

2010-12-13 42页 doc 275KB 123阅读




Bolt+《闪电狗》电影中英对照剧本Bolt 《闪电狗》 Bolt 《闪电狗》 -Penny: That one. 就这个 -Director: Here boy. 乖孩子 -Penny: You're heavy. And slobbery. There. You're a good boy! You're my good boy! slobbery: 流口水的 你很重耶,还爱流口水。戴上,你是个好孩子。我的好孩子。 -Penny: Hello! 喂! -Dad: Honey, I don't have much time! 宝贝我时间不多 -Penny: D...
Bolt 《闪电狗》 Bolt 《闪电狗》 -Penny: That one. 就这个 -Director: Here boy. 乖孩子 -Penny: You're heavy. And slobbery. There. You're a good boy! You're my good boy! slobbery: 流口水的 你很重耶,还爱流口水。戴上,你是个好孩子。我的好孩子。 -Penny: Hello! 喂! -Dad: Honey, I don't have much time! 宝贝我时间不多 -Penny: Daddy? Are you okay? 爸爸?你还好么? -Dad: Something came up at work, honey. Daddy is not gonna be home for a while. come up: 发生 gonna: <美>将要(=going to) for a while: 暂时 工作上出了些事情,宝贝。爸爸这段时间不能回家了。 -Penny: I don't understand. 我不明白 -Dad: You can't go back to the house, Penny. Okay? 你也不能再回家里去知道了么Penny -Penny: What's happening? 发生什么事了? -Dad: It's all right. You won't be alone. You have Bolt. I've altered him. He can protect you now. alter: 改变 没事的,你不会孤单的。有Bolt陪你。我改造了他。他现在能保护你了。 -Calico: Thank you. Which that of course is wonderful news? Everything is positioning nicely. position: 定位 nicely: 恰好的 谢谢,这可真是个好消息。一切都已经就位 -Penny: There he is, doctor Calico! 就是他,Calico博士! -Director: Any luck getting our guest to spill his guts? guest: 客人 spill: 使…流出 gut: 勇气 有没有运气能激发我们客人的勇气? -Calico: Oh, his guts will spill. One way or another. 噢,会激发出他的勇气来的。看用什么办法了。 -Dad: Never, I'll never talk. 不,我绝不会说的。 -Penny: Daddy! 爸爸! -Calico: You're beginning to urge me professor, I'm urged. urge: 力劝 professor: 教授 你是在激怒我,教授,我很生气。 And that will not do. As the package arrived...I think it might make our dearfriend a bit more communicative. package: 包裹 arrive: 到达 communicative: 畅谈的 但这无济于事,一旦包裹到达...我想我们亲爱的朋友会更容易沟通... -Director: I'm sending an agent to pick it up. agent: 代理人 pick up: 取 我正派人去把它取来 -Calico: Gorgeous! Have him bring it to me on the first flight. gorgeous: 灿烂的 太好了,让他做头班飞机带给我 -Penny: Bolt, let's go! Bolt出发! -ManA: We only need the girl! 我们只要那女孩! -ManB: What? 什么? -ManB: Where is Calico? Calico在哪? -ManB: I'm not talking to you. Bolivia, Bolivia, Calico is in Bolivia! Near lake Rogaguado! 我才不会告诉你呢。Bolivia,Bolivia,Calico在Bolivia!靠近Rogaguado。 -Penny: Lake Rogaguado? I should have known! Come on Bolt, let's go. Rogaguado湖? 我早该想到的。来吧,Bolt我们走。 -Penny: Bolivia, there is a flight leaving in 10 minutes. Bolt, zoom zoom! Bolt, back. zoom: 急速上升 Bolivia,10分钟后有一班飞机去那儿。Bolt,急速移动!Bolt,去取回来。 -Director: Puppy! 小狗狗! LOCK 锁定 -Penny: Good boy! Airport! Bolt, speak. Okay, okay... Good job, buddy. Mission accomplished! mission: 任务 accomplish: 完成 好样的!去机场!Bolt,狮子吼。好了,干得漂亮。伙计。任务完成! That's a keeper! It's all right tough guys, you caught them all. Don't worry Bolt, you've saved the day again. keeper: 看守人 tough: 强硬的 guy: 家伙 那是个守卫,没事了,硬汉。你把他们都抓住了。没事啦Bolt,你又一次拯救了世界。 -Penny: “Good boy!” “好孩子!” “Airport!” “去机场!” “Bolt, speak.” “Bolt 狮子吼” -Director: Boom mike! Boom: 长杆话筒 mike: 话筒 麦克风吊杆! -Woman: We got a boom mike. 有一个传声器架 -ManA: That's a boom mike. 是个传声器架 -Director: That's sloppy. The dog could've seen that. He could've seen that! sloppy: 草率的 真糟糕,狗会看见这个的。他可能已经看见了! -Mindy: Uh, who cares if the dog sees a boom mike? 就算是狗看到了又怎样? -Director: Forgive me for answering a question with a question…but who are you? forgive: 原谅 请允许我先问一句... 你又是谁? -Mindy: Mindy Parker, from the network. network: 网络 联播网的Mindy·Parker。 -Director: Of course. Let me ask you, Mindy from the network... What do you see here? 当然,我来问你,联播网的Mindy·Parker。你从这里看到了什么? -Mindy: Hum... the dog? - 呃小狗? -Director: "The dog" she says. Oh, Mindy. Poor, poor Mindy. poor: 可怜的 她说“小狗”。噢,Mindy。可怜的Mindy。 -Mindy: Am I missing something? 我说错什么了么? -Director: You're missing everything, Mindy. 你大错特错了,Mindy。 You see a dog. I see an animal that believes...with every fiber of his being, fiber: 纤维 你看见的是一只狗,我看见的是这样一个动物。 Every fiber... that the girl he loves is in mortal danger. mortal: 致命的 他全心全意相信...他爱的女孩处在最危险的关头 I see a depth of emotion on the face of that canine the likes of which has never been captured on screen before. depth: 深度 canine: 犬的 captured: 捕获的 screen: 屏,幕 狗的情里流露出的深沉情感。此前从未在屏幕上出现过。 Never, Mindy from the network. We jump through hoops to make sure Bolt believes everything is real. hoop: 箍,铁环 从未啊。联播网的Mindy。我们就是要让他相信这一切都是真实的。 It's why we don't miss marks. It's why we don't reshoot. mark: 标记 reshoot: 补拍 这就是为什么我们不用场记,不重拍。 And it's why we most certainly do not let the dog see boom mikes! 这就是为什么我们绝不让狗看到传声器架。 Because, Mindy from the network...if the dog believes it…the audience believes it. audience: 观众 因为,联播网的Mindy.只有那狗相信....观众们才会相信。 -Mindy: Wow. Okay, you want reality, here you go chief. The show's too predictable. reality: 现实 chief: 主要的 predictable: 可预测的 好吧,你想要现实就给你现实。这个剧情太老套了。 The girl's in danger, the dog saves her from the creepy English guy, we get it. There's always a happy ending. creepy: 毛骨悚然的 ending: 结局 女孩有危险,小狗从可怕的英国佬手里救下她,我们都知道。总是个大团圆的结局。 And our focus groups tell us 18 to 35 year olds are unhappy. They're not happy with happy. 我们的调查小组称,18到35岁的成人并不满意。他们不喜欢皆大欢喜的结局。 So maybe you should, I don't know...spend a little less time worrying about the dog's method acting, worry about: 担心 method: 方法 acting: 行为 或许你可以...少花点时间担心小狗的行动方式。 and more time figuring out how to stop 20 year olds in Topeka... from changing the channel. figure out: 想出 channel: 频道 而多花点时间想想...如何阻止20岁的人换频道 Because if you lose so much as half a rating point, so help me, I will fire everyone in this room, starting with you! rating point: 额定点 start with: 从…开始 要是收视率下降半个点...我发誓把你们都炒了。就从你开始! How's that for real? 这个够现实吧 -Penny: There. Perfect. You saved me again, Bolt. It's okay, it's nothing. No more bad guys. 贴这里很好。你又一次救了我,Bolt。好了,没什么的,没有坏人了。 Do you want some food, Bolty? Huh? Are you hungry? You've got them, Bolt, no one is gonna hurt me. 你要吃东西么你饿不饿?你把他们都逮住了 Bolt 没人能伤害我了 Bolt, look at me. I'm fine, see? Come here buddy, come here! Go, get it Bolt! Go, get it! buddy: 伙伴 Bolt,看看我,我没事的。看到没?到这来,伙计。到这来!去,捡回来。Bolt去呀。 Yeah, that one is no funny either. funny: 有趣的 这个也不好玩了。 Well, what we have here? Your old buddy, Mister Carrot! carrot: 胡萝卜 看哪我们找到什么了?你的老朋友。胡萝卜先生! Oh, Bolt! You know I have to go. Yeah, you are my good boy. 噢 Bolt!我得走了。真是我的好孩子。 -Agent: And there she is my little superstar! Let's get to that "Teen" vogue cover shoot. superstar: 超级明星 vogue: 时尚 cover: 封面 shoot.: 拍摄 在这里啊我的超级明星。我们来为"青少年"杂志拍张封面照吧。 -Penny: Mom, I wanna take Bolt home for this weekend. weekend: 周末 妈妈,我想带Bolt回家度周末 -Mom: Well, I... I'm... 这个...我... -Agent: Oh, that is nice. That is great. That would. A little girl and her dog. Nothing better that. 噢,这很好。会很不错的。小女孩和她的狗。再好不过了 -Penny: So I can bring Bolt home? 这么说我能带Bolt回家了? -Agent: As your friend, I say yes, absolutely... but as your agent, I have to remind you. absolutely: 绝对地 agent: 代理人 remind: 提醒 作为你的朋友,我会说是的,当然可以。但是作为你的经纪人,我得提醒你, This is Bolt's law. He has to stay right here. 对Bolt的规则是他必须留在这里。 Okay, let's go. 好了我们走 -Penny: But he never gets to be a real dog. And it will be only for the weekend and I just once... 但他从没有过过真正的生活。就一次,这周末带他回家。 -Agent: What? You know what? It's a fair question. Let's do this, let's put a pin in it. fair: 公平的 pin: 大头针 什么?知道吗?这问题很公平。这么着吧,比方说拿出来个别针。 Pin in, there you go. Now, let's let that hang there a little bit... and then we'll address that hang: 暂停 address: 处理 别在这,这样就行了。现在让我们先放一放吧。 when we thought things through, okay? 等想通了我们再来讨论,好么? Good enough for everybody? Smiles all around! Let's get out of here. Come on. 大家觉得怎么样? 都笑一笑!我们走吧,快点。 -Penny: I don't need to think it through. I wanna take Bolt home. wanna: (=want to)仅用于口语,想要 我不想想那么多我想带Bolt回家 -Agent: Look at this face! I have a little girl at home… love of my life. I would do anything for her. 瞧瞧你可爱的小脸我家里也有个小女儿..我毕生的爱.我愿意为她做任何事. And I would trade her for you in a heartbeat! True story. trade: 交换 heartbeat: 心跳 但我还是会心跳不已地拿她和你换!真的. That reminds me, uh, we need to begin over to wardrobe. Let's go. wardrobe: 衣柜 这提醒我,这就得重新做衣柜了。我们走吧。 -Penny: I need every... - I... I just... 我需要... - 我...我只是... -Mittens: So, the dog thinks this is all real? 这么说小狗认为这全都是真的? -Cat: Oh, yeah. Hear new. Guy never leaves the set. It's unbelievable. unbelievable: 难以置信的 是啊,新鲜吧。这家伙从没离开过片场。难以置信, Whenever I get a chance this is the perfect way to unwind. unwind: 展开,放松 等有机会我就把这个公布出来。 I like to start with an evil laugh. evil: 邪恶的 就用邪恶的大笑来开始。 -Bolt: Hello, hairballs! hairball: 毛团 嘿,小毛球! -Cat: You may have one today Bolt, but in the end... we will get your little Penny. 或许今天你赢了。Bolt,但最终...我们还是会抓到你的小Penny。 -Bolt: Not likely cat. For you've chosen to follow the path of evil, likely: 可能 path: 轨道 不见得,小猫,既然你选择了邪恶之路。 ultimately we'll destroy you, along with your fiendish puppet master. ultimately: 最后 destroy: 破坏 fiendish: 恶魔似的 puppet: 傀儡 master: 主人 到头来我们会摧毁你,还有你邪恶的傀儡主人。 -Mittens: Wow! 喔! -Cat: I know. Okay, watch this. She is a goner, dog. But green-eyed man has a plan... and soon he will execute it. goner: 完蛋的人 execute: 执行 我知道,看看这个。她要完蛋了。小狗,绿眼人已经制定了计划。...很快就会付诸实施的。 Yeah and then he will execute her! 然后他会干掉她的! -Mittens: Nice! 说的不错! -Bolt: I would super bark you both back into the hole you crawled out of, but I need you alive, bark: 叫 hole: 洞 crawled: 爬行 我本可以用狮子吼来让你们两个滚蛋。但我需要你活着。 because I got a little message for you to take back to your green-eyed man. message: 消息 take back: 拿回 因为我要你给绿眼人捎个信儿。 You tell him, his old friend Bolt said he... 告诉他他的老朋友Bolt说他... -Mittens: Is it long? 这很长么? -Bolt: Is what long? 什么长不长? -Mittens: The message. Is it a long message? Because I have a horrible memory. horrible:可怕的 memory: 记忆 要带的口信。那口信很长么? 我的记性不好。 -Bolt: Yeah, I'll make a brief, all right? You tell him I said, I'm gonna... brief: 摘要 gonna: <美>将要=going to 长话短说,好了吧,你告诉他说,我要... -Mittens: You know what? Why don't we do this? 干脆我们这么着吧。 You remember the first half of the message and then I remember the second. 你来记前一半,我来记后面的部分。 And then we can pass it on green-eyed man together. 然后我们拼在一起就可以把它带绿眼人了。 -Bolt: I don't care how the message is translated, alright? translated: 解释 我不管你们怎么把话带到。 Just do it, okay? Tell the green-eyed man, that I will not sleep; 只要带到就行。告诉绿眼人,我不会轻易罢手的... I will not rest until my Penny is safe from his evil clutches. evil: 邪恶的 clutch: 掌握 不将Penny救出来,我绝不善罢甘休。 You tell the green-eyed man, I'll... 你告诉绿眼人我会... -Mittens: Way too many words! I was like, "what?", and then I was like "huh?" and then "I got a little bored". bored: 无聊的 字数太多了,像什么"什么?""呼?"...还有什么"我有点无聊" Some about clutches? 还有些跟爪子有关系? Anyway, I'll do my best! Ciao! ciao: <意>见面时致意之用语,再见 无论如何,我尽力吧,再见。 -Cat: By the way, huge fan, love it, love you, and gotta go. Thank you! huge: 庞大的 fan: 狂热者 gotta: <美俚>(=have got to)必须 顺便说,粉丝很多。都喜欢这个,喜欢你。得走了,谢谢。 -Bolt: Get back here, you... You sick! Revolting, low some little... sick: 恶心的 revolting: 令人恶心的 给我回来你这坏蛋,讨厌又下贱 -Mittens: Dogs! 狗啊! -Bolt: Cats! I'll never let them get you, Penny! 猫啊!我绝不会让他们抓到你的 Penny! -Penny: You ready, Bolt? 准备好了吗?Bolt? -Director: Let's widen out camera three. Ready four! Go four! And... Driver. widen: 弄宽 camera: 照相机 三号摄影机,拉远。四号准备,开始!还有...司机 -ManB: Thanks, Larry. 谢谢,拉里。 -ManC: All right Scooter, right the grade. Ready on the propel bars. And track with them! scooter: 小轮摩托车 bar: 横木 track: 追踪 脚踏车就位,栏杆准备好。跟上他们! -Penny: Calico's super computer. Calico的超级计算机。 If we can access it... we'll find and learn where they're keeping my father. access: 进入 要是我们能侵入...就能知道他们把我爸爸关在哪里了 -Woman: The weapon is hot. weapon: 武器 武器准备就绪热 -ManC: Heat vision time. vision: 视觉 准备激光眼 -Penny: Bolt, stare! stare: 凝视 Bolt 激光眼! -Director: Now! 快! -Penny: Nice move. Come on, come on! 干得好。快点,快啊! -Calico: Such devotion... It brings tears to my eyes! devotion: 献身 如此的牺牲精神,感动死我啦! -Penny: Calico! Calico! -Calico: Your father's discoveries could be a great use to our organization. discovery: 发现 organization: 组织 你父亲的发现,对我们组织极为重要。 I'm sure, he will be more commutating... now that I've got his "lucky Penny"! commutating: 换向的 等我抓到了"幸运的Penny"后...他会更加合作一些! -Penny: Bolt! Bolt! -Calico: World domination is waiting my grasp! domination: 支配 grasp: 抓紧 世界将由我掌握! -Director: How did you focus groups feel about the end of this? 调查小组对这个结尾怎么看? You asked for unhappy 18 to 35 years old, I give you unhappy 18 to 35 year olds. 你要迎合18到35岁的观众群..我就给他们一个悲剧的结局。 -Penny: Bolt, its okay Bolt. I'm fine. Bolt,没事的。Bolt,我很好。 -Director: Guards, stop her! 守卫,拦住她。 -Guard: Hey, hey! 嘿嘿! -Penny: Bolt! Bolt! -Guard: Hold on! 停下来! -Penny: Listen to him. He needs to know I'm okay. 听听他的叫声,他需要知道我没事。 -Agent: No, you're not okay. You've been kidnapped by fiendish Doctor Calico. kidnapped: 绑架 fiendish: 恶魔似的 不,你有事。你已经被恶魔般的Calico博士绑架。 At least that is what the dog needs to think but... just imagine, imagine: 想象 至少我们要那只小狗这么想...想一想吧, Close your eyes and imagine how excited he'll be...when he saves you, tomorrow. OK? excited: 兴奋的 等他明天营救了你后他该多兴奋。 -Penny: But he's gonna be freaking out all night. Please, just let me... freak out:: 吓坏的 但他整晚都会担心的。求你了,让我... -Agent: Wait a second. What's that behind your ear? Is that a... Yes, it is! It's a pin! pin: 大头针 等一下,你耳朵后面是什么东西?是个...对了,是个别针! Let's do this. Let's take the pin and put it in this conversation. conversation: 谈话 这么着吧,先把这次谈话别起来。 And we will not take it down, any maim, until this matter is resolved. resolved: 下定决心 但不是完全搁下不管,不是的。直到这件事情解决。 -Penny: But I just... 但我只是... -Agent: What's that reminds me up? The DVD release junket. Let's get going. It's a big push. release: 发行 junket: 游览 push: 推销运动 我记得有件什么事来着?DVD发售会赶紧出发吧,那可是很大的活动。 -Director: I want to go with a modern looks. 我想打扮时髦的去参加发售会。 -Agent: All right, okay. Let's give her some air. Let's not crowd the talent. crowd: 拥挤 talent: 天才 好了,给她点空间吧。别挤着我们的天才了。 -Cat: I've been working on my evil laugh. Is there an evil laugh like? With that. 我一直在练习这种邪恶的笑,有没有一种邪恶的笑。像这样的。 -Mittens: Okay, here is the thing. You're not ready for the evil laugh. 好了,是这么回事,你还不会邪恶的笑。 You could do a chuckle, like a mildly upset chuckle...after my evil laugh. Listen to mine. chuckle:吃吃的笑声 upset: 烦乱的 你可以在我邪恶笑之后,吃吃的轻笑几声。像是让人心烦的吃吃笑。听我的。 Hey Bolt! 嘿 Bolt! -Cat: Climbing here! 他爬出来了! -Director: Bolt, come back! Bolt,回来! -Bolt: I'm too late. 我来晚了 -Penny: “Bolt, help!” “Bolt,救命!” -Bolt: I'm coming Penny! 我来了 Penny! -Penny: “Bolt, help!” “Bolt,救命!” -Bolt: Hold on, Penny. Hold on! 坚持住 Penny 坚持住! “Bolt, help!” “Bolt 救命!” “Bolt, help!” “Bolt,救命!” -Bolt: Penny! Penny! -Woman: Bolt! Here, Bolt! Bolt 到这来 Bolt! -Bolt: Okay, Bolty, okay! Stay cool! You're cool, Bolty! The green-eyed man! Penny! 好了 Bolt 冷静! 你要冷静 Bolt!绿眼人!Penny! Penny! Penny! Target acquired! target: 目标 acquired: 已取得 Penny! Penny!目标出现! It ends here! Penny! Penny! They moved her. 到此为止吧!Penny! Penny! 她被转移走了 There is no time for formalities, brothers. My person is in danger and I... I... Wow! What're you doing? formality: 礼节 顾不上礼数了,兄弟。我主人处在危险中。我... 喔你在干嘛! -DogA: I’m sorry. You wanna sniff mine first? wanna: (=want to)仅限于口语,想要 sniff: 嗅 哦对不起.想先闻闻我么? -Bolt: What? 什么? -DogB: Not from around here, are you? 你不是这片儿的,对吧? -Bolt: Hey, stop it! 嘿,停下! -DogB: What? 怎么了? -Bolt: This is serious. serious: 严肃的 这事很严肃 -Woman: Hey, there. Are you lost sweety? Hey, wait! 嘿,你在这里。你走丢了么?宝贝?嘿,等等! -Bolt: Why can't I bend these stupid bars? bend:弯曲 stupid: 愚蠢的 bar: 横栏 为什么我弄不弯这些讨厌的栏杆? -Vinnie: Oh, buddy! You got your head stucked pretty good, huh guy? Hey guys, come here. Check this out! He's got his melon stucked. stucked: 被卡住的 噢,伙计。你的头卡得还真是刚刚好啊。嘿,伙计们。到这了。看看这个,他的大头给卡住了。 -Joey: Yup, that is one stucked melon. 是呀。真是个傻大头。 -Vinnie: Hey, hey buddy, take it easy! Slow down. 嘿,嘿,伙计。放松,慢点。 -Bolt: I will not take it easy, because I'm missing my person. 我没法放松,我的主人失踪了。 -Vinnie: Hey buddy, relax. Like this, turn and pull. Turn and pull. Forget about it, you'll be out no time. relax: 放松 放松点伙计,像这样,转头,然后拉。别在意,你一会就会出来的。 -Bolt: What are these things? They're weakening me. weakening: 弱化 这都是什么东西它们减弱了我的能力 -Vinnie: Polystyrofoam packing peanuts. poly: 聚乙烯 styrofoam: 泡沫聚苯乙烯 packing: 包装 peanut: 花生 泡沫塑料包装粒 -Bolt: Styrofoam? This is a "green-eyed man" written all of it! Have you seen a man with a green eye? 泡沫塑料?肯定是绿眼人谋划的!你们有没有见到一个绿眼睛的人? -Vinnie: You know, I gotta say something, if I could say something here. 我得说两句,要是可以的话。 You look familiar. Joey, look at this guy's mug. familiar: 熟悉的 mug: 脸 你很眼熟啊。Joey,看看他的脸。 -Joey: Yeah, you know, I could've sworn I've seen this guy before. swear: 发誓 是啊,我发誓。我以前见过他的。 -Bobby: Yeah, yeah, and yeah. 对,对,对。 -Vinnie: I gotta tell yaw, I never forget a face. 我可跟你说,我过目不忘的。 -Joey: He never does. 他从来不忘。 -Bobby: Oh, yeah, yeah. 是啊 -Joey: Never. 从不 -Bobby: Yeah, he's really good with the faces and such. 是,他很擅长记人相貌。 -Bolt: Listen, listen! The man with the green eye. Tell me what you know, birds! 听着,我要找绿眼人。你们都知道些什么?小鸟! -Vinnie: I know this dog. 我认识这狗 -Bobby: Yeah, yeah, me too! 对啊,我也是。 -Vinnie: I gotta remember, it's gonna kill me. Hold on. No, I don't know. I, I, I thought I know. 我明明记得的,这可要了命,等一下。不,我还是想不起来,我以为我知道的。 -Bobby: Hey, you ever hang out down on 14th Street with a stray named Kelvin? stray:走失的家畜 hang out: 闲逛 你没有和一个叫开尔文的流浪狗,一起在第14大街闲逛? -Joey: Yeah, yeah, and yeah. Kelvin, the Labrador. Labrador: 拉布拉多犬 对对对,Kelvin,拉布拉多狗 -Bolt: What? 什么? -Vinnie: You gotta gimme something here, because this is redonkulous. gimme: <口>=give me(或give it to me) 你得告诉我点什么这实在是太"欢谬"了 Absolutely redonkulous! absolutely: 绝对地 绝对完全的"欢谬"! -Vinnie: Capuche redonkulous! You know what that means? 最最"欢谬"! 你知道那什么意思么? -Bolt: You pigeons are useless. I need someone on the inside, someone close to the green-eyed man. A cat. pigeons: 鸽子 你们这些鸽子真没用。我需要有绿眼人身边的人。一只猫 -Vinnie: Oh, a cat? 哦,找一只猫? -Bolt: Yeah, a cat. When I find him... When I find him, I'm gonna make that cat wish never born. 是的,一只猫。一旦找到他...一旦我找到他就会让他生不如死 -Vinnie: I think we know just the cat. 我想我们认得你说的猫。 -Mittens: Right on time, Saul. Come on in. Okay, Saul, nice work. Let's find some mustard next time. Okay, babe? mustard: 芥末 很准时,Saul,进来吧。好,Saul,干得不错。下次给我找点芥末,好吧 ? -Saul: Yes, Mittens. Thank you, Mittens. 好的,Mittens。谢谢你,Mittens。 -Mittens: Is that everything you've pickled, Ted? What a boy! pickled: 烂醉如泥的 这是你弄来的全部么Ted? 好孩子! -Ted: Good day, Mittens. 再见Mittens。 -Mittens: Louie! What is this? Louie! 这是什么? -Louie: It was a slow week. I mean, that's half of what I got. 这星期不景气这可是我一半的家当。 -Mittens: You hear this, Louie? I'm starving here. And when the old stomach starts talking, it's not talking to me. starving: 饥饿的 stomach: 胃 你听到了么Louie?我都快饿死了。要是我的胃开始说话,它就不是跟我说了。 claw: 爪 It's talking to... the claws! - 而是跟我的爪子说 -Louie: Not the claws! Please! 别举爪子,求求你! -Mittens: I'm holding these bad boys back as best as I can, but the thing is it's not up to me. 我在努力控制这些坏家伙但事情也不是全取决于我 The stomach got a direct line to these babies, and I'm picking up a lot of chatter! direct: 笔直的 pick up: 拾起,捡起 chatter: 喋喋不休的谈 胃和爪子之间有一条直线...而且都在对我喋喋不休呢。 So, I'll talk to the claws, but in exchange...next week, all your food comes to me. exchange: 交换 要我和爪子谈的话作为交换。下周,你要交出所有的食物。 -Louie: But that's not our deal! I bring you half, you give me protection! That's our deal. deal: 交易 protection: 保护 可是我们有约在先的!我给你一半,你保护我。我们说好的。 -Mittens: Yeah, well, the deal just expired. Now, get lost. expired: 到期 那好吧,这个协议已经过期了。现在给我消失。 -Louie: Mark my words, Mittens. One day, someone's gonna stand up to you! Someone's gonna teach you a lesson! stand up: 坦率正直的 记住我的话Mittens。总有一天,会有人教训你的! -Mittens: Yeah, I'm really scared now. scared: 害怕的 是么?我都要害怕死了。 -Bolt: You should be! 你是该害怕! -Mittens: Amah! Okay! You... 哦好的你... -Bolt: Where is she? 她在哪? -Mittens: Who? 谁? -Bolt: You know why I'm here! Where is she? 你知道我干嘛来的!她在哪? -Mittens: Okay, okay! Look buddy, I don't know what you're getting at, but... 好吧,伙计,我不知道你在找什么... -Vinnie: Come on, Mittens. Just tell the guy where she is. Tell the dog, make him happy. 说吧,Mittens 告诉这家伙她在哪。告诉这小狗别惹他不高兴。 -Bobby: Yeah, yeah, come on, Mittens! Tell him! 对啊,说吧,告诉他。 -Mittens: Joey, Vinnie, Bobby, my boys! Would you tell the crazy canine that he's got the wrong cat? crazy: 疯狂的 canine: 犬类的 Joey,Vinnie, Bobby我的好孩子!你们干嘛不告诉这疯狗他找错了猫? -Vinnie: You got her, pal! - 你找到她了,伙计! -Joey: That's her! 就是她! -Vinnie: She's the one! 就是你要找的那只猫! -Bobby: That is definitely the right cat! definitely: 确切的 绝对是! -Bolt: Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way. 看来非得用狠招了 -Mittens: Whoa! Amah! You're crazy, man! 喔,啊,你疯了,哥们。 -Vinnie: Hey Joey, do we go too far on this? Joey,我们是不是有点过分了? -Joey: You kidding? This is the best day in my life. 开什么玩笑,这是我生命中最好的一天。 -Bolt: You work for Ben and Bart, who work with the man green-eye. They take him Penny. Where is she? 你为Ben和Bart工作,他们是绿眼人的手下。他们带走了Penny 她现在在哪? -Mittens: I don't know what you're talking about. 我不
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