

2017-09-01 33页 doc 99KB 50阅读




实习期工作总结实习期工作总结 见习期工作总结 时光如梭,三年的见习期即将结束。在这三年里,在学校领导和众多老教师的热心支持和帮助下,我认真做好教学工作和班主任工作,积极完成学校布置的各项任务。下面我把任职以来的工作做简要的汇报总结。 一、师德表现 平时积极参加全校教职工大会,认真学习学校下达的上级文件,关心国内外大事,注重政治理论的学习,认真撰写读书笔记及心得体会。同时配合组里搞好教研活动。每周按时参加升旗仪式,从不缺勤。服从安排,人际关系融洽。 二、教育教学情况 在教学工作中,我注意做到以下几点, security, reli...
实习期工作总结 见习期工作总结 时光如梭,三年的见习期即将结束。在这三年里,在学校领导和众多老教师的热心支持和帮助下,我认真做好教学工作和班主任工作,积极完成学校布置的各项任务。下面我把任职以来的工作做简要的汇报总结。 一、师德表现 平时积极参加全校教职工大会,认真学习学校下达的上级文件,关心国内外大事,注重政治理论的学习,认真撰写读书笔记及心得体会。同时配合组里搞好教研活动。每周按时参加升旗仪式,从不缺勤。服从安排,人际关系融洽。 二、教育教学情况 在教学工作中,我注意做到以下几点, security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 1、深入细致的备好每一节课。在备课中,我认真研究教材,力求准确把握重点,难点。并注重参阅各种资料,制定符合学生认知规律的教学及教学形式。注意弱化难点强调重点。教案编写认真,并不断归纳总结提高教学水平。在此基础上还总结撰写教育教学随笔和教学论文。 2、认真上好每一节课。上课时注重学生主动性的发挥,发散学生的思维,注重综合能力的培养,有意识的培养学生的思维的严谨性及逻辑性,在教学中提高学生的思维素质。保证每一节课的质量。 3、认真及时批改作业,注意听取学生的意见,及时了解学生的学习情况,并有目的的对学生进行辅导。 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 4、坚持听课,注意学习组里老教师的教学经验,努力探索适合自己的教学模式。本学年平均每周听课二到三节,对自己的教学促进很大。不仅如此,还抓住每次外出学习的机会,取长补短,收获不少。 5、注重教育理论的学习,并注意把一些先进的理论应用于课堂,做到学有所用。三年来,我在学校上了多次公开课。通过开公开课,使自己的教学水平得到很大的提高,但也使我意识到了自己在教学方面的不足之处,我三年来的教学成绩得到了学校领导及各位老师的好评。 6、扎实自己的基本功。通过向老教师、帮教老师的学习,切实提高自己的基本功,security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 在2006-2007学年工作成绩突出,被学校授予“特殊贡献者”光荣称号。 三、班主任工作情况 学校领导出于对我的磨炼与培养,让我一个普同通大学毕业生一进校就做高的班主任,三年的工作使我认识到作为一名班主任,尤其是高中班的班主任,除了维持好正常的教学秩序,保证同学良好的学习环境外,更应该关注每一个学生的思想状况,全面了解学生情况。我平时非常注重与学生的交流,通过与学生谈心,家访等各种手段,排除学生思想上的顾虑,解决他们的实际困难,以有利于他们的学习和生活。现在班级情况稳定,学习气氛浓厚,同学互帮互助,在各项活动中表现突出。 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 走进21世纪,社会对教师的素质要求更高,在今后的教育教学工作中,我将更严格要求自己,努力工作,发扬优点,改正缺点,开拓前进,为美好的明天奉献自己的力量。 以上是我任职以来的工作总结,不足之处请各位领导及老师指正,我一定再接再厉,努力工作。 时光荏苒,踏入和寨中学从事教学工作已经快一年了。在这将近一年的工作中,我既体会到了刚刚踏上工作岗位的那种新鲜感,又感觉到了教师工作的艰辛和劳累。在这今年security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 年初,我担任七年级,7,班的班主任工作,并任教这个班的英语学科。在这快一年的时间里,在各位领导、带教老师和各位老师的热心支持和帮助下,我认真做好教学工作和班主任工作,积极完成学校布置的各项任务。下面我把近一年见习期的工作做简要的汇报总结。 一、 政治思想、师德修养 我关心国内外大事,注重政治理论的学 习。能以党员的严格要求自己,认真 履行教学职责,尽心尽力教书育人,认真 学习凉州区教育局的各种文件精神,并在 自身的教育教学工作中适时地渗透纲要 精神。 在平时的工作中,我积极参加学校举行的security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 各种会议和各种活动,认真学习学校下达的各种文件,领悟文件精神,将之渗透到自己的工作中去。认真完成上级布置的各项任务,尽自己的全力做好各项工作。 认真对待各项教研活动。组里的教研活动能做到认真准备,积极参与,校内的教研活动能做到认真听课、认真评课。 另外,我每天准时签到,从不缺勤。服从安排,人际关系融洽。 二、教育教学情况 作为教师,教学工作是最为重要的。 在平时的教学工作中,我仔细备课,认真上课,及时反思,认真批改作业,每一个环节都一丝不苟,全心对待。备课时,我仔细研究教材,掌握难点与重点,认真处 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 理好每一个教学环节,同时,备课时我始终结合本班实际,的教学内容始终切合于本班学生的认知特点。上课前,我一定会提前做好课前准备,包括熟悉教案,要求学生做好的预习内容。上课时,我充分发挥学生的自主性,让他们在快乐中学习,我还充分发挥每一个学生的长处,让他们取长补短,树立学习的自信心,让每一个学生充分利用这短短几十分钟的课堂时间。课后,我及时反思,找出自己做得不到位的地方,并及时补救。对于学生的作业,我每一本都认真批改,尽可能地做到面批,当面改正学生的错误,让学生加强印象,不再犯错。 对于学习上有困难的同学,我耐心辅导, security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 经常利用课余时间为他们补课,希望可以让他们经可能的缩小与其他同学的差距。除此之外,我还认真分析了这些学习困难的原因,针对不同的情况,利用不同的方法,让他们提高成绩,增强信心。 此外,我非常注重教育理论的学习,并注意把一些先进的理论应用于课堂,做到学有所用。一年来,我在学校开了三次公开课。通过开公开课,使自己的教学水平得到很大的提高,但也使我意识到了自己在教学方面的不足之处。我还非常注意扎实自己的基本功。通过向老教师、带教老师的学习,切实提高自己的基本功。 三、班主任工作情况 学校领导出于对我的磨炼与培养,让我担 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 任了七年级七班的班主任,半年的工作使我认识到作为一名班主任,除了维持好正常的教学秩序,保证同学良好的学习环境外,更应该关注每一个学生的思想状况,全面了解学生情况。我平时非常注重与学生的交流,通过与学生谈心,家访等各种手段,排除学生思想上的顾虑,解决他们的实际困难,以有利于他们的学习和生活。现在班级情况稳定,学习气氛浓厚,同学互帮互助,在各项活动中表现突出。 七年级的学生刚刚从小学中走出来,还没有完全理解学校生活的意义,各种学习习惯和行为规范也没有养成,而这个时候又是他们成长的重要时刻,对他们的一生都有着十分重要的意义。况且班级中均是农 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 村孩子,父母文化水平低,教育方法也不太正确,平时又没有注意言传身教,所以班中有很多学生的习惯不太良好,针对这一情况,我特别加强了平时的行规教育,从每一件小事抓起培养学生的好习惯。对于有些情况严重学生,则经常进行个别谈心,表扬其进步,指出其不足,并且利用各种方式与其家长联系沟通,及时向家长反映学生近期的表现。经过一个学期的努力,班中学生的行为表现已经有了很大的进步。 为了让学生在一个和谐、充满乐趣的环境中学习,我认真地进行了教室的布置。平时教室的环境卫生、学生的个人卫生以及眼保健操、家访、学习园地等每一项工作 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 我都认真地完成。作为班主任,除了做好班级常规工作,我还带领全班学生积极参加学校开展的各类活动,我认真组织学生参加了本学期的“和寨中学第四届艺术节” 、“球类运动会”等活动。通过这些活动,增加了学生的课外知识,让他们学到更多书本上学不到的东西,同时在各项比赛中,也增强了学生的集体荣誉感。 四、业务进修学习方面 作为一名新教师,我认真参加每一次的新教师培训和每一次的教研活动,把它们当作宝贵的学习机会,学习教学理论、学习教学实践、学习为师之道,把每一次学到的理论、方法加以梳理并把适合本班实际的教学方法运用到自己平时的教学实践 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 中去。 除此之外,我还订阅了一种与教育教学有关的杂志,并认真阅读,从中学习各种先进的教学理念,从别人的身上学习一些好的教学经验运用到自己的教学中去,使自己不断积累、不断进步。 五、今后努力方向 初涉教育岗位的我,在教育理论、教学方法方面还有待提高,在教学实践、班主任工作方面还存在这很大的差距,这是我今后要努力改进的地方。我将在新的一年中,认真向带教老师学习,学习他们的态度,学习他们的方法,让自己有更大的进步。 走进21世纪,社会对教师的素质要求更 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 高,在今后的教育教学工作中,我将更严 格要求自己,努力工作,发扬优点,改正 缺点,开拓前进,为美好的明天奉献自己 的力量。以上是我一年来的工作总结,不 足之处请各位领导及老师指正。我一定再 接再厉,努 力工作, 内容提要,日月如梭,踏入东昌中学从事教学工作已经快一年了。在这将近一年的工作中,我既体会到了,刚刚踏上工作岗位的那种新鲜感,又感觉到了教师工作的艰辛和劳累。在这一年中,我担任高一,9,班的security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 副班主任工作,协助班主任管理班级。 在第一学期... 日月如梭,踏入东 昌中学从事教学工作已经快一年了。在这将近一年的工作中,我既体会到了,刚刚踏上工作岗位的那种新鲜感,又感觉到了教师工作的艰辛和劳累。在这一年中,我担任高一,9,班的副班主任工作,协助班主任管理班级。 在第一学期,最主要工作是做好学生初中到高中的衔接工作,尽早使学生适应新的学习环境,第二学期的工作重点是培养学生良好的学习习惯和认真踏实的学习态度,为进入高二的学习打下扎实的基矗 一、暑假军训时,我详细的看了每个同学security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 的自我介绍,并通过与他们的谈心与交流,在较短的时间内对同学的性格有了初步的了解,其次,与翁老师一起就东昌中学的《行为规范二十五条》,对学生进行辅导和说明,使学生能尽快适应新的标准,新的要求,在第一个月就获得了校级文明示范班的称号。 二、针对班级出现的各种情况,协助翁老师,与班委,团委,通过讨论,制定了《班级规范条例》,并适时进行补充,制定了学习,劳动,值日,行为规范等常规工作,建立《班级日志》,并制定了适当的奖惩制度。 三、开展多种活动,促进班集体形成。开学的第一个节日是教师 节,与翁老师一起,与临时班委商量,让同security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 学们给初中教师写一封信或亲自回母校探望,培养其尊师重道的习惯意识。在国庆节时候,开展“党和祖国在我心中”主题帮会,对节目进行另外了指导,并参加了游戏和演出。这次主题班会在全班开展了党和祖国的教育,使班级第一次大型集体活动能够热烈而有序地开展,既加强了爱国主义教育,又增强了班集体的凝聚力。在校运动会中,我班学生积极报名参加,努力拼搏,在广播操比赛中获二等奖,在校运动会项目比赛中,获高一团体总分第二名的好成绩,在E字形英语板报评比中,我班也多次获得了好成绩。此外,在这学期,我还带领高一,9,班同学参加了“东方明珠志愿者服务队”,培养他们服务社会,服务他人的意识。 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 4、进行学习方法的指5、导和心理辅导。初高中的跨度,6、使很多学生难以适应,7、为此,8、我结合自己的经验,9、多次对学生进行学习方法的辅导,就我任教的历史学科,10、对学生提出了学习历史要求,并请一些成绩优秀的同11、学介绍自己的学习方法,12、进行良好学习习惯的训练。我们班还有部分同13、学有考试焦虑症,14、我发现后,15、特别是期末考试以后,16、针对有些学生考试失败而17、产生的自卑、担忧、失望等心理进行心理指18、导,19、激发学生的自信心、培养其学习的热情和主动性。 五、激发学生当家作主的意识。与班主任一起,依靠班委,团支委干部,加强常规管security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 理和教育。上学期期中考试以后,班级民主选举产生了新一届班委和团支委干部,增加了几位认真负责的同学。对班委员和团支委的同学,提出了较高的要求。并实行班委会与班干部轮值制度,培养每位同学对班级工作的责任感和主动参与管理意识,形成了一支团结,肯干,工作负责的班干部队伍,带动班集体共同进步。此外,配合学校实施的《诚信档案》,对学生进行“言必行,行必果”的诚信教育。 六、加强自身素质的培养与提高,从自身做起。教师这个职业的特殊性决定了教师为人师表,言传身教的必然性。在班级建设中,我首先从自身做起,要求学生崇尚的行为,自己首先为之,要求学生反对的行为,自己security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 首先杜绝。由于与学生年龄差距不大,所以学生比较热于与我谈心,所以利用这一优势,我能尽快地了解学生的要求和思想变化,并及时与班主任沟通,解决存在的问题。 在这一年的副班主任工作中,我深深地体会到了班主任工作的琐碎与繁重,班级中的每个学生都需要班主任去了解和关心,班级中的每一件事情,都需要班主任去处理和实施。不过在与学生的接触中,我也能看到每个学生身上的闪光点,每个学生可爱的一面,我深深地希望他们每个人通过高中三年的学习都能到达理想的高峰。同时,我也希望自己在各个老师的帮助下,尽快地成长起来,与翁老师一起把高一,9,班建设成为一个团结,和谐,积极向上的班集体。在历security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 史教学中,我也希望自己能够通过不断的学习与反思,在学习中进步,在反思中成长,使自己能够成为一个优秀的中学教师。 新教师见习期工作小结 时光如流星般转瞬即逝。随着时间的推移,一学年仅剩期末考试的尾巴。作为一名“双新”教师,既新参加工作,又恰逢新课改,刚出校门又进校门,环境虽无重大变化,但身份却发生了本质性的变化,由学生转变为音乐教师。在这短暂的一年里,我既兴奋又激动。在各位领导和老师的热心支持和帮助下,我认真做好教学工作,积极完成学校布security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 置的各项任务。我对自己业务有很多的思考和感受,现特将这一学年的教学工作情况做简要的汇报, 一、政治思想方面, 本人坚持准时参加学校组织的政治学习,认真做好笔记。并学习一些报刊杂志,从上面了解一些信息便于自己的不断进步。为了能迅速完成从师范生到教师的角色转变、走好入行的第一步,积极参加区教育局精心组织的师德教育作为重要内容的06年新教师岗前培训活动。同时积极参加学校组织的“校本课程研究”活动,使自己在教育科研、教育理论上都有所成长和进步。教育目的明确,态度端正,钻研业务,勤奋刻苦。热爱自己的事业,团结同事,虚心求教,遵守劳动纪律。security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 关心学生,为人师表。 二、教育教学方面, 在新课程改革的大潮下,我和所有教师一起融入了新课改的浪潮中。新课改推行以来,我们积极培养学生自主学习的能力,科学探究的精神,教师不再将知识填鸭式的传授,而是让学生通过自主探究的方式提出问题,分析问题,找出方案,解决问题,得出结论,验证结论,应用结论解决问题。在教学中注重过程培养。提高了学生学习的兴趣,培养了学生的创造精神。新课改以来,随着考核目标的转变,越来越重视学生素质的提高,义务教育面向全体学生,以培养有道德、有理想、有文化、有纪律的四有新人为目标。更加注重德育,并且严禁教师体罚学生。让security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 教育以培养下一代合格的中国公民为目标。 1、认真备课,虚心求教 由于我带学校六、七、八三个年级的音乐课,教学任务非常重。但不管怎样,作为一名年轻的教师,为了把自己的教学水平提高,我坚持经常看音乐方面的书籍,经常从网上找一些优秀的教案课件学习,还争取机会多外出听课的机会,区音乐教师新教材培训活动,。平时我认真虚心的请教我的师傅、有经验的老师,学习他们的经验以及那种对学生的认真负责的态度,不断的提高自己的业务水平,领悟其中的教学艺术,积极参加教研组组织的教研活动。认真备课,在备课过程中认真分析教材,学习好大纲,根据教材的特点及学生的实际情况设计教案。认真上security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 课、听课、评课,为了上好这门课,也为了激发学生学习的兴趣,上课之前我都上网查阅各种资料和图片,广泛涉猎各种知识,集中别人的优点确定自己的教学思路,力求吃透教材,找准重点、突破难点,形成比较完整的知识结构。时常和有经验的老教师研究教学环节。上课时认真讲课,运用多种教学方法,从学生的实际出发,注意调动学生学习的积极性和创造性思维,使学生有举一反三的能力。为了学生能更直观地感受所学的知识内容,我积极的制作多媒体课件,尽可能地让课堂让课堂气氛活跃,树立起他们学习的信心和激发他们学习音乐的兴趣,使学生学有所得,不断提高,从而不断提高自己的教学水平和思想觉悟,并顺利完成教育教security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 学任务。 2、拜师学艺,感触颇多 听课是提高自身教学能力的一个好方法,新老师只有多听课才能够逐渐积累经验。所以对每一次听课的机会我都十分珍惜。一学年来,听课30多节,其中有课、数学课、英语课、科学课、音乐课……最遗憾的是师傅的课听得不多,无法领会师傅更多的精彩之处。每个老师都有自己独到的风格,都有值得我学习的地方。在他们的课堂上都体现了精心、细心、爱心,对环节设置精心,课堂提问设计精心,对孩子有爱心。鲁迅说过,“一千个读者中就有一千个哈姆莱特。”我要说,一千个教师,就会有一千种教学风格,每一种教学风格,都有着它独特而富有魅力security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 的闪光的一面,而我,愿自己是只辛勤的蜜蜂,能够博采众长,努力上出让学生满意的音乐课, 3、成绩方面, ?在我校50周年校庆之际,辅导的鼓号队得到了学校教师和领导的好评。 ?辅导的二胡班初见起色,学生兴趣较高。 当然在过去的一个学期中,还存在许多不足之处,恳请各位领导及老师批评指正。我一定再接再厉,努力工作。 4、今后努力的方向, ?在提高自身教学水平上,争取多听,多思,多写,多交流, ?课堂纪律还有待改进。一个星期一节课,并且孩子们对音乐课又是非常的喜爱,所以security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of 在课堂上很容易出现“比嗓子”、“比动作”等等备课中无法预设的场景。 ?经常向师傅学习,能在师傅身上学到更多的知识,能够独挡一面, ?经常看书,多做课件,常写论文。 ?继续做好校本培训,在实践中不断丰富自已的经验与技能。要想提高学生的素质,首先从提高教育的素质做起,在教给学生一瓢水的时候自已先有一桶水。 教育工作,是一项常做常新、永无止境的工作。一份春华,一份秋实,让我把一份矢志教育的心愿化为热爱学生的一团火,将自己最珍贵的爱奉献给孩子们,相信今日含苞欲放的花蕾,明日一定能盛开绚丽的花朵。 security, reliability and privacy of information; 2.10 labor management: strengthening the management of labor contracts, through effective communication, reduce disputes and handling disputes; 2.11 staffing process accordingly, for employees and the company personnel procedures, protection of personnel working in an orderly manner; seventh section HR job description 1, headquarters Manager 1.1 the Department of human resource management: according to the company's development strategy, submitted to the staffing and human resources cost estimates, for the implementation of "total control and improve quality" measures for corporate human resource needs and labor cost control; 1.2 system: responsible for preparing human resource management systems and organizations, implementation, implementation; 1.3 post management: according to the company's development strategy, and adjusting the organizational structure, functional decomposition, establishment of working instructions, continuously adapt, promote the development of human resources management; 1.4 recruiting: according to sector conditions, through interviews, testing, selecting new employees, in order to meet business needs, attracting outstanding talent; 1.5 training: establishment of
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