

2017-09-01 12页 doc 36KB 7阅读




好奇号火星车发回第一份语音邮件好奇号火星车发回第一份语音邮件 好奇号火星车发回第一份语音邮件 新浪科技讯北京时间8月28日消息,据美国宇航局网站报道,近日,好奇号火星车发回了美国宇航局局长查尔斯博尔顿的讲话录音。这是首次从地球上向另一颗行星发送语音邮件并再次发回地球的尝试。 p.contentPlayer{margin-top:10px;} of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of p...
好奇号火星车发回第一份语音邮件 好奇号火星车发回第一份语音邮件 新浪科技讯北京时间8月28日消息,据美国宇航局网站报道,近日,好奇号火星车发回了美国宇航局局长查尔斯博尔顿的讲话录音。这是首次从地球上向另一颗行星发送语音邮件并再次发回地球的尝试。 p.contentPlayer{margin-top:10px;} of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit .contentPlayer{float:left;width:336px;height:322px;background:urlno-repeat00;margin:010px10px-10px;*margin-right:7px;padding:1px10px;_display:inline} .contentPlayera{text-decoration:underline;font-size:12px!important;} of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit .cp_player{padding:14px00;text-align:center;height:249px;display:block;} .cp_tit{padding:10px0018px;font-size:12px!important;line-height:20px!important;display:block;} .cp_from{padding:00018px;font-size:12px!importaof the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit nt;line-height:20px!important;display:block;} 这份语音邮件先是被发往火星面的好奇号火星车,随后由好奇号向地球转发回来,并通过美国宇航局的深空天线网络接收信号。在讲话中,查尔斯博尔顿提到了登陆火星的困难,并祝贺美国宇航局的职员们,以及他们的商业和政府间合作伙伴,祝贺他们在本月将好奇号送上了火星表面,他还提到好奇号的成功将激励人类不断向前探索。 在讲话中,博尔顿说道:我们希望通过观察和分析of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 工作能在盖尔陨石坑获得的信息将会帮助我们了解更多有关火星生命存在的可能性,以及我们地球在过去和未来的命运。好奇号的工作将为地球带来福音,并启迪新一代的科学家和探索者,并最终为在不远的将来执行载人火星任务铺平道路。 在美国宇航局喷气推进实验室召开的一次新闻发布会上,这一份来自火星的语音邮件,以及一些最新发回的火星表面图像一并向外界进行了公布。美国宇航局好奇of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 号项目执行主管戴维拉弗里表示:通过这份语音邮件,人类向着挣脱地球的束缚又前进了一小步,对遥远世界的探索也让我们和它们的距离更近了一些。他说:随着好奇号继续它的探测使命,透过这份语音讲话,我们希望能激励某一位如今正生活在地球上的人,这个人未来将会成为首位踏上火星表面的人类。正和伟大的阿姆斯特朗一样,他将迈出人类探索历程中的又一大步。 本次发布的火星最新图像中展示了在山麓地区一of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 些侵蚀形成的冲沟地形,可以清晰的看到层状沉积结构。这张照片是由搭载在好奇号桅杆相机的100毫米远距镜头和34毫米广角镜头拍摄的。这台相机已经拍摄了附近夏普山的缓坡下部地形景象。 麦克马林来自加州圣迭戈的马林空间科学系统公司,他也是桅杆相机设备的首席科学家,他说:那里是好奇号将攀登夏普山的位置。那些层状沉积岩层是我们最终的目标。但是那片暗色的沙丘横亘在我们和那些沉积岩层of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 之间。在那些暗色沙丘前方,你可以看到一些偏红色的沙地,它们的成分不同。前景位置上的一些岩石同样显示出多样性,一些是圆形的,一些是带棱角的,它们具有不同的成因历史。这是一片在地质上非常丰富的地区,我们最终将抵达那里。 本周一进行的测试行驶让好奇号抵达了它在降落时由于下降设备的反冲发动机喷出的气流吹拂而暴露出下部岩石的一片区域,在强大气流的冲击下,这些原本被覆of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 盖的岩石表面的尘土已经被吹走了。因此研究人员现在正打算用搭载的中子发射设备检查这些岩石内部结构中是否存在水分子的迹象。 在本次新闻发布会上,好奇号项目组还了对好奇号的火星样本分析仪设备的测试结果。这种设备可以对火星大气,岩石和土壤粉末进行取样成分分析。在升空之后,仍然残留在火星样本分析仪设备中的地球大气成分的量超出预期,因此出于谨慎起见,该设备中微型小气压泵of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 两侧的气压差让科学家们决定暂时停止排出残留地球大气的工作。不过后来气压泵仍然恢复了工作,并最终完成了对内部残留地球大气成分的测试分析工作。 火星样本分析仪设备首席科学家,美国宇航局戈达德空间飞行中心的保罗马哈菲表示:作为对这台设备的测试,测试的结果完美地证明了该设备测定气体成分的精确性。他说:我们对于测试结果非常满意,我们希望在未来数天内将开展下一步的工作,那时我们将会获取火星大气of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 的分析数据。 在短短时间内,好奇号发回的数据已经快要超过在此之前所有火星车发回数据的总和。 美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的查得爱德华兹是宇航局火星探索项目首席通信工程师,他说:我们拥有一个在火星运行的全球性的通讯中继卫星系统,它们持续不断地将数据从好奇号传回地球。好奇号拥有调整自身数据传输速率的能力,这让数据回传的效率更高。 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 木恰好奇号已经登陆火星3周时间,最终它计划将在火星表面工作两年。它搭载有10台科学仪器,它们将被用于考察在好奇号的所在区域,过去是否曾经存在过适宜微生物生存的环境条件。 美国宇航局喷气推进实验室负责好奇号项目的管理工作,并在此之前全程负责了好奇号火星车的设计,开发和组装工作。美国宇航局的深空天线网是一个遍布全球的测控网,其任务是为行星际太阳系探测项目的开展提供of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 支持,并进行雷达和无线电天文学研究。该系统同时也对部分地球轨道上运行的卫星提供支持。 新浪科技訊北京時間8月28日消息,據美國宇航局網站報道,近日,好奇號火星車發回瞭美國宇航局局長查爾斯博爾頓的講話錄音。這是首次從地球上向另一顆行星發送語音郵件並再次發回地球的嘗試。 p.contentPlayer{margin-top:10px;} of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit .contentPlayer{float:left;width:336px;height:322px;background:urlno-repeat00;margin:010px10px-10px;*margin-right:7px;padding:1px10px;_display:inline} .contentPlayera{text-decoration:underline;font-size:12px!important;} of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit .cp_player{padding:14px00;text-align:center;height:249px;display:block;} .cp_tit{padding:10px0018px;font-size:12px!important;line-height:20px!important;display:block;} .cp_from{padding:00018px;font-size:12px!importaof the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit nt;line-height:20px!important;display:block;} 這份語音郵件先是被發往火星表面的好奇號火星車,隨後由好奇號向地球轉發回來,並通過美國宇航局的深空天線網絡接收信號。在講話中,查爾斯博爾頓提到瞭登陸火星的困難,並祝賀美國宇航局的職員們,以及他們的商業和政府間合作夥伴,祝賀他們在本月將好奇號送上瞭火星表面,他還提到好奇號的成功將激勵人類不斷向前探索。 在講話中,博爾頓說道:我們希望通過觀察和分析of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 工作能在蓋爾隕石坑獲得的信息將會幫助我們瞭解更多有關火星生命存在的可能性,以及我們地球在過去和未來的命運。好奇號的工作將為地球帶來福音,並啟迪新一代的科學傢和探索者,並最終為在不遠的將來執行載人火星任務鋪平道路。 在美國宇航局噴氣推進實驗室召開的一次新聞發佈會上,這一份來自火星的語音郵件,以及一些最新發回的火星表面圖像一並向外界進行瞭公佈。美國宇航局好奇of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 號項目執行主管戴維拉弗裡表示:通過這份語音郵件,人類向著掙脫地球的束縛又前進瞭一小步,對遙遠世界的探索也讓我們和它們的距離更近瞭一些。他說:隨著好奇號繼續它的探測使命,透過這份語音講話,我們希望能激勵某一位如今正生活在地球上的人,這個人未來將會成為首位踏上火星表面的人類。正和偉大的阿姆斯特朗一樣,他將邁出人類探索歷程中的又一大步。 本次發佈的火星最新圖像中展示瞭在山麓地區一of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 些侵蝕形成的沖溝地形,可以清晰的看到層狀沉積結構。這張照片是由搭載在好奇號桅桿相機的100毫米遠距鏡頭和34毫米廣角鏡頭拍攝的。這臺相機已經拍攝瞭附近夏普山的緩坡下部地形景象。 麥克馬林來自加州聖迭戈的馬林空間科學系統公司,他也是桅桿相機設備的首席科學傢,他說:那裡是好奇號將攀登夏普山的位置。那些層狀沉積巖層是我們最終的目標。但是那片暗色的沙丘橫亙在我們和那些沉積巖層of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 之間。在那些暗色沙丘前方,你可以看到一些偏紅色的沙地,它們的成分不同。前景位置上的一些巖石同樣顯示出多樣性,一些是圓形的,一些是帶棱角的,它們具有不同的成因歷史。這是一片在地質上內容非常豐富的地區,我們最終將抵達那裡。 本周一進行的測試行駛讓好奇號抵達瞭它在降落時由於下降設備的反沖發動機噴出的氣流吹拂而暴露出下部巖石的一片區域,在強大氣流的沖擊下,這些原本被覆of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 蓋的巖石表面的塵土已經被吹走瞭。因此研究人員現在正打算用搭載的中子發射設備檢查這些巖石內部結構中是否存在水分子的跡象。 在本次新聞發佈會上,好奇號項目組還報告瞭對好奇號的火星樣本分析儀設備的測試結果。這種設備可以對火星大氣,巖石和土壤粉末進行取樣成分分析。在升空之後,仍然殘留在火星樣本分析儀設備中的地球大氣成分的量超出預期,因此出於謹慎起見,該設備中微型小氣壓泵of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 兩側的氣壓差讓科學傢們決定暫時停止排出殘留地球大氣的工作。不過後來氣壓泵仍然恢復瞭工作,並最終完成瞭對內部殘留地球大氣成分的測試分析工作。 火星樣本分析儀設備首席科學傢,美國宇航局戈達德空間飛行中心的保羅馬哈菲表示:作為對這臺設備的測試,測試的結果完美地證明瞭該設備測定氣體成分的精確性。他說:我們對於測試結果非常滿意,我們希望在未來數天內將開展下一步的工作,那時我們將會獲取火星大氣of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 的分析數據。 在短短時間內,好奇號發回的數據已經快要超過在此之前所有火星車發回數據的總和。 美國宇航局噴氣推進實驗室的查得愛德華茲是宇航局火星探索項目首席通信工程師,他說:我們擁有一個在火星運行的全球性的通訊中繼衛星系統,它們持續不斷地將數據從好奇號傳回地球。好奇號擁有調整自身數據傳輸速率的能力,這讓數據回傳的效率更高。 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 木恰好奇號已經登陸火星3周時間,最終它計劃將在火星表面工作兩年。它搭載有10臺科學儀器,它們將被用於考察在好奇號的所在區域,過去是否曾經存在過適宜微生物生存的環境條件。 美國宇航局噴氣推進實驗室負責好奇號項目的管理工作,並在此之前全程負責瞭好奇號火星車的設計,開發和組裝工作。美國宇航局的深空天線網是一個遍佈全球的測控網,其任務是為行星際太陽系探測項目的開展提供of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 支持,並進行雷達和無線電天文學研究。該系統同時也對 部分地球軌道上運行的衛星提供支持。 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit
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