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科技英语翻译Unit 1 【Text A】 1.在历时四年的研究中,科学家调查了地球上的许多生境、物种以及将它们联系起来的生态体系。 For four years the scientists examined the planet’s many habitats and species and the systems that bind them together. 2.《千年生态系统评估综合报告》为人们提供了认识生态系统经济价值的全新视角,也为人们尊重和保护地球的生命支持体系提供了新的论据。 The Millennium ...
Unit 1 【Text A】 1.在历时四年的研究中,科学家调查了地球上的许多生境、物种以及将它们联系起来的生态体系。 For four years the scientists examined the planet’s many habitats and species and the systems that bind them together. 2.《千年生态系统评估综合》为人们提供了认识生态系统经济价值的全新视角,也为人们尊重和保护地球的生命支持体系提供了新的论据。 The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report gives people a new insight into the economic importance of ecosystem services and some new and additional arguments for respecting and conserving the Earth’s life-support system. 3.科学家认为,水文系统的改变可能导致破坏性洪灾的发生更加频繁和严重。 According to the scientists, changes to water systems may increase the frequency and severity of destructive floods. 4.从经济角度看,与那些被用于商业开发的生态系统相比,很多原始生态系统的价值更高。From an economic perspective, compared with the ecosystems altered for commercial use, many intact ones are more valuable. 5.如何在利用地球生态系统提高人类生活水平的同时,缓解该系统所承受的压力,完全取决人类社会。 It lies within the power of human societies to ease the strain we are putting on the nature services of the planet, while continuing to use them to bring better living standards to all. 【EST】无 Unit 2 【Text A】 1.地球上的石油和天然气供应能维持多久,科学家和企业界人士对此各持己见。Scientists and industry experts may disagree over how long the world’s supply of oil and nature gas will last. 2.一般来说,再生能源比传统生产的能源要贵些,然而替代能源有助于减少污染,保护矿物燃料。 While renewable energy is generally more expensive than conventionally produced supplies, alternative power helps to reduce pollution and to conserve fossil fuels. 3.如今在市场上,传统的光感太阳能装置能把11%至13%的阳光转化成能源。Most traditional photovoltaic [f??t??v???k] solar units on the market today convert between 11 and 13 percent of the sun’s light into energy. 4.与其他可再生能源相比,风力产生的能源比传统能源每千瓦时便宜4美分。Compared to other renewable energy sources, wind power competes with conventional energy at a price less than 4 cents per kilowatt-hour. ['k?l?w?t] 5.虽然在美国几乎没有家庭利用风力发电,但许多能源公司允许消费者选择风力发电厂或其他再生能源产生的电力。 While few homes generate their own wind power in the U.S., many power companies allow consumers to opt for power generated at a wind plant or other renewable source. 【EST】phrase 1. a doctor engaged in the research of aeromedicine 一位从事航空医学研究的医生 2. measures to prevent cybercrime 防止计算机犯罪的措施 3. a new type of defroster 一种新型除霜器 4. a toy powered by photocells 一个用光电池驱动的玩具 5. a car equipped with an autoalarm 一辆装有自动报警器的汽车 6. soundproof material 隔音材料 7. a widely applied pesticide 一种广泛使用的杀虫剂 8. an experiment with radiocarbon 用放射性碳做的实验 9. the development of telecommunication 电信业的发展 10. a multi-purpose machine tool 一台通用机床 Unit 3 【EST】 1. It is obvious that resistance is responsible for heating and lighting effects of many common household appliances. 很明显,许多家用电器的加热和照明作用都依靠电阻。 2. Unless the gas is confined in a rigid container, it will expand, as may be illustrated with a heated balloon. 气体如果不封闭在刚性的容器内就会膨胀,受热的气球便可说明这一现象。3. A chemical change is one in which the structure of particles is changed and a new substance is formed. 在化学变化中,粒子结构发生变化,生成新的物质。 4. This rapid development of electrical devices and the resulting industry took place during the 19th century, when the nature of electricity was not completely understood. 19世纪,电力设备以及由此而兴起的工业得到迅速发展,而当时人们对电的性质还不完全了解。 5. Due care must be taken to ensure that the pulse signal itself shall show no irregularities and no interruptions. 应注意保证脉冲信号本身不出现不规则现象和中断现象。 6. It may be safely said that many other materials besides amber could be charged by rubbing. 可以有把握的说,除了琥珀以外,许多其他物质通过摩擦也能带电。 Unit 5 1.除此之外还有迅速增加的嵌入式电脑(即那些用于移动电话、加油泵和零售点计价系统中的电脑),其功能和复杂性正迅速接近台式电脑。 Add to this the exploding number of embedded computers—the kind found in mobile phones, gas pumps and retail point-of-sale systems—which are fast approaching the power and complexity of desktop PCs. 2.这种情景与几年前形成了鲜明的对比,那时计算机大多是摆在书房或者客厅一角的被动的电器。 This scenario is in sharp contrast to the computers of just a few years ago, which were still mostly passive appliances that sat in the corner of the den or living room. 3.当人们发现了更多的方法将这些价格低廉、灵活而且可以按各种需要定制的设备融入他们的生活时,计算机本身就逐渐“消失”在我们的生活之中了。 As people find more ways to incorporate these inexpensive, flexible and infinitely customisable devices into their lives, the computers themselves will gradually ―disappear‖ into the fabric of our lives. 4.现在我们离充满无形的智能化机器的世界还很遥远,但是十年之后计算机的使用将变得如此自然,我们可能会越来越难以注意到它。 We are still a long way from a world full of disembodied intelligent machines, but the computing experience of the coming decade will be so seamless and intuitive that –increasingly –we will barely notice that. 5.便宜、灵活的显示器、小如指甲但却容量达上千G的MEM芯片,这些新的技术将会使计算机更加普及。 The pervasiveness and near-invisibility of computing will be helped along by new technologies such as cheap, flexible displays, fingernail-sized MEMs chips capable of storing terabytes of data. 【EST】 1. The above the theorems and laws hold true for DC as well as for AC circuits. 上述定理和定律不但对直流电路而言是正确的,对交流电路而言也同样是正确的。 2. In the United States the customary voltage for household use has become 110-120 V since it was discovered that higher voltages could cause fatal accidents. 美国通常的家用电压时110-120伏,因为人们发现更高的电压会造成致命的事故。 3. The Model 4500 Panel printer, as the machine is called, can make one-inch-thick, color LCD screens up to 18 inches diagonal in size. 4500型平板印刷机(人们给该机器取的名字)能够生产1英寸厚的18英寸彩色液晶显示屏。 4. This generator can produce steam at a rate of 200,000 1b/hour. 该发生器每小时产生蒸汽20万磅。 5. The structure of the ionosphere is variable and this means that the frequency limits for HF radio communications fluctuates. 电离层的结构是变化的,这就意味着,高频无线电通信的频率极限也是变化的。 Unit 6 1.其中一个机器人的移动效率如此之高,也许将来它可以连续行走一天,而不像现在大多数的机器人每隔二、三十分钟就得充电或添加燃料。 One of the robots moves so efficiently that in the future it may be able to amble along for a day, not the 20 or 30 minutes most robots now manage without recharging or refueling. 2.波士顿力学研究所是一家专门从事人工模仿的软件工程公司。该研究所的所长说,被动力学原则对将来的机器人的开发将是很重要的。 President of Boston Dynamics, a software engineering company that specializes in human simulation, said that the principles of passive-dynamic design would be important for future robot generations. 3.如果人们能够正确处理好机械结构,比如调整腿的上、下两部分的重量和长度来模仿自然行走的力学原理,那么机器人的腿就会按照物理原学的规律正确运动。 If you make the mechanical structures right, for example, adjusting the mass and length of the upper and lower legs to mimic the natural dynamics of walking , the legs do the right thing from physics. 4.康奈尔大学制造的机器人在前进时用的能量非常少,主要是因为其被动力学设计强调重力和惯性的自然相互作用,而将控制和驱动力降至最低限度。Cornell’s robot uses very little energy to walk forward, mainly because its passive-dynamic design emphasizes the natural interaction of gravity and inertia and minimizes the role of control and actuation. 5,科林斯先生希望能把从开发康奈尔机器人所获得的灵感用于他所从事的肢体修复的工作。 Mr. Collins hopes to use the insights gained in building the Cornell robot in work he is doing on prostheses. 【EST】 1. A telescope is a device (which is) used for making distant objects look nearer and larger, using a combination of lenses. 望远镜是一种通过镜头组合,将远处的物体拉近、放大的仪器。 2. The whale is a large marine mammal of the order of Cetacea which has a fishlike body, forelimbs modified into flippers, and a horizontally flattened head. 鲸是一种大型海洋哺乳动物,属鲸目,身体似鱼,前肢已转化为鳍状肢,头呈扁平状。 3. Photosynthesis is process through which complex organic materials, especially carbohydrates, are synthesized from carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts using sunlight as the source of energy and with the aid of a catalyst. 光合作用是一种由二氧化碳、水、无机盐合成而形成有机合成物(特别是碳水化合物)的过程,该过程利用阳光作为能源,并有催化剂(如叶绿素)参与其中。 4. DNA can be defined as the chemical at the center of the cells of living things which controls the structure and purpose of each cell and carries genetic information. 脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)可定义为一种化学物质,位于生物细胞的中心,对每一个细胞的结构和活动目的进行控制,并在其繁殖过程中起携带遗传信息的作用。 Unit 11 【Text A】 1.技术是一个社会所拥有的、能够用于制造工具或搜集材料的知识。Technology is the knowledge a society has that can can be applied to making implements or to collecting materials. 2.虽然世界上不同的社会拥有不同的技术,但依然可根据其使用的技术而对它们进行分类。即使同一个国家中(如当今的印尼)使用不同的技术,情况与此。Although different societies aruond the globe have different tochnologies, each can still be categorized on the basis of the tecnology it uses, even when within a single country, such as modern Indonesia, several different technologies are used. 3.今天,虽然仍有一些发现能导致技术的革新,但即使这些发现也常常是再有科学知识的背景下作出的。 Aithough there are still discoveries that lead to innovations in technology, today even those are most often made in the context of scientific knowledge. 4.人类之外的动物做出的最大的成就当属水獭筑的坝,尽管像昆虫的建筑一样,水獭筑坝至少部分是出于本能。 The greatest technological feat of mammals other than humans is the beaver dam, ahthough this seems, like the constructions of insects, to be at least partly instinctive. 5.然而,这条从一次性工具到宇宙飞船的发展道路既漫长又曲折迂回。 The path from the nonce tools to the space shuttle, however, was long and filled with periods of advance as well as periods of decline. 【EST】 1.Placing sugar in hot coffee causes it to dissolve. 将糖加入热咖啡会使糖溶化。 2.Placing litmus paper in an acid will results in the change of the color of the litmus paper. 将石蕊试纸放在酸液中会改变试纸的颜色。 3.Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats. 冰的密度比水小,因此能够浮在水面上。 4.Laser is the most powerful drilling machine, because there is nothing on earth which can not be drilled by it. 激光器是打孔能力最强的钻床,因为它能给地球上任何物体钻孔。 5.Since the electric and magnetic vectors of an electromagnetic wave are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, it follows that the wavefronts of the various waves are the planes containing the electric and magnetic vectors. 由于电池波的电、磁矢量垂直于波的传播方向,因此,这些不同波的波阵面都包含这些电、磁矢量的平面。 6.Hardened steel is too hard and too brittle for many tools. 淬火钢太硬太脆,因此许多道具不能用它制造。 7.Receiver noise temperatures were so high that the other noise components seemed insignificant. 由于接收机噪音温度提高,因此其他噪音分量均显得无足轻重了。 8.Reflectors are located so closely to each other that echoes overlap, resulting in the single continuous echo signal train. 由于反射器彼此机密相连,因此反射波重叠,行程单一连续的反射信号串。 Unit 12 【Text A】 1.在医学院校睡眠科学往往得不到重视,许多医生想不到对(病人的)这些问题进行诊断。 Sleep science is often neglected in medical school and many doctors don’t think to look for these problems. 2.最近对交通事故的调查表明,开车时打瞌睡的司机又近一半是25岁一下的年轻人。 In one recent study of car accidents, nearly half of all drivers who fell asleep at the wheel were younger than 25. 3.那些在儿童期就养成良好睡眠习惯青少年出现睡眠问题的可能性较小,即使他们开始上课的时间是黎明。 Teens who’ve learned good sleep habits as younger children are less likely to run into trouble---- even if their classes start at dawn. 4.根据不同年龄,多达12%的儿童有可能打鼾,这倒不一定是个问题。Depending on the age, as many as 12 percent of children may snore, which is not necessarily a concern. 5.一个星期(即使)只缺几个小时的睡眠,影响也是很大的。 Losing just a few hours of sleep a week makes a big difference. 【EST】 ?例句 1. The government is helping an American consortium to develop a ten-inch field-emitter display, proving a third of the project’s $67-million budget. 政府现正在帮助美国的一个国际财团开发10英寸的场致发射显像管,提供该项目6700万美元预算的1/3的经费。 2. Computer models suggest that on a smoggy summer afternoon at rush hours, PremAir on every car could lower ozone level by six to eight parts per billion. 计算机模拟表明,在多烟雾的夏季,下午交通高峰时每辆汽车上的臭氧消除装置会降低臭氧含量6/10^9至8/10^9。 3. Because the natural-gas generator burns fuel continuously, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions would be one-fiftieth those of vehicles with internal-combustion engines. 由于这种天燃气发电机不间断的燃烧,所以一氧化碳和碳氢化合物的排放量只是使用内燃发电机车辆排放量的1/150。 4. The hydraulic drive loses about 20 percent of its power to friction, according to its inventor, Frank Walker. 根据发明者费兰克·沃克尔说,这套液压驱动装置通过摩擦,大约要损耗其自身能量的20%。 5.This approach increased the efficiency of the device from 21 percent to 53 percent. 这种方法是该仪器的效率从21%提高到53%。 6.Originally designed for laundry facilities, this boiler achieves an impressive 95 percent efficiency because it heats the water directly. 这种原先为洗衣房设计的锅炉因直接给水加热,效率高达95%,令人瞩目。7.The maximum headroom of the passage is 2.2m, and the vehicles of more than this height are not allowed to use this passage. 此通道的最大净空高度为2.2米,凡超过此高度的车辆一律不准通过此通道。 8.The road rises to 2288 meters above sea level. 这条路达海拔2288米。 9.When a gust strikes the A3XX’s 260-foot wing, movable control surfaces will prevent it from flexing like a giant spring. 当A3XX机260英尺长的机翼受大风猛击时,活动式控制面就会起作用,防止机翼像一只巨大的弹簧那样扭曲。 10.They need a metal container measuring 3 meters in length, 2 meters in width, and 1.5 meters in height. 他们需要一只长宽高分别为3米,2米,1.5米的金属箱。 11.The surface of the worktable is 6 feet(wide) by 10 feet(long). 工作台的表面宽6英尺长10英尺。 12.Enough air passes through the radiators of the cars to fill a basin of 6600 square miles(17200 square km) to a depth of nearly 20feet(6meters). 通过这些车内的散热器释放的气体足以充满一个6600平方英里(相当于17200平方公里)、深挖将近20英尺(6米)的池子。 13.Sound travels at 331.7 meters per second. 声速为每秒331.7米。 14.Running on the generator alone, the vehicle could maintain a speed of 60 mph on level ground. 单靠这台发电机,在平地上车速能维持在每小时60英里。 15.The receiver will wake up at a scheduled intervals to receive data, much like a modem, at 9600 bits per second. 该接收机只是在设定的时间醒来,而且非常像调制解调器,以每秒9600比特的速度接收信息。 16.This one-two propulsion punch delivers an average cruising speed of 45 knots with 50-plus-knots bursts of speed. 双发动机配置可使该舰平均中等时速达45海里,顶级时速达50海里以上。17. A burner inside the generator ignites a mixture of air and natural gas, heating a ceramic tube to more than 1400℃. 发电机内部的燃烧室点燃空气和天然气的混合气体,把陶瓷管加温到1400摄氏度以上。 18.The vehicle is driven by pressure released when cold liquid nitrogen heated by outside air passes its minus 320?F boiling point and becomes a gas. 这种汽车的动力来自低温的液氮温度在外部空气作用下升高,超过其华氏零下 320度的临界点汽化时向外释放的压力。 19.The 8-ton dinosaur was an estimated 3tons heavier than T.rex, and about 2 feet longer. 该恐龙体重达8吨,大约比霸王龙重3吨,而且比霸王龙长约2英尺。 ?课后练习 20.The car will accelerate from stop to 60 miles per hour in 4.5 second. 这辆汽车从静止状态加速至每小时60英里需要4.5秒。 21.Light travels 186300 miles in a second. 光速为每秒186300英里。 22.Doctors’ prescribing records may seem more accurate, yet studies have shown that as few as one-quarter of patients actually take the pills the physicians prescribe. 医生的处方也许会更加准确,然而研究表明真正服用医生所开药物的患者仅有1/4。 23.This kind of mycotoxin(青霉素) affects some species at an intake of a few parts per million. 这种真菌毒素对于某些物种来说,只要吸收十亿分之几就会产生影响。 24.In the U.S. we spend about $40 for factory installed seat belts in nearly ten million automobiles per year for a total cost of $400million. 在美国,我们每年为近1000万辆汽车在出产前安装价值40美元的安全带,总价值为4亿美元。 Unit 13 【Text A】 1.科学家们发现大脑中位于太阳穴附近的复侧前额叶皮层是处理空间信息的区域,这些信息与我们即将进行的动作有关。 The scientists found that an area of the brain called the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, located near our temples,processes spatial information---information related o movements that we are about to make. 2.为了确定大脑哪些区域能最有效地控制我们的行动,研究者们通常关注那些直接与身体部位相关的胸部区域,而不是大脑中负责阶段的区域,例如前额叶皮层。 To identify the brain areas that could best control movements, researchers have usually focused on the areas of the brain directly responsible for the movement of body parts, not the planning stages of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex. 3.为了确认癫痫的发作与大脑中的哪些区域有关,神经科医生在病人的腹侧前额叶皮层内植入了电极。 Trying to identify the brain areas where the seizures occurred, the neurosurgeon implanted electrodes into the patients’ ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. 4.更多的研究表明大脑中负责物体和空间处理的区域是紧密相关的。 There is more research showing that the brain areas dedicated to abject and spatial processing actually have a lot of interconnections with each other. 5.我们认为运动计划区域对于脊椎受损后的病理性重组更具有抵抗能力,而我们已知基本运动皮层的神经在经受这样的伤害后会死亡。 We believe that motor-planning area will be more resistant to pathological reorganization after spatial injury, as it is already known that neurons in primary motor cortex die after such injuries. 【EST】数学用语 Unit 14 【Text A】 1.如果1纳米大约有一个针头那么宽,那么1米的距离将会从华盛顿到亚特兰大那么远,即1000公里。 If 1 nanometer was roughly the width of a pinhead, then 1 meter on this scale would stretch the entire distance from Washington,DC to Atlanta----around 1000 kilometers. 2.要想使纳米技术免遭转基因生物体所受到的同样的攻击,最好的办法就是对纳米技术的发展和未来进行公开的辩论。 An open public debate on the development and future of nanotechnology may be the best way to stop it becoming embroiled in the same kind of furore that has surrounded GM organisms. 3.短期看来,纳米技术带来的最大进步体现在新型的医学设备和医疗过程。 In the short term, the greatest advances through nanotechnology will come in the form of novel medical devices and processes. 4.尽管纳米技术在商业领域尚未得到广泛应用,但它已招致环保组织的谴责,他们担心该技术会对人类健康和环境带来无法预知的威胁。 Despite the fact that it still has relatively few commercial applications,nanotechnology has generated criticism from environment groups who fear as-yet-unknown ricks to human health and the environment. 5.在军事技术方面,政府正投入大量基金开发新型轻便设备和武器。 In military technology, governments are splashing cash on developing new, lightweight equipment and weapons. 【EST】 ?例句 1. The sun is 330000 times as large as the earth. 太阳的体积是地球的330000倍。 2. If fired simultaneously,the 4032 capacitors would produce for a few microseconds twice as much as that generated elsewhere on earth. 若4032只电容器同时放电,在几微秒钟内可能发出相当于世界发电量两倍的电流。 3.Segment AB must be 10 to 15 times longer than segment CD. 线段AB必须是线段CD的10至15倍那么长。 4.The output of vinylon for 1998 was 20 times over that for 1988. 1998年的维尼涤纶产量是1988年的20倍。 5.The automakers and researchers have been collaborating to create a vehicle with three times the fuel efficiency of current automobiles. 汽车制造商与研究人员正共同努力制造一种汽车,其燃料使用效率要比目前使用汽车的效率高两倍。 6.The fireball reached a peak brightness of magnitude of 18 about 100 times brighter than the full moon. 这颗火流星最大亮度达到18度,大约是满月亮度的100倍。 7. The Venus atmosphere was huge with pressure more than 100 times that at the surface of the earth. 水星具有很厚大气层,其压力实地球表面大气压的100多倍。 8. Other high-efficiency lasers are hundreds of times more powerful,so they would overload fiber-optic system and waste energy. 其他类型的激光器功率都比这大几百倍,回事光纤系统过载而且浪费能量。9. The speed of the new machine exceeds that of the old one by a factor of 2.5. 新机器的速度是旧机器速度的2.5倍。 10. The number of the people who use computers in this country has increased five times. 在这个国家使用计算机的人数增长了4倍。 11. The production of family cars has increased to 4 times this year. 今年家庭轿车的产量增加了3倍。 12. Cause of leukemia in the area near the nuclear reactor have risen by a factor of 4. 再建有核反应堆的地区附近,患白血病的人数增加了3倍。 13. Owing to the natural disaster, the output of apples was decreased 3 times. 由于自然灾害,苹果的产量减少了2/3. 14. The construction of the recycling facilities will reduce the volume of contaminated water by five times. 循环利用设备的修建将使污水量减少4/5。 15. Line AB is three times shorter than Line CD. 线段AB是线段CD的1/3. 16. According to the report, this device may reduce noise by a factor of 10. 根据该报告,这种仪器可将噪音减少到原来的1/10。 17. The cost of building new Laboratories has double(trebled/quadrupled) over the past few years. 建设新实验室的费用这几年涨了一倍(两倍/三倍)。 18. They have quadrupled the production in two years. 他们是产量在两年中翻了两番。 20. The red car runs as fast again as the blue one. 红色汽车比蓝色汽车的速度快了一倍。 21. The actual amount of oil in this area is again as much as what was estimated. 该地区的石油储量比原先估计的多一倍。 22. Under normal conditions, the weight of this metal is half as much again as that one. 在正常情况下,这种金属的重量是那种的一倍半。 23. The new material is half as heavy as the old one. 新材料的重量只有旧材料的一半。 ?课后练习 1.集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍。 The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 2.这些机器的效率已提高了2倍多。 The efficiency of the machines has been more than trebled. 3.这种纸比普通纸要薄一半。 This kind of paper is twice thinner than ordinary paper. 4. 该设备将误差降低了4/5。 The equipment reduced the error probability by a factor of 5. 5. 氢原子的重量约为氧原子的1/16。 The hydrogen atom is about 16 times lighter than the oxygen atom. Unit 15 【EST】 1.The instruments need to be sterilized. 这些机械需要消毒。 2.There are several factors to be considered. 有几个因素需要考虑。 3.These crops are liable to be attacked by pests. 这些农作物易受害虫破坏。 4.New techniques have been developed by the research department. 新技术已由研究部门开发出来。 5.Polymers consists of very large molecules. 聚合物是由大分子组成的。 6.Like charges repel each other. Unlike charges attract. 相同的电荷相互排斥,不同的电荷相互吸引。 7.Force applied equals mass times acceleration produced(F=ma). 所施加的力等于质量乘以由此产生的加速度。 8.An isobar is a line drawn on a map between two points of equal atmospheric pressure. 气压线是地图上在等气压两点之间画出的线。 9.This experiment is intended to test the theory. 该实验旨在测试这一理论。 10.The equipment has been built to work at very high altitude. 该设备是为了在高海拔条件下使用而制造的。 11.The powder acts as a catalyst to speed the reaction. 此粉末可作为催化剂以加速反应的进行。 12.If the solution is cooled, then crystals will form. 若将溶液冷却,就会有晶体形成。 13.If solution is found, then proceed with the next stage. 如果找到解决方法,就继续进行下一阶段。
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