identity and approximate position of the ship in distress. The RCC will then use modern communications to discover what ships are in the vicinity and marshal appropriate resources to provide assistance. For this purpose the GMDSS establishes Distress and Safety Communications which will be used by ships. These include VHF,MF,HF and satellite services. In addition,the GMDSS establishes broadcast systems for the transmission and automatic receipt of Maritime Safety Information (MSI). This includes Navigational Warnings,Meteorological Warnings,Meteorological Forecasts,Initial Distress Alerts and other urgent information. 73. In the event of an emergency,RCC will ______. A. arrange appropriate resources in the vicinity to provide assistance B. try to prohibit ships in the vicinity from providing any assistance C. investigate the case to see if it is necessary to provide assistance D. communicate to the ship in distress all Navigational Warnings,Meteorological Warnings, Meteorological Forecasts,Initial Distress Alerts and other urgent information 74. In an emergency case,which of the following relationships seems to be logical in the GMDSS communication? A. Ship in distress , satellite , RCC , salving ship B. Satellite , RCC , ship in distress , salving ship C. RCC , satellite , ship in distress , salving ship D. Salving ship , RCC , satellite , ship in distress 75. Which of the following is not true concerning the advantages in using the GMDSS system? A. The identity of the ship in distress will be provided by EPIRB B. The assistance in detail required by the ship in distress can be provided by EPIRB C. Appropriate arrangements can be made to assist the ship in distress D. The approximate position of the ship in distress will be provided by RCC to all ships in vicinity 76. Which of the following is true concerning the use of GMDSS? A. In the Distress and Safety Communications,VHF,MF and HF are prohibited. B. GMDSS can only receive Distress and Safety information,but not transmit any information to other mobile stations or stations ashore C. Navigational Warnings,Meteorological Warnings,Meteorological Forecasts and Initial Distress Alerts are considered to be Maritime Safety Information D. EPIRBs can only be operated manually 三(中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77(在手操舵和自动舵的转换中,值班驾驶员应亲自操作或监督舵工进行转换操作。 78(所有在船人员必须每人拥有一件经主管当局认可符合SOLAS公约规定的救生衣。 79((航海日志)1520抵达指定压载水交换位置,所有压载舱开始换水。密切注意该过程。 80((航海日志)1600检查甲板货发现冷藏集装箱压缩机不工作。通知机舱急修。 81((航海日志)1220与港口国主管机关港口设施保安员联系,确定船舶保安等级为2。 37 一(单项选择题 1. A synthetic mooring line is being heaved on a capstan(There is moderate strain on the line(The line begins to slip(Which of the following should be done,? Stop the capstan and take extra turns( ? Have more than one seaman keep a substantial strain on the line and continue heaving easy( A. ? only B. ? only C. Both ? and ? D. Neither ? nor ? 2. ______Two degree on starboard( A. What rudder B. How heading C. Are you on your course D. How answer 3. You should plot your dead reckoning position ______. A. when you obtain an estimated position B. ONLY in piloting waters C. at every speed change D. All of the above are correct 4. Vessel must be ______duly qualified officers and crew( A. supplied with B. equipped by C. manned with D. fitted with 5. The ship's officers must ______checking on the stowage of all the cargoes loaded on board( A. do B. be interested in C. have relation to D. be troubled with 6. Heavy fuel oils when spilled are ______. A. more harmful to sea life than lighter oils B. easier to clean up than lighter refined oils C. less harmful to sea life than lighter oils D. not a real threat to marine life 7. ______will reduce the visibility( A. dust B. sea water C. land sand D. wind 8. The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area is the ______( A. General commander B. Commander general C. Search commander D. On-scene commander 9. Failure to comply with the clauses of charter party may result in action against the vessel( A. be making B. being taken C. be taking D. being made 10. Which of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo a ship can carry, A. Bale cubic B. Deadweight C. Gross tonnage D. Net tonnage 11. You are at anchor in fog on a 120-meter power-driven vessel. You hear the fog signal of a vessel approaching off your port bow. You may sound ______. A. one short,one prolonged,and one short blast B. one prolonged,one short and one prolonged C. one prolonged blast D. two short blasts 12. Fire hose couplings ______. A. are made of bronze,brass,or soft alloy metals B. should be painted red in order to identify hose lengths C. are specially hardened to prevent crushing D. should be greased frequently 13. A Doppler speed log indicates speed over ground ______. A. at all times B. in the bottom return mode C. in the volume reverberation mode D. only when there is no current 14. Bilge soundings indicate ______. A. the amount of condensation in the hold B. whether the cargo is leaking or not C. whether the vessel is taking on water D. All of the above 15. The type of extinguisher which should be used for an electricity fire is ______( A. foam or soda acid B. dry chemical or foam C. carbon dioxide or dry chemical D. carbon dioxide or foam 16. Line throwing equipment should not be operated ______. A. during a rain storm B. in an explosive atmosphere C. near a lifeboat station D. by other than licensed officers 17. Prior to entering a davit-launched life raft, you should make sure that ______. A. the life raft is well ventilated of excess carbon dioxide B. all personnel have removed their life preservers to facilitate boarding C. the door flap has been cut away and stowed inside the raft D. All of the above 18. An example of a messenger is a ______. A. fairlead B. heaving line C. stay D. warp 19. There is another thing I want to let you know(The lighting in the hold is very poor,even ______dark to work the cargo( A. if B. very C. too D. very much 20. The degree of being seen under certain weather condition is called______. A. Front B. Depression C. Swell D. Visibility 21. If the metacentric height is small,a floating vessel will ______. A. be tender B. have a quick and rapid motion C. be stiff D. yaw 22. A tanker is cargo ship constructed or ______ for the carriage in bulk liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature. A. adapted B. adopted C. damp D. dump 23. A block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a ______. A. bight block B. gin block C. heel block D. snatch block 24. Certain cargoes must be segregated(隔离) because of their ______. A. inherent characteristics B. weight C. destination D. danger to humans 25. Foreman,the ship ______,please get the stevedores to fill the port wings with heavier packages( A. lists to starboard B. is shifting to starboard C. is inclined to starboard D. is listing to starboard 26. My vessel ______bad weather with winds reaching force 9 on her way home( A. encountered B. faced C. found D. met 27. You are getting closer to the vessel ______,which is on the same course as you( A. head B. ahead C. headed D. heading 28. The entries in the Official Logbook must be signed by the Master and ______. A. the Chief Engineer B. the person about whom the entry concerns C. one other crew member D. No other signature is required 29. Pitching is angular motion of the vessel about what axis(轴)? A. Longitudinal B. Transverse C. Vertical D. Centerline 30. A vessel moored with two anchors,sometimes,at an exposed roadstead to ______( A. aid turning the ship B. obtain a fine bearing C. increase ship swings to wind or tide D. lighten the stress of anchor chains 31. ______of the following need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook, A. The testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month the vessel is navigated( B. The testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigated( C. The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a port D. The testing of the line-throwing appliance once every 3 months 32. The pilot said he ______our vessel directly to the berth( A. will take B. took C. is taking D. would take 33. When my ship arrived there,their ship ______( A. has left already B. left already C. had left already D. would left already 34. For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation,which one of the following factors wouldn't be considered, A. selection of landmarks B. character of sea bottom C. strength of current and wind force D. radius of ship swing to wind or tide 35. In case of accidents ______the risk of sinking,all effective measures shall be taken to steer clear of the fairway to avoid ______the traffic. A. involving,impeding B. involved,to impede C. involving,to impede D. involved,impeding 36. The Authority reserves the right not to accept ______for pilots by vessels in anchorages if the vessels have not reported their anchored position( A. bookings B. commands C. orders D. reports 37. In the southern hemisphere the wind flow associated with a low pressure system will have which of the following characteristic, A. the wind velocity is least near the center of the system B. the direction of the flow is counter-clockwise C. both A and B D. neither A or B 38. The ship is not very stable,please ______when making a turn( A. stop down B. speed down C. slow down D. down slow 39. High clouds,composed of small white flakes(片状) or scaly(鳞状) globular masses, and often banded together to form a mackerel sky(鱼鳞天),would be classified as ______. A. cirrus B. cirrocumulus C. altostratus D. cumulonimbus 40. A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n) ______. A. tornado B. anticyclone C. occluded cyclone or occluded front D. polar cyclone 41. LOW AT 34N 135E ESLY SLWLY INTST NC(This description is most likely to be under the heading of ______( A. GL WNG B. GEN SYN C. STM WNG D. T Y WNG 42. MODERATE WAVES,TAKING A MORE PRONOUNCED LONG FORM;MANY WHITE HORSES ARE FORMED(THIS sea condition is likely to be termed ______( A. moderate breeze B. fresh breeze C. strong breeze D. near gale 43. No navigational aids are shown and chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines(For more detailed information,the larger scale charts must be ______( A. bought B. analyzed C. consulted D. published 44. On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is,in many cases,still ______,charted shoals may be in error as regards position,depth and extent( A. spare B. spade C. sparse D. spear 45. The true course between two points is 078?. Your gyro-compass has an error of 2?E. You make an allowance of 3?leeway for a north wind. What gyro-course should be steered to make the true course good? A. 073?per gyro-compass B. 079?per gyro-compass C. 075?per gyro-compass D. 077?per gyro-compass 46. A radio medical advice service ______ships of all nationalities and no charge is made for this service( A. is available to B. is available for C. are available to D. are available for 47. After abandoning a vessel,water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will ______. A. pass through the body with little absorbed by the system B. help to prevent fatigue C. help to prevent seasickness D. quench thirst for only 2 hours 48. Sailing directions are kept up to date by ______( A. publications B. notices to mariners C. supplements D. Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners 49. The charts sold are of ______( A. newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices( B. the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction C. the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale D. brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing 50. Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published ______( A. every day B. every week C. every month D. every year 51. Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is ______. A. conspicuous B. inconspicuous C. a government facility or station D. a radio transmitter 52. The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are ______( A. untrue B. impossible C. suspectful D. unimportant 53. The light vessel is reported ______( A. to be destroyed B. to be demolished C. to be ruined D. to be spoiled 54. Navigational warnings are published according to ______( A. the designed area B. the designated area C. the indicated area D. all area over the world 55. Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes?(1)A vessel shall,so far as practicable,avoid crossing traffic lanes (2)If obliged to cross traffic lanes,she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow( A. (1) only B. (2) only C. Both(1) and (2) D. Neither (1) nor (2) 56. A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of _____following a traffic lane. (1). a power_driven vessel (2). a sailing vessel (3). any vessel (4). a vessel of less than 20 metres in length A. (1) B. (1) & (2) C. (3) D. (4) 57. It may be found that,in certain circumstances,radar beacon emissions can cause ______with the normal radar display,particularly at close range( A. unwanted interference B. unexpected figures C. abnormal data D. unwanted information 58. Shorter pulse lengths which may be repeated at a faster rate (higher pulse repetition frequency) on short ranges will give _______at those ranges. A. Good Bearing discrimination B. Good Range discrimination C. Poor Bearing discrimination D. Poor Range discrimination 59. The fitting of an efficient radar reflector is likely to considerably increase the ship's probability of ______( A. detection B. being detected C. the detective D. the detected 60. Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope? A. Echoes from a buoy B. Own ship's marker C. Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed D. Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed 61. When does a pilot say MAKE ALL LINES FAST? He says it when ______( A. the ship is very close to the pier B. the ship is about to be in position C. the ship is in position D. the ship is getting alongside the pier 62. ______is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ship's course and the distance being those indicated by log( A. dead reckoning B. dead weight C. dead slow ahead D. dead slow astern 63. If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot's actions,or intentions,he should ______( A. notify the Captain as soon as possible B. seek clarification from the pilot C. take action by his own judgment D. cease the duty of pilot's at once 64. If the gyrocompass error is east,what describes the error and the correction to be made to gyrocompass headings to obtain true headings? A. The readings are too low (small numerically) and the amount of the error must be added to the compass to obtain true B. The readings are too low and the amount of the error must be subtracted from the compass to obtain true C. The readings are too high (large numerically) and the amount of the error must be added to the compass to obtain true D. The readings are too high and the amount of the error must be subtracted from the compass to obtain true 65. My gyro-compass ______is two degrees east( A. trouble B. error C. wrong D. mistake 66. Which statement applies to a vessel constrained by her draft? A. The term only applies to vessels in narrow channels B. She is severely restricted in her ability to change her course because of her draft in relation to the available depth and width of navigable water C. She is designated as a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver D. The vessel must be over 100 meters in length 67. On the high seas,a fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts would indicate the presence of a ______( A. vessel being towed B. fishing vessel engaged in trawling C. vessel at anchor warning you of her location D. power-driven pilot vessel on station underway 68. You have a vessel astern of you and you desire to make a right turn( You should ______. A. sound one blast and come right B. sound one blast and wait for his answer C. sound two blasts and come right D. sound two blasts and wait for his answer 二(关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项) 第一组: Cargoes to be carried by this type of ship are pre-packed into containers before being loaded aboard the ship. Containers are sealed after being packed with cargoes. Made of metal or other durable materials, they are watertight after sealing and can therefore be stowed on deck whilst being carried. One of the features of container ships is that some of the containers are usually stowed on deck. The container ship is becoming increasingly popular in trading circles, and the trend is that the tonnage thereof will grow at a faster pace in future. 69. What does “innovation” in the first paragraph mean? A. making changes B. the introduction of an antigenic substance into the body against a specific disease C. The act of introducing something new. D. revolution 70. Containers are sealed after being packed with cargoes. A. filled B. loaded C. stuffed D. closed officially or under the supervision of notary public 71. Of the following, ________ is not the feature of the container ship? A. Some of the containers are usually stowed on deck. B. It is easy for handling and quick turnover of the cargo C. The container ship is becoming increasingly safer D. Cargoes are pre-packed into the container 72. The tonnage of container ship is ________. A. decreasing B. increasing C. remaining the same D. changing 第二组: No chart is infallible. Every chart is liable to be incomplete, either through imperfections in the survey on which it is based, or through subsequent alterations to the topography or seabed. However, in the vicinity of recognized shipping lanes charts may be used with confidence for normal navigational needs. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances and the other aids available, such as the judicious use of the echo sounder and radar, and local pilotage guidance. 73. Why is every chart liable to defects? (1) the imperfect weather report. (2)the imperfect survey. (3) the subsequent alterations to the structure of the vessel. (4) the subsequent changes to the terrain.(5) the ensuing changes to the seabed. A. (1) (2) (4) B. (2) (4) 5) C. (1) (3) (4) (5) D. (2) (3) (4) 74. The mariner should appeal to _______ for the reliance on the information available. A. the judge B. the port authority C. himself D. the agent 75. The mariner should take _______ into serious consideration when using the information given. A. particular conditions B. the number of crew C. other aids available D. both A and C 76. In the vicinity of well-established shipping route, _______. A. no chart is infallible. B. the local pilotage guidance is required. C. charts may be used with confidence for normal navigational needs. D. other aids available should be inoperative. 三(中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77(除非另有说明,地理位置均应参照最大比例尺海图。 78(应定期试验救生消防设备、通讯设备和甲板照明设备。 79((航海日志)启动陀螺罗经并调整复示器及核对磁罗经。 80((航海日志)调整速度和航向,检查甲板上移动物体并紧固。 81((航海日志)锚泊在检疫锚地等待医生为全体船员注射。 39 1( In order to pay out or slack a mooring line which is under strain,you should ______( A(sluice the line B(surge the line C(stopper the line D(slip the line 2( It takes about 12 seconds to reverse ______ full speed ahead ______ full speed astern( A(at,to B(to,from C(from,to D(at,from 3( El Abbasa (Sweet Water) Canal ______ from River Nile at Cairo to Suez Canal at Ismailia( A(extend B(extending C(extends D(are extending 4( An accident came ______ my mind when I saw the broken case( A(in B(on C(to D(with 5( The stevedores have already stowed the porcelain ware ______ up to the deckhead( A(loosely B(closely C(heavily D(strongly 6( My ship sailed ______ port of Shanghai,bound ______ Rotterdam( A(from,for B(for,on C(on,at D(at,from 7( A VESSEL,OTHER THAN A RESCUE UNIT,DESIGNATED TO CO-ORDINATE SURFACE SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION WITHIN A SPECIFIED AREA is known as ______( A(salving vessel B(Co-ordinator surface search C(MERSAR D(the vessel being salved 8( AN APPOINTMENT BETWEEN VESSELS NORMALLY MADE ON RADIO TO MEET IN A CERTAIN AREA OR POSITION defines ______( A(Bona fide B(Rendez-vous C(Prima facie D(Action in personam 9( A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines ______( A(Restricted area B(Closed area C(Prohibited place D(Forbidden place 10(Strips of timber fixed to the frames of a ship, either in a horizontal or vertical direction, which keep cargo away from the sides of the ship, assisting ventilation and helping protect against a build-up of moisture or condensation are termed as ______( A(frames B(shell plates C(bilge plates D(cargo batten 11(Molded depth is measured from the ______( A(inside of the shell B(outside of the shell C(top of the center vertical keel D(top of the garboard stake 12(Manila lines in which the strands are right-hand laid ______( A(should be coiled in a clockwise direction B(should be coiled in a counterclockwise direction C(may be coiled either clockwise or counterclockwise D(should never be coiled 13(A hygrometer is a device used for determining ______( A(the absolute temperature B(atmospheric pressure C(wind velocity D(relative humidity 14(My ship is equipped ______ automatic hatch covers( A(with B(by C(on D(in 15(What is the minimum period of time that the air supply for a self-contained breathing apparatus is required to last? A(10 minutes B(20 minutes C(30 minutes D(90 minutes 16(Aboard a survival craft,ether can be used to ______( A(start the engine in cold weather B(aid in helping personnel breathe C(prime the sprinkler system D(prime the air supply 17(You notice smoke coming from an open laundry room doorway(After activating the fire alarm, which of the following would you do FIRST? A(Attempt to determine what is burning( B(Acquire the nearest life jacket. C(Break out the nearest fire hose. D(Wait for the fire team to arrive and assist as directed. 18(If the survival craft is not loaded to full capacity,the personnel should be ______( A(loaded more on the port side forward B(loaded equally on both sides with more forward C(loaded equally on both sides with more aft D(allowed to sit anywhere 19(Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ______( A(ballast B(reserve buoyancy C(displacement D(rolling periods 20(The two most effective generating forces of surface ocean currents are ______( A(temperature and salinity differences in the water B(wind and density differences in the water C(water depth and underwater topography D(rotation of the Earth and continental interference 21(GM cannot be used as an indicator of stability at all angles of inclination because ______( A(M is not fixed at large angles B(there is no M at large angles C(G is not fixed at large angles D(there is no G at large angles 22(The distance between the surface of the water and the tidal datum is the _______( A(height of tide B(charted depth C( actual water depth D( range of tide 23(Galvanizing would be suitable for protecting wire rope which is used for ______( A(cargo runners B(stays C(topping lifts D(All of the above 24(You notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel(You should FIRST ______( A(stop fueling B(notify the senior deck officer C(notify the terminal superintendent D(determine whether your vessel is the source 25(For cargoes ______ grain meals,coal,ventilation is needed to prevent them ______ spontaneous combustion( A(i(e(,of B(for instance,away C(for example,off D(such as, from 26(When visibility is 10 nautical miles,we say that visibility is ______( A(very good B(good C(poor D(moderate 27(In writing up the log book at the end of your watch,you make an error(which of the following is the way to correct the error,______( A(Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly B(Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean page C(Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctly D(Cross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly 28(There is not ______ depth of water around the area centered at the lighthouse( A(ample B(sufficient C(enormous D(incredible 29(We ______ at anchor in the roadstead till the evening( A(have to ride B(have to get C(have to put D(have to make 30(It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to ______( A(avoid any swing in a restricted space B(shelter the ship from strong winds C(prevent to touch with other vessels D(make a convenience of cargo discharging 31(Good anchorage may be obtained anywhere,generally mud and sand,in this water area(Vessel may have ______( A(good towing ground B(good holding ground C(good grabbing ground D(good dragging ground 32(The pilot said he ______ our vessel directly to the berth( A(will take B(took C(is taking D(would take 33(Especially in adverse weather,risk of collision with an offshore supply vessel increases when the vessel is moored to what side of the unit? ______( A(Upwind B(Downwind C(Crosswind D(Downcurrent 34(Pilot ladder is ______ on port side( A(equipped B(rigged C(put on D(put off 35(The fishing boat upset and sank to the ______ of the sea( A(base B(under part C(bottom D(down place 36(When within the entrance,the vessel should ______ Surf islet( A(navigate B(arrive at C(steer for D(maneuver for 37(For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean, ______ Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc( A(watch B(look for C(see D(regard 38(When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind ______( A(Gale B(Storm C(Hurricane D(Typhoon 39(This notice will ______ you of the problem( A(use to remind B(use to tell C(serve to remind D(be served to talk 40(By plotting the analysis messages on weather charts,we are able to ______( A(prevent any possible accident at sea B(prepare a reasonable forecast of the wind and weather C(help the mariner to fix a accurate ship's position D(aid the salvage of a ship in peril 41(It is predicted that heavy rains are ______ to flood the harbor and its vicinity in a few days( A(frightening B(threatening C(scattering D(warning 42(Wind direction may be determined by observing all of the following EXCEPT ______( A(low clouds B(waves C(whitecaps D(swells 43(Bearings are true reckoned ______ in Admiralty Charts( A(clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees B(clockwise from 359 to 000 degrees C(anti-clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees D(anti-clockwise from 359 to 000 degrees 44(Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in ______( A(Weekly Editions B(Quarterly Editions C(Annual Editions D(Monthly Editions 45(A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a ______( A(longitude line B(isogonic lines C(latitude line D(line of position 46(Mean high water is the average height of ______( A(the higher high waters B(the lower high waters C(the lower of the two daily tides D(all high waters 47(On a chart,the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector(The red sector ______( A(indicates the limits of the navigable channel B(indicates a danger area C(is used to identify the characteristics of the light D(serves no significant purpose 48(Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3, Section 1( A(fixed to B(needed for C(pushed to D(drawn to 49(Navigational charts are subject to frequent changes,the important ones of which are promulgated by ______( A(Admiralty Notices to Mariners B(Mariner's Handbook C(Catalogue D(Sailing Directions 50(Which statement is true of the Uniform Lateral System of Buoyage, A(It employs top marks B(Lighted buoys have the same shape as unlighted buoys C(The numbering or lettering of fairway buoys is optional D(All of the above 51(Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in ______( A(capital letters B(italics C(boldface print D(underlined letters 52(A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing(In the Northern Hemisphere(北半球), this would indicate that it will ______( A(shift in a clockwise manner B(decrease in velocity C(continue blowing from the same direction D(shift in a counterclockwise manner 53(The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they are assessed to be ______( A(temporary B(permanent C(occasional D(steady 54(______ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0(03 minutes Northward( A(To consider B(To check C(To examine D(To agree with 55(The Pilotage-quarantine anchorage, ______ between Damen Dao and Qingshan Dao,is defined by the lines ______ the given points( A(situated,connected B(situated,connecting C(situating,connected D(situating,connecting 56(On no account can they cut it _______ it be fouled( A(would B(shall C(should D(do 57(A vessel's position should be plotted using bearings of ______( A(fixed objects on shore B(buoys at a distance C(buoys close by D(All of the above 58(In order to insure that the racon signal is visible on your 3 cm radar,the ______( A(10 cm radar should be placed on standby or turned off B(gain control should be turned to maximum C(radar should be stabilized,head up D(rain clutter control should be off but,if necessary,may be on low 59(You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard(You have 3 radar targets bearing 090? relative at ranges of 0.5 mile,1 mile,and 1.5 miles(In this case,the unwanted echoes are called ______( A(multiple echoes B(spoking C(indirect echoes D(side-lobe echoes 60(______ 20 targets can be tracked at one time(When maximum tracking capacity is reached, no further acquisitions(捕获) are possible( A(As many as B(So many as C(As much as D(As more as 61(The system will accept a harbor map which is incorrect,therefore the operator must exercise caution in harbor selection( A(be considered B(be prudent C(be bold enough D(be carelessness 62(Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with ______( A(no notice B(one day's notice C(a week's notice D(thirty days notice 63(A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for ______( A(the Sun B(the Moon C(Venus D(None of the above 64(Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by_______( A(compass error B(true heading C(variation D(deviation 65(Deviation is caused by ______( A(changes in the earth's magnetic field B(nearby magnetic land masses or mineral deposits C(magnetic influence inherent to that particular vessel D(the magnetic lines of force not coinciding with the lines of longitude 66(Your vessel is at anchor in fog while in international waters( The fog signal of another vessel,apparently underway,has been steadily growing louder and the danger of collision appears to exist(In addition to the normal fog signal,what signal may be used to indicate the presence of your vessel,______( A(The danger signal; five or more short and rapid blasts on the whistle B(Three blasts on the whistle; one short,one prolonged and one short C(Three blasts on the whistle; one prolonged followed by two short D(No special signal other than the normal fog signal 67(A vessel trawling would display ______( A(a black ball B(a basket C(a double cone,point to point D(none of the above 68(Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except ______( A(in a crossing situation B(in a meeting situation C(when they are the overtaking vessel D(on the inland waters of the PR China 二(关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项) 第一组: Marine Forecast Issued for Southeastern Grand Banks 0330 PM NST on Mon 19 Dec 2005 Synopsis: A ridge of high pressure south of the district will drift NW to lie just S of Newfoundland Tue morning. Mod to strong W to SW winds north of the ridge become light to mod in its vicinity. On Tue a low pressure system will move SE of the marine district. Mod to strong easterlies ahead of the low back to strong northwesterlies later in the day in its wake. Marine interests are advised that freezing spray warnings are continued for Belle Isle. Forecast: Winds SW 15 knots backing to SE 15 to 20 this evening then increasing to NE 20 to 30 Tue morning. Winds backing to NW 20 to 30 Tue afternoon. Occasional showers changing to rain overnight then tapering to occasional showers Tue afternoon. Vis fair in precipitation. Little temperature change. Outlook for Wed mod to strong southerlies diminishing to light winds. 69(The ridge and the low are moving ______( A(in some direction B(in opposite direction C(to SE and NW respectively D(too fast in the day that marine interests are advised that freezing spray warnings are continued for Belle Isle 70(At noontime Tue the wind direction will be______( A(S B(NE C(NW D(SW 71(It is forecast for Wed that there will be ______( A(winds NE 20 to 30 knots B(winds SW 15 knots backing to SE 15 to 20 C(winds NW 20 to 30 knots with occasional showers D(mod to strong S winds diminishing to light winds 72(On Tue afternoon, there will be ______( A(rain B(fog C(blue skies D(showers 第二组: Corrections to sailing Directions are given in Section ?.Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners .A list of corrections in force is published in Section? of the Weekly Edition for the last week of each month. It is recommended that corrections be kept in a file with the latest list of corrections in force on top(The list should be consulted when using the parent book to see if any corrections affecting the area under consideration are in force. It is not recommended that corrections be stuck in the parent book or current supplement, but ,if this is done, when a new supplement is received care must be taken to retain those corrections issued after the date of the new supplement, which may be several months before its receipt on board. 73(______ are reprinted in the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners. A(The Sailing Directions B(The corrections to Sailing Directions C(The effective corrections to Notices to Mariners D(The Weekly Edition 74(The parent book is ______( A(The Sailing Direction B(The corrections to Sailing Directions in force C(The Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners D(The Weekly Edition 75(It is recommended that corrections to the Sailing Directions be______( A(made by hand B(consulted at the last week of each month C(stuck in the parent book or current supplement D(kept in a file with the latest list of corrections in force on top 76(If the corrections be stuck in the parent book or current supplement, ______( A(when a new supplement is received, those corrections issued after the date of the new supplement must be retained B(the parent book must be consulted C(the current supplement must be consulted D(the Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners must be used 三(中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77(应急消防泵、救生艇及其释放装置的缺陷经常引起船舶的滞留。 78(我轮机舱正在进水,没有人员受伤。我不能控制进水。 79(工人和驳船到达并开始卸各舱货物。(航海日志) 80(试验舵机,车钟及汽笛,核对电罗经和船钟,一切良好。(航海日志) 81(左舷通过2号入口浮筒,引航员离船。船长引领出海。(航海日志) 40 一(单项选择题 1( You ______ in the wrong position obstructing other traffic(You must heave up your anchor( A(have anchored B(have placed your anchor C(have moored your anchor D(have maintained your anchor 2( The strongest of the natural fiber ropes is______( A(Nylon B(Dacron C(Manila D(Sisal 3( On this chart only the principle ______ to navigation are shown( A(equipment's B(tools C(apparatus D(aids 4( The ship can leave the port ______ the joint inspection( A(before B(after C(at D(from 5( They ______ in the Engine Room in spite of the extremely difficult conditions( A(carried out B(carried on C(carried off D(carried forward 6( You are kindly ______ to issue the landing permits to the crew( A(request B(requesting C(requested D(be request oo7( Aircraft made forced ______ near position 23 32'N,110 13'E( A(striking B(landing C(grounding D(stranding 8( A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines ______( A(Restricted area B(Closed area C(Prohibited place D(Forbidden place 9( The following ______ is a standard phrase( A(You may enter fairway B(You should enter fairway C(ANSWER(It is permitted to enter fairway D(You could enter fairway 10(Strips of timber fixed to the frames of a ship, either in a horizontal or vertical direction, which keep cargo away from the sides of the ship, assisting ventilation and helping protect against a build-up of moisture or condensation are termed as _______( A(frames B(shell plates C(bilge plates D(cargo batten 11(Which of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo a ship can carry, A(Bale cubic B(Deadweight C(Gross tonnage D(Net tonnage 12(______refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vessel. A(True position B(True meridian C(True course D(True bearing 13(A sheave is a ______( A(grooved wheel in a block B(line to hold a lifeboat next to the embarkation deck C(partial load of grain D(seaman's knife 14(The wire ropes and blocks,or pulleys,on a ship are called ______( A(the apparatus B(equipment C(riggings D(fittings 15(All vessel personnel should be familiar with the survival craft's ______. A. boarding and operating procedures B. maintenance schedule C. navigational systems D. fuel consumption rates 16(If a fire-fighting situation calls for low-velocity fog you would ______( A(order the engine room to reduce pressure on the fire pump B(put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way forward C(attach a low-velocity fog applicator with the nozzle shut down D(put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way back 17(A fire has broken out on the stern of your vessel(You should maneuver your vessel so the wind ______( A(blows the fire back toward the vessel B(comes over the bow C(comes over the stern D(comes over either beam 18(A person who sees someone fall overboard should first ______. A. call for help and keep the individual in sight B. run to the radio room to send an emergency message C. immediately jump in the water to assist the individual D. go to the bridge to report captain 19(Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ______( A(ballast B(reserve buoyancy C(displacement D(rolling periods 20(How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom? A(With arm extended and fingers closed,point thumb downward B(With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down,move hand in small horizontal circles C(Extend arm with the palm down,and hold this position rigidly D(With hands clasped in front of your body 21(How many dry-powder extinguishers has your ship exactly been ______( A(produced B(provided with C(supplied by D(met with 22(All the cargo holds must be ______ cleaned out ______ meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor( A(such,that B(so,that C(such,to D(so,as to 23(Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ______( A(faking B(flemishing down C(mousing D(worming 24(As oil pipe line connections were broken,______ quantity of oil was caused to spill onto the wharf and into the dock water( A(a not knowing B(an unknowing C(an unknown D(a not known 25(The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the ______( A(local agent B(watchman C(docker D(foreman 26(All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the ______( A(deck logbook B(official logbook C(compass record book D(chronometer error book 27(In writing up the log book at the end of your watch,you make an error(which of the following is the way to correct the error, A(Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly B(Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean page C(Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctly D(Cross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly 28(A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of ______( A(group occulting B(composite group flashing C(Morse letter A D(quick flashing 29(You’d better ______ your course to port to avoid collision( A(to alter B(alter C(altering D(altered 30(Good anchorage may be obtained anywhere,generally mud and sand,in this water area(Vessel may have ______( A(good towing ground B(good holding ground C(good grabbing ground D(good dragging ground 31(A check rope is ______( A(a safety line attached to a man working over the side B(used to measure water depth C(used to slow the headway of a barge D(used to measure the overhead height of a bridge 32(The approach to the roads and harbor from the ______ entails no difficulty( A(eastern B(easterly C(eastward D(eastwards 33(The ship is not very stable,please ______ when making a turn( A(stop down B(speed down C(slow down D(down slow 34(Pitching is angular motion of the vessel about what axis? A(Longitudinal B(Transverse C(Vertical D(Centerline 35(Owing to the big draught of the ship,she has to get alongside by the time of ______( A(spring tide B(flood tide C(ebb tide D(slack water 36(The engine ______ smoke and steam( A(gives up B(gives away C(gives in D(gives off 37(Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can ______ it( A(go ahead B(approach C(proceed near D(run into 38(A frontal thunderstorm is caused by ______( A(pronounced local heating B(wind being pushed up a mountain C(a warm air mass rising over a cold air mass D(an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air 39(Good weather is usually associated with a region of ______( A(low barometric pressure B(high barometric pressure C(falling barometric pressure D(pumping barometric pressure 40(An air mass is termed warm if ______( A(it is above 70? F B(the ground over which it moves is cooler than the air C(it originated in a high pressure area D(it originated in a low pressure area 41(BASHI:E TO SE 9-10(500M IN HVY SQUALLY SHWRS AND TS(SEA 8-9M(SWELL SE 6-7(From the above forecast,the wind in Beaufort Scale will be ______( A(STRONG GALE TO STORM B(GALE TO STRONG GALE C(NEAR GALE TO GALE D(STRONG BREEZE TO NEAR GALE 42(MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE(This forecast probably refers to ______ in a certain area( A(visibility B(winds C(sea D(fog 43(A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo(This is done in order to obtain a(n) ______( A(Clean Bill of Lading B(Order Bill of Lading C(Straight Bill of Lading D(Through Bill of Lading 44(Bearings are true reckoned ______ in Admiralty Charts( A(clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees B(clockwise from 359 to 000 degrees C(anti-clockwise from 000 to 359 degrees D(anti-clockwise from 359 to 000 degrees 45(Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in ______( A(Weekly Editions B(Quarterly Editions C(Annual Editions D(Monthly Editions 46(Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______( A(magnetic latitudes B(magnetic declinations C(dip D(isogonic lines 47(Mean high water is the average height of ______( A(the higher high waters B(the lower high waters C(the lower of the two daily tides D(all high waters 48(______ amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation( A(Admiralty Sailing Directions B(Admiralty List of Lights C(Admiralty List of Signals D(Admiralty Notices to Mariners 49(Ocean Passages for the World and Routeing Charts should be ______ for trans-oceanic information( A(looked B(consulted C(seen D(reviewed 50(How is variation indicated on a small-scale nautical chart? A(Magnetic compass table B(Magnetic meridians C(Isogonic lines D(Variation is not indicated on small-scale nautical charts 51(A cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water in the area is on the ______( A(north side of the mark B(west side of the mark C(east side of the mark D(south side of the mark 52(How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system “A”? A(keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leaving( B(keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leaving( C(keep the buoy on the vessel’s starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s starboard side when leaving( D(keep the buoy on the vessel’s port side when approaching a port and on the vessel’s port side when leaving 53(Charted depth is the ______( A(vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tide B(vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom C(average height of water over a specified period of time D(average height of all low waters at a place 54(You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______( A(Deadweight Scale B(Tide Tables C(Notices to Mariners D(Table of Azimuth 55(Which of the following statement is correct regarding ship handling when in the vicinity of traffic separation schemes,______((1)A vessel shall,so far as practicable,avoid crossing traffic lanes (2)If obliged to cross traffic lanes,she shall do so as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow( A((1) only B((2) only C(Both(1) and (2) D(Neither (1) nor (2) 56(On no account can they cut it ______ it be fouled( A(would B(shall C(should D(do 57(It may be found that,in certain circumstances,Radar Beacon can cause unwanted interference particularly ______( A(at close range B(at end on situation C(at head on situation D(at crossing situation 58(Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with ______( A(ship's clock B(engine movement recorder C(repeaters D(navigation lights 59(The radio waves used for radar are very short,only ______ long( A(a few centimeters B(a few fathoms C(a few meters D(a few feet 60(Your radar is set on a true motion display(Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope? A(Echoes from a buoy B(Own ship's marker C(Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed D(Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed 61(The system will accept a harbor map which is incorrect,therefore the operator must exercise caution in harbor selection( A(be considered B(be prudent C(be bold enough D(be carelessness 62(Calibration Stations give special transmissions for the calibration of ship's ______( A(gyro-compass B(marine radar C(DF D(navigational satellite 63(To obtain accuracy in fixing by DF,______ and three stations should be used( A(parallel bearings B(long-range bearings C(short-range bearings D(cross bearings 64(A compass card without north-seeking capability that is used for relative bearings is a(n) ______( A(bearing circle B(pelorus C(bearing bar D(alidade 65(Before switching on gyro-compass,you should make sure that the power supply on board is ______( A(high or low B(AC or DC C(strong or weak D(on or off 66(What is a requirement for any action taken to avoid collision? A(When in sight of another vessel,any action taken must be accompanied by sound signals B(The action taken must include changing the speed of the vessel C(The action must be positive and made in ample time D(All of the above 67(When two power-driven vessels are crossing,which vessel is the stand-on vessel? A(The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel B(The vessel which is to port of the other vessel C(The larger vessel D(The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal 68(The rules require that a stand-on vessel SHALL take action to avoid collision when she determines that ______( A(risk of collision exists B(the other vessel will cross ahead of her C(the other vessel is not taking appropriate action D(collision cannot be avoided by the give-way vessel's maneuver alone 二(关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项) 第一组: Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo(Some are also designed to carry passengers(They can operate as liners(These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable(A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not(Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners(The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes(Ferries are also classed as liners(These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas(A few ships are still employed as passenger liners(They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East(Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year( 69(The deep-sea liners _______( A(carry mainly containerized cargo B(carry mainly conventional cargo C(offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles D(sail across channels and narrow seas 70(The Liners _______( A(always sail full B(sail regularly even not full C(always sail in ballast D(will not sail if not full 71(A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners _______( A(will be published weekly B(will be published when they sail, whether full or not, from Europe to North America and to the Far East C(will not be published even they sail fully loaded D(is published prior to their departure 72(It is implied in the passage that _______( A(the number of passenger ships is small B(all passenger ships will carry some cargo in near future C(it is not necessary for liners to sail in regular time D(container carriers should carry some passengers 第二组: The axial thrust of the propeller is the force working in a fore and aft direction(This force causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern(Because of her shape, a ship will move ahead through the water more easily than going astern( The transverse thrust is the sideways force of the propeller as it rotates(The transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water is not strong enough to counteract the opposite effect of the lower blades(For right-handed propellers this cants the ship's stern to starboard and her bow to port, when the ship is going ahead(The effect is small and can be corrected by the rudder(When the engines are put astern, the effect is the opposite and the stern cants to port(This effect is stronger and cannot easily be corrected(Vessels with left-handed propellers behave in the opposite way. 73(The force that causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern is known as_______( A(axial thrust B(transverse thrust C(the transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water D(the transverse effect of the lower blades of the propeller near the bottom of the water 74(A left-handed propellers, when the ship is going ahead, will cant ship’s stern to_______( A(starboard B(port C(to move ahead D(move astern 75(The transverse thrust of the propeller is stronger when the ship is_______( A(going a stern B(going ahead C(stopped D(making no way through the water 76(The transverse thrust of the propeller can mainly be overcome by _______( A(the rudder B(the propeller itself C(the nautical instrument D(wind and tide 三(中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77(锚离底, 降下锚球, 在引航员的指挥下驶往泊位,大副和木匠在船首了头。(航海日志) 78(理货长来船, 核对昨日卸货数量, 无异议。(航海日志) 79(开航前试验驾驶台控制系统和操舵设备,情况正常。(航海日志) 80(三副应负责保证所有消防设备处于随时可用状态。 81(我船准备在明天下午14:00举行救生演习。 41 1( For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be ______( A(considered B(consulted C(concluded D(commanded 2( Many of the lights on this coast are placed so high as to be frequently obscured by ______( A(power B(tower C(cover D(low clouds 3( The lighthouse if ______ at night may be in trouble( A(invisible B(it is invisible C(isn't visible D(unvisible 4( Several shoals ______ reported to exist in the area south-west of the Brothers( A(have B(have been C(has D(has been 5( In revised editions of Admiralty charts the ______ are corrected first( A(smaller scales B(larger scales C(smaller scales and larger scales D(moderate scales 6( The shoreline shown on nautical charts of areas affected by large tidal fluctuations is usually the line of mean ______( A(lower low water B(low water C(tide level D(high water 7( During daylight savings time the meridian used for determining the time is located farther ______( A(west in west longitude and east in east longitude B(east in west longitude and west in east longitude C(west D(east 8( Attention is ______ the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3, Section 1( A(fixed to B(needed for C(pushed to D(drawn to 9( Charted depths ______ by 2 meters due to state of the winds( A(is decreased B(decreased C(decreases D(are decreased 10(______ the abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident( A(Attached herewith are B(Attached is herewith C(Attached are hereby D(Hereby are attached 11(Every entry required to be made in the Official Logbook shall be signed by the ______( A(Mate on watch B(Master and Chief Mate or other member of the crew C(Master only D(Purser,one of the Mates,and some other member of the crew 12(Logbooks are used to record the events occurring when ______( A(the ship is in a harbor B(the ship is at anchorage C(the ship is underway D(all of the above 13(An accident came ______ my mind when I saw the broken case( A(in B(on C(to D(with 14(The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the ______of equipment or systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations( A(visibility B(ability C(reliability D(capability 15(A qualified deck officer should be ______ the watch( A(in charge of B(arranged C(decided to D(the depth of 16(How many GMDSS operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974? ______( A(4 operators B(3 operators C(2 operators D(1 operator 17(Instructions on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the ______ which is primarily designed for use by merchant ship( A(MARPOL B(IRPCS C(SOLAS D(MERSAR 18(Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 contains requirements pertaining to the discharge into the marine environment of ______( A(oil B(garbage C(noxious liquid substances D(None of the above 19(Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n) ______( A(barometer B(wind vane C(anemometer D(thermometer 20(After casting off moorings at a mooring buoy in calm weather,you should ______( A(go full ahead on the engine(s) B(back away a few lengths to clear the buoy and then go ahead on the engines C(go half ahead on the engines and put the rudder hard right D(go half ahead on the engines and pass upstream of the buoy 21(The most doubtful and unpredictable factor in a mooring system is the ______( A(ability of the anchors to hold in a seabed B(anchor chain catenary length C(variability of the fairlead D(angle of the flukes 22(Chafing gear should be placed ______( A(at all wearing points of mooring lines B(at the bitter ends of all standing rigging C(around running rigging D(on wire rope only forces 23(Owing to the big draught of the ship,she has to go alongside by the time of ______( A(spring tide B(flood tide C(ebb tide D(slack water 24(The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the Rules when ______( A(there are no other vessels around B(operating in a narrow channel C(the Master enters it in the ship's log D(necessary to avoid immediate danger 25(Mariners proceeding across the main routes are ______ to do so as wide an angle as practicable( A(recommended B(reported C(applied D(complied 26(A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel ______( A(by a tow line ahead of the vessel B(forward on either bow of the vessel C(approximately amidships of the vessel D(on the vessel's quarter 27(Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other ______( A(shall not keep her course but shall keep her speed B(shall not keep her course and speed C(shall keep her course but change her speed D(shall keep her course and speed 28(All of the following are engaged in fishing EXCEPT ______( A(A vessel trawling B(A vessel trolling C(A vessel setting nets D(A vessel tending lines 29(When underway in a channel,you should keep to the ______( A(middle of the channel B(starboard side of the channel C(port side of the channel D(side of the channel that has the widest turns 30(The two vessels underway may collide with ______,if they don't take immediate measures( A(one to another B(one the other C(each the other D(each other 31(The shortest distance between any two points on earth defines a ______( A(small circle B(great circle C(rhumb line D(hyperbola 32(When a buoy marks a channel bifurcation(分支), the preferred channel is NOT indicated by ______( A(the shape of an unlighted buoy B(the light color of a lighted buoy C(the color of the topmost band D(whether the number is odd or even 33(Uncharted lights, fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be ______ near the station( A(encountered B(met C(contacted D(seen 34(Spring tides occur ______( A(when the moon is new or full B(when the moon and sun have declination of the same name C(only when the moon and sun are on the same sides of the earth D(at the beginning of spring when the sun is over the equator 35(The set of the ocean current is caused by ______( A(density differences of the water B(rotation of the earth C(direction of primary circulation of air D(all of the above 36(You are docking a vessel(If possible,you should ______( A(go in with the current B(go in against the current C(approach the dock at a 90Deg angle and swing to D(at the beginning of spring when the sun is over the equator 37(All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept ______ commencement of loading( A(cleanly,during B(clear,meanwhile C(clean,between D(clean,prior to 38(Stop ______ the derrick at once,the gooseneck is bent( A(to use B(to operate C(maneuvering D(using 39(The actual amount of cargo loaded depends upon ______( A(the broken stowage listed B(the broken stowage calculated C(the broken stowage given D(the actual broken stowage 40(The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as ______( A(Traffic Separation Schemes B(Recommended tracks C(Precautionary areas D(Inshore traffic zones 41(What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship's position? A(Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometer B(Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometer C(Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressure D(Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure 42(When completed their duty, pilots want the master of the vessel to fill in ______( A(their yellow books B(their pilotage forms C(their identification cards D(their pilotage licenses 43(When force of winds reaches 10-11 in Beaufort scale,we usually call such wind ______( A(Gale B(Storm C(Hurricane D(Typhoon 44(Which of the following is a characteristic of a Ro-Ro vessel? A(Passenger tours available upon docking B(Long port stays necessary to secure vehicles C(Short in port turnaround times D(Heavy vehicles only require lightweight securing equipment 45(After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure ______( A(drops,and the temperature drops B(drops,and the temperature rises C(rises,and the temperature drops D(rises,and the temperature rises 46(On a vessel with a single propeller,transverse force has the most effect on the vessel when the engine is put ______( A(full ahead B(full astern C(half ahead D(slow astern 47(A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the ______( A(velocity of the current B(bottom characteristics C(depth of the water D(speed over the ground 48(On a ship,a door that is required to be marked KEEP CLOSED is designed to ______( A(prevent the passage of flammable gases B(prevent the passage of poisonous vapors C(delay the spread of heat and flames D(maintain watertight integrity 49(When navigating in thick fog with the radar on, you should ______( A(station the look-out in the wheelhouse to keep a continuous watch on the radar B(secure the sounding of fog signals until a vessel closes within five miles C(station a look-out as low down and far forward as possible D(keep the radar on the shortest available range for early detection of approaching vessels 50(Your radar is set on a true motion display(Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope? A(Echoes from a buoy B(Own ship's marker C(Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed D(Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed 51(When hitting a solid object such as a ship or an airplane,the radar waves are reflected back ______ they came( A(in the way B(the way C(by the way D(through the path 52(There is a possibility that small vessel, ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range( A(reflect B(shown C(detected D(defected 53(Indications of the master gyrocompass are sent to remote repeaters by the ______( A(follow-up system B(transmitter C(phantom element D(azimuth motor 54(Most LOG use the doppler shift of the carrier phase to compute ______( A(Latitude B(Longitude C(Speed D(Time 55(The correction to be applied to a Loran-C reading when matching a sky wave to a ground wave may be found ______( A(on loran charts covering areas where sky waves are used B(in the Radio Aids to Navigation PUB 117 C(in the Loran-C Correction Tables D(Sky waves cannot be matched to ground waves in Loran-C to produce a usable reading 56(The most common type of davit found on merchant vessels today is the ______( A(radial B(sheath-screw C(gravity D(quadrantal 57(What is the basic concept of GMDSS? A(Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situation B(Shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alerted C(Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum Delay D(All of the above 58(Which would be the subject of a NAVAREA warning? A(A drifting buoy sighted in mid-ocean B(Extinguishment of Wolf Trap Light located inside Chesapeake Bay C(All military exercises on the high seas involving four or more vessels D(Off-air times of radio beacons when scheduled for routine maintenance 59(The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8 000 tons of Cargo on board and ended after discharging the Cargo at the port of Hong Kong which was ______( A(the port of destination B(the port for bunkering C(the port of arrival D(the last port of call 60(If you receive the signal over radiotelephone of "Romeo Papa Tango" while using the International Code of Signals, you should ______( A(report to the caller B(repeat your last transmission C(continue since he received your last transmission D(end the transmission 61(You are using an automatic tension winch by yourself(If you get caught in the turns of the line as they lead into the gypsyhead ______( A(the safety cutout will stop the winch before you're injured B(the line will part and snap back C(you may be pulled into the winch and injured or killed D(None of the above are correct 62(The circular steel structure installed around the propeller of a towboat is the ______( A(nozzle B(shroud C(strut D(hood 63(A spring line leads ______( A(fore and aft from the ship's side B(to the dock at a right angle to the vessel C(through the bull nose or chock at the bow D(through the chock at the stern 64(The key to rescuing a man overboard is ______( A(good communication B(a dedicated crew C(good equipment D(well-conducted drills 65(Which equipment is the primary source of generating a locating signal? A(DSC only B(DSC and EPIRB C(SART and DSC D(EPIRB and SART 66(Inspection of a Halon extinguisher involves checking the hose, handle, nozzle, and ______( A(sight glass B(weighing the extinguisher C(service technicians report D(last date it was charged 67(The purpose of air tanks in a lifeboat is to ______( A(make the boat float higher B(provide a stowage place for provisions C(add strength to the boat D(keep the boat afloat if flooded 68(This is an exercise area(Mariners are ______ to navigate with caution( A(advised B(told C(informed D(advice 二(关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项) 第一组: Sudden steering system failure of an oil tanker led to collision with a passing bulk carrier in the Baltic Sea. The collision resulted in serious damage to both vessels and spillage of 2,700 tonnes of fuel oil from the tanker. The cause of the sudden steering failure could not be established. Small passing distance (0.5 miles) between the two vessels precluded effective avoidance action being taken on both vessels. Both vessels unnecessarily restricted their passing distance by choosing the deepwater route although their relatively shallow draft permitted them to use the recommended directions of traffic flow outside the deepwater route. Vessels should avoid using deepwater routes when their draft permits them to use a traffic separation scheme. OOW should remain at heightened alert when passing another vessel at close range and should be vigilant(警惕) for equipment failure and unexpected response from own or other vessel including interaction between vessels passing each other at close distances. 69(What happened in the story? A(An oil tanker grounded and spilled a large quantity of oil B(A bulk carrier collided with a sunken rock and spilled some fuel oil C(An oil tanker collided with a bulk carrier and spilled some fuel oil D(A bulk carrier collided with an oil tanker and spilled some fuel oil 70(Which of the following statements is true? A(Improper maintenance led to the steering system failure B(Both vessels took effective avoidance action C(There was not sufficient depth of water in the channel D(Both vessels chose the deepwater route 71(Which of the following statements is NOT true? A(Vessels shall never use deepwater routes B(OOW shall always keep a sharp lookout C(OOW shall be watchful for the equipment failure D(OOW shall be careful at the response from other vessel 72(Which of the following may be the cause of the accident? A(Sudden steering failure B(Restricted passing distances C(Both A and B D(Neither A nor B 第二组: Crewmembers and other personnel onboard must familiarize themselves with the Muster list and Emergency Instructions posted up in the crew’s quarters and other conspicuous(显著的) places. The Muster list specifies details of the general emergency alarm signal and also action to be taken by crew and passengers when this alarm is sounded; specifies how the order to abandon ship shall be given; shows the duties assigned to the different members of the crew in connection with the closing of various doors and mechanisms, the equipping of the lifeboats and buoyant apparatus, the general preparation of any other boats, buoyant apparatus, inflatable life rafts and all other matters, and the extinction of fire; specifies which officers are assigned to ensure that life-saving and fire-fighting appliances are maintained in good conditions and are ready for immediate use; specifies definite signals for calling all members of the crew to their boat and fire stations and shall give full particulars of these signals. 73(Which function of the followings is not mentioned about Muster list in the passage? A(How to order to abandon ship B(How to assemble the crew and passengers C(The apparatuses used to release various alarms D(The actions of a crewmember onboard when in emergencies 74(The phase “familiarize themselves with” in the first paragraph means ______. A(Be familiar with B(Familiarity with C(Get in touch with D(Used to 75(The word “extinction” in the second paragraph means ______. A(Ignition B(Existing C(Extinguishing D(Breaking out 76(Which one of the followings is false? A(Muster list shows officers’ duties only B(Muster list is posted up in the crew’s quarters and other conspicuous places C(Muster list specifies which officers are in charge of the maintenance of lifesaving and firefighting appliances D(All of the above 三(中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77((航海日志) 航经海盗多发区域,夜间安排船员巡逻。 78((航海日志) 0830物料和食品按定单供船,1200前尖舱加200吨淡水。 79((航海日志) 1400装货完毕,1500水尺检测量完毕,1530主机备妥,等待引水登船。 80(所有登船人员必须接受值班人员的检查和登记。 81(灭火器的数量和类型根据防火控制图进行布置。 77. Passed through the area where piracies happen often. Rounds made at night. 78. 0830 Stores and provisions sent on board as ordered.1200 Took in 200 tons of fresh water in fore peak tank. 79. 1400 Completed loading. 1500 Finished draft survey. 1530 Stood by eng. and waited for pilot to embark. 80. All boarding people should undertake check and registration by the men on duty. 81. The number and type of fire extinguishers should be arranged according to the fire control plan. 42 1. By paying out more anchor cable,you ______. A. decrease the holding power of your anchor B. decrease the swing of your vessel while at anchor C. increase the holding power of your anchor D. increase the possibility that your vessel will drag anchor 2. ______ get your engine ready before six tomorrow morning( A. You’d better B. You would better C. You at least D. You at most 3. The outer limit of the Traffic Separation Schemes is ______ adjustment as necessary to comply with the port regulations( A. subjected B. subject C. subjected to D. subject to 4. ______ cargoes chargeable at the same rate,part of one ton shall be taken as one ton( A. At B. For C. On D. About 5. We have placed ______around the big oil slick on the water surface to prevent the spilt oil from further spreading out. A. Oil dispersants B. Saw dust C. Booms D. Synthetic scoop 6. The vessel is supposed ______ for Italy last week( A. to have left B. to leave C. to be leaving D. to have been left 7. What is your latest tropical storm warning ______, A. information B. news C. description D. signals 8. Would you please ask the ______ Officer to issue 30 sheets of landing permits for our crew members to go ashore( A. Quarantine B. Immigration C. Customs D. Harbor 9. A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a ______( A. Polluter B. Emitter C. Spiller D. Oiler 10. Molded depth is measured from the ______. A. inside of the shell B. outside of the shell C. top of the center vertical keel D. top of the garboard stake 11. A vessel's quarter is that section which is ______. A. abeam B. dead astern C. just aft of the bow D. on either side of the stern 12. In order to detect rot in manila lines,you should ______. A. feel the surface of the line for broken fibers B. measure the reduction in circumference of the line C. observe any mildew on the outer surface D. open the strands and examine the inner fibers 13. Fire may be spread by which means? ______. A. Conduction of heat to adjacent surfaces B. Direct radiation C. Convection D. All of the above 14. A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns, is called a ______. A. bitt B. bollard C. capstan D. cleat 15. All accidents and damage to ship,equipment or personnel,must be ______ in the vessel deck log. A. entered into B. entered C. entered with D. entered in 16. Life preservers must be marked with the ______. A. stowage space assigned B. vessel's name C. vessel's home port D. maximum weight allowed 17. Owing to the big draught of the ship,she has to go alongside by the time of ______. A. spring tide B. flood tide C. ebb tide D. slack water 18. If a ship will call at four ports for discharging,i.e(A(B(C and D consecutively,the cargo for ______ must generally be loaded first( A. Port A B. Port B C. Port C D. Port D 19. There is another thing I want to let you know(The lighting in the hold is very poor,even ______ dark to work the cargo( A. if B. very C. too D. very much 20. We had the winch ______ last year( A. to overhaul B. overhauling C. overhauled D. overhaul 21. A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n) ______ . A. white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheres B. occulting green light and may be lettered C. yellow light and will be numbered D. continuous quick white light and may be numbered 22. A tanker is cargo ship constructed or ______ for the carriage in bulk liquid cargoes of an inflammable nature. A. adapted B. adopted C. damp D. dump 23. The majority of cargo gear breakdowns are a result of ______( A. Guy failures B. Topping lift failures C. Bending of the boom from compression D. Gooseneck failure 24. No oil or mixture containing oil ______ into Singapore waters from any vessel( A. shall not be discharged B. shall be discharged C. shall be filled D. shall not be filled 25. Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by ______ . A. ship's sweat B. inherent vice C. tainting D. hygroscopic absorption 26. During loading or discharging,the tallymen must make contact with ______ on duty so as to solve problems in time( A. ship owner B. ship’s officers C. shippers D. consignors 27. You should plot your dead reckoning position ______. A. when you obtain an estimated position B. ONLY in piloting waters C. at every speed change D. All of the above are correct 28. Mooring ______ are placed on both banks of the Suez Canal about 200m apart( A. bollards B. ballasts C. bands D. benefits 29. It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to ______( A. avoid any swing in a restricted space B. shelter the ship from strong winds C. prevent to touch with other vessels D. make a convenience of cargo discharging 30. ______ water is the water to keep the ship’s stability. A. Bilge B. Ballast C. Slop D. Sanitary 31. A check rope is ______. A. a safety line attached to a man working over the side B. used to measure water depth C. used to slow the headway of a barge D. used to measure the overhead height of a bridge 32. In relation to the turning circle of a ship,the term advance means the distance ______. A. gained at right angles to the original course B. gained in the direction of the original course C. moved sidewise from the original course when the rudder is first put over D. around the circumference of the turning circle 33. A twin screw vessel,making headway with both engines turning ahead,will turn more readily to starboard if you ______. A. reverse port engine,apply right rudder B. reverse port engine,rudder amidships C. reverse starboard engine,apply right rudder D. reverse starboard engine,rudder amidships 34. Information on shipping movements can be ______ by radio from Dover Port Control( A. got B. made C. obtained D. taken 35. There shall be two principal ______ through the harbor for the passage of vessels( A. straits B. channels C. canals D. roadsteads 36. From ______ the mariner can know the data of tide( A. the Sea Pilot B. the Cargo Plan C. the Tide Table D. the Port List 37. Vessels in port may use ______ for receiving typhoon warnings during the typhoon season( A. their transmitters B. their receivers C. their radars D. their GPS 38. A wind vane on a moving vessel shows ______. A. dead reckoning wind direction B. true wind direction C. relative wind direction D. estimated wind direction 39. In the doldrums(赤道无风带) you can expect ______. A. steady,constant winds B. frequent rain showers and thunderstorms C. steep pressure gradients D. low relative humidity 40. A cloud sequence of cirrus,cirrostratus,and altostratus clouds followed by rain usually signifies the approach of a(n) ______. A. occluded front B. stationary front C. warm front D. cold front 41. When warm moist air is blown over a colder surface, ______ will happen. A. advection fog B. radiation fog C. dense fog D. steam fog 42. In Beaufort Scale,the wind force 7 with speed of 28-33 knots is defined as ______ . A. Moderate gale B. Near gale C. Strong gale D. Whole gale 43. The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ______ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent( A. free of charge B. with no responsibility C. without limitations of distribution D. with little charges 44. In revised editions of Admiralty charts the ______ are corrected first( A. smaller scales B. larger scales C. smaller scales and larger scales D. moderate scales 45. On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is,in many cases,still ______ ,charted shoals may be in error as regards position,depth and extent( A. spare B. spade C. sparse D. spear 46. On a chart,the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector. The red sector ______. A. indicates the limits of the navigable channel B. indicates a danger area C. is used to identify the characteristics of the light D. serves no significant purpose 47. Which statement is TRUE of a stiff vessel? A. She will have an unusually high center of gravity B. She will have a large metacentric height C. She will pitch heavily D. Her period of roll will be large due to her large metacentric height 48. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be ______ . A. considered B. consulted C. concluded D. commanded 49. Coast Pilots and navigational charts are kept corrected and up-to-date by using the ______. A. pilot charts B. Notices to Mariners C. Tide Tables D. Current Tables 50. The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they are assessed to be ______( A. temporary B. permanent C. occasional D. steady 51. In which voyage,between two points,is the rhumb line distance NOT approximately the same as the great circle distance? ______. A. The two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphere B. The two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphere C. The two points are near the equator,but in different hemispheres D. One point is near the equator,one point is in a high latitude,and both are near the 180th meridian 52. A tide is called diurnal when ______. A. only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day B. the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual C. the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart D. two high tides occur during a lunar day 53. Positions read from this chart should be moved 0(08 minutes Southward and 0(13 minutes Eastward so as ______ adjoining chart 3833( A. to agree upon B. in accordance with C. to be same as D. to agree with 54. Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean ______. A. lower low water B. high water C. low water D. sea level 55. Mariners proceeding across the main routes are recommended to do so at ______. A. as wide an angle as practicable B. as wide an angle so practicable C. like wide an angle as practicable D. like wide as angle so practicable 56. The productivity of working shifts can be improved through a decrease of ______. A. working hours B. gangs C. idle time D. weight per set 57. It may be found that,in certain circumstances,radar beacon emissions can cause ______ with the normal radar display,particularly at close range( A. unwanted interference B. unexpected figures C. abnormal data D. unwanted information 58. Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with ______( A. ship's clock B. engine movement recorder C. repeaters D. navigation lights 59. In determining if risk of collision exists,such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident,particularly when approaching ______( A. very large vessel B. a long tow C. a vessel at close range D. all A,B and C 60. I have pleasure in informing you that all safety equipment is in ______ working order( A. full B. care C. intentional D. reasonable 61. The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry Collision Avoidance System means ______( A. plan position indicator B. plain position indicator C. plane position indication D. policy proof of interest 62. Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with ______. A. no notice B. one day's notice C. a week's notice D. thirty (30) days notice 63. Calibration Stations give special transmissions for the calibration of ship's ______( A. gyro-compass B. marine radar C. DF D. navigational satellite 64. The annual change in ______ is 0.2 degree east in this water area( A. marine insurance B. magnetic variation C. maritime accident D. mean high water 65. The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the ______. A. Loadline mark B. Certificate of Inspection C. Station Bill D. Tonnage mark 66. Two vessels meeting in a head- on situation are directed by the Rules to ______. A. alter course to starboard and pass port to port B. alter course to port and pass starboard to starboard C. decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signals D. slow to bare steerageway 67. You are watching another vessel approach and her compass bearing is not changing. This means that ______. A. you are the stand-on vessel B. a risk of collision exists C. a special circumstances situation exists D. the other vessel is dead in the water 68. Which craft is a power-driven vessel under the Rules of the Road? ______. A. An auxiliary sailing vessel,using her engine B. A canoe propelled by a small outboard motor C. A trawler on her way to the fishing grounds D. All of the above 二(关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项) 第一组: An Automatic Identification System, or AIS for short is device that transmits information about your ship and receives the same from other ships. The SOLAS convention already states that an AIS must be fitted on ships over a period of time, ranging from 2002 to 2008 depending on ship type and tonnage. An example of information transmitted would be: Call sign, ship’s name, the ship’s speed, its course and destination. The AIS is an important tool for coastal states to monitor ship traffic and to detect possible threats. Coast stations can also receive this information 69. What does AIS mean? A. Automatic Information System B. Automatic Identification System C. Automatic Indication System D. Automatic Identification Safety 70. When must AIS be fitted on ships? A. Ranging from 2002 to 2008 B. Ranging from 2003 to 2008 C. Ranging from 2004 to 2008 D. Ranging from 2002 to 2006 71. What information does AIS not transmit? A. Ship’s name. B. Call sign. C. Ship’ speed. D. Captain’s name 72. What are roles for AIS? A. to transmit the ship’s information B. to receives other’s information C. to monitor ship traffic by costal states D. All above 第二组: At about 0750 on 13 February 2001, the crew were performing a lifeboat launching drill. While attempting to return the port lifeboat, with 7 crew members in it, from the boat deck level to its stow position, the wire falls parted, the davit arms and lifeboat fell outboard. The lifeboat did not pass free of the boat deck as it normally would, but landed on the edge of the boat deck with the davit arms on top of it. The boat teetered there momentarily and then rolled over the edge, falling some 16 m to the sea and landing upside down. The lifeboat self-righted and remained attached to the ship by its painter. Ambulances were called by radio. The port company pilot boat was nearby and assisted to take medics to the lifeboat. The lifeboat crew were transferred to the pilot launch, taken over to waiting ambulances and sent to hospital for treatment. 73. The ______ are not riggings of lifeboat. A. wire falls B. painters C. davit arms D. medics 74. The lifeboat ______. A. fell into the sea directly B. fell on the top of the davit arms C. fell some 16 m into the sea from about its stow position D. dropped on the edge of boat deck and then rolled over into the sea 75. It is inferred that the ______. A. the lifeboat will always fall into the sea in a upright position B. even dropped into sea upside down the lifeboat will automatically turn upright C. the lifeboat will normally drop onto boat deck, teetered there momentarily and then rolled over into sea D. the lifeboat fell often, normally freely, from its stow position into sea 76. Of the following, ______ should be considered as the lesson of this accident. A. in this circumstance and condition the crew should be removed from the lifeboat before attempting to bring it back to its stow position B. when performing a lifeboat launching drill, the responsible officer should call ambulances to standby at ship sides C. the painter should be unfastened when the lifeboat is attempted to bring back to its stow position D. the lifeboat crew should learn more nautical terms such as davit arms, wire falls, and painters 三(中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77(试验检查消防泵和火警探测器,情况良好。 78(应备齐足够的新版航路指南供本航次使用。 79((航海日志)0918在检疫锚地抛锚,以待检疫。 80((航海日志)由船长指挥通过狭水道。 81((航海日志)由于风太大,救助直升机无法降落。 77. Tested and checked the fire pumps and fire detectors. They were in good condition. 78. New edition of Sailing Directions should be fully prepared for the use during this voyage. 79. 0918 Anchored at the quarantine anchorage for quarantine inspection. 80. Passed the narrow channel under direction of the master. 81. Rescue helicopter couldn’t land due to strong winds. 43 1. From ______ the mariner can know the data of tide( A. the Sea Pilot B. the Cargo Plan C. the Tide Table D. the Port List 2. For details of lights the larger scale charts and Admirlty Lists should be ______. A. considered B. consulted C. concluded D. commanded 3. Red sectors of navigation lights warn mariners of ______. A. floating debris(残骸) B. heavily trafficked areas C. recently sunken vessels D. shoals or nearby land 4. All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ______. A. Mercator projection B. polyconic projection C. orthographic projection D. gnomonic projection 5. Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the ______. A. Summary of Corrections B. Local Notice to Mariners C. Daily Memorandum D. Chart Correction Card 6. The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is ______. A. on a regional basis B. on a national basis C. shown orderly D. appeared from A to W 7. The heights and soundings of Admiralty chart are expressed ______ in Fathoms ______ in Meters( A. either,or B. neither,nor C. another,nor D. other,or 8. What is your ______ tropical storm warning information? A. latest B. lately C. last D. nowadays 9. Admiralty Notices to Mariners are published ______. A. every day B. every week C. every month D. every year 10. When there is not a chief officer on board, ______ should keep and write up the ship’s logbook. A. the assistant officer B. the captain C. the officer on duty D. the third officer 11. What is NOT accepted as the required shipping papers on a manned and loaded tank barge? ______. A. Bill of Lading B. Manifest C. Shipping document D. Logbook entry 12. In writing up the log book at the end of your watch, you make an error, which of the following is the way to correct the error, ______. A. Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly B. Remove this page of the log book and rewrite all entries on a clean page C. Blot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctly D. Cross out the error with a single line and rewrite the entry correctly 13. The injured stevedore paid ______ attention to the loading instructions. A. small B. little C. few D. a few 14. The officer shall be ______ the marine enviroment when taking collision-avoiding action. A. aware of B. clear of C. in charge of D. interested with 15. If the PSCO has ______ for believing that the ship, its equipment or its crew, do not substantially meet the requirements, the PSCO should proceed to a more detailed inspection. A. clean report B. serious deficiencies C. clear ground D. detention report 16. The Master to prosecute all voyages with the utmost__________ and to render customary assistance with the Vessel's Crew. A. fastness B. speeding C. swiftness D. despatch 17. Instructions on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the ______( A. MARPOL B. IRPCS C. SOLAS D. MERSAR 18. The “urgent” priority should be used for messages ______. A. concerning the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) B. detailing important navigational warnings C. containing information concerning the safety of a mobile unit or person D. concerning on-scene communications 19. The oil residues which cannot be discharged into the sea in compliance with MARPOL 73/78 shall be ______. A. discharged to into special area B. discharged into national waters C. discharged into the designated zone D. retained on board or discharged to reception facilities 20. Your vessel is port side to a pier with a spring line led aft from the bow. In calm weather, putting the engines ahead with the rudder hard left should bring ______. A. the bow in and the stern out B. both the bow and stern in C. the bow out and the stern in D. retained on board or discharged to reception facilities 21. You are underway in fog and you hear one prolonged blast followed by two short blasts. This is a vessel ______. A. towing B. engaged on pilotage duty C. aground in a fairway D. stopped and making no way through the water 22. If two mooring lines are to be placed on the same bollard,which method is BEST? A. Place the eye from the forward line on the bollard and then place the eye from the second line directly over the first. B. It makes no difference how the lines are placed. C. Place the eye from either line on the bollard,and then bring the eye of the other line up through the eye of the first,and place it on the bollard. D. Place both eyes on the bollard,in any manner,but lead both lines to the same winch head on the vessel and secure them on the winch. 23. You have anchored in a mud and clay bottom. The anchor appears to be dragging in a storm. What action should you take? A. Shorten the scope of the cable B. Veer cable to the anchor C. Drop the other anchor underfoot D. Drop the second anchor, veer to a good scope, then weigh the first anchor 24. A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel ______. A. by a tow line ahead of the vessel B. forward on either bow of the vessel C. approximately amidships of the vessel D. on the vessel's quarter 25. Mariners proceeding across the main routes are ______ to do so at as wide an angle as practicable( A. recommended B. reported C. applied D. complied 26. The term of Landfall means _______. A. Land first sighted when vessel approaching from seaward B. Land last sighted when vessel leaving from a port C. in sight of one another when vessel underway D. in sight of an island during a ship on her voyage 27. You see another vessel approaching, and its compass bearing does not significantly change. This would indicate that ______. A. you are the stand-on vessel B. risk of collision exists C. a special circumstances situation exists D. the other vessel is dead in the water 28. You are overtaking a vessel at night and you see a yellow light showing above the stern-light of the overtaken vessel. The overtaken vessel is ______. A. underway and dredging B. pushing ahead or towing alongside C. towing astern D. a pilot vessel 29. You are in charge of a stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. The other vessel is 1.5 miles to port. You believe that risk of collision exists. You should ______. A. take avoiding action immediately upon determining that risk of collision exists B. immediately sound the danger signal C. take avoiding action only after providing the give-way vessel time to take action, and determining that her action is not appropriate D. hold course and speed until the point of extremis, and then sound the danger signal, taking whatever action will best avert collision 30. The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea ______ while carrying out search and rescue operation( A. apply fully B. apply half C. apply in part D. not apply 31. A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted ______. A. red B. yellow C. with red and white vertical stripes D. with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoy 32. A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n) ______. A. running fix B. fix C. estimated position D. assumed position 33. When latitude and longitude are used, these shall be expressed in ______ (and decimals of a minute if necessary), north or south of the Equator and east or west of Greenwich. A. fathoms and meters B. miles and kilometers C. arc and degrees D. degrees and minutes 34. The navigational term SET OF CURRENT means ______. A. velocity of current in knots B. direction from which the current flows C. estimated current D. direction toward which the current flows 35. Currents are ______ in rate and direction. A. vary B. variable C. variably D. variability 36. In mid-ocean,the characteristics of a wave are determined by three factors. What is NOT one of these factors? ______. A. Effect of the moon's gravity B. Fetch C. Wind velocity D. Length of time a wind has been blowing 37. When the vessel arrives, the cargo of machinery to be unloaded is ______. A. transported to the ship’s side B. transported into the shed C. lashed and secured D. delivered to consignor 38. The Agent promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on( A. to be informed B. informed C. on informing D. informing 39. A microbarograph is a precision instrument that provides a ______. A. charted record of atmospheric temperature over time B. charted record of atmospheric pressure over time C. graphic record of combustible gases measured in an atmosphere D. graphic record of vapor pressure from a flammable/combustible liquid 40. Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can ______ it( A. cross B. approach C. proceed near D. run into 41. You will cross the cold front of a low pressure system in about 24 hours. You should ______. A. expect to see cirrus clouds followed by altostratus B. alter course to remain in the navigable semicircle C. prepare for gusty winds, thunderstorms, and a sudden wind shift D. expect clear weather, with steady winds and pressure, until the front passes 42. Ship's steering gear refers to ______. A. cargo handling machines B. deck winches and derricks C. engine-room tools D. course controlling system 43. A design modification of an anchor chain which prevents kinking is the ______. A. detachable link B. stud link C. Kenter link D. connecting link 44. The portable radio apparatus means ______. A. the radio apparatus fitted on the portside B. the radio with a portable equipment C. the radio equipment which is easily movable D. the portable radio with some apparatus 45. An immersion suit must be equipped with a(n) ______. A. air bottle for breathing B. orange smoke canister C. whistle,light and retroreflective material D. sea dye marker 46. Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope? A. Echoes from a buoy B. Own ship’s marker C. Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed D. Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed 47. SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of ______. A. sweep introduction B. sweep interest C. sweep intention D. sweep intensity 48. There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range( A. reflect B. shown C. detected D. defected 49. Magnetic compass deviation ______. A. varies depending upon the bearing used B. is the angular difference between magnetic north and compass north C. is published on the compass rose on most nautical charts D. is the angular difference between geographic and magnetic meridians 50. It is dangerous for vessels without the use of radar ______ the estuary( A. to get B. to approach C. to proceed D. to close 51. Which one of the followings does not limit the effective range of radar? A. pulse width B. pulse repetition frequency C. peak power D. target brightness 52. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: LOUDSPEAKERS IN THE VESSEL'S CABINS,MESS ROOMS,ETC.,AND ON DECK VIA WHICH IMPORTANT INFORMATION CAN BE BROADCAST FROM A CENTRAL POINT,MOSTLY FROM THE NAVIGATION BRIDGE defines ______. A. PP-system B. PA-system C. AP-system D. AA-system 53. All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode,which means that ______. A. only one person may talk at a time B. only two persons may talk at the same time C. the radio only transmits D. the radio only receives 54. When it is advisable to remain on VHF channel 14 you should say ______. A. stand by on VHF channel 14 B. come to VHF channel 14 C. VHF channel 14 is the best place for you to stay by D. remain in channel 14 and do not change 55. A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,transit,or escort procedure is know as ______. A. Way point B. Receiving point C. Reporting point D. Closest Point 56. Our starboard derrick boom of hatch No(4 is badly cracked ______ that it has become entirely useless( A. at its goose neck to such a extent B. at it's goose neck to such an extent C. at it's goose neck for such a extent D. at its goose neck to such an extent 57. You can safely step in the bight of a line ______. A. when it is not under strain B. if both ends are made fast C. in an emergency D. at no time 58. Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ______. A. faking B. flemishing down C. mousing D. worming 59. On an anchor windlass,the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a ______. A. brake compressor wheel B. devil's claw C. wildcat D. winchhead 60. A stay is ______. A. standing rigging B. a downhaul C. a halyard D. a jib 61. A pattern according to which vessels and/or aircraft may conduct a co-ordinated search is a ______. A. Research pattern B. Research mode C. Search pattern D. Search and rescue mode 62. Recharging a previously used cartridge-operated dry-chemical extinguisher is accomplished by ______. A. authorized fire equipment servicing personnel only B. replacing the propellent cartridge and refilling with powder C. puncturing the cartridge seal after installation D. recharging the cartridge and refilling it with powder 63. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding a fire and boat drill on board your cargo vessel? A. At least one fire and boat drill shall be held within 24 hours of leaving a port where more than 25 percent of the crew has been replaced( B. The Master is responsible in seeing that each lifeboat is lowered to the water at least once in each 6 months( C. Lifeboat equipment shall be examined at least once each month to insure that it is complete( D. An entry shall be made in the vessel's Official Logbook relative to each fire and boat drill. 64. I’m on fire and have dangerous cargo on board(The most emergent assistance in this case would be ______. A. life boat B. helicopter C. fire-fighting D. medicine 65. An "on-load" release system on a survival craft means the cable can be released ______. A. only when the load is taken off the cable B. only when there is a load on the cable C. only when activated by the controls at the lowering station D. at any time 66. When lowering lifeboats in heavy seas, a good practice is to rig frapping lines ______. A. on only the forward falls B. on only the after falls C. with a lead of about 45 degrees to the boat D. from the falls to the main deck of the vessel 67. Vessels carrying ______ must not willfully wash decks or holds. A. general cargo B. steel products C. harmful cargo D. machinery 68. In reviving a person who has been overcome by gas fumes,what would you AVOID doing? A. Giving stimulants B. Prompt removal of the patient from the suffocating atmosphere C. Applying artificial respiration and massage D. Keeping the patient warm and comfortable 二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题有4个选项) 第一组 Charts should be used with prudence:there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. The mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose;apart from being the most detailed,the larger scales are usually corrected first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is received,some months must elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is,in many cases,still sparse,charted shoals may be in error as regards position,least depth and extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist,particularly away from well-established routes. 69. ______are the most detailed. A. the larger scale charts B. the smaller scale charts C. the charts covering the area where the source data are old,incomplete or of poor quality D. the charts which are corrected to date 70. In the area ______the charted shoals are unlikely to be in error. A. where hydrographic information is still sparse B. where the source data are old,incomplete or of poor quality C. away from well-established routes D. where new hydrographic survey information has just been incorporated in the charts 71. If the information provided by a chart covering an area where a new hydrographic survey has just been carried out has still some error as regards position,least depth and extent of shoals, the most probable reason is that ______. A. the survey did not discover the shoals there B. the survey was incomplete or of poor quality C. the survey was made away from well-established routes D. the survey information has not yet been fully incorporated in the chart 72. This passage is most likely extracted from ______ of NM. A. Section I - Explanatory Notes B. Section II - Updates to Standard Navigational Charts C. Section III - Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings D. Section IV - Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions 第二组 Nowadays,most merchant ships are built to carry cargoes. And they mainly operate as tramps. These vessels do not sail on regular routes or keep to a fixed timetable,but are employed where there is cargo for them to carry. Tramps can be classed as deep-sea tramps or short-sea tramps. A number are classed as coasters. These ply on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports. The traditional tramp cargoes are dry bulk cargoes,but some are designed to carry general cargoes. A large number of merchant ships operate as specialized vessels. These are designed to carry a particular type of cargo. There are several types of specialized vessel. The most common are oil tankers. They are owned by the major oil companies or by independent operators. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are chemical carriers and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers. 73. The deep-sea tramps ________. A. carry bulk and general cargo across the high seas B. are built to carry passengers C. are mainly coasters D. are specialized vessel 74. The coasters ________. A. always sail across the high seas B. commonly carry oil cargo C. are mainly tankers D. sail on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports 75. The importance of LNG carriers ________. A. is growing B. is not mentioned in passage C. is decreasing D. will be discussed further if necessary 76. It is implied in the passage that ________. A. the number of specialized vessels is not small B. all oil tankers will carry some chemicals in near future C. the tramps and specialized vessels are the basic type of merchant ships. D. container carriers should not be classed as tramps 三、中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77. 值班驾驶员应亲自操作或监督舵工进行转换操作。 78. 深吃水船舶应特别注意位于航道中浅滩上的最新深度。 79. (航海日志)锚抓牢,6节入水,关闭航行灯,开启甲板照明灯。 80. (航海日志)1600检查甲板货发现冷藏集装箱压缩机不工作。 81. (航海日志)0730 4个工班来船,开始卸第1、3、5舱的货物。 44 1. Several shoals ____ reported to exist in the area south-west of the Brothers. A. have B. have been C. has D. has been 2. The lighthouse if ____ at night may be in trouble. A. invisible B. it is invisible C. isn’t visible D. visible 3. What is the use of the books of admiralty list of lights and fog signals? Their use is to ____. A. mention signal stations and ice, storm, traffic and port signals B. give the international numbers of lights C. give the correction of the lights and fog signals D. give the information on the lights and fog signals 4. Attention is ____ the advice on the use of charts in the Mariner’s Handbook Chapter 3, Section 1. A. fixed to B. needed for C. pushed to D. drawn to 5. Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ____. A. latitude scale near the middle of the track line B. longitude scale near the middle of the track line C. latitude scale at the mid-latitude of the chart D. latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale 6. Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ____. A. points of equal variation B. points of zero variation C. the magnetic latitude D. magnetic dip 7. Low at 34N 135E esly slwly intst NC. This description is most likely to be under the heading of ____. A. GL WNG B. GEN SYN C. STM WNG D. T Y WNG 8. It is dangerous for vessels without the use of radar ____ the estuary. A. to get B. to approach C. to proceed D. to close 9. No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be ____. A. referred to B. appreciated C. met with D. concerned 10. Orders of the master to the officers of the watch which he must comply with are ____. A. night orders B. standing orders C. commands by master D. requirements by master 11. ____ is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch. A. Sea protest B. Deck book C. Accident report D. Seaman’s book 12. A wise captain gives clear direction in his ____ for the officers on watch to call him if in any doubt whatsoever. A. deck logbook B. master’s note C. bell book D. master’s standing orders 13. The master should ____ necessary precautions to prevent accidents or damage. A. do B. take C. set D. have 14. Mooring ____ are placed on both banks of the Suez Canal about 200m apart. A. bollards B. ballasts C. bands D. benefits 15. Port of registry refers to the port where ____. A. the ship has been named B. the ship has been built C. the ship has been signed D. the ship has been registered 16. Any person maintaining a listening watch on a bridge to bridge radio-telephone must be able to ____. A. speak English B. repair the unit C. speak Spanish D. send Morse code 17. Where shall the key to COroom be kept? 2 A. In master’s cabin B. In third officer’s cabin C. In a break-glass-type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the room D. In a locked locker conspicuously located adjacent to the room 18. Instruction on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the _____ which is primarily designed for use by merchant ship. A. MARPOL B. IRPCS C. SOLAS D. MERSAR 19. A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a ____. A. polluter B. emitter C. spiller D. oilier 20. The pilotage-quarantine anchorage, ____ between Damen Island and Qingshan Island, is defined by the lines ____ the given points. A. situated / connected B. situated / connecting C. situating / connected D. situating / connecting 21. The last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted ____. A. white B. international orange C. yellow D. red 22. When anchoring a vessel, it is best to release the anchor when _______. A. going full astern B. going full ahead C. going slow astern D. dead in the water 23. It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to ____. A. avoid any swing in a restricted space B. shelter the ship from strong winds C. prevent to touch with other vessels D. make a convenience of cargo discharging 24. Reducing the liquid free surface in a vessel reduces the _____. A. roll period B. metacentric height C. waterplane area D. vessel’s draft 25. When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard? A. Being more than 25 miles from short B. Only at night when it’s dark C. Being more than 6 miles from shore D. Never 26. A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move ____. B(2269) A. in a straight line B. to port C. from side to side D. to starboard 27. When underway in a channel, you should keep to ____. B(0059) A. the middle of the channel B. the starboard side of the channel C. the port side of the channel D. the side of the channel with the widest turns 28. The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the rules when ____. D(0162) A. there are no other vessels around B. operating in a narrow channel C. the master enters it the ship’s log D. necessary to avoid immediate danger 29. Your ship is steaming at night with the gyro pilot engaged. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take first? ____. B(1055) A. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunction B. Change to hand steering C. Call the master D. Send the quartermaster to the emergency steering station 30. A vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons,provisions or cargo while under way can be regarded as ______. A. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver B. a vessel engaged in laying,serving or picking up a navigation mark,submarine cable or pipeline( C. a vessel not under command D. a power-driven vessel( 31. A line on the Earth B the equator is a ____. A. gnomonic curve B. small circle C. meridian D. great circle 32. The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are ____. A. untrue B. impossible C. suspectful D. unimportant 33. When latitude and longitude are used, these shall be expressed ____ (and decimals of a minute if necessary), north or south of the equator and east or west of Greenwich. A. fathoms and meters B. miles and kilometers C. arc and degrees D. in degrees and minutes 34. The navigational term set of current means ____. A. velocity of current in knots B. direction from which the current flows C. estimated current D. direction toward which the current flows 35. When there are small differences between the heights of two successive high tides or two successive low tides, the tides are called ______. A. diurnal B. semi-diurnal C. solar D. mixed 36. The sprinkler system of a survival craft is used to ______. A. cool the craft in a fire B. cool the engine C. spray oil on the sea to calm it D. spray personnel during a fire 37. Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ____. A. ballast B. reserve buoyancy C. displacement D. rolling periods 38. The terminal staff tallies the cargo mainly before the ship’s ____________. A. loading B. leaving C. arriving D. sailing 39. The tropical cyclone at 15.8N,132.4E has yesterday afternoon ____ into a tropical storm with max winds 70 knots near center. A. upgraded B. decreased C. become D. changed 40. A hurricane moving northeast out of the gulf passes west of your position. You could expect all of the following except ____. A. higher than normal swells B. high winds C. winds veering from south, through west, to northwest D. light showers 41. Generally speaking, with ____ the weather becomes cloudy or overcast with strong winds. A. high pressures B. low pressures C. weak pressures D. strong pressures 42. Upon underwater ____ by divers, there are no apparent ____ on the bottom plates of the said vessel. A. detection, defects B. detection, defects C. defects, detection D. defects, detection 43. Molded depth is measured from the ____. A. inside of the shell B. outside of the shell C. top of the center vertical keel D. top of the garboard stake 44. The portable radio apparatus means ____. A. the radio apparatus fitted on the portside B. the radio with a portable equipment C. the radio equipment which is easily movable D. the portable radio with some apparatuses 45. Cleaning, painting and repairing work is known as ____________ A. Maintenance work B. Lashing work C. Tallying work D. Overtime work 46. SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of ____. A. sweep introduction B. sweep interest C. sweep intention D. sweep intensity 47. The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry collision avoidance system means ___. A. plan position indicator B. plain position indicator C. plane position indication D. policy proof of interest 48. Deviation is the angle between the ____. A. true meridian and the axis of the compass card B. true meridian and the magnetic meridian C. magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass card D. axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian 49. The best way to test the INMARSAT-C terminal is to ________. A. send a message to a shore terminal and wait for confirmation B. compose and send a brief message to your own INMARSAT-C terminal C. send a message to another terminal D. see if the send light flashes, then proper operation has been confirmed. 50. Would you please ___ on the radar. A. switch B. to switch C. switched D. will switch 51. A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the ____. A. velocity of the current B. bottom characteristics C. depth of the water D. speed over the ground 52. Where should the GMDSS Radio Log be kept on board ship? A. In the Captain’s Office B. In the sea cabin. C. At the GMDSS operating position D. Anywhere on board the vessel 53. Which equipment is the primary source of generating a locating signal? A(DSC only B(DSC and EPIRB C(SART and DSC D(EPIRB and SART 54. When it is advisable to remain on VHF channel 14 you should say ____. A. stand by on VHF channel 14 B. come to VHF channel 14 C. VHF channel 14 is the best place for you to stay by D. remain in channel 14 and not change 55. International distress signal in VHF calling for help is ____. A. Help, Help, Help B. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday C. Save, Save, Save D. Rescue, Rescue, Rescue 56. A vessel’s quarter is that section which is ____. A. abeam B. dead astern C. just aft of the bow D. on either side of the stern 57. What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder? A. Sea bottom B. Ship’s speed C. Speed of current D. Water temperature and density 58. In order to help protect a natural fiber rope from rotting, the line must be ____. A. dried, and stowed in a place with adequate ventilation B. stowed in a hot, moist compartment C. stowed on deck at all times D. stowed in any compartment 59. Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged. blast from around. the bend. You should._____. A. back your engine B. stop your engine and. drift C. answer with one prolonged. blast D. sound. the danger signal 60. When steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked? A. Every day B. When time allows C. At least once a watch D. No checking is necessary 61. You receive word that a person has fallen overboard from the starboard side. You should first ____. A. notify the master B. put the wheel hard right C. put the engines full astern D. sound the man overboard alarm 62. A fire started by spontaneous combustion can be expected in which condition? A. paints, varnish or other liquid flammables are stowed in a dry stores locker B. inert cargoes such as pig iron are loaded in a wet condition C. oily rags are stowed in a metal pail D. clean mattress are stored in contact with an electric light bulb 63. A round through the vessel carried out by a crewmember of the watch at certain intervals so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected defines ____. A. fire patrol B. fire control C. smoke detection D. fire drill 64. A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should ______. A. remain on course and hold speed B. remain on course but slack the speed C. change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speed D. change course and put the stern to the wind 65. What type of radar can activate a Racon? A. X-band radar B. S-band C. C-band radar D. No radar can 66. If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after you abandon a vessel in a survival craft, you should_____. A. go in one direction until the fuel runs out B. plot a course for the nearest land. C. take a vote on which direction you should go D. shut down the engine(s) and set the sea anchor 67. A continual worsening of the list or trim of any floating ship indicates ______. A. negative GM B. progressive flooding C. structural failure D. an immediate need to counterflood 68. Deficient oxygen content inside a chain locker can be detected with ____. A. litmus paper B. a combustible gas indicator C. an oxygen breathing apparatus D. an oxygen indicator 二(关联题 第一组: Admiralty Standard Navigational Charts (SNC) are produced in a range of scales for safe ocean navigation covering passage planning, harbour and nautical hazards, anchorages, coasts and off shore navigation. To ensure safe navigation, it is recommended that mariners always use the largest scale chart available. In particularly busy seaways, the Admiralty SNC series is supplemented by Mariners Routeing Guides which advise on routes planning and all necessary regulations appropriate to the area of navigation. Admiralty Notes to Mariners , weekly editions contain information which enables the mariners to keep his charts and books up to date for the latest reports received 69. To ensure safe navigation the mariners should always use ___________ A. ocean navigation chart B. coastal and off-shore navigation chart C. Admiralty Standard Navigational Chart D. the largest scale chart available 70. An Admiralty SNC is kept up to date by ___________ A. Admiralty Notes to Mariners B. Mariners Routeing Guides C. routes planning D. all necessary regulations 71. All Admiralty Standard Navigational Charts are produced_________. A. in a standard scale B. in different scales C. in two scales, of which one is larger than the other D. in largest scales which are available for safe ocean navigation 72. It is inferred that__ _______ A. Admiralty Notes to Mariners are published only when latest reports are received B. coasts and off shore navigation is not covered by ocean navigation C. in particularly busy seaways, the only use of Admiralty SNC series is not enough D. Mariners Routeing Guides shall be used to keep charts and books up-to-date 第二组: The bulker’s officer of the watch (OOW) had detected, both visually and by radar, the presence of a group of flashing boats on his starboard bow at a distance of at least ten nautical miles. These boats were crossing ahead, but the OOW quickly established that there was a risk of collision with at least one of the group. There was ample sea room to starboard to make a bold alteration of course, which would have left all of the fishing boats well clear to port. However, the OOW instead made only a small alteration of course to starboard which gave a closest point of approach to the nearest fishing vessel of only half a nautical mile. Unfortunately, the developing close quarters’ situation was not monitored properly after an inadequate watch handover on the bulk carrier. Despite the relieving OOW’s last-minute hard-a-starboard manoeuvre, the bulk carrier struck the fishing vessel, causing it to capsize and quickly sink. 73.The accident arose out of ____________. A. limited sea room B. improper lookout C. certain mechanical failure D. some negligence in navigation 74. These boats were crossing ahead, but the OOW quickly established that there was a risk of collision with at least one of the group. 75. After the OOW made a small alteration of course to starboard, the two ships were in a ______. A. heading-on situation B. crossing situation C. overtaking situation D. dangerous situation 76. The responsibility of the accident should be on the part of ___________. A. the bulk ship B. the relieved OOW C. the fishing boat in collision with the bulk ship D. The relieving OOW’s taking last-minute hard-a-starboard manoeuvre 三(中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上) 77( 驾驶台的舵角指示与舵机的实际舵角相一致 78(驾驶员应熟悉主操舵系统和应急操舵系统之间的转换 79((航海日志)右船艏破损进水,开始压载所有尾部双层底未满水舱。 80((航海日志)偏南风9级,涌浪5级,气压急剧降至900帕。 81((航海日志)将舱内和甲板上所有物品系固,紧固吊杆及索具后封舱。 50期 903英语 1,[2286]Some of these shoals have been disproved and are not charted( Nevertheless mariners should ______ with particular caution in this area( A. go B. proceed C. move D. remove KEY: B 2,[136]Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? A. List of Lights B. Coast Pilot C. Sailing Directions D. List of Radiobeacons KEY: A 3[247]A red triangular daymark marks ______. A. the centerline of a navigable channel B. the starboard side of a channel C. a prominent object of navigational interest that has no lateral significance D. an area of a channel where passing another vessel is permitted KEY: B 4[293]What information is found in the chart title? A. Date of the first edition B. Date of the edition and,if applicable,the revision C. Information on the sounding datum D. Information on which IALA buoyage system applies KEY: C 5[284]The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time is ______. A. equal to the longitude expressed in time units B. about 16 minutes C. the difference between the GHA of mean sun and the first point of Aries D. 15?of arc KEY: B 6[279]The chart of a beach area shows a very flat slope to the underwater beach bottom. What type of breakers can be expected when trying to land a boat on this beach? A. Surging B. Spilling C. Plunging D. Converging KEY: B 7,the broken magenta lines starting at Mountank point and running generally ENE to Bloci Island indicate ________ A recommended tracks to Block Island B a submerged cable area C a military exercise area D demarcation lines for application of the COLREGS 8navigate with ____ small fishing boats are within 0.8miles of me A carefulil B skill C concern D caution 9[469]Mariners are FIRST warned of serious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of ______. A. marine broadcast Notice to Mariners B. Weekly Notices to Mariners C. corrected editions of charts D. Light Lists KEY: A 10[353]All events relating to the voyage,such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______. 同原题库2246 A. Logbook B. Bell Book C. Oil Record Book D. Compass Error Book KEY: A所有与航次有关的事件,诸如船位,航速和气象的详细资料都被记录 在航海日记中。 11[377]Prior to burning or welding on a fuel tank on a ship, regulations require that an inspection be made. An entry in the unofficial logbook is required if this inspection is made by ______. A. a marine chemist B. the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection C. the Master or person in charge of the ship D. the National Fire Protection Association KEY: C在船上燃油舱烧焊之前,规则要求进行检查。假如检查由船长或船舶 负责的人员完成,则要求记录非正式航海日志 12[622]I have ______ damage below water line. 同原题库0327 A. large B. big C. important D. major KEY: D我船水线下有较大的损坏。 13_____ the torn bags of castor seeds you mentioned we have already replaced them by new ones. A regard B regards C regarded regarding D 14who checks the bridge clokc for accuracy each day? A third officer B second officer C chief officer D assistant officer 15紫1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? A.Rocket parachute signals B.Buoyant smoke signals C.Hand flare signals D.Self-igniting signals 答案:D下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备,自动点火信号 16[5405]A qualified deck officer should be ______ the watch( A. in charge of B. arranged C. decided to D. the depth of KEY: A 17118. Emergency compressed air breathing escape sets onboard, shall have a duration of service no less than _____. A. 20 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 5 minutes 答案:B船上应急压缩空气呼吸逃生装置使用时间不少于15分钟 18114. According to SOLAS the breathing air apparatus that must be onboard shall have sufficient capacity for how many minutes of operation? A. 20 B. 30 C. 45 D. 60 答案:B根据SOLAS公约,船上必须配备的呼吸器装置应该有足够的能力 支持多少分钟, 19 127. Where should you record the crude oil washing after completion? A. Oil Record Book B. Cow manual C. Pumping Log D. Inter plant manual 答案:A完成原油洗舱后你需要记录什么,油料记录簿 20 83. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least_____? A. Once every third year B. Once a month C. Once a year D. Once a week 答案:B船舷应急计划必须执行至少每一个月一次 21,In anchoring orders , UP AND DOWN means____(老题库上的题) A the chain is not upright B the chain is tight C the chain is upright D the chain is slack 22 it is all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side_____ A to allow port Authorities to board B allowing port Authorities to board C to allow port Authorities boarding D allowing port Authorities to be boarded 23[4777]A spring line is ______. A. any wire rope used for mooring B. a fire-warp C. a mooring line running diagonally to the keel D. a mooring line perpendicular to the keel KEY: C 24[1317] Vessel towing with the current shall ____ tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside. A. at times B. at any time C. at no time D. at moment 25[1868] Your ship is steaming at night with the gyropilot engaged. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take FIRST?______. A. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunction. B. Change to hand steering. C. Call the Master D. Send the Quartermaster to the emergency steering station. 26when you are steering on a pair of range lights and find the upper light is in line above the lower light ,you should _____ A continue on the present course B come left C come right wait until the lights are no longer in a vertical line D 27[1685] Which vessel is underway according to the Rules?______ A. A vessel made fast to a single point mooring buoy B. A purse seiner hauling her nets C. A pilot vessel at anchor D. A vessel which has run aground 28[2458]A vessel is in sight of another vessel when ______. A. she can be observed by radar B. she can be observed visually from the other vessel C. she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her heading D. her fog signal can be heard KEY: B 29 0365 Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout ______. A. By sight. B. By sight and hearing. D. By sight and hearing as well as by all available means except smelling. KEY:C每一船舶应一直保 持适当的了望。(老题库) 30[1475] When is a stand-on vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to avoid collision? A. When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other. B. When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision. C. When collision is imminent. D. The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take action. 31[210]A light signal consisting of three flashes means ______. A. I am in doubt as to your actions B. My engines are full speed astern C. I desire to overtake you D. I am operating astern propulsion KEY: D 32[2703]______ means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle( A. Great Circle B. Position Line C. Rhumb line D. True Bearing KEY: C 33[1749]Which word indicates color variation in the characteristics of a light? A. Opposing B. Changing C. Reversing D. Alternating---交替的,交流的,互光的,互光(指周期性变色的航标灯) KEY: D哪一个词说明灯光特性中的颜色变化,互光 ,INDICATING THE NORTH,EAST,SOUTH 34[2674]A SEAMARK,I.E. A BUOY OR WEST FROM A FIXED POINT,E.G. A WRECK is ______. A. Entrance buoy B. New buoy C. Port buoy D. Cardinal buoy KEY: D 35[821] Mean high water is the average height of ______ A. the higher high waters B. the lower high waters C. the lower of the two daily tides D. all high waters 36[149]The meaning of ebb tide is that ______. A. tide is falling from high water to low water B. tide is rising from low water to high water C. tide is reaching to a highest level D. tide is reaching to a lowest level KEY: A 37[5569]After transferring a weight forward on a vessel,the draft at the center of flotation will ______. A. change,depending on the location of the LCG B. increase C. decrease D. remain constant KEY: D 38[5575]If the buoyant force on a ship's hull is equal to the displacement tonnage,the ship will ______. A. require ballast B. be down by the head C. sink D. float KEY: D 39[5588]Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the ______. A. roll period B. metacentric height C. waterplane area D. vessel's draft KEY: A 40 2116 How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom?( 老题库) A. Extend arm with the thumb pointing up and flex the fingers in and out. B. Place both fists in front of the body with the thumbs pointing upward. C. With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up, move hand in small horizontal circles. D. D你应怎样指挥起货机手提升吊杆, 41 71. Where is the draft largest when the ship has an aft trim? A.Forward B.Aft C.Midships D.The drafts are equal all over the ship B当船舶尾倾时最大吃水在哪里,船尾 答案: 42 [3207]Filler cargo refers to ______. A. durable packages B. small pieces C. the cargo in which the voids appear D. the cargo suitable for stowage in void spaces KEY: D 43[3221]Strong smelling cargo should be stowed ______ the cargo absorbing foreign smell( A. together with B. on top of C. underneath D. away from KEY: D 44[4388]The damaged cargo is not allowed to export without ______. A. repairing or replacing B. to repair or to replace C. being repaired or replaced D. to be repaired or replaced KEY: C 45[4028]The Agent promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on( A. to be informed B. informed C. on informing D. informing KEY: B 461993 The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the ______.(老题库) A. Local agent. B. Watchman. C. Docker. D. 指导和监督码头工人工作的人是。 471267 The tropical cyclone eastly 10 knots and expected ______ from 120000 GMT. A. Falling down. B. Fixing up. C. . D. Dropping down. 热带气旋以10节的速度向偏东方向移动并预计自世界时12日0000起开始。 48[1292] TYPHOON FORECAST MOVE 285 DEG 15 KNOT FIRST 12 HOURS THEN 280 DEG 17 KNOTS NEXT 12 HOURS. The movement of the Typhoon is in ______ quadrant. A. NE B. SE C. NW D. SW 49[2820]Swell is the rise and fall of the ocean's surface due to ______. A. fetch B. distant winds C. local storms D. the pull of the moon KEY: B 50[331]Fog is most commonly associated with a(n) ______. A. warm front at night B. low pressure area C. anticyclone D. lack of frontal activity KEY: A 51[3422]In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and ______. A. the direction of the true wind B. true north C. the beam on the windward side D. the beam on the lee side KEY: A 52[3479]The inner bottom is the ______. A. tank top B. compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel C. inner side of the vessel's shell D. space between two transverse bottom frames KEY: A 53______ is halfway between the forward and after perpendiculars and is reference point for vessel construction A half length B mid_body C center line D amidships 54119. Watertight compartments are separated by _____. A. Longitudinal bulkhead B. Tween decks C. Dunnages D. Decks and bulkheads 答案:D水密舱被垫板分开 55[823]The material used extensively as electrolytic protection around bronze propellers is ______. A. Brass B. Copper C. Lead D. Zinc KEY: D 56[3560]Before starting any diesel or gasoline engine,which of the following must be checked? A. Oil level B. Flow of cooling water C. Exhaust discharge D. All of the above KEY: A 57[5295]The holding capability of an anchor is primarily determined by the ______. A. shape of the anchor B. stowage of the anchor on board C. anchor's ability to dig in D. size of the vessel and its draft KEY: C 58. A Racon can help with __?A.measuring the distance B.measuring the relative C.identifying centimeters D.identifying a seamark 59. [3872]The radio waves used for radar are very short,only ______ long( A. a few centimeters B. a few fathoms C. a few meters D. a few feet KEY: A 60. 103. What type of radar can activate a racon? A. X-band radar B. S-band radar C. C-band radar D. No radar can 答案:A什么类型的雷达能激活雷达信标,X波段的雷达 61. [3910]Magnetic variation changes with a change in ______. A. the vessel's heading B. sea conditions C. seasons D. the vessel's position KEY: D 62. [3818]Deviation is the angle between the ______. A. true meridian and the axis of the compass card B. true meridian and the magnetic meridian C. magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass card D. axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian KEY: C 63. [15]Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass? A.The magentic compass is compulsory on my vessel B.The magentic compass is prone to error C.The magentic compass is always placed inside steel constructions D.The magentic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortion 答案:C关于磁罗经下面哪项是不正确的,磁罗经总是放在刚性结构里面 64. With respect to automatic identification systems(AIS) which of the following information is broadcast every one to ten seconds?A.Vessel’s draft B.Air Draft C.Navigational status D.Dimensions of vessel 65. 123. In case of AIS overload, what can you expect? A. AIS will shut down B. AIS will “freeze” C. Largest far away drop out D. Closes targets drop out 答案:C如果AIS超负荷,你能预料到什么,最大远离到退出 66. [17]What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder? A.Sea bottom B.Ship's speed C.Speed of current D.Water temperature and density 答案:D什么会影响回声探测仪的精度,水的温度和密度 67. [1625] Which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of transmitting locating signals? A. Radio Direction Finder B. An EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz C. Survival Craft Transceiver D. A SART transmitting on 406 MHz 68. [588] How can the SART’s audible tone monitor be used?______. A. It informs survivors that assistance may be nearby. B. It informs survivors when the battery’s charge condition has weakened. C. It informs survivors when the SART switches to the standby mode. D. It informs survivors that a nearby vessel is signaling on DSC. 69. [180]The pilot {embarked} the ship at 1830 hours( A. boarded B. left C. piloted D. loaded KEY: A 70. [4194]There is a drifting mine ______ in position 21 degrees 31 minutes North 124 degrees 20 minutes East( A. report B. reports C. reported D. reporting KEY: C 71. [904] Please tell me ______ to reverse your engine from full ahead to full astern. A. how length will it take B. how long it will take C. how long will it get D. how much hours it will take 72. 89. What is the meaning of the word “ROGER” when used in radio communication? A. Please repeat your message B. Not readable C. Correct D. I have received your transmission satisfactorily D当使用无线电通信的时候单词“明白了”是什么意思,我已经满 答案: 意的收到了你的传送 73. [4403]A bollard is found on the ______. A. beach B. deck C. pier D. towed vessel KEY: C 74. [4470]The heel block is located ______. A. at the base of the boom B. at the cargo hook C. near the midships guy D. near the spider band KEY: A 75. [594] How is the size of chain determined?______. A. Length of link in inches B. Diameter of metal in link in inches or centimeters C. Links per fathom D. Weight of stud cable in pounds 76. [226]A mooring line leading 45? to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______. A. spring line B. warp line C. bow line D. breast line KEY: A 77. [4529]Vessel's provisions refer to ______ of the vessel( A. fuel oil B. vegetables and food C. spare parts on board D. ballast water KEY: B 78. [5656]A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates ______. A. the vessel is in distress B. the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargo C. it is safe to pass D. the vessel is anchored KEY: A 79. [1752]Instructions on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the ______ which is primarily designed for use by merchant ship. 同原题库3240 A. MARPOL---Marine Pollution B. IRPCS---International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea C. SOLAS---Safety Of Life At Sea D. MERSAR---Merchant Ships Search And Rescue KEY: D主要被设计用于商船的MERSAR上给出了如何指挥搜索和救助的指 导。 80. [308] After using a CO2 portable extinguisher, it should be ______ A. put back in service if some CO2 remains B. hydrostatically tested C. retagged D. recharged 81. [5803]A ROUND THROUGH THE VESSEL CARRIED OUT BY A CREW MEMBER OF THE WATCH AT CERTAIN INTERVALS SO THAT AN OUTBREAK OF FIRE MAY BE PROMPTLY DETECTED defines ______. A. Fire patrol B. Fire control C. Smoke detection D. Fire drill KEY: A 82. 82. What is the meaning of UEL? A. Upper exposure level B. Upper explosion level C. Upper explosive level D. Upper evaporation level 答案:C UEL的意思是什么,爆炸上限 83. [4379]Puncture leaks in the lower tubes or bottom of an inflatable liferaft should FIRST be stopped by using ______. A. sealing clamps B. repair tape C. a tube patch D. sail twine and vulcanizing kit KEY: A 84[5865]If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after you abandon a vessel in a survival craft,you should ______. A. go in one direction until the fuel runs out B. plot a course for the nearest land C. take a vote on which direction you should go D. shut down the engine(s) and set the sea anchor KEY: D 85. 90. What type of oil is most suitable for reducing the effect of heavy seas? A. Crude oil B. Fuel oil C. Vegetable oil D. Lubricating oil 答案:C哪种油最适合减小波涛汹涌的海面的作用,植物油 86When the ship causes oil pollution to the port,she will be______ A、find B、levied C、paid D、deducted [87]In all but the most severe cases,bleeding from a wound should be controlled by _____A_. A. applying direct pressure to the wound B. submerging the wound in lukewarm water C. cooling the wound with ice D. applying a tourniquet [88]A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given ___B___. A. a small dose of alcohol B. treatment for shock C. a large meal D. a brisk rub down 一 BISCAY:SW 3 OR 4 INCREASING 6 TO GALE 8,THEN VEERING NW 5(RAIN THEN SHOWERS(MODERATE OR POOR BECOMING GOOD(FINISTERRE: WESTERLY 6,LOCALLY GALE 8,VEERING NW 5(RAIN THEN SHOWERS(MODERATE OR POOR BECOMING GOOD(EAST NORTHERN SECTION:W OR SW 6 TO GALE 8,BUT IN NORTH-EAST CYCLONIC 4 AT FIRST,AND IN NORTH-WEST SOUTHERLY 6 TO GALE 8 AT FIRST(WINTRY SHOWERS(MAINLY GOOD(WEST NORTHERN SECTION:IN NORTH, CYCLONIC 6 TO GALE 8,LOCALLY SEVERE GALE 9,BECOMING VARIABLE 3 OR 4(WINTRY SHOWERS(MAINLY GOOD(MODERATE ICING IN WEST AT FIRST WITH TEMPERATURE -2? TO -5?(IN SOUTH WESTERLY 6 TO GALE 8,LOCALLY SEVERE GALE 9,BACKING SOUTHERLY AND INCREASING LOCALLY STORM 10 LATER(WINTRY SHOWERS THEN SNOW(MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE( [89].Backing means the wind ____B___( A(is changing clockwise in direction B(is changing anticlockwise in direction C(is changing cyclonically or variably in direction D(remains unchanged in direction at the time [90].The visibility in EAST NORTHERN section is mainly ___C____( moderate A(poor B( C(GOOD D(very GOOD [91].In north part of WEST NORTHERN section,the wind is ____A___( A(cyclonic 6 to gale 8 at first B(cyclonic 4 at first C(westly 6 to gale 8 D(variable 3 or 4 at first [92].This passage is likely to be under the heading of ____A____( A(FORECAST B(GALE WARNING C(SYNOPSIS D(STORM WARNING 二 The Chief Officer,or First Mate as he is often called,is the Master's chief officer and head of the Deck Department(He is assisted by a Second Officer(Mate),a Third Officer(Mate),and sometimes a Fourth Officer(Mate)(Several companies employ a First Officer as well as a Chief Officer(The Deck Department also includes a Boatswain(Bosun)and a Carpenter,both petty officers,and a number of ratings(These made up of Able Seamen(AB),Ordinary Seamen(OS)and a middle grade known as Efficient Deck Hands(EDH)(There are other grades of seamen(On some ships Navigating Cadets are carried for training purposes( The Chief Engineer is head of the Engine Department(He is assisted by a Second, Third,Fourth and sometimes Fifth Engineer(An Electrical Officer may also be carried(The engine room petty officers are the Storekeeper and Donkeyman(On tankers there is also a Pumpman(He is also a petty officer(The engine room ratings are Firemen and Greasers(There may also be Engineer Cadets( The Catering Department is under the Chief Steward(It is divided into a saloon and galley section(The former is headed by the Second Steward,the latter by the Ship's Cook(They are both usually petty officers(They are assisted by several stewards and cooks,and by a number of junior ratings( The Radio Department often consists of only one man:the Radio Officer(On ships where continuous radio watches are kept there may be three radio officers:a Chief, Second and Third( [93].____C____ is not a petty officer( A(Boatswain B(Second Steward C(Radio Officer D(Storekeeper [94].EDH is rank which is higher than ____C____( A(Second Steward B(AB C(OS D(Chief Engineer [95].Storekeeper belong to _____B___( A(Deck Dept B(Engine Dept C(Catering Dept D(Radio Dept [96].There are _____D___ departments on bard a big ship according to the passage( A(two B(three C(four D(five 903 51期 A1. Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location on particular day of the year? A. Tide Tables B. Tidal Current Tables C. Coast Pilot D. Nautical Almanac A2. When a buoy is in position only during a certain period of the year, where may the dates when the buoy is in position be found? A. Light List B. Notice to Mariners C. On the chart D. Coast Pilot B3. For working details ______ Admiralty list of Radio Signal. A. refer B. see C. watch D. look B4. The only cylindrical chart projection widely used for navigation is in the ______ . A. Lambert conformal B. Mercator C. azimuthal D. gnomonic B5. A true bearing of a charted object , when plotted on a chart, will establish a ______ . A. fix B. line of position C. relative bearing D. range C6. Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ______ , Undue reliance should not be placed upon them. A. complete and often very poor surveys B. correct and often very good surveys C. inadequate and often very old surveys C. adequate and present surveys B7. In revised editions of Admirlty chars the ______ are corrected first. A. smaller scales B. larger scales C. smaller scales and larger scales D. moderate scales D8.Navigate with ______ . Small fishing boats are within 0.8mile of me. A. careful B. skill C. concern D. caution A9. The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ______ by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent. A. free of charge B. with on responsibility C. without limitations of distribution D. with little charges A10. All entries in Logbook, ______ made, must not be erased or amended. A11.When a vessel is entering or leaving a port, a record of engine speeds is kept in the ______. A. bell book B. deck rough logbook C. Official Logbook D. engine rough log B12. I must hold _____for any damage which may have resulted from the accidents you caused. A. your responsible B. you responsible C. you are responsible D. your are responsible B13. ______ the torn bags of castor seeds you mentioned we have already replaced them by new ones. A. Regard B. Regards C. Regarded D. Regarding C14. Who can suggest changes to the SMS? A. The designated person B. The captain C. All officers and crew D, All senior officer C15. Have the safety belts for _____been examined? A. total enclosed lifeboats B. totally enclosing lifeboats C. totally enclosed lifeboats C. total enclosing lifeboats B16. If the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot’s actions, or intentions, he should _______ . A. notify the Captain as soon as possible B. seek clarification from the pilot C. take action by his own judgment D. cease the duty of pilot’s at once D17. How many operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974_____? A. 4 operators B. 3 operators C. 2 operators D. 1 operator C18. In _____ convention, a vessel which carries more than 12 passengers shall be deemed as a passenger ship. A. COSCO B. STCW C. COLAS D. MARPOL C19. Vessels carrying _____ must not willfully wash decks or holds. A. general B. steel products C. harmful cargo D. machinery B20. How to determine the density of the slop after tank washing? A. By use of an interferometer B. By use of a hydrometer C. By use of an interface D. By use of a thermometer C21. In anchoring orders, UPAND DOWN means ______. A. the chain is not upright B. the chain is tight C. the chain is upright D. the chain is slack B22.The ideal rope for stoppers should satisfy the following requirements except that-______. A. The stopper should be of synthetic fibre rope B. The size of the stopper should be as large as possible C. The stopper should be of low stretch material D. The stopper should be very flexible C23.You are docking a vessel.Wind and current are most favorable when they aye ________. A. crossing your course in the same direction B. crossing your course in opposite directions C. parallel to the pier from ahead D. setting you on the pier B24. If your vessel is dragging her anchor in a strong wind, you should _____. A. shorten the scope of anchor cable B. increase the scope of anchor cable C. put over the sea anchor D. put over a stern anchor A25. What is ship’s heading? Ship’s heading is the direction____. A. the vessel is pointing B. the vessel is traveling relative to land C. the vessel is traveling relative to ground D. the vessel is drifting C26. The side of a ship which is farther from the winds is ______. A. fairway side B. open sea side C. lee side D. roadstead side B27. A vessel is in sight of another vessel when ______. A. she can be observed by radar B. she can be observed visually from the other vessel C. she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her heading D. her fog signal can be heard C28. Which vessel is “underway” under the Rules of the Road? A. A vessel at anchor with the engine running B. A vessel with a line led to a tree onshore C. A vessel drifting with the engine off D. A vessel aground 29.In determining a safe speed-----shall not be among those into account. A、the characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment B、any constraints imposed by the radar scale in use C、the effect on radar detection of the sea state,weather and other sources of interference D、the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore 30.Underway at night you see the red sidelight of a vessel well off your port bow. Which statement is TRUE?______. A. You are required to alter course to the right. B. You must stop engines. C. You are on a collision course with the other vessel. D. You may maintain course and speed. 31.In case of your steering gear failed,_____should be exhibited in shapes or lights A、 not under command B、restricted in her ability C、restrained by her draught D、 underway 32.The four standard light colors used for lighted aids to navigation are red,green, and ___ __( white, A(purple B(orange C(blue D(yellow 33.When should a navigator rely on the position of floating aids to navigation? A、 During calm weather only B、During daylight only C、Only when inside a habor D、Only when fixed aids are not available 34.A line on the Earth parallel to the equator is a____. A、gnomonic curve B、small circle C、meridian D、great circle 35.When there are small differences between the heights of two successive high tides or two successive low tides,the tides are called __B__( A(Diurnal B(Semi-diurnal C(Solar D(Mixed 36.The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time it takes for____. A.The sun to be at the opposite side of the moon B.The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth C.The moon to be at its apogee D.The sun and the moon to be on the same side 答案:B两个高潮之间的平均时间是12小时25分钟,因为这个时候发生在月亮 在地球对面 37.All the hold and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be _____ for the carriage. A、comfortable B、suitable C、stable D、favorable 38.A vessel with a large GM will ______. A. have more resistance to listing in case of damage B. have less tendency to have synchronous rolling C. be less likely to have cargo shift D. ride more comfortably KEY: A 39.Buoyancy is a measure of the ship's _____ A、ability to float B、deadweight C、freeboard D、midships strength 40.My ship is _____ NO.5 berth for loading. A、onto the wharf B、moved astern C、into the dock D、moored alongside 41.What is the main purpose of dunnage? A. To act as ballast for light vessels B. To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo C. To secure the tarpaulins in place D. To support weakened bulkheads 42. The Master or person in charge of a ship shall ensure the crane record book shows ______. A. the name of the crane operator B. an entry each time the crane is used C. date and result of each rated load test D. the time of day of the test KEY:C 43. In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare, ______. A. Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravity( B. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravity( C. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancy( D. Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity KEY: A 44(Inflammable cargo ______ in the holds adjacent to the engine room( A. shall never be stowed B. may be stowed C. can be stowed D. should be stowed KEY: A 45. Please arrange for the workers to do the ______ work during loading the trucks and heavy cargo on the ship,and also supply the necessary materials for the work( A. lashing B. shifting C. lifting D. tallying KEY: A 46(Foreman, the ship ______ , please get the stevedores to fill the port wings with heavier packages. A. lists to starboard B. is shifting to starboard C. is inclined to starboard D. is listing to starboard KEY:D 47. If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere, which wind direction should you expect? A. South to west B. South to east C. West to north D. North to east KEY:B 48. LOW AT 34N 135E ESLY SLWLY INTST NC(This description is most likely to be under the heading of ______. A. GALE WNG B. GEN SYN C. STORM WNG D. TYPHOON WNG KEY: B 49. In the doldrums you can expect ______. A. steady,constant winds B. frequent rain showers and thunderstorms C. steep pressure gradients D. low relative humidity KEY: B 50. In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and ______. A. the direction of the true wind B. true north C. the beam on the windward side D. the beam on the lee side KEY: A 51. A frontal thunderstorm is caused by ______. A. pronounced local heating B. wind being pushed up a mountain C. a warm air mass rising over a cold air mass D. an increased lapse rate caused by advection of warm surface air KEY: C 52.Which is an advantage of using watertight longitudinal divisions in double bottom tanks? A.Cuts down free surface effect B.Increases the rolling period C.Decreases weight because extra stiffeners are unneeded D.Lowers the center of buoyancy without decreasing GM KEY:A 减少自由液面效果 53. _____is halfway between the forward and after perpendiculars and is a reference point for vessel construction. A.Half length B.Mid-body C.Center line D.Amidships KEY:D 54.Where is the keel generally located on a ship? A.Along the mid ships axis B.Along the centerline of the lower hulls C.Along the roll axis of the hull D.Along the axis of rotation of the hull KEY:B 55 On an anchor windlass, the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a______ C A: brake compressor wheel B: devil’s claw C: wildcat D: winchead 56 The holding capability of an anchor is primarily determined by the_______ C A: shape of the anchor B: stowage of the anchor on board C: anchor’s ability to dig in D: size of the vessel and its draft 57 BHP stands for the_____of the main engine C A: breadth dimension B:builder’s name C: brake horsepower D: revolutions per minute 58Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope?_____ A A: Echoes from a buoy B: Own ship’s marker C: Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed D: Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed 59 The common way to obtain your ship’s position is_______ B A :keeping a close watch and lookout B: taking a radar range and bearing C: observing a radar target and listening to signals D: keeping a well clear caution 60 Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail______ A A: in dense fog B: in boisterous weather c:in the open sea D: in rivers 61 Deviation in a compass is caused by the________A A: vessel’sgeographic position B: vessel’s heading C: vessel’smagnetic field D:influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel 62 Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that power supply on board is____ B A;high or low B: AC or DC C: longitude D: on or off 63 Ddeviation changes with a change in_________ B A: latitude B; heading C: longitude D; sea conditions 64 Automatic identification systems(AIS) are expected to broadcast all of the following information EXCEPT______ B A: navigation status B: ship’s heading C:port of origin D: time stamp 65 The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______ C A: 3 hours B: 6 hours C:12hours D:24 hours 66 What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder? D A: sea bottom B; ship’s speed C: speed of current D: water temperature and density 67 The principal advantage of NAVTEX radio warning is that__ A A: they can be used by mariners who do not know Morse code B: only an ordinary FM radio is necessary to receive these warnings C: information on a given topic is only broadcast at specified times D: they cover a broad spectrum of the radio allowing reception on almost any type of receiver 68 Which would be the subject of a NAVAREA warning? A: A drifting buoy sighted in mid-ocean B: Extinguishment of Wolf Trap Light located inside Chesapeake Bay C: All military exercises on the high seas involving four or more vessels D: Off-air times of radio beacons when scheduled for routine maintenance 69 All VHF marine band radios operate in the simplex mode, which means that__________ A A: only one person may talk at a time B : only two persons may talk at the same time C: the radio only transmits D: the radio only receives 70 What does the abbreviation VHF stand for?_______ D A: Vessel’s Hoisting Flag B: Very High Safety C: Vessel’s Homing Frequency D: Very High Frequency 71 The pilot motor launches are_______blue ,with PILOT in white. B A: furnished B: painted C: prepared D: written 72 Which one of the followings is not a right way to call an unknown vessel on VHF? D A: According B:According to her cargo C:According to her movements D:According to her crewmembers 73 A bollard is found on the___ C A:BEACH B:deck C;Pier D:towed vessel 74 A mooring line leading at nearly right angles to yhe keel is a____D A: Spring line B: bow line C: stern line D;breast line 75A stopper is______ A A : a short length of line used for temporarily holding another line B: a snatch block for handling a topping lift C: an engine order telegraph D :the brake on a cargo winch 76 In order to correctly open a new coil of manila, you should____ B A: pull the tagged end from the top of the coil B : pull the tagged end through the eye of the coil C: secure the outside end and unroll the coil D : unreel the coil from a spool 77Paints and solvents on a vessel should be_______ B A: stored safely at the work site until work is completed B: returned to the paint locker after each use C: covered at all times to protect from ignition sources D:stored in a suitable gear locker 78A distress signal_____________ C A: consists of 5 or more short blasts of the signal apparatus B: consists of the raising and lowering of a large white flag C: may be used separately or with other distress signals D: is used to indicate doubt another vessel’s intentions 79 The commander of a rescue unit designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area is the_____ D A:General commander B: Commander general C:Search commander D:On-scene commander 80 A CLEARLY MARKED WAY IN THE VESSEL WHICH HAS TO BE FOLLOWED IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY defines________ A. Escape route B.Alley way C.Corridor D.Embarking way 81.You are on watch at night in port and discover a fire in 1 hatch. Which action should you take FIRST ?______ A. Advise the Chief Mate and Master. B. Release carbon dioxide into the hatch. C. Sound the general alarm. D. Lead a fire hose to the hatch. KEY:C 82. What kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed in an oil tankers engine room and pump room? A. Powder plant B. Foam plant C. CO2 plant D. Water spray plant 答案:C 那种固定灭火装置安装在油轮机舱和泵房,二氧化碳装置 83. Knowing the compass heading that is 90?to the side of a ship will enable the operator of a survival craft to initially steer ______. A. into the wind B. away in fire and smoke C. directly to the standby boat D. directly to the nearest land KEY: B 84.When launching a lifeboat,frapping lines should be rigged _____ A.before the gripes are released B.before the boat is moved from the davits C.at the embarkation deck D.after the boat is in the water KEY:C 85. _____ is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytime( A. Smoke signal B. Flash signal C. Fire signal D. Radio emergency transmission KEY: A 86. It is generally NOT allowed to clean up an oil spill by using ______. A. a boom B. suction equipment C. chemical agents D. skimmers KEY: C 87. First aid means ______. A. medical treatment of accident B. setting of broken bones C. emergency treatment at the scene of the injury D. dosage of medications KEY: C 88. In which way may intake of poisoning material not occur? A. By inhaling B. By skin penetrating and skin absorbing C. By swallowing D. By protective measures 答案:D哪一种方法不会使有毒物质进入的情况发生,通过保护措施 (一) Passage 3-30 东北至西南8海里TSS NEW AND AMENDED TRAFFIC SEPARATION SCHEME SOFF TUSKAR ROCK (amended scheme) Reference chart: British Admiralty 1787,2004 edition. Description of the traffic separation scheme:(a) A separation zone,two miles wide, is centred upon the following geographical positions: (1) 52?14'.0 N,6?00'.8 W (2) 52?08'.5 N,6?03'.8 W (3) 52?04'.7 N,6?11'.5 W (b) A traffic lane,three miles wide,is established on each side of the separation zone. Inshore traffic zone:The area bounded between the landward boundary of the traffic separation scheme and lines connecting Tuskar Rock Lighthouse (52?12'.2N, 6?12'.4W) and the following geographical positions is designated an inshore traffic zone: (4) 52?15'.2 N,6?57'.0 W (northerly corner of the scheme) (5) 52?07'.8 N,6?15'.6 W (westerly corner of the scheme) [89]The distance between the seaward boundary【分界线】 and landward boundary the traffic separation scheme is ________ miles. A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8 #D这个距离在海界和陆界之间,分道通航制是8海里 [90]The traffic separation scheme consists of ________ traffic lanes. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 #A这个分道通航制包括2个交通道 [91] Tuskar Rock Lighthouse is located nearby the ________. A. westerly corner of the scheme B. northerly corner of the scheme C. middle of the scheme D. outside of the scheme #C Tuskar Rock灯塔是至于分道中间 [92]The traffic separation scheme is probably leading in ________ direction. A. NW-SE B. N-S C. E-W D. NE-SW #D这个分道通航制是大概引入是东北到南西方位 (二) Passage 3-8 雷达增益 the gain of the receiver increases and the By turning the GAIN control clockwise, observing range of the target expands. Adjust this control so that the best pictures may be displayed on the screen,according to the range scale in use. In the short range,it is advisable to operate the equipment with this control set at a setting where the receiver gain is rather lowered a little. In the long range,it is advisable to operate the equipment with this control set at a setting where the receiver gain is rather increased a little. With too little gain,the small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range. With excessive gain,since the screen becomes brighter because the noise increases,the contrast between echoes and background noise reduces,making target observation more difficult. In the crowded regions,the gain may be reduced to clear the picture. you will have to _______. [29]Switching from short range to long range, 从小范围转换到大范围,你应该转动增益顺时针。 A. turn the Gain control clockwise B. turn the Gain control anticlockwise C. turn off the Gain D. keep the Gain control remaining in its original position #A [30]By turning the Gain clockwise,the contrast between echoes and background noise will _______. 对于顺时针转动增益,回波和背景噪音之间的对比将会减小。 A. increase B. decrease C. not change D. increase or decrease according to the range scale in use #B [31]By _______ the best picture will be displayed on the screen,. 对于增加或者减少增益,按照距离标尺的使用,最好的图像将会显示在屏幕上。 A. turning the Gain control clockwise B. turning the Gain control anticlockwise C. keeping the Gain control remaining in its original position D. increasing or decreasing the gain according to the range scale in use #D [32]With too little gain,_______. 太小的增益,则小目标会丢失,同时减少察觉范围圈。 A. the target observation will be more difficult under the increasing contrast B. the contrast between echoes and background noise reduces C. the screen becomes brighter because the noise increases D. the small targets are missed and there is a decrease in the detected range #D 第52期 903 1. Where would you find information about the time of high tide at a specific location on a particular day of the year? A. Tide Tables B. Tidal Current Tables C. Coast Pilot D. Nautical Almanac A 2. For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be __ A. considered B. consulted C. concluded D. commanded B 3. The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body, caused by refraction, increases as the ______. A. horizontal parallax decreases B. observer’s height above sea level increases C. humidity of the atmosphere decreases D. altitude of the body decreases D 4. The compass rose on a nautical chart indicates both variation and ______. A. deviation B. annual rate of variation change C. precession D. compass error KEY: B 5. The short-long dashed, magenta lines parallel to York River Entrance Channel mark _____ A. fish trap areas B. naval exercise areas C. underwater cables D. recommended track lines A 6.An important point to note when you open a navigation chart is to note whether the depths are_____ A in meter or fathom B in foot or kilometer C by meter or fathom D by foot or kilometer A 7.When should voyage planning be done? A. During the sailing B. Prior the sailing C. After sailing D. Before the pilot is leaving 答案:B什么时候需要做航行计划,在航行以前 8. The Experimental Lighthouse-buoy has no navigational significance and may be removed at will(The above sentence means ______. A. It's of no use for navigation and would be removed with notice B. It's useful in navigation and may be removed without notice C. It's helpless in navigation and may be removed without notice D. It's helpful in navigation and may be removed without notice KEY: C 9. Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be ______. A. considered B. insured C. relied upon D. suspected KEY: C written up at the end of each 10. ______ is a full nautical record of a ship's voyage, watch by the officer of the watch. 同原题库1905 A. Sea Protest B. Deck Log C. Accident Report D. Seaman's Book KEY: B航海日记是船舶航次的完全记录,由值班驾驶员在每班结束时填写。 11.When there is not a chief officer on board, ______should keep and write up the ship’s logbook. A the assistant officer B the captain C the officer on duty D the third officer B 12.The port gangway caught on a ______on the wharf and was severely damaged. A bollard B bitt C stem D keel Key A 13. Do you need to measure oxygen levels before entering an enclosed space? A. Yes, always B. No C. Not if you measure for toxic gases D. Yes, but not if you ventilate properly first for 24 hours 答案:A当你进入一个密闭空间前你需要测量氧气浓度吗,是的,总是这 样 14. Who must ensure that the emergency lighting and power systems on cargo vessels are operated at least weekly?______ A. Master B. Chief Engineer C. Deck officer assigned D. Engineering officer assigned Key A 15. Painting on _________is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibility A.ship shell B.exterior of winches C.hydrostatic release unit D.hold ladders 答案:C在静水压力释放器上涂漆是被禁止的,因为它将会减弱灵敏度 16. You are on watch at night in clear visibility and the vessel has just been anchored. The first thing that you should do after the anchor has been let go is to ______. A. stop the engines B. turn off the running lights and turn on the anchor lights C. take at least two bearings of prominent shore lights D. lower the accommodation ladder and illuminate it Key B 17.the port of registry is ______. A not required to be marked anywhere on the vessel B required to be marked on both bows C required to be marked anywhere on the stern with the name of vessel marked on both bows D required to be marked anywhere on the keel, stern , and both bows Key C 18.On a rigid liferaft which is equipped with all of the required equipment you may not find a______ A bailer B sponge C whistle D fishing kit Key D 19. Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least _____on board cargo ship A. Once every third year B. Once a month C. Once a year D. Once a week 答案:B船舷应急计划必须执行至少每一个月一次 20.Ship’ masters are requested to ensure that ,while their vessels are calling at this port ,all discharge outlets are_____ A opened B kept half opened C blocked up D kept half closed Key C 21.What is a CORRECT reply to a pilot’s request, How’s your heading? A Steady B Eased to 10 rudder C checked D Passing 50 Key D 22. Your vessel is docking, but not yet alongside. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?______. A. Bow breast line B. Bow spring line C. Inshore head line D. Offshore head line Key B 23. It's all right to rig the pilot ladder on lee side ______. A. to allow port Authorities to board B. allowing port Authorities to board C. to allow port Authorities boarding D. allowing port Authorities to be boarded KEY: A 24. Generally speaking,the most favorable bottom for anchoring is ______. A. very soft mud B. rocky C. a mixture of mud and clay D. loose sand KEY: C 25. Your ship is steaming at night with the gyropilot engaged. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take FIRST?______. A. switch to hand steering. B shift the steering to the emergency steering station. C. Call the Master D. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunction. Key A 26. A vessel fitted with twin screws is easier in ______ than a vessel with single screw( A. turning maneuver B. course setting C. position fixing D. regulating speed KEY: A 27.The officer of the watch should______ comply with the Collision Rules. A some times B often C at all times D seldom KEY C 28.Your vessel is underway when______ A her is dredging B her anchor is used in docking C she is dredging her anchor D her anchor holds fast while she is swinging KEY D 29. Risk of collision is considered to exist if ______. 同原题库0214 A. four vessels are nearby B. a vessel has a steady bearing at a constant range C. there is any doubt that a risk of collision exists D. a special circumstance situation is apparent KEY: C假如对存在碰撞危险有任何的怀疑时应认为存在碰撞危险。 30.A vessel underway and fishing shall keep out of the way a ______ A power-driven vessel underway B vessel not under command C vessel sailing D vessel engaged on pilotage duty 31.Which one of two crossing power-driven vessels has the right of way in a fog? A Both vessel B Neither vessel C The vessel on portside D The vessel on starboard side 32. What is a lighted safe water mark fitted with to aid in its identification ? ______ A. A spherical topmark B. Red and white retroreflective material C. Square triangular topmarks D. A red and white octagon 33. A dead reckoning (DR) plot ______. A. ignores the effect of surface currents B. is most useful when in sight of land C. must be plotted using magnetic courses D. may be started at an assumed position KEY: A 34. There is sufficient anchorage for ______ at all time around the No(1 buoy and for smaller vessels around the No(4 buoy( A. deep laded vessels B. deeply load vessels C. deep loading vessels D. deeply loaded vessels KEY: D 35. A tide is called diurnal when ______. A. only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day B. the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual C. the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart D. two high tides occur during a lunar day KEY: A 36.A height of a tide can be increased by ______ A a storm surge B a high pressure area C the jet stream D two high tides 37. All the holds and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be ______ for the carriage( A. comfortable B. suitable C. stable D. favorable KEY: B 38. If the buoyant force on a ship's hull is equal to the displacement the ship will ______. tonnage, A. require ballast B. be down by the head C. sink D. float KEY: D 39. Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the ______. A. roll period B. metacentric height C. waterplane area D. vessel's draft KEY: A 40. The productivity of working shifts can be improvedРth?ough a decrease of ______.??同原题库2404 A. working hours B. gangs C. idle time D. weight per set KEY: C工班的工作效率能够通过减少竺闲时间来提高。 41. What is the main purpose of dunnage? A. To act as ballast for light vessels B. To provide ventilation and drainage for cargo C. To secure the tarpaulins in place D. To support weakened bulkheads KEY B 42. How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom and raise the load? A. Extend arm and point finger in the direction to move the boom B. Extend arm with thumb pointing downward and flex fingers in and out C. With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up, move hand in small horizontal circles D. With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down, move hand in small horizontal circles KEY: B ”. The draft 43. The forward draft of your ship draft is 27’11” and the after is 29’03 amidship is 28’05”. Your vessel is ______. A. Hogged B. Sagged C. Listed D. Trimmed by the head KEY A 44.The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the______ A local agent B watchman C docker D foreman KEY D 45. The ship is now too much listing to portside. I suggest that you ______ light cargo on portside and heavy cargo on starboard side. A. will put B. would put C. put D. shall put 46. Figure of cargo short-landed in ______. A. dispute B. argue C. debate D. discuss KEY: A 47.The speed at which storm center moves is the ______ A speed of movement B speed of advance C speed of storm D storm movement speed KEY B 48. TYPHOON FORECAST MOVE 285 DEG 15 KNOT FIRST 12 HOURS THEN 280 DEG 17 KNOTS NEXT 12 HOURS. The movement of the Typhoon is in ______ quadrant. A. NE B. SE C. NW D. SW KEY C 49.When a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, the ______ A variable B changing C backing D veering 50. The rise and fall of the ocean’s surface due to a distant storm is known as ______ A sea B waves C fetch D swell KEY D 51. Good weather is usually associated with a region of ______. A. low barometric pressure B. high barometric pressure C. falling barometric pressure D. pumping barometric pressure KEY: B 52. A DECK,SPACE,AREA,ETC.,NOT PERMITTED TO BE ENTERED FOR SAFETY REASONS defines ______. A. Restricted area B. Closed area C. Prohibited place D. Forbidden place KEY: A 53 ___is halfway between the forward and after perpendiculars and is reference point for vessel construction. D A:Half length B: Mid-body C: Center line D: Amidships 54 Roll-on /roll-off ships are equipped with C A: Cargo elevators B: conveyor belts C: ramps D: derricks and winches for cargo handling 55 The Port-Off-Stbd’ selector switch on an autopilot steering stand is used to________ B A change from hand electric steering to automatic gyro B Change over one steering system to the other C change over hand electric steering to non-follow-up D change over the port to the starboard bow thruster 56 Increasing the area of anchor flukes will_______ A A: increase holding power B: decrease holding power C: make penetration more complete D: not effect holding power 57 The last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted________ D A: white B: international orange C: yellow D: red 58 The officer of the watch should use radar when appropriate and at all times in______water B A: congesting B: congested C: congestion D: congest 59 The common way to obtain your ship’s position is ____ B A: keeping a close watch and lookout B: taking a radar range and bearing C: observing a radar target and listening to signals D; keeping a well clear caution 60 The minimum range at which a target can be detected is basically determined by which of the following?____ C A: persistence B: pulse repetition rate C: pulse length D: rotation rate 61 If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same then_______ D A: the deviation has been offset by the variation B: there is something wrong with the compass C: the compass is being influenced by nearby metals D: there is no deviation on that heading 62 Magnetic heading differs from compass heading by_____ D A: compass error B: true heading C: variation D:deviation 63 Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that the power supply on board is ________ B A: high or low B: AC or DC C;strong or weak D;on or off 64 The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______ C A: 3 hours B: 6 hours C: 12 hours D: 24 hours 65 What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance? A A: AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situation B: AIS is more accurate than ARPA C AIS is not as accurate as ARPA D: AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance 66 With respect to automatic identification systems(AIS) which of the following information is broadcast every one to ten seconds? C A: Vessel’s draft B: Air Draft C: Navigational status D: Dimensions of vessel 67 The Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon on a cargo vessel must be stowed________ D A: in an inside passageway B: in an approved bracket C: so that it is accessible from the bridge of the vessel D: so that it will float free the vessel sinks 68 On which vessel is GMDSS required C A: All vessel capable of international voyages B: Vessel operating outside of the range of VHF coastal radio stations C: SOLAS convention ship of 300 gross tonnage or more D: Coastal vessel of less than 300 gross tons 69 The generators on your ship have shut down, leaving you without navigation lights. Which emergency signal would you transmit over the VHF radio to alert vessels in the area of your predicament? C A: Mayday Mayday Mayday B: Pan Pan Pan C: Security Security Security D:Lights out Lights out Lights out 70 The pilot station______close west of the end of the breakwater B A: stayed B: situated C: placed D: located 71 VHF Channel 6 is used exclusively for______communications B A:radio checks and time checks B; inter-vessel safety and search and rescue C; working with helicopters D; radio direction finding 72 One hour before arrival at Elbe l light vessel, masters are advised to contact the pilot boat by __________ D A: telephone B: telegraph C: telex D: VHF 73 A bollard is found on the ________ C A: beach B: deck C: pier D; towed vessel 74 In order to correctly open a new coil of manila line, you should_______ B A: pull the tagged end from the top of the coil B; pull the tagged end through the eye of the coil C: secure the outside end and unroll the coil D: unreel the coil from a spool 75 Separating both blocks of a tackle to prepare it for reuse is called_______ C A: chockablocking B: out-hauling C: over-hauling D; two-blocking 76 Which splice should you use in order to make a permanent loop in a line? B A: Back splice B: Eyc splice C: Long splice D; Short splice 77 The end of the joint with the exterior threads is called the______ A A: pin B; stem C; box D; stand 78 If you saw flames aboard a vessel but could see the vessel was not on fire, you would know that the_______ B A: crew was trying to get warm B: vessel required immediate assistance C; vessel was attempting to attract the attention of a pilot boat : vessel was being illuminated for identification by aircraft D 79 A search and rescue region is ________ D A: a search area B: an area covered by air surveillance C: an area covered by radar surveillance D; an area of defined dimensions 80.What is the meaning of UEL? A.Upper exposure level B.Upper explosion level C.Upper explosive limit D.Upper evaporation level 81. . For most products the fire will die out when the oxygen content is reduced to _____. A. 10% B. 12% C. 15% D. 21% 答案:B有大多数显示来看火灾将在含氧量减少到12%的时候熄灭 82. A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to ______. A. make underwater repairs to barges B. determine if the air in a tank is safe for men C. enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygen D. resuscitate an unconscious person KEY: C 83. Making water rapidly in all holds,all passengers and crew were ordered on deck ______ and all boats were lowered to rail. 同原题库3214 A. in life jackets---穿着救生衣(未穿别的衣服) B. with life jackets---携带救生衣(未穿上) C. with life jackets on---穿好救生衣 D. putting on life jackets---正在穿救生衣 KEY: C所有货舱迅速进水,所有旅客和船员穿好救生衣到甲板上并且所有救 生艇下降到栏杆边。 84. After abandoning a vessel, water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will ______. A. pass through the body with little absorbed by the system B. help to prevent fatigue---防止疲劳 C. quench thirst for only 2 hours---不口渴仅2小时 D. help to prevent seasickness---防止晕船 KEY: A弃船以后,在最初24小时里消耗的水将通过身体少量地被系统吸收 85. After launching,an inflatable raft should be kept dry inside by ______. A. opening the automatic drain plugs B. draining the water pockets C. using the electric bilge pump D. using the bailers and cellulose sponge KEY: D 86. What does OBO mean? A. Oil Bulk Oil B. Ore Bulk Oil C. Only Bulk Ore D. Only Basic Oil 答案:B OBO的意思是什么,矿石/散货油 87.When a person is in shock,their skin will be _____ A.warm and dry B.warm and damp C.cold and dry D.cold and damp KEY:D 88. What is the proper first aid for LPG in the eye? A. Apply an ice pack to the eye. B. Keep the eyelid closed. C. Flush the eye with plenty of water. D. Rub the eye area clean. KEY: C (一) Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit,at regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three,that is,warning,synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information,mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions beforehand,by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If there is a high sea or a long swell,they can take some measures to safeguard the cargo and the ship. 89 Weather information for ships is usually transmitted by coast radio stations ___. A. any time of the day B. at fixed time C. in different languages D. in some parts of the world KEY:B 90 Coast radio stations generally provide weather information for ships ___. I. in code, II. In a certain language, III. in written form A. I B. I + II C. II D. I + II + III KEY:A 91 Weather information usually tells people something about weather _____. A. afterwards B. in advance C. at the same time D. when there’s bad weather KEY:B 92 Of the following, ______ is not the way for ships to keep away from bad weather. A. delaying voyage B. staying in port C. speeding up and running away D. pumping out ballast water KEY:D (二) Passage 3-5 短距离通信 Communications over relatively short distances can be made by visual or sound signals. Visual signals can be sent by using flags or an Aldis lamp. An Aldis lamp is an electric lamp used for flashing messages in Morse code. The traditional method of signaling from one ship to another is by using flags. There are different colored flags for each letter of the alphabet. There are also pennant-shaped flags for numbers,and a long pennant,known as an answering or code pennant. Three other flags,which are burgee-shaped,are known as substitutes. These show that the flat or pennant is being repeated. Besides standing for a letter of the alphabet,each flag,when hoisted along, has another meaning. For example,the "W" flag also means: "I require medical assistance". Flags can also be hoisted in combinations of two,three or four. Siren,whistle,bell or other sound signals can be used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen. [93]Communications over relatively short distances may be made by ________. 通信相关的距离相当短,可以不是视觉就是声号。 A. visual signals B. sound signals C. Morse Code D. Either visual or sound signals #D [94]An Aldis lamp is used for ________. 一个手提闪光信号的被用在莫尔斯密码发送上。 A. transmitting Morse code B. flashing flags C. sending flag signals D. sending sound signals #A [95]Burgee-shaped flags are used as substitutes to show ________. 燕尾旗是用来代替显示 重复的 A. "repeating" B. "answering" C. "code" pennant D. "I requiring medical assistance" #A [96]________ are used in fog and similar circumstances when visual signals can not be seen. 这个船的汽笛,口哨或者钟是用在雾和类似环境当视觉不能看到时候。 A. Visual signals B. Substitutes C. Pennant-shaped flags whistle or bell D. The ship's siren, #D 期数:36 试卷代号:903 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1--A 2--B 3--B 4--D 5--D 6--A 7--B 8--B 9--A 10--A 11--D 12--D 13--C 14--B 15--D 16--C 17--A 18--C 19--A 20--D 21--C 22--C 23--A 24--A 25--C 26--A 27--B 28--B 29--A 30--B 31--C 32--C 33--D 34--C 35--B 36--C 37--D 38--D 39--A 40--A 41--C 42--B 43--D 44--A 45--B 46--B 47--C 48--D 49--D 50--B 51--D 52--A 53--D 54--A 55--B 56--A 57--D 58--C 59--D 60--C 61--A 62--A 63--D 64--B 65--D 66--B 67--D 68--D 69--A 70--D 71--D 72--A 73--A 74--A 75--B 76--C 期数:37 试卷代号:903 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1--A 2--A 3--A 4--C 5--A 6--C 7--A 8--D 9--B 10--B 11--A 12--A 13--B 14--D 15--C 16--B 17--A 18--B 19--C 20--D 21--A 22--A 23--D 24--A 25--D 26--A 27--B 28--C 29--B 30--D 31--A 32--D 33--C 34--A 35--A 36--C 37--D 38--C 39--B 40--C 41--B 42--B 43--C 44--C 45--A 46--B 47--A 48--C 49--C 50--B 51--A 52--A 53--B 54--B 55--C 56--C 57--A 58--B 59--B 60--A 61--C 62--A 63--B 64--A 65--B 66--B 67--D 68--A 69--送分 70--送分 71--C 72--B 73--B 74--C 75--D 76--C 期数:39 试卷代号:903 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1--B 2--C 3--C 4--C 5--B 6--A 7--B 8--B 9--A 10--D 11--A 12--A 13--D 14--A 15--C 16--A 17--A 18--C 19--B 20--B 21--A 22--A 23--B 24--A 25--D 26--B 27--D 28--B 29--A 30--A 31--B 32--D 33--A 34--B 35--C 36--C 37--C 38--B 39--C 40--B 41--B 42--D 43--A 44--A 45--D 46--D 47--B 48--D 49--A 50--D 51--A 52--D 53--B 54--D 55--B 56--C 57--A 58--D 59--A 60--A 61--B 62--A 63--B 64--D 65--C 66--B 67--C 68--C 69--BBDD 70--BADA 期数:40 试卷代号:903 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1--A 2--C 3--D 4--B 5--B 6--C 7--B 8--A 9--C 10--D 11--B 12--C 13--A 14--C 15--A 16--C 17--B 18--A 19--B 20--A 21--B 22--D 23--C 24--C 25--D 26--B 27--D 28--B 29--B 30--B 31--C 32--C 33--C 34--B 35--A 36--D 37--D 38--C 39--B 40--B 41--A 42--A 43--A 44--A 45--A 46--D 47--D 48--A 49--B 50--C 51--A 52--A 53--B 54--B 55--C 56--C 57--A 58--C 59--A 60--A 61--B 62--C 63--D 64--D 65--B 66--C 67--A 68--D 69--ABDA 70--ABAA 期数:41 试卷代号:903 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1--B 2--D 3--A 4--B 5--B 6--D 7--D 8--D 9--D 10--A 11--B 12--D 13--C 14--C 15--A 16--D 17--D 18--B 19--C 20--B 21--A 22--A 23--A 24--D 25--A 26--C 27--D 28--B 29--B 30--D 31--B 32--D 33--A 34--A 35--D 36--B 37--D 38--D 39--D 40--A 41--A 42--B 43--B 44--C 45--C 46--B 47--D 48--D 49--C 50--A 51--D 52--C 53--B 54-- C 55--A 56--C 57--D 58--D 59--A 60--B 61--C 62--A 63--A 64--D 65--D 66--B 67--D 68--A 69--CDAC 70--CACA 期数:42 试卷代号:903 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1--C 2--A 3--D 4--B 5-- C 6--A 7--A 8--B 9--A 10--A 11--D 12--D 13--D 14--D 15--B 16--B 17-- A 18--D 19--C 20--C 21-- A 22--A 23--A 24--B 25--A 26-- B 27--C 28--A 29--A 30--B 31--C 32--B 33--C 34--C 35--B 36--C 37--B 38--C 39--B 40--C 41--A 42-- B 43--A 44--B 45--C 46--B 47--B 48-- B 49--B 50--B 51--B 52-- A 53--D 54--D 55--A 56--C 57--A 58--C 59--D 60-- A 61--A 62--A 63--C 64--B 65--A 66--A 67--B 68--D 69--BADD 70--DDBA 期数:43 试卷代号:903 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1--C 2--B 3--B 4--D 5-- D 6--A 7--A 8--A 9--B 10--B 11--D 12--D 13--B 14--A 15--C 16--D 17-- D 18--C 19--D 20--A 21-- A 22--C 23--D 24--C 25--A 26-- A 27--B 28--C 29--C 30--A 31--A 32--C 33--D 34--D 35--B 36--A 37--C 38--B 39--B 40--D 41--C 42-- D 43--B 44--C 45--C 46--A 47--D 48-- C 49--B 50--B 51--B 52-- B 53--A 54--A 55--B 56--D 57--D 58--C 59--C 60-- A 61--C 62--B 63--B 64--C 65--D 66--C 67--C 68--A 69--ADDA 70--ADAA 参考答案44 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 题号--答案 1-- B 2--A 3--D 4--D 5--A 6--A 7--B 8--B 9--A 10--B 11--B 12-- D 13--B 14--A 15--D 16--A 17--C 18--D 19--A 20--B 21-D 22--C 23--A 24--B 25--D 26--B 27--B 28--D 29--B 30--A 31--B 32--A 33--D 34--D 35--B 36--A 37--B 38--A 39--A 40--D 41--B 42--A 43--A 44--C 45--A 46--D 47--A 48- C 49--B 50--A 51--D 52--C 53--D 54--A 55--B 56--D 57--A 58--A 59--C 60--C 61--B 62--C 63--A 64--D 65--B
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