

2012-01-06 33页 pdf 702KB 35阅读




无锁编程 吕慧伟 ASG 小组讨论班 http://asg.ict.ac.cn/lhw 2011.7 无锁编程简介 An Intro to Lock-free Programming 2 提纲 ●无锁编程概述 ‒ 动机:锁开销影响并行程序扩展性 ‒ What/Why/How ●无锁编程实例 ‒ 无锁队列 ●无锁编程研究问题 ‒ 事务内存 ‒ 无锁数据结构 Art of Multiprocessor Programming 3 Multicore Scaling Process User code ...
吕慧伟 ASG 小组讨论班 http://asg.ict.ac.cn/lhw 2011.7 无锁编程简介 An Intro to Lock-free Programming 2 提纲 ●无锁编程概述 ‒ 动机:锁开销影响并行程序扩展性 ‒ What/Why/How ●无锁编程实例 ‒ 无锁队列 ●无锁编程研究问题 ‒ 事务内存 ‒ 无锁数据结构 Art of Multiprocessor Programming 3 Multicore Scaling Process User code Multicore Speedup 1.8x1.8x 7x7x 3.6x3.6x Unfortunately, not so simple… [Maurice 08] Art of Multiprocessor Programming 4 Real-World Scaling Process 1.8x1.8x 2x2x 2.9x2.9x User code Multicore Speedup Parallelization and Synchronization require great care… [Maurice 08] Art of Multiprocessor Programming 5 Asynchrony • Sudden unpredictable delays – Cache misses (short) – Page faults (long) – Scheduling quantum used up (really long) [Maurice 08] 6 What:什么是无锁编程? ●如果一个共享数据结构的操作不需要互 斥,那么它是无锁的。如果一个进程在操 作中间被中断,其他进程的操作不受影 响。 [Herlihy 1991] ●并行算法同步的分类 ‒ 阻塞同步 (mutex,semaphore,...) ‒ 无阻塞同步 [LLF10] – 无等待∈无锁∈无阻碍 – wait-free∈lock-free∈obstruction-free 7 Why:为什么要无锁? ●性能考虑 ‒ 对一些应用性能更好 ●避免锁的使用引起的错误和问题 ‒ 死锁:两个以上进程互等结束 ‒ Convoy :多个进程反复竞争同一个锁,抢占 锁失败后强制上下文切换。引起性能下降。 ‒ 优先级反转:低优先级进程拥有锁时被抢占 8 How:如何无锁? ●方法:像事务一样操作[DRD08],知道谁拥 有数据 ‒ 不同进程对私有数据更新互相隔离 ‒ 提交操作是原子的:或者成功,或者丢弃 ‒ 一致性:确保从一个状态变到另一状态 ●工具:原子指令 ●使用注意点 ‒ 无锁算法从硬件并行的角度考虑算法 ‒ 设计通用无锁算法很困难,一般只设计无锁的数 据结构 9 提纲 ●无锁编程概述 ●无锁编程实例 ‒ 单生产者单消费者 FIFO:不需要原子指令 ‒ 多生产者多消费者 FIFO:原子指令 ‒ 无锁堆栈、 ABA问题 ●无锁编程研究问题 10 Lamport's Lock-Free Ring Buffer readwrite 0N-1 Insert(T element) 1: wait until NEXT(write) != read 2: buffer[write] = element 3: write = NEXT(write) Extract(T* element) 1: wait until read != write 2: *element = buffer[read] 3: read = NEXT(read) NEXT(x) = (x + 1) % N [Lamport, Comm. of ACM, 1977] ● Operate on control variables: read and write, which resp. point to next read and write slots slide taken from [Lee10] 11 CAS(cmpxchg) slide taken from [CS380D] 12 多生产者多消费者 FIFO void enQ(request, queue) { do{ local_head = queue->head; request->next = queue->head; val = cmpxchg(&queue->head, local_head, request); }while(val != local_head) } 事务操作状态 Atomic & Consistency: cmpxchg Isolation: 私有数据 13 多生产者多消费者 FIFO void enQ(request, queue) { do{ local_head = queue->head; request->next = queue->head; val = cmpxchg(&queue->head, local_head, request); }while(val != local_head) } 1 2 1 2 2 事务操作状态 如果在执行 cmpxchg时 , queue->head == local_head。即在 1, 2之间没有进程将 queue->head更改了。则 request赋给了 queue->head。否则,上述过程将重新进行。2 2 2 14 无锁堆栈 struct elem { elem *link any data; } elem *qhead; Push (elem *x) do old = qhead; x->link = old; new = x; cc = CAS(qhead, old, new); until (cc == old;) Pop () do old = qhead; new = old->link; cc = CAS(qhead, old, new); until (cc == old;) return old; 15 ABA问题 A B C thread 1: pop() thread 2: pop() pop() push(A) pop(); pop(); push(A); pop(); C pop(); pop(); pop(); push(A); A 正确执行: 16 ABA问题 A B C pop() ret = A; next = B; // interrupted CAS(A,A,B) A B A = 17 ABA问题 A B C pop() ret = A; next = B; // interrupted CAS(A,A,B) pop() ret = A; next = B; CAS(A,A,B) A B A = A B A = 18 ABA问题 B C // interrupted CAS(A,A,B) pop() ret = B; next = C; CAS(B,B,C) return B; 19 ABA问题 C // interrupted CAS(A,A,B) push(A) A->next = C; CAS(C,C,A) 20 ABA问题 C // resumes CAS(A,A,B)A A B A = 21 ABA问题 // resumes CAS(A,A,B)Bx 22 slide taken from [CS380D] version number 23 提纲 ●无锁编程概述 ●无锁编程实例 ●无锁编程研究问题 ‒ 无锁数据结构 ‒ Transactional Memory 24 事务内存 Transactional Memory 为什么叫 Transactional Memory • 从 Database的核心概念 Transaction借鉴 • Database一次 Transaction过 程 – 1. Begin the transaction – 2. Execute several data manipulations and queries – 3. If no errors occur then commit the transaction and end it – 4. If errors occur then rollback the transaction and end it • ACI特征 ( Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation ) Transaction State Transactional Memory •1977 Lomet –(发现一种 )保证共享数据的抽象机制 •1993 Herlihy and Moss, ISCA – Transactional Memory - architectural support for lock-free data structures –支持无锁数据结构的机制 •ISCA, HPCA, PPoPP, PODC... –Challenge: to build an efficient TM infrastructure [TM M.K.] Herlihy and Moss, ISCA 1993 [TM M.K.] • coined the term Transactional Memory •增加 6种新指令供程序员构建无锁数据结构 – load-transactional:读数据到私有寄存器 – load-transactional-exclusive:读数据到私有寄存 器,如果 cache-miss,请求数据所有权 – store-transactional:写到内存 (cache)但其他进 程在 commit之前不可见 – commit:提交内存更改 – abort:丢弃写更改 – validate:查询当前事务状态 Herlihy and Moss, ISCA 1993 [TM M.K.] 6 条新指令: load-transactional, load- transactional-exclusive, store- transactional, commit, abort, and validate. 处理器状态 flag 新增一个 T Cache缓存 TM操作 新的 3个 bus周期 Transactional Memory • TM如何解决线程级并行? – 程序员把计算wrap成 transaction – 不是万能药,但是把同步操作从程序员转移到编译器、运行 环境和硬件 – 目前主要的信心来自 transaction解决了数据库的问题。尚 没有用 TM来解决一般的并行编程问题。 – 目前还只是语义级别的 TM定义 (尚没有编译器、运行环境 、库的支持 ) – TM会和非 TM的代码并存很长一段时间。 TM的成功取决于 旧代码和新代码的无缝结合。 [TM M.K.] 30 小结 ●无锁编程可以避免使用锁的一些常见错 误,并有可能带来性能提高 ●设计通用的无锁算法很难,目前常见的有 一些无锁的数据结构 ●无锁的数据结构要求按照事务处理的方式 编程 ●事务内存是对无锁的支持,目前研究很 热,难点在于有效的实现 31 参考资料 ● [DRD08]Dr Dobbs, Writing Lock-Free Code: A Corrected Queue, http://drdobbs.com/high- performance-computing/210604448 ● [LLF10] 杨小华,透过 Linux 内核看无锁编 程 ,http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/lin ux/l-cn-lockfree/ ● [Maurice 08]Maurice Herlichy and Nir Shavit, The Art of Multiprocessor Programming ● [TM M.K.] James R. Larus and Ravi Rajwar, Transactional Memory, published by Morgan Kaufman 32 参考资料 ● [Herlihy 1991]Maurice Herlihy, Wait-free Synchronization,1991 ● [NSYNC]Nonblocking synchronization bibliography, http://www.cs.wisc.edu/trans- memory/biblio/swnbs.html ● [Langdale05]Geoff Langdale, Lock-Free Programming, www.cs.cmu.edu/~410- s05/lectures/L31_LockFree.pdf ● [Lee10]Patrick P.C. Lee, A Lock-Free, Cache-Efficient Multi-Core Synchronization Mechanism for Line-Rate Network Traffic Monitoring 33 参考资料 ● [CS380D]Wait-Free Synchronization Lecture, CS380D—Distributed Computing, The University of Texas at Austin
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