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教师的劳动特点教师的劳动特点 教育学 教育学识研究教育现象及其规律的社会科学。 教育学的产生和发展 萌芽阶段 已知的教育史上最早的教育专著,首推我国战国时期的《学记》,它比西方最早的教育专著古罗马昆体良的《论演说家的教育》早300多年 独立阶段 英国学者培根首次把教育学列为一门独立的学科,捷克教育家夸美纽斯在1632年的《大教学论》是最早具有完整体系的教育著作。德国哲学家康德首先讲授教育学。德国教育家赫尔巴特发表的《普通教育学》是第一部具有现代意义的教育学著作,是传统教育学的代表,他认为教学应以教师,课本,和课堂为中心,19世纪...
教师的劳动特点 教育学 教育学识研究教育现象及其规律的社会科学。 教育学的产生和发展 萌芽阶段 已知的教育史上最早的教育专著,首推我国战国时期的《学记》,它比西方最早的教育专著古罗马昆体良的《论演说家的教育》早300多年 独立阶段 英国学者培根首次把教育学列为一门独立的学科,捷克教育家夸美纽斯在1632年的《大教学论》是最早具有完整体系的教育著作。德国哲学家康德首先讲授教育学。德国教育家赫尔巴特发表的《普通教育学》是第一部具有现代意义的教育学著作,是传统教育学的代表,他认为教学应以教师,课本,和课堂为中心,19世纪末,以杜威为首的实用主义学派强调“教育即生活,在做中学”等教学原则,提出了以儿童为中心的“活动教学”,现代教育的代表人物 科学教育学的建立阶段:马克思思想为指导,出现了杨贤江 《新教育大纲》凯洛夫的《教育学》和加里宁的《论共产主义的教育和教学》 教育学的深化发展阶段:瓦根。舍因的“范例教学” 第一章:教育的基本结构 教育的基本概念 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 广义的教育:凡是有目的的增进人的知识技能,发展人的智力和体力,影响人的思想品德的活动都是教育 狭义的教育:教育者依据一定社会的要求和受教育者身心发展的规律,对受教育者进行的有目的,有计划,有组织传授知识技能,发展智力和体力,培养思想品德,以便把受教育者培养成为一定社会服务的人的活动 教育的属性:教育的本质属性,教育是培养人的一种社会活动。具体表现在以下几方面:1、教育是把自然人转化为社会人的过程。2、教育培养人是有目的,有计划,有组织的。3、在教育过程中,存在着教育者,受教育者和教育影响三方面的矛盾运动,这种运动的结果是受教育者依照社会的要求,,身心发生预期的变化,成为符合社会要求的人。 教育的社会属性:教育的历史性 教育的永恒性 教育的继承性 教育的生产性 教育的功能:教育者在教育教学活动中通过教育媒介,对受教育者的个体发展和社会发展产生的影响和作用可分为:个体发展功能和社会发展功能,正向功能和负向功能,显性功能和隐性功能 教育的起源 1、生物起源学说,法国的社会学家 利托尔诺 把教育看four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 作是本能的行为 2、心理起源学说 美国的心理学家 孟禄 模仿,抹杀了 教育的社会性 3、劳动起源说 马克思认为教育起源于人的生产劳动 教育的发展 原始社会的教育 1、教育融合在生产劳动和社会生活当中 2、教育是普及的,均等的 3、教育的手段,方法都极为简单 古代社会的教育 1、学校教育的产生,并成为教育的主要形式 2、教育具有阶级性 3、教育与生产劳动相脱离 4、教育形式比较单一 现代社会的教育 1、教育终身化 2、教育全民化 3、教育民主化 4、教育多元化 5、教育技术现代化 教育学的发展阶段 1、中国萌芽阶段的教育思想: four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 学记 提出“化民成俗,其必由学”“建国军民,教学为先”揭示了教育的重要性和与政治的关系 2、西方萌芽阶段的教育思想 苏格拉底的“产婆术”教育应该从内向外,不应该一味的灌入知识 教育的独立阶段 捷克教育学家夸美纽斯的著作《大教学论》,是教育学作为一门独立学科的标志,最早的具有比较完整体系的教育学著作。在这本书中,他提出了泛智的教育思想。他的主要思想:1、教育要适应自然,不能违背自然规律 2、论述了班级授课制,以及教学原则和方法 3、提出了泛智教育思想 教师的劳动特点, 复杂性,教育对象复杂。教育内容复杂,教育手段,教育方法复杂。教育任务复杂。 创造性,教师劳动的创造性主要是因为教育的对象也就是学生的因素。学生是处在发展中的。教育内容,方法也需要创造性。 示范性,学生的向师性来决定的。 长期性,正所谓十年树木,百年树人。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 集体性,教育人才不能靠单方面的力量,要团结各方面的人才,是学生全面发展。班主任教师和各科老师密切配合,共同合作。 现在教育制度的发展趋势是什么, 1、加强学前教育,并重视与小学教育的衔接。 2、强化普及义务教育,延长义务教育年限。 3、中等教育中普通教育和职业教育朝着互相渗透的方向发展。 4、高等教育的类型日益多样化 5、教育的国际交流加强 我国学制改革的基本原则,1,教育结构必须适应经济结构和社会结构,以利于,国民经济和社会的发展。2、统一性和多样性相结合。3、普及与提高相结合。4、稳定性与灵活性相结合 我国课程改革的主要目标 1、改变课程过于注重知识的传授,强调形成正确 的学习态度,使获得基础知识和基本技能的过程,同时成为学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程。 2、改变课程结构过于强调课程本位,科目过多和缺乏整合的现状,整体设置九年一贯的课程门类和课时计划,并设置综合课程,以适应不同地区和学生发展的要求,体现课程结构的均衡性,选择性和综合性。 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 3、改变课程内容“难、繁、偏、旧”和过于重视书本知识的现状,加强课程内容与学生生活以及现代社会和科学技术相联系。关注学生的学习兴趣和。精选终身学习必备的基础知识和技能。 4、改变课程实施过于强调接受学习,死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与,乐于探究,i勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力,获得新知识的能力,分析和解决问的能力以及交流与合作的能力。 5、改变课程评价过分强调甄别和选拔的功能,发挥评价促进学生发展,教师提高和改进教学实践的功能。 6、改变课程管理过于集中的状况,实行国际,地方,学校的三级课程管理,增强课程对地方,学校以及学生的适应性。 课程结构,包括课程计划,课程和课本 课程计划,即教学计划,是课程的总规划,它依据一定的培养目标选择课程内容,确定学科门类及活动,确定教学时数,编排学年及学期顺序,形成合理的课程体系。 课程计划:即教学计划,是课程的总规划。它依据一定的培养目标选择课程内容,确定学科门类及活动,确定教学时数,编排学年及学期顺序,形成合理的课程体系。 课程标准:即教学大纲,是单科课程的总体。它从整体上规定了某门课程的性质及其在课程体系中的地位,性的确定了培养目标,内容范围,顺序。是教师教学工作的指four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 南,是编写教科书和测评教学质量的依据,是国家管理和评价课程的基础。 在新课程改革中,我们应该树立什么样的教学观念, 1、教学是课程创生和开发的过程。 2、教学是师生交往,积极互动,共同发展的过程。 3、教学要树立过程意识 4、教学要关注学生的精神生活。 在新课程改革中如何定位教师的角色, 1、学生生命的引路者 2、学生学习的促进者 3、教育教学的研究者 4、课程的建设者和开发者。 教学:狭义的教学,是在学校中,教师引导学生一起进行的,以特定文化为对象的教与学相统一的活动。 意义:教学是实施全面发展教育,实现教育目的的基本途径 教学时学校工作的基本环节,学校工作必须坚持以教学为中心。 任务:1、使学生系统的掌握科学文化基础知识和基本技能。 2、发展学生的智力、体力,培养学生的各种能力。 3、发展学生的情感、兴趣、价值观,培养健全的人格 教学过程:教学过程是在教师的指导下,学生积极主动的认four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials, 识客观世界,不断发展智力,体力,形成良好的思想品德和个性的过程。 教学过程的要素:教师、学生、教学内容、教学环境、教学手段 教学过程的本质:其实就是在教师的指导下,学生的认识过程和发展过程。 教学过程的基本规律: 1、直接经验与间接经验相结合的规律 2、学习知识与提高思想相结合的规律 3、掌握知识与发展智力相结合的规律 4、教师的主导作用与学生积极性,自觉性相结合的规律 5、智力因素,思维,记忆,想象。。。,与非智力因素,情感,性格,气质,相结合的规律 教学过程的基本阶段:1、引起学习动机2、感知教材3、理解知识4、巩固知识5、运用知识6、检查学习效果 four section" (energy-saving, and section to, and water, and section material), "four no" (no air pollution, and no dust pollution, and no noise pollution, and no sewage pollution), "five of" (that bright of, and hardening, and green, and landscaping, and purification). (B) construction management organization Construction organization and management, according to the actual situation set up civilization construction management team, chaired by the project manager, Deputy Project Manager Deputy head, site management and logistics, security of per capita as members, daily management of civilized construction leadership chaired by leader. (C) civil construction implementation plan implementing the building site construction construction site management regulations and relevant civilization site standards set by the company. Civilized construction in construction organization planning requirements is to improve basic conditions of civilized construction management, based on layout and management system on the basis of responsibility to the people, the Executive Board in order to ensure, check as a means of managing the construction. 1, sequential job----program construction, job order is reasonable, not caused due to reverse the process over again, wasting and blocking other construction jobs, job schedule clear, organized personnel and institutional arrangements, not chaotic, not idling. ----For 2, according to materials,
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