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2sd[理学]信息实践题汇总2sd[理学]信息实践题汇总 实验三 C++程序设计基础 1:编写以下程序,观察编译结果和运行结果。请解释运行的结果。 float fn1(float r) { int temp = r*r*3.14f ; return temp ; } float& fn2(float r) { int temp = r*r*3.14f ; return temp ; } void main() { float a = fn1(5.0f) ; float& b = fn1(5.0f) ;//error float...
2sd[理学]信息实践题汇总 实验三 C++程序基础 1:编写以下程序,观察编译结果和运行结果。请解释运行的结果。 float fn1(float r) { int temp = r*r*3.14f ; return temp ; } float& fn2(float r) { int temp = r*r*3.14f ; return temp ; } void main() { float a = fn1(5.0f) ; float& b = fn1(5.0f) ;//error float c = fn2(5.0f) ; float& d = fn2(5.0f) ; cout<标准
是平均分在80分以上,其余都是B类学生。程序如下,请完善。注意引用的用法。 #include int& level( int *grade,int size,int &tA,int &tB) { int i,sum; for(i=0,sum=0;i=80) return tA; else return tB; } void main() { int a[][4]={{60,80,90,75},{75,85,65,77},{80,88,90,98}, {89,100,78,81},{62,68,69,75},{86,85,77,91}}; int i,A=0,B=0; for(i=0;i分析
并写出下列程序的运行结果,然后上机运行验证。 #include void main() { int a[10]={76,83,54,62,40,75,90,93,77,85}; int b[5]={ 60,70,80,90,101}; int c[5]={0}; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { int j=0; while(a[i]>=b[j])j++; c[j]++; } for(i=0;i<5;i++)cout<要求
能测试出如下的结果: a. 能够进入下一个月。 b. 能够进入下一个年。 c. 能显示日期。 代码: //Date.h #ifndef Date_h #define Date_h class Date{ public: Date (int _month =1,int _day=1,int _year=0); Date (Date& a ); void displayDate(); void nextday(); void nextmonth(); void nextyear(); Date judgeyear(Date); void setDate(int _month=1,int _day=1,int _year=0); private: int judge(int _month,int _day); void setmonth(int _month); void setday(int _day); void setyear(int _year); int getmonth(); int getday(); int getyear(); int month; int day; int year; }; #endif //Date.cpp #include #include"Date.h" using namespace std; Date::Date(int _month,int _day,int _year){ setmonth(_month); setday(_day); setyear(_year);} Date::Date(Date& a){ cout<<"拷贝构造函数被调用"<0)?_month:1;} void Date::setday(int _day){ day=(judge(month,_day))?_day:1;} void Date::setyear(int _year){ year=(_year>=0)?_year:1970;} int Date::getmonth(){return month;} int Date::getday(){return day;} int Date::getyear(){return year;} void Date::displayDate(){ cout<0)return 1; else return 0;} else if((!(year%4)&&(year%100))||!(year%400)){ if(_day<(a[_month]+2)&&_day>0)return 1; else return 0;} else if(_day<(a[_month]+1)&&_day>0)return 1; else return 0;} //mian.cpp #include #include "Date.h" using namespace std; int main() { Date a(2,28,1992); Date b(a); b.judgeyear(a); a.displayDate(); a.nextday(); a.displayDate(); a.nextday(); a.displayDate(); a.setDate(12,31,1992); a.displayDate(); a.nextday(); a.displayDate(); b.displayDate(); system("PAUSE"); return 0; } 2.计算两点之间的距离。定义点类point,再定义一个类Line类,该类有一方法返回两点之间的距离,其数据成员为两个点类对象。注意有组合的情况下如何使用构造函数。 #include #include using namespace std; class point{ private: double x; double y; public: double getxvalue(){return x;} double getyvalue(){return y;} point(double _x=0,double _y=0){x=_x;y=_y;} void showvalue(){cout<<'('<>a[0]>>a[1]>>a[2]>>a[3]){b.setvalue(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);b.s();} return 0;} 3:拷贝构造函数在哪些情况下会被自动调用,请编写程序举例说明。 (至少要 说明三种情况) 实验五 类和对象2 1. 编写一个Student类,其中有id和name属性。现有要求能随时显示系统运行期间有多少个该类的对象。(提示:使用静态变量) //Student.h #ifndef Student_H #define Student_H class Student{ public: Student(char* ID="",char* NAME=""); ~Student(); void show(); void setStudent(char* ID,char* NAME); static void shownum(); private: char* id; char* name; static int num;}; #endif //Student.cpp #include #include"Student.h" using namespace std; #include int Student::num=0; Student::Student(char* ID,char* NAME){ id=new char[strlen(ID)+1]; if(id)strcpy(id,ID); name=new char[strlen(NAME)+1]; if(name)strcpy(name,NAME); num++; cout<<"ID: "< #include"Student.h" using namespace std; int main() { Student::shownum(); Student a; Student::shownum(); Student b; Student::shownum(); a.~Student(); Student::shownum(); b.~Student(); Student::shownum(); system("PAUSE"); return 0; } 2.编写一个类,用户使用这个类的时候只能用这个类得到一个相同的实例。(即:单例模式) #include using namespace std; class onlyou{ private: onlyou(int n){var=n;} int var; public: static onlyou* onlyou::Getobject(int n){ static onlyou theone(n); return &theone;} int getval(){return var;} void setval(int n){var=n;} void showval(){cout<>n; onlyou *theone=onlyou::Getobject(n); cin>>n; onlyou *thesame=onlyou::Getobject(n); if(thesame==theone)cout<<"the same.\n"; theone->showval(); cin>>n; theone->setval(n); theone->showval(); cin>>n; thesame->setval(n); theone->showval(); system("pause"); return 0; } 3:编写一个,,,类,包含名字,体重,价格等信息,并且有一个成员函数用于打印这些信息,然后编写一个含有,只,,,的对象数组,遍历该数组,打印出每只,,,的信息。 #include #include using namespace std; class Dog{ public: Dog(/*har* _name="Amy",*/int _weight=60,int _price=100){ /*name=new char[strlen(_name)+1]; strcpy(name,_name);*/ weight=_weight; price=_price;} void show(){cout<
进行求解。 二:使用面向对象的方式进行求解。 (答案见附录,注意先不要看答案,那样就失去了练习的意义) # include # include struct Jose { int code ; Jose* next ; }; void main() { int numberOfBoy , interval ; cout << "please input the number of boy: \n" ; cout << "please input the interval: \n" ; cin >> numberOfBoy >> interval ; /** * 构造初始的环形链表 **/ Jose* pHead = new Jose ; pHead->code = 1 ; pHead->next = NULL ; Jose* pCurrent = pHead; for (int i = 2 ; i <= numberOfBoy ; i++ ) { Jose* pNext = new Jose ; pNext->code = i ; pNext->next = NULL ; pCurrent->next = pNext ; pCurrent = pNext ; } pCurrent->next = pHead ; /** * 打印环形链表,看是否正确 **/ pCurrent = pHead ; for ( i = 1 ; i <= numberOfBoy ; i++ ) { cout << pCurrent->code << " " ; pCurrent = pCurrent->next ; } /** * pivot为链表哨兵,用来数数 **/ Jose* pivot ; pCurrent = pHead ; while(pCurrent != pCurrent->next) { pivot = pCurrent ; int j = 1 ; /** * 由于是第三个,所以没隔两个走一个人,为了维护链表,所以需要找到Lose的前一个人 **/ while(j < interval -1 ) { pivot = pivot->next ; j++ ; } Jose* pLose = pivot->next ; pivot->next = pivot->next->next ; pCurrent = pivot->next ; cout << pLose->code << endl ; delete pLose ; } cout << endl ; cout << "***" << endl ; cout << pCurrent->code << endl ; } # include class Boy { public: int code ; Boy* next ; }; class Ring { public: Ring(int num , int interval) { pHead = NULL ; pivot = NULL ; pTail = NULL ; this->num = num ; this->interval = interval ; for (int i = 1 ; i <= num ; i++ ) { this->addBoy(i) ; } } void setBegin(int n) ; void go() ; Boy* getWinner() ; ~Ring() { delete pivot ; } private : int num ; int interval ; Boy* pHead ; //pHead和pTail的作用在于建立环时使用 Boy* pTail ; Boy* pivot ; //用于记录当前指向哪个小孩,初始时指向第一个小孩,可以通过setBegin进行修改 void count(int n) ; Boy* deleteNext(Boy* pNext) ; void addBoy(int i) ; }; void Ring::setBegin(int n) { int i = 1 ; while(i < n) { pivot = pivot->next ; i++ ; } } void Ring::addBoy(int i) { if (pHead == NULL ) { pHead = new Boy ; pHead->code = i ; pHead->next = pHead ; pivot = pHead ; pTail = pHead ; }else { Boy* pBoy = new Boy ; pBoy->code = i ; pBoy->next = pHead ; pTail->next = pBoy ; pTail = pBoy ; } cout << "添加了BOY : " << i << endl ; } Boy* Ring::deleteNext(Boy* pNext) { Boy* p = pNext->next ; pNext->next = pNext->next->next ; return p ; } void Ring::count(int n) { int i = 1 ; while(i < n - 1 ) { pivot = pivot->next ; i++ ; } Boy* pDelete = deleteNext(pivot) ; pivot = pDelete->next ; cout << "退出的小孩是 : " << pDelete->code << endl ; delete pDelete ; } void Ring::go() { cout<<"Begin From "<code<next 说明只剩下了一个孩子 while(pivot != pivot->next) { count(interval) ; } } Boy* Ring::getWinner() { return pivot ; } void main() { Ring r(5,3) ; r.setBegin(4) ; r.go() ; cout << "----------------" << endl ; cout << r.getWinner()->code << endl ; } #include using namespace std; class chliden{ private: int num; chliden *next; chliden *last; static chliden *first; public: chliden(int _n){num=_n;next=last=0;} static void begin(int n){ chliden *back; chliden *temp=new chliden(1); back=chliden::first=temp; for(int i=2;inext=temp; temp->last=back; back=temp;} back->next=chliden::first; chliden::first->last=back;} static void game(int n,int k){ begin(n); int i=1; chliden *point=chliden::first,*temp; while(point->next!=point){ while(i++-k)point=point->next; i=1; cout<<"The chliden, "<num<<", is out."<last->next=point->next; point->next->last=point->last; delete point; point=temp;} cout<<"The winner is "<num<<" child.\n"; delete point;} }; chliden *chliden::first=0; int main(){ int n,k; while(cin>>n>>k) chliden::game(n,k); return 0;} 实验七 类和对象 1. 编写一个类Address,其中有两个成员变量都是char* pCity和char* pStreet,另一个类为Person,其中有三个成员变量,分别为char* pName,int id,以及指向Address的Address* pAdd,在main方法中创建Person p1,然 后调用定义Person p2(p1),观察现象并解决运行时的问题。 代码: #include #include using namespace std; class Address{ public: Address(char* PcITY="",char* PsTREET=""){ pCity=new char[strlen(PcITY)+1]; pStreet=new char[strlen(PsTREET)+1]; strcpy(pCity,PcITY); strcpy(pStreet,PsTREET);} Address(Address& a){ pCity=new char[strlen(a.pCity)+1]; pStreet=new char[strlen(a.pStreet)+1]; strcpy(pCity,a.pCity); strcpy(pStreet,a.pStreet);} ~Address(){delete [] pCity; delete [] pStreet;} /* char* getpCity(){return pCity;} char* getpStreet(){return pStreet;}*/ void display(){cout<<"City:"<display(); pAdd- } private: char* pName; long long id; Address* pAdd; }; int main(){ Person p1("林梓钘",20100830110ll,"佛山","汾江中路"); Person p2(p1); p1.display(); p2.display(); system("pause"); return 0;} 2:编写父类A,在其中分别有public,protected,private的成员变量和函数,编写类B分别以public,protected,private方式继承A,编写类C分别以public,protected,private方式继承B。1:解释在以上情况下,在B和C的内部访问A中的成员变量和函数时有何影响。2:分别在main方法中定义B和C的对象,尝试访问从A中继承来的成员函数和变量。 3:声明一个点类和直线类,编写一程序,求一点到直线的距离。 #include #include using namespace std; class line; class point{ friend double juli(line& a,point& b); private: double x; double y; public: double getxvalue(){return x;} double getyvalue(){return y;} point(double _x=0,double _y=0){x=_x;y=_y;} void showvalue(){cout<<'('<>a[0]>>a[1]>>a[2]){b.setvalue(a[0],a[1],a[2]);cout< using namespace std; class vehicle{ public: vehicle(vehicle& a){ wheels=a.wheels; weight=a.weight;} vehicle(){ wheels=0; weight=0;} vehicle(int W1,int W2){ wheels=W1; weight=W2;} int getwh(){return wheels;} int getwe(){return weight;} void display(){cout< #include using namespace std; class Person{ protected: char* name; int age; long long no; public: Person(char* N,int a,long long n){ name= new char[strlen(N)+1]; strcpy(name,N); age=a; no=n;} ~Person(){delete []name;} virtual void display(){cout< #include using namespace std; class Array { friend ostream &operator <<(ostream & ,const Array &); friend istream &operator >>(istream & ,const Array &); public: Array(int arraySize=10); Array(Array &); ~Array(); int getSize();//得到数组大小 const Array & operator =(const Array &);//数组赋值 int operator ==(const Array &) const;//数组等值判断 int operator !=(const Array &) const;//数组不等值判断 int &operator [](int ) ;//下标操作 static int getArrayCount();//得到数组对象个数 private: int *ptr; int size; static int arrayCount; //统计数组对象个数 }; int Array::arrayCount=0; int Array::getArrayCount(){return arrayCount;} Array::Array(int arraySize) { ++arrayCount; size=arraySize; ptr=new int[size]; assert(ptr!=0); for(int i=0;i>(istream & input,const Array& a) { for(int i=0;i>a.ptr[i]; return input; } //重载输出运算符 ostream & operator <<(ostream &output,const Array &a) { for(int i=0;i>a1>>a2; cout<<"a1 : "< #include #include using namespace std; class String { friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& , const String & ) ; friend istream& operator>>(istream& , String & ) ; public: String(const char* = "") ; String(const String& ) ; ~String() ; const String& operator=(const String& ) ; const String& operator=(const char* s) ; const String& operator+=(const String& ) ; String& operator+(const String& ) ; String& operator()(int , int ) ; private: char* sPtr ; int length ; }; String::String(const char* sPtr ) { length = strlen(sPtr) ; this->sPtr = new char[length + 1] ; assert(this->sPtr!=0) ; strcpy(this->sPtr,sPtr) ; } String::String(const String& s) { length = strlen(s.sPtr) ; this->sPtr = new char[length + 1] ; assert(this->sPtr!=0) ; strcpy(this->sPtr,s.sPtr) ; } String::~String() { delete [] sPtr ; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const String& s) { output<>(istream& input,String& s) { char temp[1024] ; input >> temp ; s = temp ; return input ; } const String& String::operator =(const String& s) { if (&s != this) { delete[] sPtr ; length = s.length ; sPtr = new char[length + 1] ; assert(sPtr != NULL ) ; strcpy(sPtr,s.sPtr) ; } return *this ; } const String& String::operator =(const char *s) { delete[] sPtr ; length = strlen(s) ; sPtr = new char[length + 1] ; assert(sPtr != NULL ) ; strcpy(sPtr,s) ; return *this ; } String& String::operator+(const String& right) { char* tempptr = this->sPtr ; length = length + right.length ; this->sPtr = new char[length + 1] ; assert(sPtr != NULL ) ; strcpy(sPtr,tempPtr) ; strcat(sPtr,right.sPtr) ; delete[] tempPtr ; return *this ; } const String& String::operator+=(const String& right) { char* tempPtr = this->sPtr ; length = length + right.length ; this->sPtr = new char[length + 1] ; assert(sPtr != NULL ) ; strcpy(sPtr,tempPtr) ; strcat(sPtr,right.sPtr) ; delete[] tempPtr ; return *this ; } String& String::operator()(int index, int subLength) { assert(index > 0 && index < length && subLength >= 0) ; String *subStr = new String ; assert(subStr != NULL) ; int size ; if ((subLength == 0) || (index + subLength > length)) { size = length - index + 1 ; }else{ size = subLength + 1 ; } delete subStr->sPtr ; subStr->length = size ; subStr->sPtr = new char[size] ; assert(subStr->sPtr != NULL ) ; int i,j; for(i = index , j = 0 ; i < index+size - 1 ; i++ , j++ ) { subStr->sPtr[j] = sPtr[i] ; } subStr->sPtr[j] = '\0' ; return *subStr ; } main() { String s("what") ; cout< #include #include using namespace std; class Animal { public: Animal(char * name,float weight) { this->name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(this->name,name); this->weight=weight; } virtual string sound()=0; virtual string who(){ char str[10]; return string("My name is ") + name + string(". My weight is ") + string(itoa(weight, str, 10)); } virtual ~Animal(){}; private: float weight; char * name; }; class Sheep:public Animal { public: Sheep(char *name,float weight):Animal(name,weight) { this->name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(this->name,name); this->weight=weight; } string who() { return string("I'm a sheep. ") + Animal::who(); } string sound() { return string("咩..咩.."); } ~Sheep() { delete [] name; } private: float weight; char *name; }; class Cow:public Animal { public: Cow(char *name,float weight):Animal(name,weight) { this->name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(this->name,name); this->weight=weight; } string who() { return string("I'm a Cow. ") + Animal::who(); } string sound() { return string("哞..哞.."); } ~Cow() { delete [] name; } private: float weight; char *name; }; class Dog:public Animal { public: Dog(char *name,float weight):Animal(name,weight) { this->name=new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(this->name,name); this->weight=weight; } string who() { return string("I'm a Dog. ") + Animal::who(); } string sound() { return string("旺..旺.."); } ~Dog() { delete [] name; } private: float weight; char *name; }; class Zoo { public: void addAnimal(Animal * pNewAnimal) { if(number==100) cout<<"the zoo is full"<who()<<" "<sound()< #include using namespace std; class Shape { public: virtual void aera()=0; virtual void girth()=0; private: }; class Rectangl:public Shape { public: Rectangl(double length,double width) { this->length=length; this->width=width; } void aera() { cout<<"the aera of Rectangl is : "<r=r; } void aera() { cout<<"the aera of Circle is : "<<3.14*r*r<border1=border1; this->border2=border2; >border3=border3; this- s=(border1+border2+border3)/2; } void aera() { cout<<"the aera of Triangl is : "<aera(); s1->girth(); s2->aera(); s2->girth(); s3->aera(); s3->girth(); system("pause"); }
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