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管理学 历年考研真题 97年以来

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管理学 历年考研真题 97年以来管理学 历年考研真题 97年以来 1997年 《管理学》试题 一,名词解释。 管理 非程序化决策 战略 领导效能 管理幅度 二,简答 1(经理角色理论主要内容 2(简述授权遵循原则 3(西方人性假说理论 4(控制的基本类型 5(目标管理的基本过程和特征 三,论述(选俩) 1(如何选定集权与分权的程度,试分析影响集权与分权程度的因素 2(论述现代管理的基本原理及原则 3(怎样科学地进行决策,试联系实际说明科学决策的意义。 1998年 《管理学》试题 一、名词解释 等级链 非正式组织 政策 事业部制 领导效能...
管理学 历年考研真题 97年以来
管理学 历年考研真题 97年以来 1997年 《管理学》试题 一,名词解释。 管理 非程序化决策 战略 领导效能 管理幅度 二,简答 1(经理角色理论主要内容 2(简述授权遵循原则 3(西方人性假说理论 4(控制的基本类型 5(目标管理的基本过程和特征 三,论述(选俩) 1(如何选定集权与分权的程度,试分析影响集权与分权程度的因素 2(论述现代管理的基本原理及原则 3(怎样科学地进行决策,试联系实际说明科学决策的意义。 1998年 《管理学》试题 一、名词解释 等级链 非正式组织 政策 事业部制 领导效能 二、简述 1、简述现代管理的组织原则 2、简述指导与领导工作的基本原则 3、简述激励的工作 4、简述工作的程序 三、论述 1、试述人性解说理论及对管理的影响 2、试述选择决策的三种标准 3、试论管理跨文化移植的特点,并联系实际谈管理移植过程中应complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and 注意的问题 1999年《管理学》试题 一、名词解释(3*5) 正式沟通 目标管理 组织 计划效率 激励 二、简述(9*5) 1、简述泰罗科学管理理论的主要内容 2、简述影响管理宽度的主要因素 3、简述控制工作的基本原理 4、简述科学的决策程序 5、简述人员配备的基本过程 三、论述(任选2题 20*2=40) 1、试述影响组织结构设计的主要因素及常见的组织结构模式(五种) 2、试述“以人为中心”管理理念的产生的历史必然性及其在管理实践中的指导意义 3、试述现代管理的基本原理及相应原则 2000年《管理学》试题 一、名词解释(3*5) 计划工作 法约尔 反馈控制 非程序化决策 价值原则 二、简答题(9*5) 1、法约尔一般管理理论的主要内容是什么,法约尔与泰罗的管理思想有何差异, complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and 2、期望理论的内容是什么,据此理论应如何激发员工的工作积极性, 3、简述部分划分的方法 4、简述系统原理及其相应原则 5、如何实现有效激励, 三、论述题(任选2题 20*2) 1、试述当代各种管理学派的主要观点,并分析评价其历史地位及对管理的影响。 2、试述组织中职权的类型,并举例说明在实际工作中应如何处理好直线人员、职能人员和参谋人员三者之间的关系。 3、试述影响领导效能的主要因素,并联系实际谈谈如何提高领导效能。 2001年《管理学》试题 一、名词解释(5*3) 计划 柔性管理 组织结构 前馈控制 组织文化 二、简述(9*5) 1、权变管理学派的主要思想是什么, 2、简述决策的类型 3、在管理中应如何合理的运用职能职权, 4、简述职务分析在组织管理中的作用 5、简述沟通的类型及特点 四、论述(第一题必答,2.3任选一提) 1、评述内容型激励理论和过程型激励理论,并联系实际论述如何complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and 对员工进行有效的激励(25分) 2、试论述部门划分的原则及常见的部门划分的方法(15分) 3、跨文化管理移植的特点是什么,如何有效地进行跨文化管理的移植, 2002年《管理学》试题 一、名词解释(3*5) 亚当.斯密 勒温的领导理论 人本原理 计划评审技术 彼得原理 二、简述(5*7) 1(简述人员考评的内容及相互关系 2(如何正确认识计划工作中的“弹性原则”(举例说明) 3(简述组织生命周期理论 4(如何进行工作设计 5(简述领导权变理论的主要内容 三、论述(任选2题 25*2=50) 1、试以历史和发展的观点,分析和说明传统的以等级制为主要特征的组织结构向现代非等级制方向发展的历史必然性 2、职业发展有几个阶段,如何认识职业定位的模式理论及职业发展的维度,分析自己的职业定位,并制定一份职业发展规划 3、常用的激励方法有哪些,说明其理论根源并举例说明其实践意义 2003年《管理学》试题 一、 名词解释 complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and 公平理论 动态/人本原理 全面绩效管理 事业部制 晕轮效应 哈罗的.孔茨 计划评审技术 二、简答 1、系统管理学派2、领导权变 3、招聘的方法过程 4、管理环境分析 5、跨文化管理移植 三、论述 1、目标管理 2、沟通过程、障碍及改善 3、组织变革的原因 2004年《管理学》试题 一(名词解释(6*2.5) 1(管理创新 2(组织文化 3(斯金那 4(明茨伯格 5.组织结构 6.非程序决策 二(简答(6*10) 1(怎样正确运用职能职权 2(新组织结构学派 3(有效控制系统特征 4(勒温领导风格理论 5(扁平式和直式结构 6(简述双因素理论的内容 三(论述(3*25) 1(当代管理理论 2(内容型激励理论 3(简述组织发展趋势 2005年《管理学》试题 一.名词解释(15分) 预算控制 冲突 麦格雷戈 头脑风暴法 麦金瑟 7S complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and 二.简答题(60分) 1.组织文化的功能是什么,2.人类需要的特点是什么, 3.如何进行组织结构设计,4.伦理与法律的相比有什么特点/伦理及法律与效益的关系, 5.熊彼得的创新理论是什么,6.行为决策理论的内容, 三.论述(任选其中2题,每题25分) 1.如何提高自己的领导艺术, 2.组织的职位空缺时应通过那几种渠道进行补缺,各有什么样的利弊, 3.企业组织计划和组织流程再造的特点及过程,包含那几部分, 四.试题(25) 由ABC三位大学生,10年后都升为单位的负责人,且同时参加了党校培训课,在谈及自己上任后的做的第一件事情的时候,他们各有说法: A的方法是:召集单位上的领导班子成员进行集体的座谈,倾听他们的看法。 B的方法是:和单位上的领导班子成员单独进行谈话,了解他们的心声,听取他们对组织未来发展的看法。 C的看法是:通过很短的时间,深入单位的基层,进行调查研究,了解企业存在的主要问题,然后和单位的领导成员进行商量和协商。 之后,AB对C的做法很感兴趣,于是C说了自己接下来做的两件事情。 complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and 1是:办组织的一份“报刊“。 2是:召开大会进行人事和奖惩改革。 问题: 1.三者之间,你认为谁的方法是最好的,为什么, AB对C的做法很感兴趣,按照C的做法,你认为AB下一步的工作将是什么, 2.三者当选为单位的领导也不是偶然的,请结合材料,谈一下一个优秀的领导者应该具备什么样的素质, 3.结合所学知识,谈一下如何才能做一个成功的领导者, 需要更多的历年真题请联系我索取:xiaoquan918@126.com complete schedule 3 to the technical operation and the writing of the report. Basic skills requirements: disease/operation name cases (times) number (?) actual demonstrates Ray protection principles 5 times radionuclide generator leaching drug operation 5 times shows trace agent of Mark 5 times 131I sucking iodine rate determination 5 times kidney function (kidney figure) determination and the report writing 5 times participation 131I treatment hyperthyroidism calculation dose participate in body outside analysis experiment (best put from) in Guide Xia participate in SPECT operation thyroid explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 times 5 times 10 times 5 cases bone explicit like prepared, and collection, and report 5 cases static myocardial explicit like prepared , Collection, reporting 2 cancer FDG Imaging preparation, acquisition, reported 5 cases of pulmonary perfusion Imaging prepare, collect and report 2 cases of cerebral blood flow perfusion image preparation, acquisition, reported 2 cases of note: the number of prescribed diseases and can be adjusted depending on location and the hospital, but the total number and number of disease should not be reduced. (B) the 13th to 24th month (second phase) according to trainees and training base for clinical circumstances, arrangements to continue in our rotation or to the relevant clinical Department rotation. 1. training objective: (1) expand the scope of medical imaging society of knowledge, familiar with knowledge related to the field of medical imaging and clinical clear medical imaging in the clinical diagnosis value and limit. Understand the routine procedures and
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