

2017-10-21 23页 doc 71KB 15阅读




防伪税控开票子系统防伪税控开票子系统 增值税防伪税控开票子系统 一、 增值税开票子系统的组成: 专用设备、通用设备、开票软件。 (一) 专用设备: 1、金税卡:是专用设备的核心。它的核心是税控黑匣子。税控黑匣子中的信息只能读取,不能修改。 2、IC卡:是钥匙。 3、读卡器:是桥梁。 (二) 通用设备: 1、计算机ISA、PCI槽,64M以上硬盘,必须具有光驱,必须满足Windows98第二板的品牌商用机,不能为兼容机和进口机。 2、打印机:平推针式,自动记忆功能,兼容性好,打印力度大(最好能打透七联)。 3、UPS不间断电源。 (...
防伪税控开票子系统 增值税防伪税控开票子系统 一、 增值税开票子系统的组成: 专用设备、通用设备、开票软件。 (一) 专用设备: 1、金税卡:是专用设备的核心。它的核心是税控黑匣子。税控黑匣子中的信息只能读取,不能修改。 2、IC卡:是钥匙。 3、读卡器:是桥梁。 (二) 通用设备: 1、计算机ISA、PCI槽,64M以上硬盘,必须具有光驱,必须满足Windows98第二板的品牌商用机,不能为兼容机和进口机。 2、打印机:平推针式,自动记忆功能,兼容性好,打印力度大(最好能打透七联)。 3、UPS不间断电源。 (三)开票软件:防伪税控开票子系统。 二、防伪税控工作原理: (一)发行系统(税务机关):金税卡和IC卡经发行后就形成了一一对应关系。发行时要到所属国税局。 (二)购买发票—发售系统(电子发票和纸(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 质发票) 1(初次购买发票:首次进行“购买发票授权”,再进行购买发票工作。 2(日常购买发票:只需执税控IC卡即可。 (三)开具发票(企业自身) 1(先读入新发票---将IC卡上发票起始号读入到金税卡黑匣子中。 2(开具发票---开票时系统是从黑匣子中调去票号的。 (四)防伪计税(认证过程)---是密文和明文相对比的过程。 ?84位密文的形成:将票面上七项参数(开票日期、发票代码、发票号码、购方税号、销方税号、金额、税额)加密形成84位密文打印在发票右上角的密码区内。 (五)纳税申报(报税过程---只针对销项) 每月1日起到10日进行抄税,抄税之后赶紧报税,否则影响开票工作。11日为锁死期。 三、开票系统的使用 (一)初次使用:(要以管理员的身份进入)注册---登录---系统初始化---发票管理---报税处理. (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, ?初始化:(系统设置)只有第一次使用时才启动此操作,以后此项操作不需要再进行,否则系统初始化会将硬盘中的开票数据清空。系统初始化后,发票管理和报税处理两个模块不能使用,只有再进行结束初始化才能使用。完全安装不会将金税卡黑匣中的信息清除。如进行软件升级,不用再进行注册。 ?发票导入是系统初始化之后,结束初始化之前将DOS版3.X或4.X中的开票数据导入W indows版中。 1.税务信息,本企业信息 ?企业名称自动生成,不允许改动。 ?开票机信息取决于金税卡。 2.操作员管理:(系统维护)编辑处于下沉状态,管理员只能是一个人。先在身份处点击,然后在操作员管理处输入名字,最后在身份的空白处点一下退出。 ?以管理员身份进行的几项重要操作:系统初始化、税务信息、操作员管理。 3.开票前的准备工作:客户编码和商品编码 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, ?客户编码:编辑处于下沉状态,地址电话和开户行帐号是在“备注字段编辑器”中来录入。 ?在录入客户信息时提示“税务登记号前4位没有对应的地区编码如编码合码”,在行政区编码中添加该客户的税号前4位对应的地区名称。 ?商品编码:必须建立。开票时只能从商品编码库中调。商品税目是必须选择的,只要保证不为空,税目可以选大体相同保证税率一致就可以。 (二)日常使用:登录---发票管理---报税处理。 四、发票管理 (一)发票读入:将IC卡中的发票起始号读入黑匣子中。进行发票填开时系统提示“金税卡无可用发票”,原因是发票用完了或新购发票没有进行发票读入操作。 (二)开具发票: a.开一张简单的正数发票: ?填写购方信息的方式:直接输入法(但不能保存)或从客户编码库中调入。 ?商品信息只能从库中调入,不能直接输(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 入。 ?一张发票上的税率必须相同,第一行商品的税率决定了整张发票的税率。一张发票最多能输入8行商品。 ?打印发票过程中只要点击了“打印”,那么此张发票代表就保存了。 ?在发票打印提示框中如选择“不打印”,那么此张发票代表已经开出,票号已经保存,只是还未打印出来,发票可以在发票查询功能中打印。 ?打印发票可以直接打印,也可以在发票查询功能中打印,可以单张打印也可以连续打印。 ?打印发票的同时系统将票面上的所有逐票存储于计算机的硬盘数据库中。 b.复制发票---复制过来的发票可以修改。 备注:在发票填开时可以进行客户编码和商品编码的添加。 c.开一张带清单的发票。 ?购货信息填完后,在商品信息处不填写任何信息,直接点击工具条中的“清单”。 ?商品信息输完后点击“退出”返回票面上,(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 屏幕上在商品名称处自动生成“详见销货清单”字样,不能对此字样修改动。 ?清单在填完后不能直接打印,只能在“发票查询”功能中执行打印。 ?一张发票只能对应一份货物清单,如一张纸放不下,自动换页,自行换纸,从原则上对清单的行数无限制。 d开一张带折扣的发票。 ?先选中要折扣的商品行,然后选择工具栏的“折扣”按钮。 ?即可输入折扣率也可输入折扣金额。 ?添加完折扣行后这几行的底色和其他商品行就不一样了。 ?可对单行商品也可对连续多行,还可以对所有商品进行折扣,前提是保证折扣率相同。 ?当某一行或多行商品添加折扣后,便不允许修改,若需要修改时,必须先将折扣行删除,待修改之后再添加折扣。 ?折扣行算在商品总行数之内。 e.开一张带销货清单的发票添加折扣。 ?在清单中,添加完折扣后,点击“退出”,(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 那么返回到发票上就会出现两行---清单行和折扣行。(总的折扣) ?在清单中可以任意添加折扣,但其对应的发票票面中清单行不能添加折扣。 ?清单会把折扣行的金额反映到票面信息上。 f.发票作废. 发票作废应遵循四项原则: 1.当月发票当月作废。 2.谁开具谁作废---管理员可以作废任意一张发票。 3.先在计算机中作废,再在发票上盖作废章。 4.保证全联在手。 ?如在作废时提示:当前发票中没有符合条件的发票,---说明本开票员本月没有开具过发票。违背了谁开具谁作废的原则。 g.负数发票 一个月前或几个月前开具的发票不能执行作废,只能开具负数发票来相抵。在发票填开中选择负数按钮,弹出发票代码号码确认提示框,填写正数发票代码和号码,两次输(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 入必须完全一致,点击下一步,如当前库中有此张发票,则显示出此张发票的信息,点击确定按钮,系统调出此张正数发票的购方信息和商品信息,最后将所列商品的数量、金额、税额自动转换成负数直接显示出来,同时会把正数发票打印出来。如果对应的正数发票不在数据库中,可在销项正数发票代码号码填写确认框中直接手工输入此正数发票的代码和号码,点击下一步,系统会提示“库中没有这张正数发票,但可以开具负数发票”,点击确定,系统随即负数发票填开界面,并将正数发票的代码和号码自动填写到备注中。在商品信息处,数量需手工填一负号,如对应的发票代码不符,可在系统设置中的“类别编码”中添加。 ?填开负数发票时必须要有相对应的正数发票。 ?负数发票不能附清单,只能在票面显示总金额和总税额,也不能添加折扣。 ?一张正数发票可以分多次冲红,但所开全部负数发票的总金额和总税额必须与所对应的正数发票一致,也可以部分冲红,但必(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 须到所属国税局开具退货折让证明。 现金折扣(cash discount),又称销售折扣(sale discount)。为敦促顾客尽早付清货款而提供的一种价格优惠。现金折扣的表示方式 现金折扣的表示方式为: 2/10,1/20,,n/30,15E.O.M。例如,A公司向B公司出售商品30 000元,付款条件为2/10,N/60,如果B公司在10日内付款,只须付29 400元,如果在60天内付款,则须付全额30 000。 1(销售折扣 销售折扣是指销货方根据购货方采购数量、货款支付时间及商品实际情况给予购货方的一种价格优惠。销售折扣分为商业折扣和现金折扣。 (1)商业折扣 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 商业折扣是指销货方为了促进销售,在商品价目单原定价格的基础上给予购货方的价格扣除。税法,如果销售额和折扣额在同一张发票上分别注明的,可按折扣后的销售额征收增值税;如果将折扣额另开发票,不论其在财务上如何处理,均不得从销售额中减除折扣额。由于此种折扣是在实现销售时同时发生的,买卖双方都按扣减商业折扣后的价格成交,所以会计上对其不需单独作会计处理。又因为发票价格就是扣除商业折扣后的实际售价,故可按发票价格计算销项税额。 (2)现金折扣 现金折扣是指销货方在采用赊销方式销售货物或提供劳务时,为了鼓励购货方及早偿还货款,按许诺给予购货方的一种债务扣除。现金折扣发生在销货之后,是一种融资性质的理财费用,因此计算销项税额时,现金折扣不得从销售额中减除。对于现金折扣,会计上核算的方法有总价法、净价法等,我国现行会计的处理采用总价法。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 2(销售折让 销售折让是指销货方因售出货物的质量等原因给予购货方的一种价格减让。销售折让实质是原销售额的减少。按税法规定,销货方取得税务机关出具的“企业进货退出及索取折让证明单”,方可开具红字专用发票,据以扣减折让当期的增值税销项税额。对于收入确认之后发生的销售折让,会计上可以直接冲减发生折让当期的“主营业务收入”;也可设置“销售折让”帐户单独归集后,在利润表上抵减“主营业务收入”项目的金额。发生销售折让时的会计处理如下: 借:主营业务收入或销售折让 应交税金--应交增值税(销项税额) 贷:应收帐款、银行存款等 ?在开具负数发票时,如果对应的正数发票带有清单,则开具负数发票时其商品名称栏中内容为“详见对应的正数发票及清单” h.发票查询:查询已开过的所有发票及清单的内容。如想查找给某个单位开过的所有发(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 票,可选择查找按钮,然后输入相对应的购方信息。 i.发票退回:是指将金税卡黑匣子中还未开的发票退回到IC卡上。正常情况下不用做此操作。 ?进行发票填开时系统提示:“金税卡写入区已满,不能开票”是因为本月开具的发票超过1000张,需增加分开票机来分担。 ?如果最大开票额是百万元,是指不含税金额不超过一百万。 ?如果要修改企业名称时,需携带金税卡和IC卡到国税局进行发行修改。 五(抄税处理 每月1日,在进行发票填开时系统会自动提示“金税卡已到抄税期,请您及时抄税。”此时必须进行抄税处理,否则发票填开这项功能就不能用了,只有抄税完后才能启用。抄税是将金税快卡中的发票 领用存汇总信息和发票明细数据(7项参数)写入到税控IC卡中。 1.抄税流程:抄税处理---发票资料打印 2.报税应携带抄有税额的IC卡和销项明细(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 资料。 3.即使一个月一张发票没有买也没有开,也要进行抄报税工作。 4.如果没有及时进行报税工作,到了11日,系统进入锁死期,所有读写金税卡有关的操作都不能使用,包括发票读入和发票填开等。 5.如果遇节假日,税务机关会提前在一个报税期成功报税时,把延长的锁死期天数写到企业的IC卡上。报税成功后,要执IC卡迅速进入开票系统将报税成功标志清除,否则又会出现锁死的情况。 6.购买发票和抄报税不能交叉进行,正确步骤是先报税再买票。 ?如提示:金税卡已到锁死期,请及时抄税。抄税后要进行报税处理。 ?到了抄税期,发票填开不能使用,抄税完可以使用。到了锁死期,发票填开和发票读入等操作都不能使用,必须报税才可以。 六(有关问题: 1.硬件要求:赛扬500以上CPU、64M以上内存、C盘1G以上硬盘剩余空间、显卡支(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 持800*600,增强16色以上,小字体、配置光驱、不能为兼容机和进口机。 2.软件要求:Win98第二版。 3.安装中出现的问题: ?插入金税卡后电脑屏幕无法启动、死机。---不兼容 ?安装时提示金税卡未连接好。---不兼容 ?安装过程正常且进入系统也正常,但点击发票填开死机。---不兼容 ?进入系统时提示金税卡驱动程序错(开票软件坏)---重新安装 4.金税卡损坏的几项基本指标: ?日历时钟错 ?累加和错 ?年基超出范围 ?写FLASH错 ?加密算法错 如果金税卡时钟有误可进行修改,但前提必须是拿IC卡到国税局进行修改时钟的授权。授权一次只能修改一次。 5.流程:领卡---发行(带专用设备)---带主机进行安装---注册(核对企业税号)---将IC(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 卡正确插入读卡器---进入系统(首次以管理员身份进入)---系统初始化(起和终)---税务信息(本单位信息)---操作员管理(修改管理员和开票员)---编码设置 如要进行开票应执IC卡到发售系统进行购买发票(电子发票和纸质发票)---执IC卡进入系统---进行发票买入---开票 6.发票读入失败:不是本机IC卡或无信息或已读过或没插IC卡或锁死期 七(注意事项: 1.打印发票中大字体的修改:按“开始”按钮---设置打印机---属性---详细资料中后台打印设置---格式(RAM)。 2.未开具发票作废----在发票开具管理中操作。 3.修改的正数发票开负数发票只能开一种商品。 4.商品税目必须输(只选税率一样的),名称不一定相同。规格型号可输可不输。填购货单位直接输入不保存。商品名称不能直接输入。(一张增值税票上的税率只能有一种) 5.如果开清单商品名称行为空才能开清单,(4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area, 先打发票后打清单(从发票查询中打印清 单,清单打印选全打格式)一张发票只能有 一份清单。 (4) the implementation of safety measures, establish a detailed system of rewards and penalties. 15.3.2 and provisional safety measures at construction site (1) construction site in line with productive and convenient principle of life, environmental protection and safety of workers, in line with the flood, fire, lightning protection requirements. (2) set up eye-catching warning signs and checked on a regular basis. (3) special types has a corresponding tag. (4) construction personnel protective equipment worn in order. (5) the safety of construction sites and equipped with appliances and equipment such as helmets, gloves, raincoats, boots, goggles, face shields, safety net, fire extinguishers, oxygen bags, fire equipment, emergency vehicles, equipment and so on. (6) the periodic inspection, testing, and maintenance of safety equipment. (7) the safety officer to supervise machinery vehicles operation safety; (8) humid area to prevent leakage; (9) the road flat open, good drainage, slope and turning radius, the wrong lane and meet the corresponding standards, work at night with lighting facilities; (10) construction site materials neatly stacked, keep the site clean and organized; (11) the generator room, transformer substation, temporary storeroom to take the necessary security measures, built of non-combustible materials; (12) the facilities and materials for environmental pollution should be equipped with anti-pollution facilities; (13) in the excavation area,
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