首页 > 中国电信光纤宽带网络视讯业务协议书


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中国电信光纤宽带网络视讯业务协议书中国电信光纤宽带网络视讯业务协议书 中国电信业务服务协议 ***电信合同编号: 甲方: 法定代理人: 地址: **** 联系人:*** 电话:*** 乙方:中国电信股份有限公司*******公司 法定代理人:*** 地址:**** 联系人:*** 电话: **** 为维护甲乙双方利益,根据相关法律、法规的规定,双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实互信的基础上,就乙方为甲方提供电话语音、网络视讯(iTV)服务、宽带上网业务等相关事宜达成如下协议: 一、 服务内容 1、业务约定:网络视讯(iTV)业务是中国电...
中国电信光纤宽带网络视讯业务协议书 中国电信业务服务协议 ***电信编号: 甲方: 法定代理人: 地址: **** 联系人:*** 电话:*** 乙方:中国电信股份有限公司*******公司 法定代理人:*** 地址:**** 联系人:*** 电话: **** 为维护甲乙双方利益,根据相关法律、法规的规定,双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实互信的基础上,就乙方为甲方提供电话语音、网络视讯(iTV)服务、宽带上网业务等相关事宜达成如下协议: 一、 服务内容 1、业务约定:网络视讯(iTV)业务是中国电信基于宽带网络的一项增值业务,主要通过电信宽带网络,为用户提供电视频道直播、时移,回看和视频点播等丰富的视频服务,同时还提供在线游戏、图文财经资讯等增值服务,网络视讯业务简称为iTV业务。 iTV业务以电视机作为主要显示终端,以iTV机顶盒作为接入终端,通过宽带网络连接到iTV业务平台,以使用平台上所提供的各类视频服务。 2、甲方选择 光纤 方式(ADSL/LAN/光纤)接入乙方宽带城域网,实现 使用iTV业务并同时使用宽带上网业务(纯iTV业务的使用 / 使用iTV业务并同时使用宽带上网业务)。 3、甲方承诺开通的iTV业务的数量为_***条(最终按需受理安装)。 4、开通电话的数量为 *** 门,接入费 *** 元/门,现优惠至 *** 元/门,按实际安装数量在受理时收取。固定电话标准月租费 ** 元/门,现按月租费** 元/门,每月 ** 元/门国内长途和市话最低消费,计入账户级消费。乙方为甲方固定电话何和乙方你提供的天翼手机组建综合VPN网,网内成员实现4-6位短(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 号快速拨打通话,享受集团优惠套餐,其中组网资费政策约定如下: 手机成员集团套餐优惠资费为:本地优惠包: ** 元包本地网内主叫 ***分钟通话,超出时长执行基础语音套餐资费。固定电话成员收取月功能费 ***元,拨打网内成员不限时( 6甲方安装iTV和宽带上网业务和电话的地址为:_ *** (如有多个地址,则注明每个安装地址)。 二、连接方式与标准 (一)ITV业务 1、连接费:目录价 ***元/端口,包括开户费、工料费、安装调测费等一次性费用,不包括用户终端和内部局域网设备费。现优惠至 ** 元/端口。终端及内部局域网设备由甲方自备。今后如果甲方不再使用本业务,连接费将不予退还。连接费的交费方式为 ** ,交费时间为 业务受理时 。 2、iTV网络视讯业务使用费的约定: , 乙方对外公布的网络视讯(iTV)业务的标准资费为:_“餐饮、休闲类”组别 30元/条/月。 , “时尚包类”组别 30元/条/月; , “全能包类”组别 45元/条/月; , “餐饮、休闲类”组别 30元/条/月。 纯iTV方式需要另增加10元/条/月。 经甲乙双方友好协商,甲方选择乙方网络视讯(iTV)业务“餐饮、休闲类”组别,价格优惠至 ***元/条/年。 3、各类客户端终端的约定: 为保障甲方正常使用iTV业务,在协议期内甲方可向乙方免费租用“iTV机顶盒终端”, 终端产权归属乙方。 (二)宽带业务 1、甲方选择光纤接入乙方宽带城域网,数量 ** 条,上下行最高可达速率分别为**bit/s、 ** bit/s,共含 * 个公网静态IP地址。连接费:目录价 *** 元/端口,包括开户费、工料费、安装调测费等一次性费用,不包括用户终端和内部局域网设备费。现优惠至 *** 元/端口。终端及内部局域网设备由甲方自备。今后如果甲方不再使用本业务,连接费将不予退还。宽带接入业务网络使用费(下(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 称“网络使用费”):目录价 *** 元/端口/月,具体套餐内容和约定见中国电信股份有限公司****分公司天翼领航业务登记单 (三)结算周期、方式 1、业务使用费付费周期为 ,付费方式为: ?银行托收方式 开户名 开户行 托收帐号 。 ?与甲方固定电话捆绑付费,固定电话号码为: 。 2、如遇乙方资费调整,则乙方和甲方协商一致后,按新标准执行。如双方协 商未能达成一致,则任一方均可提出解除协议。 三、双方的权利和义务 1、甲方的权利和义务: (1)甲方有权根据本协议的约定,使用乙方提供的iTV业务。 (2)甲方有权自主选择符合国家主管部门规定的质量标准和技术要求、取得入网许可证的终端设备。因甲方自备的终端设备造成的故障,由甲方自行承担由此产生的损失和责任。 (3)甲方免费提供场所供乙方安装iTV承载宽带网络接入设备,其环境指标(温度、湿度、安全、防尘等)均应满足乙方设备正常工作之需。乙方在甲方内部施工期间,甲方应提供便利条件,指定专人负责配合,安排足够和安全的内部引线空间,用于穿放线路并固定。 (4)甲方应妥善保护乙方所建设的位于甲方内部的管道、光纤和附属设施等,并为乙方的维护工作提供便利。甲方因故需移动上述乙方资产或对其加以调 整的,须事先书面乙方,在双方商定的合理期限内妥善处理。如因甲方擅自移动、调整乙方设施而造成损失的,由甲方承担相应责任。 (5)对乙方出于服务、技术和业务发展的需要而实施的线路检修、服务措施更新,以及设备更新和搬迁、工程割接、网络及软件升级等施工建设、技术改造与网络调整等,甲方应无偿予以配合。 (6)甲方在使用乙方iTV业务时如选择了同时开通使用乙方的宽带接入业务,应遵循以下条款: (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 6.1、甲方应自觉遵守全国人大常委会《关于维护互联网安全的决定》、《中华人民共和国电信条例》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》和公安部《计算机信息网络国际联网安全保护#管理办法#》等有关法律,上网的信息安全责任由甲方自负。 6.2、甲方不得以任何方式将宽带接入业务(包括但不限于端口、线路和IP地址)转供第三方使用(包括但不限于以下方式:有偿租、售;无偿借、赠;转由第三方使用或与第三方共用;为第三方提供转接、透传、桥接等服务;或将线路和宽带端口设施抵押、质押及折股投资等)。 6.3、甲方仅限于在本协议约定的使用范围和用途自用乙方提供的宽带接入业务;甲方不得利用乙方提供的宽带接入业务经营各类电信业务(包括用于互联网上网服务营业场所的经营),不得利用宽带接入业务从事非法活动等。 (7)甲方在申请办理乙方iTV业务时,应确保所提供的客户资料真实、有效、完整、无误,并将承担因客户资料瑕疵所产生的法律后果。 (8)乙方提供给甲方本协议优惠的条件是:甲方在协议签订时并将在协议有效期内继续将乙方作为各种电信业务的唯一提供商(乙方不能提供的除外)。甲方确认,如今后甲方实际使用电信业务状况不符合本协议优惠条件时,乙方可不再对甲方继续提供本协议约定的优惠,乙方有权向甲方追收违反本协议优惠条件后所享受的全部优惠。 (9)如甲方原先提供的客户资料有所变更或者需变更服务功能、改变业务使用性质、付费方式、移址、过户等,应及时告知乙方并办理相关变更手续;其中移址应当提前30日书面通知乙方,乙方负责设计和施工并按实收取相关费用。 (10)甲方应合理使用各类租用的终端设备,租用期间应保证设备的正常使用,对非自然损耗应承担赔偿责任。 2、乙方的权利和义务: (1)乙方投资建设的iTV承载宽带接入所用光缆、光配线架及附属设备、多媒体机架及附属设备等通信设备的产权属乙方所有,乙方可以此服务于周边用户。 (2)如无特殊约定,双方的维护段落以设备产权为分界点。 (3)乙方因工程施工、网络建设等原因,影响或者可能影响正常电信服务的,应提前通过电话、广播、短信、电视、公开张贴、信函、报纸或互联网等方式予以通告。 (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). (4)乙方应确保网络运行畅通稳定,确保甲方iTV业务的正常使用,乙方提供全天24小时有人值班受理故障电话:10000。在乙方发现故障或接到甲方故障申报后,乙方应按照《电信服务规范》所规定的时限要求组织查修和排障。 (5)乙方发现甲方具有危害网络安全、违规经营、恶意行为、阻碍通信施工建设等行为时,有权暂停甲方的各项服务。同时,乙方保留追究甲方责任的权利。 (6)甲方在协议期内,应按协议约定的时间和方式及时、足额地向乙方交纳iTV业务使用费(如涉及宽带业务使用费,甲方也应按协议约定的时间和方式及时、足额地向乙方进行交纳)。如甲方逾期不交纳费用的,乙方有权要求甲方补交,并按所欠费用收取每日3‰的违约金。逾期30日仍未交纳费用的,乙方可暂停提供服务,暂停服务60日内仍未补交费用和违约金的,乙方可终止提供服务,并依法追缴欠费和违约金。甲方应赔偿乙方暂停期间的全额网络使用费。 (7)乙方因资费进行调整或计费方式变更。乙方有权向甲方提出变更资费的要求,并与甲方进行协商,协商一致后,按新标准执行。如双方协商未能达成一致意见,则任一方均可提出解除协议。 四、工期 、自本协议签字生效且甲方交纳连接费后,乙方负责在 30 天之内完成甲1 方iTV业务的建设与开通。如因甲方原因或遇不可抗力因素,期限顺延。 2、如因乙方原因,无法及时完成甲方iTV业务的开通,乙方同意全额返还甲方缴纳的连接费。 3、如因甲方条件不具备而延误iTV业务开通的,乙方不承担责任。 五、协议的中止、解除 1、在协议有效期内,甲方不得单方面暂停本协议的履行,甲方单方面暂停协议履行的行为并不影响甲方需按时、足额向乙方支付iTV业务使用费等各项费用的义务。 2、甲方如选择使用iTV业务时同时开通使用宽带上网业务,并出现了下列情形之一,乙方可以暂停甲方的所有服务直至解除协议;暂停期间仍应计收甲方iTV业务使用费、宽带上网费等各项费用,甲方应全额赔偿乙方所受损失(含工程建设费用、设备折旧及利润损失): (1)违反协议第三条第1款第(6.1)、(6.2)、(6.3)、(7)任何一项约定; (2)从事危害乙方网络安全或信息安全等其他有损于乙方利益和社会公共利(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 益的行为; (3)有确切证据证明有经营严重恶化,或者转移财产、抽逃资金以逃避债务,或者丧失信誉等已经丧失支付电信费用能力的情形的; (4)未经乙方同意擅自加装或者更换乙方设备的; (5)违反国家法律和行政法规的其他行为。 3、协议有效期内,如政府行政主管部门对本协议中的优惠方式以书面方式提出异议,甲乙双方另行协商,协商不一致,任一方均可提出解除协议。 六、违约责任 1、甲方使用iTV业务,可免费租用乙方的iTV机顶盒终端,甲方承诺应合理使用iTV机顶盒终端设备,如因甲方原因出现终端人为损坏或丢失,均需按照乙方对外公布的iTV机顶盒终端设备标准价格向乙方进行赔偿。甲乙双方协议期到期后,如甲方不再续约使用乙方提供的iTV业务,甲方需向乙方退还所租用的所有终端。 2、如甲方违约,提前终止本协议,甲方除需向乙方退还所租用的所有终端设备外,还需向乙方赔偿为向甲方提供iTV、宽带服务所涉及的所有网络、设备、终端等的投资费用;并按照双方签署确定的业务登记单违约条款内容向乙方支付相关违约金。 3、任何一方违反本协议规定,均应承担相应的违约责任,违约方应承担因自已的违约行为而给守约方造成的经济损失。 4、除另有约定外,本协议不得提前解除,如协议一方欲提前解除协议的视为违约(本协议第二条第5款、第五条第2款、第3款所列情形除外),违约方需赔偿由此给对方造成的损失。如甲方要求提前解除协议的,应向乙方补足已享受的本协议项下全部优惠的相应款项。 七、保密条款 不论在本协议协商期间、协议有效期内,还是本协议终止后,双方对本协议内容均有保密义务。未经对方书面许可,任何一方都不得向第三方透露本协议内 容以及因签定和执行本协议过程中得到的另一方的信息、资料和商业秘密等,否则违约方将承担由此给对方造成的损失及相应的法律责任。 八、免责条款 因不可抗力因素导致双方或任一方不能履行或不能完全履行本协议项下有关义务时,遭受方在不可抗力发生后5日内将情况告知对方并提供有关证明,同(SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94). 时应尽最大努力减少因不可抗力所造成的损失。在不可抗力因素消除后的合理时间内,应继续履行本协议。 九、争议的解决 双方应建立协商制度,加强日常沟通,及时处理影响通信质量的问题。双方承诺根据《中华人民共和国电信条例》规定履行本协议,维护双方权益。 与本协议有关的纠纷,双方本着互谅互利的原则,通过友好协商解决;协商不成,任一方均可提请乙方住所地有管辖权的人民法院裁决。 十、协议期限 本协议一式 * 份,甲乙双方各执 * 份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。 协议有效期为_* _年,自 *** 年 ** 月 ** 日起至 ***年 *月 ** 日 止。除非任何一方在协议届满前一个月内以书面形式通知对方不再续展协议,本协议将自动续展,每次续展期限为一年,续展次数不受限制。 十一、附则 1、协议附件及协议签订后的业务登记单为本协议的组成部分。业务登记单内容与协议条款内容冲突时,以业务登记单为准。 2、本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商签订补充协议,补充协议被视为本协议的组成部分,与本协议具有同等法律效力。补充协议与本协议约定不一致的,以补充协议为准。 3、如本协议的某一条款在任何时候变成无效、不合法或不可强制执行但不从根本上影响本协议效力时,本协议的其他条款不受影响。 甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):****** 法定代表人或授权代表(签字): 法定代表人或授权代表(签字): 签约日期: 签约日期: (SnCl2 2H2O), Add hydrochloric acid to dissolve and dilute to 100mL to join the metal Tin particles. 10.10 HCL (1+1): volume 50mL, diluted with water to 100mL hydrochloride. 10.11 lead acetate solution (100g/L). 10.12 lead acetate cotton: with lead acetate solution (100g/L) after the soaked cotton wool, in addition to the extra solution and loose, at 100 ? dry, store in glass bottles. 10.13 the sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L). 10.14 sulfuric acid (6+94): volume take 6.0mL sulfuric acid added Yu 80mL water in the, cold Hou again added water diluted to 100mL 10.15 two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver-three ethanol amine-three chlorine methane solution: said take 0.25G two b base II sulfur generation amino carboxylic acid silver [(C2H5) 2NCS2Ag] placed mortar in the, added few three chlorine methane grinding, moved people 100mL graduated cylinder in the, joined 1.8mL, three ethanol amine, again with three chlorine methane points times washing mortar, Wash together into the graduated cylinder, and methylene chloride in dilute Release to 100mL, and put up for the night. Filter man Brown bottle for storage. 10.16 the arsenic standard stock solution: weigh accurately in sulfuric acid 0.1320g dryer for drying or drying at 100 ? 2H arsenic trioxide, and 5ml. Sodium hydroxide solution (200g/L), dissolved plus 25mL acid (6+94), move people 1000mL in the bottle, add new boiled cooled water diluted to scale, and store in a brown glass bottle. Arsenic per ml of this solution corresponds to 0.10mg. 10.17 arsenic standard solution: lessons 1.0mL arsenic standard stock solution, at 100mL. Volumetric flask, add 1mL sulfate (6+94).
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