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消费者权益日问答题消费者权益日问答题 消费者权益保护知识问答 问:什么是欺诈消费者行为,其具体表现形式有哪些, 答:欺诈消费者行为是指:经营者在经营商品(以下所称商品包括服务)或者服务中,采取虚假或者其他不正当手段欺骗、误导消费者,使消费者的合法权益受到损害的行为。 具体表现为:销售搀杂、搀假、以假乱真、以次充好的商品;采取虚假或者不正当手段,使销售的商品分量不足;销售“处理品”、“残次品”、“等外品”等商品,谎称是正品;以虚假的“清仓价”、“甩卖价”、“最低价”、“优惠价”或者其他欺骗性价格表示销售商品;以虚假的商品说明、商品标准、实...
消费者权益日问答 消费者权益保护知识问答 问:什么是欺诈消费者行为,其具体表现形式有哪些, 答:欺诈消费者行为是指:经营者在经营商品(以下所称商品包括服务)或者服务中,采取虚假或者其他不正当手段欺骗、误导消费者,使消费者的合法权益受到损害的行为。 具体表现为:销售搀杂、搀假、以假乱真、以次充好的商品;采取虚假或者不正当手段,使销售的商品分量不足;销售“处理品”、“残次品”、“等外品”等商品,谎称是正品;以虚假的“清仓价”、“甩卖价”、“最低价”、“优惠价”或者其他欺骗性价格表示销售商品;以虚假的商品说明、商品、实物样品等方式销售商品;不以自己的真实姓名和标记销售商品;采取雇佣他人等方式进行欺骗性的销售诱导;作虚假的现场演示和说明;利用广播、电视、电影、报刊等大众传播媒体对商品做虚假宣传;骗取消费者预付款;利用邮购销售骗取价款而不提供或者不按照预约条件提供商品;以虚假的“有奖销售”、“还本销售”等方式销售商品;以其他虚假或者不正当手段欺诈消费者的行为。 问:经营者在向消费者提供商品中,哪些行为应当承担欺诈消费者行为的法律责任, 答:按照规定,经营者在向消费者提供商品中,有下列情形之一,且不能证明自己确非欺骗、误导消费者而实施此种行为的,应当承担欺诈消费者行为的法律责任:销售失效、变质商品;销售侵犯他人注册商标权的商品;销售伪造产地、伪造或者冒用他人的企业名称或者姓名的商品;销售伪造或者冒用他人商品特有的名称、包装、装潢的商品;销售伪造或者冒用认证标志、名优标志等质量标志的商品的。 问:确有欺诈行为的经营者,应如何赔偿, 答:按照有关规定,经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应按照消费者的要求,增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或者接受服务的费用的一倍。 问:《工商行政管理机关受理消费者申诉暂行办法》适用于哪些情形, 答:根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》的有关规定,消费者为生活消费需要购买、使用商品或者接受服务,与经营者发生消费者权益争议的申诉,适用本办法。农民购买、使用直接用于农业生产的生产资料的申诉,也参照本办法执行。 问:消费者申诉应当符合哪些条件, 答:有明确的被诉方,有具体的申诉要求、事实和理由。 问:消费者应当怎样向工商行政管理机关提交申诉, 答:消费者申诉应当采用书面形式,一式两份,并载明下列事项:消费者的姓名、地址、电话号码、邮政编码,被申诉人的名称、地址,申诉的要求、理由及相关的事实根据,申诉的日期。 问:消费者可以委托代理人进行申诉吗, 答:可以,但应当向工商行政管理机关提交授权委托书。 问:什么是共同申诉, 答:消费者为二人以上,其申诉的是共同标的的,工商行政管理机关认为可以合并受理,并经当事人同意的,为共同申诉。共同申诉可以由消费者推选两名代表进行申诉。代表人的申诉行为对其所代表的消费者发生效力,但代表人变更、放弃申诉请求,或者进行和解,应当经被代表的消费者同意。 问:工商行政管理机关有哪些受理程序, 答:工商行政管理机关应当自收到申诉书之日起5日内,认为申诉不符合规定的,应当书面申诉人,并告知不予受理的理由。如果申诉符合规定的应予以处理,并书面通知申诉人,将申诉书副本发送被申诉人,被申诉人收到申诉书副本后,应当在5日内提交答辩书和meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 有关证据;此后,工商行政管理机关进行立案,立案应当填写申诉立案报告表,同时附上有关材料,由县级及县级以上工商行政管理局局长批准,指定两名以上办案人员负责调查或者授权其派出机构调查处理。 问:哪些申诉不予受理或者终止受理, 答:超过保修期或者购买后超过保质期的商品,被诉方已不再负有违约责任;达成调解协议并已执行,且没有新情况、新理由;法院、仲裁机构或其他行政机关已经受理或者处理;消费者知道或者应该知道自己的权益受到侵害已超过一年;消费者无法证实自己权益受到侵害;不符合国家法律、行政法规及规章。 问:申诉过程中证据应如何提供, 答:当事人应当对自己的申诉提供证据。工商行政管理机关认为有必要收集证据,可以根据有关法律、行政法规及规章的规定,自行收集或者召集有关当事人实施当庭调查。工商行政管理机关对专门性问题认为需要鉴定或检测的,可以交由当事人约定的法定鉴定或者检测部门鉴定,也可以由工商行政管理机关指定的法定鉴定或者检测部门鉴定。对于难以鉴定或者检测的,经营者应当提供无过错的证据;不能提供无过错证据的,应当承担责任。 问:消费者申诉后,还可以协商和解吗, 答:可以。达成和解协议的,可以请求工商行政管理机关根据和解协议作出调解书,也可以撤回申诉书。调解书应当写明申诉请求和当事人协议的结果。调解书由办案人员签名,加盖工商行政管理局印章送达当事人。工商行政管理机关应当在收到消费者申诉书之日起60日内终结调解;调解不成的应终止调解。 问:对于经营者的违法行为,工商行政管理机关如何处罚, 答:对于经营者的违法行为,工商行政管理机关可以依照《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》予以警告、没收违法所得、处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿、吊销营业执照。 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 国民消费教育法律知识有奖问答 1、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》(以下简称《消法》)是(1994)年1月1日起实施的。 A、1994年 B、1993年 2、消费者为( )需要购买、使用商品或接受服务,其权益受《消法》保护。 A、生活消费 B、生产经营 3、经营者与消费者进行交易,应当遵循自愿、平等( )、诚实信用的原则。 A、公开 B、公平 4、( )应当做好维护消费者合法权益的宣传,对损害消费者合法权益的行为进行舆论监督。 A、行政机关 B、大众传播媒介 5、《消法》规定消费者享有( )项权利。 A、8项 B、9项 6、消费者在( )商品和接受服务时享有人身、财产安全不受损害的权利。 A、购买、使用 B、使用 7、消费者享有( )其购买、使用的商品或者接受服务的真实情况的权利。 A、部分知悉 B、知悉 8、消费者享有自主( )商品或服务的权利。 A、选择 B、鉴定 9、消费者在( )时,有权拒绝经营者的强制交易行为。 A、购买商品 B、购买商品或接受服务 10、消费者因购买、使用商品或接受服务受到人身、财产损害的,享有依法获得( )的权利。 A、赔偿 B、道歉 11、消费者享有对商品和服务以及保护消费者权益工作进行( )的权利。 A、监督 B、监察 12、《消法》规定经营者有( )义务。 A、9项 B、10项 13、经营者以邮购方式提供商品的,应当按照约定提供。未按照约定提供的,应当按照消费者的要求履行约定或者退还货款,并( )承担消费者必须支付的合理费用。 A、应当 B、不应当 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 14、经营者提供商品或者服务,应当按照国家有关规定或者商业惯例向消费者出具购货凭证或者服务单据;消费者索要购货凭证或者服务单据的,经营者( )出具。 A、可以 B、必须 15、经营者提供商品或者服务,按照国家规定或者与消费者的约定,承担( 、 、 )或者其他责任的,应当按照国家规定或者约定履行,不得故意拖延或者无理拒绝。 A、包修 包换 包退 B、保修 保换 保退 16、经营者不得以格式、通知、声明、店堂告示等方式做出对消费者( 、 )的规定,或者减轻、免除其损害消费者合法权益应当承担的民事责任。 A、不公开 不公正 B、不公平 不合理 17、《消法》规定消费者协会履行( )项职能。 A、7项 B、8项 18、消费者和经营者发生消费者权益争议的,可以通过( )条途径解决。 A、4 B、5 19、使用他人营业执照的违法经营者提供商品或者服务,损害消费者合法权益的,消费者可以向其要求赔偿,( )向营业执照持有人要求赔偿。 A、也可以 B、不可以 20、消费者在展销会、租赁柜台购买商品或接受服务,其合法权益受到损害的,可以向销售者或者服务者要求赔偿。但展销会结束或者柜台租赁期满后,消费者( )向展销会的举办者、柜台的出租者要求赔偿。 A、可以 B、不可以 21、经营者提供商品不符合商品说明、实物样品等方式表明的质量状况的,应当依法承担 ( )责任。 A、民事 B、刑事 22、对国家规定或者经营者与消费者约定包修、包换、包退的商品,经营者应当负责修理、更换或者退货。在包修期内( )修理仍不能正常使用的,经营者应当负责更换或者退货。 A、1次 B、2次 23、经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或者接受服务的费用( )倍。 A、1 B、2 24、商品的三包有效期从( )之日起开始计算。 A、购买商品 B、开具购货凭证 25、三包有效期内,符合换货条件的,销售者因无同型号同规格产品,消费者可以要求meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry ( )。 A、退货 B、换货 26、在三包有效期内,符合换货条件的,销售者有同型号同规格产品,消费者不愿调换而要求退货的,销售者应当予以退货,但对已使用过的商品销售者可以按规定收取( )。 A、折旧费 B、使用费和退货费 27、列入《实施三包的部分商品目录》的产品实行( )三包的原则。 A、谁生产谁负责 B、谁经销谁负责 28、国家规定移动电话主机三包有效期为( )年。 A、1 B、2 29、移动电话电池三包有效期是( )。 A、六个月 B、一年 30、在三包有效期内,移动电话机主机出现质量问题的,由修理者负责修理。修理者应当保证修理后的移动电话机商品能够正常使用( )日以上。 A、20 B、30 31、送修的移动电话机主机在7日内不能修好的,修理者应当( )给消费者提供备用机,待原机修好后收回备用机。 A、有偿 B、免费 32、因修理者自身原因,使移动电话机修理时间超过( )日未修好的,凭发货票和三包凭证中修理者提供的修理记录由销售者负责免费为消费者更换同型号同规格的移动电话机主机。 A、30 B、40 33、新修订的《辽宁省消费者权益保护规定》已于( )年8月1日实施。 A、2003 B、2004 34、经营者以有奖、附赠、打折等形式提供的商品或者服务,应当保证质量,( )免除其应当承担的修理、重作、更换、退货义务以及其他责任。 A、不得 B、可以 35、经营者提供商品或者服务时,( )要求消费者提供与消费无关的个人信息。 A、可以 B、不得 36、公用企事业单位对有关计量的投诉,应当自接到投诉之日起( )日内查明原因,并告知消费者。 A、7 B、15 37、供水、供电、供气、供热、邮政、有线电视、殡葬等公用企事业单位和依法具有独meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 占地位的经营者,( )违背消费者意愿搭售商品或者附加条件。 A、不得 B、可以 38、房产经营者( )将未验收的住房交付使用。 A、不得 B、可以 39、保修商品在保修期内修理的,其修理部位从( )之日起重新计算保修期。 A、修理 B、交付使用 40、从事住房、家政、婚姻、留学等中介服务的经营者( )与消费者订立合同。 A、应当 B、不需 41、旅游业的经营者擅自改变合同约定,增加旅游景点、娱乐、购物等项目或者提高食宿、交通工具标准的,由经营者承担由此增加的( )费用。 A、全部 B、部分 42、医疗机构提供可选择性药品、医疗器械、检验检查项目的,应当( )告知患者。 A、事先 B、事后 43、消费者投诉或者申诉,涉及到商品和服务质量,直观难以确认的,可以由双方约定或者受理单位指定具有资质的检验机构进行检验、鉴定。检验、鉴定费应当由( )先行垫付,( )向受理单位暂交等值金额。 A、消费者 经营者 B、经营者 消费者 44、消费者购买商品后,发现有质量问题提出退货时,经营者应当退还( )货款,不得收取任何费用。 A、全部 B、部分 45、( )可会同新闻单位,调查采访商品、服务质量和有关保护消费者合法权益问题,及时通过新闻媒体向社会传播,对严重侵害消费者合法权益的行为给予揭露、批评。 A、消费者协会 B、工会 46、皮鞋、皮质旅游鞋的“三包”期限为( )个月。 A、3 B、2 47、胶鞋、旅游鞋的“三包”期限为个( )月。 A、2 B、1 48、合成革鞋、塑料鞋、布鞋的“三包”期限为( )个月。 A、1 B、2 49、裘皮、革皮服装的“三包”期限为( )个月。 A、1 B、2 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 50、纯毛服装的“三包”期限为( )个月。 A、2 B、1 51、移动电话外接有线耳机三包有效期是( )个月。 A、3 B、5 52、家用电冰箱整机三包有效期是( )年。 A、1 B、2 53、家用洗衣机整机三包有效期是( )年。 A、2 B、1 54、各类家具“三包”期限,一律不得低于( )个月。 A、5 B、6 55、消费者购买的酒类、食品、药品、保健品、布匹、内衣、内裤、发套、卫生品及已标明“处理品”字样的商品,消费者不满意( )退货。 A、可以 B、不可以 56、从事生活美容的经营者( )从事医疗手术范畴整容项目。 A、允许 B、不允许 57、消费者在自己选择商品或服务时( )进行比较、鉴别和挑选。 A、有权 B、无权 58、经营者和消费者有约定的,应该按照约定履行义务,但双方的约定( )违背法律法规的规定。 A、不得 B、可以 59、经营者应当向消费者提供有关商品或者服务的真实信息,( )作引人误解的虚假宣传。 A、可以 B、不得 60、经营者对消费者就其提供的商品或者服务质量和使用等问题提出的询问,应当作出( )的答复。 A、真实、明确 B、明白 61、消费者在购买、使用商品或者接受服务时,其合法权益受到损害,因原企业分立、合并的,( )向变更后承受其权利义务的企业要求赔偿。 A、可以 B、不可以 62、国务院于( )年9月1日发布了《关于进一步加强食品安全工作的决定》。 A、2004 B、2005 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 63、国务院办公厅《关于实施食品药品放心工程的通知》中指出,实施食品药品放心工程要发挥社会监督作用,要充分发挥( )和质量监督、食品、药品行业协会等中介组织的作用。 A、工会 B、消费者协会 64、2005年7月1日起,冷饮、肉制品、乳制品、饮料、调味品、方便面、饼干、罐头、散装速冻面米食品、膨化食品等第二批实施市场准入制度的十类食品,无( )标志不能上市销售。 A、QS B、GMP 65、绿色食品是遵循可持续发展原则,按照特定生产方式生产,经专门机构认定,许可使用绿色食品( )标志的无污染的安全、优质、营养类食品。 A、商品 B、商标 66、绿色食品分为( )级和( )级两类。 A、一 二 B、A AA 67、保健食品是指具有特定保健功能的食品,即适宜于( )人群食用,具有调节机体功能,不以治病为目的的食品。 A、特定 B、一般 68、消费者选购保健食品时,要看清保健食品的特定标识和( )的批准文号。 A、卫生部 B、食品药品监督管理局 69、保健食品的标识是一个( )的帽形标志,下面有“保健食品”的字样。 A、红色 B、蓝色 70、现在使用的食品添加剂绝大部分都是用( )合成的方法生产出来的,食品添加剂的滥用,会给人们的健康带来危害。 A、天然 B、化学 71、“苏丹红”并非( ),而是一种红色的工业合成( ),主要用于石油、机油、蜡和其他的一些工业溶剂中,目的是使其增色,也用于鞋、地板等的增光。 A、食品添加剂 染色剂 B、染色剂 食品添加剂 72、长期食用含“苏丹红”的食品,可能会导致( )病症。 A、肺部 B、肝部 73、吊白块的化学名字叫甲醛次硫酸氢钠,它在食品加工过程中分解为二氧化硫和甲醛,使食品增白,吊白块是国家明令( )使用的食品添加剂。 A、禁止 B、允许 74、微型计算机商品整机三包有效期为( )年,主要部件三包有效期为( )年。 A、2 1 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry B、1 2 75、三包有效期的最后一天为法定休假日的,以休假日的( )为三包有效期的最后一天。 A、次日 B、当日 76、在整机三包有效期内,微型计算机商品出现质量问题,应当由修理者负责( )维护、修理。 A、收费 B、免费 77、微型计算机主要部件在三包有效期内,主要部件出现故障,应当由修理者负责修理或者免费更换( )的主要部件。 A、新 B、旧 78、微型计算机主机商品符合( )条件时,销售者应当负责为消费者将与主机同时销售的显示器、键盘、鼠标器等商品一并退货。 A、退货 B、换货 79、微型计算机整机换货后的三包有效期自换货之日起( )计算。 A、连续 B、重新 80、微型计算机因消费者使用盗版软件造成损坏的,( )三包。 A、实行 B、不实行 81、家用视听商品就近未设修理单位的,由( )负责三包。 A、生产者 B、销售者 82、家用视听商品由非承担三包的修理者拆动造成损坏的,( )三包。 A、实行 B、不实行 83、凡在中国境内生产或销售的食品都应有( )标签。 A、中文 B、英文 84、2006年中国消费者协会确定的年主题是( )。 A、消费与环境 B、健康?维权 85、2005年中国消费者协会确定的年主题是( )。 A、消费与环境 B、健康?维权 meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry 答 案 : 1—10 1A 2A 3B 4B 5B 6A 7B 8A 9B 10A 11--20 11A 12B 13A 14B 15A 16B 17A 18B 19A 20A 21-30 21A 22B 23A 24A 25A 26A 27A 28A 29A 30B 31—40 31B 32A 33B 34A 35B 36B 37A 38A 39A 40A 41—50 41A 42A 43A 44A 45A 46 A 47A 48A 49B 50A 51-60 51A 52B 53A 54B 55A 56B 57A 58A 59B 60A 61-70 61A 62A 63B 64A 65A 66B 67A 68B 69B 70B 71-80 71A 72A 73A 74B 75A 76B 77A 78A 79B 80B 81-85 81B 82B 83A 84B 85B meet the construction drawings provided strength and workability of construction requirements, mixing ratio must be determined by test. Construction when you need to change the mix of cementitious material, retesting, and submitted to the supervisor for approval. (2) mixing of cementitious materials, should be carried out strictly according to the test to determine the ingredients of ingredients, no tampering, ingredient weighing errors should be allowed subject to the following: cement ? 2%; sand, gravel is ? 3%, water, additives ? 1%. (3) the cementitious material in the mixing process should remain of coarse and fine aggregate water stability, according to changes in moisture content of aggregate and adjust water to ensure the accuracy of the water/cement ratio. (4) mixing time of cementitious materials: mechanical mixing of not less than 2~3min, not artificial mix. Local small artificial mixture of dry mix at least three times, then wet-mix to uniform color, can be used. (5) with cementitious materials should be mixed. Cementitious materials allowed interval should be determined through experiments, or refer to the table selected. Segregation during transport and storage, water mortar and masonry before mixing again, initial setting of cementitious materials shall not be used. Cementitious materials allow breaks when laying temperature (?) allowed interval (min), ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement 20~309012010~201351805~10195/8.4.5 and pozzolana cement masonry masonry with Pu casting method, the process is: masonry preparation – material selection ? puts pulp placed stone ? ... 8.5 8.5.1 masonry mortar for construction of masonry sand in the sand, and sift the sand shall not include grass-roots and other debris. Sand clay does not exceed 5%. Mixing of mortar 350L mortar mixer. Mixing time, finished feeding, and shall not be less than 1.5min, the batching process, cement batching error control within ? 5%. Mortar mix used cement mortar used in the blended into 3h, such as a temperature of over 30 ? c during the construction period, within 2H of the blended into finished, such as the phenomenon of cement mortar, mix again in front of the building. 8.5.2 brick material according to the design requirements, using precast concrete hollow brick, sourced locally. Brick games on to the site, with the supervision and sampling personnel of party a random sampling, compression test, qualified before the masonry. 8.5.3 masonry (1) water wet prior to brick and masonry, and moisture control in 10~10%, non-dried bricks on the wall. (2) according to the axis of the walls of the brick walls where the pop-up and the sideline, bricks, build the first pendulum, from the mortar joint width when laid brick, pay attention to window location effect of mortar joint. Seven separate masonry
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