

2018-02-16 40页 doc 201KB 7阅读




太原富士康实习报告太原富士康实习报告 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and...
太原富士康实习 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 太原富士康实习报告 简介 山西太原富士康始建于2003年,于2008年全部完工,拥有员工80000余人,太原富士康是山西省引进的外资企业。富士康科技集团1988年投资祖国大陆,是集开发、设计与精密制造于一体,整合机器人、精密机械及模具、网络平台、纳米技术与热传导技术等高新领域的创新型国际化集团。现已在国内华南、华东、华中、华北、东北等地创建完成二十大科技工业园区,在亚洲、美洲、欧洲等地拥有数十家海外子公司。1991年至今,集团年均营业收入保持超过50%的复合增长率,是全球性的计算机连接器和计算机准系统生产商,并连续12年入选美国《商业周刊》发布的全球信息技术公司100大排行榜(其中2009年第40位),连续7年稳居中国内地企业出口200强第一名,连续5年跻身《财富》全球500强(其中2009年第109位)。 富士康(太原)科技工业园(以下简称富士康工业园)是我省改革开放以来引进的技术水平最高、投资额最大、与我省产业关联度最强的项目。作为山西省、太原市产业结构调整的重点,该项目的建成投产,将根本性地提高IT和材料加工业在太原乃至山西经济结构中的比重。 自富士康工业园申报成为山西省示范工业园区以来,各方面工作得到了省委省政府、市委市政府和各有关部门的高度重视和大力支持,省委省政府、市委市政府高效率完成了一系列的重大决策,支持解决了一系列重大问题,使富士康工业园短时间内在山西取得巨大的成功。 富士康工业园在太原共有六大产业,分别为镁合金3C零组件、热传导产品、LED照明产品、手机产品及镁合金汽车零组件产品和文化产业(拟在晋源区建设)。其中在经济区主要发展镁合金3C零组件、热传导产品、LED照明产品和手机产品。规划面积约3650亩。工业园总规划分三期,一期占地1580亩(分A)B、C区),二期工程占地850亩。 目前,富士康在山西的配套企业已有100余家,主要物料供应商有75家。其主要原材料(镁、铝)省内配套企业的供给量已达70%以上,零配件类省内供给量约50%,包装材料类和化学制品类基本实现100%省内供应。 图1 富士康(太原)科技工业园俯瞰图 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 富士康(太原)科技工业园是台湾富士康科技集团在祖 国大陆投资建设的七大科技工业园之一。 富士康科技 集团是世界500强企业之一,也是世界信息科技十强企业之 一。专业生产精密电器连接器、精密线缆及计算器准系统, 无线通讯关键零组件、光通讯组件、消费性电子等3C产品。 自1988年在深圳投资建厂以来,集团规模迅速壮大,在中国 大陆和台湾、日本、东南亚及欧洲、美洲等地拥有数十家子 公司,在祖国大陆的深圳、北京、昆山、苏州、杭州、烟台、太原等地相继投资建设了规模宏大的科技工业园,产品从单一的电器连接器发展到计算机、通讯、消费性电子等3C产品的多个领域。近年来集团以其独特的制造专长与惠普、戴尔、IBM、苹果、诺基亚、摩托罗拉等国际顶尖客户结成战略联盟,成为全球最大的计算机连接器和计算机准系统生产商。 目前集团在祖国大陆的七大科技工业园的建设和发展取得了令人瞩目的业绩。富士康的杰出的营运绩效和扎根大陆发展高科技的投资战略,以及带动外围产业繁荣发展的龙头作用,得到了国家和地方政府的充分肯定,党和国家领导人多次给予富士康集团以巨大的支持和鼓舞。富士康(太原)科技工业园就是其中之一,它位于太原市经济技术开发区,2003年10月17日奠基,2004年1月1日正式开工建设,项目总投资拟10亿美元,2004年投入约13亿人民币,2005年新增投资15亿人民币。园区总规划用地面积305公顷,总建筑面积218万平方米,建设周期为3到5年,规划分三期实施:一期铝美合金及热传;二期精密工业,铝美合金深加工;三期为汽车零组件。 富士康太原科技工业园已有3家全资子公司,分别为::鸿富晋精密工业太原有限公司,主要产品为手机、笔记本电脑的镁合金结构件产品;富晋康精密工业太原有限公司,主要产品为电脑散热器件;富晋精密模具有限公司,主要产品为精密模具。三家公司已在2004年6月至7月间陆续投产,2005年营业额达到12亿元,其中出口占70%出口总额约1亿美元,实现税收5000万元。 富士康在太原建立科技工业园后,不仅为山西经济发展和结构调整增添了新的亮点,为太原扩大就业创造了几万个就业岗位。也为山西经济向国际化发展注入了活力。 富士康在长期经营过程中所奉行的上行下效的执行文化、默默耕耘的水牛文化、与时俱进的创新文化使山西的本土企业认识到严谨中蕴含灵活、自由中不乏纪律的企业文化是推动企业发展不可或缺的源动力,对引导山西本土企业向建设适应性与多元性共存的企业文化有极大的借鉴作用。 富士康太原科技园落户山西拉动了相关产业链的形成。目前,太原市与富士康集团达成的生产协作配套企业已有40多家,我们相信,随着富士康为龙头的产业链和协作配套区的逐步形成,富士康(太原)科技工业园的产业聚集效应将更加呈现。它必将为山西经济的腾飞做出更大的贡献。 山西省发展改革委、山西省转型综改办联合召开的《山西省国家资源型经济转型综合配套改革试验总体方案》获批新闻发布会上获悉,晋籍台商郭台铭在山西晋城总投资44亿元人民币建设的富士康科技工业园A区项目,被列为山西第一批省级转型综改标杆项目。据了解,山西第一批省级转型综改标杆项目将从国家用地指标、税收、电价、融资等方面获得若干优惠政策。 山西省发改委副主任李永平在此次发布会上称,标杆项目是推进山西省国家资源型经济转型综合配套改革试验区建设和转型跨越发展的重点项目,省级政府投资资金以直接投入、贷款贴息、特别流转金等方式对符合政府投资方向的标杆项目给予支持。 此外,山西将优先安排标杆项目使用新增建设用地计划,及优先支持标杆项目利用各类金融工具进行融资,且享受同行业最优惠的电价政策,并协调保障标杆项目在建设、生产和经营过程中的水、电、油、气、运等重要生产要素。 and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot "lamp black", and "flashlight man as himself". To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7, balancing. To further close the party's organizational system, serious party organization, strict management of party members ' education and strict liability of the party building, pioneer, pioneering encourages grass-roots party organizations and party members. To put carried out "two learn a do" learning education put to coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout and implement implementation five big development concept in the to, and do full town reform development stable the work combined up, and strengthening general Hou levels leadership thought political construction combined up, and completed local this units focus work combined up, insisted hands caught, and prevent "two Zhang skin". In accordance with the town arranged, town Party Committee, Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection XXX gay lead in learning, discussion led in the branch of learning, leading learning gains and learning experience, guiding good and bread is in charge of studies in the field of education. Communist XX city XX Town Committee May 5, 2016 in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 李永平13日在会上对外公布了20家山西第一批省级转型综改标杆项目,其中富士康晋城科技工业园A区项目位列其中。[1] 事业群 富士康(太原)工业园区主要分为CCPBG-MIT(鸿富晋精密工业事业群)、SHZBG(鸿超准)IDPBG(苹果保税区)三大事业群。 CCPBG-MIT(鸿富晋精密工业事业群) 主要从事著名品牌的笔记本外壳工艺制造,如惠普、索尼等。 主要工序有压铸、技加、研磨、化成、喷涂五大工序 SHZBG(鸿超准) 主要以SHZBG华北机械制造处为主的模具厂,从事各种高精度模具的加工和制造。 IDPBG(苹果保税区) IDPBG(苹果保税区)于2011年底开始投入试行,2012年正式扩招生产。主要从事苹果iphone4和iphone4s的组装生产。[2] construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 污水 太原富士康工业园污水处理工程(3600吨/日)日处理规模3600吨。采用 “BAF集成式污水处理回用设备”。 处理出水达到《城市污水再生利用城市杂用水水质》GB/T18920-2002规定的。出水回用循环,投运至今稳定运行。 我们在参观的过程中逐渐了解了工业园区污水处理的状况。我们参观了FBR处理工艺。 眼前的各个池子都挂着相应的标识牌,据了解,该厂通过集水井中的提升泵,将汇集过来的生活污水,经过细筛机除渣后抽入调节池。适才上楼楼梯的左边有一间控制室,室内的在线监控系统会记录液位计读数,当调节池与FBR生物池的液位显示出,调节池中的污水量足够填满生物池时,系统就会自动感应,并开始向生物池输送污水。 污水在生物池进入反应阶段。本阶段通过反应时间、溶解氧设置,搅拌器时间设置,使FBR池逐渐由厌氧/缺氧到好氧的变化,历经硝化作用,反硝化作用和有机物分解,使污染物得以有效去除。 “上面的反应阶段,大大降低了污水特有的臭气,使污水处理厂因水、气、泥而带来的环境影响得到治理,并减少能源消耗,产生明显的社会效益和经济效益。”工作人员自豪地介绍道。 现场的工作人员告诉记者:“上述反应结束后,出水在我们下台阶处的PH调整池中调节至10.5,11.5,流入混凝池,加药系统会自动投加混凝剂,经胶羽池反应后流入上楼梯既看到的那个四方铁栏围着的全自动除磷沉淀池。沉淀池出水经PH回调池调至中性,再漂水消毒,达到国家要求的标准就可以作为中水回用了”。 记者采访中了解到,集团的废水处理厂一般是与集团厂区建设同时设计,同时施工,并同时运营的。并参考了国家相关的污染物排放标准,当初建设的目的主要是为了集团的生活废水处理。由于富士康一直保持着生机勃勃的发展态势, 随着工厂内迁,污水处理工厂也在全国各地投产运营,目前在成都、重庆、南宁、郑州、武汉、济源、廊坊、天津、太原、晋城等地都有在运营或建设中的污水处理厂。这即是国家相关环保法律的要求, 也是企业良好社会环境责任的体现。 1.加药泵泵的分类 根据过流部分 (1)柱塞式加药泵 (2)机械隔膜式 (3)液压隔膜式 (1). 柱塞式加药泵的结构:该泵的由电机、传动箱、缸体等三部份组成。 传动箱部件是由弓型连杆凸轮机构、行程调节机构和速比蜗轮机构组成;通过旋转调节手轮来实行高调节行程,从面改变弓型连杆中前后距离来达到改变柱塞(活塞)行程的目的。 缸体部件是由泵头、吸入阀组、排出阀组、柱塞和填料密封件组成。 (2). 柱塞式加药泵工作原理:电机经联轴器带动蜗杆并通过蜗轮减速使主轴和偏心轮作回转运动,由偏心轮带动弓型连杆的滑动调节座内作往复运动。当柱塞向后死点移时,泵腔内逐渐形成真空,吸入阀打开,吸入液体;当柱塞向前死点移动时,此时吸入阀关闭,排出阀打开,液体在柱塞向进一步运动时排出。在泵的往复顺还工作形成连续有压力、定量的排放液体。 XHB型系列旋转活塞泵是一种正排量自吸式容积泵,泵壳内并列安装有一对相同无间隙配合的螺旋转子。原动机通过变速、传动机构将动力传递给泵的主动轴,主动轴齿轮驱动从动轴齿轮做同and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot "lamp black", and "flashlight man as himself". To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7, balancing. To further close the party's organizational system, serious party organization, strict management of party members ' education and strict liability of the party building, pioneer, pioneering encourages grass-roots party organizations and party members. To put carried out "two learn a do" learning education put to coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout and implement implementation five big development concept in the to, and do full town reform development stable the work combined up, and strengthening general Hou levels leadership thought political construction combined up, and completed local this units focus work combined up, insisted hands caught, and prevent "two Zhang skin". In accordance with the town arranged, town Party Committee, Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection XXX gay lead in learning, discussion led in the branch of learning, leading learning gains and learning experience, guiding good and bread is in charge of studies in the field of education. Communist XX city XX Town Committee May 5, 2016 in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 步相对运动,形成吸入腔、封闭腔、排出腔。随着一对转子的相对转动,泵在吸入腔形成真空,流体源源不断地被吸入,流经封闭腔由排出腔排出,形成流量。泵的流量与转速成线性正比例变化。由于泵在工作时不改变其封闭基元容积的大小,泵形成的压差(或扬程)大小取决于排出系统的阻力。由于泵的结构完全对称,因此,泵的输送方向具有可逆性。 1、XHB旋转活塞泵适合于多种应用场合 旋转活塞泵是一种容积泵。特别适合传送各种粘稠,含固体颗粒、纤维、耐磨、要求严格密封、气液相混、自吸、需正反送等场合。 2、XHB旋转活塞泵节能 XHB旋转活塞泵的传动和传送是分离的,传动腔内有一对同步齿轮,它们在高效润滑液中,工作条件良好。两根轴通过这对齿轮同时驱动。因此,传送腔内的转子仅将传送物排走,故效率很高。通过实践证明,XHB旋转活塞泵所消耗功率仅相当于一般泵的55%-75%。 3、XHB旋转活塞泵的密封寿命长 XHB旋转活塞泵的密封采用国家专利保护的机械密封,补偿磨损的弹簧不会跟介质接触。只有一个相对运动的接触面,密封件材料用碳化硅等耐磨材料。当有些磨损时,弹簧的弹性通过释放,可以自动补偿磨损,密封在有润滑油的密封腔内,转速控制在350-600转的低转速,因而寿命长。 4、XHB旋转活塞泵是最利于现场维护的 XHB旋转活塞泵设计了一个快速安装盖,只要打开此盖,便可以快速调换或维护所有易损件,而一般的泵需将泵从系统中卸下,才能维护;然后重新装上,耗时很大。故XHB旋转活塞泵可以很大程度的提高整机的开机率。 5、XHB旋转活塞泵很耐磨 在许多场合,由于被传送介质带有固体颗粒,在传送过程中对泵体造成了很快的磨损,对泵的使用寿命降低。本公司与中国某着名的工业大学联合开发了一种激光处理技术,可以对泵壳采取激光硬化处理,可很大地提高泵壳的耐磨性。另外,在泵体与转子间镶嵌了一层硬化钢衬板,其中包括径向和轴向的,即将整个泵体保护起来。当泵磨损时,将衬板换成新的,泵体又恢复到磨损前的状态,因此,整个泵的耐磨性及使用寿命几倍的提高。 6、XHB旋转活塞泵工作于低转速 XHB旋转活塞泵工作于350—600转/分之间,运动速度低,其带来几方面的优点,即磨损小、寿命长,对于传送物体伤害小、发热低,工作稳定; 7、XHB旋转活塞泵对于空转不敏感 一般的泵由于其摩擦大,发热严重,故不允许泵空转,否则将很快烧坏,XHB旋转活塞泵至少可保证空转30分钟。 8、XHB旋转活塞泵对于固体介质不敏感 XHB旋转活塞泵的传送腔转子,不象齿轮泵那样需吻合,也不象螺杆泵那样有很长的接触线,其传送路径很短,泵内转子间空间大,对固体及纤维状物体不敏感; 9、XHB旋转活塞泵的体积小 对于做同样的工作,当然用户希望泵的空间尺寸占用小一些,由于XHB旋转活塞泵的转子空间大,较齿轮泵、螺杆泵等容积泵,其尺寸小了许多。 10、XHB旋转活塞泵可气液两相混输 许多场合,有时往往伴有天然气产生,或者有空气进入,XHB旋转活塞泵由于密封良好,可以两相混输,气液比率无限止。 11、XHB旋转活塞泵自吸性能强 泵具有8米的自吸能力。 包装: 标准包装 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 型号: XHB25-300 规格: 25-300 商标: 博大 叶轮吸入方式: 单吸式 2.污水处理药剂 污水处理药剂品种很多,最常用是絮凝剂,絮凝剂可以分为无机絮凝剂和有机絮凝剂。 无机絮凝剂如果按分子量的大小分为低分子量和高分子量无机絮凝剂。无机型絮凝剂目前应用最广泛的是铁系、铝系金属盐。目前市场主流的无机混凝剂有三氯化铁、硫酸亚铁和硫酸铝等。 有机絮凝剂分为离子型和非离子型,有机絮凝剂一般分子量比较大,通常达几万、几十万、甚至上百万、故添加量很少即可起到桥链作用。絮凝剂不可多加,多加后吸附絮凝剂的矿粒间相互排斥,破坏了桥链作用,反而不易絮凝。 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为水溶性高分子聚合物,不溶于大多数有机溶剂,具有良好的絮凝性,可以降低液体之间的磨擦阻力,按离子特性分可分为非离子、阴离子、阳离子和两性型四种类型。 3.污泥脱水机 一般大中型污水处理厂均采用机械脱水。脱水机的种类很多,按脱水原理可分为真空过滤脱水、压滤脱水及离心脱水三大类。污泥脱水机特点是可自动控制运行,连续生产,无级调速,对多种污泥适用,适用于给水排水,造纸,铸造,皮革,纺织,化工,食品等多种行业的污泥脱水。 4.污泥储存间 and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot "lamp black", and "flashlight man as himself". To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7, balancing. To further close the party's organizational system, serious party organization, strict management of party members ' education and strict liability of the party building, pioneer, pioneering encourages grass-roots party organizations and party members. To put carried out "two learn a do" learning education put to coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout and implement implementation five big development concept in the to, and do full town reform development stable the work combined up, and strengthening general Hou levels leadership thought political construction combined up, and completed local this units focus work combined up, insisted hands caught, and prevent "two Zhang skin". In accordance with the town arranged, town Party Committee, Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection XXX gay lead in learning, discussion led in the branch of learning, leading learning gains and learning experience, guiding good and bread is in charge of studies in the field of education. Communist XX city XX Town Committee May 5, 2016 in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 5.辐流沉淀池 辐流式沉淀池,池体平面圆形为多,也有方形的。废水自池中心进水管进入池,沿半径方向向 池周缓缓流动。悬浮物在流动中沉降,并沿池底坡度进入污泥斗,澄清水从池周溢流出水渠。辐流 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 式沉淀池多采用回转式刮泥机收集污泥,刮泥机刮板将沉至池底的污泥刮至池中心的污泥斗,再借 重力或污泥泵排走。为了刮泥机的排泥要求,辐流式沉淀池的池底坡度平缓。 辐流式沉淀池半桥式周边传动刮泥活性污泥法处理污水工艺过程中沉淀池的理想配套设备适用于 一沉池或二沉池,主要功能是为去除沉淀池中沉淀的污泥以及水面表层的漂浮物。一般适用于大中 池径沉淀池。周边传动,传动力矩大,而且相对节能;中心支座与旋转桁架以铰接的形式连接,刮 泥时产生的扭矩作用于中心支座时即转化为中心旋转轴承的圆周摩擦力,因而受力条件较好;中心 进水、排泥,周边出水,对水体的搅动力小,有利于污泥的去除。 优点:采用机械排泥,运行较好,设备较简单,排泥设备已有定型产品,沉淀性效果好,日处 理量大,对水体搅动小,有利于悬浮物的去除 缺点:池水水流速度不稳定,受进水影响较大;底部刮泥、排泥设备复杂,对施工单位的要求 高,占地面积较其他沉淀池大,一般适用于大、中型污水处理厂 and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot "lamp black", and "flashlight man as himself". To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7, balancing. To further close the party's organizational system, serious party organization, strict management of party members ' education and strict liability of the party building, pioneer, pioneering encourages grass-roots party organizations and party members. To put carried out "two learn a do" learning education put to coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout and implement implementation five big development concept in the to, and do full town reform development stable the work combined up, and strengthening general Hou levels leadership thought political construction combined up, and completed local this units focus work combined up, insisted hands caught, and prevent "two Zhang skin". In accordance with the town arranged, town Party Committee, Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection XXX gay lead in learning, discussion led in the branch of learning, leading learning gains and learning experience, guiding good and bread is in charge of studies in the field of education. Communist XX city XX Town Committee May 5, 2016 in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 固废 富士康(太原)科技工业园固体废物将得到综合利用2005年3月25日下午,富士康(太原)科技工业园与山西狮头水泥固废处理中心、太原市高远公司签订工业固体废物综合利用处理,困扰园区发展的重大环保难题将得到圆满解决。太原经济技术开发区循环经济工作取得重大进展。 工业固体废物的合理处置、规范化利用是目前环保界的一个较难解决的问题。富士康(太原)科技工业园的工业固体废物日产生量在10吨左右,数量比较大。按照规划,其工业固体废物将由太原市固废处理中心处理。但是,市固废处理中心短期内又无法建成。太原经济技术开发区环保局主动出击,外出调研,走访专家学者。经过多次论证,最后形成了分类综合利用的方案,变固废为宝,实现了无害化利用。此方案也已通过了ISO14001体系的认证。 2003年,太原开发区引进富士康科技工业园项目,此项目每年将产生1000吨含镍污泥,3000吨含铝污泥,前者属于危险废物。经过论证,太原开发区决定采用工业固废分类的处理方法,通过与生产企业、专业处置厂的合作,实现了“深加工,充分利用有效成分,变废为宝,循环利用”。2007年,太原开发区通过了ISO14001环境管理体系和ISO9001质量管理体系认证。 背景 太原开发区2003年引进的富士康(太原)科技工业园项目,一、二期总投资15亿美元,专注于镁、铝合金等新材料的研发与深加工。该项目发挥山西省的资源优势,将形成800亿元的年工业产值,新增就业岗位7万个。但此项目在铝镁合金产品加工过程中,每年将产生四千吨工业污泥:一种是含镍污泥,属于危险废物,产生量为1000吨/年;另一种是含铝工业污泥,属于普通废物,产生量为3000吨/年。 案例分析 面对富士康工业污泥问题,太原市政府和开发区管委会组织召开专家论证会,在国内调研,走访类似企业,最后决定采取工业固废分类处理的方法。对于含镍的危险废物,太原市政府和经济区管委会联系了太原狮头水泥厂。对该厂投资150万元,该厂自筹50万元,对已有工艺进行改造,将工业污泥掺入到水泥中,并通过了相关产品质量认证。在国家禁止使用该办法后,太原开发区又联系到国家认可的专业处置厂湖北大冶英达思有色金属有限公司,由该公司免费拉取污泥,回收提取贵金属出售给精炼厂商。对于含铝污泥,开发区和太原刚玉公司、太原高远公司合作,投入资金对污泥的循环利用进行试验。经过对含铝污泥检测分析,根据工业污泥的物理性质、化学成分、技术指标等实际情况,制定不同的处理利用方案,逐一进行试验,终于使得工业污泥变成可利用的原材料。2005年3月,富士康和太原高远公司签订了工业污泥处置协议,规定每煅烧一吨含铝污泥,富士康支付高远公司296元。而煅烧后产生的三氧化二铝,则由刚玉集团以300元/吨回收用于生产原料。太原开发区彻底消除了富士康(太原)科技工业园每年4000吨工业污泥的环境污染,节约了200亩以上的土地和每年3900m3的洁净空间,节约“铝矾土矿”500吨/年,减少因矿产资源开采造成的矿藏损失680吨/年,保护原生矿产资源540m3/年。通过综合开发和循环利用,可生产棕刚玉420吨/年,可为2万吨钢材生产提供优质的耐火材料。 2007年底,太原开发区通过了ISO14001环境管理体系和ISO9001质量管理体系认证,并获得太原市2007年度唯一的绿色产业园区称号。 案例启示 太原开发区成功解决富士康污泥问题给我们如下启示: 一、对工业废弃物需要选择科学的处理方案,要通过实地调研,专家论证,根据排放污染物特点,进行试验,筛选出最佳处理办法。处理方法选择不当有可能造成对环境的再次污染。二、建设循环经济应以企业为主体,促成废物排放企业、废物处理企业和废物再利用企业的良好互动,实现上下游合作,形成环状体系。 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 感想 就市场前景而言,现场的技术人员分析称,集团的中水处理是在引进国内外各种先进技朮的基础上整合建立的,政府的清洁生产机制也鼓励企业内部进行水回用。首先回用水减少了污水的排放,同时因其处理成本相比自来水要低,也是资源内部成本降低的一大手段,符合公司环保方针“减排和循环”,而且就成本效益而言,处理达标的中水使用成本,比自来水便宜1元/吨。 在谈及未来几年内,集团对中水处理技术的发展规划时,环保技委会的相关负责人表示, “业界喜欢将污水治理、垃圾回收及其资源化的利用,形象比喻为静脉产业(好比人身体里的静脉将含二氧化碳的血液运送到心脏后, 转化成人需要的含氧较多的血液)。该产业将是环保事业群未来发展的重点。 目前化垃圾为黄金, 危废无害化处理等新技朮都在紧张的验证阶段, 一旦确认了成效, 将迅速的推广到全国各厂区,降低各事业群处理废物费用,提高集团的获利” 绿色经营 富士康积极履行企业社会与环境责任,倡导绿色经营。集团成立了许多环保机构,为响应国家的号召及满足国际客户的环保要求,围绕集团总裁郭台铭提出的“节能、减排、绿化、循环”环保目标,在企业经营中开展积极广泛的环保实践。 为了提高员工的环保意识、号召全体员工参与环保,富士康向员工大力宣传环保知识,开展环保专题演讲、征文、漫画大赛及环保义工活动、环保交流大会、环保袋推行、创建绿色园区等诸多活动。 同时,富士康每年投入大量资金(仅2007年投资总额就逾1亿元人民币)用于园区绿化、排污减耗、废物回收等环保工作;在生产经营过程中,坚持将自主研发和国际引进相结合,利用最先进的科研技术力行环保,以保证产品对环境的影响完全符合国际标准。 节能 为倡导节能,富士康成立集团节能委员会。为杜绝一切可能出现的能源浪费现象,强化全体员工的节能意识,该单位建立起切实有效的环保综合稽查制度。除此之外,富士康还在照明、供暖、通风等多个领域引进先进的节能技术,推广有效的节能措施,实现了单位能耗下降15%的目标。 减排 减少工业“三废”的排放,是企业应尽的义务,是企业必须承担的社会责任。富士康积极响应国家环保政策,大力实行减排措施。富士康每年的废水、危险废弃物、电子垃圾回收处理都达到并超过国家法律法规的相应指标。 绿化 富士康不仅力争实现厂区工作生活环境的绿化,追求人与自然的和谐共处,还将绿化概念导入工业生产,要求在产品开发设计阶段实现环保生态化设计,保证产品绿色健康、无毒无害。 循环 循环是富士康环保工作的一个重点。循环的最大特点是资源节约和废弃物循环利用,既以单位产出资源消耗减量化为手段,实现广义节能,又可以从源头和全过程预防污染产生,实现废弃物排放的最小化和无害化。 作为国际科技制造大厂,富士康一直秉承“防治污染、持续减废、提供符合环保产品、节约能源、保护地球、务实经营绿色企业”的环境政策,严格遵守环境保护法律法规和客户要求,将企业环境责任融入到企业文化和价值观当中,有效管控原料、制程、出货等各环节,并通过持续改善活动不断提升产品的质量,确保所提供的产品不含限制使用的物质,同时推动上游供应厂商向绿色供应链的转化。 富士康将成功完成RoHS、WEEE、EuP指令和无卤要求、REACH法规等挑战任务,并将其转化为发展的契机,提升企业的绿色竞争力。 and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot "lamp black", and "flashlight man as himself". To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7, balancing. To further close the party's organizational system, serious party organization, strict management of party members ' education and strict liability of the party building, pioneer, pioneering encourages grass-roots party organizations and party members. To put carried out "two learn a do" learning education put to coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout and implement implementation five big development concept in the to, and do full town reform development stable the work combined up, and strengthening general Hou levels leadership thought political construction combined up, and completed local this units focus work combined up, insisted hands caught, and prevent "two Zhang skin". In accordance with the town arranged, town Party Committee, Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection XXX gay lead in learning, discussion led in the branch of learning, leading learning gains and learning experience, guiding good and bread is in charge of studies in the field of education. Communist XX city XX Town Committee May 5, 2016 in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech in city WCB two learn a do learning education workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others 通过这段时间的实习,为我们之后走向社会,接触本工作,拓宽知识面,增强感性认识,培养、锻炼我们综合运用所学的基础理论、基本技能和专业知识,去独立分析和解决实际问题的能力,能够将所学的专业理论知识运用与实践,在实践中结合理论加深对其认识和总结,再次学习,将专业知识与实际接轨,逐步认识体会,从而更好地将所学的运用到工作中去,接触社会,认识社会,体验生活,学会生活,学会生活,学会感悟,学会做事,学会与人相处,学会团结协作,为以后毕业走上工作岗位打下一定的基础。 实践是大学生活的第二课堂,是知识常新和发展的源泉,是检验真理的试金石,也是大学生锻炼成长的有效途径。一个人的知识和能力只有在实践中才能发挥作用,才能得到丰富、完善和发展。大学生成长,就要勤于实践,将所学的理论知识与实践相结合一起,在实践中继续学习,不断总结,逐步完善,有所创新,并在实践中提高自己能力、智慧等因素融合成的综合素质和能力,为自己事业的成功打下良好的基础自己本身还是存在着很大的欠缺,我不能仅仅将自己定位为一名刚毕业的大学生,更应该定位为一名基层的工人阶级,这样才能不断地提升自身的素质、素养,不断地改进自己的知识结构水平,让自己投入到理论学习中,好好积累基础理论知识,方能厚积薄发。 生产实习是学生大学学习很重要的实践环节。实习是每一个大学毕业生必的必修课,它不仅让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,还使我们开阔了视野,增长了见识,为我们以后更好把所学的知识运用到实际工作中打下坚实的基础。通过生产实习使我更深入地接触专业知识,进一步了解环境保护工作的实际,了解环境治理过程中存在的问题和理论和实际相冲突的难点问题,并通过撰写实习报告,使我学会综合应用所学知识,提高分析和解决专业问题的能力。通过这次的实习,将课堂的理论知识与实际操作的实践相结合,了解他们之间的异同点,也更清楚地认识到,理论学习与实践操作之间存在着怎样的差距。 短短一周的实习很快就结束了,虽然时间很短,但感觉还是有很大的收获。整个实习的过程中,总结一下收获大概的有以下几点: 、心态转变 1 学校的生活相对而言较为单纯,无需我们担忧很多的问题,学校三点一线的生活,学习跟得上就可以,而在实际的运作中当中则不然,实际中,我们要考虑的则更多,及时的转变心态会让我们工作更加顺利。 2、计划做事。 有了明确的计划,目标才清晰,以至于在工作中不会茫然。我们实习时是跟着老师的安排一步一步走的,但是在这之前,老师的准备却是很辛苦很细致的,也正因为这样,才有我们在实训时有条理的有安排的顺利进行。周全细致的计划,这是除了课本上的知识外,我们要向老师学习的。 3、不以事小而不为。 做大事小事有不同的阶段,要想做大事,小事情必须做好。我们正是实习的阶段,做一些繁琐的小事情,很有必要。这些小事情值得我去做。事情虽小,可过程至关重要。 虽然一周的实习时间很短,学习到的东西也很有限,但是这足以让我体会到只有不断的努力,学习更多的知识,才能够逐步完善自己,提升自我。 construction of party communist network, mobile, Al, where XX channels, "taught the XX Party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. Guide party members to use "e XX Party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons", offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the Organization and supervision. Party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. For different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessary protection. Task specific, precise, and educational differences. Town Party Committee will set up a "two" study and education Steering Group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. Poor organization and perfunctoryResponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. Party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by example in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others
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