

2017-11-20 37页 doc 93KB 11阅读




高清电视机不等于高清节目高清电视机不等于高清节目 高清电视机不等于高清节目 日前,信息产业部公布了数字电视显示器的高清标准,一时间,我国大大小小十多家电视机厂商纷纷加入了国标高清电视机的生产商阵营,媒体陆续报道。但是对于正在选购和更换电视机的消费者,这些家电行业报道很容易让人误以为:买了高清电视机,就等于看上了高清电视。而实际上,有否接收到高清节目信号才能说明我们看到的是不是高清电视。打个比方,就好像我们用彩色电视机看黑白电视节目信号,看到的依然是黑白电视,而非彩色电视。 paper has produced remarkable results....
高清电视机不等于高清节目 高清电视机不等于高清节目 日前,信息产业部公布了数字电视显示器的高清,一时间,我国大大小小十多家电视机厂商纷纷加入了国标高清电视机的生产商阵营,媒体陆续报道。但是对于正在选购和更换电视机的消费者,这些家电行业报道很容易让人误以为:买了高清电视机,就等于看上了高清电视。而实际上,有否接收到高清节目信号才能说明我们看到的是不是高清电视。打个比方,就好像我们用彩色电视机看黑白电视节目信号,看到的依然是黑白电视,而非彩色电视。 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 从模拟转向数字是我们已经置身其中的全球化电视技术革新,数字电视在音像质量和稳定性等技术指标上都强于模拟电视,高清数字电视则是各项技术指标都高于标清数字电视。数字高清付费电视是凭借高品质节目、全方位高端服务,创造高效益的全新付费电视业务。用户如果要想收看到真正意义上的高清晰度电视,必须具备三个条件:1)高清电视节目内容2)高清节目传输系统3)高清电视机和机顶盒。高品质的节目内容需要通过精密的高清技术传播系统传送到用户,并最终通过符合技术标准的高端接paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 收设备——高清电视机和机顶盒,才能让观众真正领略到高清电视的魅力。 也就是说,仅仅靠高清电视机去收看模拟电视节目(就是现在的免费电视节目),看到的根本不是“高清电视”。 高清电视节目从采集、拍摄、编辑、制作、传输到接收全部都要采用高清设备,凡是处于可传输高清数字电视节目的有线电视的用户,在购买了适宜的高清电视机和高清机顶盒,并订购了高清节目后,才能看到真正的高清电视, paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 体验真正的高清电视带来的高品质生活。目前,中央数字电视《高清影视》频道是我国惟一一个经国家广电总局批准可在全国有线数字电视网络范围内播出的高清数字付费电视频道,也是全球首家中文高清频道。《高清影视》频道2006年1月起已经开始正式销售,2006年它为我们带来的最大震撼将是在我国全程独家直播德国2006世界杯的高清版,并且是与德国时间同步播出,由央视体育节目主持人进行中文讲解。 2006年6月10日0时,亿万中国球迷的心将被06年世界paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 杯开赛的哨音引爆,4年一次的足坛盛事在今年又有别样的精彩:除了比赛本身充满悬念,还有今年赛事独特的播出方式——2006年世界杯将成为体育电视史上第一次全部比赛使用高清数字信号播出的赛事。央视《高清影视》频道将在国内独家播出本届世界杯全部64场赛事,其中56场为现场直播,8场赛事由于同时进行将录播后在高清影视频道播出,累计播出量将达到250小时。这意味着中国的电视观众通过该频道,将前所未有地观赏到最真切的世界杯比赛。 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 区别传统的电视节目信号,高清节目信号在声画方面的技术优势使它能够充分还原一个最接近现场的效果。首先,高清节目信号的画面比例为16:9,观众最直观的感受就是画面上下边缘没有黑色遮幅,全屏显示,视野更加开阔。高清晰的图像显示,会使瞒天过海的“上帝之手”在观众的高清电视屏幕上原形毕露;让桑巴大师的迷幻步法显露得一览无余。其次,高清节目的声音信号是5.1环绕声,是模拟电视信号和标清电视信号里面所没有的,赛场声音被充分捕捉,现场球迷的呐喊、教练的私语和球员的咆哮paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 都能听得一清二楚,观众甚至可以清晰地听到点球大战临门一射时,球与脚接触的瞬间发出的“通通”声,对于最大限度追求现场效果的球迷绝对是一种震撼。通过收看《高清影视》频道,坐在家里就能体会到的 “家庭影院效果的世界杯赛”。 这样高品位的视听享受,无疑会给精彩的比赛锦上添花。 如果说2005年9月《高清影视》频道开播引燃了积蓄已久的国内高清电视市场,那么此次央视将借2006年6月播出高清世界杯,引起高清频道销售的燎原之火。巨大的 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 市场需求,造就了《高清影视》频道惊人的潜在市场。一方面,众多球迷对高清世界杯反响强烈。据报道中国拥有世界上最多球迷,其中会有99.99%的球迷通过电视收看2006年世界杯,他们对转播信号质量要求甚为苛刻。另一方面,高清电视机持续旺销,未来高清电视市场潜在容量将超过千亿元,而与高清电视机配套的高清频道产品,而目前还没有能与央视的《高清影视》频道匹敌的竞争对手 。国内独家直播高清世界杯这一巨大卖点,成为央视《高清影视》频道出击高清市场的一记重拳~ paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 2006年大力神杯花落谁家尚存悬疑,但角逐高清节目收视市场的初战态势却似乎已经较为明朗。如果说摘得足球桂冠有时要靠运气,那么高清频道要被用户认可并掏腰包购买,则百分百要靠频道节目内容的实力。如果说撬动高清消费这一巨大蛋糕,是源于高清技术的吸引力,那么要切下巨大的市场,高清频道商必须有真金白银掷地有声的节目内容为支撑。国外的经验也证明了这点,无论放眼欧美还是环顾亚太,国际上成功的高清频道无一例外地拥有顶级品质及海量的节目。作为央视大手笔推出的全球首个中 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 文高清频道,背靠中央电视台这一强大资源,《高清影视》频道开播前就已累计储存了3000小时的高清节目素材,这一数字还在以每年800小时的速度增加。目前每天不间断播出18小时,涵盖电影、电视剧、电视电影、纪录片、音乐、时尚、体育7大主题的精彩节目,全部精选最富视听冲击力的内容,让用户大呼过瘾。除央视生产的精品高清电视剧、纪录片、金牌电视栏目外,还有从国外高额引进的高清节目内容,很多都为国内独播或首播。如创造欧美收视冠军的《拉斯维加斯》,获美国金球奖的系列剧paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 《CSI:犯罪鉴证科》,富士电视台黄金档剧集《去年圣诞节》、《一公升眼泪》,获得蒙大拿国际电影节“全球最受欢迎纪录片”奖的纪录片《里山》,还有韩国的万人流行音乐现场等等,当然全部是高清信号播出。超强的节目资源已成为《高清影视》频道的核心竞争力,《高清影视》频道正在借高清世界杯等重大节目卖点,领跑中国高清市场~ 日前,信息产业部公布了数字电视显示器的高清标准,一时间,我国大大小小十多家电视机厂商纷纷加入了国标高 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 清电视机的生产商阵营,媒体陆续报道。但是对于正在选购和更换电视机的消费者,这些家电行业报道很容易让人误以为:买了高清电视机,就等于看上了高清电视。而实际上,有否接收到高清节目信号才能说明我们看到的是不是高清电视。打个比方,就好像我们用彩色电视机看黑白电视节目信号,看到的依然是黑白电视,而非彩色电视。 从模拟转向数字是我们已经置身其中的全球化电视技术革新,数字电视在音像质量和稳定性等技术指标上都强于模拟电视,高清数字电视则是各项技术指标都高于标清数paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 字电视。数字高清付费电视是凭借高品质节目、全方位高端服务,创造高效益的全新付费电视业务。用户如果要想收看到真正意义上的高清晰度电视,必须具备三个条件:1)高清电视节目内容2)高清节目传输系统3)高清电视机和机顶盒。高品质的节目内容需要通过精密的高清技术传播系统传送到用户,并最终通过符合技术标准的高端接收设备——高清电视机和机顶盒,才能让观众真正领略到高清电视的魅力。 也就是说,仅仅靠高清电视机去收看模拟电视节目(就是 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 现在的免费电视节目),看到的根本不是“高清电视”。 高清电视节目从采集、拍摄、编辑、制作、传输到接收全部都要采用高清设备,凡是处于可传输高清数字电视节目的有线电视的用户,在购买了适宜的高清电视机和高清机顶盒,并订购了高清节目后,才能看到真正的高清电视,体验真正的高清电视带来的高品质生活。目前,中央数字电视《高清影视》频道是我国惟一一个经国家广电总局批准可在全国有线数字电视网络范围内播出的高清数字付费电视频道,也是全球首家中文高清频道。《高清影视》paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 频道2006年1月起已经开始正式销售,2006年它为我们带来的最大震撼将是在我国全程独家直播德国2006世界杯的高清版,并且是与德国时间同步播出,由央视体育节目主持人进行中文讲解。 2006年6月10日0时,亿万中国球迷的心将被06年世界杯开赛的哨音引爆,4年一次的足坛盛事在今年又有别样的精彩:除了比赛本身充满悬念,还有今年赛事独特的播出方式——2006年世界杯将成为体育电视史上第一次全部比赛使用高清数字信号播出的赛事。央视《高清影视》 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 频道将在国内独家播出本届世界杯全部64场赛事,其中56场为现场直播,8场赛事由于同时进行将录播后在高清影视频道播出,累计播出量将达到250小时。这意味着中国的电视观众通过该频道,将前所未有地观赏到最真切的世界杯比赛。 区别传统的电视节目信号,高清节目信号在声画方面的技术优势使它能够充分还原一个最接近现场的效果。首先,高清节目信号的画面比例为16:9,观众最直观的感受就是画面上下边缘没有黑色遮幅,全屏显示,视野更加开阔。paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 高清晰的图像显示,会使瞒天过海的“上帝之手”在观众的高清电视屏幕上原形毕露;让桑巴大师的迷幻步法显露得一览无余。其次,高清节目的声音信号是5.1环绕声,是模拟电视信号和标清电视信号里面所没有的,赛场声音被充分捕捉,现场球迷的呐喊、教练的私语和球员的咆哮都能听得一清二楚,观众甚至可以清晰地听到点球大战临门一射时,球与脚接触的瞬间发出的“通通”声,对于最大限度追求现场效果的球迷绝对是一种震撼。通过收看《高清影视》频道,坐在家里就能体会到的 “家庭影院 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 效果的世界杯赛”。 这样高品位的视听享受,无疑会给精彩的比赛锦上添花。 如果说2005年9月《高清影视》频道开播引燃了积蓄已久的国内高清电视市场,那么此次央视将借2006年6月播出高清世界杯,引起高清频道销售的燎原之火。巨大的市场需求,造就了《高清影视》频道惊人的潜在市场。一方面,众多球迷对高清世界杯反响强烈。据报道中国拥有世界上最多球迷,其中会有99.99%的球迷通过电视收看2006年世界杯,他们对转播信号质量要求甚为苛刻。另一paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 方面,高清电视机持续旺销,未来高清电视市场潜在容量将超过千亿元,而与高清电视机配套的高清频道产品,而目前还没有能与央视的《高清影视》频道匹敌的竞争对手 。国内独家直播高清世界杯这一巨大卖点,成为央视《高清影视》频道出击高清市场的一记重拳~ 2006年大力神杯花落谁家尚存悬疑,但角逐高清节目收视市场的初战态势却似乎已经较为明朗。如果说摘得足球桂冠有时要靠运气,那么高清频道要被用户认可并掏腰包购买,则百分百要靠频道节目内容的实力。如果说撬动高清 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 消费这一巨大蛋糕,是源于高清技术的吸引力,那么要切下巨大的市场,高清频道商必须有真金白银掷地有声的节目内容为支撑。国外的经验也证明了这点,无论放眼欧美还是环顾亚太,国际上成功的高清频道无一例外地拥有顶级品质及海量的节目。作为央视大手笔推出的全球首个中文高清频道,背靠中央电视台这一强大资源,《高清影视》频道开播前就已累计储存了3000小时的高清节目素材,这一数字还在以每年800小时的速度增加。目前每天不间断播出18小时,涵盖电影、电视剧、电视电影、纪录片、paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 音乐、时尚、体育7大主题的精彩节目,全部精选最富视听冲击力的内容,让用户大呼过瘾。除央视生产的精品高清电视剧、纪录片、金牌电视栏目外,还有从国外高额引进的高清节目内容,很多都为国内独播或首播。如创造欧美收视冠军的《拉斯维加斯》,获美国金球奖的系列剧《CSI:犯罪鉴证科》,富士电视台黄金档剧集《去年圣诞节》、《一公升眼泪》,获得蒙大拿国际电影节“全球最受欢迎纪录片”奖的纪录片《里山》,还有韩国的万人流行音乐现场等等,当然全部是高清信号播出。超强的节目资 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 源已成为《高清影视》频道的核心竞争力,《高清影视》频道正在借高清世界杯等重大节目卖点,领跑中国高清市场~ 日前,信息产业部公布了数字电视显示器的高清标准,一时间,我国大大小小十多家电视机厂商纷纷加入了国标高清电视机的生产商阵营,媒体陆续报道。但是对于正在选购和更换电视机的消费者,这些家电行业报道很容易让人误以为:买了高清电视机,就等于看上了高清电视。而实际上,有否接收到高清节目信号才能说明我们看到的是不paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 是高清电视。打个比方,就好像我们用彩色电视机看黑白电视节目信号,看到的依然是黑白电视,而非彩色电视。 从模拟转向数字是我们已经置身其中的全球化电视技术革新,数字电视在音像质量和稳定性等技术指标上都强于模拟电视,高清数字电视则是各项技术指标都高于标清数字电视。数字高清付费电视是凭借高品质节目、全方位高端服务,创造高效益的全新付费电视业务。用户如果要想收看到真正意义上的高清晰度电视,必须具备三个条件:1)高清电视节目内容2)高清节目传输系统3)高清电视 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 机和机顶盒。高品质的节目内容需要通过精密的高清技术传播系统传送到用户,并最终通过符合技术标准的高端接收设备——高清电视机和机顶盒,才能让观众真正领略到高清电视的魅力。 也就是说,仅仅靠高清电视机去收看模拟电视节目(就是现在的免费电视节目),看到的根本不是“高清电视”。 高清电视节目从采集、拍摄、编辑、制作、传输到接收全部都要采用高清设备,凡是处于可传输高清数字电视节目paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 的有线电视的用户,在购买了适宜的高清电视机和高清机顶盒,并订购了高清节目后,才能看到真正的高清电视,体验真正的高清电视带来的高品质生活。目前,中央数字电视《高清影视》频道是我国惟一一个经国家广电总局批准可在全国有线数字电视网络范围内播出的高清数字付费电视频道,也是全球首家中文高清频道。《高清影视》频道2006年1月起已经开始正式销售,2006年它为我们带来的最大震撼将是在我国全程独家直播德国2006世界杯的高清版,并且是与德国时间同步播出,由央视体育节 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 目主持人进行中文讲解。 2006年6月10日0时,亿万中国球迷的心将被06年世界杯开赛的哨音引爆,4年一次的足坛盛事在今年又有别样的精彩:除了比赛本身充满悬念,还有今年赛事独特的播出方式——2006年世界杯将成为体育电视史上第一次全部比赛使用高清数字信号播出的赛事。央视《高清影视》频道将在国内独家播出本届世界杯全部64场赛事,其中56场为现场直播,8场赛事由于同时进行将录播后在高清影视频道播出,累计播出量将达到250小时。这意味着中paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 国的电视观众通过该频道,将前所未有地观赏到最真切的世界杯比赛。 区别传统的电视节目信号,高清节目信号在声画方面的技术优势使它能够充分还原一个最接近现场的效果。首先,高清节目信号的画面比例为16:9,观众最直观的感受就是画面上下边缘没有黑色遮幅,全屏显示,视野更加开阔。高清晰的图像显示,会使瞒天过海的“上帝之手”在观众的高清电视屏幕上原形毕露;让桑巴大师的迷幻步法显露得一览无余。其次,高清节目的声音信号是5.1环绕声, paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 是模拟电视信号和标清电视信号里面所没有的,赛场声音被充分捕捉,现场球迷的呐喊、教练的私语和球员的咆哮都能听得一清二楚,观众甚至可以清晰地听到点球大战临门一射时,球与脚接触的瞬间发出的“通通”声,对于最大限度追求现场效果的球迷绝对是一种震撼。通过收看《高清影视》频道,坐在家里就能体会到的 “家庭影院效果的世界杯赛”。 这样高品位的视听享受,无疑会给精彩的比赛锦上添花。 如果说2005年9月《高清影视》频道开播引燃了积蓄已paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 久的国内高清电视市场,那么此次央视将借2006年6月播出高清世界杯,引起高清频道销售的燎原之火。巨大的市场需求,造就了《高清影视》频道惊人的潜在市场。一方面,众多球迷对高清世界杯反响强烈。据报道中国拥有世界上最多球迷,其中会有99.99%的球迷通过电视收看2006年世界杯,他们对转播信号质量要求甚为苛刻。另一方面,高清电视机持续旺销,未来高清电视市场潜在容量将超过千亿元,而与高清电视机配套的高清频道产品,而目前还没有能与央视的《高清影视》频道匹敌的竞争对 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 手 。国内独家直播高清世界杯这一巨大卖点,成为央视《高清影视》频道出击高清市场的一记重拳~ 2006年大力神杯花落谁家尚存悬疑,但角逐高清节目收视市场的初战态势却似乎已经较为明朗。如果说摘得足球桂冠有时要靠运气,那么高清频道要被用户认可并掏腰包购买,则百分百要靠频道节目内容的实力。如果说撬动高清消费这一巨大蛋糕,是源于高清技术的吸引力,那么要切下巨大的市场,高清频道商必须有真金白银掷地有声的节目内容为支撑。国外的经验也证明了这点,无论放眼欧美paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 还是环顾亚太,国际上成功的高清频道无一例外地拥有顶级品质及海量的节目。作为央视大手笔推出的全球首个中文高清频道,背靠中央电视台这一强大资源,《高清影视》频道开播前就已累计储存了3000小时的高清节目素材,这一数字还在以每年800小时的速度增加。目前每天不间断播出18小时,涵盖电影、电视剧、电视电影、纪录片、音乐、时尚、体育7大主题的精彩节目,全部精选最富视听冲击力的内容,让用户大呼过瘾。除央视生产的精品高清电视剧、纪录片、金牌电视栏目外,还有从国外高额引 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 进的高清节目内容,很多都为国内独播或首播。如创造欧美收视冠军的《拉斯维加斯》,获美国金球奖的系列剧《CSI:犯罪鉴证科》,富士电视台黄金档剧集《去年圣诞节》、《一公升眼泪》,获得蒙大拿国际电影节“全球最受欢迎纪录片”奖的纪录片《里山》,还有韩国的万人流行音乐现场等等,当然全部是高清信号播出。超强的节目资源已成为《高清影视》频道的核心竞争力,《高清影视》频道正在借高清世界杯等重大节目卖点,领跑中国高清市场~ paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 日前,信息产业部公布了数字电视显示器的高清标准,一时间,我国大大小小十多家电视机厂商纷纷加入了国标高清电视机的生产商阵营,媒体陆续报道。但是对于正在选购和更换电视机的消费者,这些家电行业报道很容易让人误以为:买了高清电视机,就等于看上了高清电视。而实际上,有否接收到高清节目信号才能说明我们看到的是不是高清电视。打个比方,就好像我们用彩色电视机看黑白电视节目信号,看到的依然是黑白电视,而非彩色电视。 从模拟转向数字是我们已经置身其中的全球化电视技术 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 革新,数字电视在音像质量和稳定性等技术指标上都强于模拟电视,高清数字电视则是各项技术指标都高于标清数字电视。数字高清付费电视是凭借高品质节目、全方位高端服务,创造高效益的全新付费电视业务。用户如果要想收看到真正意义上的高清晰度电视,必须具备三个条件:1)高清电视节目内容2)高清节目传输系统3)高清电视机和机顶盒。高品质的节目内容需要通过精密的高清技术传播系统传送到用户,并最终通过符合技术标准的高端接收设备——高清电视机和机顶盒,才能让观众真正领略到paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 高清电视的魅力。 也就是说,仅仅靠高清电视机去收看模拟电视节目(就是现在的免费电视节目),看到的根本不是“高清电视”。 高清电视节目从采集、拍摄、编辑、制作、传输到接收全部都要采用高清设备,凡是处于可传输高清数字电视节目的有线电视的用户,在购买了适宜的高清电视机和高清机顶盒,并订购了高清节目后,才能看到真正的高清电视,体验真正的高清电视带来的高品质生活。目前,中央数字 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 电视《高清影视》频道是我国惟一一个经国家广电总局批准可在全国有线数字电视网络范围内播出的高清数字付费电视频道,也是全球首家中文高清频道。《高清影视》频道2006年1月起已经开始正式销售,2006年它为我们带来的最大震撼将是在我国全程独家直播德国2006世界杯的高清版,并且是与德国时间同步播出,由央视体育节目主持人进行中文讲解。 2006年6月10日0时,亿万中国球迷的心将被06年世界杯开赛的哨音引爆,4年一次的足坛盛事在今年又有别样paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 的精彩:除了比赛本身充满悬念,还有今年赛事独特的播出方式——2006年世界杯将成为体育电视史上第一次全部比赛使用高清数字信号播出的赛事。央视《高清影视》频道将在国内独家播出本届世界杯全部64场赛事,其中56场为现场直播,8场赛事由于同时进行将录播后在高清影视频道播出,累计播出量将达到250小时。这意味着中国的电视观众通过该频道,将前所未有地观赏到最真切的世界杯比赛。 区别传统的电视节目信号,高清节目信号在声画方面的技 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 术优势使它能够充分还原一个最接近现场的效果。首先,高清节目信号的画面比例为16:9,观众最直观的感受就是画面上下边缘没有黑色遮幅,全屏显示,视野更加开阔。高清晰的图像显示,会使瞒天过海的“上帝之手”在观众的高清电视屏幕上原形毕露;让桑巴大师的迷幻步法显露得一览无余。其次,高清节目的声音信号是5.1环绕声,是模拟电视信号和标清电视信号里面所没有的,赛场声音被充分捕捉,现场球迷的呐喊、教练的私语和球员的咆哮都能听得一清二楚,观众甚至可以清晰地听到点球大战临paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 门一射时,球与脚接触的瞬间发出的“通通”声,对于最大限度追求现场效果的球迷绝对是一种震撼。通过收看《高清影视》频道,坐在家里就能体会到的 “家庭影院效果的世界杯赛”。 这样高品位的视听享受,无疑会给精彩的比赛锦上添花。 如果说2005年9月《高清影视》频道开播引燃了积蓄已久的国内高清电视市场,那么此次央视将借2006年6月播出高清世界杯,引起高清频道销售的燎原之火。巨大的市场需求,造就了《高清影视》频道惊人的潜在市场。一 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 方面,众多球迷对高清世界杯反响强烈。据报道中国拥有世界上最多球迷,其中会有99.99%的球迷通过电视收看2006年世界杯,他们对转播信号质量要求甚为苛刻。另一方面,高清电视机持续旺销,未来高清电视市场潜在容量将超过千亿元,而与高清电视机配套的高清频道产品,而目前还没有能与央视的《高清影视》频道匹敌的竞争对手 。国内独家直播高清世界杯这一巨大卖点,成为央视《高清影视》频道出击高清市场的一记重拳~ 2006年大力神杯花落谁家尚存悬疑,但角逐高清节目收视paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 市场的初战态势却似乎已经较为明朗。如果说摘得足球桂冠有时要靠运气,那么高清频道要被用户认可并掏腰包购买,则百分百要靠频道节目内容的实力。如果说撬动高清消费这一巨大蛋糕,是源于高清技术的吸引力,那么要切下巨大的市场,高清频道商必须有真金白银掷地有声的节目内容为支撑。国外的经验也证明了这点,无论放眼欧美还是环顾亚太,国际上成功的高清频道无一例外地拥有顶级品质及海量的节目。作为央视大手笔推出的全球首个中文高清频道,背靠中央电视台这一强大资源,《高清影视》 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 频道开播前就已累计储存了3000小时的高清节目素材,这一数字还在以每年800小时的速度增加。目前每天不间断播出18小时,涵盖电影、电视剧、电视电影、纪录片、音乐、时尚、体育7大主题的精彩节目,全部精选最富视听冲击力的内容,让用户大呼过瘾。除央视生产的精品高清电视剧、纪录片、金牌电视栏目外,还有从国外高额引进的高清节目内容,很多都为国内独播或首播。如创造欧美收视冠军的《拉斯维加斯》,获美国金球奖的系列剧《CSI:犯罪鉴证科》,富士电视台黄金档剧集《去年圣诞paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 节》、《一公升眼泪》,获得蒙大拿国际电影节“全球最受欢迎纪录片”奖的纪录片《里山》,还有韩国的万人流行音乐现场等等,当然全部是高清信号播出。超强的节目资源已成为《高清影视》频道的核心竞争力,《高清影视》频道正在借高清世界杯等重大节目卖点,领跑中国高清市场~ 日前,信息产业部公布了数字电视显示器的高清标准,一时间,我国大大小小十多家电视机厂商纷纷加入了国标高清电视机的生产商阵营,媒体陆续报道。但是对于正在选 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 购和更换电视机的消费者,这些家电行业报道很容易让人误以为:买了高清电视机,就等于看上了高清电视。而实际上,有否接收到高清节目信号才能说明我们看到的是不是高清电视。打个比方,就好像我们用彩色电视机看黑白电视节目信号,看到的依然是黑白电视,而非彩色电视。 从模拟转向数字是我们已经置身其中的全球化电视技术革新,数字电视在音像质量和稳定性等技术指标上都强于模拟电视,高清数字电视则是各项技术指标都高于标清数字电视。数字高清付费电视是凭借高品质节目、全方位高paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 端服务,创造高效益的全新付费电视业务。用户如果要想收看到真正意义上的高清晰度电视,必须具备三个条件:1)高清电视节目内容2)高清节目传输系统3)高清电视机和机顶盒。高品质的节目内容需要通过精密的高清技术传播系统传送到用户,并最终通过符合技术标准的高端接收设备——高清电视机和机顶盒,才能让观众真正领略到高清电视的魅力。 也就是说,仅仅靠高清电视机去收看模拟电视节目(就是现在的免费电视节目),看到的根本不是“高清电视”。 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 高清电视节目从采集、拍摄、编辑、制作、传输到接收全部都要采用高清设备,凡是处于可传输高清数字电视节目的有线电视的用户,在购买了适宜的高清电视机和高清机顶盒,并订购了高清节目后,才能看到真正的高清电视,体验真正的高清电视带来的高品质生活。目前,中央数字电视《高清影视》频道是我国惟一一个经国家广电总局批准可在全国有线数字电视网络范围内播出的高清数字付费电视频道,也是全球首家中文高清频道。《高清影视》频道2006年1月起已经开始正式销售,2006年它为我们paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 带来的最大震撼将是在我国全程独家直播德国2006世界杯的高清版,并且是与德国时间同步播出,由央视体育节目主持人进行中文讲解。 2006年6月10日0时,亿万中国球迷的心将被06年世界杯开赛的哨音引爆,4年一次的足坛盛事在今年又有别样的精彩:除了比赛本身充满悬念,还有今年赛事独特的播出方式——2006年世界杯将成为体育电视史上第一次全部比赛使用高清数字信号播出的赛事。央视《高清影视》频道将在国内独家播出本届世界杯全部64场赛事,其中 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 56场为现场直播,8场赛事由于同时进行将录播后在高清影视频道播出,累计播出量将达到250小时。这意味着中国的电视观众通过该频道,将前所未有地观赏到最真切的世界杯比赛。 区别传统的电视节目信号,高清节目信号在声画方面的技术优势使它能够充分还原一个最接近现场的效果。首先,高清节目信号的画面比例为16:9,观众最直观的感受就是画面上下边缘没有黑色遮幅,全屏显示,视野更加开阔。高清晰的图像显示,会使瞒天过海的“上帝之手”在观众paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 的高清电视屏幕上原形毕露;让桑巴大师的迷幻步法显露得一览无余。其次,高清节目的声音信号是5.1环绕声,是模拟电视信号和标清电视信号里面所没有的,赛场声音被充分捕捉,现场球迷的呐喊、教练的私语和球员的咆哮都能听得一清二楚,观众甚至可以清晰地听到点球大战临门一射时,球与脚接触的瞬间发出的“通通”声,对于最大限度追求现场效果的球迷绝对是一种震撼。通过收看《高清影视》频道,坐在家里就能体会到的 “家庭影院效果的世界杯赛”。 这样高品位的视听享受,无疑会给精 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 彩的比赛锦上添花。 如果说2005年9月《高清影视》频道开播引燃了积蓄已久的国内高清电视市场,那么此次央视将借2006年6月播出高清世界杯,引起高清频道销售的燎原之火。巨大的市场需求,造就了《高清影视》频道惊人的潜在市场。一方面,众多球迷对高清世界杯反响强烈。据报道中国拥有世界上最多球迷,其中会有99.99%的球迷通过电视收看2006年世界杯,他们对转播信号质量要求甚为苛刻。另一方面,高清电视机持续旺销,未来高清电视市场潜在容量paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 将超过千亿元,而与高清电视机配套的高清频道产品,而目前还没有能与央视的《高清影视》频道匹敌的竞争对手 。国内独家直播高清世界杯这一巨大卖点,成为央视《高清影视》频道出击高清市场的一记重拳~ 2006年大力神杯花落谁家尚存悬疑,但角逐高清节目收视市场的初战态势却似乎已经较为明朗。如果说摘得足球桂冠有时要靠运气,那么高清频道要被用户认可并掏腰包购买,则百分百要靠频道节目内容的实力。如果说撬动高清消费这一巨大蛋糕,是源于高清技术的吸引力,那么要切 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 下巨大的市场,高清频道商必须有真金白银掷地有声的节目内容为支撑。国外的经验也证明了这点,无论放眼欧美还是环顾亚太,国际上成功的高清频道无一例外地拥有顶级品质及海量的节目。作为央视大手笔推出的全球首个中文高清频道,背靠中央电视台这一强大资源,《高清影视》频道开播前就已累计储存了3000小时的高清节目素材,这一数字还在以每年800小时的速度增加。目前每天不间断播出18小时,涵盖电影、电视剧、电视电影、纪录片、音乐、时尚、体育7大主题的精彩节目,全部精选最富视paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 听冲击力的内容,让用户大呼过瘾。除央视生产的精品高清电视剧、纪录片、金牌电视栏目外,还有从国外高额引进的高清节目内容,很多都为国内独播或首播。如创造欧美收视冠军的《拉斯维加斯》,获美国金球奖的系列剧《CSI:犯罪鉴证科》,富士电视台黄金档剧集《去年圣诞节》、《一公升眼泪》,获得蒙大拿国际电影节“全球最受欢迎纪录片”奖的纪录片《里山》,还有韩国的万人流行音乐现场等等,当然全部是高清信号播出。超强的节目资源已成为《高清影视》频道的核心竞争力,《高清影视》 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 频道正在借高清世界杯等重大节目卖点,领跑中国高清市场~ 日前,信息产业部公布了数字电视显示器的高清标准,一时间,我国大大小小十多家电视机厂商纷纷加入了国标高清电视机的生产商阵营,媒体陆续报道。但是对于正在选购和更换电视机的消费者,这些家电行业报道很容易让人误以为:买了高清电视机,就等于看上了高清电视。而实际上,有否接收到高清节目信号才能说明我们看到的是不是高清电视。打个比方,就好像我们用彩色电视机看黑白paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 电视节目信号,看到的依然是黑白电视,而非彩色电视。 从模拟转向数字是我们已经置身其中的全球化电视技术革新,数字电视在音像质量和稳定性等技术指标上都强于模拟电视,高清数字电视则是各项技术指标都高于标清数字电视。数字高清付费电视是凭借高品质节目、全方位高端服务,创造高效益的全新付费电视业务。用户如果要想收看到真正意义上的高清晰度电视,必须具备三个条件:1)高清电视节目内容2)高清节目传输系统3)高清电视机和机顶盒。高品质的节目内容需要通过精密的高清技术 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 传播系统传送到用户,并最终通过符合技术标准的高端接收设备——高清电视机和机顶盒,才能让观众真正领略到高清电视的魅力。 也就是说,仅仅靠高清电视机去收看模拟电视节目(就是现在的免费电视节目),看到的根本不是“高清电视”。 高清电视节目从采集、拍摄、编辑、制作、传输到接收全部都要采用高清设备,凡是处于可传输高清数字电视节目的有线电视的用户,在购买了适宜的高清电视机和高清机paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 顶盒,并订购了高清节目后,才能看到真正的高清电视,体验真正的高清电视带来的高品质生活。目前,中央数字电视《高清影视》频道是我国惟一一个经国家广电总局批准可在全国有线数字电视网络范围内播出的高清数字付费电视频道,也是全球首家中文高清频道。《高清影视》频道2006年1月起已经开始正式销售,2006年它为我们带来的最大震撼将是在我国全程独家直播德国2006世界杯的高清版,并且是与德国时间同步播出,由央视体育节目主持人进行中文讲解。 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 2006年6月10日0时,亿万中国球迷的心将被06年世界杯开赛的哨音引爆,4年一次的足坛盛事在今年又有别样的精彩:除了比赛本身充满悬念,还有今年赛事独特的播出方式——2006年世界杯将成为体育电视史上第一次全部比赛使用高清数字信号播出的赛事。央视《高清影视》频道将在国内独家播出本届世界杯全部64场赛事,其中56场为现场直播,8场赛事由于同时进行将录播后在高清影视频道播出,累计播出量将达到250小时。这意味着中国的电视观众通过该频道,将前所未有地观赏到最真切的paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 世界杯比赛。 区别传统的电视节目信号,高清节目信号在声画方面的技术优势使它能够充分还原一个最接近现场的效果。首先,高清节目信号的画面比例为16:9,观众最直观的感受就是画面上下边缘没有黑色遮幅,全屏显示,视野更加开阔。高清晰的图像显示,会使瞒天过海的“上帝之手”在观众的高清电视屏幕上原形毕露;让桑巴大师的迷幻步法显露得一览无余。其次,高清节目的声音信号是5.1环绕声,是模拟电视信号和标清电视信号里面所没有的,赛场声音 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 被充分捕捉,现场球迷的呐喊、教练的私语和球员的咆哮都能听得一清二楚,观众甚至可以清晰地听到点球大战临门一射时,球与脚接触的瞬间发出的“通通”声,对于最大限度追求现场效果的球迷绝对是一种震撼。通过收看《高清影视》频道,坐在家里就能体会到的 “家庭影院效果的世界杯赛”。 这样高品位的视听享受,无疑会给精彩的比赛锦上添花。 如果说2005年9月《高清影视》频道开播引燃了积蓄已久的国内高清电视市场,那么此次央视将借2006年6月paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 播出高清世界杯,引起高清频道销售的燎原之火。巨大的市场需求,造就了《高清影视》频道惊人的潜在市场。一方面,众多球迷对高清世界杯反响强烈。据报道中国拥有世界上最多球迷,其中会有99.99%的球迷通过电视收看2006年世界杯,他们对转播信号质量要求甚为苛刻。另一方面,高清电视机持续旺销,未来高清电视市场潜在容量将超过千亿元,而与高清电视机配套的高清频道产品,而目前还没有能与央视的《高清影视》频道匹敌的竞争对手 。国内独家直播高清世界杯这一巨大卖点,成为央视 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 《高清影视》频道出击高清市场的一记重拳~ 2006年大力神杯花落谁家尚存悬疑,但角逐高清节目收视市场的初战态势却似乎已经较为明朗。如果说摘得足球桂冠有时要靠运气,那么高清频道要被用户认可并掏腰包购买,则百分百要靠频道节目内容的实力。如果说撬动高清消费这一巨大蛋糕,是源于高清技术的吸引力,那么要切下巨大的市场,高清频道商必须有真金白银掷地有声的节目内容为支撑。国外的经验也证明了这点,无论放眼欧美还是环顾亚太,国际上成功的高清频道无一例外地拥有顶paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 级品质及海量的节目。作为央视大手笔推出的全球首个中文高清频道,背靠中央电视台这一强大资源,《高清影视》频道开播前就已累计储存了3000小时的高清节目素材,这一数字还在以每年800小时的速度增加。目前每天不间断播出18小时,涵盖电影、电视剧、电视电影、纪录片、音乐、时尚、体育7大主题的精彩节目,全部精选最富视听冲击力的内容,让用户大呼过瘾。除央视生产的精品高清电视剧、纪录片、金牌电视栏目外,还有从国外高额引进的高清节目内容,很多都为国内独播或首播。如创造欧 paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit 美收视冠军的《拉斯维加斯》,获美国金球奖的系列剧《CSI:犯罪鉴证科》,富士电视台黄金档剧集《去年圣诞节》、《一公升眼泪》,获得蒙大拿国际电影节“全球最受欢迎纪录片”奖的纪录片《里山》,还有韩国的万人流行音乐现场等等,当然全部是高清信号播出。超强的节目资源已成为《高清影视》频道的核心竞争力,《高清影视》频道正在借高清世界杯等重大节目卖点,领跑中国高清市场~ paper has produced remarkable results. By pay close attention to reform, all three business units exceeded annual targets on schedule task. Hotel as originally planned one month in advance to achieve the annual task of Pingliang, four months ahead of the dynamic balance of revenues and expenditures year, annual operating revenue reached 10.41 million Yuan, accounting for 114% of the annual plan, achieved a net profit
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