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主题学雷锋志愿服务活动月总结主题学雷锋志愿服务活动月总结 “传承雷锋精神 深化志愿服务”主题学雷锋志愿服务活动月总结 在当今社会,雷锋精神渐渐被人们所淡忘,助人为乐的人越来越少。雷锋精神严重缺失,人们之间的关系变得越来越冷淡,很多助人为乐的人最后的遭遇异常尴尬,甚至会给自己带来意想不到的麻烦。通过媒体报道,人们看到了许多英雄流血又流泪的经历,也让越来越多的人收起助人之心。弘扬雷锋精神,推动学雷锋活动常态化,既是对雷锋精神的重塑,也是对道德缺失现象的一种有效化解。社会发展呼唤雷锋精神,人民生活需要雷锋精神。我系展开如下四项活动。 一、观看《离开雷锋的日...
主题学雷锋志愿服务活动月 “传承雷锋精神 深化志愿服务”主题学雷锋志愿服务活动月总结 在当今社会,雷锋精神渐渐被人们所淡忘,助人为乐的人越来越少。雷锋精神严重缺失,人们之间的关系变得越来越冷淡,很多助人为乐的人最后的遭遇异常尴尬,甚至会给自己带来意想不到的麻烦。通过媒体报道,人们看到了许多英雄流血又流泪的经历,也让越来越多的人收起助人之心。弘扬雷锋精神,推动学雷锋活动常态化,既是对雷锋精神的重塑,也是对道德缺失现象的一种有效化解。社会发展呼唤雷锋精神,人民生活需要雷锋精神。我系展开如下四项活动。 一、观看《离开雷锋的日子》 2013年3月5日,我系在A218举行观看《离开雷锋的日子》, 通过此次活动,呼吁同学们树立崇高 的理想和高远的人生追求,学习雷锋 助人为乐,勇于奉献的精神,看完这 部电影,我们要刻苦学习,积极参加 弘扬雷锋精神的各种志愿服务活动,在实践中加深对雷锋精神的认识, 领悟雷锋精神的内涵。雷锋精神永 存,爱心永无止境,使志愿服务精 神随我们的成长不断弘扬,带动身 边的人一起发扬雷锋精神,达到此 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 次活动的目的。看了《离开雷锋的日子》这部电影,很多同学都感动的哭了,当看到里面青志协那面旗帜飘起的时候,我相信每位同学都感动了,那不仅是一面旗帜,更是一份责任,同学们看了这部电影都有感而发,达到此次活动的意义,虽然雷锋离开了我们,但我相信今后的生活中将会出现更多的雷锋,我们将一如既往的发扬奉献精神。 二、“学雷锋”服务社区爱心活动 三月的春风又吹进了包职校园,同时,也吹进了同学们的心中。三月是奉献、是感恩、是学习雷锋好榜样的时候。多年来,雷锋精神鼓舞和激励了一代又一代的青少年不断进步,茁壮成长。为进一步学习和弘扬雷锋精神,材料成型技术系开展了学习雷锋活动。 组织青年志愿者帮助整理收拾社区学习雷锋就要从我们身边做 起,从小事做起,以实际行动 发扬雷锋精神。3月7日我系青 年志愿者到达乌素图社区,到 那就把青年志愿者成了四组, 他们有的去打水,有的用抹布 来擦桌子,还有的拿来笤帚开始扫走廊,扫地,拿来抹布的同学们又将社区走廊的玻璃擦了起来。说起来好说,可是做起来却不容易,同学们每个人都是满头大汗,大约两个小时后,一组同学终于结束了社区的清扫工作。接着又来到了楼梯,依旧是分工有序的进行着,清扫,擦洗。尽心尽力努力地工作着。终于功夫不负有心人,打扫后的社区焕然一新给人一种清新的感position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 觉,我系青年志愿者们脸上也露出了幸福的微笑。 爱护环境靠大家班级二组的同学决定去社区外面,去擦洗公告牌,去清除小广告。看到有的公告牌由于下雨泥水溅得几乎就看不见里面的字迹了,同学们主动上前 就开始可劲的擦,不管衣服是否 脏了,因为他们的心是温暖的。 还有那边的同学们一边喊着这 边还有,还有那边,一边正用力 的撕小广告。可以听到他们的笑 声、叫声,不过那都是幸福的。学习雷锋,争做新时代的好样~三月,同学们参加学习雷锋活动是这样的积极,雷锋精神在我班的每个角落依旧绽放。通过活动,大家体会到,学习雷锋不是为了得到别人的赞赏与奖励,学习雷锋要从小事做起,从身边做起,服务每个人。我们应当在日常生活当中继续发扬雷锋精神,使其成为我们生活的一部分,使其精神成为我们的一份良好品格。我相信,只要我们爱心永驻,奉献精神永随,雷锋精神必将在我们身上延续~ 三、开展“学雷锋”主题班会 3月11日—3月15日我系各班举行开展“学雷锋”主题班会此次活动主要分为以下几部分 : 1、雷锋事迹介绍: 主要介绍了雷锋同志的生平和他在日做常生活中的一些看似微不足道,实际上却深入人心,感人至深的事情。“人民的勤务员”,“孩子们的知心人”’“模范班长”一个个亲切的称呼道出position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 了广大人民对雷锋同志的感激和热爱。面对国家和人民授予他的容耀,他总是抱着谦虚谨慎的态度。 2、雷锋大事年表:雷锋入伍的第一年,就参加上寺水库抢险救灾,带病连续奋战7天7夜,表现突 出,团党委为雷锋记三等功一 次。在接下来的两年中,他 又好几次为服务人民的伟大 事业立下汗马功劳。1963年 3月5日,毛泽东主席发表“向 雷锋同志学习”的题词,在全国范围内掀起轰轰烈烈的学雷锋运动。 3、《雷锋日记》选摘:主要向同学们介绍了雷锋在平时生活中的一些#体会#。这对我们大学生也有着深远的教育意义。比如雷锋同志在1960年6月5日的日记中写到的: “要记住:在工作上,要向积极性最高的同志看齐;在生活上,要向水平最低的同志看齐。” 4、雷锋在我们身边: 通过当场播放与雷锋同志有关的,大家耳熟能详的经典歌曲《学习雷锋好榜样》,欣赏老一辈革命家董必武一九六三年二月写的歌咏雷锋的诗歌,让同学们进一步体会到雷锋精神对我们的巨大影响力。 5、讲故事比赛:我们进行了“ 我来讲一个现代雷蜂的故事”的比赛活动,使同学们更进一步规范自我,做到言行举止得体,努力拼搏,刻苦学习。符合一个讲文明讲礼貌的学生,使自己成为一个德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的现代化的建设者和接班人。 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 四、开展“服务师生~创造良好的学习环境” 2013年3月18日—20日,我系青年志愿者举行了服务师生,创造良好的学习环境活动,主要清理墙壁上的污垢及擦公告牌, 通过这些活动,在让志愿者深刻 的体会到校园就是我的家 的思想的同时我们也让更 多地学生感觉到学校就是 我们的第二个家。我们通 过我们勤劳的双手让老师 们有了更好的办公环境,让同学们有了更愉悦的学习心情。同时通过我们的努力,学校的公共设施也重现了往日的光彩。我们本着发扬奉献、友爱、团结、进步的理念,坚持丰富校园生活,建设和谐校园的思想,为自己创造一个舒适的学习环境。志愿者利用空暇余时间,参与不同形式的、有意义的志愿服务工作和活动;在开展各项志愿服务活动的同时,可认识更多的来自不同的领域、不同年龄的志愿者,通过参与活动,彼此可以成为志同道合的朋友,不但扩大了自己的社交生活圈子,亦可以让自己接触更多的新事物、新观念;同时,志愿者更可通过服务活动,亲身体验和接触社会的方方面面,不同层次和领域的人和事,加深对社会的认识,这对志愿者自身的成长和提高必定有帮助。 在一个月的活动中,我系各团支部、团小组、广大团员青年志愿者严格按照有关要求,开展了学雷锋系列活动,内容不断丰富、范围position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and 不断扩大、形式不断创新。各班也通过各种活动来学习雷锋,让同学们对于学习雷锋的精神有了更深的了解。学雷锋主题活动月已经结束了,但学雷锋行动不能停止,雷锋精神不能淡忘。我们应当在今后的学习、生活、工作中处处以雷锋为榜样,严格要求自己,努力学习、扎实工作、无私奉献,在每一个平凡的岗位上拼搏奉献,作雷锋精神的传播者。 000000000 2012年3月26日 position, ensure party always in thought, and political Shang, and action Shang with Central keep height consistent, makes we party always became has ideal, and has faith of Marx doctrine party. XI General Secretary of important indicates, full show has central in-depth advance full strictly rule party, and constantly strengthening Marxist ruling party itself construction of political set force, full reflect has central insisted thought party and system party phase combined, and continued grasp party of thought political construction of firm determination, full reflected has central deepening party education, and full promoted tube party rule party work to grass-roots extends of sharp attitude, has is strong of ideological, and political sex, and guide sex and targeted, for carried out "two learn a do" Learning education in the right direction, provided the fundamental follow. On February 29, in all members of the party, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a circular on "Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members" learning programme for education ... A major political task, carefully planned well, well organized, good solid. On April 20, the Standing Committee of the municipal party Committee to convene the meeting, conveyed the province's "two" educational Working Conference, discussed the city's follow-up. Municipal Secretary Mu Weimin presided over Conference Shi stressed, carried out "two learn a do" learning education is promoted full strictly rule party to grass-roots extends of powerful hand, city levels party to stations overall, to Central par, put learning education as a items major political task, strengthened responsibility play, insisted above rate Xia, carefully organization implementation, and current the focus work organic combined, for construction big beauty XX, and vitality XX, and
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