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领导人调和20国雄心领导人调和20国雄心 本周五,对本周末举行的有关经济危机的20国集团首脑会议,世界各国领导人对于重大 突破不抱希望,认为在美国政治转变取得成效不太可能。 然而,欧洲领导人继续保持其活力改革全球金融,如数据显示,欧元区首次陷入了自单 一货币诞生以来的衰退期。 布什政府继续抵制困境已成为一种定制,但承认,仍有可讨论的议题,如对冲基金和过 去受阻的衍生产品市场。 “每个人都认为我们必须正视这些东西。”白宫发言人托尼弗拉托说道。但他补充说: “我们不想成为追逐狂人。”即使当他的代表会见来访的代表团,奥巴马的代表队也始 终保持谈...
领导人调和20国雄心 本周五,对本周末举行的有关经济危机的20国集团首脑会议,世界各国领导人对于重大 突破不抱希望,认为在美国政治转变取得成效不太可能。 然而,欧洲领导人继续保持其活力改革全球金融,如数据显示,欧元区首次陷入了自单 一货币诞生以来的衰退期。 布什政府继续抵制困境已成为一种定制,但承认,仍有可讨论的议题,如对冲基金和过 去受阻的衍生产品市场。 “每个人都认为我们必须正视这些东西。”白宫发言人托尼弗拉托说道。但他补充说: “我们不想成为追逐狂人。”即使当他的代表会见来访的代表团,奥巴马的代表队也始 终保持谈话距离。 20国集团希望全力支持世界经济增长,但并不承认任何协调的财政刺激;同意制定金融 监管的原则;制定一项行动计划和工作委员会来报道各类问题,包括证券市场管制,会 计,信用评级和财政部门支付计划。 支持增加来自不同国家的“大学生监事会”,以监测全球性银行。领导人将评论国际货 币基金及其资源(如日本额外提供1000亿美元),并继续支持自由贸易。他们初步选定 在春季再次召开。 虽然中国和其他新兴国家在首脑会议上普遍保持低姿态,但他们的存在标志着一个历史 性的共识,工业化国家再也不能支配全球金融的规则。 “本次首脑会议不会成为第二个布雷顿森林会议,”一位欧洲外交官说道,他同时引用 英国首相戈登布朗和萨尔科齐总统的话说,“这是一个进程的开端。” 财政部长汉克保尔森表示,美国将接受一些批评。 “我们已经在许多方面使让我们这 个民族有所受辱。在这里,已经发生了许多问题。 ”但他同时表示,美国不会对此次 经济危机负全责。 By FT reporters Published: November 14 2008 19:38 | Last updated: November 15 2008 00:14 World leaders played down expectations of dramatic breakthroughs at the start of this weekend’s on the economic crisis on Friday, conceding that the political transition in the US made big decisions unlikely. However, kept up their drive for a timetable to reform global finance, as figures showed that the had fallen into for the first time since the birth of the single currency. The Bush administration continued to resist a lurch towards regulation but conceded that there could be discussions on subjects such as and derivative markets that it has blocked in the past. “Everyone agrees we need to look at these things,” said Tony Fratto, a White House spokesman. But he added: “We don’t want to be chasing bogeymen.” The Barack Obama team kept its , even as its representatives met with visiting delegations. The G20 was expected to pledge to support world growth, without promising any co-ordinated fiscal stimulus; agree to principles for financial regulation; lay out an action plan and commission working groups to report back on issues including regulation of securitised markets, accounting standards, credit ratings and pay schemes in the financial sector. Support grew for a “college of supervisors” from different nations to monitor global banks. Leaders will review the International Monetary Fund and its resources, with , and recommit to free trade. They appeared set to reconvene in the spring. While China and other emerging nations at the summit generally kept a low profile, their presence marked a historic recognition that industrialised nations could no longer dictate the rules of global finance. “This summit is not going to be a second Bretton Woods,” a European diplomat said, invoking a phrased used by British prime minister Gordon Brown and Mr Sarkozy. “It is the beginning of a process.” Hank Paulson, Treasury secretary, indicated that the US would accept some criticism. “We have in many ways humiliated ourselves as a nation with some of the problems that have taken place here.” But he said the US would not accept sole responsibility for the crisis
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