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个人理财作业一个人理财作业一 一、单项选择题(共 5 道试题,共 10 分。) 1. 单利和复利的区别在于( D )。 A. 单利的计息期总是一年,而复利则有可能为季度、月或日 B. 用单利计算的货币收入没有现值和终值之分,而复利就有现值和终值之分 C. 单利属于名义利率,而复利则为实际利率 D. 单利仅在原有本金上计算利息,而复利是对本金及其产生的利息一并计算 满分:2 分 2. 王先生某月末的资产是50万元,负债是10万元,则其净资产为( B )。 A. 60万元 B. 40万元 C. 30万元 D....
个人理财作业一 一、单项选择题(共 5 道试题,共 10 分。) 1. 单利和复利的区别在于( D )。 A. 单利的计息期总是一年,而复利则有可能为季度、月或日 B. 用单利计算的货币收入没有现值和终值之分,而复利就有现值和终值之分 C. 单利属于名义利率,而复利则为实际利率 D. 单利仅在原有本金上计算利息,而复利是对本金及其产生的利息一并计算 满分:2 分 2. 王先生某月末的资产是50万元,负债是10万元,则其净资产为( B )。 A. 60万元 B. 40万元 C. 30万元 D. 20万元 满分:2 分 3. 复利产生力量的源泉有两个,一是收益率,二是( B )。 A. 利率 B. 时间 C. 本金 D. 利息 满分:2 分 4. 刘小姐的存款帐户上有1000元,假设现在的年利率为4,,按单利计算,第二年末帐户上的钱应该是( C )。 A. 1060元 B. 1090元 C. 1080元 D. 1050元 满分:2 分 5. 计算利息的三个基本要素分别为:本金、时期、( D )。 A. 利润率 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial B. 汇率 C. 收益率 D. 利率 二、多项选择题(共 5 道试题,共 15 分。) 1. 成功预算的要求包括( ABCD )。 A. 良好的性 B. 现实性 C. 灵活性 D. 充分的沟通 E. 可获利性 满分:3 分 2. 编制个人预算时应遵循的三个原则是( ABD )。 A. 先满足基本生活需要 B. 储蓄和保险必不可少 C. 量入为出 D. 注重增长性 E. 安全性 满分:3 分 3. 个人预算的意义包括( ABCDE )。 A. 实现收支平衡 B. 理智消费,建立约束机制,避免盲目性和随意性,提高财务资源的效率 C. 提供理财目标和实施步骤 D. 养成良好的财务管理习惯 E. 为经济紧急事件做好准备 满分:3 分 4. 利率依据是否按市场规律自由变动,分为( BE )。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial A. 名义利率 B. 市场利率 C. 固定利率 D. 浮动利率 E. 官定利率 满分:3 分 5. 个人理财的作用包括( ABE )。 A. 平衡现在和未来的收支 B. 提高生活水平 C. 积累财富 D. 提高理财水平 E. 规避风险和灾害 三、名词解释(共 5 道试题,共 20 分。) 1. 现金流量表 现金流量表的出现,主要是要反映出中各个项目对现金流量的影响,并根据其用途划分为经营、投资及融资三个活动分类。现金流量表可用于一家机构在短期内有没有足够现金去应付开销。 现金流量表样表 现金流量表是一份显示于指定时期(一般为一个月,一季。主要是一年的年报)的现金流入和流出的财政。这份报告显示资产负债表(Balance Sheet)及损益表(Income Statement/Profit and Loss Account)如何影响现金和等同现金,以及根据公司的经营,投资和融资角度作出分析。作为一个分析的工具,现金流量表的主要作用是决定公司短期生存能力,特别是缴付帐单的能力。 现金流量表是反映一家公司在一定时期现金流入和现金流出动态状况的报表。其组成内容与资产负债表和损益表相一致。通过现金流量表, 可以概括反映经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动对企业现金流入流出的影响, 对于评价企业的实现利润、财务状况及财务管理, 要比传统的损益表提供更好的基础。 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 现金流量表是原先财务状况变动表或者资金流动状况表的替代物。它详细 描述了由公司的经营、投资与筹资活动所产生的现金流。这张表由财务会 计标准委员会于1987年批准生效,因而有时被称为FASB95号表。 满分:4 分 2. 单利 单利(simple interest)是指按照固定的本金计算的利息,是计算利息 的一种方法。单利的计算取决於所借款项或贷款的金额(本金),资金借 用时间的长短及市场一般利率水平等因素。 按照单利计算的方法,只要本金在贷款期限中获得利息,不管时间多长, 所生利息均不加入本金重覆计算利息。这里所说的“本金”是指贷给别人 以收取利息的原本金额。“利息”是指借款人付给贷款人超过本金部分的 金额。 满分:4 分 3. 现值 现值是现在和将来(或过去)的一笔支付或支付流在今天的价值。或理解 为: 成本或收益的价值以今天的现金来计量时,称为现值。 在现值计量下,资产按照预计从其持续使用和最终处置中所产生的未来净 负债按照预计期限内需要偿还的未来净现金现金流入量的折现金额计量。 流出量的折现金额计量 满分:4 分 4. 货币的时间价值 货币的时间价值的定义:从量的性来看,货币的时间价值是没有风险和 没有通货膨胀下的社会平均资金利润率. 在计量货币时间价值时,风险报 酬和通货膨胀因素不应该包括在内。 货币的时间机制是:指货币经过一定时间的投资和在投资所增加的价值, 成为资金的时间价值。货币的时间价值不产生于社会中生产与制造领域, 产生于社会资金的流通领域 满分:4 分 5. 个人预算规划 预算是指根据个人生活和财务目标,制定投资理财的计划,将财务安排预算形式表达出来。个人 财务预算就是对个人收入的开支、消费、投资的目标,达到什么样的指标进行统筹安排。通过制 定良好的计划及其实施,可以达到最有效的利用财务资源的效果。 满分:4 分 四、判断题(共 5 道试题,共 15 分。) 1. 广义的现金一般包括持有的现金以及可以随时用于支付的存款。 A. 错误 B. 正确 put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 满分:3 分 2. 资产负债率等于1,说明资产等于负债,此时净资产为0。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:3 分 3. 对于个人理财的经济效益原则,衡量其的绝对值指标是利润,相对值指标是投资收益率。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:3 分 4. 本金数量越大,利率越高,存放期越长,则利息越多;反之,利息就越少。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:3 分 5. 个人理财起源于20世纪30年代的美国。 A. 错误 B. 正确 满分:3 分 五、简答题(共 4 道试题,共 40 分。) 1. 什么是紧急备用金,为什么要建立紧急备用金, 所谓的紧急备用金,就是要处理突发的紧急的事件,以防问题更加严重,企业则是为了避免未 来的某一个时间段出现资金的断裂造成倒闭,这个是很有必要的 满分:10 分 2. 为什么要做现金规划, 1、避免资金短缺,经营资金调度不灵活; 2、避免库存资金库量过大,造成资金不能有效利用和高效运转。 满分:10 分 3. 个人理财的基本内容有哪些, 个人银行理财、个人证券理财、个人保险理财、个人外汇理财、个人信托理财、 个人房地产投资、个人教育投资、个人退休养老投资、个人艺术品投资、个人税 收策划等内容。 满分:10 分 4. 开展个人理财有哪些步骤, put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial 1.建立客户关系2.收集客户信息3.分析客户财务状况4.整合个人理财策略并提出财务策划是5.执 行和监督财务策划计划. put in place, the effectiveness in place. To the party organization as the basic form, in the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party lectures, can drive a good topic about it. Comrades, developing "two" study and education, significant and an important responsibility. Let us, under the strong leadership of the party, with a high degree of political consciousness and full political enthusiasm, carry out the "two" study and education, strengthen the party's construction for water conservancy reform and development efforts to provide a strong organizational guarantee, and strive to create a new situation of water conservancy development, XX for greater America, vitality XX, happiness XX and make due contribution! 2016 Township party general work report Communist XX County Organization Department: according to provincial, and municipal, and County on do Township general work of arrangements deployment and requirements, for smooth advance I town party general work, combined I town actual, now will I town party work report following: a, and past five years I town party work situation past five years, XX town party to party of 18 big spirit for guide, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, tightly around County, and County Government of indicates spirit, firmly grasp caught team, and with team, and General requirements for maintaining stability and promoting development, practical education event as an opportunity to party's mass line, unite and lead the broad masses of cadres in the whole town, insist on grasping party building around the development, relying on the work of party building and promote development, Strict implementation of the three Suns requires ten plenary session and provincial
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