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皖广院教字[2009]26号皖广院教字[2009]26号 安徽广播影视职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计)实施细则,试行, 毕业论文(设计)是教学计划实施过程的一个必要环节。为确保毕业论文(设计)工作规范、有序地进行和毕业论文工作的质量~按照省教育厅关于高职高专毕业论文(设计)的有关规定~以及《学院关于加强教学工作规范的规定》,皖广院教字[2007]13号,~结合我院实际~制定本实施细则。 一、撰写毕业论文(设计)的目的与意义 毕业论文(设计)是综合考查学生运用所学知识发现问题、分析问题、解决问题能力的一个重要手段~也是学生在校学习情况的综合性总结。...
皖广院教字[2009]26号 安徽广播影视职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计)实施细则,试行, 毕业论文(设计)是教学计划实施过程的一个必要环节。为确保毕业论文(设计)工作、有序地进行和毕业论文工作的质量~按照省教育厅关于高职高专毕业论文(设计)的有关规定~以及《学院关于加强教学工作规范的规定》,皖广院教字[2007]13号,~结合我院实际~制定本实施细则。 一、撰写毕业论文(设计)的目的与意义 毕业论文(设计)是综合考查学生运用所学知识发现问题、分析问题、解决问题能力的一个重要手段~也是学生在校学习情况的综合性总结。组织学生撰写毕业论文、完成毕业设计~目的在于系统地检验学生的学习成果~考查学生运用所学专业知识分析问题、解决问题的能力~培养学生的专业研究素养~使学生的专业素质得到提升。 二、毕业论文(设计)的要求 1、学生应运用所学知识~一人一题~独立完成具有一定质量的毕业论文(设计)。毕业论文(设计)中引用他人的内容不得超过总字数的1/3。 2、切实做好毕业论文(设计)的选题工作。 tliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future work in selected non-specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). ? Pediatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor ,1,学生应填写“毕业论文,设计,选题审批表”,附件一, ,2,选题应以学生所学专业课的内容为主~鼓励创新~避免选择已经完全得到解决的常识性问题。 ,3,选题不宜过大~也不宜过于简单。题目难易要适度~在短期内经过努力能完成。 ,4,各系,部,可根据情况设计选题指南。学生也可在参考选题外自主选题。学生所选的毕业论文题目应报教研室后~由教研室统一平衡~避免过度集中。 3、毕业论文(设计) 格式应规范~并制成电子文档。毕业论文全文字数要求不少于3000字。毕业设计(作品)的字数要求可适当放宽。 三、毕业论文(设计)的指导 ,一,指导教师资格及要求 1、毕业论文(设计)指导教师原则上应由具有相关专业本科以上学历、中级以上技术职称的教师和其他专业技术人员担任。指导教师必须具有较高思想水平、较强写作或 设计能力和工作责任心。 2、每个指导教师每届指导的学生人数~理工科一般不超过15人~文科及艺术类一般不超过20人,对每名学生的指导时间不得低于8学时。 3、指导教师应认真履行职责~指导学生按要求完成毕 业论文(设计)的撰写并做好答辩准备。 ,二,指导教师职责 1、指导学生正确选题,题目必须与本专业相关,~向学生讲清题目意义~提出明确要求~签订选题意见, 2、开列参考文献目录~提示研究~帮助学生制定写作计划, 3、审查学生的开题报告,附件二,、论文提纲~解答疑难问题~提出修改意见, 2liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess,cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v 4、检查学生论文进展情况~审阅论文初稿~指出不足之处~指导学生进行修改, 5、定期和学生联系~及时解决学生毕业论文中的问题。当面指导次数~不得少于3次~并做好指导,见附件三,。 6、评审毕业论文(设计)~写出切实而具体的,不少于100字,~指导学生做好答辩准备工作。 ,三,指导教师报酬 毕业论文(设计)的指导费~暂按每生,篇、项,40元,答辩费每生10元~由答辩委员会按实际参与人数分配。 各系,部,须在完成各项工作并将材料完整归档后方可 办理费用开支手续。 四、毕业论文时间安排 毕业论文(设计)的写作周期,从确定选题、安排指导教师开始~到论文审核为止,不少于3个月。毕业论文一般在 毕业前一学期期末布臵~毕业学期完成写作、审核和验收工作。 具体时间安排见附件四。 五、毕业论文(设计)答辩 毕业论文(设计)答辩是审查学生毕业论文的真实性~并考察论文作者对课题的把握程度及综合研究水平的重要方式~也是全面锻炼学生快速反映能力和独立处理问题的能力的有效手段。论文(设计)答辩通过是学生毕业的条件之一。毕业论文(设计)答辩由各系,部,独立组织实施。 ,一,答辩的组织与领导 1、各系,部,应设立毕业论文(设计)答辩委员会负责毕业论文答辩工作。答辩委员的资格不得低于指导教师, 2、毕业论文(设计)由各系,部,组织答辩~每个答辩小组至少三人组成~设答辩主委1人。答辩小组成员以我院教师为主~如需要也可以聘请校外专家。 ,二,答辩主委 ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c3liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Syon disonal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt 毕业论文答辩由答辩主委主持答辩工作及成绩评定工作~并对评定意见和成绩签字负责。答辩主委应当具有本专 业副高,含,以上专业技术职称~答辩主委职责如下: 1、按照本实施细则要求~审查学生的答辩资格, 2、主持并参加答辩~并对评定意见和成绩签字负责, 3、对答辩中发现的问题~及时向本系,部,毕业论文领导小组反馈~并向学院教学工作委员会汇报。 ,三,答辩程序 1、答辩前由答辩小组审阅论文~准备答辩问题。 2、答辩开始时~学生首先介绍研究概况,自述时间为10--15分钟,。 3、学生自述完毕后~由答辩委员向其提出问题~进行答辩,答辩时间为10分钟左右~答辩问题不得少于3个,。每个学生的自述及答辩时间限制在30分钟内。 4、答辩完毕~答辩小组教师签字~所在系,部,盖章。 六、毕业论文(设计)成绩评定和终审 ,一,评定标准 优秀,90—100分,:观点明确、新颖~材料翔实、充分~结构完整、严谨~论证深入、有力~语言流畅~格式规范。从总体上看~文章具有一定的独创性和理论性~表明作者确实已经很好地掌握了本门学科的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能~并有从事科学研究或担负专业技术工作的初步能力。作者在答辩中有较为出色的表现。 良好,80—89分,:观点明确~材料翔实、充分~结构 完整~论证有力~语言流畅~格式规范。从总体上看~文章具有一定的新意~表明作者确实已经较好地掌握了本门学科的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能。作者在答辩中有较好的表现。 中等,70—79分,:观点明确~材料翔实~结构完整~论证有力~语言通顺~格式规范。从总体上看~文章没有明 4liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess,cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v 显的漏洞或缺欠~表明作者已有一定的专业知识基础和素养~并且能用所学专业知识分析和解决问题。作者能够比较顺利地完成答辩。 及格,60—69分,:观点明确~材料较为翔实~结构完整~语言通顺~格式规范。作者在答辩中能够比较正确地回答问题。 不及格,59分以下,:有下述情形之一者为不合格:观点不明确或明显错谬,内容空泛或材料虚假,结构不完整~缺少层次感和逻辑性,语言不够通顺~病句或错别字较多,格式不够规范~不合乎文体特征,字数少于5000字,有剽窃、抄袭及其他弄虚作假行为者。 各系,部,可参照制定本部门评分细则。 ,二,成绩评定办法 指导教师和答辩小组教师应从学生写作态度是否认真~观点是否新颖、明确~材料是否翔实、有力~论证是否充分合理~科学性、逻辑性方面有无问题~论文结构是否完整~语言是否通顺~格式是否规范等方面对学生论文进行审核~并按以下要求评定成绩。 1、指导教师应认真而全面考核学生毕业论文工作的全过程~根据学生写作态度和论文质量给出论文评语。评语应 不少于100字。 对论文质量主要应从以下几个方面进行评定: ,1,学术性。题目要有一定的学科意义,内容要有足够的知识含量。,2,独创性。论文的观点是新的学术见解~是与众不同或前所未有的看法~或能用别人没有用过的材料~或能以新的论证方法~从一个新的角度~重新对已有的理论加以阐释。,3,逻辑性。论文的所有的观点和材料都应当纳入一个逻辑框架之中。整篇文章应当自成一个理论认识系统~自成一个相对完整、缜密的论证体系。,4,规范性。论文的总体构成及表述方式必须合乎文体规范。 on disonal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c5liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Sy 2、答辩委员会参考指导老师评语~根据论文质量给出论文撰写成绩。根据学生答辩情况给出答辩成绩。成绩按百分制评分~然后计算平均分。答辩小组给出的成绩为论文最终成绩。对论文答辩主要应从以下几个方面进行评定:态度是否端正、认真,对问题的回答是否准确、到位,语言表述是否清楚、流畅。 答辩成绩不及格的应按毕业论文成绩不及格处理。 3、毕业论文成绩应严格按照成绩考核标准评定。优秀 的评定比例不宜超过参加答辩学生人数的15%。但成绩评定应从实际情况出发~不要硬性按比例确定。 4、凡毕业论文答辩不及格者~可允许重新答辩一次。 但重新答辩的时间顺延至下次组织答辩时进行。重新答 辩成绩只记及格或不及格。 七、毕业论文构成 1、封面。封面既可以提供有关信息~又可以起到保护作用。封面所登载的内容主要有:标题、系部、班级、作者、学号、专业、指导教师、工作完成日期。 2、摘要。摘要是论文的内容“不加注释和评论的简短陈述”。首先~摘要应具有客观性。摘要是对论文内容的客观反映~要避免主观评价~避免使用诸如“本文论述了……~对……有重要意义”之类的词句,其次~摘要应有独立性和自含性。从某种意义上说~摘要应为一篇相对完整的短文~读者即便不读论文全文~也能通过摘要对论文内容有大致的了解~能够获取必要的信息。最后~摘要应具有简洁性。摘要应是对论文内容的高度概括~不宜写得过长~一般不超过300字。 3、关键词。关键词是从论文中选取出来用以标示论文主要内容的名词性术语。一篇论文应有?,,个关键词~以显著的字符另起一行~排在摘要的下方。 4、正文。毕业论文的内容和结构要清晰~标题应标示各 ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v6liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess,cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and 个部分的内容要点。 5、参考文献目录。参考文献目录是评定论文作者的研究状况及钻研程度的一个重要依据。学生应将论文写作过程中参考的文献尽量列入~尊重他人劳动成果。 八、毕业论文写作格式 1、纸型及页边距 毕业论文一律用国际标准A4型纸(297mmX210mm)打印。页面分图文区与白边区两部分~所有的文字、图形、其他符号只能出现在图文区内。白边区的尺寸(页边距)设臵为默认:天头(上)2.54cm~地脚(下)2.54cm~订口(左)3.17cm~翻口(右)3.17mcm。 2、版式与用字 文字图形一律从左至右横写横排。文字一律通栏编辑~使用规范的简化汉字。除非必要~不使用繁体字。忌用异体字、复合字及其他不规范的汉字。 3、论文各部分的编排式样及字体字号 ,1,封面和封底~见附件五。 ,2,标题、摘要及关键词:排在第一页~论文标题用3号黑体~顶部居中排列~上下各空一行,“摘要”二个字用4号黑体~内容用5号楷体~每段起首空两格~回行顶格, “关键词”三个字用4号黑体~内容用5号楷体,关键 词通常不超过8个~词间用分号隔开。 ,3,正文文字:接在关键词后~空一行~正文文字一 般用5号宋体~每段起首空两格~回行顶格~单倍行距。 ,4,正文文中标题: 一级标题~标题序号为“一、”~4号黑体~独占行~ 末尾不加标点, 二级标题~标题序号为“(一)”~与正文字体字号相同~独占行~末尾不加标点, ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c7liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Syon disonal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt 三级以下标题~三、四、五级标题序号分别为“1(”、“(1)”和“?”~与正文字体字号相同~可根据标题的长短确定是否独占行。若独占行~则末尾不使用标点~否则~标题后必须加句号。每级标题的下一级标题应各自连续编号。 ,5,注释:论文中引用他人观点、材料须注明出处(若论文中没有引用他人观点、材料~可省略此项内容)。在正文引用处要标注“注释引用标记序号”~依次按,1,、,2,、,3,……标注,在文尾与正文空两行处进行注释~,注释,二字用小四号黑体字~顶格放臵。注文用小四号宋体字。注释格式标准如下: 专著:,注释编号,作者.专著书名,M,.出版地:出版社~出版年.起止页码. 论文集:,注释编号,作者.论文名称,C,//编者.论文集名.出版地:出版社~出版年.起止页码. 期刊:,注释编号,作者.题名,J,.刊名~出版年,卷、期,.起止页码. 报纸:,注释编号,作者(题名,N,(报纸名~出版日期,年、月、日,. 互联网:,注释编号,责任者.文献题名.电子文献址~访问时间,年、月、日,. 文献作者三名以内的全部列出,三名以上则列出前三名~后加“等”。 例如: ,注释, ,1,温儒敏.文学史的视野,M,.北京:人民文学出版社~2004(85-87. ,2,阿尔都塞.一封论艺术的的信,C,//陆梅林.西方马克思主义美学文选.桂林:漓江出版社~1988(519-525. ,3,韩香云.转轨时期教师职业道德评价的思考,J,.扬州大学学报~2001,1,.23-27. ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v8liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess,cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and ,4,西湖人.不领悟的沈雁冰先生,N,.晶报~1922-07-24. ,5,胡遂.论王维诗宗教体验与审美体验之融合(,2007-08-16. ,6,参考文献:写作论文过程中阅读、参考过他人文献的须在文尾处标明~与注释间空两行,若无注释~则与正文间空两行,。,参考文献,四字用小四号黑体字~顶格放臵。内容用小四号宋体字~具体结构格式与标注方法同“注释”的格式~但无需加起止页码。 九、毕业论文装订 毕业论文,设计,文本按下列次序装订成册: ,1,毕业论文,设计,封面, ,2,毕业论文,设计,选题审批表, ,3,毕业论文(设计)开题报告, ,4,毕业论文,设计,指导情况记录表, ,5,毕业论文目录, ,6,正文,含中文摘要及关键词,, ,7,注释和参考文献, ,8,封底。毕业论文,设计,答辩和成绩评定情况记录表。 附件: 1、安徽广播影视职业技术学院毕业论文,设计,选题审批表, 2、安徽广播影视职业技术学院毕业论文(设计)开题报告, 3、毕业论文,设计,指导情况记录表, 4、毕业生毕业论文,设计,工作进度安排, 5、安徽广播影视职业技术学院毕业论文,设计,封面。 二〇〇九年十一月六日 安徽广播影视职业技术学院办公室印 共印35份 ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c9liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Syon disonal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt 附件一: 安徽广播影视职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计)选题审批表 学生姓名 专业 班级 毕业论文(设计) 选题名称 选题理由及准备情况: 指导教师意见: 指导教师(签字) 年 月 日 系主任意见: 系主任(签字) 年 月 日 requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess,cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v10liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor 附件二: 安徽广播影视职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计)开题报告 论文题目 专业 年 级 学生学号 学生姓名 指导教师(职称) 填表时间 教 务 处 制 on disonal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c11liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Sy 性 年 学历或专业技术 指导指导教师姓名 工 作 单 位 别 龄 学位 职务或职称 教师 基本 情况 1、该研究的动态及意义 2、该研究的简要内容~拟重点解决的问题~预期结果或成果 12liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess,cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v 3、拟采取的研究方法或实验方法、步骤~可能出现的技术问题及解决办法 4、主要参考文献和资料 5、指导老师意见 指导教师(签字) 年 月 日 教 系研 部室 意意 见 见 教研室主任: 系部负责人: 年 月 日 年 月 日 13liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Syon disonal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c 附件三: 毕业论文(设计)指导情况记录表 指导教师对学生论文指导过程记录 指导教 阶段 指导意见(包括存在的问题和改进措施) 师签名 指导时间: 指导意见: 第一阶段指导 (布置任务、提 出设计或论文 具体要求、审查 学生的开题报 告、写作提纲) 指导时间: 指导意见: 第二阶段指导 (审查学生的 设计或论文初 稿) 指导时间: 指导意见: 第三阶段指导 (审查学生的 设计或论文修 改稿) 14liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess,cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v 附件四: 毕业生毕业论文(设计)工作进度安排 步 骤 时 间 进 度 1.部署 毕业论文(设计)工作准备 工作 2.上交选学生填写《安徽广播影视职业技术学院毕业论 1周 题审批表 文(设计)选题审批表》 3.确定 各系确定每位同学的毕业论文(设计)指导教导师 师。老师布置任务,提出要求。 学生第一次面见指导教师,提交开题报告。老4.指导 师审查选题情况并就选题认证、资料收集及论2周 开题 文(设计)提纲等进行指导。学生继续进行收 集资料等工作。 5.收集 学生收集论文(设计)资料,指导教师审查资1周 资料 料,并作相关指导。 6.上交论学生继续收集资料,撰写并提交论文(设计)文(设计)2周 提纲,指导教师审查论文(设计)提纲,并作提纲 相关指导,可通过网络进行,。 7.提交论学生第二次面见指导教师。学生撰写并提交论文(设计)3周 文(设计)初稿,指导教师审查论文(设计)初稿 初稿,并对论文(设计)初稿修改进行指导。 8.提交论学生修改论文(设计)初稿,并提交论文(设文(设计)2周 计)修改稿,可通过网络进行,。 修改稿 9.审查 教师审查论文(设计)修改稿,提出进一步修1周 修改稿 改意见,可通过网络进行,。 学生第三次面见指导教师。修改、定稿、打印,10.提交定提交论文(设计)打印定稿及电子稿;教师撰稿和所有1周 写评语,按规定收齐所有材料;论文(设计)材料 及材料交系教学秘书(班主任协助)。 11.答辩 每年5月底前 论文(设计)答辩 各系将毕业论文(设计)材料整理归档,作本12.材料 每年6月10日前 届毕业论文(设计)质量分析报告。向教务处归档 提交学生毕业论文(设计)成绩。 eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Syon disonal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c15liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular 附件五: 安徽广播影视职业技术学院 毕业论文(设计) 题目: (三号黑体字,副标题用小三号宋体字) 系 部: ( 宋体四号字) 班 级: 专 业: 学 号: 学生姓名: 导师姓名: 年 月 日 cases c knowledge common diseases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and ds of Interventional ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basimetho tandards, to further improve the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operationrect measurement of Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control snd corsis of diseases, as well as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section auding ultrasound and Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagno, incly. Requirements are as follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this groupiatric rotation learn: awareness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical abilit Ped?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -onal future work in selected nonid cancer bone joint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professiarious goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyrotliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic cancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory v16liver vascular tumor, liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor requirements: System disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, 毕业论文(设计)答辩和成绩评定情况记录表 指 导 教 师 评 语 指导老师: 年 月 日 答 辩 记 录 记录人: 年 月 日 答 辩 评 语 答辩小组主委签名: 年 月 日 成绩 论 文(设计) 论文(设计) 答辩委员签名 评定 总 分 备 注 撰 写50% 答辩50% 100% 得 分 年 月 日 (公章) onal ultrasound, ultrasonic treatment on disease indications, the value and the limits of the system. 4) basic knowledge commmprove the imaging examinations and diagnosis level 3) combine clinical work, basic grasp the operation methods of Interventiher iof Doppler flow parameters. Familiar with the imaging examination and diagnosis of various quality control standards, to furt ll as writing in the report. All display techniques, measurement of main organs and standards section and correct measurementas weand Interventional ultrasound therapy. 2) mastering clinical ultrasound in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of diseases, follows: 1) deepen learning and mastering basic theories and clinical knowledge relating to this group, including ultrasound eness ... (2) ultrasound imaging in this specialized training, further improve the clinical ability. Requirements are as Pediatric rotation learn: awar?specified sections (including Pediatrics, Neurology, etc) Web (you can select a Department). -lected nonin se oint system bone loose, and bone metabolism disease, and endocrine bone disease According to the professional future workancer various type nephritis, kidney failure, bladder inflammatory various goiter, thyroid gland tumor, thyroid cancer bone jtliver cell cancer, pancreatic inflammatory, pancreatic c17liver cell cancer, liver transfer tumor tumor,stem disease/operation name cases number (?) digestive system hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat liver, liver abscess, liver vascular eases in different systems, different imaging method. Clinical ultrasound learning disease species and cases requirements: Syon dis
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