
深入基层 服务群众

2017-10-18 10页 doc 33KB 23阅读




深入基层 服务群众深入基层 服务群众 做到文化惠民文化乐民文化富民 聊城市文广新局 今年以来~我市文化部门按照宣传思想文化工作“高举旗帜、围绕大局、服务人民、改革创新”的总要求~以“三个一切”为主题~紧密结合文化建设的实际~采取多种措施~加强文化服务设施建设~强化文化服务功能~努力提高文化工作服务基层、服务群众的水平~做到文化惠民文化乐民文化富民~取得了显著成效。 一、推进公共文化服务体系建设,搭建服务群众平台 按照建设布局科学合理、功能满足需求、活动各具特色的覆盖全市、惠及全民的公共文化服务体系要求~多方筹措资金~加大了对文化建设的...
深入基层  服务群众
深入基层 服务群众 做到文化惠民文化乐民文化富民 聊城市文广新局 今年以来~我市文化部门按照宣传思想文化工作“高举旗帜、围绕大局、服务人民、改革创新”的总要求~以“三个一切”为主题~紧密结合文化建设的实际~采取多种措施~加强文化服务设施建设~强化文化服务功能~努力提高文化工作服务基层、服务群众的水平~做到文化惠民文化乐民文化富民~取得了显著成效。 一、推进公共文化服务体系建设,搭建服务群众平台 按照建设布局科学合理、功能满足需求、活动各具特色的覆盖全市、惠及全民的公共文化服务体系要求~多方筹措资金~加大了对文化建设的投入。聊城市民文化中心已经开工建设,聊城市图书馆新馆已经选址,聊城市豫剧院按照剧场进行了规划、设计。县市区文化设施建设步伐明显加快。高唐、临清、茌平、东阿等新建了一批剧场、博物馆、图书馆和文化馆。积极推进全市乡镇综合文化站、村文化大院建设。全市每个乡镇都建成了乡镇综合文化站。结合新农村建设等~多数县市区都建设了一批标准比较高的文化大院、农家书屋~文化大院建成率达到70%以上~农家书屋的覆盖率今年将达到100%。为了发挥基层文化设施的作用~注重基层文化资源的整合~将乡镇综合文化站建设、村文化大院建设与农家书屋、党员远程教育、文化信息资源共享、implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical 全民健身活动等有机结合~努力形成多功能的文化服务网络。农村公益电影放映工作全面展开。按照政府花钱买服务~农民免费看电影的原则~每年放映电影7万多场~丰富了农村文化生活。 二、广泛开展群众文化活动,营造和谐社会氛围 积极开展群众广泛参与的文化活动~做到文化惠民~文化乐民~坚持把文化活动根植于民众之中~注重专业与业余相结合~进一步提高群众文化活动的广泛参与性和互动性。充分利用各种传统节日、纪念日和全市重大活动~组织开展各类群众文化活动。特别是节日期间广场文化活动火爆~除了专业剧团、文化单位举办各种文艺演出外~我市的一些文艺社团、单位也在广场上举办合唱、专题晚会等~活跃了城区文化生活。结合“婚育新风进万家”生育文艺宣传、“军民一家亲”文化双拥、“文企联姻”送戏到基层等开展了各种形式的文化演出活动。今年围绕建党90周年开展了系列主题活动。组织举办了“颂歌献给党”大型红歌合唱比赛~全市举办各类红歌演唱活动600多场次~参与人数达20多万人次~形成了群众文化活动的高潮~营造了良好的文化氛围。同时还举办了建党90周年文艺晚会、京剧红色经典进社区、书画比赛、摄影展、“品味经典〃沐浴书香”第二届读书节等主题活动。这些活动特色鲜明~形式灵活~丰富~参与范围广~参加人数多~深受群众喜爱。为了调动群众参与文化活动的积极性~我局扶持全市十余个民间文化社团发展~成为开展文化活动的重要力量。 notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. -building, top-rd labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacityngs, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any haCome into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandi den, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. nd burhe benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, aattention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of tPay special implementation model. 2alThrough research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practic so must have the breadth must not be biased. al, al. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficiy. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research workbuilding, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacit-re, to strengthen capacitye plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the coGovernment offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of th 三、创新服务理念,提升文化服务水平 按照“三个一切”的要求~我市公益文化单位创新服务理念、完善服务手段、丰富服务内容~拓展服务范围~社会服务功能不断彰显。海源阁图书馆加大了“送书上门”的力度~基本形成了覆盖城区~辐射周边乡镇的图书馆服务网络。在文化部组织的公共图书馆评估定级中~我市茌平县图书馆被授予县级一级馆、高唐县图书馆被授予县级二级馆、冠县图书馆被授予县级三级馆~茌平县图书馆被省文化厅授予“读者喜欢的图书馆”称号。巩固和深化博物馆免费开放成果~推进图书馆、文化馆、文化站对群众免费开放。 博物馆、纪念馆免费开放工作稳步推进~做到了“免费不减服务~免费不降质量”~在窗口接待、场所引导、资料提供以及内容讲解等方面~创造更优良的服务环境和服务质量~保障群众基本文化权益~提高群众文化鉴赏能力。全市艺术馆、文化馆、图书馆也实行了免费开放~做到免费开放公共空间设施场地~免费提供基本服务项目。利用自身资源开展免费辅导、培训~组织开展丰富多彩的群众文化活动~使广大群众充分享受文化发展成果~最大限度地满足了人民群众的精神文化需求。 四、发展文化产业,实现文化富民 我市制订了了十二五文化产业发展规划~作为引领文化产业发展的指引将文化旅游、广播影视、印刷发行、艺术培训、工艺品、动漫等行业作为产业发展的重点。通过规划园 Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practic t be biased. ust noen grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth mal staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are oftr the Generbuilding, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders no-ling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacityGovernment offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ru notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. -building, top-d to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacityngs, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is harCome into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandi and sometimes thankless. tough engthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard,yle, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strPay special attention to prevent floating st implementation model. 3al 区、政策扶持、开展招商引资、咨询服务、举办参加会展推介等活动助推文化产业发展。高唐县充分利用书画之乡的文化品牌~做足书画产业文章~建设海峡两岸书画交流基地。临清市重点抓好了以日历台历和包装装潢为主的印刷基地建设~引导企业通过吸引外资、联合、兼并、股份制等多种方式~建设具有较大规模和竞争力的印刷企业~努力形成园区聚集效应~帮助企业做好产品的升级转型,流动舞台车项目不断开发新的服务功能~积极拓宽市场~目前改扩建项目已经获省发改委批复。文化娱乐业、广播影视业投资数量、规模不断扩大~发展水平不断提高~丰富了文化活动内容~促进了我市文化消费。立足当地文化资源~抓好文化产品开发。结合当地物产~各地开展了葫芦文化艺术节、樱花艺术节、梨花节、桑葚采摘节等活动~做到文化旅游相结合~增加当地群众收益。工艺葫芦、剪纸、黑陶、贡砖烧制、木版年画、面塑、泥塑等民间工艺品销售兴旺~成为人民群众致富的重要途径。 五、坚持依法行政,维护群众利益 以净化社会文化环境为目标~以强化日常监管为基础~以开展专项行动为抓手~采取多项措施促进文化市场繁荣发展。今年我局联合公安、工商、教育等部门~开展了“绿色校园”、“暑期集中行动”、“ “建党90周年文化市场专项保障行动”、“清理医疗卫生非法出版物”等文化市场综合整治活 4alThrough research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practic so must have the breadth must not be biased. al, al. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficiy. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research workbuilding, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacit-re, to strengthen capacitye plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the coGovernment offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of th notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. -building, top-rd labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacityngs, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any haCome into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandi den, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. nd burhe benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, aattention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of tPay special implementation model. 动。一是牢牢把控市场准入关口。对在市行政审批服务中心的职能、人员进行了整合~进一步规范、简化了审批流程~方便群众。审批过程严格按照规定的程序进行操作~注意每个环节的把关。二是将文化市场安全工作列入日常检查的工作内容中。高度重视安全生产工作~与经营者签订自律公约、安全责任书、督促制定应急~并采取会议、培训、定期巡检等形式~强化日常动态监管和宏观布局调控。三是加大对文化经营单位的管理力度。集中执法力量~加大取缔无证照工作力度~对恒昌商业街存在的小、乱、差的娱乐场所~同公安部门进行了多次联合检查~取缔无证照娱乐场所40余家~消除了事故隐患。四是不断加强广播电视和新闻出版的管理~严把舆论导向关~严格广播电视广告和安全播出监管~严厉打击印制、发行非法出版物~维护了人民群众的利益~促进了全市经济发展、文化繁荣。 六、加强行风和队伍建设,树立部门良好形象 开展创建文明机关活动~带动机关建设上水平。积极引导广大干部职工当表率、树标杆~不断改进审批方式~提高审批质量~改进工作作风~彰显先锋模范作用。采取邀请行风监督员、设置意见箱、局长信箱、“12318”服务电话、开展社会满意度调查等方式~认真组织开展群众评议工作~注重做好群众意见的反馈和各项问题的整改~以实际效果取信于民。 加强文化队伍建设。注重人才的引进、培养、选拔和任 -d to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacityngs, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is harCome into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandi and sometimes thankless. tough engthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard,yle, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strPay special attention to prevent floating st implementation model. 5alThrough research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practic t be biased. ust noen grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth mal staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are oftr the Generbuilding, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders no-ling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacityGovernment offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ru notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. -building, top 用~通过积极争取招考指标、选派人员参加专业进修、积极组织参加各种比赛~做到聚才、育才、用才~努力造就一支高素质、结构合理的文化人才队伍~实现“人才兴文。”今年市直文化系统争取公务员和事业单位招考指标7人~创历年新高。组织60多名乡镇文化站站长参加了文化部在北京组织的业务培训。开展了“迎十艺~备战群星奖”文艺创作年、文艺练兵年活动~参加全省组织的大型比赛10余次~促进了文艺创作~锻炼了文艺队伍~为文艺人才发展创造了良好的条件。 al, al. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficiy. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research workbuilding, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacit-re, to strengthen capacitye plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the coGovernment offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of th notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. -building, top-rd labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacityngs, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any haCome into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandi den, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. nd burhe benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, aattention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of tPay special implementation model. 6alThrough research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practic so must have the breadth must not be biased.
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