
欧时力_欧时力官网_欧时力女装官网 ”大调查

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欧时力_欧时力官网_欧时力女装官网 ”大调查欧时力_欧时力官网_欧时力女装官网 ”大调查 欧时力_欧时力官网_欧时力女装官网 ochirly 欧时力官网_欧时力淘宝官网_欧时力中国官网 详细介绍请到图片上的网站了解;以下是其他信息 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2010年服装代理商“摸底”大调查 一个品牌能否成功、能否发展,一方面需要企业家的经营管理,另一方面更需要代理商的有效运营。拥有优秀代理商...
欧时力_欧时力官网_欧时力女装官网 ”大调查
欧时力_欧时力官网_欧时力女装官网 ”大调查 欧时力_欧时力官网_欧时力女装官网 ochirly 欧时力官网_欧时力淘宝官网_欧时力中国官网 详细介绍请到图片上的网站了解;以下是其他信息 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2010年服装代理商“摸底”大调查 一个品牌能否成功、能否发展,一方面需要企业家的经营管理,另一方面更需要代理商的有效运营。拥有优秀代理商的品牌,代理商可以弥补企业的不足。 为了进一步了解服装代理商的发展现状和预期目标,本刊近期针对华北地区代理商进行了问卷调查,并深入广州、常熟等地品牌型专业市场进行了走访。在发放的150份调查问卷中,回收有效问卷92份。其中,90%的代理商分布在华北、华东地区,本调查及分析对于服装业内人士了解华北、华东市场和代理商有一定的参考价值 概况:一线“区代”为主流女装销售最抢眼 本次问卷调查对象以一线城市的各级代理商为主,二、三级城市的为辅。被调查者集中于区域总代理,且他们更集中于代理女装。 of vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band of bead-space layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new vision to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historical 调查问卷将被调查的代理商分为4种类型,调查结果显示区域代理人数最多,占总数的39.6%;全国总代理占24.2%;省级总代理占23.1%;经销商人数最少,只占13.2%。 接受调查的代理商中,代理女装品牌人数的最多,占总数的71%,代理休闲装以及童装的人数最少,分别是2%和1%。 由于女性产品市场容量大,女性对于服装消费欲望强,利润高于比其他类别的服装,并且女装市场细分化程度的加深,本次调查选取了更多地女装代理商样本。 在被调查者中,代理商们的年龄段多数集中在20-49岁之间,主要以30~39岁的中青年人为主,共有50人。 从地区分布上看,接受调查的代理商以华北地区的为主,占总数的90%,具有一定区域代性。一线城市的代理商人数最多,占到被调查者的一半以上。 现状:租金人才是困扰产品风格受关注 被调查的代理商年营业额在1000万元以下的占到总调查者的84%。年营业额在200万元,499万元的代理商人数最多,占到34%;其次是200万元以下,以及500万~999万元的,各占25%。而营业额在5000,9999万元的代理商仅为1%。 那么,产品档次、经营品牌的个数,是不是影响代理商的“赚钱指数”,代理商差不差钱,不同代理商各有何困扰,怎样赢得不同代理商的青睐, 高档、平价,哪个更赚, 本次调查中,代理中高档产品的代理商居多,占总数的55%以上;其次是中档代理商,占总数29%以上,而代理高档产品的代理商人数最少,仅为5%。 那么,高档产品和平价产品哪个更赚钱呢,接受调查的代理商给出的答案是,大众低价位品牌和高档品牌销售都非常好。数据分析显示,年平均营业收入情况乐观的是大中低价位和高档品牌。大众低端品牌可能是通过降价、促销等方式提高销售量,销售额情况良好。而高档品牌也销售非常好,可能因为其知名度高,服装单价高,因此平均年营业收入可达5000万元以上。而一直被代理商们看好的中高档品牌,销售额确显得较一般。虽然市场容量大, 2reen space and protection of historicalect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral gs perf; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed hathrough live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiencyfect, rade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perc vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgcenter" strategi-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-ward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a longon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-rounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the Center sur 但是由于中档品牌众多,竞争激烈,市场趋于饱和,使得中档品牌的销售额不如低档和高档品牌。 从折线图可以看出,大众低价位品牌的代理商中,营业收入在200万~499万元和1000万~4999万元的人数最多,各占33%,但突破5000万元较难。代理中档价位品牌的代理商中,他们的营业额主要集中在500万元以下,占到了70%以上,其中,199万元以下的最多,为40%。中高价位品牌的代理商中,营业额集中在200万~999万元间的,占63%。从图中可以看出,代理中档和中高档价位的品牌,收入是差不多的。高价位品牌的代理商中,营业收入在500万~999万元间的人数最多,占60%,还有20%的人营业额突破了5000万元大关。 可以看出,中档品牌、中高档品牌到高档品牌的代理商,年均营业额依次递增。而大众品牌代理商营业额则依经营情况而定,200万~499万元和1000万~4999万元居多,总体情况优于中档品牌。 单一品牌、多品牌,哪种好, “不要把鸡蛋放到同一个篮子里”让不少代理商选择了同时代理多个品牌。调查显示,更多的代理商已不再满足于单一品牌的经营,58.7%的人代理了2个及以上的品牌。但代理多品牌需要更多的运作实力,因此,代理多个品牌的人数要少于单一品牌代理者。代理1个品牌的人数最多占到38%,代理2个和3个品牌的人数分别是25%和17%,代理3个以上品牌的人占13%。 那么,经营多品牌就一定比单一品牌更赚钱吗,分析结果十分有趣,营业收入与品牌个数并不呈正比关系,也不呈反比关系。代理1个品牌与代理4个品牌的经营成果基本相同,都是200万~499万元和500万~999万元的居多。代理2个品牌的代理商多半没能超过500万元的业绩,而代理3个品牌的代理商有49%的人营业收入在200万~499万元之间。代理5个及以上品牌的实力型代理商,营业额超过500万元的占到60%以上,其中33%的人超过了1000万元。 可见,要想更赚钱,要么走专一化路线专心经营一个品牌,要么不断丰富自身实力代理更多的品牌。代理2个和3个品牌,看似“鸡肋”,但作为多品牌运作的起步点,仍被很多代理商所重视。 目前代理品牌的个数与平均营业额的分布 3t, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of alty. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historicbig cireasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environmeno of construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with tCity development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long on to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiationspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-f beadof vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band o 平均营业额 合计 1000万5000万 199万以200万500万 ~4999万~9999万 及以下 ~499万元 ~999万元 元 元 1个 24% 32.00% 31.00% 10.00% 3.00% 100% 2个 32% 32.00% 16.00% 20.00% 0.00% 100% 目前代理 3个 24% 47.00% 12.00% 17.00% 0.00% 100% 品牌的个 4个 20% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100% 数 5个 33% 0.00% 33.00% 34.00% 0.00% 100% 5个以上 0% 25.00% 50.00% 25.00% 0.00% 100% 代理商也遭遇成长的烦恼 谈及目前困扰,代理不通档次品牌的代理有着不同的烦恼,而这也在很大程度上反映了中国服装品牌“成长的烦恼”。代理大众低价位品牌的代理商,57%的人认为租赁成本提高是最大困难;在代理中档品牌的代理商中,43%和29%的人分别选择了租赁成本和缺乏人才;对于中高档品牌的代理商,49%的人表示缺乏人才是最大困难;高档品牌代理商则认为库存过大是最大困难,占到33%。 可以看出,面对诸多困扰因素,“资金紧张”并不是我们之前所设想的最大困难,“不差钱”的代理主要烦恼于在租赁成本和人才方面。 问及各自优势时,诸位代理商显得信心满满,但同时也流露出了自身的不足之处。分析显示,认为自己“拥有成熟经验”的代理商最多,占总人数43%;其次是“经营实力”,为30%。当然,代理商也清醒地认识到,“渠道管理”是这一群体所缺乏的,仅有8%的人选择了这一项。同时,尽管代理商“不差钱”,但资金实力却不足以成为他们的优势,仅有2%的选择了“资金实力”作为自己的优势。 代理商自身优势分析 4reen space and protection of historicalect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral gs perf; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed hathrough live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiencyfect, rade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perc vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgcenter" strategi-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-ward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a longon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-rounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the Center sur 我们将代理商对品牌定位的认识和目标消费群体的认识,进行交叉分析,以反馈代理商对品牌定位和目标顾客之间关联性的认识。 高档品牌的代理商中,60%和40%的人分别将目标顾客锁定为“中高收入阶层”和“高收入阶层”;中高档品牌的代理商中,86%的人针对“中高收入阶层”的人群;中档品牌的代理商中,41%和39%的人分别针对“中高收入阶层”和“中等收入阶层”;大众平价品牌的代理商中,89%的人选择“中等收入阶层”。 可见,代理商认为,中档、中高档品牌更加针对中高和中等收入阶层的人群;而低收入者并不是大众平价品牌的目标群体,目标更多地锁定为中等收入阶层;高档品牌才有“资格”针对高收入阶层,同时还需兼顾中高收入阶层。 值得一提的是,中等收入和中高收入阶层的消费者,是各级代理商眼中最甜美的蛋糕。这是因为,这一群体具有较强的购买力,并随着人均收入的不断提高,中等及中高收入群体正不断扩大,成为了代理商重点服务的对象。 品牌档次与目标受众的关联分布 怎样博得代理商的青睐, 吸引更多的代理商是很多服装品牌的渴求,那么,究竟什么样的品牌才能吸引他们呢,调查显示,“产品风格”吸引代理商最重要的因素,看中这一选项的人占到综述的27%。其次是“品牌知名度”,占到21%。企业生产实力、产品定位也是代理商考虑的因素之一。对于“不差钱”的代理商们来说,“产品价格”并不影响他们判断一个品牌的 5alty. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historicbig cit, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environmeno of construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with tCity development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long on to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiationspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-f beadof vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band o 优秀与否,注重产品价格因素的人仅有2%。 品牌对代理商的吸引因素分布 服装品牌商对区域市场不够熟悉的时候,或者希望快速渗透某一市场时,选择一名资深的代理商往往就成功了一半。不同从业资质的代理商在选择品牌时,又有何不同偏好, 分析显示,在从业10年以上服装代理中,大多数人选择代理中高档品牌,占其中的65%以上;对于从事5~9年服装代理的人,几乎都会选择中档品牌和中高档品牌,占93%以上;在从业3~4年的代理商中,同样也是选择中高档和中档品牌进行代理,占到87%以上。对于从事1~2年的代理商,选择中高档品牌的占多,为50%。刚刚从事代理品牌的人,大多选择代理中档品牌。 由此看出,从业经历在1~9年的代理商,选择代理品牌的档次基本相同,集中在中高档和中档品牌。对于从业10年以上的代理商他们基本固定在中高档品牌。 代理商从业时间与代理档次的关联分布 目标:闽粤品牌是最爱期盼升级做管理 对于未来,代理商们充满信心。谈到未来代理方式时,他们更愿意“创建自主品牌”,占总数的49%;有20%的人愿意自己“做品牌托管”;愿意“继续做代理”的占到25%。无论是自创品牌还是品牌托管,都反映了代理商对未来的身份设想,更倾向于品牌的经营管理者。 代理商对2010年的预期是怎样的,压力几许,未来倾向于代理哪个档次、哪个类别、哪些区域的品牌呢, 预期良好压力不小 6reen space and protection of historicalect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral gs perf; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed hathrough live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiencyfect, rade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perc vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgcenter" strategi-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-ward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a longon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-rounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the Center sur 大多数人表示2010年代理商订货金额比去年下降的可能很小。75%的被访者表示今年的订货金额会增长,其中认为会“小幅增长”的人占53%,认为会“大幅增长”的占22%。而认为“与去年持平”的人占22%。 当然,订货金额的增长也带给代理商一定的心理压力。65%的人表示出了或多或少的压力,认为“有些乐观”的占23%,表示“十分乐观”的占12%。但有趣的是,在预测“小幅增长”的代理商中,65%的人感觉“有些压力”,12%的人“压力很大”,均高于表示大幅增长的代理商。 2010年经营目标及心理预期分布 单价500~1000元受宠 闽粤区域品牌吸引人 目前品牌的定位,是否影响将来的打算,答案是肯定的。 以秋冬季服装为例,不论平价品牌,还是中档、中高档品牌的代理商,在未来都愿意代理单价在500~999元间的中档服装。而高档品牌的代理商,似乎显露出“高处不胜寒”的心态,希望在未来能够兼顾平价产品,其中67%的人将来会代理1000~4999元/件的产品,33%的人倾向于200~499元/件的产品。 7ty. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral green space and protection of historicalbig cit, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed has perfect modern service capacity of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiency; vigorously improved city environmeno of construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perfect, through live and industry with tCity development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgrade simultaneously of mode, in Metro center" strategic vision of space frame. Yibin Center-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a long on to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastward connection, Ping Shan, radiationspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-f beadof vision Yibin formation in the Center surrounded by, organic dispersion band o 8reen space and protection of historicalect modern service capacity of big city. Construction of urban green space system, promoting the construction of peripheral gs perf; vigorously improved city environment, shaping city features, upgrade city quality, play city of service function, formed hathrough live and industry with to of reasonable layout optimization city structure, improve city traffic operation efficiencyfect, rade simultaneously of mode, in Metro construction of while is committed to old city transformation and built district of perc vision of space frame. Yibin Center City development construction steering extension type extended and connotation type upgcenter" strategi-term basis in a reasonable space to develop, perfect urban district along the Yangtze River in Yibin "Ribbon multi-ward connection, Ping Shan, radiation to the West; the South Bank area, the minjiang River area, Golden Sands area on a longon to expand, Naxi district to the North, the East open places to expand, Jiang an eastspace layout structure, as leading development of the city to the East along the Yangtze River. Shi Gu area, lingang new visi-rounded by, organic dispersion band of beadof vision Yibin formation in the Center sur
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