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婚姻家庭法与财产继承法教案婚姻家庭法与财产继承法教案 婚姻家庭法与财产继承法 第一节 婚姻家庭法 一、婚姻法的概念和基本原则 婚姻法的概念和调整对象 1(婚姻法的概念 婚姻法,是规定婚姻家庭关系的发生、终止,以及夫妻、父母、子女和其他一定范围的亲属之间的权利和义务关系的法律规范的总称。 2(婚姻法的调整对象 我国的《婚姻法》是广义的婚姻法,而不是狭义的婚姻法,它既调整婚姻关系,又调整家庭关系。 从内容上看,我国的婚姻法实际上是婚姻家庭法。“婚姻法”一词是在扩大的意义上使用的。《婚姻法》第二章以结婚为名,第四章以离婚为名,第三章以家庭关...
婚姻家庭法与财产继承法 婚姻家庭法与财产继承法 第一节 婚姻家庭法 一、婚姻法的概念和基本原则 婚姻法的概念和调整对象 1(婚姻法的概念 婚姻法,是规定婚姻家庭关系的发生、终止,以及夫妻、父母、子女和其他一定范围的亲属之间的权利和义务关系的法律规范的总称。 2(婚姻法的调整对象 我国的《婚姻法》是广义的婚姻法,而不是狭义的婚姻法,它既调整婚姻关系,又调整家庭关系。 从内容上看,我国的婚姻法实际上是婚姻家庭法。“婚姻法”一词是在扩大的意义上使用的。《婚姻法》第二章以结婚为名,第四章以离婚为名,第三章以家庭关系为名,第一章总则和第五章有关救助措施法律责任的规定也兼顾婚姻和家庭。 从范围上来看,就纵的方面而言,包括婚姻家庭关系的发生和终止的全过程;就横的方面而言,包括婚姻家庭主体之间、近亲属之间的各种权利义务关系。婚姻是家庭的基础,夫妻关系既是婚姻关系,又是家庭关系的核心。 婚姻关系和家庭关系是两种既密切联系又有区别的社会关系。所谓婚姻关系,是男女两性因结婚而形成的关系,它只存在于具有合法夫妻身份的男女两性之间。其范围包括:婚姻的成立、婚姻的效力和婚姻的终止。所谓家庭关系,是指以婚姻为基础,并由出生或收养而形成的各亲属间的关系。其范围包括:夫妻关系、父母子女关系和其他家庭成员的关系。婚姻关系和家庭关系都具有自然属性和社会属性,都具有人身和财产两方面的内容。 婚姻法就其主要性质而言是身份法而不是财产法,它所调整的是婚姻家庭领域的人身关系以及与此相联系的财产关系。 3(婚姻法的特征。 婚姻法的调整对象和性质决定了其具有如下三个特征: (1) 婚姻法在适用范围上具有极大的广泛性、普遍性。 (2) 婚姻法在内容上具有强烈的伦理性。 (3) 婚姻法的规定,大部分是强制性规定。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds (二)婚姻法的基本原则 婚姻法的基本原则,集中体现了以婚姻家庭为主要内容的婚姻家庭制度的本质和特征,是婚姻法的立法指导思想,也是婚姻法操作、运行必须遵循的基本精神。我国婚姻法规定了婚姻自由、一夫一妻、男女平等、保护妇女、儿童和老人合法权益、生育、夫妻应当互相忠实,互相尊重,家庭成员应当敬老爱幼,互相帮助,维护平等、和睦、文明的婚姻家庭关系等六项基本原则。 1(婚姻自由原则 婚姻自由原则是我国婚姻法的首要原则。婚姻自由是指婚姻当事人有权按照法律的规定,决定自己的婚姻大事,任何人不得强制和干涉。婚姻自由包括结婚自由和离婚自由两个方面的内容。结婚自由,是男女双方根据自己的意愿,与他人缔结婚姻的自由,不允许任何一方对他方加以强迫或任何第三者加以干涉。离婚自由,是指夫妻双方感情确已破裂,符合准予离婚的法定条件,双方或一方可依法定程序解除婚姻关系的自由。这两个方面的内容是相互联系、相辅相成的。结婚自由是建立幸福家庭的前提,离婚自由解除的是已经死亡的婚姻关系。结婚自由和离婚自由构成立婚姻自由的完整内容,它们从不同的角度共同保障社会主义婚姻关系的建立和巩固。 我国婚姻法在规定婚姻自由的同时,还规定禁止包办、买卖婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的行为。 2(一夫一妻原则 一夫一妻是一男一女结为夫妻的婚姻制度。其含义是:任何人不论其地位、经济条件如何,都不能同时有两个或更多的配偶;已婚者在配偶死亡或离婚之前不得再行结婚;任何形式的一夫多妻或一妻多夫的两性关系都是违法的。 婚姻法还规定,禁止重婚和有配偶者和他人同居的行为。 重婚,是婚姻关系的当事人在婚姻关系存续期间又与他人缔结婚姻的行为。重婚分为法律上的重婚和事实上的重婚两种。法律上的重婚,是指婚姻关系的一方当事人在婚姻关系的存续期间,又与他人登记结婚。事实上的重婚,是指当事人尚未解除前婚,又与他人以夫妻名义同居生活。婚姻法规定,重婚是禁止结婚的条件;是婚姻无效的原因;对已经构成重婚的,应依法解除重婚关系,故是判决离婚的理由;犯重婚罪须追究刑事责任。同时,《婚姻法》第46条规定,因重婚或有配偶者与他人同居而导致离婚的,无过错方有权请求损害赔偿。 禁止有配偶者与他人同居。这是修改后的婚姻法针对现实生活中的种种纳妾、包二奶、养情妇(夫)、姘居、通奸、第三者插足等违法行为所作的规定。“包二奶”现象及其制裁in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 手段被写进婚姻法修正案,这在我国婚姻法历史上是破天荒第一次。根据婚姻法规定,“包二奶”被界定为重婚以外的“不以夫妻名义但形成婚外同居关系”。 3(男女平等原则 男女平等原则,是指男女双方在婚姻关系和家庭生活各方面都享有平等的权利,负有平等的义务。这一原则是我国婚姻法社会主义本质的体现,也是宪法规定在婚姻家庭方面的具体体现。在我国,男女平等的内容十分广泛。如男女双方在结婚、离婚方面的平等;不同性别的家庭成员在家庭关系方面的平等;不同性别的家庭成员相互之间的权利、义务的平等,等等。贯彻男女平等原则必须反对男尊女卑、父权思想和重男轻女的传统习惯势力。男女从法律上的平等到实际生活中的完全平等,从根本上说,有赖于社会主义物质文明与精神文明的高度发展。 4(保护妇女、儿童和老人合法权益的原则 保护妇女、儿童和老人合法权益,是指在婚姻家庭关系中,妇女、儿童和老人应受到特殊的保护。保护家庭中的弱势群体,是为了实现法律的公正,也是家庭负担社会职能的必要保障。 保护妇女的合法权益,是婚姻法男女平等原则的重要补充。从我国历史和现状来看,封建的和资产阶级思想影响较深,男女两性在婚姻家庭生活中的地位还存在着某些实际差别。因此,从目前的实际出发,对妇女的合法权益加以特殊保护和照顾是完全必要的。婚姻法在离婚、家庭关系等章中,都贯穿着特殊保护妇女合法权益的原则。如在离婚方面、夫妻共同财产分割、子女抚养等方面,都体现了照顾女方的原则。 老人和儿童也是家庭中的弱者。在传统社会中,养老育幼的社会职能只由家庭来承担,要求家庭成员尊老爱幼不仅是一个道德要求,而且对实现家庭的社会职能具有重要意义。随着社会保障体系的建立,社会在养老育幼方面已开始扮演重要角色,但家庭的作用不可因此而忽视,尤其是亲属在感情上的关心和抚慰是社会所不可替代的。现行法律中有对老年人和未成年人的合法权益进行专项保护的规定,体现在婚姻法中为:家庭成员间的相互扶助,父母有抚养未成年子女的义务,子女有赡养父母的义务,禁止家庭暴力、禁止对家庭成员的虐待和遗弃。婚姻法规定,实施家庭暴力、虐待和遗弃家庭成员,由公安机关依照治安管理处罚条例予以行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。对正在实施的家庭暴力,受害人有权提出请求,居委会、村委会应当予以劝阻,公安机关应当予以制止。这样对正在实施的家庭暴力行为,公安机关接到报警后,就不能认为是“家务事”而拒绝出警了,否则有可能承担“不作为”的法律责任。同时,婚姻法还规定,一方实施家庭暴力、对家庭成员虐待和遗in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 弃的,可以成为离婚的理由,无过错方有权请求损害赔偿。 5(计划生育原则 计划生育,是指有计划地调节人口增长速度,使人口增长与国民经济的增长相适应。它包括两方面的含义:一是调节生育,降低人口发展速度;二是鼓励生育,提高人口发展速度。我国实行的计划生育是指前一含义。计划生育的方针是:少生、晚生、优生、优育。基本要求是,一对夫妇只生一个孩子;严格控制二胎,坚决杜绝多胎。实行计划生育,是我国的一项基本国策,它关系着我国四化建设的成效,关系着我国子孙后代健康成长。必须加强宣传教育,提高人们对计划生育的光荣感和责任感,进一步克服“多子多福”、“重男轻女”等封建思想,从而使法律的规定变成广大群众自觉行动。 6(夫妻应当互相忠实,互相尊重;家庭成员应当敬老爱幼,互相帮助,维护平等、和睦、文明的婚姻家庭关系。 夫妻相互忠实主要是指夫妻双方不为婚姻之外的两性行为,在性生活上保持专一,互守贞操,内容主要包括夫妻双方互负忠实义务,不得恶意遗弃配偶,不得为了第三方的利益牺牲、损害配偶的利益等等。夫妻相互尊重,是指夫妻承认各自独立的人格,尊重彼此的人格、权利和生活方式,夫妻间的“互相尊重”体现了平等的夫妻地位。家庭成员应当敬老爱幼,互相帮助,维护平等、和睦、文明的婚姻家庭关系。婚姻法所倡导的理想的家庭模式,是社会主义道德的法律化要求,其根本目的就是要建立符合婚姻法要求的婚姻家庭关系。 二、结婚 (一)结婚的概念及特征 结婚,又称婚姻的成立,是指男女双方依照法律规定的条件和程序,建立夫妻关系的法律行为。它是夫妻权利和义务发生的法律依据。结婚具有以下三个特征: (1)结婚的行为主体必须是异性男女。 (2)结婚的行为必须遵守法定的结婚条件,按法定的方式进行。 (3)结婚行为的法律后果是建立夫妻关系。 (二)结婚的条件 我国婚姻法对结婚条件作了两方面的规定,即必备条件和禁止条件。 (1)结婚的必备条件。结婚的必备条件,是指结婚当事人必须具备的不可缺少的条件。依我国婚姻法的规定,必备条件如下: ? 结婚必须男女双方完全同意。 ?必须达到法定婚龄。法定婚龄是指法律上规定的男女双方结婚的最低年龄。公民只有in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 达到法定婚龄才能缔结有效的婚姻。我国《婚姻法》第6条规定:“结婚年龄,男不得早于22周岁,女不得早于20周岁。”这一规定考虑了两方面因素:一是自然因素,即人的身心发育成熟程度。只有达到法定的婚龄结婚,才能具备相应的生理条件和心理条件,履行夫妻义务,承担对家庭和社会的责任。二是社会物质生活条件,使之符合当前我国的实际情况。 ?必须符合一夫一妻原则。 (2)结婚的禁止条件。禁止条件是指结婚当事人本身和他们的关系必须排除的不得具备的条件。依据我国《婚姻法》的规定,禁止条件有两种,即禁止一定范围的血亲结婚和禁止患有医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病的人结婚。 ?直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲禁止结婚。血亲是指有血缘关系的亲属。直系血亲,即父母子女之间,祖父母、外祖父母与孙子女、外孙子女之间等一切直系血亲,不受世代多少的影响,也不论是婚生或非婚生的,都禁止结婚。旁系血亲是指具有间接血缘关系的亲属。所谓三代以内的旁系血亲,是指除直系血亲外的,与己身出自同一父母或同一祖父母、外祖父母的血亲。 患有医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病应禁止结婚。我国婚姻法对禁止结婚的疾病没有作 ? 具体的列举性规定,而是以“医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病”进行了概括性的规定。具体哪些疾病属于医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病,最终要由医学鉴定。一般来讲,禁止结婚的疾病主要有两类:一类是精神方面的疾病,包括精神病、重症智力低下者等。患有这一类疾病的人,通常是无民事行为能力人或者限制民事行为能力人,不具有承担夫妻间权利和义务的能力,并有将精神方面的疾病遗传给后代的可能。另一类是身体方面的疾病,主要是指那些足以危害到对方和下一代健康的重大不治的传染性疾病或遗传性疾病。目前我国正在推行婚前健康检查制度,其目的是为了检查结婚当事人是否患有医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病,这是减少出生缺陷,提高人口健康素质的一项重要措施。 3.结婚程序 结婚程序,是缔结婚姻所必须遵循的法定程序,它是婚姻成立的法定要件,符合结婚条件的当事人,只有举行了法律规定的结婚程序,所缔结的婚姻才是合法的。结婚履行一定的程序,是婚姻关系法律调整,社会认可的要求。 我国采取的是登记制的结婚程序,《婚姻法》和《婚姻登记管理条例》都要求当事人进行结婚登记,始得缔结有效婚姻。我国婚姻法规定的结婚程序分为申请、审查和登记三个步骤。 注意与婚姻有关的两种现象: in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 一是婚约。婚约,是男女双方以结婚为目的而作的事先约定。婚约在我国不是结婚必经的法定程序,婚姻法中也没有关于婚约的规定。男女双方是否结婚,完全以他们在登记时所表示的意愿为依据。按照我国的结婚制度,只要履行登记结婚手续,领得“结婚证”,即使未曾同居生活,同样是合法的夫妻关系,那种认为订婚就是结婚,或者举行结婚仪式才是结婚的认识,完全是一种误解。但由于婚约这种习俗在我国流行已久,只要不违背法律,也无须明令禁止。法律既不承认、保护婚约,也不加以干预。 二是非法同居。非法同居,是指男女双方未办理结婚登记而共同生活或公开以夫妻名义共同生活。由于这种行为未履行法定结婚手续,所以是一种无效婚姻。 4(无效婚姻和可撤销婚姻 (1)无效婚姻。无效婚姻又称婚姻违法,即不具有法律效力的婚姻,是指男女两性的结合因违反了法律规定的结婚要件而不具有法律效力的一种婚姻形式。《婚姻法》第10条规定有下列情形之一的婚姻无效:?重婚的; ?有禁止结婚的亲属关系的;?婚前患有医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病,婚后尚未治愈的;?未到法定婚龄的。对无效婚姻,当事人以及利害关系人可以向婚姻登记机关或人民法院提出该婚姻无效;婚姻登记机关或人民法院应当宣告该婚姻无效。对未到法定婚龄结婚的,应当在法定婚龄届至前提出或宣告该婚姻无效。 (2)可撤销婚姻。可撤销婚姻,是指不完全符合法律要求的有效婚姻要件,可以由有撤销权的人向婚姻登记机关或人民法院请求予以撤销的婚姻。我国婚姻法只规定了一种可撤销婚姻,即第11条因受胁迫结婚的,受胁迫的一方可以向婚姻登记机关或人民法院请求撤销该婚姻。受胁迫的一方撤销婚姻的请求,应当自结婚登记之日起1年内提出。被非法限制人身自由的当事人请求撤销婚姻的,应当自恢复人身自由之日起1年内提出。 (三)家庭关系 家庭关系包括夫妻关系、父母子女关系和其他家庭成员之间的关系。 1(夫妻关系 夫妻是家庭的基本成员,夫妻关系是家庭关系产生的前提。夫妻关系,是指由合法婚姻而产生的男女之间的人身和财产方面的权利义务关系,它是家庭的基础和核心。夫妻在家庭中地位平等。夫妻关系的内容按其性质可分为人身关系和财产关系。 (1)夫妻之间的人身关系。夫妻之间的人身关系包括以下几方面: ?夫妻双方都有各自使用自己姓名的权利。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds ?夫妻双方都有参加生产、工作、学习和社会生活的自由,一方不得对他方加以限制和干涉。 ?夫妻双方都有实行计划生育的义务。 ?夫妻双方都有抚养教育子女的权利和义务。 2)夫妻之间的财产关系。夫妻之间的财产关系是这次婚姻法修改的主要内容之 ( 一。夫妻财产包括三种:夫妻共同财产、个人财产和约定财产。 夫妻共同财产,是指夫妻双方在婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产。婚姻关系存续期间是指从登记结婚到婚姻关系的解除(一方离婚或死亡)期间。夫妻共同财产主要包括:工资、奖金;从事经营活动的收益;知识产权的收益;因继承或赠与所得的财产,但指定由一方所有的除外;其他共同所有的财产。夫妻双方对于共同财产都有平等处理权,任何一方无权擅自处理,但双方另有约定除外。 《婚姻法》第18条规定,有下列情形之一的,为夫妻一方的财产,双方另有约定的除外:一方所有的婚前财产;因一方身体受到伤害获得的医疗费、残疾人生活补助费等费用;遗嘱或赠与中指明归一方的财产;一方专用的生活用品;其他应当归一方的财产。 婚姻法规定了夫妻财产约定优先的原则。夫妻可以通过约定选择适用哪种夫妻财产制度,可以共同所有或各自所有,或部分共同所有、部分各自所有。夫妻对婚前财产以及婚姻关系存续期间财产的约定,对双方具有约束力。夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间财产约定归各自所有的,夫或妻一方对外所负的债务,第三人知道该约定的,以夫或妻一方的财产清偿。 (3)夫妻之间有互相抚养的义务。《婚姻法》第20条第1款规定:“夫妻有互相扶养的义务。”夫妻在共同生活中应当同甘共苦,相互帮助,在一方因患病、年老等原因造成困难时,有能力的一方必须在经济上和生活上给予适当照顾。如果一方不履行扶养义务,需要扶养的一方,有要求对方付给扶养费的权利。 (4)夫妻之间有相互继承遗产的权利。夫妻中的一方死亡,另一方有权作为第一顺序继承人继承死者遗产。注意这里的夫妻是指一方死亡时,彼此具有合法的婚姻关系的夫妻。 2.父母子女关系 父母子女之间的关系包括自然血亲和拟制血亲。自然血亲,是指基于子女出生的事实而发生的关系,包括婚生子女和非婚生子女。拟制血亲,是指本来无血缘关系,但法in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 律上确认其与自然血亲有同等的权利与义务。如依法收养而发生的养父母与养子女的关系,以及因父母一方死亡或离婚而再婚所发生的继父母与继子女关系。我国婚姻法对父母与子女间的权利义务作了明确规定。 (1)父母对子女有抚养教育的义务。 2)父母有管教和保护未成年子女的权利和义务。 ( (3)子女对父母的赡养扶助的义务。 (4)父母与子女间有相互继承遗产的权利。依我国继承法规定,子女和父母互为第一顺序法定继承人,子女包括婚生、非婚生、养子女和有扶养关系的继子女;父母包括生父母、养父母和有抚养关系的继父母。父母和子女的继承权是平等的。 (5)非婚生子女与父母、继父母与继子女、养子女与养父母的权利义务。 ?非婚生子女与父母的权利义务。我国《婚姻法》第25条规定:“非婚生子女享有与婚生子女同等的权利,任何人不得加以危害和歧视。”《婚姻法》第25条第2款规定:“不直接抚养子女的生父或生母,应负担子女生活费和教育费,直至子女能独立生活为止。” ?继父母与继子女间的权利义务。我国《婚姻法》第27条第1款规定:“继父母与继子女之间,不得虐待或歧视。”第2款规定:“继父或继母和受其抚养教育的继子女间的权利和义务,适用本法对父母子女关系的有关规定。”继父母与继子女之间只有发生我国法律规定的事实上的抚养关系,才适用婚姻法对父母子女关系的规定。 ?养子女与养父母的权利义务。收养,是指将他人的子女作为自己的子女,使收养人和被收养人之间确立法律拟制的父母子女关系。收养人称养父母,被收养人称养子女。收养必须符合一定的条件,即收养人必须是具有完全民事行为能力的成年人;被收养人一般应是未成年人;有关当事人必须达成收养。收养必须履行法定程序。一是公证程序,一是行政程序。在程序上要经过申请、审查、批准三个环节。 《婚姻法》第26条规定:“养父母和养子女间的权利和义务,适用本法对父母子女关系的有关规定,养子女和生父母间的权利和义务,因收养关系的成立而消除。”因此可见,合法的收养关系一经确立,养父母与养子女之间便产生与生身父母子女相同的权利和义务,而生父母与养子女之间的权利义务因收养关系的成立而终止。 收养关系除因收养人或被收养人死亡而自然终止外,还可以因依法解除而终止。解除收养关系必须符合一定的条件,履行一定的程序。养父母与养子女间的权利义务,因收养关系的解除而消除。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 3.其他家庭成员间的关系 其他家庭成员间的关系包括祖父母、外祖父母与孙子女、外孙子女间的关系及兄弟姐妹间的关系两种。 (1)祖父母、外祖父母与孙子女、外孙子女间的关系。 2)兄弟姐妹间的抚养义务。 ( 4.离婚 离婚,是夫妻双方在婚姻关系存续期间,依照法定条件和程序解除婚姻关系的法律行为。离婚制度主要包括离婚条件和离婚程序、离婚后的父母子女关系、离婚后财产处理四方面的内容。 (1)离婚的条件。我国《婚姻法》第31条规定:“男女双方自愿离婚的,准予离婚。”我国法律对于离婚有着严格的要求,遵循保障离婚自由,反对轻率离婚的原则,对离婚的条件作了规定。《婚姻法》第32条规定,男女一方要求离婚的,可由有关部门进行调解或直接向人民法院提出离婚诉讼。人民法院审理离婚案件,应当进行调解;如感情确已破裂,调解无效,应准予离婚。 《婚姻法》第32条规定,有下列情形之一,调解无效的,视为感情确已破裂:?重婚或有配偶者与他人同居的;?实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员的;?有赌博、吸毒等恶习屡教不改的;?因感情不和分居满二年的;?其他导致夫妻感情破裂的情形。一方被宣告失踪,另一方提出离婚诉讼的,应准予离婚。 (2)离婚的程序。在我国,离婚主要有三种方式:协议离婚;调解离婚;判决离婚。 ?协议离婚又称双方自愿离婚,是指夫妻双方自愿离异,并就离婚的法律后果(包括财产分割、子女的抚养等)达成协议经有关部门认可即可以解除婚姻关系。 ?调解离婚,是指离婚双方当事人在人民法院调解下,对离婚及子女抚养、财产分割问题达成协议,人民法院即发给离婚调解。人民法院的调解书与判决书具有同等的法律效力。调解是人民法院审理离婚案件的必经程序。除了特殊情况人民法院无法调解的以外,人民法院不得未经调解直接作出判决。 ?判决离婚,是指夫妻双方对待离婚或离婚后子女抚养或财产分割等问题都不能达成协议,而由人民法院以判决的方式解除双方的婚姻关系。 (3)离婚的两项特殊规定。婚姻法对离婚问题有两项特殊的规定: ? 现役军人的配偶要求离婚,须征得军人同意,但军人一方有重大过失的除外。in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 军人的重大过失主要是指军人严重违背了夫妻间的义务,如军人与第三人有同居关系、军人严重虐待其配偶等。 ? 女方在怀孕期间、分娩后l年内或中止妊娠后6个月内,男方不得提出离婚。女方提出离婚的,或人民法院认为确有必要受理男方离婚请求的,不在此限。 (4)离婚后子女的抚养和财产问题。离婚只解除夫妻关系,他们与子女之间的血亲关系不能因离婚而消除。离婚后,子女无论由父或母直接抚养,他们仍是父母双方的子女。《婚姻法》第36条规定:“离婚后,父母对于子女仍有抚养和教育的权利和义务。”因此,我国婚姻法有关父母子女间权利义务的规定,对离婚后的父母子女关系是完全适用的。离婚后,任何一方都不得以任何借口不履行这种义务。《婚姻法》第37条规定,离婚后,一方抚养的子女,另一方应负担必要的生活费和教育费的一部分或全部,负担费用的多少和期限的长短,由双方协议;协议不成,由人民法院判决。关于子女生活费和教育费的协议或判决,不妨碍子女在必要时向父母任何一方提出超过协议或判决原定数额的合理要求。 《婚姻法》第38条规定,离婚后,不直接抚养子女的父或母,有探望子女的权利,另一方有协助的义务。行使探视权利的方式,时间由当事人协商;协商不成时,由人民法院判决。 《婚姻法》第39条规定:“离婚时,夫妻的共同财产由双方协议处理;协议不成时,由人民法院根据财产具体情况,照顾女方和子女权益的原则判决。”离婚时分割的财产,仅以夫妻共同财产为限;婚前的财产原则上归本人所有;夫妻关系存续期间所负的债务,应由共同财产偿还。 根据我国的司法实践,婚姻法规定,夫妻书面约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产归各自所有,一方抚育子女、照料老人、协助另一方工作等付出较多义务的,离婚时有权向另一方请求补偿,另一方应当予以补偿。 (五)法律责任 婚姻法以7个条文(从第43条到第49条)来规定违反婚姻法所承担的法律责任。 1(家庭暴力的责任 《婚姻法》第43条规定,实施家庭暴力或虐待家庭成员,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会以及所在单位应当予以劝阻、调解。对正在实施的家庭暴力,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会应当予以劝阻;公安机关应当予以制止。实施家庭暴力或虐待家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,公安机关应当依照治安管理处罚条in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 例的法律规定予以行政处罚。 2.遗弃的责任 《婚姻法》第44条规定,对遗弃家庭成员的,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会以及所在单位应当予以劝阻、调解。 对遗弃家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,人民法院应当依法作出支付扶养费、抚养费、赡养费的判决。 3.重婚的责任 《婚姻法》第45条规定,对重婚的,对实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。受害人可以依照刑事诉讼法的有关规定,向人民法院自诉;公安机关应当依法侦查,人民检察院应当依法提起公诉。 4.离婚损害赔偿的责任 《婚姻法》第46条规定,有下列情形之一的,导致离婚的,无过错方有权请求损害赔偿:(1)重婚的;(2)有配偶者与他人同居的;(3)实施家庭暴力的;(4)虐待、遗弃家庭成员的。 5(私自处分夫妻共同财产的责任 《婚姻法》第47条规定,离婚时,一方隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损夫妻共同财产,或伪造债务企图侵占另一方财产的,分割夫妻共同财产时,对隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损夫妻共同财产或伪造债务的一方,可以少分或不分。离婚后,另一方发现有上述行为的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼,请求再次分割夫妻共同财产。 6.对不执行法院判决确定的义务的责任 《婚姻法》第48条规定,对拒不执行有关扶养费、抚养费、赡养费、财产分割、遗产继承、探视子女等判决或裁定的,由人民法院依法强制执行。有关个人和单位应负协助执行的责任。 (六)涉外、涉及华侨和港澳同胞婚姻的有关规定 1(涉外婚姻 涉外婚姻,是指我国公民与外国人结为夫妻的行为。 (1)涉外婚姻的缔结。根据我国《民法通则》第147条规定:“中华人民共和国公民和外国人结婚适用婚姻缔结地法律,离婚适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。”另外,《中国公民同外国人办理婚姻登记的几项规定》指出:“双方自愿要求结婚,符合我国婚姻法规定,不是现役军人、外交人员、公安人员、机要人员和其他掌握重大机密的人员,不是正在接受劳教和服刑的人,都应准予登记结婚,所谓“掌握重大机密人员”主in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 要是指所知机密泄露后对国家安全不利的人员,对于掌握一般机密的人员,本人坚持要求与外国人结婚的,调离机密岗位一定时间后,本单位应予出具登记结婚证明。对于极个别与外国人结婚后,对国家安全确实不利的中国公民,应由省以上公安、国家安全机关通报同级民政部门,并共同采取妥善措施。 (2)缔结涉外结婚的具体程序。中国公民同外国人(包括常驻我国和临时来华的外国人、外籍华人、定居我国的侨民)在中国境内自愿结婚的,男女双方当事人必须共同到中国公民一方户口所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府指定的婚姻登记机关申请登记。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 第二节 财产继承法律制度 继承法是我国民法的重要组成部分,是调整财产继承关系的法律。我国第一部继承法《中华人民共和国继承法》于1985年4月10日经第六届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过,于1985年10月1日起施行。继承法对于调整我国的继承关系,保护公民的合法权利,起到了很好的作用。 一、继承法的概念和基本原则 1(继承法的概念 继承法,是调整财产继承关系的法律规范的总称。就法律范畴来讲,继承法中的继承专指财产的继承。财产继承是一种民事法律制度,即公民死亡后,依法定程序把死者遗留的个人合法财产转移给继承人所有的法律制度。按照这种制度,遗留财产的死亡公民叫被继承人;接受遗产的人称之为继承人;死者遗留的个人合法财产,称为遗产;继承人依法取得的被继承人遗产的权利称为继承权。 2(继承法的基本原则 继承法的基本原则是继承法的指导思想,也是研究、解释和贯彻执行继承法的依据和出发点。继承法的基本原则包括: )保护公民私有财产继承权的原则。 (1 (2)继承权男女平等的原则。 (3)养老育幼原则。 (4)互谅互让,团结和睦原则。 (5)权利与义务相一致原则。 3.遗产的范围 遗产,是公民死亡时遗留下来的、依照继承法规范能够转移给他人的个人合法财产。根据我国继承法规定,遗产的范围包括:公民的收入;公民的房屋、储蓄和生活用品;公民的林木、牲畜和家禽;公民的文物、图书资料;法律允许公民所有的生产资料;公民的著作权、专利权中的财产权利;公民的其他合法财产。 遗产既包括死者遗留的财物和债权,也包括债务。继承人有权要求债务人偿还债务。遗产中的债务,继承人有义务在所得遗产实际价值中予以清偿,超过遗产实际价值部分,继承人不再负有法律责任。因为土地使用权、经营承包权、房屋租赁权等权利的客体都不属于死者所有,所以不能继承。但自留地、自留山以及个人承包的荒山、荒沙、荒滩上种in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 植的树、草或其他农林作物,可以继承。 二、法定继承 1.法定继承的概念及条件 (1)法定继承的概念。法定继承也叫无遗嘱继承。它是在被继承人生前没有立下遗嘱的情况下采用的一种继承方式,是法律对被继承人意志的一种推定。法定继承,是指继承人的范围、继承顺序和遗产分配原则均由法律规定的一种继承方式。它是依据继承人和被继承人之间的婚姻关系、血缘关系或相互扶养关系确定的。 (2)法定继承的条件。根据我国继承法的有关规定,有下列情形之一的,方可适用法定继承:被继承人生前没有立遗嘱和遗赠的;遗嘱继承人放弃继承或者受遗嘱人放弃受遗赠的;遗嘱继承人丧失继承权的;遗嘱继承人,受遗赠人先于遗嘱人死亡的;遗嘱无效部分所涉及的遗产;遗嘱未加处分的遗产。 2.法定继承人的范围 法定继承人的范围,是指按照法律规定哪些人可享有继承权,可作为遗产的继承人。我国继承法确定的法定继承人有被继承人的配偶、子女、父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母,和对公婆和岳父母尽了主要赡养义务的丧偶儿媳和丧偶女婿。 (1)配偶。 (2)子女。《继承法》第10条中明确规定:“本法所说的子女包括婚生子女,非婚生子女,养子女和有抚养关系的继子女。” (3)父母。我国《继承法》第10条3款规定:对子女遗产享有继承权的父母,包括“生父母、养父母和有抚养关系的继父母。” (4)兄弟姐妹。 (5)祖父母、外祖父母。 (6)对公、婆或岳父母尽了主要赡养义务的丧偶儿媳和丧偶女婿。儿媳和女婿是公婆和岳父母的姻亲,彼此不发生法律上的抚养、赡养的权利和义务,一般情况下,亦不产生继承权的问题。但为了鼓励那些照顾、赡养公婆和岳父母的丧偶儿媳和丧偶女婿,我国继承法明确规定:丧偶儿媳对公婆和丧偶女婿对岳父母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序的继承人。是否尽了主要赡养义务,应从赡养的时间、内容等方面认定,主要指长期提供生活上的经济帮助或在劳务方面给予主要扶助。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 3.法定继承人的顺序 法定继承的顺序,是指法定继承人继承遗产的先后次序。被继承人死亡后,并非所有的法定继承人都可以同时继承遗产,而是要按照法律所规定的先后顺序,依次继承。我国《继承法》第10条把法定继承人分为两个顺序加以规定: 配偶、子女、父母为第一顺序继承人。同时,婚姻法把对公、婆或岳父母尽了赡养义务的丧偶儿媳、女婿,也列为第一顺序继承人。兄弟姐妹、祖父母、外祖父母为第二顺序继承人。继承开始后,由第一顺序继承人继承,只有在第一顺序继承人全部放弃或丧失继承权时,或没有第一顺序继承人时,第二顺序继承人才能继承。对同一顺序的继承人,继承遗产时,没有先后顺序之分,继承遗产的份额,一般应当均等。可见,继承开始时,第一顺序继承人的继承权是现实的,第二顺序继承人的继承权只是一种可能性,它要成为现实性需要具备一定的条件。 4.代位继承 代位继承是法定继承的一种特殊形式,是指被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡时,被继承人的晚辈直系血亲代其继承遗产的一种继承方式。代位继承中,先于被继承人死亡的被继承人子女称为被代位继承人。代替被代位继承人继承遗产的称为代位继承人。代位继承人的继承权称为代位继承权。代位继承只适用于法定继承第一顺序继承人中先于被继承人死亡的子女。 根据我国继承法的有关规定,代位继承必须具备以下条件: (1)被代位人必须先于被继承人死亡或依法宣告死亡,这是代位继承成立的首要条件,否则就不发生代位继承问题。 (2)被代位人必须是被继承人的属于第一顺序的晚辈直系血亲,即被继承人的子女,如果是其他法定继承人先于被继承人死亡的,不发生代位继承。 (3)代位继承人必须是被代位继承人的晚辈直系亲属。晚辈直系血亲包括自然血亲、拟制血亲,丧偶儿媳对公婆、丧偶女婿对岳父母,无论其是否再婚,在作为第一顺序继承人时,不影响其子女代位继承,代位继承人不受辈数的限制,被继承人的子女、孙子女,曾孙子女、外曾孙子女都可代位继承。 (4)被代位继承人必须生前享有继承权,其晚辈直系血亲才有代位继承权。被依法剥夺继承权人的子女不享有代位继承权。 (5)代位继承人只能继承被代位继承人应当继承的份额,不得要求与其他法定继承人平分全部遗产。代位继承人的存在影响第二顺序继承人的继承,如果没有第一顺序继承人in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 只有代位继承人,第二顺序继承人仍不能继承。 三、遗嘱继承 1.遗嘱和遗嘱继承的概念 (1)遗嘱的概念。遗嘱,是指被继承人在生前按照法律规定的内容和方式,对自己的财产预作处分并在死亡时发生法律效力的法律行为。遗嘱有遗嘱继承和遗嘱赠与(遗赠)两种。 (2)遗嘱继承。遗嘱继承又称为“指定继承”,是与法定继承相对的应的一种继承方式,是指在被继承人死亡后,按照其生前所立遗嘱内容继承其遗产的法律制度。在遗嘱继承中,生前立有遗嘱的被继承人称为遗嘱人或立遗嘱人,依照遗嘱的制定享有遗嘱继承权的人称为遗嘱继承人。 2(遗嘱继承的特征 遗嘱继承是一种单方的民事法律行为,也是一种死亡后才生效的民事法律行为。其特点在于它不受血缘、婚姻和抚养关系等因素的限制,只是凭借被继承人生前设立的合法有效的遗嘱发生的继承方式。在遗嘱继承中遗嘱人可以确定继承人以及顺序、份额。充分体现了对遗嘱人自由处分其财产权利的尊重。遗嘱继承和法定继承虽都是继承方式,但遗嘱继承效力优于法定继承,如被继承人立有合法遗嘱时,就应首先按遗嘱的规定进行遗嘱继承,在没有遗嘱或遗嘱被人民法院判决无效时,才按法定继承方式进行。 3.遗嘱的有效条件 在我国,遗嘱必须符合继承法规定的有效条件,才具有法律效力。 (1)立遗嘱人必须具有行为能力。 (2)遗嘱必须是立遗嘱人的真实意思表示。 (3)遗嘱的内容必须符合法律和社会道德。 (4)遗嘱必须具备一定的形式。在我国,一般有公证遗嘱、自书遗嘱、代书遗嘱、录音遗嘱、口头遗嘱五种形式,前三种为书面形式,后二种为口头形式。 公证遗嘱,是遗嘱人到国家公证机关办理了公证手续的遗嘱。公证遗嘱具有最高的法律效力。 自书遗嘱,是遗嘱人亲自书写的遗嘱。立遗嘱人需签名,并注明年、月、日。 代书遗嘱,是遗嘱人委托他人代笔书写的遗嘱。代书遗嘱必须有2个以上无利害关系的见证人在场见证,由其中一人代书,注明年、月、日,并由代书人、其他见证人和遗嘱人签名。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 录音遗嘱,应当有2个以上无利害关系的见证人在场见证。 口头遗嘱,是遗嘱人在危急情况下以口头方式立的遗嘱。口头遗嘱应当由两个以上无利害关系的见证人在场见证。危急情况解除后,遗嘱人能够用书面或者录音形式立遗嘱时,原立的口头遗嘱无效。 4.遗嘱的变更、撤销和执行 遗嘱的变更,是指遗嘱人改变原立遗嘱中认为不妥的部分内容。遗嘱的撤消,是指遗嘱人认为原立遗嘱全部不妥,必须完全改变原立遗嘱的全部内容。立遗嘱人可以用新立遗嘱的形式来变更或撤销原遗嘱,如遗嘱人先后立有数份内容相抵触遗嘱,以最后一份遗嘱为准。同时我国《继承法》规定,自书、代书、录音和口头遗嘱,不得变更或撤销公证遗嘱。为保证遗嘱的真实性、可靠性,便于遗嘱的顺利实行,下列人员不能作为遗嘱见证人:无行为能力人、限制行为能力人;继承人、受遗赠人;与继承人、受遗赠人有利害关系的人。 遗嘱的执行,是实施遗嘱的必经程序。遗嘱生效后,遗嘱执行人要认真审查遗嘱,核清遗产,并按照遗嘱中的规定,将遗产公平合理地转移给继承人或受赠人。遗嘱执行从遗嘱人死亡之日开始,直到遗产处理完为止。负责执行遗嘱的人叫遗嘱执行人。遗嘱人可以指定执行人,如果遗嘱人没有指定执行人,其法定继承人就是遗嘱的执行人。 四、遗赠 1(遗赠的概念 遗赠,是公民以遗嘱方式,把自己的财产的一部分或者全部,在他死亡后赠送给国家、集体组织、社会团体或者法定继承人以外的其他公民的个人法律行为。遗赠是遗嘱继承的一种特殊形式,遗赠财产的人称为遗赠人,接受遗赠人称为受遗赠人。 2(遗赠与遗嘱的区别 遗赠的意思表示虽然是以遗嘱的方式表达的,但遗赠与遗赠继承相比有以下区别: (1)接受遗产的主体范围不同(遗产的承受人不同)。受遗赠人既可以是国家、集体组织,也可以是法定继承人以外的人,而遗嘱继承人只限于法定继承人中的一人或数人。 (2)遗赠属于单方法律行为,只要将遗赠内容载入遗嘱,不需要受遗赠人同意即为有效。 (3)遗产取得的方式不同。受遗赠人不参与遗产的分配,从继承人或遗嘱执行人那里取得遗赠的遗产。遗嘱继承人直接参与遗产的分配,取得遗嘱指定的部分。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds (4)遗嘱继承权的标的与受遗赠权的标的不同。遗嘱继承权的标的即遗产是被继承人生前的一定财产权利和财产义务的统一体。受遗赠权的标的,则不是财产权利和财产义务的统一体,而仅仅是遗产中的财产权利。 (5)主体承担的义务不同,遗嘱继承人既有继承遗产的权利,又有清偿遗嘱人生前所负债务的义务。一般情况下,受赠人则不承担清偿遗嘱人债务的义务。但如在遗嘱中写明,受遗赠人接受遗赠,要完成遗赠人指定的一定公益义务时,受遗赠人必须履行遗嘱指定的义务后,才能受领遗赠。 五、遗产的处理 1(继承的开始、继承发生的根据、继承的结果 (1)继承的开始。继承必须是被继承人死亡这一法律事实出现时才开始。《继承法》第2条规定:“继承从被继承人死亡时开始。” 被继承人死亡包括自然死亡和宣告死亡。继承开始的地点,通常是死者生前最后住所地。如果住所不明,主要遗产所在地作为继承开始的地点。 (2)继承发生的根据。《继承法》第5条规定:“继承开始后,按照法定继承办理;有遗嘱的按照遗嘱继承或者遗赠办理;有遗赠扶养协议的按照扶养协议办理。”我国财产继承发生的根据有3种方式:法定继承,遗嘱继承或遗赠、遗赠扶养协议。 (3)继承的结果。继承的结果是财产所有权发生转移,新的所有权产生。 2(继承的接受、放弃和丧失 (1)继承的接受。继承的接受,是指继承人接受遗产的意思表示。在继承开始后,继承人在遗产处理前应当作出放弃遗产的表示,如果没有任何表示,即视为接受遗产。但受遗赠人接受遗产,应在知道受遗赠后2个月内,以明示的方式作出接受或放弃的表示,到期如果没有任何表示,视为放弃遗赠。 (2)继承的放弃。继承的放弃,是指继承人不愿接受遗产的意思表示。放弃继承权只能以明示的方式,如以书面声明或口头明确表示意思。另外,只要继承人一经表示放弃继承权的,就产生了法律效力,不能反悔。但继承人为了不履行法定义务而放弃继承权的行为无效。 (3)继承权的丧失。继承权的丧失,是指本应有继承权的人由于法定原因而被取消继承权。《继承法》第7条规定:继承人有下列行为之一的丧失继承权:故意杀害被继承人的;为争夺遗产而杀害其他继承人的;遗弃被继承人的或者虐待被继承人情节严重的;伪造、篡改或者销毁遗嘱,情节严重的。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds 3(遗产的分割 遗产的分割,是指继承人或其他遗产承受人,依法或按照遗嘱共同处理被继承人遗产的民事法律行为。如果被继承人生前立有合法有效的遗嘱,就应按遗嘱继承方式处理被继承人的遗产,没有遗嘱或遗嘱无效,则按法定继承处理。 )遗产分割的原则。根据我国《继承法》的规定,同一顺序的法定继承人在继承遗 (1 产时,一般情况下,应当以继承人的人数均等分配遗产数额。“一般情况”,是指同一顺序的各个法定继承人,彼此在生活状况、劳动能力以及对被继承人所尽抚养、扶养或者赡养义务等方面,情况和条件基本相同。“均等分配遗产”,是指同一顺序的各个法定继承人所取得的被继承人遗产数额比例相同。根据我国《继承法》的规定: ?对生活有特殊困难的缺乏劳动能力的继承人,在分配遗产时应当予以照顾。 ?对被继承人尽了主要扶养义务或者与被继承人共同生活的继承人,在分配遗产时可以多分。 ?有抚养能力和抚养条件的继承人,不尽抚养义务的,分配遗产时,应当不分或者少分。 ?经继承人之间协商同意的,也可以不均等分配。 (2)遗产的分割方法。遗产分割应有利于生产和生活需要,不损害遗产的效用。不宜分割的,可采取折价,适当补偿或共有等方法处理。遗产分割必须首先确定遗产的范围。当遗产与共有财产发生联系时,还要划清遗产与共有财产的界限。夫妻关系存续期间的共同财产,应先将共同财产的一半留给在世的配偶,其余的作为被继承人的遗产进行分割。遗产分割要坚持男女平等原则,反对漠视和侵害妇女继承权的行为。 (3)遗产分割中的债务清偿。遗产的继承是总体的继承。被继承人死亡时遗留的个人财产,既包括财产权利,又包括财产义务,即债务。当继承开始后,继承人表示接受继承的同时,还应清偿被继承人应依法缴纳的税款和债务。但清偿应以被继承人遗产的实际价值为限,放弃继承权的继承人,对被继承人生前的债务可以不负责清偿。在现实生活中,债务清偿还应注意以下几个具体问题: ?应当把家庭债务和死者个人的债务区别开来,继承人只以被继承人的实际财产价值负责清偿被继承人本人的债务。被继承人的个人债务,指的是被继承人生前以个人名义欠下的,完全用于被继承人个人需要的债务。所谓以被继承人名义欠下的是指由被继承人作为债务人而欠下的债务。所谓用于被继承人个人需要的债务,是指与家庭共同生活需要或与增加家庭共有财产无关,只是用来满足被继承人个人某种特殊需要而欠下的债务。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds ?被继承人所欠的债务必须是合法债务,非法债务,如被继承人所欠的赌债,则不受法律保护,继承人没有清偿的义务。 ?清偿债务,必须为缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的继承人保留必要的遗产份额。即使遗产不足清偿债务,也应为其保留适当遗产,然后再按我国继承法和民事诉讼法有关规定清偿债务,这是分割遗产、清偿被继承人债务时必须遵循的原则。 ?在同一继承顺序里,遗产共同继承人应按所得的遗产比例分担偿还被继承人生前所欠的债务。 (4)无人继承又无人受赠遗产的处理。无人继承又无人受赠的遗产是指公民死亡后,没有法定继承人,又没有设立遗嘱和遗赠;或者他的全部继承人或受遗赠人都放弃继承或放弃受遗赠;或他的全部继承人都丧失了继承权,或者受遗赠人丧失了受遗赠权,在这种情况下,死亡公民留下的遗产的处理原则是:死者生前是国有企业单位职工的,归国家所有,死者生前是集体组织成员的,归集体组织所有。在处理时,应首先支付必要的丧葬费,清偿死者生前依法应缴纳的税款和所欠债务。居住在我国国内的无国籍人在死亡后遗留下来的无人继承,又无人受遗赠的财产,归国家所有。 in building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weedsin building lawn, lawn built in growing season required after applying fertilizer. Cold season grass dressing time is best in early spring and fall. After the first green, can play a role in facilitating the growth of second in spring, after the weather turned hot, you should stop dressing. Fertilization in autumn on 9, October. Applies fertilizer the time is late spring of warm-season grasses. In a month or 2 months of growing season to be caught up with fertilizer. Increasing the density of foliage, improve resistance to stepping on. Fertilizing should not be late for the last time in mid-September. 3, trimming the lawn is the focus, and is the most intensive work. Trim control lawn height of the tillers, increasing the density of leaves, weeds and lawn neat and beauty. General lawn trimmed at least 4-5 times a year, prune and trim the number of height is related to two factors. Lower the cutting height requirements, pruning more times. Leaves of grass density and coverage also increases with the number of trim and more. It should be noted that in accordance with regular mowing the grass cutting height, when up to 1.5 times the height of the grass, trim twice times the maximum shall not exceed the specified height. 4, weed weed invasion will seriously affect the quality of the lawn, turf lost uniform and neat appearance and purpose weed and grass competition for water, fertilizer, race the Sun, so that objective grass growth decline, so weed is an essential part of lawn maintenance and management. The fundamental methods of weed prevention and removal is the rational management of water and fertilizer, grass growth promotion purposes, increase competitiveness with weeds, and multiple trim, suppress weeds
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