

2017-09-25 11页 doc 37KB 13阅读




深圳龙济医院男科护士职责深圳龙济医院男科护士职责 1.护士长领导下和护师指导下进行工作。 2.认真执行各项护理制度,护理常规和技术操作规程,正确执行医嘱,准确及时地完成各项护理工作,做好查对及交接班工作,防止差错、事故的发生。 3.做好基础护理、心理护理、饮食护理和服药护理。在护师指导下努力掌 握运用护理程序,实施整体护理。 4.经常巡视病房,密切观察与记录危重患者的病情变化,如发现异常情况 应及时报告。 5.了解住院规则、宣传防病健身的知识。经常征求患者意见,做好出院指 导。 6.配合医师做好危重患者的抢救工作及各种抢救物品、药品的准备...
深圳龙济医院男科护士职责 1.护士长领导下和护师指导下进行工作。 2.认真执行各项护理制度,护理常规和技术操作规程,正确执行医嘱,准确及时地完成各项护理工作,做好查对及交接班工作,防止差错、事故的发生。 3.做好基础护理、心理护理、饮食护理和服药护理。在护师指导下努力掌 握运用护理程序,实施整体护理。 4.经常巡视病房,密切观察与危重患者的病情变化,如发现异常情况 应及时报告。 5.了解住院规则、宣传防病健身的知识。经常征求患者意见,做好出院指 导。 6.配合医师做好危重患者的抢救工作及各种抢救物品、药品的准备和保管 工作。 7..协助医师进行各种诊疗工作,负责采取各种检验标本。 8.参加部分护理教学和科研,指导实习护生的工作。 9.做好病房管理、消毒隔离、物资药品材料的保管工作。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 护师 1.在护士长的领导下和本科主管护师指导下进行工作。 2.参加门诊或病房的护理临床实践,指导护士正确执行医嘱及各项护理技术操作规程,发现问题,及时解决。 3.参与病房危重、疑难病人的护理工作,及难度较大的护理技术操作,带领护士新业务、新技术的临床实践。 4.协助护士长拟定病房护理工作,参与病房管理工作。 5.参加本科主任护师、主管护师组织的护理查房,会诊和病例讨论,主持本病房的护理查房。 6.协助护士长负责本病房护士和进修护士的业务培训,制定学习计划,组织编写教材并担任讲课,对护士进行技术考核。 协助护士长制定本病房的科研、技术革新计划,提出科研课题,并组织实7. 施。 8.对病房出现的护理差错,事故进行分析,提出防范措施。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 病区护士岗位职责 1、在护士长领导和护师指导下进行工作。 2、认真执行各项护理制度和技术操作规程,正确执行医嘱,准确及时地完成各项护理工作,严格执行查对及交接班制度,防止差错、事故的发生。 3、做好基础护理和精神护理工作,熟练掌握护理常规及抢救程序,认真做好危重病人的抢救工作,经常巡视病房,密切观察病情变化,发现异常及时报告医生。认真做好危重病人的抢救工作。 4、协助医师进行各种诊疗工作,负责采集各种检验标本。 5、参加护理教学的科研,指导实习生和护理员、保洁员的工作。 6、定期组织病人学习,宣传卫生知识和住院规则,经常征求病人意见,改进护理工作,在出院前做好卫生保健宣传工作。 、办理入、出院、转科、转院手续及有关登记工作。 7 8、在护士长领导下,做好病房管理,消毒隔离、物资、药品、材料申领和保管等工作。 9、密切注意住院病人预交款使用情况,做好预交款催交工作。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 妇科护士岗位职责 1、在妇科主任和治疗中心护士长的指导下进行工作。 2、严格执行医院和本科室的各项规章制度、认真履行职责。 3、接待病人热情,做好病人心理护理,向病人介绍有关检查、治疗知识,解除思想顾虑,使病人愉快地接受检查和治疗。 4、做好开诊前的一切准备工作,检查各种消毒器械、敷料等用物是否备齐,配合医生完成妇科手术、微波、光谱、冲洗等系列治疗。 5、做好妇科各类器械的保养、清点、登记、消毒灭菌等管理工作。 6、严格执行无菌技术操作,保持治疗室内清洁、整齐。 7、严格执行消毒隔离规范。 8、严格执行查对制度,严防差错事故。 9、负责本科贵重仪器保养、清洁、管理工作。 10、做好日工作量的统计,并登记。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 泌尿科护士岗位职责 1、在泌尿科主任和治疗中心护士长的指导下进行工作。 2、严格执行医院和本科室的各项规章制度、认真履行职责。 3、接待病人热情,做好病人心理护理,向病人介绍有关检查、治疗知识, 解除思想顾虑,使病人愉快地接受检查和治疗。 4、做好开诊前的一切准备工作,检查各种消毒器械、敷料等用物是否备齐,配合医生完成泌尿科检查、手术、微波等系列治疗。 5、做好泌尿科各类器械、用物的保养、清点、登记、消毒灭菌等管理工作。 6、严格执行无菌技术操作,保持治疗室内清洁、整齐。 7、严格执行消毒隔离规范。 8、严格执行查对制度,严防差错事故。 9、负责本科贵重仪器保养、清洁、管理工作。 10、做好日工作量的统计,登记工作。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 责任护士职责 一、 在护士长、责任组长的领导下负责分管患者的各项护士工作。 二、 按整体护理~对所分管患者做到八知道(床号、姓名、诊断、病情、治疗、护理、饮食和心理需要)。 三、 对新入院患者做好安排及介绍评估患者、制订护理计划及护理措施~并认真写护理记录单。 四、 负责整理床单位~发现床单元或物品损坏~及时通知相关人员处理。保持病区清洁、整齐。 五、 执行医嘱~认真核对~负责患者服药、各种注射、治疗及临床护理。 六、 负责患者的被服更换、病室定时通风~做好隔离患者的消毒隔离。 七、 按要求落实患者的基础护理工作~在患者需要时提供洗头、温水擦浴、排泄等生活护理。 八、 随时巡视病房~密切观察危重患者的生命体重及病情变化~发现问题及时报告~解决患者的需求。 九、 协助患者进食~了解饮食情况。 十、 分发留验尿、便、痰等标本容器~负责标本收集、记录出入量及护理记录~监测生命体征。 十一、 经常和患者交谈~帮助患者了解自己的疾病情况和为恢复健康所采取的各项措施~鼓励患者发挥主观能动性战胜疾病。 十二、 定期参加护理查房~了解所负责患者的病情及特殊治疗~对所分管患者提出护理措施。 十三、 参加临床教学工作~负责实习学生的临床带教。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three 十四、 督促出院、转科、死亡患者的床单位清洁、终末消毒。 十五、 做好患者的健康教育及出院指导工作。 practice activities implementation programme, and XX town party leadership party of mass line education practice activities rectification programme, and XX town carried out four wind aspects highlight problem special regulation implementation programme and XX town system construction plans,. One is to pay special attention to education. A party Lecture with 71 for all party members and cadres education, organizations watch anti-corruption warning education propaganda, promoting seven special and 9+1+X problems of rectification, Enhance the awareness of all the party members and cadres and the sense, honesty in politics and corruption of immunity. Second, well check the urge. Efforts to increase the annual implementation of the supervision to ensure completion of the various tasks. Third, conscientiously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County requirements. All party members and cadres and workers to improve the style of work of the Organization, and strive to improve the level of services and service for the masses. Four are in strict accordance with the Central eight regulations and requirements set out in provincial, city and County of ten, resolutely eliminate and prevent expensive recreational activities and entertainment, such as during the holiday season. Five is the renovation of office space. In accordance with the requirements for Office space over standard treatment. Town check the swing team issue 12, make the action 35, carefully check the system, develop and improve the system 8. (D) three
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