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医药进销存系统需求分析说明书医药进销存系统需求分析说明书 编写:Team B 日期:2012年7月25日 审核: 日期: 批准: 日期: 受控状态: 是 发布版次:1.0 日期: 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's swe...
医药进销存系统需求分析说明 编写:Team B 日期:2012年7月25日 审核: 日期: 批准: 日期: 受控状态: 是 发布版次:1.0 日期: 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 变更 日期 版本 变更说明 作者 2004-07-25 1.0 初始版本 Team B 签字确认 系统模块 对应章节 对应部门 负责人签字 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 目录 目录................................................................................................................................. 3 概述................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 目的 ................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 背景 ................................................................................................................... 4 3 范围 ................................................................................................................... 4 1. 1.4 术语定义 ............................................................................................................ 4 1.5 任务概述 ............................................................................................................ 5 1.5.1 目标 ........................................................................................................ 5 5.2用户的特点 ................................1................................................................. 5 1.5.3假定和约束 ................................................................................................ 5 1.6 运行环境 ............................................................................................................ 5 1.6.1软件环境.................................................................................................... 5 1.6.2硬件环境.................................................................................................... 6 1.7 接口 ................................................................................................................... 6 1.8 总流程 ............................................................................................................... 6 8.1药品录入界面流程图 .................................................................................. 7 1. 1.8.2 药品销售界面流程图 ................................................................................. 8 1.8.3 用户管理界面流程图 ................................................................................. 9 8.4 供应商录入界面流程图 .............................................................................10 1. 1.8.5药品采购界面流程图 .................................................................................10 1.9 对功能的 .................................................................................................... 11 1.9.1 药品录入 ..................................................................................................12 1.9.2 药品销售 ..................................................................................................12 1.9.3 用户管理 ..................................................................................................12 1.9.4 供应商录入 ..............................................................................................12 1.9.5 药品的采购.............................................................................................12 1.9.6非功能性需求............................................................................................12 1.9.7输人输出要求............................................................................................12 1.9.8数据管理能力要求.....................................................................................13 1.9.9灵活性要求 ...............................................................................................13 1.10故障处理要求....................................................................................................13 1.11其他专门要求....................................................................................................13 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 概述 1.1 目的 本说明书目的在于明确说明系统需求,界定系统实现功能的范围,指导系统以及编码。 本说明书的预期读者为: 客户项目经理、开发项目经理、测试项目经理、系统测试人员、系统开发人员。 1.2 背景 软件系统的名称:医疗进销存管理系统。 项目任务的提出单位:XX销售公司。 系统使用者:医院及其各地分支机构 。 系统与财物系统人事系统接口为:WEBSERVICE。 1.3 范围 系统包括的范围:进销存管理。 1.4 术语定义 销售单 销售单应包括销售票号、客户、联系人、结算方式、销售时间、经手人、 品种数量、货品总数、合计金额、验收结论,操作人员等属性。出售的商品 信息包括商品名称、商品编号、供应商、产地、单位、规格、数量和包装等 属性。选择完用户要购买的商品,点击销售完成销售。 进货单 进货单是公司对货物信息进行查询与统计的重要依据。进货单应有商品名称、商品 编号、产地、单位、规格、包装、单价、数量、批号、进货时间、进货票号、供应商等。 库存盘点 库存信息主要包括:库存的商品名称、商品编号、商品数量、进货时间等 属性。库存盘点、主要是统计仓库中商品的数量是否和系统中一致。以防失 窃情况的发生 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 1.5 任务概述 1.5.1 目标 (1)系统采用人机交互方式,界面简单,信息查询灵活、存储安全可靠。 (2)更好地了解供应商和客户信息,加强对商品资料的管理。 (3)能够方便的输入和查询商品进货。 (4)准确了解销售动态,统计销售情况及时调整营销策略。 (6)商品库存情况查询、统计及库存预警功能。 (7)实现报表功能能够方便的将数据打印成文档。 (8)做好数据的安全工作,实现数据的备份和恢复 (9)系统最大限度的实现易维护性和易操作性。 1.5.2用户的特点 该系统的用户有一定的文化水平,至少高中毕业。 用户包括分为管理人员,企业员工。 1.5.3假定和约束 列出进行本产品开发工作的条件和限制,例如经费限制、开发期限、硬件限制、并行操作、通讯协议、安全和保密方面考虑、需要的软件工具和所采用的方法与技术等。 开发周期为1个月 硬件配置见 硬件环境 数据库密码采用MD5加密 系统设计采用eclipse和SQL 1.6 运行环境 1.6.1软件环境 名称 版本 语种 WEB服务器操作系统 2003企业版 中文 Windows 操作系统的附加功能 IIS 6.0 数据库平台 2005(SP2) 中文 Sql Server 客户端操作系统 中文 Windows XP 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 客户端软件 无特殊要求 1.6.2硬件环境 列出运行该软件所需要的硬设备。说明其中的新型设备及其专门功能,包括: 处理器型号及内存容量; 外存容量、联机或脱机、媒体及其存储格式,设备的型号及数量; 输入及输出设备的型号和数量,联机或脱机; 数据通信设备的型号和数量; 功能键及其他专用硬件 服务器 最低配置 推荐配置 WEB服务器 数据库服务 器 1.7 接口 为财务提供WebService 接口 内部接口多数据库接 1.8 总流程 这是整个系统的流程图,首先用户第一次登录需要注册系统的常用用户,然后用户每次启用医疗进销存系统,只要正确登录该系统可选择系统所拥有的功能进行操作。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 开始开始 注册注册 登录登录 否 验证密码验证密码 和用和用 户名户名 是 销系客供基库入药药药销用 售统户应本存库品品品售户 明退回商查盘明销录采退管 细 出 款 录询 点 细 售 货 入 购 理 入 结束 1.8.1药品录入界面流程图 这是一个药品录入的界面,界面的主要功能可以概括为以下几点,整体设计美观大方,容易操作。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 开始 基本录入 详细信息 修改 保存 结束 1.8.2 药品销售界面流程图 这是药品销售的界面,主要包括,销售的票号,销售客户,录单日期和经办人。通过具 体的的界面显示,详细的反馈给使用者。主要的流程如下: 开始 药品销售 基本信息 添加/删除 存盘 结束 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 1.8.3 用户管理界面流程图 这是一个用户管理的界面,他可以根据用户的ID、用户名来进行身份核对,然后进行用户的数据更改,存盘。 开始 用户姓名 用户维护 用户ID 用户口令 详细信息 得到用户的信息 存盘/删除 结束 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 1.8.4 供应商录入界面流程图 这是供应 商录入的界面流程图,包括供应商的名称,编号,数值等一些功能。 开始 类 别 数据库自动查 供应商编号 询 数值反馈 存盘 结束 1.8.5药品采购界面流程图 这是一个药品录入的界面,通过采购的药品票号写入数据库,还包括药品的供应商,采购日期,经办人,数量,种类等等。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 开始 经办人 录单日期 药品票号 供应商名称 采购品种 采购总数 合计金额 登 记 增加/删除 存 盘 退 出 1.9 对功能的规定 用列表的方式(例如IPO表即输入、处理、输出表的形式),逐项定量和定性地叙述对软件所提出的功能要求,说明输入什么量、经怎样的处理、得到什么输出,说明软件应支持的终端数和应支持的并行操作的用户数。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 1.9.1 药品录入 药品录入主要是有基本录入和数据浏览两个大的概括,其细节分别有相关的编号、条码、产地、有效期、价格、进货价以及药品名称等等。 1.9.2 药品销售 药品的销售主要有药品的编号、销售客户、录单的日期、经办人、以及药品的相关编号和规格产地、价格单位等等。 1.9.3 用户管理 用户管理里面主要有用户的ID、姓名、以及口令,其功能还有存盘和删除。 1.9.4 供应商录入 供应商的录入里面主要包含了供应商以及相关的数值和内容,以及检索和相关的数据浏览和查看等。 1.9.5 药品的采购 药品的采购主要是有采购相关药品的编号、日期、供应商的名称、录单的日期、药品采购的金额、以及药品的总数和相关的药品规格和产地等等。 1.9.6非功能性需求 系统平均响应时间:6秒 简单查询响应时间:5秒 复杂查询响应时间:20秒 并行访问量:2000 1.9.7输人输出要求 解释各输入输出数据类型,并逐项说明其媒体、格式、数值范围、精度等。对软件的1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed; 数据输出及必须标明的控制输出量进行解释并举例,包括对硬拷贝报告(正常结果输出、 状态输出及异常输出)以及图形或显示报告的描述。 1.9.8数据管理能力要求 说明需要管理的文卷和记录的个数、表和文卷的大小规模,要按可预见的增长对数据 及其分量的存储要求作出估算。 1.9.9灵活性要求 说明对该软件的灵活性的要求,即当需求发生某些变化时,该软件对这些变化的适应 能力,如: a) 操作方式上的变化; b) 运行环境的变化; c) 同其他软件的接口的变化; d) 精度和有效时限的变化; e) 计划的变化或改进。 对于为了提供这些灵活性而进行的专门设计的部分应该加以标明。 1.10故障处理要求 列出可能的软件、硬件故障以及对各项性能而言所产生的后果和对故障处理的要求。 1.11其他专门要求 如用户单位对安全保密的要求,对使用方便的要求,对可维护性、可补充性、易读性、 可靠性、运行环境可转换性的特殊要求等。 1.6.1 sweeping, washing preparations (1) after the pressure test is completed, before purging: purging of piping system; (2) should be made available in accordance with the owner's sweeping plan to draw sweeping system detail; (3) prepare the provisional purging, flushing tube, temporary filter, bypass or blind plate, and mark on the single line diagram; (4) ready to purge and test tools, such as: target, transparent glass. (5) the blowing and washing method: medium control norms according to the Institute's select a purging, flushing method, water steam, air purge, purge, and so on. 1.6.2 water flushing (1) rinse water should be clean water, stainless steel tubes used in the rinse water, water CL-in 25PPM; (2) water pressure should not exceed the working pressure of the pipe, using the maximum flow rate for washing; (3) providing canal irrigation should be in charge of the rinse and flush; (4) the instrument valve cannot be removed ... By-pass, wash downstream parts of the pipeline. (5) take exit of the flushing line with glasses of water, check whether the water color and transparency consistent with the entrance is qualified. After passing the line, water should be drained; (6) if the water pipes, design or party files require drying, you should dry it with compressed air. 1.6.3 air purge (1) air purge media should be no pollution and air under pressure, the pressure of sweeping shall not exceed the working pressure; (2) the competent first purge, then pipe purge; (3) devices are unlikely to participate in the purge, equipment and pipelines should be separated, and to protect the device, preventing rust, and pollutants to the top. (4) the purge should be clearly identified to prevent hurt; (5) by the owner, supervisor, principal of check purge outlet, no rust, debris, and other, confirmed the pipeline purging qualified. 1.6.4 steam purging (1) before steam blowing pressure test and insulation should be completed;
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