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PE管安装技术PE管安装技术 PE管材热熔对接概述 热熔对接的连接界面是平面,其方法是将两相同的连接界面用热板加热到粘流态后,移开热板,再给连接界面施加一定压力,并在此压力状态下冷却固化,形成牢固的连接。在加热对前,需要将待焊管道的两端口进行铣削,这样一是为使焊接面更加平整、二是为去掉端口表面的塑料氧化层使得同分子熔融更彻底。 焊魔牌热熔对接机中无论是手动型,还是液压型,加热板和铣刀是必须的,不同的是前者依靠人工操控,后者由液压系统提供动力,实现半自动控制,尤其对于口径较大的管道,在铣、加热和冷却时都需要很大的压力,人力一般很难做到。整...
PE管安装技术 PE管材热熔对接概述 热熔对接的连接界面是平面,其方法是将两相同的连接界面用热板加热到粘流态后,移开热板,再给连接界面施加一定压力,并在此压力状态下冷却固化,形成牢固的连接。在加热对前,需要将待焊管道的两端口进行铣削,这样一是为使焊接面更加平整、二是为去掉端口表面的塑料氧化层使得同分子熔融更彻底。 焊魔牌热熔对接机中无论是手动型,还是液压型,加热板和铣刀是必须的,不同的是前者依靠人工操控,后者由液压系统提供动力,实现半自动控制,尤其对于口径较大的管道,在铣、加热和冷却时都需要很大的压力,人力一般很难做到。整个对接过程大致可以分为:放、铣、热、冷几个步骤,下面用图片的方式给大家演示下: 第一步:准备 将PE热熔对接焊机准备好,包括液压站、铣刀、加热板等相关电源,并将对接架平稳放置; 第二步:放置 将需要焊接的两段PE管放置于对接架中,连接处置于对接架四夹具的中间。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 第三步:固定 合上对接架的上下支架,并用螺栓将PE管固定。 第四步:铣削 将铣刀从提篮中拿出,放置于两PE管中间,推动液压站的操纵杆,将两PE管 与铣刀接触,直至两连接平面铣好,铣出连续的长带状碎屑。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 第五步:对中 因为铣削过程中可能会对固定的管材造成偏移,所以一定要再次对中、调整错边 量,当然也要注意不要污染端口,否则必须再次进行切削。 第六步:加热 将铣刀放回至提篮,并将加热板从提篮中取出放入两PE管中间,进行加热,待 两管开始翻边并达到之后,放回加热板。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 第七步:焊接 将热板取出后,立即按要求的压力,迅速合拢待焊接PE端口。 第八步:冷却 对接完成后,有一个保压冷却的时间,最后冷却时间到了,焊口温度和环境温度 一致,才可以卸压至0并拆下所焊管材,本次焊接结束。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 可见,整个焊接工艺的主要过程为调整、加热、切换、合缝加压和冷却。对接时界面上处于粘流态的材料有流动也有扩散,流动太大不利于扩散和缠结,所以要把流动限制在一定范围,在有限的流动中实现“熔后焊接”。因此,对接工艺的关键是要在对接过程中调整好温度、时间、压力三参数,要把连接界面材料的性能、应力状况、几何形态以及环境条件等因素一起考虑,才能实现可靠的熔焊,要根据一般的规律和各自采用材料的特性进行试验,评价熔接质量,达到系统后,确定各品种规格的工艺规程,按规定 的工艺参数方法和步骤进行焊制管件的生产和现场安装施工。 整个焊接过程中,难点在于加热的温度、加热时间的控制、冷却时间的控制、铣削的压力,加热、冷却时的压力等,但无需担心,因为我们焊魔机电的液压设备上均配有温度计、压力表、计时器,能够实时显示各种参数数据,并且产品配套的使用手册以及产品说明书都会有很详尽的教程和数据指标,以方便您自己使用时达到很好的焊接效果。 PE管焊接中容易出现的问题及解决途径 发布时间: 2010-7-28 14:50:10 被阅览数: 341 次 来源: 华亚东营产品系统 1、热熔管件和电熔管件哪种更好, 两者各有优点,单在欧洲国家电熔管件一般情况是用在抢修或 无法放置热熔焊机时采用。国际要求热熔对接焊接时,两管管径对 准偏差不能超过管径的10%,故小口径(dn?d90)难以掌握。另外 大口径的电熔管件造价太高造成了目前市场上小口径多用电熔连 接,大口径多用热熔连接。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 2、电熔管件的观察孔焊接后冒出长度怎样调查,多长为佳, 在管件壁厚一定的情况下可由电阻丝的布设深度来调整,观察孔的冒出长度也可侧面反映布线情况的好坏。冒出过长说明布线过深,过短说明布线过浅。一般观察孔冒出只作为焊接完成的标志,无具体要求,但正常冒出5mm-6mm为宜。 3、电熔管件焊制时短路、暴沸由何引起,怎样预防, 最经常的原因是管子在管件内的定位不正确:插入深度未到位,轴向未对中等;或管子与管件尺寸配合出现较大偏差,如管子的不圆度严重超标。另外还可能是由于电熔管件和管材连接处有水分或者加热时间过长使得电阻丝在管件内部游动时两根接触,或使用的是裸露式布线管件时电阻丝被氧化或插入时将电阻丝带出,电阻丝选择不当,瞬时加热造成局部碳化也造成短路。应在焊制前清理管件和管材表面杂物,挂掉管材表面的氧化层,使用嵌入式布线的管件,沿革按照工艺焊接。 4、管材与不同管壁的管材(或管件)能否直接热熔对接, 管材与不同壁厚的管材(或管件)如果直接热熔对接,由于热板的加热温度相同,而管材与管材(或管件)热熔区的截面积不一样,而施加的熔接压力相同,这样会导致焊缝卷边不一致,不能保证两者之间的粘合效果,影响对接质量。 5、不同牌号聚乙烯原料生产的管材、管件能否连接, 不同牌号聚乙烯原料生产的管材、管件如果进行连接,接头应进行液压试验。一般来讲,熔体流动速率(MFR)(190?/5kg)在0.2g/10min之间的PE63、PE80、PE100混合料应视为互熔,彼此可以相互连接。在此范围之外的原料需进行试验来确定。目前通常这样认为:电熔连接时,电熔管件和与之相连的管材可以是不同材料等级的;单热熔对接以相同等级材料间的连接规范做法。 6、对接焊的焊缝起皱是由何引起,怎样预防, 可能是由于管材原料没有进行干燥处理水分含量过高;加热板表面带有杂质;铣削后放置时间过长等原因造成。可采取检查厂家干燥设备、清洗加热板、按工艺焊接等措施来预防。 PE管热熔机 怎么 操作 使用 PE管材焊接施工 视频 演示 来源:杭州焊魔机电有限公司网站 时间:2010-12-21 15:17 作者: 杭州焊魔机电有限公司 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 【操作要点】: 由操作的工艺流程经过细化分解成为工艺步骤: 2,1,1材料准备:管道、管件应根据施工要求选用配套的等径、异径弯头和三通等管件。热熔焊接宜采用同种牌号、材质的管件,对性能相似的不同牌号、材质的管件之间的 焊接应先做试验。 2,1,2夹紧管材:用干净的布清除两管端部的污物。将管材置于机架卡瓦内,根据所焊制的管件更换基本夹具,选择合适的卡瓦,使对接两端伸出的长度大致相等且在满足铣削和加热要求的情况下应尽可能缩短。管材在机架以外的部分用支撑架托起,使管材轴线与 机架中心线处于同一高度,然后用卡瓦紧固好。 2,1,3切削:置入铣刀,然后缓慢合拢两管材焊接端,并加以适当的压力,直到两端面均有连续的切屑出现,撤掉压力,略等片刻,再退出活动架。切屑厚度应为0.5,1.0 mm,确保切削所焊管段端面的杂质和氧化层,保证两对接端面平整、光洁。 2,1,4对中:两对焊管段的错边应越小越好,如果错边大,会导致应力集中,错边 不应超过壁厚的10,。 2,1,5加热:加热板温度达到设定值后,放入机架,施加压力,直到两边最小卷边达到规定宽度时压力减小到规定值,进行吸热。保证有足够熔融料,以备熔融对接时分子相 互扩散。 2,1,6切换:从加热结束到熔融对接开始这段时间为切换周期,为保证熔融对接质 量,切换周期越短越好。 2,1|7熔融对接:是焊接的关键,熔融对接过程应始终处于熔融压力之下进行。 2,1,8冷却:由于塑料材料导热性差,冷却速度相应缓慢。焊缝材料的收缩、结构的形成过程在长时间内以缓慢的速度进行。因此,焊缝的冷却必须在一定的压力下进行。 2,2操作要点: 2,2,1将焊机各部件电源接通,电源应接地,同时应保证加热板表面清洁、没有划 伤。 2,2,2将泵站与机架用液压导线接通。连接前应检查并清理接头处的污物,以免污物进入液压系统,进而损坏液压器件;液压导线接好后,应锁定接头部分,以防止高压工作 时接头被打开的危险。 2,2,3将待焊管材(管件)夹紧,固定在机架上,熔接大口径管时,最好能用废弃的 管节或专用支架垫平,以保护管材和减小熔接过程中的摩擦力。 2,2,4将机架打开,放入铣刀,旋转锁紧旋钮,将铣刀固定在机架上。启动泵站时, 应在方向控制手柄处于中位时进行,严禁在高压下启动。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 2,2,5启动铣刀,闭合夹具,对管子(管件)的端面进行切削。 2,2,6当形成连续的切削时,降压,打开夹具,关闭铣刀。此过程一定要按照先降 压,再打开夹具,最后关闭铣刀的顺序进行。 2,2,7 取下铣刀,闭合夹具,检查管子两端的间隙。从机架上取下铣刀时,应避免铣刀与 端面相碰撞,如已发生需重新铣削;铣削好的端面不要手摸或被油污等污染。 2,2,8检查管子的同轴度。当两端面的间隙与错边量不能满足要求时,应对待焊件 重新夹持,铣削,合格后方可进行下一步操作。 2,2,9检查加热板的温度是否适宜,加热板的红指示灯应表现为亮或闪烁。从加热 板上的第一次灯亮起后,最好再等10min使用,以使整个加热板的温度均匀。 2,2,10测试系统的拖动压力P0并记录。每个焊口的拖动压力都需测定;当拖动 压力过大时,可采用垫短管等方法解决。 2,2,儿将温度适宜的加热板置于机架上,闭合夹具,并设定系统压力P1。 2,2,12待管子(管件)间的凸起均匀,且高度达到要求时,将压力降至P2近似拖动 压力,同时按下吸热计时按钮,开始记录吸热时间。 2,2,13达到吸热时间后,迅速打开夹具,取下加热板。取加热板时,应避免与熔融的端面发生碰撞;若已发生,应在已熔化的端面彻底冷却后,重新开始整个熔接过程。 2,2,14迅速闭合夹具,并在规定的时间内,均匀地将压力调节到P3,同时按下 计时器,记录冷却时间。 2,2,15达到冷却时间后,将压力降为零,打开夹具,取下焊好的管子(管件)。卸管前一定要将系统压力降为零;若需移动焊机,应拆下液压导线,并及时做好接头处的防尘 工作。 3,质量控制 在过去多个施工项目中都出现过焊道两边高低不一、接口严重错位、卷边不够、假焊等质量问题,而这些问题会直接影响到焊缝的连接,从而直接关系到燃气管道的运行效果和使用寿命。在施工实践中对这些问题我们进行不断的探索,找出了其产生的原因并研究其 解决方法。并把在连接过程中易出现的质量问题及解决办法进行归纳总结。 而从上述质量问题的产生原因中,我们可以发现绝大多数问题发生的原因是对连接过程中压力、温度、时间上的控制不够,压力的过大过小、温度的过高过低、时间的过长过短都会影响最终热熔连接的效果;另外对管材的选用也会影响其质量,因为不同牌号不同批次的材料其熔点会有所不同,在连接过程中对温度的把握也会不同;再有就是环境因素对热熔连接效果的影响,环境温度可能会影响热熔机加热板的表面温度,所以加热前要对加热板表面温度进行测量,还有就是影响冷却时间的长短,夏天环境温度高,所需的冷却时间就长,冬天环境温度低,冷却时间就短;最后还有操作因素的影响,管材夹紧时是否同轴,直接影响接口错边的大小,而从加热结束到熔融对接的切换时间的长短也影响热熔连接效果,为确保热熔连接效果,应尽量缩短切换时间,切换时间过长,熔化的端面在相互接触之前将因冷 却而形成一层“冷皮”,不利于分子链的扩散。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review ... Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage
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