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加菲猫 2

2010-11-17 42页 doc 351KB 26阅读




加菲猫 2加菲猫 2 加菲猫 2 Dialogue:很久很久以前\N{\rEnglish}Once upon a time, Dialogue:在一个遥远的英国城堡\N{\rEnglish}in an English castle far, far away, Dialogue:住着一位肥胖的大人物\N{\rEnglish}there lived a pampered personage by the name of... Dialogue:名叫王子\N{\rEnglish}...Prince. Dialogue:大家听着 王子醒了\N...
加菲猫 2
加菲猫 2 加菲猫 2 Dialogue:很久很久以前\N{\rEnglish}Once upon a time, Dialogue:在一个遥远的英国城堡\N{\rEnglish}in an English castle far, far away, Dialogue:住着一位肥胖的大人物\N{\rEnglish}there lived a pampered personage by the name of... Dialogue:名叫王子\N{\rEnglish}...Prince. Dialogue:大家听着 王子醒了\N{\rEnglish}All right, everyone, he's awake. Dialogue:手脚麻利点\N{\rEnglish}Hurry! Hurry! Dialogue:快点\N{\rEnglish}Come along, quickly. Dialogue:准备好了吗 上卡莱尔肉墩\N{\rEnglish}Right, are we all ready? Get the Carlyle log. Dialogue:王子一直过着奢华的生活\N{\rEnglish}Prince knew no other life Dialogue:对其他的事情一无所知\N{\rEnglish}than a life of luxury. Dialogue:哦 我说过王子是只猫吗\N{\rEnglish}Oh, did I mention that Prince was a cat? Dialogue:早安 王子殿下\N{\rEnglish}Good morning, Prince. Dialogue:您的茶\N{\rEnglish}Your tea. Dialogue:嗯 早餐\N{\rEnglish}Mm-hmm-hmm! Breakie. Dialogue:给您准备了您最爱的一道菜\N{\rEnglish}I have your favorite dish. Dialogue:卡莱尔肉墩\N{\rEnglish}Carlyle log. Dialogue:啊 很好\N{\rEnglish}Ah, lovely. Dialogue:非常好\N{\rEnglish}Super. Dialogue:哦 当国王的感觉真好\N{\rEnglish}Oh, it's good to be the king. Dialogue:在世界另一端\N{\rEnglish}On the other side of the world, Dialogue:也住着一只肥猫\N{\rEnglish}there lived an equally pampered cat Dialogue:他也觉得自己是个国王\N{\rEnglish}who thought he was a king, Dialogue:不过相比起来 疆土要小多了\N{\rEnglish}but who ruled over a somewhat smaller domain. Dialogue:喵\N{\rEnglish}Meow. Dialogue:我是胡同之王\N{\rEnglish}I'm the king of the cul-de-sac. Dialogue:我就是这个意思\N{\rEnglish}That's what I'm talking about. Dialogue:约翰和我拥有一切我想要的东西\N{\rEnglish}Jon and I have everything I could ever want. Dialogue:冰箱里有吃的 还有有线电视 卫星电视\N{\rEnglish}Food in the fridge. Cable and satellite. Dialogue:不能忘了千层面\N{\rEnglish}And don't forget lasagna. Dialogue:对的 当国王真爽\N{\rEnglish}That's right. It's good to be king. Dialogue我希望你知道 你是我生命中最重要的人\N{\rEnglish}I want you to know, you're the most important thing in my life. Dialogue:,拜托 让我睡觉\N{\rEnglish}Let me sleep, please. Dialogue:遇见你之前 我的生活是不完整的\N{\rEnglish}Before I met you, my life had no meaning. Dialogue:毫无意义\N{\rEnglish}I was incomplete. Dialogue你现在不也一样不完整 真的\N{\rEnglish}Oh, you still are, really. Dialogue:我想我要说的是\N{\rEnglish}I guess what I'm trying to say is... Dialogue:你愿意嫁给我吗\N{\rEnglish}...will you marry me? Dialogue:嗯 嫁给你\N{\rEnglish}Eh? Marriage? Dialogue:呃 这有点突兀\N{\rEnglish}Well, this is kind of sudden. Dialogue:法律上可能行不通吧\N{\rEnglish}There may be some legal issues here. Dialogue:听着 我喜欢你 但是不是那种爱情的感觉\N{\rEnglish}Look, I like you, but not as a spouse. Dialogue:如果是主仆关系 我们倒是可以在一起 这样才行\N{\rEnglish}Maybe as a servant, we could stay together, make it work. Dialogue:那你怎么说 丽姿\N{\rEnglish}So what do you say... Liz? Dialogue:等等 丽姿 丽姿 -加菲\N{\rEnglish}- Wait a second. Liz? Liz? - Garfield. Dialogue:丽姿是个女生\N{\rEnglish}Liz is a girl. Dialogue:不 不止 她还是个女兽医\N{\rEnglish}No, worse. She's a girl vet. Dialogue:火鸡好了\N{\rEnglish}Turkey's ready. Dialogue:我觉得约翰已经傻到极点了\N{\rEnglish}Well, I think Jon has touched bottom now. Dialogue:我们得结束这种折磨了\N{\rEnglish}Hmm, we gotta put an end to this torture. Dialogue换台了\N{\rEnglish}Time for a new DJ. Dialogue:找个人给我量下体温\N{\rEnglish}Somebody take my temperature. Dialogue:加菲\N{\rEnglish}Garfield! Dialogue:哇\N{\rEnglish}Whoa! Dialogue:哥们 你变了\N{\rEnglish}Man, you have changed. Dialogue:你别给我捣乱了 好吗\N{\rEnglish}I can't have you messing this up for me, okay? Dialogue:哦 我知道了 都是因为她 -过来\N{\rEnglish}- Oh, I get it. It's her. - Come here. Dialogue:是她不喜欢我们的音乐\N{\rEnglish}She doesn't like our music. Dialogue:你是怎么了 约翰\N{\rEnglish}Whatever happened toJon? Dialogue:我曾经的好哥们 摇滚青年\N{\rEnglish}My metal-head guy. My dude. Dialogue:你留着胭脂鱼发型的时候 真的酷多了\N{\rEnglish}You were so much cooler when you wore a mullet. Dialogue:给我待在这\N{\rEnglish}Now stay here. Dialogue:真的酷多了\N{\rEnglish}So much cooler. Dialogue:我猜是她喜欢现在这个发型\N{\rEnglish}I suppose she likes this haircut. Dialogue:我猜是她喜欢现在这个发型\N{\rEnglish}I suppose she likes this haircut. Dialogue: -请进 -告诉我她就是喜欢你现在的发型\N{\rEnglish}- Coming! - Tell me she likes it the way it is now. Dialogue: -嘿 丽姿 -约翰 我有天大的好消息\N{\rEnglish}- Hey, Liz. - Jon, I have incredible news. Dialogue:猜猜今年给皇家动物协会的募捐会上\N{\rEnglish}Guess who's going to be speaking at this year's fund-raiser Dialogue:,谁会发言\N{\rEnglish}for the Royal Animal Conservancy. Dialogue:齐格弗里德和罗伊\N{\rEnglish}Siegfried and Roy? Dialogue:一部电影里的老虎训练师 Dialogue: -再猜 -就齐格弗里德一个人\N{\rEnglish}- Oh, come on. - Just Siegfried? Dialogue:珍·古道尔最后不能来了\N{\rEnglish}Jane Goodall dropped out at the last minute Dialogue:她要照顾一个生病的黑猩猩\N{\rEnglish}because she's nursing a sick chimp Dialogue:然后他们就找到我了\N{\rEnglish}and they asked me. Dialogue:而且募捐会要在一个大庄园里的\N{\rEnglish}I mean, it's gonna be at this really cool castle Dialogue:大城堡举行\N{\rEnglish}on a huge estate. Dialogue:哦 丽姿 这真是\N{\rEnglish}Well, Liz, that-that's... Dialogue:我明天一早就直飞伦敦\N{\rEnglish}I am flying to London tomorrow morning. Dialogue: -你相信这是真的吗 -什么\N{\rEnglish}- Can you believe it? - What? Dialogue:,我是说 我还要准备行李 而且\N{\rEnglish}I mean, I have to pack, and... Dialogue:哦 你怎么准备了玫瑰花瓣和蜡烛\N{\rEnglish}Oh, are these rose petals and candles? Dialogue:,呃 丽姿 我也有\N{\rEnglish}Yeah, well, Liz, I have some... Dialogue:有很重要的事要说\N{\rEnglish}some important news of-of-of my own. Dialogue:呃\N{\rEnglish}Uh... Dialogue:嘿 我也是\N{\rEnglish}Hey, me, too. Dialogue:打扰一下 你相信一见钟情吗\N{\rEnglish}Excuse me, do you believe in love at first sight? Dialogue:我希望你说是\N{\rEnglish}I was hoping you'd say yes. Dialogue:你让我这只猫一见钟情\N{\rEnglish}You have made me so very, very cat-happy. Dialogue:,-呃 -快点\N{\rEnglish}- Uh... - Well, come on. Dialogue: -到底怎么了 -我要说的是 我\N{\rEnglish}- What's the news? - The news is, I, uh... Dialogue:我终于教会欧弟上厕所了\N{\rEnglish}I finally house-trained Odie. Dialogue: -真的吗 -是啊\N{\rEnglish}- Really? - Yeah. Dialogue:这值得用玫瑰来庆祝\N{\rEnglish}That would explain the rose petals. Dialogue:我得去收拾了\N{\rEnglish}I have to pack. Dialogue:对不起 没法跟你共进晚餐\N{\rEnglish}I'm so sorry about dinner. Dialogue:但是呢\N{\rEnglish}But you know what? Dialogue:我会代你向女王问好的\N{\rEnglish}I will send your regards to the queen. Dialogue:,好吧 恭喜你训好了欧弟\N{\rEnglish}Okay, congratulations on Odie. Dialogue:哦 是啊 嘿 也恭喜你\N{\rEnglish}Oh, oh, yeah. And, hey, you, too. Dialogue:你去致辞是他们的运气\N{\rEnglish}They're lucky to have you. Dialogue:再见\N{\rEnglish}Bye. Dialogue:哦 我以为她永远不会走的\N{\rEnglish}Oh, I thought she'd never leave. Dialogue:加菲 你把整只火鸡都吃了\N{\rEnglish}Garfield, you ate the whole turkey? Dialogue:呃 是啊\N{\rEnglish}Well, yeah. Dialogue:你拿我的戒指干嘛\N{\rEnglish}What are you doing with this? Dialogue:哎 无所谓了\N{\rEnglish}Oh, never mind. Dialogue:太晚了 她已经走了\N{\rEnglish}It's too late. She's already off to... Dialogue:火鸡馅不错\N{\rEnglish}Good stuffing. Dialogue:来吧 振作一点\N{\rEnglish}Well, come on, cheer up. Dialogue: -我给你留了许愿骨 -我什么都做不了\N{\rEnglish}- I saved you the wishbone. - There's nothing I can do. Dialogue:当然有事可做了\N{\rEnglish}Sure there is. Dialogue:去把戒指退了 把钱拿回来\N{\rEnglish}Return the ring and get your money back. Dialogue:等等 我可以去伦敦\N{\rEnglish}Wait a minute. I'll go to London. Dialogue: -哎 你傻了还是怎么的 -她一定会很喜欢的\N{\rEnglish}- Oh, you poor sap. - She'll love it. Dialogue: -她会很惊喜的 -千万不要去\N{\rEnglish}- She'll be surprised. - Please don't do this. Dialogue: -她一定会很感动的 -千万不要\N{\rEnglish}- She'll be thrilled. - Tell me you're not gonna do this. Dialogue: -她会答应嫁给我的 -求你了 不要\N{\rEnglish}- She'll say yes. - Please, don't. Dialogue:我要去收拾行李\N{\rEnglish}I gotta go pack. Dialogue:你是大弱智\N{\rEnglish}You moron. Dialogue:不要铸成大错 琼\N{\rEnglish}This is a huge mistake, Jon. Dialogue:你人生最大的错误\N{\rEnglish}One of your biggest. Dialogue:别走了 家里多舒服啊\N{\rEnglish}Don't roam. Stay home. Dialogue:欧弟和我肯定都不会去的 哥们\N{\rEnglish}Odie and I are not just coming along for the ride, pal. Dialogue:这狗真是反了\N{\rEnglish}This is actually an intervention. Dialogue:好了 伙计们 我们到了\N{\rEnglish}Okay, guys. Here we are. Dialogue:哦 飞机还真快\N{\rEnglish}Oh, quick flight. Dialogue:我们肯定是顺着气流飞了\N{\rEnglish}We must have been in the jet stream. Dialogue:英国也不怎么的嘛\N{\rEnglish}England is no great shakes, huh? Dialogue:这的房子看起来就跟 美国的宠物寄养所一样\N{\rEnglish}I mean, the buildings here look like, uh, the kennel back home. Dialogue:这就是宠物寄养所\N{\rEnglish}That is the kennel back home. Dialogue:我是不会进去的\N{\rEnglish}They'll never take me alive. Dialogue:它们都会没事的 约翰\N{\rEnglish}They're gonna be fine, Jon. Dialogue:好的\N{\rEnglish}Yeah, yeah. Dialogue:加菲从来没在寄养所待过\N{\rEnglish}Garfield's never stayed in a kennel before, Dialogue:所以我有点担心\N{\rEnglish}so I'm afraid he might have Dialogue:担心他在里面会很焦虑\N{\rEnglish}some separation anxiety. Dialogue:不会的\N{\rEnglish}No. Dialogue:他可能已经在笼子里睡着了\N{\rEnglish}He's probably fast asleep in his cage by now. Dialogue:听着 牢头\N{\rEnglish}You hear me, warden?! Dialogue:我有权保持沉默\N{\rEnglish}I have the right to remain silent! Dialogue:我所说的一切\N{\rEnglish}Anything I say can and will be held against me Dialogue:都会作为呈堂证供\N{\rEnglish}in a court of law! Dialogue:我也有权请律师\N{\rEnglish}And I have the right to an attorney, too, pal! Dialogue:而且要是我没钱\N{\rEnglish}And if I can't afford one, one must be provided for me Dialogue:法庭有义务给我指派一个\N{\rEnglish}by the court! Dialogue:当我没说过\N{\rEnglish}Never mind! Dialogue:我越狱了\N{\rEnglish}I just broke out. Dialogue:他喜欢每天两次腹部按摩\N{\rEnglish}He likes a belly rub twice a day. Dialogue:要是你能在两餐之间\N{\rEnglish}And, oh, if you could give him Dialogue:给他一盘烤宽面条\N{\rEnglish}a pan of lasagna between each meal, Dialogue:那就太好了\N{\rEnglish}that would be great. Dialogue:差点忘了普奇\N{\rEnglish}Oh, almost forgot Pooky. Dialogue:没有普奇他过不下去的\N{\rEnglish}Can't be without Pooky. Dialogue:哎 事情刚刚好转你又来了\N{\rEnglish}Oh, great. Just when things were looking up. Dialogue:听着 你就待这算了\N{\rEnglish}Look, why don't you stay here Dialogue:顺便除除身上的跳蚤\N{\rEnglish}and get your fleas removed, Dialogue:或者干脆换个脑子\N{\rEnglish}maybe get a brain transplant? Dialogue:好吧 滚开 快跑\N{\rEnglish}Okay, go away. Beat it. Dialogue:躲在车轮底下\N{\rEnglish}Hide beneath the wheels. Dialogue:别扯我的毛\N{\rEnglish}Agh! You're ripping my fur! Dialogue:下去 滚开 滚开\N{\rEnglish}Aah! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off! Dialogue:进来 快进来\N{\rEnglish}Get in here! Get in! Get in! Dialogue:好了 你有我的手机号\N{\rEnglish}Okay, so you have my cell phone Dialogue:还有我的旅馆房间电话\N{\rEnglish}and you have the hotel number. Dialogue:-别担心 我会的 再见 -好的\N{\rEnglish}- Don't worry, I do. Bye now. - Okay. Dialogue:去机场 加大油门\N{\rEnglish}Airport, and step on it. Dialogue:约翰应该不介意 我给他重新收拾一下行李\N{\rEnglish}Jon won't mind if I repack him. Dialogue:包太挤了\N{\rEnglish}We're gonna need some room in this bag. Dialogue:啊 你这个畜生 胆子真大\N{\rEnglish}Aah! You savage beast, how dare you! Dialogue:滚出去 史密西\N{\rEnglish}Get out of here! Smithee! Dialogue:有东西在游泳池里 史密西\N{\rEnglish}There's something in the pool! Smithee! Dialogue:泳池里有只鸭子 史密西\N{\rEnglish}There's a duck in my pool, Smithee. Dialogue:一只鸭子\N{\rEnglish}A duck! Dialogue:一只鸭子 先生\N{\rEnglish}A duck, sir? Dialogue:这个肮脏的动物泡在我的泳池里\N{\rEnglish}Filthy wild animal soaking itself in my pool. Dialogue:你打算怎么办\N{\rEnglish}What do you intend doing about this? Dialogue:那我该去和鸭子谈谈吗\N{\rEnglish}I shall speak to the duck, sir? Dialogue:嗯\N{\rEnglish}Mmm. Dialogue:哦 对了 律师来了\N{\rEnglish}Oh, by the way, the solicitors are here Dialogue:将要宣布艾丽诺夫人的遗嘱\N{\rEnglish}for the reading of Lady Eleanor's will. Dialogue:太好了\N{\rEnglish}Excellent. Dialogue:不久以后\N{\rEnglish}In a few moments, I'll be the master Dialogue:我就会成为整个庄园的主人\N{\rEnglish}of this entire estate. Dialogue:而且从此以后\N{\rEnglish}And from this day on, Dialogue:一切都会由我作主\N{\rEnglish}things will be done my way. Dialogue:这就是卡莱尔城堡的所有者\N{\rEnglish}This is the last will and testament Dialogue:埃里诺·卡莱尔女士的遗嘱\N{\rEnglish}of Lady Eleanor Carlyle of Carlyle Castle. Dialogue:我声明 我在九月一日所说的这些话\N{\rEnglish}"I declare this to be my last will and testament, Dialogue:将作为我的正式遗嘱\N{\rEnglish}which I make, this first day of September"... Dialogue:肃静 他们在宣读艾丽诺夫人的遗嘱\N{\rEnglish}Keep still. They're reading Lady Eleanor's will. Dialogue:我有种不好的预感\N{\rEnglish}I've got a bad feeling about this. Dialogue:我看不下去了\N{\rEnglish}I can't watch. Dialogue:如果达吉斯成为庄园的主人 我们就完了\N{\rEnglish}If Lord Dargis gets the estate, we're done for. Dialogue:我们死定了\N{\rEnglish}We're doomed! Dialogue嘘 安静\N{\rEnglish}Shh! Quiet. Dialogue:我决定 我忠诚的史密西\N{\rEnglish}"To my devoted Smithee, Dialogue:将继续担任庄园的管家\N{\rEnglish}"I make thee caretaker of my estate. Dialogue:一如既往地\N{\rEnglish}"Care for my beloved animal friends Dialogue:照顾我深爱的动物朋友\N{\rEnglish}"as you have in the past Dialogue:而卡莱尔城堡 将永远是你的家\N{\rEnglish}and you will always have a home at Carlyle Castle." Dialogue:衷心感谢你 夫人\N{\rEnglish}Thank you, Madame. Dialogue:她已经死了 史密西 你就不用拍马屁了\N{\rEnglish}She's dead, Smithee. You can stop sucking up. Dialogue:至于我留下的财产\N{\rEnglish}"The rest of my worldly possessions, Dialogue:包括我的城堡和周围的土地\N{\rEnglish}"my castle and surrounding grounds, Dialogue:我将留给我一生挚爱的\N{\rEnglish}I leave to the love of my life, Dialogue:就如同我的儿子一样的\N{\rEnglish}somebody who was like a son to me..." Dialogue,谢谢你 艾丽诺阿姨 哦 衷心感谢\N{\rEnglish}Thank you, Aunt Eleanor. Oh, thank you. Dialogue:请允许我说完 达基斯先生\N{\rEnglish}Please let me finish, Mr. Dargis. Dialogue:抱歉 我有点激动了\N{\rEnglish}I'm sorry. I always get a little ahead of myself. Dialogue我将把我留下的财产 给予我深爱的猫咪\N{\rEnglish}"I leave all my worldly possessions to my beloved kitty, Dialogue:王子十二世\N{\rEnglish}Prince the 12th." Dialogue: -真不可思议 -哦 天啊\N{\rEnglish}- That's incredible. - Oh, my . Dialogue:从来没有这样的先例\N{\rEnglish}Entirely without precedent. Dialogue:遗嘱确实是这么写的\N{\rEnglish}This is what it says. Dialogue:但是我是她的侄子 她唯一的继承人\N{\rEnglish}But I'm her nephew, her only heir. Dialogue:她怎么能把一切都留给一只猫\N{\rEnglish}She can't have left it all to a cat. Dialogue:我 王子 城堡的新主人\N{\rEnglish}I, Prince, the new lord of the castle? Dialogue:干得漂亮 艾丽诺女士\N{\rEnglish}Good show, Lady Eleanor. Dialogue:哦 她真是好心人\N{\rEnglish}Oh, bless her heart. Dialogue:不可思议 我们翻身了\N{\rEnglish}Can it be? We are delivered. Dialogue:谢谢你 温斯顿\N{\rEnglish}Thank you, Winston. Dialogue:遗嘱明确说明你可以住在卡莱尔城堡\N{\rEnglish}The will clearly states that you may stay on Dialogue:而且每周你可以拿到\N{\rEnglish}at Carlyle Castle and receive your usual stipend Dialogue:,呃 50英镑\N{\rEnglish}of, uh... 50 pounds a week. Dialogue: -才50英镑 -另外\N{\rEnglish}- Fifty pounds?! - Upon Prince's passing, Dialogue:在王子过完他幸福漫长的一生后\N{\rEnglish}after what we assume will be a long and happy life, Dialogue:你就能继承城堡和土地\N{\rEnglish}you will receive the castle, the land Dialogue:并成为庄园的主人\N{\rEnglish}and your title. Dialogue:但是那个肥毛球起码还能活个十五年\N{\rEnglish}But that fat ball of fur could last for another 15 years! Dialogue:希望他长寿\N{\rEnglish}Let us hope so. Dialogue:这座城堡由富兰克林·卡莱尔勋爵\N{\rEnglish}The castle was built over 600 years ago Dialogue:在六百多年前建造\N{\rEnglish}by Lord Franklin Carlyle. Dialogue:主要建筑保持了中世纪晚期风格\N{\rEnglish}Now, the initial structure is late medieval in style... Dialogue:在西边 我们会建泳池和矿泉疗养池\N{\rEnglish}In the west wing, we'll put the pool and spa. Dialogue:好的 那壁球场会建在哪儿\N{\rEnglish}Yes, and where would the squash courts be? Dialogue:哦 他来了\N{\rEnglish}Oh, there he is! Dialogue: -真不可思议 -哦 你好\N{\rEnglish}- That's unbelievable. - Oh, hello. Dialogue:继续拍 不过 我没多少时间\N{\rEnglish}Snap your photos. Unfortunately, I can but spare a few moments... Dialogue:我说伙计 往边上站点好吗\N{\rEnglish}Hey, buddy, do you mind stepping aside? Dialogue:你挡着我拍那只猫了\N{\rEnglish}I can't get a good shot of the cat. Dialogue:大家好 你们好\N{\rEnglish}Greetings, all. Hello. Dialogue:很高兴 很高兴见到大家\N{\rEnglish}So glad. So very, very glad. Dialogue:我是不是应该提醒你们 这是私人庄园\N{\rEnglish}May I remind you this is private property? Dialogue:哥门 你激动什么 这又不是你的地盘\N{\rEnglish}Oh, relax, bro, it's not like you own the place. Dialogue:走着瞧\N{\rEnglish}We shall see. Dialogue:现在我给所有的皇家臣民隆重介绍\N{\rEnglish}To all the royal subjects, Dialogue:卡莱尔城堡的新主人\N{\rEnglish}I give you the new possessor of Carlyle Castle: Dialogue:王子十二世殿下\N{\rEnglish}Prince the 12th! Dialogue:致尔等\N{\rEnglish}To one and all, Dialogue:我保证 从今天起\N{\rEnglish}I pledge, from this day forward, Dialogue:我将以智慧和勇气来统治我的王国\N{\rEnglish}to rule my kingdom with wisdom and valor. Dialogue:只要我在位\N{\rEnglish}And as long as I reign, Dialogue:卡莱尔庄园广阔的天地\N{\rEnglish}you shall continue to have safe haven Dialogue:就永远是你们的避风港\N{\rEnglish}here on the bountiful grounds of Carlyle. Dialogue:完毕 谢谢\N{\rEnglish}Thank you. That is all. Dialogue:万岁\N{\rEnglish}Hip-hip hooray! Dialogue:王子万岁\N{\rEnglish}Long live Prince! Dialogue:我认为事情进行得非常顺利\N{\rEnglish}I think that went frightfully well. Dialogue:你觉得呢 温斯顿\N{\rEnglish}Don't you, Winny? Dialogue:阁下 我必须提醒你\N{\rEnglish}Sire, I hasten to remind you Dialogue:达基斯对你是极大的威胁\N{\rEnglish}that Lord Dargis has every reason to get rid of you. Dialogue:哦 温斯顿 别这么说\N{\rEnglish}Oh, Winny, pooh-pooh. Dialogue:我是他最爱的猫咪\N{\rEnglish}I'm his favorite kitty-cat. Dialogue:你好啊 小王子\N{\rEnglish}Hello, little Prince. Dialogue:今天可是去野餐的好时候\N{\rEnglish}What a beautiful day for a picnic, of course. Dialogue:哦 老伙计 不用了\N{\rEnglish}Oh, no, thanks, old boy. Dialogue:你自己好好享受\N{\rEnglish}You just run along and enjoy yourself. Dialogue:嘿 怎么回事\N{\rEnglish}Hey! What the devil...?! Dialogue:原来你想玩捉迷藏啊\N{\rEnglish}So it's hide-and-seek you want to play. Dialogue:好的 我数到100\N{\rEnglish}All right, I'll count to 100. Dialogue:好啊 罗曼尔\N{\rEnglish}Hello, Rommel. Dialogue:3 4 5\N{\rEnglish}...three, four, five... Dialogue:35 36 37 38\N{\rEnglish}...35, 36, 37, 38... Dialogue: 96 97 98 99 100\N{\rEnglish}...96, 97, 98, 99, 100. Dialogue:好了 善意提醒\N{\rEnglish}All right, fair warning. Dialogue:准备好了吗 我来了\N{\rEnglish}Ready or not, here I come... Dialogue:旅途愉快 王子殿下\N{\rEnglish}Bon voyage, Prince. Dialogue:哦 天啊\N{\rEnglish}Oh, dear me. Dialogue:我可能会错那个老兄的意思了\N{\rEnglish}I may have misjudged the old boy. Dialogue:可能他还真是个恶棍\N{\rEnglish}Perhaps he is somewhat of a scoundrel. Dialogue:伦敦 40英里 Dialogue:不管怎么说 捉迷藏不是这么玩的\N{\rEnglish}After all, this is not the way one plays hide-and-seek. Dialogue天哪\N{\rEnglish}Oh, blimey. Dialogue:还有别的吩咐吗 先生\N{\rEnglish}Will that be all, sir? Dialogue:哦 没了 谢谢\N{\rEnglish}Oh, yes, thank you. Dialogue:哦 谢谢你\N{\rEnglish}Uh... thank you. Dialogue:谢谢 先生\N{\rEnglish}Thank you, sir. Dialogue:等一下 等一下 呃\N{\rEnglish}Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, um... Dialogue:我看起来怎么样\N{\rEnglish}how do I look? Dialogue:很体面 先生\N{\rEnglish}Lovely, sir? Dialogue:不是这个意思 我要向女朋友求婚了\N{\rEnglish}No, see, I'm proposing to my girlfriend. Dialogue:她就住在走廊那边的房间\N{\rEnglish}She's staying just down the hall. Dialogue:我想确定一下我看起来\N{\rEnglish}I want to make sure I look... Dialogue:好的 让我看看\N{\rEnglish}Well, let's see now. Dialogue:还少了点什么\N{\rEnglish}It needs a certain... Dialogue:对了\N{\rEnglish}Ah! Dialogue:可以吗 先生\N{\rEnglish}May I, sir? Dialogue:这下好了\N{\rEnglish}There we are. Dialogue: -就像休·格兰特 -太好了\N{\rEnglish}- Hugh Grant. - Great. Dialogue:呃 对了 能帮我把这个送给407房的女生吗\N{\rEnglish}Uh, oh, could you deliver this to the girl in room 407? Dialogue:当然可以了 先生\N{\rEnglish}Of course, sir. Dialogue:哦 还有\N{\rEnglish}Oh, and, uh... Dialogue:还有这个\N{\rEnglish}and this. Dialogue:跟加里·格兰特一样 先生\N{\rEnglish}Cary Grant, sir. Dialogue:约翰\N{\rEnglish}Jon? Dialogue:嘿\N{\rEnglish}Hey! Dialogue:你怎么会在这\N{\rEnglish}But, what are you doing here? Dialogue:现在是时装周 我当然要来这了\N{\rEnglish}Well, it's just Fashion Week. Where else would I be? Dialogue:真不可思议\N{\rEnglish}This is incredible. Dialogue:我都没法相信你会来\N{\rEnglish}I cannot believe that you're here. Dialogue:那你开心吗\N{\rEnglish}So you're glad? Dialogue:都开无法形容了\N{\rEnglish}Glad? I'm thrilled. Dialogue:来伦敦\N{\rEnglish}But London? Dialogue:我是说 你大老远的来 就是为了我\N{\rEnglish}I mean, did you come all the way here just for me? Dialogue:嗯 挺疯狂的吧\N{\rEnglish}Yeah, it's nuts. Dialogue:其实 我\N{\rEnglish}In fact, I, uh... Dialogue:我就是想跟你在一起\N{\rEnglish}I want us to be together, uh... Dialogue:欧弟\N{\rEnglish}Odie! Dialogue:过来\N{\rEnglish}Come here! Dialogue:哦 太好了\N{\rEnglish}Oh, yeah. Dialogue:我要空气 水 千层面\N{\rEnglish}Air... water... lasagna. Dialogue:加菲\N{\rEnglish}Garfield? Dialogue:就这么招呼我\N{\rEnglish}That's the hello I get? Dialogue:我跟这条放屁狗 在包里待了13个小时\N{\rEnglish}13 hours in a bag with a farting dog? Dialogue:对了 英国有动物检疫条例\N{\rEnglish}Ooh, you know, they have quarantine laws here. Dialogue:千万别让欧弟乱跑\N{\rEnglish}Don't let Odie out of your sight. Dialogue:他们会驱逐欧弟出境的\N{\rEnglish}They might deport him. Dialogue:驱逐欧弟出境\N{\rEnglish}Deport Odie? Dialogue:哦 我已经开始喜欢英国了\N{\rEnglish}Oh, I like this country already. D
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