

2017-10-23 17页 doc 70KB 216阅读




制作EPUB电子书制作EPUB电子书 , 这段时间研究了一下iBooks的电子书ePub格式。现在市面上很多电子书设备,如盛大汉王的电子书,~Android和黑莓的手机及平板电脑,要安装支持ePub格式的软件,都支持ePub格式~所以ePub格式的电子书现在比较流行。 这里先简单讲一下ePub格式的信息。ePub格式本质上是一个Zip压缩包~里面使用特定的目录结构来保存书籍内容~包括文本和图像,当然也可以包含音频视频~但是只有特定设备才支持~比如iBooks,书籍内容的保存形式是网页形式~html和xhtml两种。因此ePub图书显示的效果...
制作EPUB电子书 , 这段时间研究了一下iBooks的电子书ePub。现在市面上很多电子书设备,如盛大汉王的电子书,~Android和黑莓的手机及平板电脑,要安装支持ePub格式的软件,都支持ePub格式~所以ePub格式的电子书现在比较流行。 这里先简单讲一下ePub格式的信息。ePub格式本质上是一个Zip压缩包~里面使用特定的目录结构来保存书籍~包括文本和图像,当然也可以包含音频视频~但是只有特定设备才支持~比如iBooks,书籍内容的保存形式是网页形式~html和xhtml两种。因此ePub图书显示的效果也就是一张网页能显示的效果。 目前制作iBooks能够阅读的ePub格式是比较简单的~不论是Windows上面还是Mac上面都有很多将txt直接合并转为ePub格式的软件。这种工具生成的ePub电子书~没有目录或者目录粗陋~只能从头看到尾~没有图片显示,除了封面外,~适合那种对看书要求不高的人。 如果大家要制作的比较专业~不像iBook商店里面那些免费的鲁迅全集那样凑数,没有封面~没有分节~差不多就是txt转过来的,~那就需要一个范本~就是免费的小熊维尼。 helping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty alleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of low-income housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to iBooks附送的这本小熊维尼是不收费的~而且它采用了DRM保护~你即使解压缩了也无法看到图像和文本的任何内容~只能在iBooks里面看。这本书为什么可以作为范本呢,因为它基本上展示了iBooks上ePub格式能够展现的所有效果: 1.一页中可同时显示不同的字体大小~可同时显示不同的字体样式,斜体/粗体,~可同时显示不同的字体颜色~可以显示首字大写,由于目前iOS设备只允许一个中文字体~所以首字大写和改字体族、粗体等效果都是英文专用福利,, zone, dared toanger ty Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the d"8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Parperly al human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and pro, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rurludgeng or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sand development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, litteri onditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescueincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing c-gthening of lowstrenactively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" he enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood,alleviation. Four is thelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 2 2.图片可以排列为上下型环绕并居中~左环绕~右环绕以及四周环绕效果, 3.可以插入本文目录链接和在线网页链接。 目前Windows和Mac平台下~能够完全制作出这些效果的ePub编辑器是没有的~只有两个替代品:Windows的epubbuilder和Mac的Pages。(Sigil打开处理后的epub后会破坏文件结构~所以不推荐) epubbuilder这个软件是掌上书苑推出的epub制作工具~但是它并非直接编辑epub文件~而必须生成一个edb文件~然后将现有的epub文件导入~进行编辑后~再导出。虽然有点麻烦~但是也避免了直接编辑可能产生文件错误的问题。epubbuilder的功能是非常全且实用的~它可以导入txt、word、html、chm、epub、snb、umd、zip格式的电子书~还可以抓取网页内容~生成嵌入字体的epub、txt、snb和mobi格式。它生成的Epub包含的是html格式~因此可以最大兼容各种看书设备。在制作时~它也包含很多非常好的工具~如自动排版,清除非段落换行、清除空行重复行、增加和去除段前缩进或特征行,~按规则智能拆分章节、选择内容成章等等。作为前期处理网上杂乱的txt文本的工具~可以说是非常好用而且必要的。 rs and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared toBefore the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police office sters.tural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disandscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against nang, lat Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lightiing casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township residenWork ings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment.ke resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthqua-l and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of lowncial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medicaalleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited finahelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 3 关于epubbuilder的缺陷。主要是针对传到iBooks上的缺陷~其实这些缺陷正是为了保证对其它看书设备的兼容性,iBooks的专有格式在其它很多设备上都看不了,。缺陷如下: 1.生成的文本和图像内容是以html格式存在~iBooks在专门的目录页为其重新编排页码的效率比较低~如果页面很多的话~程序容易卡住~然后狂耗电,主要是因为iOS设备的内存不足~遇到这种情况需要强制退出程序~使用sysinfo释放内存然后再打开iBooks,, 2.制作内容的时候新建章节的顺序一定要从上到下。大家可以看到编辑预览按钮上方会显示该页面会生成的html文件名~如chapter1.html。假如~新建“章节一”后~发现前面漏了个前言~这时候再添加~前言所在文件就是chapter2.html。即使你在左侧章节栏调节了顺序也没用~这两个html的名字是无法更改的。在生成epub后iBooks处理~就会把你的第一章页码排到前言的前面去。如果你在章节栏调整了~就可能出现前言在第一章前面~但页码在第一章后面的情况~这种情况下~iBooks的进度百分比滑杆就没意义了,生成epub后人为修改html文件名不确定有无效果~但是这样也很麻烦,, 3.不能将不同的字体大小不同的字体颜色混排,最新版已添加了这个功能,, anger ty Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the d"8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Parperly al human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and pro, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rurludgeng or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sand development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, litteri onditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescueincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing c-gthening of lowstrenactively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" he enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood,alleviation. Four is thelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty zone, dared to4 4.图片只能排列为上下行环绕,可以居中~生成ePub后改html代码为四周环绕也可以,, 5.封面图如果不够大的话,超过iphone和ipad的分辨率大小,~会以原图大小左对齐显示在页面中~很不好看,可以生成epub后改html代码使之居中,, 6.插入的本文目录链接有效~但是iBooks无法自动识别,这个见仁见智~如果你插入了本文目录链接~在iBooks中打开之后就会在正文里也显示一个目录页面~由于iBooks本身就有一个按钮来显示专门的目录页面~所以两个目录就显得多余。而Pages生成的epub文件iBooks会自动过滤掉正文中的那个目录页,~ 7.不能插入在线网页链接,也可以生成ePub后去改html代码来实现,和多媒体。 所以~如果大家使用epubbuilder又想将做好的书在iBooks里面看起来很精致的话~可以参考下列步骤: 1.制作电子书时选用一张较大的封面图像,最好是600x800以上的,~如果找不到~参看第5步。 2.执行导入前一定要看好各章节的顺序~从上到下进行新建和编辑。推荐先新建好所有章节的结构~然后再导入~这样导入 rs and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared toBefore the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police office sters.tural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disandscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against nang, lat Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lightiing casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township residenWork ings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment.ke resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthqua-l and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of lowncial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medicaalleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited finahelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 5 的内容命名的html文件都在后面~拷贝到你的章节结构中~这些导入生成的章节就可以删掉。 3.编辑文本内容时~推荐删除掉所有段前空格。因为软件会自动生成段前空两格的css进行控制~所以你删除段前空格后~最终显示的效果都是正好空两格。如果你人为去加空格~最后反而会空三四格。 4.调整左侧大量章节顺序时~活用shift键来大量选择。不要用ctrl键一项一项的选~容易拖错顺序。 5.生成epub后~可以用压缩文件打开~编辑OPS目录下面的html文件。封面页图片居中的办法:记事本打开 coverpage.html,图像代码片段image src这里加入align=center~代码如下形式: < align=center> 不过上述办法并不是对所有设备都有效~有时候iPhone可以但iPad不行~有的时候iBooks可以但Stanza不行……更好的办法是在CSS文件里加入居中的代码~这个全部写出来有点麻烦~需要大家自己去找一找CSS文件的知识了。 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, anger ty Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the d"8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Parperly al human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and pro, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rurludgeng or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sand development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, litteri onditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescueincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing c-gthening of lowstrenactively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" he enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood,alleviation. Four is thelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty zone, dared to6 对于Mac系统而言~制作ePub最好的办法还是Pages,因为mac下Word没法导出epub,。实际上小熊维尼很可能就是用Pages制作的。Pages可以说是个阉割版的Word~其它的功能缺失不谈~但对于制作ePub~Pages缺少两个很关键的功能~一是文档结构图~二是目录跟随链接。 文档结构图相信大家写论文的时候都很熟悉了~基本上是必须的一个功能~它和目录页跟随链接一样~在处理大文档时可以快速定位到你想去的位置。很可惜~Pages并没有这两个功能~只能显示页面缩略图。所以大家在制作大型电子书时~会费点时间。 Pages的优势在于~它可以方便的设置文本不同的大小和颜色,之前有一篇文章提到~脂批石头记这种夹了很多批注的书~如果批注与正文都是一种颜色一种大小显示的话~是很崩溃的一件事,~也可以直观的设置图片的绕排。更可以直接插入#格#。表格在iBooks上完全可兼容。最牛的是~Pages可以插入mov影片和mp3音乐~在ibooks里面可以正常播放,插入mp4和m4b等格式反倒无法生成epub,。另外苹果官方还提供了一个制作epub的Pages,后面提供下载,~虽然是英文~但是大家可以比较简单的了解应该采用何种结构~而如果你使用Pages从空白模板新建的话~就没有这个方便的结构了。这个结构的方便之处在于: rs and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared toBefore the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police office sters.tural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disandscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against nang, lat Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lightiing casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township residenWork ings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment.ke resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthqua-l and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of lowncial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medicaalleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited finahelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 7 1.提供了内页标题页、目录,可自动更新,、大标题、副标题、小标题、子标题四级章节样式、尾注,会在iBooks中单独生成一个尾注页面~尾注的标号可以点击跳转~非常方便,的格式, 2.在新开一章的时候~只需在工具栏的“节”下拉菜单选择Chapter即可新建一个的模板。 3.最后生成ePub的时候~目录结构全部会自动显示为中文,比如你编辑时显示的TitlePage、TOC等~最终显示的会是标题页面和目录页面,。 另外~Pages生成的ePub是xhtml的文件结构~所以iBooks编页码的速度要快一些,但ios设备内存不够照样会卡死,。但是这种ePub不兼容部分阅读器~例如Adobe的Digital Editions打开就是乱码~而基于Adobe Air的LovelyReader就一切正常,关于这一点~也可以在xhtml中加代码来实现兼容Digital Editions~具体大家可以去搜一下,。 Pages的功能阉割还不止文档结构图和目录跟随链接两个~下面列出使用Pages做电子书需要注意的地方: 1.使用模板制作时文字的字体和大小都显得很小~这个是无所谓的~最后生成ePub的时候字体大小会写到CSS文件中~正文xhtml只会保留H1、H2这种标记~不会保留字体信息,iBooks zone, dared toanger ty Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the d"8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Parperly al human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and pro, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rurludgeng or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sand development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, litteri onditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescueincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing c-gthening of lowstrenactively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" he enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood,alleviation. Four is thelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 8 目前不支持内嵌字体的ePub,~所以不管你在Pages中设置了什么样的中文字体~iBooks里面永远都是一个黑体。 2.Pages的段首缩进只能设置厘米数~不能设置字符数。而且你在Pages里面设置多大段首缩进都没用~最终CSS文件中会固定产生一个百分比的缩进值。所以这个在制作的时候就不要改了~方便事后直接修改css。 3.插入的图片必须全部选择为内联格式~然后在检查器或工具栏直接选择绕排方式即可。但是你可以设置图片遮罩,遮罩效果视图片而定,。还可以设置图片边框效果~但图片倒影效果设置了没用~生成的时候会自动删掉。 4.模板中的章节页面~大标题上方还有一段无章节级别的小字体文本~用于描述大标题~但是在生成后~这段文字会被放到上一章节去。所以一定要删除。 5.模板提供的第一页相当于一本书翻开封面后的第一页~Pages导出时有一项“将第一页设为封面”~这里需要注意~在iPhone/touch中~这里勾不勾无所谓~但是如果要在iPad中完美排版~必须勾上。勾上之后这个第一页会变成一个cover,image.png文件~而在ipad横向放置时~iBooks打开目录页后左侧显示的就是这个png文件。如果没有勾~这里就是一个白框~显示的非常难看。 Before the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police office sters.tural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disandscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against nang, lat Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lightiing casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township residenWork ings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment.ke resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthqua-l and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of lowncial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medicaalleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited finahelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty rs and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared to9 在根据上面的提示做完并生成epub后~用压缩软件打开~打开其正文的xhtml~可以看到正文前面的标号,一般是单个的s13~或者两个连续的s2,s3,~然后用文本编辑打开book.css文件~找到s13/s2及s3这个部分,根据你刚才看到的正文标记号而定~其它的标记可能代表标题或章节号~乱改会导致排版错乱,将font-size改为100.0000%~将text-indent改为2em。这样就解决了正文文本偏小和缩进不是两个字符的问题。另外自己做一张同样尺寸的cover-image.png替换掉生成的png文件。在epub压缩包内替换这些文件后~拖到iTunes中。右键打开其简介~在插图页面将封面图像拖动进去就自动变为本书封面了。这种方式生成的epub文件在别的阅读器中显示的封面图像不是itunes简介图像~而是之前那个 cover-image.png文件。根据小熊维尼的范本~这个封面图像的大小只要在414x600左右就可以了。 题外话说一句~iTunes内置了很多风格的图片~但是你需要将该项目的风格设为该关键字。当然这些关键字都是英文的。比如小熊维尼的风格是Children’s Fiction~科幻和奇幻风格是Fantasy~历史类是History~等等。如果你设置中文名称的风格~iTunes就只会显示你这本书的封面~而不会显示正方形的风格图。当然这个细节有些人是无所谓的~毕竟它只支持英文的风格关键字。 zone, dared toanger ty Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police officers and men, the courage to dash the d"8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disasters. Before the disaster, and township Parperly al human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against natural disasters. To respond calmly and pro, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lighting, landscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rurludgeng or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township resident Street solar street lights, clear drains sand development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment. Working casually parked vehicles, trash, litteri onditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescueincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthquake resistant housing projects to improve people's housing c-gthening of lowstrenactively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medical and health, completed the "ten's project" he enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited financial resources on the people's livelihood,alleviation. Four is thelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 10 综上所述~epubbuilder面向对绝大部分电子书阅读器的兼容~而且自带实用的排版工具~非常适合前期处理。而Pages可以最大程度的制作出发挥iBooks全效果的电子书~针对的目标比较专门化。epubbuilder的作者非常勤奋~过个把月就会更新一次~添加很多实用功能~而Pages的新版会不会有文档结构图功能~那就只有天知道了。 大家如果想制作可以卖钱级别的电子书的话~可以参考这篇教程~根据自己的需要来制作。下面提供苹果官方的Pages模板下载链接和我制作的寄生前夜电子书~这本书经过了精心校对~基本上没什么错别字了~各级章节使用了不同的文本颜色~另外插入了电影版的各剧照~用于显示Pages中的图片绕排效果。 PS:关于制作iBooks漫画~用Pages就不合适了~epubbuilder倒是可以直接导入图片压缩包来轻松实现。大家尽可以试试。 rs and men, the courage to dash the danger zone, dared toBefore the disaster, and township Party Committee team members, party members and cadres reserve militia, armed police office sters.tural disasters. To respond calmly and properly "8.05" wangji du Village and "8.20" ancient village torrent debris flow disandscaping, cleaning, hardening, improve rural human settlement environment. The six are working together to fight against nang, lat Street solar street lights, clear drains sludge, construction of latrines, waste incineration pool, advancing street lightiing casually parked vehicles, trash, littering or abandoning, noise is disturbing, and so on. Completed the Township residenWork ings and cultural inheritance, protection, rescue and development. Five is fully engaged in the urban and rural environment.ke resistant housing projects to improve people's housing conditions; further prosperity and development of cultural undertakincome housing, public rental housing, renovate rural and earthqua-l and health, completed the "ten's project" strengthening of lowncial resources on the people's livelihood, actively promote the development of social undertakings such as education, medicaalleviation. Four is the enterprise attaches great importance to people's livelihood. More limited finahelping build the team, set up an accurate poverty alleviation mechanisms, implementing the requirements of accurate poverty 11
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