

2018-08-21 34页 doc 88KB 12阅读




汽油车油耗高的原因汽油车油耗高的原因 汽车油耗高的第一个原因: 就是驾驶技术低,同一辆车,不同人驾驶,汽车油耗也不一样。只有总结经验提高驾驶水平才能解诀因驾驶技术出现的油耗高问题。 汽车油耗高的第二个原因: 汽油车火花塞,高压线有问题,引起点火电路不正常,,可以通过检修更换另件解决油耗高。 汽车油耗高的第三个原因: 刹车系统有问题,刹车片不回位,行驶阻力加大。可以通过检修恢复降低油耗。 汽车油耗高的第四个原因: 汽车油路不畅,积碳堵塞,使用燃油清洗剂清洗喷油咀和节气门。可以降低油耗。 汽车油耗高的第五个原因:: 空气滤芯脏,空...
汽油车油耗高的原因 汽车油耗高的第一个原因: 就是驾驶技术低,同一辆车,不同人驾驶,汽车油耗也不一样。只有总结经验提高驾驶水平才能解诀因驾驶技术出现的油耗高问。 汽车油耗高的第二个原因: 汽油车火花塞,高压线有问题,引起点火电路不正常,,可以通过检修更换另件解决油耗高。 汽车油耗高的第三个原因: 刹车系统有问题,刹车片不回位,行驶阻力加大。可以通过检修恢复降低油耗。 汽车油耗高的第四个原因: 汽车油路不畅,积碳堵塞,使用燃油清洗剂清洗喷油咀和节气门。可以降低油耗。 汽车油耗高的第五个原因:: 空气滤芯脏,空气不畅,致使油汽比不对。需更换滤芯解决。 汽车油耗高的第六个原因:夏季高温空气湿度大季节性产生油耗高。 汽车油耗高的第七个原因:行驶速度快,汽车负载重,油耗偏高。 汽车油耗高的第八个原因:汽油油质达不到,致使油耗偏高。 汽车油耗高的第九个原因: 金属磨损。大多车辆经过2000公里磨合后,气缸壁和活塞环的表面粗糙度变小可达到Ra=0.2微米,气缸与活塞的间隙也是最小,气门密封也最严,汽车油耗自然最少。 一般国产车跑五至十万公里后,金属磨擦表面逐步磨损,出现凹凸不平,这时的磨损速度比新车磨损多了几倍至十几倍。金属磨损后另件间隙加大,摩擦阻力增加,气缸压力下降,窜油窜气的现象不可避免地发生了,损耗增多、效率降低、动力性能下降,汽车油耗自然就上升了。有的车甚至比新车油耗增加20-30%。 要想使汽车油耗高恢复到新车标准,以往最有效的办法就是大修,镗缸换活塞、活塞环 。恢复原车机件的尺寸。但是费用高,时间长。最近有一项汽车行驶10万公里磨损量极低(近似为0),能提高动力,降低油耗的新技 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 术已经推广使用。鑫霸金属陶瓷精磨合、金属自修复技术。鑫霸精磨合技术适用行驶2000公里磨合后新车,使用后气缸壁和活塞环的表面粗糙度变 的更小可达到Ra=0.02微米,与未精磨合相差10倍,摩擦阻力降低50-80%,解决机件因磨擦阻力高引起汽车油耗高也在情理之中。 鑫霸金属自修复技术适用2-10万公里未烧机油的车辆,对因缸筒磨损缸压下降有自修复作用,最显注的作用是恢复动力,使汽车油耗高的车恢复到新车水平。 发动机的使用状况:发动机的使用状况对耗油量的多少起着举足轻重的作用,如果发动机出现以下问题,耗油量就会明显增加。怠速调整过高;浮子室半衡孔堵塞产生缸吸等。点火系部分,高压线圈的部分短路、分电器触点的烧蚀、容电器的击穿,将造成高压火弱,点火能力下降,部分混合气不能完全点燃而使油耗增大。火花塞积炭过多,火花塞、火花塞套和个别高压线漏电,也将造成点火能力下降和个别缸不工作使油耗增大。配气机构,在配气机构中,气门间隙过大或过小都达不到进气充足和排气干净的目的,同时,气门弹簧过软,气门、气门口烧蚀,使气门达不到理想的密封程度,使气缸压力减小,发动机功率下降。另外随着发动机工作时间的增长,气缸、活塞和活塞环磨损加大,使密封性下降,油耗自然增大。同时维修过程中,活塞环装配时端口重叠也是一个因素 并不是说车辆存有积炭是某一款汽油车的普遍问题,只要车辆在进行燃烧工作都是会存有积炭的,这个问题其他品牌的车型也一样会出现。避免减少积炭的方法主要是:1、提高燃油质量,尽量使用高标号汽油。2、避免长时间怠速着车,在行驶途中尽量提高转速来进行换档。3、定期的对车辆的节气门、喷油嘴等部位进行清洗,通常周期为2万公里上下,俗称清洁保养。第二个问题:油耗的问题有一点是清洗节气门后会轻微改变发动机ecu的供油参数,因此油耗增加是正常的,随着行车里程的增加油耗会逐渐恢复正常。同时油耗问题也是个很综合的问题。包含的方面很多,车辆的载重量会增加油耗,还有最重要一点就是:咱们出行的道路路况,因为北京的交通路况实在是太复杂了,然后出行时尽量选择路况良好,开阔平坦的路面行驶,您在检查下油耗应该是有所缓解的。第三个问题:1.3万公里的车辆不知道年份是否到了2年,如果到了2年必须把刹车油做更换。同时入冬前一定要把防冻液进行检查是否有亏损现象和冰点是否达标的检查。以后在每次冷启动出车前预热一分钟在行车。 汽车上的大多数问题都可能导致油耗高,你这个问题太大了。 假如汽车上的零件问题不会导致油耗高,那汽车厂家为什么不直接就这么设计零件呢。 下面再来说说什么问题会导致油耗高,按顺序来,说个大概: 1,加的汽油标号不对,质量不好等。 2,油泵压力不够,喷油嘴积炭,导致燃油雾化不好 3,空气燃油比不合理,这个可能是某些传感器工作不好,或者节气门积炭等,原因很多。 4,气门气缸活塞积炭,燃油部分被积炭吸收等原因。 5,加入的润滑油标号不对,质量有问题等。 6,气缸漏气,点火时间不对等。 7,空气滤清器堵了,或者排气的三元催化堵了,导致进排气不顺畅。 8,连接水泵油泵发电机的皮带过紧,导致运转阻力增大。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 9,变速箱油需要更换了,或者离合器压力不够了。 10,经常开空调,或者车上放太多东西,或者经常坐很多人,车辆行驶阻力太大。 11,四轮定位没做好,车轮位置和理论值有偏差。 12,四个轮子的轴承有损坏,或者磨损过度。 13,刹车系统没有调教好,可能手刹不能完全放到底,导致一直轻微刹车状态。 14,路况不一样导致的油耗差别。 15,驾驶习惯不一样导致油耗差别,基本要做到,轻踩油门少踩刹车。 16,发电机电压不够,点火线圈损坏,火花塞使用时间过长间隙过大/积炭等,导致点火不好。 还有很多原因,太多了,基本是说不完的。 假如你发现忽然耗油量比平常多了10%以上,那也许就意味着车有问题了,您可以及时从新锐所搜集的八个方面中找原因及补救措施: 1、如果您在行驶中发现爱车现在的滑行距离明显减少,这时应该检查一下轮胎的气压是否合乎气压标准。若轮胎充气不足,耗油量也会增加。提示:适时为轮胎充足气。 2、检查轮胎的磨损程度,如果轮胎磨损严重时,就会经常出现打滑现象,增加耗油量。提示:必要时可更换新的轮胎。 3、如果您在行驶中或启动时发现车轮有异常响声,应该及时检查轴承及刹车系统是否有故障。如果车轮转动不正常,就会影响车速,使油耗加大。 提示:检修轴承及刹车系统。 4、离合器打滑会使发动机的转数丢失。当您在急加速时发现发动机转速表增加很快,但车速增加却很慢,这时可以判定是离合器打滑了。 提示:需要更换离合器片,离合器压盘和驱轮。 5、当您的车已经行驶二三十万公里时,通常会出现汽缸压力不足的现象,这时油耗会明显增加。提示:如果真的出现这种故障,那么发动机就需要大修了。 6、当排气管出现冒黑烟、油耗增大的现象时,需要检查化油器。 提示:如果化油器太脏可以用清洗剂直接向化油器进气口喷一喷,若此时还冒黑烟,那只能把化油器拆开清洗了 7、如果火花塞使用的时间太长,也会出现油耗加大的现象。因为火花塞损坏会使点火的能量下降,车提速减慢,导致汽油消耗明显增加。 提示:应该换火花塞了。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 8、当车的温控开关和节温器损坏时,会出现油耗增加的现象。因为温控开关和节温器损坏会使水温降低,化油器不能正常工作,导致汽油雾化不良,油耗量明显增加。提示:检查温控开关和节温器。 电喷发动机是采用电子控制装置.取代传统的机械系统(如化油器)来控制发动机的供油过程。如汽油机电喷系统就是通过各种传感器将发动机的温度、空燃比.油门状况、发动机的转速、负荷、曲轴位置、车辆行驶状况等信号输入电子控制装置.电子控制装置根据这些信号参数.计算并控制发动机各气缸所需要的喷油量和喷油时刻,将汽油在一定压力下通过喷油器喷入到进气管中雾化。并与进入的空气气流混合,进入燃烧室燃烧,从而确保发动机和催化转化器始终工作在最佳状态。,影响汽车的燃料经济性的因素有哪方面呢,影响的因素是多方面的,涉及到车辆本身,也涉及到驾驶者和道路状况。总体而言,主要有发动机、排放、变速器、车身外形、重量、轮胎和驾驶技术等这七个方面小。虽然道路状况对燃料经济性的影响很大,例如畅通与堵塞,市区与公路行驶都会对耗油有直接影响,但因为道路状况会随时变化,所以不列入主要影响因素范围。 1(故障原因 1)空气滤清器阻塞或怠速调整不当。 2)热空气阀门阻塞或点火时刻过迟。 3)EFE加热器工作不良或氧传感器失灵。 4)排放系统工作差或轮胎气压不足。 5)PCV曲轴箱通风阀门阻塞或滤清器不干净。 6)冷起动喷油器阻塞或泄漏。 7)燃油喷油器内部损坏或磨损严重。 8)行车或驻车制动器有拖滞现象。 9)点火时间调整过迟。 10)冷却系统恒温器失灵或控制温度过低。 11)恒温空气滤清器有故障,使热空气一直进人。 12)EGR再循环阀因卡滞而常开 2(故障检修 1)检查轮胎气压、制动技术状况。 2)检查空气滤清器情况。 3)检查燃油、油泵、滤清器的状况。 4)检查油压、供油量、调节器情况。 5)检查喷油器、发动机管路系统连接。 6)检查冷却液温度传感器、进气温度传感器。 7)检查空气流量传感器、节气门位置传感器。 8)检查爆燃传感器、ECU的插接器。 9)检查冷却系统恒温器、恒温空气滤清器及EGR再循环阀。 更换火花塞 症状:火花塞性能变差后,当您在驾车行驶时会感觉到发动机动力不足、急加速嘬车 并伴随排气管发出“突、突”声,怠速时发动机抖动等现象。 解决:建议您每行驶3万公里到修理厂检查火花塞,必要时更换。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 节气门体脏污后的症状 症状:奔驰W140轿车的节气门在行驶20000公里左右时,由于空气质量原因,截流 阀处会有许多污垢,当污垢积累到一定厚度时,发动机就会出现启动时不易着车,着车后怠 速异常,行驶中熄火等现象,此时节气门就需要清洗了。 解决:清洗后通过原厂诊断仪设定可以达到标准。 免拆清洗喷油器 症状:喷油嘴脏污后,发动机会出现起动困难、动力下降、加速迟缓、怠速发抖、冒黑 烟、尾气超标、严重时发动机将无法起动。 解决:进行免拆清洗喷油嘴,清洗的同时还可以把燃烧室和活塞顶部的积炭清洗掉。建 议车辆每行驶20000公里进行一次免拆清洗。这样也可以避免进气系统积炭积存太厚。 转向机漏油 症状:W140底盘的轿车转向机修包损坏后,转向机外部会有许多油污,使转向助力油 亏损。亏油严重的在转向时会发出很大的噪音,如不及时修理将会使助力泵亏油损坏。 解决:发现转向机漏油应及时到修理厂更换转向机修包,以防转向助力系统亏油造成元 件损坏。一般W140底盘的轿车行驶10万公里左右,转向机出现漏油现象的比较多。 水泵损坏渗漏冷却液 症状:W140轿车水泵出现渗漏冷却液现象比较普遍。水泵损坏后使冷却液泄漏,当冷却 液亏损严重时,会造成冷却液温度过高损坏发动机。 解决:发现水泵有渗漏冷却液现象的应及时更换水泵,以免造成更大的损失。 燃油泵的故障现象 症状:燃油泵是将燃油加压输送到喷油器。一般奔驰W140底盘的轿车燃油泵损坏之前会 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 发出“吱、吱”声,当燃油泵损坏后,燃油不能喷进发动机,发动机将停止工作。 解决:当燃油泵出现异响时,应及时更换燃油泵,以免爱车抛锚。 制动开关损坏引发的故障 症状:W140装有ASR系统的轿车,在制动开关损坏后会点亮ASR灯,有时行驶时不能加速。 解决:出现ASR灯点亮时,应到修理厂用诊断仪检测。一般因制动开关引起ASR灯亮的比较多。 空气流量计的故障现象 症状:喷射系统为ME的轿车,其发动机所吸入的空气量是靠热膜式空气流量计来测量的。 因其结构的原因空气流量计特别容易损坏。损坏后,车辆出现加速无力、冒黑烟、无法跑到最 高车速、没有怠速等现象。 解决:建议视行车空气状况及时清洁或更换空滤。只有经常保持进入发动机的空气含尘量 少,才能使空气流量计的寿命延长。 1)检查轮胎气压、制动技术状况。 2)检查空气滤清器情况。 3)检查燃油、油泵、滤清器的状况。 4)检查油压、供油量、调节器情况。 5)检查喷油器、发动机管路系统连接。 6)检查冷却液温度传感器、进气温度传感器。 7)检查空气流量传感器、节气门位置传感器。 8)检查爆燃传感器、ECU的插接器。 9)检查冷却系统恒温器、恒温空气滤清器及EGR再循环 谈电喷发动机油耗 坛子里围绕着马儿的发动机及油耗争论时间够久了,显见大家非常关心这个问题,但马会乃至整个爱卡能把这个问题谈清楚的不多,现在我来试一把。 目前我们大多数的人能够接触到的车无非是化油器发动机或电喷发动机,废话,这点地球人都知道~但为什么化油器要被电喷淘汰,因为电喷比化油器节能省油,放P,现在在咱国同等排量上电喷都要比化油器的费油,地球人知道吗, 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 化油器为什么要改为电喷,环保要求。开始讲故事: 一、关于发动机的概念: 汽车使用的发动机称为内燃机,也就是说燃油是在一个封闭的环境中使用。而燃油的充分燃烧的绝对前提是充分的空气,但由于是封闭环境,空气是定量的(就是所谓排量啦),把定量的燃油加到定量的空气里才是合情合理的,话说起来简单,真正实现很难。由于发动机的工作原理较为复杂,普通人需要这么理解:发动机是变量动力,通过不同的活塞运动周期输出不同的动力(就是所谓的转速啦),虽然我们可以把排量定格成一个数值,但转速是变量,而且是非线性变量,而化油器是纯机械结构,供油量跟油门是线性正比关系,供油为纯人为,这就很难做到燃油的合理定量。过去新手开车,很容易淹车,就是这个原因。从另一角度讲,由于纯人为,由此产生了无穷的节油大法,它们大多切实有效,但我要在这里吼一嗓,,对电喷没用~ 电喷技术的应用解决了燃油和空气这对矛盾,使燃油可以合理配合空气进行充分燃烧,其显著特征就是大大降低了废气排放。 所以说,化油器和电喷的区别是: 结构差异:供油系统。 目标差异:降低排放。 二、关于电喷发动机的概念: 所谓电喷就是通过电子控制系统对发动机实行自动供油,彻底摆脱了人为控制的因素。我相信很多人看到这儿有掉井里的感觉,疑问那我开车踩油门时干么呢,给大家一个全新的名词“油门NO,加速踏板YES”。 电喷的工作原理大致是这样:用空气流量传感器空气量,根据空气量确定供油量,同时排气处也设有一个废气传感器记录废气量反馈给供油系统,通过这样的完整循环保证了燃油的充分燃烧,使排放达到最低。但问题没有这么简单,车是要动的,比方说车的运动或是环境中的自然风都会引起空气流量的变化,为了不致出现车停在红灯前刮过一阵风发动机就乱转的可笑事情发生,电喷系统采用曲折进气和抽样取值的方式工作,也就是咱们马儿进气管设计成七拐八绕的由头,加速踏板改变空气流量。 同样的,电喷最需要解决的也是动力输出问题,但影响动力输出的因素既多又复杂,大致有环境(气温和气流等)、路况(路面质量和高低起伏等)、车况(轮胎和载荷等)、人为(驾驶习惯和方式等)等等,电喷如何解决这些问题,通过传感器,比如最易理解的就是温度,用温度传感器就可以感知温度,借此控制电子扇和节温器调节温度。限于篇幅,我不能把所有的传感器一一列举了,可以这样说,电喷发动机较为完整的描述是机体,传感器,控制器,中央系统。就此得知,决定电喷发动机品质的因素已经从单纯的缸体容积转移到传感器、控制器、中央系统的数量和质量上来了。 我悲痛,中国就是因为目前无法自行研制传感器和中央系统而给人以连发动机都不会造的表象;我气愤,厂家利欲熏心,撤多减少拆好换旧对电喷传感器、控制器、中央系统大动手脚;我无奈,广大车友对发动机知其然不知其所以然,求低价赶实惠,中套还替别人数钱。 三、发动机油耗的概念: 恕我多言,坛子里讨论的所谓油耗问题大多极无聊,其本质实际就像现在天热,用扇子还是用空调此等弱智。为什么这么说,因为厂家和媒体在其中偷换了概念,厂家多属故意,揣着明白装糊涂;媒体多属无知,煞有介事混饭吃。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 大家都知道车所谓的油耗指标是升/百公里,但该指标实际毫无意义。就像你问我饭量一样,我可以斩钉截铁地回答:四两。可你顶多把此作为请我客时菜量的参考,而不会刻意追求这个四两~为什么大家这么在乎百公里耗几个油呢, 大家都认为油耗指标是判定发动机性能好与坏的重要指标,这点没错,但用升/百公里就错了~就像你问我饭量,我回答:四两。而你从中推算我的健康一样可笑。 这个升/百公里欺骗性在哪里,在中国就是要抹煞发动机的好与坏~比如说把马的发动机放到宝来车上,发动机指标就不是5.7(1.6排量),而要6-7了,实际油耗就要12个以上,因为宝来的自重比马大的多~而我们就以10万元级现有车型看,没有用同种发动机的,更没有同种自重的,但把升/百公里指标嚷嚷得满天飞,骗取所谓经济性,自重少30公斤升/百公里指标就可以降几个百分点,可厂家不会说这30公斤是省装了门侧两根加强防撞钢梁,而愣说发动机省油~ 好啦,能够真实反映发动机好坏的就是输出功率和排放指标。输出功率说明了燃油利用率,排放指标标明了电喷系统质量,就此而已。 这里声明一下,本人接触的是1.6GLS,由于时间和精力的原因对1.3尚未明了,抱歉! 关于马的发动机可以这么看一下,国内10万元级里的,惟一全球同步上市、在美国为欧4、自动巡航、发动机锁,去搜狐或新浪汽车栏读读指标。 四、电喷车省油的概念: 我在文前提到在咱国同等排量上电喷都要比化油器的费油,就是针对升/百公里而说的。 发动机从化油器提升到电喷,是技术进步,而不是技术飞跃,电喷虽然在单位燃油上提高了使用效率,但不可避免地变相增加了发动机自身负荷,与此同时车辆的安全舒适性也在不断提高;音响、空调功率的加大,都无一例外地消耗了提升出的动力,这是客观原因,而传感器、控制器质量不高,中央系统低级都会降低动力,这是主观因素。例如温度传感器不能准确测温,节温器不能有效调控,就会使电子扇经常无谓的启动,而电子扇是功耗大户,油耗自然要高。所以,电喷能够体现出的只有环保效果。 取决电喷油耗高低的最重要因素是中央系统的先进度,包括取值量和控,简单的比方就是286到奔4的差别,由于内容过于繁复我不在此废话,由此可以看出,电喷车省油途径是需要人尽量适应电喷特性而不是像化油器那样凭操作技巧,这里面包括行车技巧和化油器调整技巧。 假如我们抛开空调、音响、载重这些合理需要和胎压车况正常与否,电喷车省油途径只有: 严格按时速换档;在条件允许的情况下尽量迅速提速至经济时速并保持;少踩刹车这三条 详细解说油耗高的原因 新车在一般行车情况下,里程数1万公里至6万公里是油耗的稳定期,6万公里以后开始受发动机积碳的影响而偶有油耗增加的困扰,这时候进行积碳的清洗是绝对有必要的,每次清洗可以维持2万公里,期间仍要定期用些汽油清洁剂给发动机补一补,效果才会持久。 10万公里以后,发动机机件开始老化,油耗开始稳定增加,严重时,1600c.c.的油耗有时可以媲美2000c.c.新车的油耗。经常性长时间高速行驶,机件的磨耗程度远低于市区走走停停的行车状况,7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 因此发动机的状况可以由上述的6万- 10万公里延长为9万-15万公里。 耗油有很多原因,除了众所皆知的载重、爬坡、开冷暖气、胎压过低、爆走型的不良开车习惯外,其它可能原因如下: 车辆设计因素: (1) 发动机效率不同:四行程发动机单缸的最佳效率在400c.c.左右,所以4缸车是1600c.c.最吃香,6缸车就要2400 c.c.以上. (2) 车身太重:车身越重对油耗越不利,.国产2000c.c.中大型轿车的重量是一代胜过一代,Camry.等等.足足就如上一代的 2000c.c.轿车载3、4个人在跑,你想会省油吗,虽然新一代发动机省油技术越来越好,但发动机开始老化后,再好的省油技术都会被车重吃掉油耗. (3) 变速箱齿轮比:同样的c.c.数及车重,有些车跑高速公路就是比较省油,其实这跟四档的齿轮比有关系。日系轿车以省油为出发点,时速100公里时的转速会比较低,高级轿车则以动力为优先考虑,转速稍高一些,会稍耗油,但再加速时就比日系轿车更顺畅。 车辆使用因素: (1) 油路阻塞:不管那一家炼油厂生产的汽油多少都含有难以纯化的杂质,这些杂质经年累月累积后,会使油路及喷油嘴阻塞,也会在进气门上轻度造成积碳,这些玩意儿都会造成供油不顺畅、燃烧不完全,而使油耗增加。解决之道有两招…轻度的吃些补品,重度的进厂洗喷油嘴及积碳。 (2) 气路阻塞:空气滤清器阻塞严重时,进气不畅,发动机没劲儿油耗大增,换新的滤清器就可以了,顺便用喷雾式清洁剂在节气门喉口内喷一喷,清清喉咙有助呼吸。^_^ (3) 电路阻塞:高压导线老化,或是火花塞久未更换,都会使点火效率变差,油耗增加,更换新品即可解决. (4) 变速箱效率变差:有些人开自排车真的不知道要换自排油,年久不换会让液体变质、油路阻塞,变速箱效率就会变差,行车就会比较耗油。自排油应该两年或四万公里就更换,使用合成自排油一定可以改善变速箱的效率,对省油性多少会有一些帮助。 (5) 轮胎过宽:轮胎规格加宽是一定会增加油耗的,况且有些新车出厂时就已经是加宽的轮胎,自己再加宽岂不超规了吗,以下提供新一代轿车轮胎加宽手则供大家参考,胎宽单位为mm。 发动机大小 标准胎宽 加大胎宽 1.3小车 155 165 1.5小车 175 185 1.6/1.8轿车 185 195 2.0轿车 195 205 2.5/3.0轿车 205 215 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 加大胎宽时要注意保持胎径,比如185/60/R14加宽后的轮胎尺寸应是195/55/R14,而非195/60R/14,如果又换15吋铝圈的话,要用 195/50/R15。195/60/R15加宽应使用205/55/R15,而非205/60/R15,再换16吋铝圈的话,要用205/50/R16。 (6) 机油过多:机油油面超过油尺标准高度,发动机曲轴箱气室体积减少,就使迫使活塞运转向下时的舒张压增加,发动机出力受压抑,油耗就会增加。下次换机油时,加到油尺高低线的中间即可。 (7) 排气管漏气:排气管任何地方有破洞都会使排气回压降低,无法完全阻挡进气行程的新鲜油气于燃烧室内不流出排气管(四行程发动机的进排气行程还是有重迭的时候),起步就会没力又耗油。排气管最尾段的消音器在停车后因为高温使空气中的湿气凝结累积成水滴,是最容易锈蚀的地方,有破洞时,排气声音就会扑扑叫,很容易察觉。 富康轿车油耗高 富康车的油耗,用户反映自己的富康车油耗大于10L/lOOkm,甚至达到12L/lOOkm,结果由笔者驾驶,带着用户一起在市区道路上正常行驶每次都在6。0-6。5/100km左右,可见正确的操作方法多么重要。 当然还有其他的节省燃油、降低油耗的措施,如: 1。合理控制车速,当车速由110km/h提高到130km/h时,油耗将增加25%; 2。去掉不必要的重 物,行李箱内多余的重物将白白浪费您的燃油;经常检查轮胎的气压,胎压过低将增大行驶阻力,多耗燃油; 3。行驶时 尽量减少急加速和急刹车; 4。夏季使用空调,冬季使用阻风门(化油器车)和冷车热机,都将增加油耗; 5。发动机在没有达到正常工作温度的第1公里,油耗是正常的两倍,所以每天行驶里程极少的用户,油耗自然也会高些。 电喷发动机怠速低,行车易熄火。其实这也是由于驾驶时发动机转速太低引起的。富康发动机有一套曲轴箱废气回收二次燃烧装置,由一根橡胶软管从气门室罩上连接到进气管上。如转速太低,机油蒸气将不能完全被吸入燃烧室燃烧,部分机油蒸气就会进入与进气管连接的怠速阀及进气压力传感器内,造成怠速阀内产生积炭、发卡,导致怠速不稳,易熄火。这时只要清洗怠速阀和进气压力传感器及相关管路即可避免或减少此现象。 正确的驾驶方法,即升挡时发动机转速不能低于3000转/分 驾驶了两年多的宝来1.8L突然成了油老虎,满满一箱油跑不了多长时间就见了底,有几次还差点把油烧干了抛锚在半路上,这是在西安某私营企业工作的张女士不久前发现的问题。她仔细观察了里程表和油料表一段时间,经过估算后她吃惊地发现自己的车百公里油耗竟然达到了15升以上。随后,张女士把车开到4S店进行了全面检查,原来是宝来车的氧传感器损坏,导致了油耗增高。 其实,像张女士这样的例子在日常生活中比较常见,而造成车辆油耗增高的原因也多种多样。对7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 此,一汽大众百佳4S店的技术部经理王鑫总结出了四大诱发汽车油耗增高的原因以及解决办法。 ?诱因一:发动机内积炭过多 短期内致使发动机积炭过多的原因,主要是使用了不合适的油品,这种情况较易发生在长途驾车归来或将车辆转借他人使用之后。驾车跑长途,肯定会添加各地的燃油,即使是同一标号的燃油,各地的油品质量也不尽相同,因此很可能误用了不合适的油品。而将车转借他人使用,更难控制添加的油品质量。 解决办法:在加油时添加一定量的清洁剂,如果效果不明显,则说明发动机内积炭较多,这种情况必须把车开到4S店,由专业技术人员对发动机内的积炭进行清洗。而且清洗完之后,最好开车跑一段高速,这样有利于增加排气量,让较强的气流带出体积较大的积炭颗粒。 ?诱因二:车辆氧传感器损坏 作为汽车内部控制单元,氧传感器主要是监控发动机油气配比情况,其一旦损坏,就会造成发动机油气配比失调,耗油量肯定会突然增高。氧传感器损坏后,车辆在行驶过程中,排气筒会排出颜色较深的尾气。 解决办法:到正规4S店更换氧传感器,有些车主可能会图便宜在路边摊修理,但是更换之后,一定要在热车后 (氧传感器是在高温中工作的)再用检测仪检测一遍,看到有波动的信号输出才是真货。因为在车辆不工作的情况下,氧传感器也不起作用,即使装了假货,从仪表上也直接读不出来。 ?诱因三:“三滤”长时间未换 车辆在使用过程中,三滤(机油滤清器、空气滤清器和汽油滤清器)是必须定期更换的,如果长时间未换,它们就会变得脏腻,影响使用,并给发动机控制单元传递错误信息,造成油料燃烧不充分,发动机积炭增多。 解决办法:根据行驶公里数,定期给车辆做保养并更换“三滤”。 ?诱因四:发动机某控制单元有问题 发动机的电子控制单元虽然可靠性很高,但是在那些使用年限较长的车上,难免会出现这样或那样的故障。如某个集成块损坏、螺栓松动,某电子元件焊脚接头开焊以及电阻、电容元件失效等。发动机控制单元出现问题将直接导致车辆出现启动困难、油耗增大、动力性差、尾气浓黑等情况。 解决办法:把车开到4S店进行全面体检,该换的换,该修的修。 专业技术分析 油耗高的原因与解决 一、发动机技术状况使燃料超耗的原因 1、化油器主量孔调整不当。 2、点火系机件有故障或调整不当。 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 3、柴油机喷油系的油泵和喷油器调整不当。 4、活塞、活塞环与气缸缸壁磨损过大。 5、气门机构密封不严或气门间隙过大。 6、发动机温度过高或过低。 二、汽车底盘技术状况使燃料超耗的原因 1、离合器有打滑故障。 2、变速器各轴、轴承、齿轮之间的配合间隙过小。 3、前束调整不当。 4、制动鼓有拖滞现象。 5、轮胎气压不符合要求,气压偏低。 汽车油耗过高的解决方法: 1、使用中耗油率比原厂或定额值高,可调整主配剂针或换装合适的主量孔。运行中调整时,可运用优选法调整至经济值14.7:1 2、机件损坏失效或调整不当(如点火过迟,火花塞间隙不当,断电器触点间隙不当等)。应正确选择点火正时,校准火花塞断电器间隙,排除和检查点火系机件的技术状况和故障。 3、供油量过大,各缸供油量不均匀或雾化不良等,要及时调整。如发现排气管冒黑烟,工作无力、水温过高,要正确选择供油和喷油提前角。 4、活塞、活塞环与气缸缸壁配合间隙过大或气门缸垫漏气,应更换活塞环或大修更换缸套,重新镗气缸(标准压力值:在修90%;二保85%;最小不低于原厂设计的75%。大修后东风车为95%,其他车为90%)。 5、进、排气门与气门座接触不良,或气门间隙调整不当。可通过声响大小和测量气缸压力来定。研磨气门,调整气门间隙。 6、若温度高,应清除散热器和发动机水套中的水垢,调整风扇皮带松紧度,检修水泵,检查并调整风扇叶片角度;若温度低,应检查百叶窗关闭是否严密,检查节温器的工作状况并检查加热加装的保温套。 7、制动鼓发热,刹车拖滞,温度升高阻力增大,要调整制动鼓与制动蹄片的间隙 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs 7.2 7.2.1 material construction technical measures of inspection and management built tank selection of materials and accessories, should have the quality certificate or certificate of quality re-inspection. Construction selection of tank steel plate, must be carried out by Visual inspection, no serious damage and distortion. Surface corrosion of steel plate thickness reduction amount, actual negative deviation of steel plate and scratching depth and should comply with plate thickness tolerance requirements. Without stratification, porosity, surface scarring, RIP, crease, inclusion and press in the oxide. Electrode must have a quality certificate, which include chemical composition and mechanical properties of deposited metal tolerance. Electrode storage and stacking to expert management, establishment of the electrode, electrode diameter electrode and models should be neatly stacked separately. Establish a strict electrode system, record fill electrode, electrode should be used strictly for baking and issued as required. All plates should be classified by material quality and specifications of piling up. To prevent the string material should be established according to the purpose and use of books. All parts should be strictly according to the drawing check acceptance, and product certificates. 7.2.2 basis of acceptance before the construction of storage tank should be designed in accordance with the corresponding basic documentation requirements and API620 the relevant requirements for acceptance, and check the basic construction unit to provide checks of records. Foundation Center height tolerance is ? 20mm. Base surface should be flat and dense, and through cracks in the prominent bulge, SAG-free. Tank tank bolt, the inner tank of anchor bolt, belt should be in water based embedded fixed. 7.2.3 operations can in prefabricated Assembly and testing process used in the product are as follows: the arcs
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