

2018-09-04 12页 doc 37KB 32阅读




养狗狗的小常识养狗狗的小常识 狗是人类最合适的伴侣动物~它们的平均年龄在11至15年~甚至可达到20年以上~能和我们生活这么长时间~所以选择时一定要考虑好~是选大犬还是小犬~长毛还是短毛~公犬还是母犬。养宠物应从小开始养~最好选2月龄到6月龄的犬~容易调教和培养感情,如果家里有人照顾~就可以选长毛犬~它们需要经常梳洗和修剪~特别是换毛季节~尤其要护理好~这样才能使它们成为一只招人喜爱、富有吸引力的爱犬,选饲公狗或母狗也是您需要考虑的问题~公狗通常较母狗大而且活泼一些~母狗就比较亲切、念家~特别喜欢小孩。 通常我们选宠物的途径是:宠物公司...
养狗狗的小常识 狗是人类最合适的伴侣动物~它们的平均年龄在11至15年~甚至可达到20年以上~能和我们生活这么长时间~所以选择时一定要考虑好~是选大犬还是小犬~长毛还是短毛~公犬还是母犬。养宠物应从小开始养~最好选2月龄到6月龄的犬~容易调教和培养感情,如果家里有人照顾~就可以选长毛犬~它们需要经常梳洗和修剪~特别是换毛季节~尤其要护理好~这样才能使它们成为一只招人喜爱、富有吸引力的爱犬,选饲公狗或母狗也是您需要考虑的问~公狗通常较母狗大而且活泼一些~母狗就比较亲切、念家~特别喜欢小孩。 通常我们选宠物的途径是:宠物公司的繁殖场、宠物店或从朋友那儿购买的。正规部门的犬只可以提供一个血统证明~内容有:犬种名、犬名、出生年月日~性别、毛色、繁殖者、免疫时间。这样您就可以了解到幼犬的由来和是否注射疫苗等一般情况了。我们选购犬时一定要细心观察~勿*之过急~观察时注意: 双耳和双眼很重要~应细看是否有毛病。双耳活动灵活~耳道要清洁~没有异味~耳朵内侧以粉红色为健康。耳尖不要有皮屑~以防有寄生虫~经常侧头甩耳~可能耳内有毛病。 皮肤要柔软而有弹性~不能硬结、肥厚~要注意皮肤是否有虱、疥螨等寄生虫或其他皮肤病。有皮肤病或寄生虫的犬~在短期内一定忍耐不住~用爪搔抓病变部位~而且不止一次~会连续多次。你要看清楚它搔抓的部位~有无红斑~再细致检查就会发现皮肤有毛病。 应特别注意犬的尾部下方~若有“黄印”是最近患过腹泻或下痢的迹象~不宜购买。还要看看肛门是否有红肿或溃烂现象。 检查犬的足垫。柔软、不干裂是健康犬。 观察犬是否喜欢接近人和人相处~不要选神经质、胆小、情绪不稳的犬。 应注意犬的骨骼~比如头骨有无变形、脊椎骨有无弯曲、颌骨有无裂痕、髋关节和膝关节有无脱臼等。最好用手触摸其头骨、上颌骨、下颌骨~再沿颈椎骨往后摸脊椎骨和四肢骨。然后让犬运动~看其运步和跑跳是否优美或者有跛行。最好在犬注意力集中时~在它的面前稍远处抛纸团或玩具~引导它向前跑跑或扑扑~看它的反应是否敏捷、运动是否灵活~即可判断出四肢骨是否有问题。骨骼有问题的犬~很多是近亲繁殖和遗传所造成的~不宜豢养。这些毛病要靠自己观察~不是血统证明书上所能说明的。 选好犬后~问清楚饲喂情况~如要更换食物一定要减少饲喂量~待爱犬适应后~再恢复增加饲量。如果未进行防疫注射~等爱犬调理好后再去。这样您就拥有一只健康的爱犬。注意小狗的遗传病选购小狗时~一定要观察幼犬的遗传基因是否有传染性疾病~不然~花大价钱买的幼犬~则对家人危害不小。缺齿以斑点犬为例~许多斑点犬缺齿~这是近亲繁殖的结果。咬人有些幼犬脾气和情绪极不稳定~若它的上一代犬咬过人~那么下一代犬也容易发生这种现象。眼睫毛“倒生”眼睫毛倒生会刺伤幼犬的眼睛~一岁以manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 后会更加严重~重者使眼球起白膜而退化。一般沙皮狗和松狮狗较多。 狗的“忠诚”是有口皆碑的~所以如果你打算有一条属于自己的狗~最好是在它还是一条小狗的时候就开始饲养。当然~到目前为止也没有听到成年的狗“养不熟”的观点~但你何苦非去冒那个险呢, 决定饲养一只小狗之后~剩下的事就是如何去挑选一只“好小狗”了,,在这时候精心一点~能让你受用许多年。 一般来说~你可以从以下几个方面考察一条小狗是否值得饲养,, 首要的一条就是:你第一眼就喜欢上了它。 养狗是有缘分的~所以你一定要和你未来的狗“有感觉”。没有这一条~后面的一切条件都一文不值。 你必须尽可能地在小狗还在吃奶的时候就开始注意观察它们~在八周以前~一窝小狗都会聚集在狗妈妈周围,,观察狗妈妈会让你对小狗将来的性情有一个大致的了解~观察小狗和同窝的其它小狗相处的情况~也有利于对小狗将来的情况做出比较正确的预测。太活泼自信的小狗长大后可能会难以驾御~太温顺的小狗长大后则会心事重重~成为一条“忧郁”、内向的狗。显然~介乎二者之间的小狗是理想之选。 大致判断了小狗的性格之后~就要检查小狗的健康状况了。 小狗的身体应当发育良好~肌肉应当发达匀称~身上的皮毛要有一种一望而知的健康的光彩~特别要看一看小狗的腿是否笔直有力~因为有一些小狗会因为发育不好而出现腿爪外翻甚至是畸形的情况。 仔细观察小狗的眼睛:他们应当灵活、明亮、有神。小狗像小孩子一样好奇~想一想一对纯洁好奇的眼睛应该是什么样, 用手轻抚小狗的皮毛~小狗的皮毛应当光滑、牢固~检查小狗是不是有皮肤病~是不是有过多的皮屑。 检查小狗的耳朵和牙床~健康的小狗的耳朵和牙床都是粉红色的~没有异味。 观察一下小狗的肛门及其周围~没有分泌物出现~小狗的肛门应当清洁干爽。 用双手试着抱住小狗的双肩~抱举离地面。如果小狗没有显出紧张不安~这意味着这条小狗长大以后会很随和听话。 如果经过上面的考察之后你仍然对这条小狗感到满意~你就带着它回家吧。 总之你挑选是要选择宜养狗种: manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding ,1,在品种繁多的狗种中~视自家条件选择最适合的犬种饲养~是对自己、狗狗及周围的人都负责的做法。 ,2,根据所需狗种的特点~详细参考名犬品种自身的个性品格~因为即便是同一品种也不是千篇一律的。要在比较鉴别的基础上筛选最佳犬型。 ,3,寓居楼房的人~养狗以小型玩赏犬为主,若实在喜欢体型大一点的犬种~也因选择性格叫温顺、无体味、不易吠叫的狗狗~以免殃及邻里。郊区农舍、别墅养犬可以选大型看护犬~有条件的可选择具有观赏价值的大型犬。 ,4,选犬不一定拘泥于名犬~有的狗狗虽然血统不纯但品性绝好~有的犬种虽名不见经传~但它的聪敏机智和对主人的忠心~是名犬无法取代的。也不妨试着驯养。选犬养犬是有据可查、有章可循的~也不必过分拘泥。 若您已对与犬有关的知识了如指掌~一定能够选到中意的宠物伴侣。 喂养基本原则 从来没有接触过狗的人~第一个问题就是喂狗狗吃什么,怎么喂,过去~狗食没有上市~所以主人们多半用剩菜剩饭~或鸡肉、鸡脖子等来喂狗~省钱却麻烦。现在不论国产或进口的狗食五花八门~价格大众化~十分方便。 1(狗食的种类 狗食主要有干粮及罐头两大类~另一种是零食类的大饼干、除臭饼干、牛肉干等等。各种品牌主要的营养成分都差不多~售价高的~有特别的食物配方~针对各种年龄与品种~有不同的考量~可以事先多方比较。依成长年龄~让狗吃适合它的狗食。幼大吃幼犬的~成犬吃成犬的~老狗吃老狗的~胖狗吃胖狗的~不要混淆~免得太胖或大瘦。干粮的营养成分比较稳定~平均。狗儿从咀嚼中~可以顺便清理牙结石~止痒。但若有泌尿结石的问题~要尽量避免吃干粮~除非那是针对结石的处方饲料。罐头依价位高低~营养成分也有差异。高价位的~用的是比较好的,低价位的罐头~则多半是许多未搅碎的内脏~优点是维他命成分比较不易流失~适口性较好~缺点则是肉类多~排便中的臭味较浓~吃久了容易长牙结石。干粮不如罐头可口~但容易消化吸收~排便也不那么臭。 零食可用于生活训练与基本训练时~当狗狗做对了的奖品。人们吃的零嘴不要常给狗儿吃~容易弄坏它的胃口。口香糖、冰淇淋、蛋糕~这些甜点少碰为妙~一方面容易蛀牙。闹肠胃~一方面也容易发胖。吃多了甜之后~最大的毛病就是造成狗狗正餐没胃口。 2(不同种类的狗有不同的分量 小狗刚出生时~吃母奶,长牙时断奶~就可开始喂它流质的食物~肉罐头加温开水调成糊状~或是幼大干粮加热水泡软。到了两个月大~则可以开始吃幼大狗食。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 大型狗个头大~长得快~可在正餐中加些钙粉等营养品~但必须依照医生的指示与说明书的建议服用。有些人养大型的斗狗~喜欢用生肉来喂它们~让它们习惯血腥~这是非常危险的,因为未经煮熟的肉~生堪虞。二来吃习惯生肉之后~当主人忘了喂食或弃养时~可能会危害到人们。许多狗攻击人的事件~都是因此而来。 3(喂食的次数与时间 每天喂食的次数大致如下: 断奶后到三个月大:三 ~ 四次三至六个月大:二~ 三次 六个月到一岁:二次 一岁以上:一二次喂食的时间可以配合你的作息时间~但可不是喂了就好~还要考虑加上饭后遛狗和大、小便、清便盆、洗碗的时间。饭后要立刻把碗洗干净~免得残渣引来老鼠、蟑螂、蚂蚁~或是剩下太多食物被日照雨淋而腐败。同时拿开碗~免得它无聊而把玩碗盆~甚至咬坏。至于要喂食多少~通常遵照说明书来给~然后根据上次进食有没有剩余而调整。 4(买进口食粮的考虑 买进口食粮~尽可能找有中文说明的~并且附有进口商的行号电话。因为漂洋过海而来的罐头干粮可能超过有效期限~如果有异味、发霉。潮湿、长虫~立刻要求老板退换~不必客气。开封后~必须妥善保存~罐要放冰箱~干粮要密封。第一次买~不要买太多~可少量的买两、三种~看看小狗吃了之后的反应,包括适口性。消化吸收程度~以及排泄物的形状。每个品种都说自己的产品最棒~便宜又大碗~不妨请教医生及有经验的人。 5(吃多少才合适 给狗狗吃饭只要七分饱就好~不要过量~让它舔碗舔得意犹未尽,吃大多加上饭后又跑又跳~很容易原封不动的吐出来。常年关在笼子里的小狗~吃饭是它们少有的娱乐~所以会像饿死鬼一般的馋~别被它们给骗了~以为真的很饿。但老是吃不够~活动量又不大~排泄也不好的狗~可能就真的有病~最好带它去看医生。要替狗儿换食物时~不要一下子全换过来~每回掺一半新的食物~试个两、三天~逐渐增加新的分量~一周后再全用新的。如此狗狗的消化系统才能适应过来~否则容易下痢。许多人都以为狗儿就是要啃骨头~其实啃骨头容易阻塞狗儿的肠道~使它便秘~造成呕及胃口变差。尤其鸡骨头万万不可~因为小而脆~很容易塞住食道~刺穿胃肠。喂食的时候~一定要同时给予充足的清水。不必非用蒸馏水、开水~它们的肠胃并不计较这些。 总之~定时、定量、定点喂食~小狗高兴~全家愉快。 喂狗粮应注意什么? 1、 普通饭菜掺狗粮一起饲喂可以吗, 很多犬的主人都深知犬偏食的危害~所以在饲喂肉、肝的同时添加一些狗粮~想以此使犬获得全面的营养~这个观念是不正确的。因为任何一种狗粮都是作为全价日粮营养而的~而不是像鸡猪饲养有预混料、浓缩料和全价日粮之分。所以不能将全价的狗粮作为营养添加剂使用。只借助少量狗粮去补充犬每日所需的各种维生素~微量无素manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding 及钙质的活显然是杯水车薪。另外由于主人制作的食物同狗粮在适口性上有明显的差别~所以有些犬会将狗粮挑出。 2、 成品狗粮加热饲喂是否合理, 有些犬的主人习惯将成品狗粮加热后饲喂小狗~这种做法是不正确的。狗粮大致分成罐头和干粮两类。对于罐头来说~新开罐是无须加热的~因为在封罐前是经过严格灭菌处理的~尤其是进口品牌~在国外宠物食品的卫生要求同人的食品卫生要求是相同的。一般在开罐后一次吃完~如果有剩余的放入冰箱应密封保存~在取出食用时应加热40~50oC后再饲喂。干粮是完全不需要加热的~干粮的加热通常需要加水~这样会破坏狗粮原有的营养。狗干粮都是经膨化处理的~类似于儿童食品~不但是熟化的~而且精心调制好适当的松脆度~有利于消化和锻炼牙齿。 狗粮加热的最大缺点是维生素被大量破坏~维生素在高温下结构会有变化~而起不到正常的作用。在狗粮的制作过程中~被破坏的维生素会补充到足够的水平。如果加热温度过高就会再次被破坏。 3、 注意盐的摄取量。 适量的盐分对于人可以补充水分及氯化钠等微量元素~平衡机体各部位的需要,而对于狗狗来说~过多的盐分则是大敌~而且可以造成狗狗脱毛、长癞及大大增加患皮肤病的机会。 manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer cylinder. Cylinder cylinder in the drain pipe installation and measuring component leads. blade carrier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed 0.02mm. To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measures: a) over Jack uses the same pump, evenly. B) left to set up indicators to monitor over quantity. To prevent the movement over the Chamber when the platen, at the top of the front bearing plate installed tight, then anchor base next to the corresponding
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