

2018-01-07 14页 doc 44KB 84阅读




中国人,日本人,韩国人中国人,日本人,韩国人 中日韩三国文化比较 ——关于《中国人、日本人、韩国人》 一、关于作者和三国文化比较的必要性 “我确信,在21世纪不远的将来,超越国境的日籍华人、华裔日本人以及韩籍华人、华籍韩国人、日籍韩国人、韩籍日本人,必将作为21世纪东亚的新生力量活跃于历史舞台上。”作者如是说。 单看这一点,就会引发如是疑问:“为什么人们在国际关系已十分开放的今天,也会通过改变国籍选择完全不同的异国文化融入其中呢,” 相关资料显示,最主要的原因都来自于经济和政治——中国是社会主义国家,日韩为资本主义国家,着眼于社会主义国家...
中国人,日本人,韩国人 中日韩三国文化比较 ——关于《中国人、日本人、韩国人》 一、关于作者和三国文化比较的必要性 “我确信,在21世纪不远的将来,超越国境的日籍华人、华裔日本人以及韩籍华人、华籍韩国人、日籍韩国人、韩籍日本人,必将作为21世纪东亚的新生力量活跃于历史舞台上。”作者如是说。 单看这一点,就会引发如是疑问:“为什么人们在国际关系已十分开放的今天,也会通过改变国籍选择完全不同的异国文化融入其中呢,” 相关资料显示,最主要的原因都来自于经济和政治——中国是社会主义国家,日韩为资本主义国家,着眼于社会主义国家优越性的日本人和韩国人、以及着眼于资本主义国家优越性的中国人,便会在自身能力足够的条件下改国籍。而“国体归根结底是由社会生产方式决定的”,这与“经济是基础”恰好不谋而合。人的行动在排除了“感情”这项因素之外剩下的或许就是出于经济利益的理性判断了。从事外交或通讯交流方面工作的人,或干脆在国外生活工作的人,出于某些便利(例如孩子受教育的权利大小)就会变更国籍。 比如这本书的作者,堪称“中日韩比较文化学第一人”的学者,他原是生于辽宁沈阳的朝鲜族人,毕业于东北师范大学。他的妻子便是韩国人。但是两人如今早已定居于日本,并已改为日本籍。他的经历就刚好把中、日、韩三国联系在了一起。 在这里说变更国籍这件事,是想说,不管个人是如何受政治和Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 经济影响,那“剪不断,理还乱”的,就该是文化这条长线了。它穿起了中、日、韩三国,即三国文化自然是有不少共性——东亚文化圈,并繁复地自行形成了宗教、语言、生活模式、思维方式、习惯等诸多特性,想要在哪方面明明白白的梳理清楚,或许是不太可能。即便是国籍能几笔修改得了、语言可以三年五载熟练掌握,长期以来经历特有的民族性的“浸泡”所产生的文化属性是无法轻易转变的。而它又与生活息息相关。因此,我们才更应该着眼于三国文化的“演义”,从中得到对自己国家文化的深刻认识,并以更开阔的眼界去感受异国文化的影响。 顺便需要提一点的是,关于三国文化比较的重要性,同时也是作者进行研究的动机,作者是这样写的:“我现在所做的通过日常琐事来比较三国文化的尝试,是为了阐述我个人的一种观点,即21世纪的世界迎来了东亚文明黎明的到来。”“苏联这一巨大的共同体阶梯后,原来被人忽视文化差异就暴露于青天白日之下。”“21世纪是一个从政治、经济意识形态支配一切转向文化大显身手的脱胎换骨的时代。” 二、中日韩三国比较 关于三国的文化差异,作者从语言、生活习惯、美学和德、饮食、风俗、民族性等诸多角度,引用在日常生活中的现,进行了论述和评价。其本身看起来通俗易懂,但最大的麻烦莫过于杂而乱,互相间的联系千回百折,想要真正出什么来很是困难。在这里我便单在易于总结的几点上寻找端倪吧。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village ?、在语言上,古代汉语主要发挥了表达人的意志即理念的功能,所以并不十分细腻。正因如此,古典文学中的恋爱文学出现得才比较晚,恋爱小说繁荣也是在文言文废止之后了。韩国与中国类似,而日本则有所不同,奈良年间便已完成的日本现存最早的诗歌总集《万叶集》里,单是以爱情为主的诗歌便不少于200首,后有紫式部、松尾芭蕉等众多名家的努力发展至今。 而在近代,韩语与日语的共同处颇多,两者都属于黏着语,注重表明结果,而汉语则属于独立语、语,善于表达过程。比如“我爱你”,汉语中先说“我爱”然后加“你”或“她”,日语韩语则必须先把宾语加以说明(如:貴方を愛する)。这样想想,韩国留学生日语学得快也绝非偶然了。从中不难看出,韩国人和日本人都是结果首位主义的民族,中国人使用汉语善于分析,设定几个结果在加以考证,因此考证学发达。加之健谈,便擅长辩论。 ?、日本人吃西瓜喜欢加盐,中国人加糖,韩国人与中国人相近。加糖容易理解,日本人吃西瓜放盐据说是因为西瓜太甜反而不爽,撒盐加以调和。那么,味学上,日本若是中和味道的“互融调和”,中韩便是“锦上添花”。这种融合的特性在近代,便是对西方文化的毫无阻力的吸收,而中国和韩国则碍于绝对意识形态的影响,未摆脱传统儒教的束缚。 然而,在其它方面,日本却相对地更讲究“原则主义”、过于呆板,中国、韩国显得更随性,与上面的特征显得矛盾了。比如,日本人善听,中国人和韩国人则擅长“口的文化”,以至于或许在跟日本Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 人交谈的时候,总感觉他们有些冷淡;日本人送礼更注重包装而忽视,中国人和韩国人拆开收到的日本人的礼物时难免感觉自己被耍了;日本人看到两个男生拉手会断定他们是“同性恋”,在中国和韩国或许我们还能接受;日本商场里的服务尽善尽美,中国韩国则是“爱买不买,不买走人”;日本人团体意识强,国技相扑一局定胜负,中国韩国往往采用“五局三胜”“三局两胜”制„„ 从以上内容看,或许韩国与中国相同之处更多一些,日本则让我们难以接受。 ?、还有一些方面,中、日、韩三国则各不相同,但为于中间位置的往往是韩国,或许这就是为什么在我的脑海里总感觉韩国给人的印象非常柔和了吧。 比如,“洗手间文化”,中国的洗手间从豪华到青石板样样俱到,日本的洗手间则是“对厕所的装饰就像卧房一样用心”,韩国的洗手间称为“化妆室”,位列中间;中国人热情好客,明白“水至清者无鱼”的道理,日本人认为请别人到家里无异于公开自己的隐私,而韩国人则有着一种“半开放半封闭的性格”;回望近代,如果把中国比作乌龟,把日本比作兔子的话,“韩国虽然不如日本这只兔子跑得快,但也是一边喊着快快地,一边用比龟步快的猴步跑着紧追日本”„„ ?、中华民族自古就有兼收并蓄的优良传统。如果韩国的代表食物是辣椒酱的话,日本就是拥有“梅干文化”,“酸”代表了日本人的一种明朗还略有阴郁的性格,而中国呢,非要说的话我也同意“榨菜”一说,“咸”的榨菜有一种中国人与生俱来的厚重感;讲究“情”Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 的韩国人与讲究“理”的日本人之间,中国人讲究的“义”才是我们的传统„„ 从上面两例来看的话,于日韩之间更讲究中庸的,便是我们中国了。 我们甚至可以得出这样的结论:日本是一个“奇葩”。的确,我觉的日本的文化在大多方面都是与中国截然不同的,但那只是浸透了中华民族文化的我们无法习惯罢了。从影响文化的因素上看,我比较容易看出来的是地理位置和历史方面的影响。日本是个岛国,韩国位于半岛上,中国则是陆地居多,这也容易解释为什么韩国既有日本的许多特性又与中国也比较接近了。另外历史上的高句丽、百济、新罗,都受到了中国封建王朝深刻的影响,唐代遣唐使以及像安倍仲麻吕那样的来访的人虽多,也会受制于交通吧。 当然,如今在东亚文化圈的大背景下,东亚文化对世界的影响已经日渐显现了。这时候,世界受到的影响或许就不单单来自哪个国家了,而是三国“演义”出的强大的文化影响力。我们有理由相信,到东亚三国来的欧美的孩子们会在国际村里跟中、日、韩三国的小朋友学习“石头、剪刀、布”了。 三、关于日本 日本人最大的特征,就是连日本人都自称存在的“岛国根性(しまぐにこんじょうsimagunikonjyou)”,在里面我们不难发现这样的词——“气量狭小”“欺软怕硬”“排外”“掠夺性”“缺乏独创”等。 另外,还有即使没去过日本我们也能感受到的,一种在日本成为Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village “縦社会(たてやかいtatesyakai)”的存在——指的是日本的上下等级序列,例如公司里的论资排辈,并不管个人的工作能力究竟谁高谁低,这种看上去不错的方法其实包含了日本人的死板与“原则主义”,另外一种成为“恥文化(はじぶんかhajibunka)的理念也让他们更加在意他人的想法和做法而羞于提倡个性。 其实,日本很多中国人看上去都难以接受的文化恰恰很多来源于中国,比如榻榻米,它来源于中国封建王朝并在日本得到了长久的发展,成为和式房间亮丽的风景线;再比如日本的相扑、茶道„„中华民族五千年历史沉积的文化在日本却获得了比在中国还好的发展,这一点上,让我们有些无地自容。 呆板守规矩的日本人,我想我们可以这么概括他们——这并不否定他们在那些千奇百怪的东西上的大胆创新的(如东京的全透明别墅等)——他们骨子里是有种拘谨的。可是我又并不觉得这完全是个贬义词,他们的这些属性或许是我们中国人在某方面的缺失吧。也正是由于其中存在着某些优良的传统,才能让这个在面积不大的小岛上定居的国家不断发展并位于世界的前列。 四、总结 虽然写这篇读后感时用了判断句的语气,但这也仅仅是个人的感想,对于三国文化比较的认识,还有对日本文化的认识,就连作者那样的学者都要说“我这个被称为‘比较文化的母鸡’下的蛋,倘若味道不佳,不吃也就罢了”,我就更无法下定论了。我只希望通过看这本说能够让自己更清楚的认识三国文化,认识自己国家的历史积淀。 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village 中日韩三国文化比较 ——关于《中国人、日本人、韩国人》 外国语学院 日语1102班 马晓晴 Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village Is team-oriented and team building. Persisting in democratic centralism, improve the level of team science decision, a democratic decision. Strengthening the concept of collective leadership, by collective discussions and decisions on major issues. 5 years, between members of the team did Frank, equal treatment, mutual trust, mutual support and form a innovation-oriented, democratic solidarity and diligent people, honest type of four good teams. Second, focus on the transformation of work style. Requires team members to actively think, active officers to organize work, active inspection work, initiative, by the Office and of the primary station and village (community), and make sure regardless of Division of labor and mutual support, mutual Help and complement each other, understand each other, improve leadership skills of managing. Third party organizations are weak and lax, strengthening regulation (community) party organizations and cadres, improve service levels, and enhance team effectiveness. The work style of the party members and cadres in the whole town has been further changes. 2. the cadres, and improve the overall quality of party members and cadres. First, grasp the cadres team construction. Cadres of the new and improved the regulation, the town village appraisal methods, training of party members and other 8 work, effectively promote the work, put an end to the previous shuffle, prevarication is not responsible for the phenomenon. Second, strengthening the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members. Catch the party branch Secretary of team-building, improving overall quality. Healthy village (community) cadre appointment system. Perfect village
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