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国家介绍俄罗斯,法国国家介绍俄罗斯,法国 Countries introduced 国家介绍 Russia 俄罗斯 National flag(国旗) National emblem (国徽) Russia's national flower is the sunflower. 俄罗斯国花为向日 葵。 Sunflower also is the national flower of Peru, and Bolivia. 向日葵同时也为秘鲁、 玻利维亚的国花。 17.0754 million square kilometers...
国家介绍俄罗斯,法国 Countries introduced 国家介绍 Russia 俄罗斯 National flag(国旗) National emblem (国徽) Russia's national flower is the sunflower. 俄罗斯国花为向日 葵。 Sunflower also is the national flower of Peru, and Bolivia. 向日葵同时也为秘鲁、 玻利维亚的国花。 17.0754 million square kilometers, the waters area accounted for 13%, is the largest country in the world. 1707.54万平方公里,水域面积占13%,是 世界上面积最大 的国家。 Russia is located in the northern part of the continent in Eastern Europe and Asia, and most of its European territory of the European Plain. North of the Arctic Ocean, east Pacific, west of the Atlantic Ocean, the Northwest Pro Baltic Gulf of Finland. 俄罗斯位于欧洲东部和亚洲大陆的北部,其欧洲 领土的大部分是东欧平原。北邻北冰洋, 东濒太 平洋,西接大西洋,西北临波罗的海芬兰湾。 Total population of approximately 143.1 million, a nation of more than 150. 79.8% ethnic Russian, Russia is one of the countries with the fastest population decline in the world. 总人口约1.431亿,民族150多个。其中俄罗 斯族占79(8%,俄罗斯是世 界上人口减少 速度最快的国家之一。 鞑靼族 俄罗斯族 白俄罗斯族 The country has more than 150 ethnic groups in Russia, Tatar, Ukrainian, Chuvash, Bashkir, Belarus, Moldova, the Germans, Udmurt, Armenia, Avars, Mali, Kazakhstan, Ossetian minorities, Buryatia, Yakutia, Kabardino, Jewish, Komi, Lezgin root, Ku Meike, Ingushetia, Tuva. 俄全国有150多个民族,主要少数民族有鞑靼、乌克 兰、楚瓦什、巴什基尔、白俄罗斯、 摩尔多瓦、日 耳曼、乌德穆尔特、亚美尼亚、阿瓦尔、马里、哈 萨克、奥塞梯、布里亚特、 雅库特、卡巴尔达、犹 太、科米、列兹根、库梅克、印古什、图瓦等。 Russian (Русский язык) is the official language of the Russian Federation. The republics the right to specify their own national language, 30 languages??. And together with the Russian in the Republic, the current Russian is the official language of the four CIS countries. 俄语(Русский язык) 是俄罗斯联邦 的官方语言。各共和国有权规定自己的国语,有 30多种语言。并在该共和国 境内与俄语一起使用, 目前俄语是四个独联体国家的官方语言。 The main religion is 主要宗教为东 Orthodox, followed 正教,其次为 by Islam. The 2001 伊斯兰教。2001 年俄权威社会 sample survey of 调查机构抽样 Russian authority 调查结果显示, social survey institutions, Russia 俄居民55%信奉 55% of the residents 宗教,其中91 % believe in religion, of 信奉东正教, which 91% Orthodox, 5%信奉伊斯兰 教,信奉天主 5% Muslim, other religions believe in 教和犹太教的 各为 1 %,0.8 % the Catholic and 信奉佛教,其 Jewish 1%, 0.8% Buddhist and the rest余 信奉其它宗 教。 believe . The ruble is the standard unit of currency in Russia. The coins is kopecks. 卢 布是俄罗斯的本位货 币位。辅币是戈比。 俄罗斯克里姆林宫这一 世界闻名的建筑群,享 有“世界第八奇景”的 美誉。12世纪 上叶,多 尔戈鲁基大公在波罗维 茨低丘上修筑了一个木 结构的城堡—克里姆林 宫,莫斯 科就是从这个 城堡逐步发展起来的。 Russia, the Kremlin, the world-famous buildings, enjoys the reputation of "The Eighth Wonder of the world". 12th century leaf Dolgoruky Grand Duke a wooden structure built on the Baltic Horowitz low hilly Castle - the Kremlin, Moscow is from the castle gradually developed together. The Russian Summer Palace, also known as Peter Palace, located in the forests of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, 29 km away from the city. Founded in 1714, the luxury magnificent building, known as the "Russian Versailles". 俄罗斯 夏宫,又称彼 德宫,坐落在芬兰湾 南岸的森林中,距离 市区29公里。 始建于 1714年, 建筑豪华壮丽, 被誉为“俄罗斯的凡 尔赛”。 Located on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, the former palace of the Russian Tsar, designated a part of the St. Petersburg State 艾尔米塔奇 Museum after the October Revolution. 冬宫,坐落在圣彼得堡 宫殿广场上,原为俄国 沙皇的皇宫,十月革命 后辟为圣彼得堡 国立艾 尔米塔奇博物馆的一部 分。 Republic of France 法兰西共和国 National flag(国旗) National emblem (国徽) France (France), called the Republic of France, is now the French Fifth Republic, is a semi-parliamentary semi-presidential countries in western Europe. 法国(France), 全称为法兰西共和国, 现在是法兰西第五共和国,是一个位 于欧洲西部的半议会制半总统 制国家。 法国菜注重新鲜、原味。法 国菜选料广泛,主要偏好牛 肉、禽类、海鲜、蔬菜等, 特 别是蜗牛、松露菌、蘑菇、 龙虾、鹅肝、鱼子酱;在配 料上,酒、橄榄油、鲜奶油 以及各 式香料是他们的最爱。 French focus on fresh, original flavor. French wide choice of materials the main the preferences beef, poultry, seafood, vegetables, etc., especially snails, truffles, mushrooms, lobster, foie gras, caviar; ingredients, wine, olive oil, fresh cream, and all kinds of spices their favorite. French scenery 209班 郑鑫 Countries introduced 国家介绍 Russia 俄罗斯 National flag(国旗) National emblem (国徽) Russia's national flower is the sunflower. 俄罗斯国花为向日 葵。 Sunflower also is the national flower of Peru, and Bolivia. 向日葵同时也为秘鲁、 玻利维亚的国花。 17.0754 million square kilometers, the waters area accounted for 13%, is the largest country in the world. 1707.54万平方公里,水域面积占13%,是 世界上面积最大 的国家。 Russia is located in the northern part of the continent in Eastern Europe and Asia, and most of its European territory of the European Plain. North of the Arctic Ocean, east Pacific, west of the Atlantic Ocean, the Northwest Pro Baltic Gulf of Finland. 俄罗斯位于欧洲东部和亚洲大陆的北部,其欧洲 领土的大部分是东欧平原。北邻北冰洋, 东濒太 平洋,西接大西洋,西北临波罗的海芬兰湾。 Total population of approximately 143.1 million, a nation of more than 150. 79.8% ethnic Russian, Russia is one of the countries with the fastest population decline in the world. 总人口约1.431亿,民族150多个。其中俄罗 斯族占79(8%,俄罗斯是世 界上人口减少 速度最快的国家之一。 鞑靼族 俄罗斯族 白俄罗斯族 The country has more than 150 ethnic groups in Russia, Tatar, Ukrainian, Chuvash, Bashkir, Belarus, Moldova, the Germans, Udmurt, Armenia, Avars, Mali, Kazakhstan, Ossetian minorities, Buryatia, Yakutia, Kabardino, Jewish, Komi, Lezgin root, Ku Meike, Ingushetia, Tuva. 俄全国有150多个民族,主要少数民族有鞑靼、乌克 兰、楚瓦什、巴什基尔、白俄罗斯、 摩尔多瓦、日 耳曼、乌德穆尔特、亚美尼亚、阿瓦尔、马里、哈 萨克、奥塞梯、布里亚特、 雅库特、卡巴尔达、犹 太、科米、列兹根、库梅克、印古什、图瓦等。 Russian (Русский язык) is the official language of the Russian Federation. The republics the right to specify their own national language, 30 languages??. And together with the Russian in the Republic, the current Russian is the official language of the four CIS countries. 俄语(Русский язык) 是俄罗斯联邦 的官方语言。各共和国有权规定自己的国语,有 30多种语言。并在该共和国 境内与俄语一起使用, 目前俄语是四个独联体国家的官方语言。 The main religion is 主要宗教为东 Orthodox, followed 正教,其次为 by Islam. The 2001 伊斯兰教。2001 年俄权威社会 sample survey of 调查机构抽样 Russian authority 调查结果显示, social survey institutions, Russia 俄居民55%信奉 55% of the residents 宗教,其中91 % believe in religion, of 信奉东正教, which 91% Orthodox, 5%信奉伊斯兰 教,信奉天主 5% Muslim, other religions believe in 教和犹太教的 各为 1 %,0.8 % the Catholic and 信奉佛教,其 Jewish 1%, 0.8% Buddhist and the rest余 信奉其它宗 教。 believe . The ruble is the standard unit of currency in Russia. The coins is kopecks. 卢 布是俄罗斯的本位货 币单位。辅币是戈比。 俄罗斯克里姆林宫这一 世界闻名的建筑群,享 有“世界第八奇景”的 美誉。12世纪 上叶,多 尔戈鲁基大公在波罗维 茨低丘上修筑了一个木 结构的城堡—克里姆林 宫,莫斯 科就是从这个 城堡逐步发展起来的。 Russia, the Kremlin, the world-famous buildings, enjoys the reputation of "The Eighth Wonder of the world". 12th century leaf Dolgoruky Grand Duke a wooden structure built on the Baltic Horowitz low hilly Castle - the Kremlin, Moscow is from the castle gradually developed together. The Russian Summer Palace, also known as Peter Palace, located in the forests of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, 29 km away from the city. Founded in 1714, the luxury magnificent building, known as the "Russian Versailles". 俄罗斯 夏宫,又称彼 德宫,坐落在芬兰湾 南岸的森林中,距离 市区29公里。 始建于 1714年, 建筑豪华壮丽, 被誉为“俄罗斯的凡 尔赛”。 Located on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, the former palace of the Russian Tsar, designated a part of the St. Petersburg State 艾尔米塔奇 Museum after the October Revolution. 冬宫,坐落在圣彼得堡 宫殿广场上,原为俄国 沙皇的皇宫,十月革命 后辟为圣彼得堡 国立艾 尔米塔奇博物馆的一部 分。 Republic of France 法兰西共和国 National flag(国旗) National emblem (国徽) France (France), called the Republic of France, is now the French Fifth Republic, is a semi-parliamentary semi-presidential countries in western Europe. 法国(France), 全称为法兰西共和国, 现在是法兰西第五共和国,是一个位 于欧洲西部的半议会制半总统 制国家。 法国菜注重新鲜、原味。法 国菜选料广泛,主要偏好牛 肉、禽类、海鲜、蔬菜等, 特 别是蜗牛、松露菌、蘑菇、 龙虾、鹅肝、鱼子酱;在配 料上,酒、橄榄油、鲜奶油 以及各 式香料是他们的最爱。 French focus on fresh, original flavor. French wide choice of materials the main the preferences beef, poultry, seafood, vegetables, etc., especially snails, truffles, mushrooms, lobster, foie gras, caviar; ingredients, wine, olive oil, fresh cream, and all kinds of spices their favorite. French scenery 209班 郑鑫
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