

2017-12-27 11页 doc 34KB 53阅读




高校社团自荐书干部自荐书高校社团自荐书干部自荐书 姓 名 性 别 出生年月 :::: 籍 贯 民 族 二级学院 照片 政治面貌 竞选职务 年级专业 人生原则 我是一个性格活泼开朗的女孩。喜欢打篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球,也喜欢跑步、 骑车。在学习中踏实认真,努力争优,同时我很热心,有责任心。在班级中担任 副班长,协助班长处理好班内大小事务,与班上同学关系也很好。 自我介绍 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Divis...
高校社团自荐书干部自荐书 姓 名 性 别 出生年月 :::: 籍 贯 民 族 二级学院 照片 政治面貌 竞选职务 专业 人生原则 我是一个性格活泼开朗的女孩。喜欢打篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球,也喜欢跑步、 骑车。在学习中踏实认真,努力争优,同时我很热心,有责任心。在班级中担任 副班长,协助班长处理好班内大小事务,与班上同学关系也很好。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 一:我在选择下一届干事时,会认真把握好面试关,竭力选择出有能力、做事认 真踏实的干事一起合作开展工作。我选择未来环协的干事的最重要的是要有 团队协作精神,有强烈的责任心,同时能将环协任务放在重要位置的人,有余力 的条件下,在努力做好自己任务的同时,也能热心帮助同伴完成任务,为环协贡 献出自己的热心和力量,而且热爱环保工作,喜爱大自然,能与大家一起完成工 作任务,有着强烈的团队精神。 二:与其他部门的部长们要相处融洽,多做交流沟通。一个部门是一个团体,我们 部长层也是一个团体。共同的团结对协会的发展起着至关重要的作用。有时候可 能在有些问题上大家因为有着各种不同的看法而由此产生矛盾,争执,但凡出发你 点是好的,都是为环协的发展有益的,我们都应该在一起认真讨论,集思广益,怎 选出最好的来。部长间互相尊重,多做交流,互相信赖,这些对环协未来发样 展必不可少。 当 好 三:在对待自己部门的干事时,指导他们活动,必要的时候,我会给他们一些意一 见。首先,要让他们知道这个协会真正是在做什么的,有哪些主要的,有意义的名 活动。然后,使他们明确自己参加协会的目的,自己想要在协会学到些什么。最干 后,让他们在协会中给自己一个准确的定位,在接下来的一年中要怎样为协会做部 好事。同时,我会对协会的各种活动进行宣传,鼓励他们积极参加活动,锻炼自 己,让他们对协会的活动充满热情,而不是单纯的以做活动而做活动,甚至对协 会的活动产生疲倦和厌恶。对于环协派发下来的活动,我会用我的热忱和耐心认 真做好,起一个良好的表率作用。在我所处的部门,我还会多组织一些有助于增 进巩固互相之间友谊的活动或者小游戏,使大家相处得更加愉悦,在活动中充分 发挥自身的作用。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 1.我们协会大力提倡家文化,因此在部门内部家文化的氛围比较浓郁,一个部门就像一个小家,而环协整体应当是一个大家。但是由于现任部长层缺乏沟通,导致不同部门之间一起举办的各种增进互相联系的活动较少,从而导致了不同部门的干事之间关系较陌生,往往一年下来在环协内部认识的人为数不多。这一点,没能充分体现社团“联谊”的宗旨。 2. 协会大多数活动过于内部化。例如,环协举办一个活动,给人的感觉就是:环协是举办者,也是参与者。并没有面向大众,”环境与资源保护协会”,顾名思义,是为环保而举办的活动,要是全是环协内部人员自己举办自己做,长此以往,并不能起到让大众意识到环保重要性,热爱环保,重视环保的作用。 协 3.协会开会方式太模式化。会长通知部长,部长再通知干事。这种开会方式会太死板,干事一般来说就对本届一起进协会的人员比较了解,有的甚至不知道部的 认长上面还有部长层和有关任务的下达,目的,意义,做不到各位干事完全了解环 识 协的工作方式,不深入,协会内部不透明化,从而容易衍生误解,内部矛盾。 4.活动太集中在11、12月份。这个时期各位干事要忙于应付各种考试,往往时间安排蛮紧,但是,协会的各种活动却是接踵而至。这时候,干事往往会权衡轻重,产生疑问:我参加协会到底是为了什么,我从活动中得到了什么,而活动的过于频繁,各种策划往往会让人产生疲倦,甚至于厌恶。从而使部分很有能力的干事对协会失望。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support . 一:我们协会环保化,而不是社团化。我们协会的名字里,明显是强调环保,然 而在我呆在环协的活动期间,协会感觉就是太面向于搞内部交流,内部活动, 各个学校环保协会的活动,而忽视了“环保,资源”这方面的提倡,环保协 会毕竟只能算是很小的一部分人,面向社会,我们微不足道,为了让社会重 视环保,我们应当尽量举办一些对大众在思想上有影响的活动,比如举办用 可回收材料做的模型比赛,在某些地方贴上节约类的小标签等此类活动。 二: 继续着重提倡家文化。并且使它深层次的渗入到整个协会中来,可以通过硬 性改对内部成员的称呼、一起出去旅游、露营等活动让干事形成“我是环协 大家庭的一员,不仅仅只是这个部门的干事”这种思想。从而有责任、有效 率的、积极主动的参与环协各个部门举办的活动,同时,要加深干事和上层 部长,甚至于会长的交流,一起举办各种团建,让干事充分了解环协内部, 让干事明白:我们,环协,在一起。 三:协会活动尽量外部化。所有活动中,除了加深内部交流的活动,其他的部分 活动,有条件的情况下,建议招募对此活动有兴趣的、愿意交朋友的志愿者 来参加,比如自然之声、走河调查、植物认知、环教、野外露营等。这些活 动不仅让环协干事得到了锻炼,还能让志愿者更加了解环协,这能有效的加协强对环保,环协的宣传,这种宣传的效果,也比宣传单,白字黑字的介绍好会 今一些。 后 发四:改变开会模式,每周部长层例会,通知有意愿参加的干事来旁听。这样着重展 于对干事能力的培养,同时了解协会的工作模式,规章制度。让他们参与到的 意协会重要事务的讨论中来,提出好建议,汲取重要经验,这样做不仅培养了见 下一届部长的应变能力、处事能力,而且,能让下一届部长之间都提前了解 彼此,了解活动,缩短换届时的磨合期,减轻上一届部长的负担;而最重要 的是,这样做能够避免协会文化的断层,上一届不再留下来的部长,他们在 协会中所得到的那些宝贵经验在点点滴滴中也能传授给下一届部长,而新上 任的部长就能在此基础上发展与创新,把活动开展得更多姿,更多样化。 五:活动分散开来,不再集中在某个时间段。比如,11月,12月的活动一一分散 在前面时间较为宽松的月份,开学前几个月就是不错的选择,那个时间干事 们一般学业不太紧张,而且蛮有做活动的激情,这时候,可以把活动弄多一 些,让干事们觉得生活充实,也能增进干事们的友谊,不至于到了活动的淡 季就很少联系,甚至于失去联系,如上面所说,既然是“家文化”,就应该时 不时的进行交流和活动,因此,我提议,开学时候的活动多一些,有意义一 些,而最后2,3个月,多短信鼓励干事们认真学习,准备考试,这样能够使 干事们在紧迫的时间倍感温馨,从而更加珍惜环协,与环协的联系也会愈发 紧密。 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 我对于冬训队的感想是: 一:冬训时间过于偏后,并且时间持续太长。给队员造成心理、身体上的疲倦。 二:我对于冬训队的期待一直很大,或许是我过于理想化了,真正的冬训队和我 想的有一定的差距,尽管如此,我还是学到了一些有用的东西。毕竟冬训队 创立不久,相信它会越办越好的。 三:在冬训队中,队长层们有时会出现意见不一致,造成学员的某些困扰。 四:第三届冬训队队员在训练后,大多数都不打算继续留下来,对第二学期的活 动都没有积极心。对我自身来说,冬训队没有达到理想的效果,没有充分发 挥出正向的积极的勉励作用。 总之,冬训队是一个训练学员非常好的活动,可能因为创办不久,还存在一些 不足,不全面的需要不断完善,我期待未来的冬训队能给学员带来更多的惊 喜,让学员在日后的活动中能保持热情,更好的锻炼各种能力,更加认真的完成)任务~ 此 栏 自 由 发 挥 ) authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support
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