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集团公司手动葫芦起吊规定jd2集团公司手动葫芦起吊规定jd2 一、兖州煤业股份有限公司关于手动起吊管理规定 (兖煤股发【2007】105号) 第一条 为加强和规范手动起吊作业,防止事故的发生,保障职工生命和公司 财产安全,促进公司和谐发展,制定本规定。 第二条 本规定所称手动起吊作业,指利用手拉葫芦将重物吊起,并使重物发 生位置变化的作业过程。 第三条 凡涉及手动起吊作业时,施工单位必须根据起吊的具体环境在施工作 业规程(措施)中对起吊工作制定专门的规定。起吊重量大于5吨的 物体必须办理《吊装安全作业证》。《吊装安全作业证》格式见附表。 第四条 ...
集团公司手动葫芦起吊规定jd2 一、兖州煤业股份有限公司关于手动起吊管理规定 (兖煤股发【2007】105号) 第一条 为加强和手动起吊作业,防止事故的发生,保障职工生命和公司 财产安全,促进公司和谐发展,制定本规定。 第二条 本规定所称手动起吊作业,指利用手拉葫芦将重物吊起,并使重物发 生位置变化的作业过程。 第三条 凡涉及手动起吊作业时,施工单位必须根据起吊的具体环境在施工作 业规程(措施)中对起吊工作制定专门的规定。起吊重量大于5吨的 物体必须办理《吊装安全作业证》。《吊装安全作业证》格式见附表。 第四条 重物起吊作业前,应预先在起吊现场设置安全警戒标志并设专人监 护,非施工人员禁止入内。 第五条 起吊点必须使用专用的起吊锚具及设施,严禁利用管、管架、电杆、 机电设备等做吊装锚点。 第六条 起吊过程要专人操作、专人监护,并明确施工负责人和安全责任人, 起吊过程由施工负责人统一指挥。起吊作业人员必须佩戴安全帽。 第七条 起吊作业中,现场应有足够的照明,室外作业遇到大雪、暴雨、大雾 及六级以上大风时,硬停止作业。 第八条 所有参加起吊的人员要明确自己的职责、自己所负责的起吊工作量、 最大物体重量、所用的起吊工器具种类及起吊能力、所需索具的承载 能力等。 第九条 工作前起吊负责人要认真检查工作现场及周围环境情况,脏、杂物要 清理干净,影响起吊的物件要运走。在井下起吊作业时,顶板应完好, 两帮无跨落迹象,棚子无歪斜。 第十条 要根据被吊物件的重量,合理选择手拉葫芦,选用葫芦的额定起吊能 力要大于物件重量。起吊前要有专人检查手拉葫芦,齿轮摩擦片等完 好无锈蚀,主链及小链无变形、无严重锈蚀,运转灵活,护罩齐全紧 固,自锁性良好,钩子完好,销轴牢靠。 第十一条 起吊时必须选用卸扣、锚链、钢丝绳套等专用起吊索具进行起吊, 用钢丝绳套作索具时插接长度或卡接等符合规定。起吊索具的安全系 数不得小于6.索具使用前要仔细检查其完好情况。 第十二条 起吊时要根据物体的形状和吨位选择起吊方式,物体形状不规则或 大于2吨的物体必须采用多点起吊。 第十三条 一般不应使用棚架作为起吊梁。架棚巷道确需利用工字钢棚起吊物 件,必须符合以下要求: (一) 每架棚梁所承担的重量不得大于2吨。 (二) 架棚巷道起吊物件必须垂直起吊。 (三) 起吊前,必须将手拉葫芦悬挂在牢固可靠的支架上,并由专 人对所用架棚及相邻的架棚进行检查,将背板刹紧备牢,上 齐拉杆或采取其它可靠的防倒措施后方可起吊。 (四) 严禁利用交岔点抬棚作为起吊梁使用。 第十四条 井下不得采用永久支护的锚杆、锚索作为吊点。用专用起吊锚具起吊 时,要首先检查锚具的锚固情况及周围顶板情况,锚具锚固强度要满 足条件。 第十五条 用锚具起吊时,要使用合格的吊环。焊接吊环用圆钢和钢板材质选用allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 强度不低于45#钢或A3钢的,圆钢直径不得小于Ø16mm,钢板 厚度不得小于8mm。圆钢与钢板双面焊接,焊缝高度不得小于6mm。 第十六条 起吊时物件要找好重心,物件重心不正时,要将物件放下,对物件重 新捆绑后方可试吊、起吊。严禁人力对被吊物件进行平衡。 第十七条 起吊物件时索具的捆绑位置要合理,索具连接要牢固。捆绑物件时, 物件及起吊梁的棱角部位要用木板衬垫或采取其他防护措施,以防止 棱角切割索具。 第十八条 起吊时要先试吊即慢慢拉动拉链,使索具及物件缓慢受力,检查吊点 (起吊梁)、索具、物件的受力情况,无问时方可继续起吊。 第十九条 物件吊起离开地面时要进一步观察吊点、索具及物件是否有异常变 化,有异常变化时立即停止起吊。 第二十条 作业人员要加强自主保安意识,起吊前看好退路,以防坠物伤人。起 吊中人员要站在实地上,2m以上高空作业时,作业人员要系好保险 带,站在稳固的脚手架上。 第二十一条 起吊过程中,作业人员要用手拉着拉链,以防葫芦打滑,物件突然 落下。作业人员操作时不得在一旦因起吊索具或起吊工具失效,起吊 物件下落或运动所到达的位置,以防物件落下伤人。上下山起吊时, 被吊物件的下山方向及两侧不得有人。 第二十二条 多点起吊时操作人员要配合好,保证物件平衡起吊。 第二十三条 严禁人员随物件一起升降。 第二十四条 起吊作业要一次完成,不得中途停止。 第二十五条 起吊物件到位后,对各部位再检查一遍,确认无问题时方可进行其 他工作。 第二十六条 必须按《吊装安全作业证》上填报的内容进行作业,严禁涂改、转 借《吊装安全作业证》,变更作业内容,扩大作业范围或转移作业部 位。 第二十七条 对吊装作业审批手续不全,安全措施不落实,作业环境不符合安全 要求的,作业人员有权拒绝作业。 第二十八条 《吊装安全作业证》由单位分管部门负责管理。 第二十九条 《吊装安全作业证》批准后,作业人员应核实《吊装安全作业证》, 确认无误后方可作业。 附表 :吊装安全作业证 吊装安全作业证 吊装地点 吊装工具名称 吊装人员 施工负责人 作业时间 安全负责人 吊装内容 起吊物件重量(吨) allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 安全措施: 施工单位安全部门负责人:(签字) 施工单位负责人:(签字) 分管部门审批意见: 分管部门负责人:(签字) 年 月 日 二、行车操作安全#管理#: 1. 操作人员班前、班中严禁饮酒。操作时必须精神饱满,精力集中。 2. 操作人员在使用行车前,应进行例行检查、发现装置和零件不正常 时,必须在使用前排除。 3. 开车前,必须鸣铃或报警。操作中行车接近人时,亦应给以断续铃 声。 4. 非行车操作人员不准随便进入行车驾驶室。 5. 行车上有两人工作时,事先没有互相联系和通知,不得擅自开动行 车。 6. 工作中遇到突然停电,应将所有控制器手柄板回零位,在重新工作 前应检查行车是否完好后方可使用。因停电重物悬挂半空时,操作 人员应使地面人员紧急避让。 7. 在任何情况下,吊运重物不准从人的上方通过,吊臂下方不得有人。 8. 操作人员进行行车维护保养时,应切断主电源并挂上标志牌。 9. 严禁大小车及上下车三线同时使用。 allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant 10. 控制器应逐步开动,不得将控制器手柄从顺转位置直接猛转到反转 位置,应先将控制器转到零位,再换反方向。 11. 坚持做到“十个不准吊”。 三、 “十个不准吊”内容: 1、指挥信号不明或乱指挥不吊; 2、物体重量不清或超负荷不吊; 3、斜拉物体不吊; 4、重物上站人或浮置物不吊; 5、工作场地昏暗,无法看清场地、被吊物及指挥信号不吊; 6、工件埋在地下不吊; 7、工作捆绑、吊挂不牢不吊; 8、重物棱角处与吊绳之间未加垫衬不吊; 9、吊索具达到报废标准或安全装置失灵不吊; 10、重物超长未采取牵引措施不吊。 四、起重机械安全性评价检查表 起重机械 安全性评价检查表 应实得序号 内 容 得评价说明 分 分 1 钢丝绳的断丝数、腐蚀磨损量、变形量、34 1. 1. 除标 使用长度和固定状态符合国标规定 注有?条款 外,凡不符合?2 滑轮与护罩完好,转动灵活,无超标使用 评价内容和3 吊钩等取物装置无裂纹、明显变形或磨损 任一要求时,超标等缺陷,紧固装置完好 该台为不合4 制动器工作可靠,磨损件无超标使用,安 格。 装与制动力矩符合要求 2. 2. 标注5 各类行程限位、限量开关与联锁保护装置 ?的条款已完好可靠 具备、但不够6 急停开关、缓冲器和终端止挡器等停车保 规范或不完护装置使用有效 善,每台(处)?7 各种信号装置与照明设施符合规定 从总分扣0.5?8 PE连接可靠,电气设备完好有效 分,但最多累9 各类防护罩、盖、栏、护板等完备可靠, 计不超过6.8安装符合要求 分 10 露天起重机的防雨罩、夹轨钳或锚定装置 使用有效 ?11 安全标志与消防器材配备齐全 12 各类吊索具管理有序,完好使用 allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Group's foundations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do self-examination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do "before charge in and retreat." (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check "play clean" construction diaries and day information. (6) the community "active conservation, waste crimes", section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research ... Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant
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